The Huron Expositor, 1974-03-07, Page 50
mba'n' .
•rte "'rr.a" v' x "`Yn�pr "` „ .: lal�kL.;r :4
t taY x, Denise Albert, Mary Anne �I
wFx�• Nolan and Denise Lane took part - ,
,*4 to a figure -skating tournament to
IItr,< Goderich on Sunday.
Mr, Jack Doyle of Toronto
r ;� spent the weekend with his father :y
During theue.Febt4.t
y 21M b• J ,
• daril#i8i= eollmJalo4l}#$24 •
Mr, Michael Doyle: to March Sth. 1914,,the
Seaforth ''olive Ae artinent• b
The regular meeting of the
C,W.L. was held in the parish hall g s, They Tho,.e�ae1Jt4"+eo�ll
;- muesli ated 5 occurrence mole end 6n, Om 0410.0' of
' on Tuesday evening. The guest . , are as follows, 11 dog§ .xunnitt #fit larS '4iwpers of
C •speaker was Dr. Finnegan, V.S. Assist general public ' 6 such dogs are gong to be charged
Dublin Wl'talks aboutpollution' of Seaforth, who spoke of Ireland. General police infaxmatibn "' I under the •T,own By -Law. You
with pictures. r Bank Alarms I have been warned. Get your dog �A
Mrs. Jack McIver received t:, r ' Lost and Found 2 tied up.,
Dublin Women's Institute had London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Rowland. word last week .of the sudden
as its topic "World Affairs" and Mrs. Theresa Paulin of Strat- Miss Michelle Rowland, passing of her sister Mrs.'Franees ,. Assist other Police i)ep'ts. 2
roll call "Pennies for friendship ford visited last week with Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mcllhargey, at her home near r• Property damage complaints I RITZ
and one way of combating OTH
and Mrs. Martin Klinkhamer. Rowland is in St. Joseph's Lucan. Y, c' Prowlers 1
Hospital in London where she ��
pollution," The meeting was held Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby P Mr. and Mrs. Zack Ryan, Mr. Discharge firearm 1 �����
at the home of Mrs. Norman underwent an operation , for and Mrs. Clarence Ryan and Mrs. Y t Fire Report 1
have returned from Florida. Y' P
McKay.appendicitis. Jack Lane attended the funeral of Animal.Complaints 4 - --
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan and t
The resident Mrs. J. Burchill Mrs. Diane Moeser of ,Rostock
P children of London spent the Mrs. Frances Mcllhargey on f Break and Enter 3 Anew modentn home for••Ben ior
resided. Mrs. N. McKay readand Mrs. Krista Snyder of Citizens, will be open on
he minutes in the absence of weekend with Mrs: Mary Ryan. L
Stratford visited on Friday even- Thursday. t Litter complaints 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blonde of in with Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and f Disturbance I APRT/ 1. 1974
Mrs. H. Pethick and the g girls of Acton spent the weekend 8 Persons were charged under the !j.
treasurer's report was given by Chatham . visited with Mr. and Maloney. with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. v t Highway Traf`ic Act. Single and double rooms
6 Mrs. Anne Burchill. Mrs. Joe Shea and other relatives Mrs. Melva Murray and Jerry Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady ' 1 person charged udder the available.
Promotion by Home Economist on the weekend. visited on Sunday with 111'. and attended the baptism of their r I i i uor Control Act.
P q Situated on to acres of land
Joane Henderson, discussed a Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murtha of Mrs. Cyril Murray and family at grandson Brian James Melady on 2 persons charged under the bordering the Thames River and
leadership training school, and Kitchener spent the weekend Kitchener. Sunday. ill' a Criminal Code of Canada. the town of Mitchell•
short courses to consist of home
furnishings, choosing text -les,
clothing, handicraft, baked apple
Topic, World Affairs, was
given by Mrs. R. Aikens prepared
by Mrs. J. Looby: Energy crisis,
school slates beat paper shortage
made from masonite painted with
blackboard paint, and re-opetffng
Mrs. V. J. Lane accompanied i For -more information lease
9 Motorists were stopped and p
by Mrs. J. Maillou>i of Toronto warned for minor offences. write:
leave Malton Airport on Thursday 9 'Parking tags were issued. Ritz Lutheran Villa
to visit her brother'Rev, FdtherP.O. Box 1000
McQuaid S.F.M. on St. Lucia 4 3 Hit and Run motor vehicle
Island. collisions were investigated. • MITCHELL, ONTARIO
2 Minor motor vehicle Collisions or Phone 348-8612
News of were investigated with a
I RYAN -MOORE 1000000.0000000000000000000000900000•00•f
• •
of the Suez Canal offers hope for AUbUf f1 A pretty Christmas wedding John O'Donnell, Pastor ' of St.
