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The Huron Expositor, 1974-02-28, Page 11
MP i fir u J LAND for pasturing . cattle. ' Advise acreage, price desired and i Orchestra. $3.00 per couple. tZlo Seaforth Manor 1 if water available. Apply to Box t.. COUNTRY LOTS dtyuble� i'irt5 ibn OO�fa,Srn wted 80 1JOreys ..,..i, Your new _y - - 3099 The Huron Exnositor; Hibbert Athletic Association. 527-0030 Seaforth 527-0803 ESTATE Seaforth. 17-29-2. a+, d la 4-29-1 -8�`CyCle Td'• 18.28-2 Record Preparations or documents while you wait. available. Priced from $5,000. and family with custom made Y 229 James St. March 2 -Florida - 14 days With typing and invoicing A complete line of pet supplies with high quality materials. Half wrought iron burglar grills on Clinton Phone 48,2.7 R ' $154.00 and up" experience acre lot with tool shed andon pony our basement windows. Earl Y Y 19-26-tf March 29-Washington,D.C. Apply in person to barn The owner sa s "Brin me Spanish in neat strong design, 5 room red rick home in Clinton, and horses over 500 lbs. Children who wijl be 5 years of age by December 31, 1974°are Save $40.00 on complete tower installation. 11-29-4 a G I tt. f 1� 1 1 ^.•n 9 II AMM• < LY Y J lead � 9 couple at the door:, 1.292 ex ;e egcpd aervicentai :at oar upw lqotloq in HilyRib. iF We are ngw. haying >a,p t9 pgalpineinR;lexperleluc+i+ >•rpl'erre�I, but nat'eeaeatipl. Discount on rechargeable From Seaforth. that is, Near 518.00 for Dead a,.nd u? RESERVE April 24 - Annual pletiae ap�ily to: hearing s, made in Brussels turn towards Crahbrook Disabled Cows and horses C.P.T. Euchre and draw, Earl �►a6• Canada, 30 day motley,, and find 5 acres of wooded and Stocker Cattle all t sponsored' by I.O.O.F. and back. Free hearing tests. property hugging the Maitland small inimalii pickup free , Rebekah Lodges. 1-29-1 HURON TRACTOR Ltd. City and country house River. Secluded, shy, seductive, as a service to you. We calls. ' and appealing.. City dwellers seek have threi trucks to service + BAKE SALE - Seaforth Women's $23.4244 4,29.1 such a location. Perhaps someone you 24 hours 7 days a week. Institute in Cardno's store, (next DAVIDSON HEARING close by would appreciate hearing Phone Collect + to'Stedmans) on Friday, April 19, AID SERVICE of it. Price O.K. 1974. 1-29-1. • $. Fara Stock for Sale 334 Queens Ave., , + Mechanics WILLIAM M. HART ' 881 _� Dr. Whitman will be speaking at QUARTER horse chestnut filly Phone 432-9951 London Seaforth 527-0871] or 527-1972 Seaforth Nbn Nibblers Club in • rising 5 saddle broke, Re 11.29-1 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON Seafgrth District High School on Opportunity thoroughbred bay filly, 4 year old. 12. to BY REAL ESTATE LTD. Brussels ' + Buy March 4 at $ p.m. Everyone • • ' ' Halter broken, 3.45-2219. 8-29-1 � Wanted / "West Lorne 14-29 1 + welcome. ,„1 29-1 Vinpent Farm Equipment at ^'� Seaforth coOLD clocks, pocket watches, post Pet Food NEW + continues to grow and 4 Holstein cows due soon. Zack cards, books picture frames. 1 . Property for Rent W.. Bingo Clinton Legion offers a rewarding opportunity for Ryan, 345-2636. 8.29-1 y Hall 8:30 P,M. February. 28th 482-9193. 12-28 tf mechanics. Experienced and + Admission $1.00. 15 Regular aggressive individuals are 15 Chunks castrated and de- NEWLY decorated 3 bedroom Supplies Games $10.00 each. Three required. Ideal working wormed, 345-2088. 8-29-1 WANTED - dressers, commodes, apartment available now. Share -The -Wealth Games. One conditions, fringe benefits. chests of drawers, blanket boxes, 527-0920. 15-29-tf jackpot game for $150.00 in 54 Excellent opportunity for the REGISTERED Holstein 3 year old trunks, old kitchen cupboards, Lic. 399 - C 73 right people. To arrange an Ormsby daughter, bred Chieftain calls.orless. 1-29-1 etc., any condition. H. Mitchell, 2 bedroom upstairs apartment 19-26-tf 482-7584. 12-28-4 available immediate) Apply to ' GOING AWAY Dance for Mr, and interview: Contact due March 14th. Walton y' pP y MARLEN VINCENT 887-9014. 