HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-24, Page 4TUL+ WING UAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 24,1.89;3,
_ . ,r.:..�- � _ , .-_ .�o..- �.�-.: , � ...,,._.s _.�....•-- ,,•, .... 4,460
_ •.._m--� 8 GFttholic6, sFtlar]os, ...
ETON. JOSEPH MARTEN, the Llbera TSE RELIGION OF CIVIL, ietholice, s Protestants, 3 Catholics.
SERVANTS. Clerks - Peace and County Attorneys
WILLIAM candidate, was elected to the Commons, *,tr 7 Vi.nni a on Tuesday, as successor to t atal�t'S and 43 Protestants, 4 CathOlias,
M Ira ` p g: o . C r"
{ John'vi densis by 4 9 rnajoritY
oirlpnriSQu o rote, i Local Masters in Chancery -38 'Pro-
Catnolica in. pr'Qvincial Employ. testants, 1 Catholic.
T,iu1 oNTARIo rQF1;.iZtaI'l'ImP PRr:k'ARES A • Clerks of Courts -41 Pratestauts, , 3Q
a1ADr . I Registrars Surrogate Court --39 Pro -
In view of allegations that Rowan �, to Cann s, 3 Cat,oDeeds-51 Protestants,
Catholics receive more than a proper ; Catholics,
share of the good things of the Provin-
cial serviee, a return bas been prepared
by each departmeut,giving the numbore, trates-•32 Protestants, 3 Catholics.
1 respectively', of Protestants and Catho- i e n'isiOx eoiIRT CLERKS AND BATLIF in
P t s obtained
Hugh. _ ac ,
Tim Conservatives of Peel county have 1
nominated M. Richard Blain for the
- AND -- ' Commons, and Mr. John Graydon, of
1 Streetsville, for the Local in the coming
DRUGGIST. elections.
•V �.J i
TUE Brantford Expositor says that a
I meeting of prominent P. P. A. men is
said to have been held at Albany Club,
�• t,, ,, Toronto, on. Friday, October 27th, at
IT t'n. ;. �.9 staid ,al present offered to
i which a gentleman t'
bate ''5t1000 towards contes ing
meedation of the liaubbath school commit. 1
tee as submitted by Air. It. FIeuderseu,
was agreed that e4 conference ou ki.tbb i,th
school workers be, Maid et the January meet-
ing. Messrs, Anderson and Hamilton to fir-
troauce the subjects of conference, h1r.t
Henderson, of ldeusall, gave notice that he
would move at next meeting that the eye. I
tem of billeting bo discontinued. ` A retio-
u 1 onudeniuetory of the liquor
lotion ergo g y
traffic, reaffirming the deliverance of the
general assembly on the subjeut tad nrgiu`n
ministers and people to oppose this evil
and show their disapproval cif it by veting, I
iu favor of Prohibition in January next,
was adopted. Next oneetiug iu Clinton ou
January 16th. -�
lies employed, with the salaries paid ' According to too returns
i;n1 WU k House. 1 twenty-five conatituences in the ap
_ { where payment is by salary. Here is the i June 1889 (the last returns o
a• I were ucies selected, it is
preaching Provincial contest, `1'Ue con i statement;
clerks appointed
cl PP
Division Court
unclnd t , I ExsonTlve, COUNCIL AND ATTORNEY OFN- 1 the Government were 1166; of o these
l Liberal tendency, and the , vrere Protestants and
- - - were all of en ERAr .
$12,8501 Old Division Court clerks appointed
.._ ' intention is, if possible, to secure did- 11 Protestants ; salaries........
Liberals f candidates. �
.y, , affected i oras or 2 Catholics; salaries
;3.•� `.)ljl Vis"
uTHE Prisoners' Aid Association of
PRI Novi r1)ER "31, 1893.