lasting peace, easing oil shortage, Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds, Mrs. Bob Harris for the weekend. was solemnized in St. Aidan's Pius X Roman Catholic Church. •
Household hints by Mrs. L. who were married 45 years on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diechert Katy Foran and Terry and Mike Anglican Church. London, Dec- The bride, given in marriage by 0
Barker. Wednesday celebrated their and family, Clinton with Mr. and Boyle were hgme from University ember 22, 1973, when Kathleen Ther father, wore, a fitted, white ; •
The March meeting will be held anniversary very quietly at their Mrs. Don Dodds and family, in London for one week of winter Roberta, daughter of Mr, and silk organza over taffeta , floor -
1/2 Price, Sa
at the home of Mrs. J. Looby. home on Sunday evening with Friday evening. break. They returned to London Mrs. Russell Moore, London, length gown, trimmed with pink
Lunch was served by Mrs. A. their family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley on Sunday. became the bride of Leonard satin. Her full-length veil of ••
Burchill and Mrs. N. McKay. MacGregor and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mae Mulhurn and Rita of Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank alencon lace with pink trim ; Mens Women's Children's
Mrs. L. Barker gave' courtesy Brucefield, Louise Louett, Mr. Larry Gardiner and Mr, and Mrs. Chatham, Miss Bernadette 'Boyle gyan, Dublin. suspended from a Juliette cap • •
+•. remarks.and Mrs. Don Dodds and family Otto Walker attended the wake of London were home to the The double -ring ceremony was extended to a long train. She : MARCH 7 12 •
and Mr. and. mrs. Bob Watson, for the late Bruce Ringrose, 17 Donald Thompson wake at performed by the bride's cousin, carried a cascade bouquet of red • •
Personals Seaforth, Mrs. Audrey Christie, year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Wednesday evening•, Reverend W. L. Sharpe, Chaplain roses and pink carnations. Her •
Mr. Peter Maloney Sr., who Hensall and Ernie Toll, Seaforth. "David Ringrose and nephew of returning Thursday morning. of Appelby College, Oakville, bridesmaid, Miss Maureen Ryan, •
has been a patient in Seaforth Mr. and Mrs.Joe Storey, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Walker. Bruce They visited with their brother assisted by Reverend Donald London, sister of the groom, wore : HOLLAND SHOES •
Community Hospital for the past Goderich Township withMr. and died suddenly from a car, accident and sister-in=law Mr.,. -and Mrs. Grev, Rector of St. Aidan's a green velvet floor -length gown, •
-- six weeks, --has returned home. Mrs. Harold Storey and family. last Monday evening,. Cyril Boyle. Church and Reverend Father fashioned with empire waist and • •
Mr. Peter Maloney Jr. is a Mr. and Mrs. Tonv Wolfcamp, Miss' Jacky McGhee, London, scoop. neckline and carried a : cc » •
patient in Victoria Hospital 'in Mitchell visited with Mr. and spent the weekend witl� Sandra • Th6 Entire Pamily •
nosegay of yellow roses and CLINTON — 482=9692
Hulley. NEWS of baby's breath Best Man waa
Powder Puffs Meet Tom Ryan, London, brother of the • •
No. I McKillop 4-H Club••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a+•
"Powder Puffs" met at the home Constance g
Organist• was Malcolm Bradly
of Vicky Harris for their No.2 of St. Aidan's.