8.29.2 Box 3101 The Huron Expositor, HARDTMAN & Mrs. John Cronin and Shaun, 14. Property for Sale Seaforth, Ont. 15-29-1 STRACK LTD. Friday, March 8th in Brodha•gen VINCENT FARM' CommunityHall. Music b E UIPMENT LTD. 9• Poultry for Sale Mortgages are our only business.. y Q BEAUTIFULLY landscaped 2 ONE bedroom house. Let Waterloo's oldest and most Wayne Riehl. Ladies please bring Seaforth, Ontario bedroom brick ranch style house Remodelled. Good location. Y ex erienced mortgage firm help lunch. Refreshments. No gifts. Telephone 527-0120 KIMBER LEGHORN , Suitable for older couple'. P � on 1 h acres of land in Seaforth. , you to purchase a h ome or 1-28.3 4-29-1 Separate garage - large garden. 527-0568. 1- 5-2tf-tf cottage; to use the equity in our Day Old and Started Pullets g q Y Y The Ha Citizens p SCOTT POULTRY Phone 527-1764 after 5:30.14-29-1 Happy group of home to consolidate debts or to FARMS LTD. 17. Wanted to Rent Seaforth will meet for euchre R.N. improve it without embarassing + BARN L shaped steel roof 48 games in the Seaforth Legion Hall Seaforthacres of land 40 workable and 8 Wanted to rent 50 or 100 acres of credit investigations; for on Thursday, March 7th at 2 p.m. or Phone 527-0847 Box 169confidential, competent service, pasture with river and workable land in the Seaforth Visitors welcome, Ladies please 9-26-tf area. Box 3100 The Huron for' mortgages from $1,501 to grove. 345-2418 after S gym.. construction loans, call collect, bringlµnch. 1-29x1 R.N.A. 14.28.2 .Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario. Waterloo 884-6030. 11. • Articles for' 17-29-1 19-26-tf DANCE Kirkton Community Full or PartTime Centre Friday, March 15th, 9 k o'clock Murray Christie's Apply B V V LAND for pasturing . cattle. ' Advise acreage, price desired and i Orchestra. $3.00 per couple. tZlo Seaforth Manor 1 if water available. Apply to Box jeans. Everyone welcome. South COUNTRY LOTS dtyuble� i'irt5 ibn OO�fa,Srn wted 80 1JOreys ..,..i, Your new _y - - 3099 The Huron Exnositor; Hibbert Athletic Association. 527-0030 Seaforth 527-0803 ESTATE Seaforth. 17-29-2. 1-29-3 4-29-1 -8�`CyCle AL RELIABLE.#amity-wishes to rent FAMILY night - dance Staffa Hall, Saturday, April 13th Murray Green's Orchestra. $3.00 a family $2.00 a couple. South Hibbert Athletic Association. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch.. 1-29-1 BLYTH Lions Bingo, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday all' 8;30. p.m. $150.00 0 Jackpot. Big cash " prides: 1.26-tf Coming a 3 or 4 bedroom house in now for Spring and beat the Seaforth area. Send particulars to -March Ist increase. Trade in your 4r'^ Box 632, Seaforth. 17-28x2 used'`bicycle and save. COZY FOR TWO For further information contact This one bedroom .cottage has 18. Property Wanted compact kitchen with cupboards, Don's living room with dining area and PASTURE wanted modern bathroom, Has addition approximately 46 - 50 acres. Bicycle Repairs which could be remodelled for more living area. Half -acre lot Apply to Box 3097 The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 18-27x3 TRI =TOWN TROPICAL FISA DON'.T WAIT with small barn: Priced at $8,500. LAWRENCE BEANE BOOKKEEPING 305 Ontario Street COUNTRY LOTS dtyuble� i'irt5 ibn OO�fa,Srn wted 80 1JOreys ..,..i, , a4 .. VICE a , ,•ty . 1i 4$2.994 � -�-^r« Large Nd`~"8 ouse must be to liveable Income iazxtke{urns Seaforth 527-0803 highway between Seaforth and Condition. Phone 482-9760. Business - Farm = Individual We service what we sell. 11-28x2 Clinton. Drilled _ well water 18.28-2 Record Preparations or documents while you wait. available. Priced from $5,000. and family with custom made Y 229 James St. March 2 -Florida - 14 days of IPAT'S Cherry Blossom W,G.THOMPSOIV &SONS LTD. PET SHOP Y g all offers". Listed at $21,500. TROPICAL FISA DON'.T WAIT 19. Notices LAWRENCE BEANE Bus Tours Bookkeeper railings in same design. For April 11 -Nashville, Tennessee - 4 Any longer to inspect this one Dress up and home Brucefield Phone 482.9260 Robert Hulley y days - $79.00 and up. 44 TRAVELAGENCY 11-26-tf BUDGIES, CANARIES storey, two bedroom country protect your PEGGY CUNNINGHAM HIGH School girl for office work. or documents while you wait. home. Completely modernized and family with custom made Y 229 James St. March 2 -Florida - 14 days With typing and invoicing A complete line of pet supplies with high quality materials. Half wrought iron burglar grills on Clinton Phone 48,2.7 R ' $154.00 and up" experience acre lot with tool shed andon pony our basement windows. Earl Y Y 19-26-tf March 29-Washington,D.C. Apply in person to barn The owner sa s "Brin me Spanish in neat strong design, 5 room red rick home in Clinton, of IPAT'S Cherry Blossom W,G.THOMPSOIV &SONS LTD. PET SHOP Y g all offers". Listed at $21,500. also custom built porch and hand Festival $76.00 and up. each. - 350 Main Street"installation. AT VANASTRA railings in same design. For April 11 -Nashville, Tennessee - 4 Hensall, Ontario. 