HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-24, Page 311, TEL WINGIIA I TIMES, NOVEMBEII, 2-1, ISM W, T. U. COLUMN. (cONAOCTrD ST TUX Wlt02M.0 It aulNlluui) • . • ( Pae God and Home and Yatiwe r and." Well call the attention, of the mothers and -sisters tto the fact, that the Woman's Obeistian aemn or• ance Union moats every Monday at Mime o'clock ,.Sharp, for one hour, at Mrs, Helru'i residence,,pat- rick street, All ladies are made weleoale, We hold a monthly gospel meeting .on .the tlast Monday of every month, except when ,otherwise' advertised, to which meeting we Invite rthe ,pm�blio generally Ai the Editor has kindly given us mart of Jibs' space, for our work, we ask frlenels of ,the cause. to void items of interest on all moral .euoetions of !the, • day to tiny of our tuomberb, Tate Bishop of Huron on :the'Tem- perance Question, • At a Plebiscite meeting, 'held in' 'London, last 'week, tee !Bishop of• Hurou spoke as follows: There was an old Chinese tradition. that about 4,000 years ago ani! emperor •of,China completely stopped the !use of all kinde of stimulants in China (the result was tt"tit rained gold' from, ,heaven for thr days without atopp- iig. And it has been thoug•ht'tha.tif the great liquor traffic were now steppe ied,rthat reigns with such tremendous' !power at the present time, that it; mould rain gold for many more de•ys .than three. It would rain gold for' (many days. And, we ask, wheels, the liquor traffic ? When I was young; .---perhaps that is not so many center-. fes ago,—(laughter) they used to ask; "Where is the source of the Nile r A,nd;before ever Speke, or Grant., or' ,other.great travelers explored Africa, they 'used to wonder where that w•ond-' Tous,river came from. But I may say, there + is a river whose sources lie hid- den in the human heart, whole mighty4 volume has rolled onward into eternity, destroying thousands upon thousands every year, and that is the great river of Inman guilt and human wrong. And., we ask, what is this great power of drink'ii One of the judges of the DLvance Court, sitting there upon the bench,' not long ago said that nine- tentlas'of all the misery and crime and wrougnloing that came before his official • notice, as far as his judgment was concerned, had its origin in one sole seam, and that was drink. Go where 1 may in the great crowded cities of England—go where 1 may in every Anglo-Saxon land—I find the great end terrible river rolling on to eternity. And people see thousands by it, and so many are standing upon the bank and saving, "Impossible, im• possible." Some people say, "Cannot you stop it ! Can it not be dried up in its source `t Cannot human effort be put forth to stay it,In its progress? Can nothing bedone to allay human suffering, to dry up human tears, to stop the awful calendar of crime." "Impossible, impossible !" You notice that in the great waters of the Pacific Ocean there are what are called the coral reefs. When you examine these you find that they have been formed by little insects that have lived to work, and died. Insects they were at the first. Yes ; but millions upon What is VIOMWIMeaeve,T e. t. t. 7J✓f! �L`V Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ]it is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by, Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorin, prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa toric is the Children's Panacea—tae Mother's Friend, Castoria. "Castorla is an excellent medicine for chil- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told moot its good effect upon their children." Dn. G. C. Oacoon, Lowell, Blass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers willconsider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in- stead of the variousquack nostrums which aro 'destroying their loved ones, by forcing; opium, ,morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ;agents down their throats, thereby sending ahem to prematuro graves." Da. J. F. ILINCfELOIL, Conway, Ar' Castoria. " Castor's Is so woll adapted to children that I recommend it as superior teeny prescription known to me." II. A. Ancrren, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart,. went have spoken highly of their oxpori• Ince in their outside practieo with Castoria, and although wo only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are freo to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." i7NITED ITOAPIT.L AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Mass. ALLEN C. Stara, Pres., The Centaur Company, TI, Murray Street, Nosy York City. 1111....,,._ ._ ;.. ... ..,•, 1111 _ ,: :� 1111 r.." ;i, wl . .y,.i«;,".