1. Ontario, under its earnest sec
Rosebrugh of Toronto, is pusli iog its ' Officers and clerks at Osgoodo Hall --
Icampaign for itnpiovement in the jails. 53 Protestants ; salaries 6,500
1 8,683
With a view to effect a better•utlajaai CFit 7 Catholics
our co y ] {
rotary, Dr,
2,250 judges under the old law were ti 151 ;
„ 1
by lletnri Mercier, son of ex-Pretuor
. ot,
• i.. and J
54 Mercier, Paul lleil'lait „uy a [
es. A. Pellaud,were caught Sunday piglet
by in a deliberate attempt to blow up the
Nelson monument at Montreal with
dynamite. AU three were placed
under arrest.
these 144 were Protestants and 7 Catho-
lics. The proportion remains about the
Of bailiffs, 191 were appointed by the MARKET REPORTS.
Government, viz., 164 Protestants and 27 7
Catholics, and 140 were app
judges under the old law, Viz., 126 Pro -
indeed is he whose blood is poor,
who has lost his appetite and his
flesh and seems to be in a rapid de-
cline ; but
Of Pure Norwegian Cori User 011 and i
N o hosphites
can make it rich again by rotifer g
flesh and rich blood, and so giving him energy 1
and perfect physical life, cures Coughs, Colds, 1
Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. IT iS
Prepared on1Y by Scott do Bowne, Belleville.
vlzxnllA v P
Wingharn,1'. De November 23, ler. HELE1014-Gml-ri,..iEs 1 -
I Corrected by P. Deana, Produce Dealer. ,101
Flour per 100 Lbs 0 55 to 0 57
Wheat 0 55 to 0 56
Spring Wheat 0 27 to 0 28
lBari Oats 031 to 035
I13arley 0 50 to 0 50
Peas ' 0 20 to 0 90
Butter, tub 0 20 to 0 20
' Butter, rolls p 15 to 0 15
Eggs per dozen........ .•.. 1 50 to 1 75
Wood per cord• • 6 00 to 6 00
Hay per ton .......... .... 135
- Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0
e Gesso, per lb 0 05 to 0 06
Turkeys 0 09 to 0 10
Chickens, per pair 0 25 to 0.35
Ducks 0 40 to 0 50
tion of prlsone_s in runlent to
ars clerks and employes in the • ro ar- 1 br to 1
has asked the Ontario Uate
EDITORIAL NOTES. establish one or more reformatories in I Department of Education and Normal testauts and 14 Catholics, Thep p
FEARFUL storm raged around the the province for inebriates, so as to re- j and Model Schools,.examinations,Soc00l I tion
nLalso re rn ins about
t Protestants 16
he same.
:lit s n I of Practical Science, library, etc.,
I►sts of Great Britain on Saturday and ]levo file jails of the habitual drun•kards; I -_-
t doing great damage to an 1 tvis nected with the department of Educe.- Catholics.
unsay hist, hen -
and necessary, . Ethel.
adsof and causing the loss of and also to masa vision for 84 Protestants, s About .� o'clock on Sa
els of lives. It cher apart 13 8 i U saw mill here, o
d it wishes the county counci
establish poorhouses were ,
separate pro
f children altogether
from the jails or police cells.
g for the
it andpress in
attention of the county 'municipal
need of reform in our
county jai s, an 1II 200
of making said jails reformatory, eo _ 2 g30
as penal, in air . and four Oath-
tonalaries $ ,511
16 Catholics, salaries " +
ban 87 rip
Saturday morning
Et caned by William
the custody o last the s, lire
roe'. v1CKENztr. r e, it , Minister ofTho asso-' mine, was totally destroyed byde and Commerce, it is said, hasrciat cu is u14.i asking f co-opera-
o opals The building and machinery were re
rang ed for a trade e heldtiin with tion of the pulpit caroms the sures i the Gore Mutual I r le
tlistralia, Which will he in Juno cl al coon- pc
Company for $1,800.
xt. coun-
cils to the great --~
e' ,Cir. J. S. er to the, Dominion Executive
jails, d especially with a v' Outside service -
.q .
