The Huron Expositor, 1974-03-14, Page 6,11.. mow, .. .� . .. , .... .............. ...: ..:..... ....+,w....,,n rui , .. .., .. w .... •,, f . -
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�Celi6brate, t 17th
r1 Saturday night
$t, Patrick is the patron saint of homemade entertainment and ijRsk a
Ireland and those who are Irish by have been discontinued, children t"
heritage or just by inclination still learn about and mark St.
annually celebrate his day on Patrick's Day in school. 1t
March 17. This year the 17th falls --Most adults and not only those T,(;
on a Sunday, therefore the more from Dublin and St. Columban, "
active celebrations will probably remember to wear a bit of "the
• ..
be held,on Saturday night. green" the 17th. " s:. .• -
In the cammunilies in this area Who was St. Patrick?
where the majority of oriL ]nal According to a book called "A leaves
'��er +7settlers came from Ireland, like Yearbook of Customs" he was a 5torm r ®aS slippery'
Dublin and St. Columban, St. priest in Ireland who explained,
Patrick's Day Concerts were for using the three leafed shamrock The heavy sleet storm on returned last week from Florida -a MacRchtmeae
, and
and Mrs. Mike
many years traditional. as a visual aid, that Father, Son Friday of last wdek left roads in a Mrs. Kate Krauskopf is a MacRae and Mr. ani Mrs. J. D.
Concerts were held in the and Holy Ghost, although Three treacherous driving condition. No patient in Seaforth Community MacRae of London. Mr. and Mrs.
schools and the community for Persons, were but one God. serious damage was reported Hospital. J. D. MacRae were sponsors for
miles around attended. Although The shamrock became his except a car driven by Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Peter Maloney Sr. is a the Christening of Patrick Harold,
the community St. Patrick's Day emblem and its green colour slipped off the road into patient in Seaforth 'Community son of Mr. and Mg's, Tony Visser
concerts have, unfortunately came to stand for the patron saint a ditch and deep water one Hospital. of Hibbert Twp: on Sunday.
some sap, gone the way of most and for Ireland. mile north of Dublin. Mrs. Mrs. Kramer&visited on the Iry ►. IAon MacRae, chairman of r
Flanagan escaped through a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dublin Hydro, attended the
f h
window but fortunately was not Eckert at Cambridge. annual meeting o t e Ontario
itijured. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney Municipal EleStric Association at
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto
Several from' here attended a Harold Maloney at.Seaforth. during . the past week. Mr.
going -away arty in Brodhagen Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Don MacRae has represented Dublin
Community Centre on Friday MacRae on Sunday were Mr. and at this meeting faithfully for the
night for Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Bruce Hallman of Kit- past ten years.
Cronion, prior to their departure
for Alberta where they intend to
make their future home.
SHILLELAGHS - Students at St. Columban School have been decorating their
C.WX. Meeting
Madeline Murray ,
school and learning about St. Pat rick's Day so that they'll understand what all the
The March meeting of the
correspondence by Cecilia Ryan
Mr. Jas. P. Krauskopf has
celebrating is about on March 17th. In this group picture are: (From Left) (Back
C,W.L, was held iu the parish hall
and the treasurer's report by Rika
returned last week from St.
Row 1(: Brendan Lane, Micheal Van Drunen, John Hicknell, Pat Melady; Row 2:
on March 5 with 20 ladies and
Van Bakel. Faye Albert and girls
Josephs Hospital in London,
Randy Brooker, Richard Visser, Carolyn O'Reilly, Louise Nolan, Mary Jo Ryan,
their husbands present. The
President, Marie Hicknell,
will look after the altars for March
and Teresa Barry will visit the
much improved in health.
Mrs. Jack Darling was taken by ,
Mary Murray; Row III: Wayne • Ryan, Ken Swart, Colleen Melady, Denise
presided. Fr. Oostveen opened
ambulance to Seaforth Com-
Dueharme,Rob Lane, Doug.'Steinman, Gary Malone; Front Row: Jo -Anne Albert,
the meeting with prayer. ••
On March 20 the. ladies will
munity Hospital on Sunday
Margaret Hicknell, Debbie Brooker, Janice Murray, Tommy Turner.