� AGR EAT OFFER! Great Papers i Great Premiums. We are iu a positiou to offer The writes. and the Family Herald and Weekly Star, tot ,1outreai, for one year for 01:76, This offer entitles the subscriber to a choice of I two great premiums giveu by the publlbhers of the Fainily Herald, These premiums I are the "StarU Almauao for 1894, a superb 1 book of 450 panes, or if preferred, a copy 1 of the great l'amilvHerald Souvenir Pio- 1 turn which retail" at twenty elallars. The premiums—Aline lute and Picture ---will be I ready about Use end of November, and will I be forwarded to the order in which the Ieubecripticue are received. taubeot'iptioas I to the paper may begin at once. Remem- ber the offer of a ul>uiu) of premiums holds good duly to petiole who subscribe during A Messing to Every Rouseholds HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND QINTM These remedies have Stood the test of Atty yours experience, and aro pronounced the heat id leanrlly use, .1...A-t.J. PILI.tS.. Purify the blood,' correct all disorders 01 the LIY1Slt, STOMACH, IIID:NF.YS AND 140v1914 invaluable In all couneainte incidental to females of all ave. TSE c I1sTila✓4_ T Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds, 1'r)l1 RRONCIIIIIB, TliltOATS, COUGHS, ("OLDS, 000T, IIPEUMATI55I, GLAI)ULAIt II ALL DISEASES IT 'LAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford, Late 5113, Oxford greet, and sold by all Medioine Vendors throughout the world, l"1'urilasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and !lots. If the add( not 53:1 Oxford Street. Loudon, they ate spurious. the autumn. Afterwards the choice will positively be withiirawu. Address, Times Orrice, Wiughani, Ont. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent, payable annually. Any portion of the principal may bo repaid at any time the borrower wishes. A11 expenoes mild by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whole money is loaned. Apply to WM. IIOLMES Goderioh, Aug. sth VW. Co. 'Immure BANK 01? HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, °x;1,250,000. Rest, $650,000. President—JoIIN STUART, Vice-President—A. U. 11Am18A4. DIRPCT011.t, IOHN PROCTOR, DNAs. GURNEY, WA GlssoN, M P, A. T. ty'oun, A. B. Lae (Toronto). Cashier—J. TCENL'ULL. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of k1 and upwards reuulyed and interest atlowcd. Special Deposits Also received at current rates of interest. Draftee!. Great 13rlta10 and tho United States bought and sold I to witness it every year with our own ' the working power of the English eyes„ and I would just draw your Plop1H by one-sixth. And yet people attention to some features of this ' will say that it a arena thing for trade great .aud extraordinary question. And the first great feature of it I would say is this : That drink is the source.of an enormous .percentage of the crime, of the beggary, of the sor- row and .of the sufferings of our fellow - matures. We do not suffer it in any other department of life, if there were a sunken rock in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and.many.a good ship had i etruck and had foundered, the whole i very terrible thing how touch critic, land would rise and say "Let us re- that we ministers see has its direct move that rock," if good ship after and awful origin in drink. 1 will not good ship .crashed upon that rock ; if mention oases I have seen but [ have the dismal story came incessantly that sat by the side of some seen condemn - one ship after another had foundered erg to death 'tnd awaiting their doom, there the land would rise as one man and these people just behold their and say, "Take away the rock." How action with the most awful horror. many people have died of delirium They all said it Was that one awful tremens! flow many people have died thing—drink—(het did it. They just fron► strong drink ? People that wn writ down, dawn, down, until Come know ; people for whom we prayed dreadful, bioudy,i'llastly deed is done, and people for whom we labored ; and all is bolt, It does seem to me people for whom we tried to up -lift I strange that when we have the whole the blessed Saviour have gone down I tnitehinery for punishing peopl'i who and commerce and the promotion of a free supply of gold. Vt a do not see it. We only see how it enervates the system, how it makes rich poor, how it saps the foundation of society, how it darkens the windows, how tt brings sorrow and wretchednet,saltnest where• ever it appears. Now let us note here another fee. ture, and that is in crime. It is a B. WILLSON, AGENT. