HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-24, Page 5G WJNG...1.,A;'#.M TMES..t NO f It.R+T k'A 4 2 1s t''393,1
'Hart. al Dow on the Mame Law. l Prohibition ' is N wine policy, pro- Vutorder frierom ()amity ;him ft 1393, X13; Dani l
(>rrem Onward.) muting the public good. y Judge,
xa view of the ot►e•sidaEl testimony, 7. Prohibieicn has caused every Geddes, nate of !mus for Voters' List /,' 'decent man to ab'ndon the liquor Court, Oetoher 1211', 1898, $2; Jobe 0
ae we deemed it, GP' the operation of trade whish is now in the hands of Anderson, Adeeseor, eels -ening Ju en+,
the Prohibition Lew in the `$tate C4 the lowest part; of our population, 1893, $2; 1). B. Anderson, gravelling
;shine, given before the)loyal Coro- mostly l'eroigners, That even a frac- at lot 40, coneeeselous 10 and 11,
misdeal. i1 tnporatice in Toronto, we tion of it remains is due to the tact $85.44; webers Tu will. repeirnig
thought it well to write to lieadquare that oair liquor law has serious defeote bridge ou creek, lot 37, oonces,ions 6
tees tor positive information, and re- which will be . corrected byand•bye, and 7, $57; Peter King, Q3e rode
quested the Hon. Neal Dow to give ue and some of our Courts are not true wire fame, sideline 33 and 31, can
tUe latest facts in the case. Vve have to their duty and official oath. cession 10, $9 52; «rtn. Robinson,
received in rept the following letter; said if intern terance 41 rode wire fence, sideline 30 and 81,
y John Bright l U.16' John Leggett,
J: G1;',T1,AND, Nov, 1, 1893. could be put away from Bnelend it concession 8, ,
_ could not he recorgnized as the same putting ie drain on n ,rthern boundary,
DeaRena W. k Yw, that D, n Precise) that has taken $8; Jas. McGee, dray.hie moue tial.)
you,ar ir, having know a that in Canada place in Maine as the result of Pro- digging ditch at bria,'e ou river, con -
you are great campaign for llibitioli. In the old rani time all cessions 10 mid 11, $6; Win. Liuklatar, Datil the n1etllod and results when
top. Y pray t only
siva you 22 rods wire fence, sideline 39 end 40, r, g
over the state there were indications,,>yrupofJ'i„sistaken;itispleasant
nut success, net only for the concession 13, 8 30 ; Beej. Taylor,
of poverty and decay• F; very where J Y and refreshingtothotaste,andacts
woCanada, but becauit of the bled down houses, repairs and lumber ou l,ri,i on rive;, gen refreshing o the t taste,
a Kidneys,
goodweredi'a iclated,ttutu
help which we shall find in it. 1dear p Taylor,
siuns 8 end 9, $25.3;) ; Benj,
Prof.Goldwin Smith hues said in barns, fences, schoolhouses, and meet, co370 feet cedar for culvert en . Liver and cleanses the
ins senses, and pudic -buildings, aid 31.Lin. effectually,and Bowels, cleanses
colds, e yd-
the papers diet hope there
is a intake r,~ drawing same, lot concessions t3
in Maine. I thorn is some mistake hats in the windows instead of )less,aches and fevers and cures habitual
doors tiff the hinges, the oattie hide. and 9, $5 44, Robert JQiin tQa, ;ravel- constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
in it—that he did not stay it, because lin on sideline 30 and 31, concession only remedy of its. kind ever pro -
it is not true. Perhaps you can sume- bound, shivering under the lee of dile 1, g 15 29; Henryawler, 58 rods
Y tool pleasing to the tanto and pro -
send word to him from the, that T apidated barna—infallible proofs of wire fence lot 30, concession 1 8.70; '
idleness, liminess, poverty and debay ; + ' �' ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
hope that report of his saying so is now there is none of that anywhere. Alex, Patterson, filling approaches to action and truly stomach,
beneficial in its
a mistake. Everything indicates industry; enter bridge with stone, ooneeseton 2, $51 effects, n andtdoybenly efici most
I am far from saying or thinking else, thrift and prosperity. Maine Robt, Tuniiey, building culvert and I healthy andagreeablesubstanses,its
that Mr, Smith has intentionally said p digging ditch eastern gravel road, lot manyexcellent qualities commend
can no longer be recognized as thei0 45; George
a thing that is ins i o sense true, touch- 42, Cotl0eesiQU 7, g it all and have made it the most
Henry,putting in culvo:t and lurcher, popular remedy known.