or to
si nI
Son,mh n
Inside service-
28 Protestants, salaries
5 Catholics, salaries
World's Fair, was as well 29 P tes`ants salaries The past year has been a vory succes
ddress and .. heauti- ] th character. Able bolded 5 Catholics, salaries
and gold watch
fol one With the Creamery and
is o
V at o
its at
� to f
.Pnted an c g
e . est sea
prisoner 1 d with con- teen Plot been disposed it illuminated Friday a
nd chain, on craning last, at stint industrial
otic a•�o, by his associates. means s lyemployed. 0 311 to 0 40
inn an export ]letter classification of prisoners ; the Scotland, preached as the Presbyterian Potatoes, per bushel......
TEE nestion of pose supplied with wholesome 0 17 to 0 18
g 1 hold be pp 1 PUBT.I0 WORKS DEPARTMENT. I church on Sunday last, at 11 a. m. I Butter., 0 13 to 0 13
er dozen
1;16 la7 On Thursday evening 5 00 to 7 00
1 Society was held a1 Hay 3 00 to 4 00
in len interview with a reporter, says i White G I C bbl dick of
ie Americana do not place lumber on I careful discussion, to attempt some i 3 Cathol 1 __--
system of aiding discharged prisoners to TRFASIIRY ]g gave an ante
li,rely that )'
i .050to060
e !Fall Wheat, old 0 58 to U 61
d ,Fall Wheat, new.. . • • 53 to 0 58
s should be supe tet Seven butter has e iSpring Wheat 0
efficient addition aro paid tor the number I Barley 0 30 to 0 35
, cores in rices, 0 29 to 0 30
_ Prices.
oat t
0 off as
c , O
• ' nota�el
-• I are1 1
hours be adoptee for making a of days they work, but aThe Rev. Andrew McNabb, Y • :Peas 0 50 to 0 v
dal should
,gain. Hon. hiinisterof Finance Fosteliterature. It might also be well, and 1
rte on saw logs is helm; discuss
last, the annual , k,ggs, P
6,700 meting of the Bi , e cele y Cordwood
church, Rev. G. r . Cobble ,
resting address.
r, o
•f this is a matter deserving of the most 20 Protestcasnte
1 Brusso
Officers and clerks in the Treasury De- I
artment, including ,
tlPursuant to the Revised Statutes of stario, 1887,
Chapter 110, Section 40, the creditor of Alexander
Rintoul, late of the Township of Ea 1Vawanosh, in
profession here for severs months, I th.. County of Duran, who died on or about the 0th
moved to Jersyville, near Dundas, dos of October, A. D.,rfort, are r (wired to send to
1i, Fanst,e e. Solicitor im• Hann kin tool and John
he has purchased a practice. He ithhoron or before the 20th di of December, A. D.,
to the conclusion that four medicos • 1853 their names, address and descriptions, the
russels was one too many. 1 full particulars of theirs . two, astatement of their
1 aecownts and the nater of hthe aecu11icnes • eche
assets and Seaforth Gun clubs com- ; yr!a tae ]tame andlno>jii ciliatoly afro flee last men -
for a handsome silver cup at Lead- I tip11C11 div, proceed to d,stn u
urtica Cntitled thereto,
�e free list, it is altogether employment.
ze Government will re -impose the duty
i saw logs. • ---
TEs;': great strike of the English coal
liners has been terminated, and the
len went to work on Monday. The
nglish Government offered their good
ccs for a settlement, of the difficulty
etween the miners end their employers,
ld Lord Rosebery was made sole arbi-
eator in the matter, and succeeded in
ettling the difference in a manner
cceptable to both parties.
