The Huron Expositor, 1974-03-14, Page 8j pVA} 7 QR,1'1'QR, SR IFQR ARCH 14, 1974 ,;.....:. i d �,Tif�il rlugttig�.. zt'"�rrrar« "w ��WN3�# , L L, g AX , i ; ; PS Briefs i westing isa%in ice cream C)LU11AN M iW.G.Strong, tvho is a retired teacher now smooth plank incline to the ever -higher 'Scott Cluff is a ` patient in For further information, call the District Taxation Stratford General Hospital, living in.Ottawa, is a native of Tuckersmith tiers in the old weathered 'tce•house. A F g Office. If you live in a toll`area, ask your long-distance - p Township. He -is a brother of Mrs. Delle scatterigg of saw=dust was dusted between operator for ZEN 0-4000 and your call will be -placed Dr. and 'Mrs. William Moore of Sea`forth.) each layer so that the cakes would separate without charage. Thompson of West William Street 's By W. G. Strong more easily in st)mmer. Saw -dust was returned Saturday- from a In a recent issue of the Huron Expositor, likewise shovelled down around the sides vacation in Florida. that popular column for senior citizens, "In of the inner walls and tramped firmly. This Margaret McLean and Elaine bypr�iduct cane from the sawmill operated IIIIIIfiIllU111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111�liIIiIIiIIIIIIIII The Years Agone' , 1899, carried an Q. i understand there are. special the sale of -that i,le.m would be Oke leave on Friday for a• holiday !1 1! interesting jtem to the effect that Mr. by Mr. John Doig about midway between rules regarding, the acquisition subject to tax. in Freeport in the Bahamas. D.D.Wilsori•was havin river ice stored'for the Red Tavern and Kippen. When the last and sale of certain works of art. CABARET / g load was I.iced, sawdust in copious Most personal -use property summer use in `his egg emporium. 1 P P Could you explain these rules - will not increase in value and will presume tliat this raw mat erial was amounts was shovelled down around the briefly? not, therefore, give rise to a CASH B I N G 0 pr cured from an area on ,the Bavfield tiers, tamped down-, and a generous layer A. Yes. Works of an such as p. L piled ori to to ward off the sum ier's heat. capitjt.l gain when sold. but the River, upstream from the Egmondville P 1? 4 prints, etchirtgs, drawing, paint- other hand, capital losses will not Legion Hall, Seaforth 4 Bride where an early wooden dam had in&s and sculpture, . lewe•llery, Bridge Crank turning was a d6ininant.c•hure well be allowed should they arise from • been built to raise the war er level as well into the tvventicth century on the •farm. The rare folios, manuscripts and the sale or disposal of personal- Frltiy, Mai' h 15 . lL as to retain the waters following the spring , young lad, often unwillingly; turned the books, stamps and coins ark t P a i Brodhomm Comm", urlrly C@11tr! use pro ert�'. rains and run -of. ;referred to as listed -personal 8:15 p grindstone, the corn -c iter, the turnip' Q. • What do you mean 'by the This annual spring event,ice• property. Gains on the"disposition ? 15 Regular tames for $10.00 q r P g direr. the fanning mill the cedar churn. )ervnt principal residence. r harvestin was exciting for a yours lad, of these assets when sold for P THREE $25.06 GAMES Saturd�iy, MQrch �6 g• g Hovvcvcr. there was one crank turned A. A rinci I residence will with cager. ardour, the old rre'crean, more than $1 OOfl are sub'ec — $75.00,Jaek • When my faxhe�perated the, Red Tavern � , 1• t to generally be considered as any, pot t0 GO — f" ' at ,the turn of the cc t� u?C-t#�!s midi ter the capital gains provisiod. y frcricr• O.it a hot mid-afternoon when type of structure owned by the TWO DOOR PRIZES activity appealed to me. When I read about Cusses are only deductible from pp boring or t,hinning turnips almost tax aver and ordinarily inhabited ice cutting my mind goes bock to thtl e exhausted one" strength. it wan gains from this type of property, P Admission $1.00 _ Dianne & Country Cavaliers by him.: memorable days.At the present time,work heartening to hear a low