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors. millions of them lived, and then where in that awful vortex and died, And , give way to drink that there is sn It they lived they died. Then others not only that. Let us go to the homes. ; done to put away the temptnttor4 to lived after that, and tit last of all they Let us see the wives ill-treated, beaten ' drink from thein. We do not say that made a great reef of coral, agrinst and turned out of their Mmes ; starv- tt is not fair to tempt It III'u1 Ilrld then which all the restless billows of the ing children, neglected, wretched, awe' deep break and break in vain. They I ful, ghastly bodies. Theta let ua look have tnade a barrier to the very ocean I at th'e young men who are out of em - itself. And so it is with the temper'. pleyment ; let us see the people who ante workers. When the firet move- are starving when they alight be affi•u- ment was inaugurated people perhaps ecce ; brought down when they 'might frowned upon it. They ridiculed it they asked, "Can you stop it ? Can the plumb line and measure be applied to such a gigantic force as this ?" And as with the coral insects in the Pacific there was God's blessing upon in it, so with the temperance workers. Many have labored and fought in spiritual matters, trying to do their best, and labored and at last fell. But t would say that they have done a great deal. They have left many a look upward and the result is that to day the tem• peranca feelings of this country are in immense advance of the views in England. It has grown by every accretion and though there is no such thing as prohibition to -day, though there is not an abolition of that great power, yet, at the same tune, work has been done, the seed has been sown 000,000 was spent annually on liquor and there is a strong growing, deepen- in Great 13ritain. 11 this was spent ing, widening, broadening sentiment for four.pounrl loaves of bread it that is rolliug upwards to the very would snake a road 12 feet wide and gates of the House of Commons it- 1,500 miles long of nothing hitt bread. And on it gees. And sen many are self, be rejoicing And we uslt is all this 1 to be perpetuated ? Is it a necessity ? +and sparkle, and make them look like We answer, No. We can do much bright and cheerful homes, and then out - through God's grace, but we want to 1 side have all the denizens of the law, ready bring this blessed truth to everyone, i the moment the Inas has gone into the that God can give us grace and power (trap? His brain becomes delirious, his through Christ Jesus. But we wish 1 arms lose their command, and all is lost to have people sober to hear this ' forever. .And then the law moves with its t;ospol, and we say that there is Kraus I ghastly power and brings him to the death. sufficient for everyone. ;Yes, the law may be right—no doubt it is Now let us look on another Stature, `right, fully right ; but let us put down the and that is the awful amount of waste • temptation. Let us do what we can to We live in an economical age of the I stop it. world. There are so many writers ' The bishop further warned his hearers on economy, so many people that are of the great powers of example. Three said to be intelligent in these tnatters, qualifications Were necessary for the success but there never was such a wasteful of the cause. First—Prayer for God's product in the world as drink. blessing. Secondly—Act conscientiously. The bishop then shoe ed that A140,- ;Thirdly—Do what wo , can to advance it among others. Practice it ourselves, and let there be about us all a desire to help on any undertaking which will advance God's glory and the blcased purposses of his eternal kingaoni. 1 Q)11 THE CULTIVATOR 1894 S 4'8 'Co: AND .if --,.3 • .'6h0 x•e COUNTRY GENTLEMAN the moment he has fallen under the temp- tation to bring the most awful doom upon him. I do not say that the•doom is wrung, but it does not seem to us right, does it, to tempt the man to fire his brain, to make a tayern at this corner ,and at the other corner—to allow them to make them dance THE BE5'1' OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES DI:VOTED TO 0 ISUNACCOUNTABLY LOSING FL;SH REFUSING TO TAKE ITS FOOD LISTLESS AND DEBILITATED X U TRYI�lu Rill IT WILL HELP WONDERFUL/14Y MARBLE WORK INGHAM N..L,"VT FIB.M:_. MESSRS. VANSTONE BROS.,, of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth, Parties requiring; work in their line will do well by calling on them or seeing one of their agents befor purchasing. You will find our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed. We will use non but the very beat stock and by square dealing hope to secure a lioeral share of the public patronage. M T Watson, who has been running the liminess for the past year, will represent us on the road. Call ani see our stock and prices. Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, Live -Stock and Dairying. While it also includes all minor depart- ments of Rural interest, such as the Poul. try Yard,Entomology, Bee-Keeping,Green- bouse and Grapery, Veterivary Replies, Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and a sum- mary of the News of the week. Its Mar- ket Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important questions—when to buy and when to sell. Itis liberally illus- trated. and by recent enlargement, con- tains more reading matter than ever be- fore. The subscription price is 52.50 per year, but we offer a special reduction in out VAN:TONE 13ROS, - ill WILL QUICKLY CURE, DIPHTHERIA QUINSY, COLDS AND COUGHS. Lur niaEr HIGH -class illustrated monthly magazine in the dome is no more' A luxury. It is a necessity, and to meet the demands created by this. ne' essity, TiJE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving ,yearly, as it does, 1536 pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, has stepped into the breach, with a reduction in its price that has startled the literary world. The TDIEs, fully alive to the needs of its patrons, has made special arrangements with this superb monthly, whereby it will receive orders er yearly subscriptions to both publicatiors combined fi)t' the sum o $2.25. _ CLUB RATES FOR 1894. 