THE Port Elgin Times says : "A well
iformed Patron of Industry gave the
roes, the following names as those of
le men who are likely to he the candle'
tes for the new party at the elections
Bruce county : For the Legislature-
orth Bruce, D. McNaughton ; Centre
race, 7. S. McDonald ; South Bruce,
11cT. Quick ; For the House of Commons
3 -West Bruce, W. Valens ; North Bruce,
T. Potts ; East Bruce, H. McKay,
TrrR English Board of Agriculture
turns, just issued, show the value of
anarliali cattle imported during the
IP audit license and Brussels.•
' administration of Justice accounts, and
The School Cnestlon in the North- i Registrar -General's branches and Pro- Dr. Gibson, who has been practiiisi1
Th his pr
West. I vinclal Board of Health
P t-8 Protestants $31,554
Previous to the election which laced n 3,810
Premier Haultain in power in the North- i 0 Catholics
west Territories, 110 toolt a strong anti -
" • t school stand. Hitherto 1 'HENT.
aepara e
schools have been under control eight j Officers and clerks in the Secretary and
Board of members, hreatio;i cam?osad ok g • Registrar's Department, ineluding asy-
act£ three t whom Furtwerher
by the I lutes and prisons, insurance, Division
act Pamela Catholics. Further than IthCourts RegistryOffice Inspector and
controlnt, :o.thelfi schoolsre were underandthe I game law inforcement branches $35,s08
of the five Protestants and the 31 Protestants, salaries
sopa) ate schools wholly in the hands of ' 6 Catholics, Protestants,
salaries.. ...... • • • • 5,708
the three Roman Catholics. •
Premier Haultain redeemed his party's
pledges by abolishing this board as then 1 Officers and clerks of the Department wide
constituted, and appointing a "Council of Agriculture, and of the Ontario Agri- day,
1 a o e and experiments] farm . d
hats re
in B
Br us
tors w} , b k • the assets of the
said de regard nnlyto the claims of which they shall
last week, when the Brussels men :sold de8erued nmou,, tie l
out victorious, the score being' Dated this 22nd day of No,•ember A. D. 1b93.
seas 101, Seaforth 93. Brussels had ' lit ter, A D E, solicitor•
nine men against Seaforth's ten, t HAi`iNAti IUNTOUL, if
each man had fifteen shots. II
On Thursday, 9th inst., Mrs. Catharine k , &�
dick had a stroke of paralysis, from • DR. MotELLAN, LONDON, ONT.
h she never rallied, dying on Mon- 407 Talbot St set,
the 13th. She was in her 83rd year,
�� and EA ��$��®�'
had 1•esided, in this place since 1870' i '
musical and literary entertainment Oradu',teof the New York ye and Ear E hospital,
be given in the town hall, on the 1x11 rPoatatthehteCos se the Eye,
and Throat at the N v orkse Post Graduater, },to
inst., for the benefit of the Meehan- I euppli d n Find e et • it of Spo2. ctaeloses stLonsesla Glasses
Institute. 1d
Artificial E1os• it • 1 be at t
Brunswick House, WINGHAM,
Huron Presbytery. The ?fret or Last THURSDAY of
his Presbytery held a regular meeting each month, at date named below:
Brucefield on the 14th lust. The tress- I
is book was audited and attested in l First Visit, January 4th, 1894.
usual way. Revd. Acheson, '.Martin I Hours 8 a. in. to .3.30 p. m. Charges
J. S.'Efeudereou were appointed to moder-
ft a deliverance respectiug Mr. Sinop- -----
's decease. Revs. Stewart and Shaw BAxl
re also 8ppoiuted to address the
llisaionary Society iu
As well as hundreds of miuur ones iu
silverware marl 3eweliery M. you will fiud
not only represented but abuudaut iu our
stock and give you such alt assortment to
pick from that whatever your taste or con-
dition of your purse, you can easily be
suited, Naturally the first purchasers get
the best of it. There is not x better time to
purchase than now.