ing a public question of supreme ime The blesa;lings and prosperity
A gonanes to the country and the people. coining to Maine from Prohibition are sideline 33 and 34, concession 6, Syrup of Fids is for sale illi 5e
If he said it, please tell Bina from me,r3 76. )tattles by all leading druggists.
so great that they cannot he numbered Council then adjourned till Any reliable druggist�vhQ maynot
that be is ry,mistaken—it is not true ; on or estimated by any mode of eompnta- They CO
the contrary, the Maine Lew from theFrida , 15th .Oeceu,uer next. for both High and Public Schcola,just receive,
13 now known to us. Reepectfnlly, Y have it on hand will procure it 1
beginning in 1851 to this day, has NrAL Dow. P. PORTERTIELI), Tp. Clerk, promptly n liar one who vvishe to
been a great, a wonderful success, There is likely to bN a contest in' try it. Manufactured only by the
This letter but hears out our own t1' a townshipfor the Reeveship, and
though Maine is not yet entirely de-
livered from the cousequencee, as it personal experience. We spent near- tit enamel of the present Reeve and CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO.,
will be s,:me day not very tar in the ly a ton in the City of Portland and Messrs, Finlay Andersou,Roht. Shiell, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Scribblers,
e s, E rte ercise Books,
future. a still longer time in other parts of Donald Pattersou and John Coulees CouIsvILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. 9 9 Exercise
Goldwin Smith, of all men, should ;))sine and did not see a sign of a bar urn vomentionede as likely candidates. ...._..� (`1 i Slates,
room anywhere �t'e were assured at The vote Qu the Plebiscite will cause Copy Books,
not stake his honor and reputation the hotel where we stopped that no
an election, ai d it ;nay be that we will Bluevale.
for voracity upon a statment reltltitl5 liquor was sold there even to guests, have a contest all round. Mrs. Jahn Bosnian is recovering from
to a public question of far greater int and they did not know where any was r the revere colt) which the contracted Pencils, Crayons,
tphan any other,
be ng assured
Gold Professor Goldwin Smith's 43ow to Geta "Suns gut" Yictue, while visiting the Falx•
thin any without being asonrt+d statement that Prohibition is a failure Send 25•'Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap• Ytle i itinglthe World'srFa .Muskoka,
of its Cruth• c in iviaine simply shows how good men per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman
Now, why do I feel myself justifiedy Just received a large consignment of "Quentin Durward."
Y 1 Look Old Sooner Than a Mau") to Lever addresse l the congregati ou in the Presby -
maybe mistaken. Profeaaor Smith is Tan") ,and you
in tees in that prohibition is a great Bros., Ltd., by Scott St., terian church last Sunday evening.
the very soul of honour. He is in- will receive post a pretty picture, free Mrs. McfJrae and sou Harrv, of Brussels,
au 1. M Maine?before capable of saying anything which he from advertising, and well worth framing. spent Mci,lr e Mr. D. Lewis'. WALL PAPERS, WINDOW BLINDS, .STATIONERY
1. 1e poo Sia the ))sine Law, does not believe to he absolutely true ; This is an easy way to decorate your home.
was the poorest State in the Union, yet the words of Cromwell to his Iron -
willsnap is the best iu the market and it Mrs. Wm. Messer and daughter Cora a full stock, as usual.
will only cost one cent postage to send in are visiting friends near Toronto. I
spending in Strong i drink the entire mayappliedthe wrappers, if you leave the ends open. ROSS. •
sides be that him, "Believe Mise Annie Stowe, of Goderich, is visit• z ALEX.
valuation of all its poverty of every it possible, beloved, you may be Write your address carefully• ing her mother at present.
Theread in every Sorted of thewouty years
mistaken." Morrla• Mr. W 8.• Elliott, of L''aat Wawanosh,
was more brine in Union con-Morrie.
Even though it were technically The Popular Bookstore, VJ•ingham.
proportionsunos drinkpthan Maine, inw true that prohibition of the traffic The 100 acre farm, known as the spent Suuday at Mr. R.N. Duft's.
d"a'z to its population, while now p SandyFore t1'place, ] miles north
does not absolutely prevent all Rales Y British Grain Trade.