'L'wn Subscriptions iu one remittance. S4 Six Sub'.criptions, do. do. 10 Ten Subsoriptiona, do rio. 15 c. -To all new subscribers for 1•+41. pay- ing in advance now, we will bend the paper weekly from our rec'eipt of the remittance, to .1unuary lot, 18:)4, without charge. Specimen Copieu Free. Addreu', LUTHER TUCKER & SON, Publishers, Albany, N. Y. It is a blessed thing to work in any cause that 1s to advan.e the Redeemer's and v p „ n egg, 9th. kingdom, 1118 not merely to lift up 1 F 1 d throughout ghout William 11oNFi1, of Lindon, Won humanity,but it is to build up a spirit• h y gt The ooltnctla 65 first, 32 4oN iil, 19 third abd 3 d .kingdom, to build tip . Thererert of England, ' th Stat a and fourth prizes oft poultry et the World's Lord. vase. cause of our and bba(air. are two aides to all the work of a miu- Tater of the gospel. There is the 'th d k s i English Spavin Ltulttteut removes all .. aide and 1)4051 is v , . bright and joyous England d wl to the people giving h t 1 Blood Spavin f orbs No other sarsaparilla has equalled Worn and weary, and so tiiany homes I Hood's in the relief it gives in severest cases of dyspepsia, sick headache, bosons are sad, and so many; graver} Are evade, s0 many despairing, ;with thet remorseless, awful trade rrou the weary, weary ye tis. au in 0 Unitedtates, ' reports every land, in aend'inq their to the British Government' made a statement that a drunkenness tt bard, soft, or oallotlaed Lumps and 131st(► where there is human ng -an o ng,. i ra es of .., iorsea, , the dark side, wh a way to this papaion on ►Satuiitlay night, Sousse, Meg Ilene, Sweeney, Stifles, sorrow Artd human suffering every- land on Mott 'hy morning being unfit Sprains, Hord and swollen throat, Uongbs, where. I used to (tee a great deal of work, di tiuehed the whole potvtir, rents Save by i t0uholtu�st]rug110 retia. War', it in Montreal. We Ware called upon P DR, V ♦ OOD'S eVerU :rm 181 Ctrl. A Month. THE WINGHAM TIMES —AND— The Cosmopolitan Magazine. $2.25 A YEAR. The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been $3.00 and $4.00 a year, and they were to be found !lily in the More pretentious homes, Our offer furnishes a help to allfatlailiee, n'> ;natter how lnodest:- their weans, to keep in touch with the greatest minds of the world, as '1'he Cosmopolitan 111441 today the strongest r(gltla,l' staff of any existing periodical. Send urdens tt, )l. '-It 11 tiro lung -healing vt:ti'" of the Vinci, ,cd with the soothing and expectorant fi ..i rtios o other pectoral herbs and barks. &A ,a Pr:PP:CT CU ter_ Fops • Ct1U41'f:s I1ND Cr;�t D3 ; 'Intro ne s, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore I'hro+t, 1 Crnnpand all THROAT, �„ ltONCNiAl.end T..1J1IL.i)ISII B.S. Obstinatecru14hswhich r(silts oilier au'deO yield promptly tb this pleas int piny syrup. PF:10)3 280..Rin) 1(00. rEr1 L't.t1:i'r.L1;. '9! eat.'" aY MA. t1HalOe1..TU. THE TIDES, W Ingham, Ont, 44 To12 Nrlt ebx AY, Casuttt 9 rn Icy, Cervir. re I ltislxtai, 1ITC'll) 1Et111, IltiiitJElt MAr,IglAGkl Y,ICIiNiilil:lo Comics (conte ix I?, C..T., T*e. v »LOCte ALL THE CLOO'l-.n ecc4$Tl^•` C- TN SOWELS, p..IDrICY51 Aron Q.IV:• . C514'•'1 -C O Fr GRADUALLY. Vr17HoUTwE1K'N- ,v0711C SYSTEM, ALL IMPURIrttO Ann rOUI. unto5e. AT THE RAMC TIME CORSECT• Irl C..4.310t'-`( or THt OTISIItCH, CURING •Y.:LIOUSN 3S, DYSI*Te IA, HEAD - ACMES, DIZZINESS, HLAnT13URN, CODISTIPAT 10N, Rh1CUMATISAI. DROPSY, SKIN DISEASES, JAUNDICE, SALT t 11CUM. EFt(Sir ELAS, sono. FULA. FLUTTERING nF THE HART, 14ERVou9Ness, arm GENEIIAt 0404 LITY, THESE AND ALL SIMILAR Comet 'INT's OUIC'LY YIliO TO THE CUnA- r1vE I,+sWcr1CC or DURDOCIt 1:1L000 E1IT'r" Rs. Sheridan's Condition Powder H ESV ":*14' KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS. Street end Healthy iPrsysatr all Disetee. sirne,an. $*er'yoFia`puke.uiTlosm.i `eatpeole Yl I{, J01161101a oa.:farrr 116611. Silk Kt 6 wsi. neo, Rao HALSTED & SCOT[' B &i r _.; RS_ Josephine Street •''nehaln, Ont, J. A. HALSTHD, J. W. SCOTT, . Mount Forest. Listowe 1 Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, • On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale dote" bought at a fair valuation. Money r, touted to all parts of Canada at (mammal) a charges. Special Attention Given to Col- lecting Accounts and N otea. Agents in Canada- The Merchants' .Bank of Canada • otltcu Incurs—From 0 A. Nn, to 6 p. m. A. ;, sla i'H, eent. OLDS Eh, OUGHS quIcKivVean TO =NW