We lead iu every department,jewellery.
such as
watch, clock, wedding rivas,
Repairing a specialty.
of Public Instruction," consisting of the1 cultural C Ileo 9634,550
members of the Executive Committee 32 Protestants, salaries.... • • .. " 5,9005
(namely, the four advisers of the Lieut- 18 Catholics, salaries
enant-Governor,) and four persons, two 1 (In addi ion to these there are 31 and
of whom shall be Protestants and two , testant and 6 Catholic employ
Roman Catholics, appointed by the I seryauts in connection with the Agricul-
Lieutenant-Governor iu Council, the • tural College.)
appointed members to have no vote in 1 PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS.
the Council.
hs of, this year to be £1,341,438 controls Separate as well ! Officers and clerks of the public inst]-
n months This counciltions, not including attendants and ser -
i against possesses vents they being appoints by the super -
last ear. TIIeI reference to the
;s d' 'ad of Y d t without
per ins peri lowing powers :
• inters en s,
naliness of the decrease, despite the I To appoint a board of examiners to • Government epparte of the importation of live stock grant teachers' certificates, make rules , Toronto Asylum -
ttle. is due to the large importations and regulations for the conduct of ; lq Protestants, salaries
cattle from the Canadian North-west, cls andprescribe the duties of tea- 4 Catholics, salaries
I schools, tim-
e shipment of these being the largest { hers and their classification, select and, Hamilton Asyl•
the history of the trade.
TEE election in North Bruce is being
eenly contested by all parties. The
likeforneers have a good candidate in Mr.
5 , and he1 ablyassisted in
prescribe textbooks to be used in the 18 Protestants, salaries
Public or Separate Schools, arrange for i 3 Catholics, salaries
Mason .Block, Wingham.
the proper training, grading and lieens-1 London Alylum-
ing of teachers, determine all disputes ; 25 Protestants, salaries
and settle appeals from trustees or in- 1 1 Catholic, salary..,
'Jerson, is :crag 1 Kingston Asylum
OliverMowat d t s
f ri salaries
roister o l; Catholics,
ups theRid' M t' Roman Catholics have no longer the 2
e campaign. Sir iter owa an I spec or .
Agriculture Dryden speak a It will be seen that under the new law { 15 Protestants, salaries
t • ... $10,680
e of times in Riding. L r• tile oma
vative candidate, t 1 t the•
ir schools 1 Oril]in Asylum for idiots-
George, theConser
being assisted by Robt. Birmingham
sad other outsiders, and Mr. McNaugh-
, the Patron standard bearer, has the
istance of several members of the
d Association.
management or control o •
Under the old law they named their own 1 15 Protestants, salaries... . . $8,150
text -books, appointed their own teachers 3 Catholics, salaries....
and inspectors, and prescribed the hours ' Central . Prison (including
{ for duty or devotion. Now they can only4 guards) -
1 bythe noun- 1 41 Protestants, salaries $28,175
n l employ teachers certificated
.. annual report of the inspectors of. cil of public instruction. This, off 7 Catholics, salaries 4,600
Vie course, excludes the nuns or sisters novel Mercer Reformatory-
ijustiarios for the last ifiscallearnag ged in teaching, because it is im- � 6 Protestants, salaries.. ..- 23,250
just been ;sena oFctm n we possibleefor them to attend a Normal ! 4 Catholics, salaries
the number of convicts in the Dir 1 d quality. The inspection must 1 PenetanguisheneReformatory--
•ns 7,700
oenau's Foreign
nuary next. The treasurer, Mr. Mus -
ave, gave the annual report called for at
e meeting. A committee, consisting of
sera. Martin, Musgrave, Pletcher and
r. Macdonald, Miuiaters, .dud McLaren
kenhead and MelIis,Elders, was appoint -
3o consider the action of the Assembly's
me mission committee iu refusing to
ve the grants asked by thePretbytery for
.eyfield and Bethany and Leeburu and
pion church, Goderieli township. A call
as sustaiued from the cougregatious of
ayfield and Bethany, addressed to Rev.
eorge MSLenuau, late of Camlachie, and
rovisional arraugemeuts made for his in•
uction; in the event of hie accepting the
all. Said arrangements are as follows :
nduotion te, take plane on the 12th of De -
ember, at 1 p. m., 11 Ir. 3. A. McDonald to
preside, Air. h1oliay to preach, Mr. Ache-
son to address the Minister, and Mr.