there are no people in the Atlglo-Sax• of aBrussels een and the second lot west, London, British
— rade.e Mark
on the sly and in holes and corners,]sue Exprees, in las weekly review
on world consuming one little. has been sold to Mr. Davis,of
2. Maine is now of' the most neither does prohibition of murder, for the turn of $4,350. The purebae-
or theft absolutely prevent the er is a half-brother to James Duncan, of the British grain trade, says the
prosperou3 States in the mpaig. Mr; arson, demand for English trade, is dull the
Pt gCommission of •these crimes. But
Blaine, in the n Clic Garfield. cam ai n, ina sure) itis infinitely bettor that this a well known reaidetit of the same deme are weaker. per Good all aTnd
greatameeting in City Hall, Portland, Yline. It is a good farm.
nefarious tree should be driven into sell at 27s quarter, inid it was the moret tlysand i StateWm. H. and Thomas A. Pybus arePrices samples ell at wheats llavt, ine
and and corners, into at itk cellarsohome from Manitoba visiting their buyess' favgn wheats
beene are
in the Union. Directly and indirect- and musty attics, that; that it should parents alai friends on the Gtti litre•
iti saves more thanally, twenty-four be defiant) flaunted with alt the P yers at fa and red winter prompt
dollars annually, which, dun garish attractions of gilding, cut glass,
They are greatly token with the conn' quotedshipment, 28 25s re inrflour
for as in
the would be wasted intryand think there, is no place like has dropped Cors Foreignis imixed
drink as the old time, mixed driuks and free luncheons es. Manitoba for a pour scan. American, 6d. Cor shipment, sells
the street corners to'beguile multitudes A box s,.cial will he given at the
3 There were many distilleries in 1 Barleys and oats are firm.
andbreweriesdineo.e which were in Portland I ing young men theby ir pernicious treat- Stone 5Qhoulhonee, this (Friday), at to -day's 6d. Barleys the tone was de-
pressed custom to their ruin. "A w1'°le' reseed and in buyers' favor. English
two. remaining; as there is not eneration,el says Neal, Dow, "has evening to ameiet Ili purchasing the
one and has not been for g' organ for the Sabbath school, All are Wheats are nominally unchanged. Full
Pars, At the same time great risen, who the 'effectsnever seen a rum invited• prices were obtained flat California
many years, shop, sur the of one."God ___� Flours were
quantities of Nest India rum trgo, grant that the next generation of British cattle Markets. and Canadian wheats,
neglected. Grinding barley was down
imported g coming to us year. Now cargo, Canadians may share this blessing l John Swan & Suns, Edinhureh, in g
many oncae
every not We hope that every paper which quote their weekly kly rep ,rt Ncvembl r lU, net Oats d. were quiet. barley
was a
has then puncheon fames to us, nor bays :—Fat cattle hate of Iteev n her in
scar=ity of spot corn cull prices a a
has there been one far many years• ed ments concePrufassor Goldwin Smith's state- vageed 3,1.
least equal the Maine Law will fewer numbers this week. Fur every'
4. Liquor shops were everywhere give at least publicity to the fewerthing of first -sissy quality a good Y,,.811. `""
over the State, wholesale and retail, )don. Neal Dow's emphatic testimony demand has been experienced, suer
some of them on a large scale ; now Similar to Chia, We believe, was the previous pries easily ru,au,tlaiuecl.
the liquor sold here in violation of experienct' of the Globe commiasionrrs p
revio cry rattle n easily
to ti sold d.
law ismsll in quantity, and on the sly appointed to make inspection on this Seu u cry ca prices. Supplies from
Tirreedaye ago I had information subject. Ireland have been fairly large, , but
ourct great the headleclerk of one of included man; c'ettle of tnoderete qua) -
our wholesale grocery firma, ity, which have wade less °,utter,
ell the tuembers of which were well East W awanosh•
known to me; he said that the firm ' The Council met on Tuesday,
No- 'Fat cows mads about last week's
sold 1,500 hoghoads of ruin annually, amber 14th,1893,purseant to adjourn• rates
and sold as much as fifty hogheads meet. Members all present. Minutes ,States cattle at Yorkhill have for
annually each to country traders. of last meeting read and confirmed, the beat made rather snore money ;
There were in this city at that time . The Deputy Reeve reported that he inferior slightly elreuper.
ether w aalers, all of had,sftced Canadian la
the turn
° thein largely engaged in the itsi at last Councl meeting, acompatel favor of buyers. The last outgoing
trade. Now there is no wholesale John Ansley, (Jaunty Engineer, when ship from the Clyde has left for Mon-
li nor dealer in the State and the inspecting the two bridges on the treat, and her return will mark the
r qof river ;
' a retail swops are few, small andpo all the out and authorized nseveral repairs •pointed
on season, which has teem a very uusatisCanadian trade for e
them selling more or p both bridges to be done as soon.. as factory one.