voice sm. ''Son: Q. Along with a home, nearly Itxttra CaTdrs 25c oT 7 for $1.0.0 crews, employed by the city fathers, are sce it nuxhcr w ill mix up a batch of ice everyone owns personal and (CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT Couples Only — NO Jeans cutting channels in the Rideau River in the • Cream for supper." household effects. ai, automobile, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111i111 Nation's Capital and. blasting the ice-tjeld a bo4L. or mangy° other similar STAG EUCHRE' —Proceeds for Welfare Work— tl+ at prevent spring flooding. Frequent visits 1 portio of ;t block of ice was pulled items. Where wuurd I stand if 1 Auspices SeaforFh )Branch 156, , to the scene of the operations arouses dim from the icc-house and the sawdust sold or disposed of •this type of t' . P P Royal �anadiii'n Legion, Se�forfh nostalgic memories. - sloshcd off vicar the watcr„,trough•" This ice property:' Would I be subject to Seaforth Legion —' Our source of supply depended on a w as poupded in a camas sack w ith rhe flat - the capital gains tax? number of factors; the winter temperature. side of the arc. Th`ftcelcr was set in a A. The term used to describe the Ida Burns the head of water available, the absence of large di%hpuw or. occasionally• in the items you refer to is Personal -use Wed., March 20 and deep layerings of snow. The most popular whe4lbarrow in sonic, shade nook. The Property. Where a personal -use _ Associates SEAFORTH OPTIMISL — 8ss ,FASHION ,odesignated areas'werc above the dam :4t nti"Cture of rich cream. SLIkar and item dues increase in valueStver pm' Egmondsille, at McNevin'%d'arri just south flavouring c�tract \\as poured into, the time and is worth more than Admission $i.�0 3rd ANNUAL STAG of Kippen on the 'London Road or at Bell's metal unit. Ire and salt were parked $1.000;., such as a summer. *tagc pond„ a couple of miles west of Hens IL around the wooden container :incl the SHOW fur example: aiii—ca titol gain from On,a winter's day "with the temperature Cranking began. At first it was :ur c. ' s hovering around the r,ero mark, a 1.. mosrmrnt. 1't'iiuld hear the louse crt!tnt at SEAFORTH horse-drawn scraper designated the spot to slur > 1111olt ��ouden SELAFQRTH tDISTRICT Date: APRIL 27th ( ARENA P i, R 1 1. pa Iles ' as be harvested. A wooden contraption like a trickle of '\cater ooictd from the li tie •hole / HIGH SCHOOL CHRIPPLED. CHILDREN NIGHT _ • iiarruw marked out the rectangular cakes nr;u• the hottnm of the wooden nib. from, on ^ TIME: 8' -p.m,. and soon the fanner'% and their adult sons time to time more salt and crushed ice wcr•c Thurs., Mar. 28 ! assumed tile nd e task of cutting out rile oblong. added agradu•� ' :dls ynu Could feel the —Tickets Available Frpm Members — grey -green block% with "large -toothed, niNiurc thicken until it became quite MONDAY, MARCH .25th at 8:00 p.m. ' heavy ice -saws. The dug of the -motor- difficult to turn the crank. The rcward.vvas Sponsej�ed by the r propelled circular %aw, adapted to such an worth the effort. An undersuuidiing parent Social 5:45 Dinfier 6:45 Friendship Circle til ..,•y Support Their Youth Work operation, had not arrived. These floating alw•:ns left plenty on the paddle and it \vas Firs Pre$bV Brian ' f> cakes were pushed along a, chai?nel of ahva\ a distinct pleasure to lick' the — SEAFORTH LEGION HALL 7 g chi . In -the Area - �. dark•lookin water to the shoreline where clasher. •Ilse freeicr viati rwered,,nuf Icft Tickets avail le from the r tires were lifted manually and placed on undishirbcd for Ilic c%ening mcal, A soup GUEST SPEAKER:— membgrs and at the door. the flat sleigh, bSds to be dra�i-n over 'bowl of ice Cream sni rthercd under a Whipper Billy Watson (Stag proceeds for the new park recreation building) m ' snow coffered roads by teas full of aenerot•Is M1101.1111 tit' crushed, juiry i,+ ginger. Bells on the collars 'or neck -yokes raspberries always made art acceptable- Woodstock" $100.00 Early Bird Draw, April 1st; 1974 made music to accompany the high-pitched nourishing des4crt•. Few hanker nr rctin•n TICKETS — $3.50 EACH sound of steel runners on hard packed to the hand-cranO, ;estervcar hut. Rif " a %now'• old time's %akc, it providc-s pleasant Tickets avait'able from any Member of the Lion Club or WhitnChoralg�• wey,s Stonres . �s The big blocks were pushed along a Iecerie%. a sWri/:n�.