Shaw the people. Dr. McDonald, on be•
half of the committee on. Ohriutian Eu•
deavor, submitted questions which were
adopted by the Proebytery, to be submit.
' H
' t e .
V r ,�
CCie 1
' u L
our Christian
Committees were appointed to couaide
the Remits of Asaembly and report at next
' u .
of the
tee to
e Mr.
in re
the oat
prepare :t deliverance
Simpson's death, Mr. Acheson submitted
a doliverauce which was adopted and a
copy thereof ordered to be sent to Mrs.
Simpson, The pulpit of Union church
is to be declared vaoaut-on Sabbath, 19th
instant, by Mr. Shaw and Mr. Stewart to
be moderator' et Session. On the mom -
an penitentiaries on July was as 1 schoo an otnted 12 Protestants, salari
ws • Males --• Kingston, 481; St.I in future be made by officers app
text books approvftd' S Catholics,attlaries
h State. The I
cent de Paul, 36i ; Dorchester, ab, 178
;; byte t► e• r rie'at if disapprovers , Deaf and Dumb, Belleville-
b P
the 1
r by
Colorable, 00.
British C ,
• Britt
'ob ,
It t
' 1alaries
Protestants, s
'on 23
bole instru
ouncil of pu !
1 4'
1.1,134, a decrease of 34 as compar- i by the c 2 200
previous statement. Of the i must be replaced by other and author- 14 Catholics, salaries +
with gsove or- ized text books. Ontario Institution for the Ed-
' d B
and b the +
fe" n
s 33alio
n has tic
to � Roman 1
. s R
Kin the
, leaves g In other words it lea
ter 1. re the rattle re prisoners at l i .trate Szhoo in name only. 21 Protestant%, salaries,.., 12,009
' Separate 975
Catholic �
ggrton more than half aro under 30 •Cat p
They have their schools subject to the 3 Catholics, salaries...... .
control o Aeylnm--••
tent, There are 213 Public Schools 13 Protestants, s
age 'twit. Mr. Cartwright,
of a board overwhelmingly Pro- , Mimic
o nt 5,282
fes 2 282
theen- sal.
forbidding olic
•rulerbca h
foL t ,
g .. 3
t the'n the
oScheele i
of newsWapers. Ile says it this and 45 Separate
would be improved," west. The .Bishop of St. Albert has MOISI.A'rivl•3 ASSEDInn'r.
one disciplineforwarded a protest to Ottawa against. Officers and clerks connected with the t
would bo odea temptation to t round that it is Legislative Assembly :
chaplain, recolnmende the
An Iustitutieu where none but boarders
are admitted; has beeu ru,.uin•g about 18
Employs a very Efficient Staff
of Ten Teachers.
embraciuiiafull course yearly, including
all the English branches, Sciences, French
and German, Classics, Music, Drawing,
Crayon Portrait, Oil Painting, Oruameutal
branches; with Vocal and Elocution, iu
classes, at remarkably low rates.
This Institution draws etudenta frotn
Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa► and the towns
E® I and cities from Canada, as well as from
o New York, Chicago and other cities from
the United States•
For particulars address,
wanted at the Wingham Tannery.
Will be paid on delivery.
Parties peeliug 15 cords or over, can
deliver half in summer and balance in
winter, if desired, and same price will be
paid. '
Wingham, May 10th. 1893.
T undersigned will
up to .on on
Y, No
For th
Butollers' ea
Oatmeal, .t,
ole ins otor enclorees the new law, on 1e 1 nfal salaries.. , , ,. , ..,$18,410
males ti unjust to the minority. ViProtests ,
tlnn ti011.