The minutes were read by
entertain the residents of
morning, suffering from a severe
eludes a whole grain cereal."
degree burns. `
Kilbarchan Nursing Home. The
families are just as concerned as
IL, `es were thanked for the part -
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Looby
they took at the World Day of
Prayer at which Mrs. Lawrence
Howard,, past diocesan president,
was guest sptaker. DonationsrMrs.
were_ approved for Sundale Manor
and Bunny Bundle. Auditors and•
a nominating committee wereillop
appointed. Plans are • underway
for the parish party on April 20.pondent
Father Oostveen closed the Regele
Flower Show 'at' ,the O Keefe Every ,week more and more
arrived home last' week after ,a Centre in Toronto. people discover wha$ mighty jobs
three-week vacation in Ud'ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chessell are accomplished by low cost Post
States. On their trip, they spent nd Brian of Varna visited Sunday Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial
some time in. Florida, going asrfar ith Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laing. 527 0171 every week.
as Miami, and also visited • Loll ,Rowland
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Their
daughter, Bonnie, 'also arrived TRUCKING
home last week, having spent.two
weeks in Hawaii. St. Patride's Day
Barterin to Mexico
1 received a little, pamphlet the pound of wheat to make one Mrs. Jean Carey is sporting a
other day 'from Alberta: I don't pound of bread. Although wheat lovely tan ,following her week's mike DoYI a Phone 345-�Oi
know the organization producing flour is the main constituent of vacation in Acapulco, Mexico.
it, but I think it's the Alberta the bread, the cost of the wheat One of the things she noticed ,
government. It is so good that 1 has little to do with the cost of the while there was that the only Shipper of U.C.O.
will just copy most of it. So here bread. It's the handlin trans- lace one aid the rice on a label -
goes. portation, milling, baking, • etc. was in the supermarket. In the Phone 345-2549 — 345-2200
. A farmer's wife gets just as that make up the main part of the common sh6ps one had to ask the
much upset about food prices as cost. It's all part of the marketing price and then barter it down to a R. R•' 2> .S'rAFFA
you do.,lt's true! Not everything a system and it all adds to the cosdt reasonable amount. During the
+ produced right on the farm. And
Meeting 4 of the Staffa
time Mrs. Carey was there, the
meeting with prayer.
check-out counter just as much as
stores actually save you money by
Munchkins was held at the home
weather. was' ideal if one was
Special guest for the evening
how little of every food dollar her
of "Mrs.• Charles Douglas. The
careful not, to get sunburned
was Dr. P Finnegan, V S of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
loaf of bread is about three cents.
meeting opened with the 4-H
Unfortunately one of the girls
Seaforth who spoke and showed
McCallum Ivtr.' and Mrs. Don
Usually you buy m ore of the
Pledge followed by the roll call,
the group fell asleep in the sun
slides of Ireland. Lunch was
Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
�yya r
"A Breakfast Menu which in-
and was hospitalized with second
served by Marge Shea and Anne
McNichol who have been
Probably feel any better about
eludes a whole grain cereal."
degree burns. `
vacationing in Florida have
families are just as concerned as
Mrs. Wallace read an article,
-Flower Show
Misses Joan and Jean Coyne-,Jeturned to their homes and Mr.
farmer's wife are in the same
"Flour Many Kinds, Many
Mrs.' Gordon Laing, Mrs.
and Ken Coyne sent the
y p
and Braecker and Mr. .
Uses." after which the sheets, All
Filmer Chappel, Mrs. •Malcolm
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Godkin' who
About Flour, were filled out. The
Lamond, Mrs. Mervin Nairn,
and Mrs. M.. Co ne.
have been holidaying in the
pk ,
girls. then split into groups to
Mrs. Calvin Christie, and Mrs.
Miss Catherine Moylan and
Bahamas hayed also returned to
rpt t+�
make different kinds of muffins:
Carter Kerslake were among the
their homes.
Kathy Douglas, Teresa _Wallace
ladies who took the Kirkton
Joanne Murrayspent the
y p
& � �
and Bonnie Norris made Surprise
Horticulture Society's bus trip to
weekend at their homes here.
Muffins; Gail Harburn and Mrs.
the Flower Show at the O'Keefe
Grades' 3 & 4 of St. Columban
u •`
Wallace made Raisin Spice
Centre in .Toronto on Friday.
school gave an..enjoyable St.
,• y
Muffins; .Cheryl Riley, Betty
Patrick's concert on -Friday
a.t a
Anne Miller ,and Margaret Laing
made Cheese muffins; and Julie
4 •
Gordon Lain attended the
afternoon r
Rob La12. 3ti W,oq fjrst place
LOOKING IT OVER - Corinna Lansber er of St.