•f.Ji .::,�:..�i..:.4:t.>:',•.:�'::'.:=,'i.,�r�'ry'.;,.•:...�� �. :.......::...........:..:.:.:.:...:.:.:..:.:.:.:... ..........�"WW'.00w w ..l..SATQr Mar. 30th r------ --�-I a8:15 p.m. CENTRAL HURON • I CANADIAN FORR'F;STh:Kti I r .. , � SECONDARY SCHOOL- O "F BAYFIELD ROAD Family Dance I � CLINTON x I GODERICH 7 r *3 • I �. ,Sp,'onsored by ClintowJODE T gi, News Fri. • March ' 22 527-7711 �, S E A F O R T H 9-12 — Adults 2.50 �T �' Students 1.50 !' ( DINING & DANCING 1��W I Marie yen's Orchestra. I EVERY FRIDAY Tickets available net EVERYONE WELCOME, E"to rtai i n m e nt ,. AND SAtURDAY S4EWART. BROS. , I Ladies please bring Now sandwiches THIS WEEK - 1.II111111111111111111111111111111 Friday and, Saturday Night I .il Yh • !�• ®-'ate_ A .. By John D. Raker dues for, this year are reminded Public Relations.bfftee� that if fee's are not received before Branch 156 March '30, they will not receive .r the Legion Magazine, Thirty -One Years Ago This Note: Awards night dinner and Month During World War 11 dance will be held on March 30, Saturday, •Dr.' Henry THIS WIFEK The Nudge AT THE, 9 I Licensed under L.C.®.O. a ROYAL HOTEL • MITCHELL FRI. and .SAT. KNlGNTS 'OF COLUMBO' . �T. PATRIGI>'�ti in the _ 2. Mar.. 1943 - Canadian 'Govern- N Crown ROOItl mens introduces unique bud- get, withpay-as-you.-go i come SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Entertainment: — ' tax.' < 2-4 Mar. 1943 - A large porti14 ¢ SATURDAY, as USUAL Japanese fleet destroyed in MARCH 16, 1974 -foe Battle -of Bismarck Sea near Dancing.3:30 to 1 a.m. _ = Solid New Guinea. "BLUEWATER5 Mar. 1943 - British; and For Infonat�on Silver `.. _ .. ' Canadian bombers begin the p�YBOYS„ iys OM FF •�P Battle of the Ruhr, s major asters: \ % HOTEL SEAFORSFI year-long offers ve a inst Q A�'"' ��ple �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI11111UIIIIIIi) Germany. PHONE S27'�C62 7� �ta�r { At A1.L 15 Mar. 1943 - e Russia s A evacuate Kharkoy. WE"ME 28 Mar. 1941 - The Ei nth Arm CANOE RAC E smashes the Ge an IClareth Line in southern Tunisia. FAMILY PARADISE Past Events n At the weekly Stag Euchre last Wednesday night, the winners, . . ,DANCE were as follows: Most games Country and Western Entertainment p } Dave Tremeer and Wayne Dol- ftl mage, lone hands Mr. Harbin n, + 'SATURDAY, IN THE MARCH � � 1 9 7 4 low hands Ed Byers and Mike ■ Coyne,� r• .r ..RED ' ' . .KNIGHT ROOM sEAF i t Frio y the severe ice storm ,_ ORTH COMMONITY CENTRE r • last Friday evening fifty-five o ' � ' bingo players showed up. Prizes Chu. 14. Fri. 15 Sor. 16 fun. 1-7 Mon) 8 Tu,,, 19 Elgin Fisher, M to the Value of $312 -were won. , ACADEMY AWARD WINNER h` Coming Events - Danei°ng 9:30 pm' till 1:30 Thursday, March 14, General ' (The Family Affair) meeting commencing at 8:30 WAIT DISNEY'S .a _ • $3.00 per couple —Old and 1V[odern p.m. , Friday, March 15, Bingo as usual 1 1 1 1 1, t . - TASTY CHTCKkN WINGS for SNACKS at the Legion Hall. AMPLE FREE PARKING Music. y Monday, March 18, The Ladies _ Auxiliary are holding a Euchre 2 eft �l "THE COUSINS" v' commencing at 8:00 'p,m. Wed: 6O ihu. L 1 Fri. Z� So►. �3 - y Eyeryone welcome. AdmissionInspecto, l arry ca6lhan WE SERVE BEV RAGE ROOM LUNCBEQN$ 1' fifty cents. M9 on thel,stthe thr nation s rridnda0qerr•r1 spoons' 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 - — TICKETS AT DOOR ONLY --F- r e Clint Easttwood AT VERY VL' PRICE , Our membership chairman, ' ►� -'' Proceeds for Bunn B t . Comrade Allan Nitholson reports ' is oilNtV-Ha1'N'r titr / y Bundle and Optimist Youth Work that we now have 9076 paid up Magnum Force 1COMMERCIAL �� .. ��Af® ' Restricted to tg.y aver. v tti�tttbership for 1974. Those �/ -