UPPLIES, 1893.
eeiVe tenders fOr supplies
27th, 1.8939
supply of
Rutter, Flour,
oes, Cordwood,
For the tollotvinq ihstit ions tlurtnit the year 1804,
ole:-Ati.he Asyhnus • the Insane in Toronto,
London, Ifbsfstml, Tim 1L.n, hihni;.n, and
Orillia •
for 'boron•
tefe Y,
Prison and Ole
•sir l
the heitCentral
to ;the Reformatory to no Penetnn(;nisherie, the
Institutions for the De. 1 and 1 nib, and the Blind
at Bitt-,tier'.
r d for the
• ,all
, n
li ,i
Ciaehtio 9
. lie
onto p
of each due
nn li•
forms et tender can ono be had n e X p
Cation to the Itursars.ot the reaper; •ve it stttutlons.
N. B.-Tceders area , required the supply of
Woke, n Lm on Kingston,
neat to trio asylums in
Hamilton and Minder., , or to the Con 1'Pxiacn and
RTheluotest far Fymal , Toronto,
The fewest or Any fou or not nacoisea lY aoaept•
J G® CD -M
Begs to intimate to his numerous eus-
tomers and others that he intends
moving to the stand lately used
as a boot and shoe store
Two Doors North of Post Office
where will be found a large stock of
Musical Instruments,
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers,
with all needed repairs.
ed. R. CIIR sTI8,
i Inspectors of loons and Public Ch
Parliament Buildings, Tonto, Nov 13,'03.
Also a full line of
Store win be opened on Saturday, duly
Wingbaitr, Maly lath, '03. are.
Hon. i :11 DQ(Prom on th� IMau a Law• ('Prohibition it a ve
La view of the one-sided testimony,
se we deemed it, cn the operation of
the Prohibition Law in the State of
Maine, given before the "Royal Cern.
rniso,n on Temperance 10 Toronto, we
thought it well to write to headquar•,
ters tor positive information, and re-
quested the Hon, Neal 1)ow to give us
toe latest facts in the case, `'ye have
received in reply the following letter;
rooting the public good.
7. Prohibition has oa
decent man to ab'ndon
trade, which is now in th
the lowest part of our
Meaty foreigners, That
tion of it remains is due
that our liquor law loss s
which will be . corrected
and some of our Courts a
to their duty and official
John Bright said if i
could be pot away from
could not be reoorgnized
country. Precisely th
place in Maine as the re
hihition. in the olri 01
over the state there we
of poverty and decay,
weredi'apiclated, tumbled
barns, fences, school•hou
ing••houses, and public -
hats in the windows in'
doors tiff the hinges, th
bound, shivering under
apidated barns-infall
idleness, laziness, pover
now there la none of til
Everything indicates it
prise, thrift and pros
ean no longer be teeog
The blessuings ar
coining to Maine froin
so great that they cann
or estimated by any in
tion now known to us.
PCiE LAND, Nov. 1, 1803.
Priv W, H. Wirrmow, D, D. --
Dear 8ir,-1 know that in, Canada
you 1011 having a great campaign for
Prohibition. I pray God to give you
abundant success, not only for the
good of Canada, but because of the
help which we shall find in it. 1 hear
that Prof. lxoldwwin 'i Smith has said in
the papers that Prohibition is a failure
in ,)Plaine. I tope there is some tnistake
in it -that he did not say it, because
it is not true. 'Perhaps you can some-
how send word to hien from ine, that I
hope that report of his saying so is
a mistake.
I am far from saying or thinking
that Mr. Smith has intentionally said
a thing that is in no sense true, touch-
ing a public question of supreme line
portance to the country and the people.
If he sold it, please tell him from me,
that he is u,istaken-it is not true ; On
the contrary, the Elaine Le►v from the
beginuing til 1851 to this day, has
been a great, a wonderful success,
though Maine is not yet entirely de-
livered from the cousequeuced, as it
will be s,,me day out very tar in the
Goldwin Smith, of all men, should
not stake his honor and reputation
for veracity upon a statment relating
to a public question of fur greater iw-
portanceto the prosperity of the country
than any other, without being assured
of its truth. 0
Now, why do I feel myself justified
in saying that prohibition is a great
success in Maine?