meeting. 'The meeting was L O FS
by Marilyn Koehler.. A The altar was decorated with
discussion on health care, white mums: Poinsettia and
Christmas tree ado, pd, . e T
grooming; ° body care,'- pedicure ; E . - -
and manicure was held. A Mrs. John Thompson returned Jeffery of R.R.#4, Brussels, Mr. sanctuary. A.:'r 9 1�c
demonstration of manicure was home on Thursday from a week's and Mrs. Marris Bos, Steven, A reception was held at the
-- given to Wendy workentin by visit in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Sharon and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. home of
the bride, where guests G' T
Mrs. Donald Deas of Mitchell she half brought home including a Vicki Harris and to Kim Campbell Barry Pawley, Jason and Cliff Brindley of Holiyrood spent were re
ceived e the parents mother
was the guest speaker at the camel whip, oil lamp like what the by Brenda Smith. The meeting Jonathan. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.,Joh n the ,couple. The bride's mother ..REMEMBRANCE' •REMEMBRANCE
World's Day of Prayer Service in brides used, olive wood necklace, was closed by Colleen Murray. Mrs. Mervyn Webb and Joy of Wammes and John. wore a shocking pink brocade
Cromarty Presbyterian Church on flute, sculptures and a dagger. London spent ,the weekend Sunday visitors with Mr. and ensemble with a corsage of red Whether it's a
Mrs. Jim Thompson, Ricki and roses, The groom's mother was • MONUMENT • MARKER . o INSCR'rP1r ON
Friday afternoon. Speaking on the • i • visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ken P - ,3
As a representative of Alcohol A u X 111 a r Notes Renee were Mr. and Mrs. Carter dressed' in 'gold crepe with _ You are remembering a Loved one —
theme, Make Us Builders' of Y Preszcator, Diane and Nancy. g
and Drug Concerns, Rev. Charles contrasting cape and a corsage oft
o Peace, Mrs: Deas noted that the Scott of London Psychiatric Mrs. Betty Cardno will speak Mr. and Mrs.Jim Thompson, Kerslake and Craig, Mr. andMrs. yellow roses. The couple left for a L E T
Israeli word Shalom, meaning Hospital, was guest speaker at on "Meals on Wheels" at the Ricki and Andrew, Janice, Steven George Vivian, Andrew, Janice, wedding trip to Northern Ontario, T PRYDE SON LTD
hello, farewell, and peace, had the church service on Sunday March meeting of the' Hospital and Sandra Vivian of Staffa spent Steven and Sandra, all of Staffa They will reside in Pembroke. T. +
the very positive connotation of afternoon. Next week, Rev. Auxiliary on Tuesday, March 12. Saturday in Kitchener where and Miss Barbara Roney. Guests were present from Help You Decide on Your Memorial Requirements
loving concern and sincere caring Harold Snell of Exeter will be in Mrs. James M.• Scott, who has they attended the Ice Capades. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Pr eszcator Dublin, Seaforth, Stratford, Lon -
for each other. Using the letters char e. recently returned from a trip to Mr.Carl Merrier attended the and Nancy, Mrs. Mervyn Webb don, Oakville, Toronto, Ottawa PHONE- F E'1'ER 2•,a-0620
of the word Peace, she stressed g Merner-Hines wedding on Satur and Joy visited on Sunday with
India, will show some of the g and Pembroke.
Patience., Encouragement, 93rd Birthday mementos she bought there. day in Kitchener at the Lutheran 'Mr, and Mrs. Jim Preszcator,
Awareness, Compassion and. En- Congratulations and best Church followed by the dinner at Bill,' Debbie andMichael, Mr. and ,
durance as necessary characteris- wishes are extended to Mrs. News of Constance the.Swiss Castle Inn. Mrs. David Pr', eszcator,
tics to develop if we are to be Thos. Scott Sr: who celebrated Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon Christine, Lisa, Christopher and " `O U"S DISCOUNT „
builders of peace. Mrs. Deas was her 93rd birthday on Tuesday. The Canadian Forresters held and 'Bob. Mrs. Sam McClure, Gregory.
;y . thanked by Mrs. Murray Christie. Mrs. Scott, the former Sara their family bowling Sunday with Doris, Shirley and Doug and Mr. Jim Thompson returned _�o '
The ladies of Hibbert United (Sadie) McKellar was born at a good attendance an'd next Bryan McClure attended the iec college in i,indsay on Sunday
Church were guests at the Cromarty on March 5, 1881, and bowling will be brought ahead a Capades in Kitchener on Friday. • having spent his mid -winter"
meeting -which was preceded by a married Thomas Scott in 1910. week March 17. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wammes holidays at his parents home. e
potluck lunch, They were wet- She lived in the Cromarty area The Forresters are planning a and•Ronnie of Clinton, Mr. and Larry and Steven Jewitt, Air 'oe
comed by Mrs. Malcolm Lamond until four years ago when she family dance Saturday, -March 23. Mrs. Leo Sanders; Jennifer and . Murray Pepper spent the
who, with Mrs. Beverly Taylor moved to ' Kilbarchan Nursing J weekend in Windsor.
and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, led in the Hqme in Seaforth. She has two , MARCH 7 to MARCH 16th, 1974
womloip service. Prayers were sons, Gordon, Cromarty and
given by Mrs. Mervin Dow, Mrs. James, Staffa, eight gran child- loaves
$ coo
James Miller, Mrs. Larry Gard- ren and twelve great -grand hild e FRESH BREAD 2 4 -o Z • I o a v e S /
finer, Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Mrs. ren, Mrs. Scott also one Don"t c ��Calder McKaig, Mrs. Russell brother, Lindsay McKellar of e .ken BRING YOUR OWIJ CONTAINERS
r Scott and Mrs. John Jefferson. Seaforth and' two sisters, Mrs.