Anne Elliott a*id Mrs. Douglas
Wheat Producer's Convention in
'in a public speaking con, eld
Patrick's School in Dublin looks over one of the
made Banana Muffins. After the
Toronto on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Eldon Allen and. her
in their room on Monda y•
booklets about St. Patrick that pupils of the school
meeting 'was adjourned, the girls
sister, Lorre Doupe of
Bobby Malo e, son of Mr. and,
Mrs. Alfred alone, had his
a A
Made while they were learning about their school's
had lunch of lemonade and
Science Hill, visited last week
appendix removed in Stratfod
U.S. Travellers
with Mr. Murray Doupe of
Hospital on Friday.
Bramalea attended the
M and Mrs Everard Kerslake
Flower Show 'at' ,the O Keefe Every ,week more and more
arrived home last' week after ,a Centre in Toronto. people discover wha$ mighty jobs
three-week vacation in Ud'ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chessell are accomplished by low cost Post
States. On their trip, they spent nd Brian of Varna visited Sunday Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial
some time in. Florida, going asrfar ith Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laing. 527 0171 every week.
as Miami, and also visited • Loll ,Rowland
Chattanooga, Tennessee. Their
daughter, Bonnie, 'also arrived TRUCKING
home last week, having spent.two
weeks in Hawaii. St. Patride's Day
Barterin to Mexico
1 received a little, pamphlet the pound of wheat to make one Mrs. Jean Carey is sporting a
other day 'from Alberta: I don't pound of bread. Although wheat lovely tan ,following her week's mike DoYI a Phone 345-�Oi
know the organization producing flour is the main constituent of vacation in Acapulco, Mexico.
it, but I think it's the Alberta the bread, the cost of the wheat One of the things she noticed ,
government. It is so good that 1 has little to do with the cost of the while there was that the only Shipper of U.C.O.
will just copy most of it. So here bread. It's the handlin trans- lace one aid the rice on a label -
goes. portation, milling, baking, • etc. was in the supermarket. In the Phone 345-2549 — 345-2200
. A farmer's wife gets just as that make up the main part of the common sh6ps one had to ask the
much upset about food prices as cost. It's all part of the marketing price and then barter it down to a R. R•' 2> .S'rAFFA
you do.,lt's true! Not everything a system and it all adds to the cosdt reasonable amount. During the
+ produced right on the farm. And
farmer to the supermarket shelf.
so she feels the ' crunch at the
And supermarket -and self service
check-out counter just as much as
stores actually save you money by
you do. Besides she has another
handling food in such large
reason for being upset; ,she knows
volume. Let's look at another
how little of every food dollar her
Teason why your food bill kelps
husband receives. Take bread for
rising. For. one thing, the more
example. The farmers' share of a
income you have, Jhe more you '
loaf of bread is about three cents.
spend on food. This doesn't mean
And the supermarket employee
you necessarily buy more food.
earns about twice as much as her
Usually you buy m ore of the
husband does. Where does the
expensive kinds of food, tender
food dollar go? Why do food bills
steak, vegetables and fruits out of
keep climbing? It's because a lot
season, and conveniencg foods.
of things happen between the
After reading this you won't
fartfii& and you - processing,
Probably feel any better about
grading, packaging, transporting,
food prices, especially today. But
delivering, wholesaling,. adver-
we wanted you to know that farm
tising, nharket reporting,
families are just as concerned as
retailing. Let's look at our
you -are. Remember you and the
example again.It takes about one
farmer's wife are in the same
boat; it:keeps on costing more to
feed the famil
Happy Ilk Ilk
C pions meet ' •
The. Happy Citizens met �j/
" Thursday afternoon in the Legion a�
rooms for euchre. �•
There were 20 tables in Play.
Winners w@re:
Ladies High -Mrs. Eva McCart- '
ney; Lone hand -Mrs. Mary-
Mclvor; Low -Mrs. Tillie Dunn. THE
Men's. High -Russel Coleman;
Jove hand -William Kelley; Low- SHILLELA H
John Tremeer.
Lunch was served by our Social
Those with Birthdays in March Phone 345-2841 D, BLIN
were asked to stand and everyone
safig Hallpy 13ittitday 'to thein. ��'0.J"Q-, )�
Custom.,. Sigp1RICIfSpAY
All Kind of ''Grain
B6ught and -/Sold
DUBLIN PHONE 345-20100
& SON -
c ,
Phone 345-2330,, Dublin
'I - Q