1. Maine, before the Maine Law,
was the poorest State in the Union,
spending in strong drink the entire
valuation of all its poverty of every
kind in every period of twenty years
There was no State in the Union con-
suming more drink than Maine, in
proportion to its population, while now
there aro no people in the Anglo-Sax-
on world consuming so little.
2. Maine 19 now one of the most
prosperous States in the onion. Mr:
Blaine, in the Garfield campaign, iu a
great meeting in City Hall, Portland,
said it was the most prosperous State
in the Union. Directly and indirect-
ly, it saves more than twenty-four
million dollars annually, which, but
for Prohinition, would be wasted iu
drink as in tate old time.
3 There were many distilleries in of young roan by t
Maine,some of which were in Portland l mgcustomto their
and two. breweries ; now there is not ane oo,'d says
one remaining and has not been for genetsen, who b+wa � n
many years, At the same time greatchop, 5100 ba
quantities of West India rum were grant that the e
imported -coming to us by the cargo, ua
Canadians may
many cargoes every year. Now not Oahoshat ever
even one puncheon comes to us, nor We }?r peathr Gold
has there been one for many years• edmerits concerning
give at least equal
Hon. Neal Dow's '
Similar to this, we
experience' of the
Appointed to make
aubject. •'
This letter but bears
personal experience.
ly a week,in the city
a still longer time 'in
Maine and did not see
ronin anywhere We
the hotel where we s
liquor was sold there r
did not
and they
sold Professor G
statement that Prohib
in iviaine simply show
may be mistaken. P
the very soul of hone
capable of saying an
does not believe to be
yet the words of Cron
sides may be applied
it possible, beloved, ti
Even though it
true that prohibition
does not absolutely
on the sly and in hol
neither does prohibi
arson, or theft absol
com,nission of • the
surely it is infinitely
nefarious traffic shot
stoles and corners, i
and musty attics, th
be defiantly flaunt
garish attractions of
mixed drinks and
the street corners t0
4. Liquor shops were everywhere
over the State, wholesale and retail,
some of them on a large scale ; now
the liquor sold here in violation of
It law issmall in quantity, and on the sly
Threedays ago I had inforoiation
direetfroin the head clerk of one of
our great wholesale grocery firms,
all the members of which were well East
known to me; he said that the firm - Tile Council i
Bold 1,500 hooheada of rum annually, vember 14th,189'
and sold as much as fifty hogheads ment. Members
annually each to country traders. of last meeting r
There were in this city at that time ;The Deputy R
s largely engaged in the liquor miler wholesale dealers, all of had, according tf
theliquorat last Couaeil t+
trade. Now there is no wholesale John Ansley, 0
liquor dealer in the State and the inspecting the
retail shops are few, small and ell of river ; that Mr
them selling more or less upon the outi
bottes,a authbrides r
sly. oaaible, as they
5. In more than three-fourths of our p
• territory,containing more three fourths c acs for the sa
- of our population, the liquor traffic is p
partically unknown; an entire ;enema-
tion has grown up there never having received calling
seen a rum -shop, nor the Affects of ',eased at the
e one. A fracttoh of the traffic lingers County Council
in our cities and larger towns, but municipalities
only a fraction, Portland is our asked again to
largest city. It is far within the fact conl4ing reunit:i
to say that there is not one hundredth Debentures
part so much liquor sold here as there to Iowing signed, was before Prohibition, though the yards sed,
city is t,vice larger than it was then. athniaster, $1
6. In 1886, after an experience of Paths aste gravel,i
' o
i tS
benefits ve
the p yards gra
three years, we had a popular vote en a 90 gG
prohibitory constitutional emend. ttnd George
. J
• r
major. do
was by
' 1 w
w adopted 6.ii0'
jack, ;
Hy of 47,07 5, the atTirmative vote � +
being three tinter larger than the the the two
� brad
negative. With intelligent, uiipre
judice) people this fact alone !should �'reaSlirt at
130 acceted as concttltive proof that Porterfield,