4 sly' ossibte, as they were urgent in both Sheep have been allows in average fr In more than three-fourthseofu Our pnum) numbers
ity, A fair of excellently
has been e good
territory,containrtlg more three fourths casesforthe safety of the travelling numbers , and oai d
of our population, the liquor traffic is public.
Communication from County Clerk peri«need, and prices well maintained.
partically unknown; an entire ;snots -In
tion has grown up there heeveffects having
passed at the received gJ uneutineeting of motion
mloney,but in made gene
a fraction
of , rices were fruul
otle, A of the traffic lint our
but ►nut is paalEii estvvthinlethee County beRelied again to is tloo2dalowertppttes, 1
in our cities and larger towns,
only a fraction, Portland is fact c trhiflg mutiicip l{ elections t tF►ledrtb- an activeo demand best is experieites of nced, and
For lP'a'17 k
largeste sheep
city. It is far within the ,cod unlit
to say that there is not one hundredth Debentures
O�e to ccounts payment
ordered panes
storecattleofgh6 quality
% ,
Edward �ordeed trade has been rather better, and
part a much rohi r sold here as there following signed,
o the to be signed, viz ; l}i a»� ^�
was before Prohibition, though gravel pet John Leggatt, prises the turn higher. Rougher de k o
is t1886larger1than it was the of 33a yards g p u
�` oilyxthmaeter, $1 65; John Gillespie, 30 aeriptious continua to be neglected. �� ,,r1
6. In 1886, after an experience of pWith Hallow batt text week the, �i���iaa
the benefits of prohibition for thirty yards gravel, $1.50; John Redmond, „cut=ry"� g
three years, we had a popular vote nn a 90 yards graves; per Win. 11. Campbell store cattle season will practically aeebrtIlrz to JrttS:7 �i'
prohibitoryconstitutional amend- and George Garrett,path'tYtastera, 4.50; Milch sows, if gond, titak� full
ent, whih was adopted by a major• J. A. Cline & Co., Wingharn, one screw „ vray.
John Ansley, impacting prices all others slow to sell. Put arida poncho al, i'ieaO n'la.,7 e11 f,ep
f three
47,015, the affirmative vote jack, $6.50; 3 Best beef, 8s to 8s 6d ; secondary, matt, the easy,
being three titres larger than the the
c {iddot1, twobridges s order the rboolcs on 7a 3d to 7s � per
1 at 7d trier) Met anothertrash•deyg by without
udieeaes With intelligent, unpre.DON'T tryin it
judiced people this ftldt alone Rllould �'i•eastirer and postage, �tt•12; P. 7•�l to 8d ;
be accepted) as concnlaive proof that Porterfield, (extra services rendered re pound.
Young men and weenni wishin2.to p tenni themselves rs bookkeopers raid *tarn;
18 recognized as the peer of any Business or Phorthat.ti Ev:hurti ut America, and vastly 8lil Pt ire to CP
its content,oraries in Canada. No better utidan(•e of this need bo advanced then On t, k,ulr ; ii t4
where students carne from, who registered during the lit de3's immediately Pre.•I1"Mg, The r1 i^,rg '4
advertiaetnent: North Adams, Maes, Wabhh,ctotr, lilies., Lothbridue, Alta„ iielair:le,drn; T14
Ilnntavllia, bivaltol(a; I{incardi�e; Ituthven; Chatsworth, Rodney; Clinton; tratin(t /vel it t 3lr.0 lat4
Co. GreY; Auburn, Co, Duron, 51aforth, Bothwell, Windsor, ;traugfeld, Ride et own Rrcd•ht, 1''latr
Canri' Pahmer, Essex t:o., Glen Itae, Ilichnate, Aldboro, Brampton, AMFinston, tlicn, co, (;:,t,.1'^ 1 lin, C,
ptin;s, Chattrant and many pointe in the viclnit3••
Two of America's best penmen among the rucrnl,ers of our staff, means great deal to nitrpuplls.
Good hoard for ladies ate°,On, gentlemen r•2 60. We secure hoard at these fignrte white with (ry f rr h nucha
private families, and have the places in readiness lot the students when they a, rir o
catalogue and specimen of penmanship and lie convinced of the ecnariorc; of this institution oxer
schools of a similar kind in csosoa, Mention whets , on saw this advernti otnent and fd addressthatn, Gnt,
A full stock of all kinds of
Also, a large stock of
AND the work
so cut down
that a young
girl or delicate
woman can do a
family washing
without being
You Say:
1,A.ligiftII f •i
--AND --
Ready-- lade Ulothtllg
Next13E --
Next Eight Days,
T. A.