Voices representing the youth, Elmer (-Belle) Colquhoun, Clinton stLVERwOOD•S FAVORITE
the hungry, the discriminated and Mrs. Horton (Agnes) Me ICE CREAM 1/2 gals. 97e OOLGATB
against, the victims of pollution,. Dougall, who is at present In FACEWE NODF.BNE TOOTH PASTE 100. nil. 87c
TOILET TISSUE pkg. of 2 rolls 39c
the victims of war, and the hospital in Exeter. NEO CITRAN 10's $1.09
apathetic, were taken by Mrs.
aoxNsoN s
Leslie Miller, Mrs. Filmer Chap Personals "` BABY SHAMPOO 7.9 ozs. 97e NEO CITRAN -20's
pel, Mrs. Calvin Christie, Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Kraemer, Mit xicE-N-EASY . $2.19
Bert Daynard, Mrs: Russell chell spent a few days last week $1'4 7 REG. LENGTH
-Miller and Mrs. Robert Me- with her da u hter, Mrs. Ivan BORN FREE – BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE $4.89
Caughey. Scripture lessons were Y $ $,4.99
read by Mrs. Barker,Mrs. Carter . Norris. BorreEs OF ,on
Kerslake and Mrs, Robert Laing. Miss Janet Allen and Me. Barry fi ROLAIDS plus 20 free tabs 89c 26'•'• BOTTLES
Mrs. Cliff Miller sang a very Gammon, Toronto visited on thea PEPSI COLA 5 for 99e
appropriate son Who Is M weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ,`: ��, a ' INJECTOR BLADES 7's 87t — rwB DEPOQIIP
g Y x NOXZEM , SKIN CREAM 8 -oz. �1.3T
Neighbor, accompanied by Mrs. Eldon Allen. z >`��
Robert McCaughey, who was Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Splane and
pianist for the afternoon. Beverley, and Miss Frances Scott ;.�: We now have a New Line (Just Arrived) consisting of
The program this year was of London, spent the weekend MARCELLE Hypo-Allergenit Cosmetics
planned by, the Women's Com- with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott.
mittee of the National Christian Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker were
Also we have a full line of
Council of Japan. guests at their granddaughter
Joanne Currie's 13th birthday in • PERFUMES and COLOGNES from FASARGE
N. � ,,,,ri
Father and Son Dorchester on Sunday.
10 First Cromarty Boy Scouts and Mrs. Jack McGhee, Roy and as well as BRUT for MEN
Wolf Cubs held their annual Judy spent the weekend with her Do something eobout the cost of prGscrlptions.
Father and Son dinner in parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. Walker, FREE COFFEE will be served for the duration Qf the SALE
Cromarty Presbyterian Church on while Mr. McGhee was in Toronto You can. Three things, in fact.
Wednesday evening. Under the for a Trailer Show. 1. When your doctor gives you a prescription,
convenorship of Mrs. Duncan Mr . O. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. ask "Is this the lowest cost drug of its kind?" COME IN AND SAVE AT
Scott, the mothers Catered for the R. Hulley and Mr. and Mrs. Larry " • • it's easy for him to check.
banquet. Head table guests Gardiner called at the Evans 2. Take your prescription to a pharmacy which
included Scoutmaster Rev. Wil- Funeral Home in London follow- displays the PARCOST symbol. It guarantees
fred Jarvis, Assistant Russell ing the accidental death of Mrs. PARTICIPATING lust what it says: Prescriptions At
Miller, 9ordon Miller, Mrs. Reg Alex Walker's 18 -year-old ne- PHARMACY Reasonable COST,
Finlayson, Mrs. Gwynn Whil- phew, Bruce Ringrese;'' r
13. When your pharmacist fills the order, ask
Nos smith, George Vivian, Andy Several from this area attended Ministry of again, "Is this the least expensive one• '' He
Vivian and Calder McKaig. the Farm Show in- London last has the PARCOST Index which lists drugs
Following the meal, Mrs. week, Health by price. 76 ONTARIO STREET
Whilsmith of Exeter, showed Mr. and Mrs. Thos, L. Scott are Ontario Saving money beats clucking over high costs. MITCHELf. �4g�732G 4N7A �
slides of the Holy Land, and spending a few days with Mr. and Hon. Frank S. Miller, Minister
displayed some of the souvenirs Mrs. Hugh Moore of Lindsay, . .