4-28-2 Exeter Phone 235-1951 Two and three 'bedroom homes Robert Hulley y days - $79.00 and up. 44 TRAVELAGENCY 11-26-tf from $12,000 to $16,000 with low $27-1856. 19-29-1 April 28 -Conway Twitty and HIGH School girl for office work. or documents while you wait. down payments. Letter size, 25© each. Loretta Lynn - at Cobo Phone 527,1530. 4-29x1 1 floor brick bungalow in Contact SAVE INCOME TAX with Arena, Detroit, Mich. - ' RESPONSIBLE mature NORTHRUP King seed corn. Apply to Harold Pryce 527-1637. JOHN OR CAROLYN THOMPSON ' Guaran ee Plus Registered Savings Plan by United Invest - Bus fare and * * * * for fresh dead or disabled cows Representative. You can run your - L---]------I---�--�- - old. Phone 527-1365. 11-29x1 admission - $15.00 housekeeper wanted to live tn, nearly new home, situated just 11 26-12 - R.R.2, Seaforth, 527-0238 DON HOLST ment if Assurance Company. * tact Fred (Ted) .If you are thinking of buying or -- each. east of London. Light- duties, GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE. REAL ESTATE LTD. Savauge 527-15 2 Seaforth *.for selling ,, GOOD TIMES wages. Apply to Box 3098. The AT The Huron Expositor, Realtors _ details. 19-29-2 ANTIQUES 44 TRAVELAGENCY Huron Expositor,, Seaforth, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-26xtf 14-29-1 Copies'of your important pipers Box 789 Seaforth Ontario. 4-29x1 Phone 527-0050 MINK 4 bl f bb' ? 1-27-tf pens sutra a or ra its or 11-26xtf guinea pigs. Phone Ross Francis, Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. R.R.1, ,Kirkton. Phone PERSON for snack bar , part time . or full time. Call 527-0560 after 1-229-6294. 11-26x4 garage, 3 bedrooms. Nice large FARROWING crates, 2 standard DEAD models, or can be custom built. J Real Estate Ltd. George Troyer, Phone 262,5282, lot. Hensall. 11-29-1 82 Albert Street - Phone Clinton COPIES STOCK REMOVAL Copies'of your important pipers MASON BAILEY Manager/Broker or documents while you wait. silo. /: store a e ho m w1 9 Letter size, 25© each. 482-9371 THE HURON EXPOSITOR 1 floor brick bungalow in or USED FURNITURE contact NORM WHITING Exeter 235-1964 We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-26-tf vw...,u.S,,leis, scueaii a yvui .,w.. ' hours and make the most of a real '];very iii6re 11-26xtf Londesboro, 5 rooms, double Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. NOTICE PERSON for snack bar , part time . or full time. Call 527-0560 after r .a garage, 3 bedrooms. Nice large HURON DEAD FREE to good home, male dog 5 4:00. 4-29-2 months old, half German lot. of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up 527.0238 after 5 p.m.at 0240. - Phone Shepherd half Collie, good Phone 345-2556. 50 acre f land with ba and STOCK REMOVAL 5. Bus. Opportunities 24 29.1. watchdog. silo. /: store a e ho m w1 9 A. M. AVON 11-29x1 rooms, 'vino and ini Clinton; Ontario w-QLIAMJ.DALE AMBITIOUS? ENTHUSIASTIC? FREE to good home beautiful room it a d tt Towns h We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 You'd make a. perfect Avon grey and white male cat, one year * * * * for fresh dead or disabled cows Representative. You can run your - L---]------I---�--�- - old. Phone 527-1365. 11-29x1 5 room red rick home in Clinton, and horses over 500 lbs. or USED FURNITURE contact NORM WHITING Exeter 235-1964 We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-26-tf vw...,u.S,,leis, scueaii a yvui .,w.. ' hours and make the most of a real '];very iii6re `• DOW Towers electric /heat, 3 bedrooms, carpeted throughout. Extra large Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. NOTICE week more and earningopportunity. Get more people discover what mighty Jobs PP Y p facts by calling: r .a lot. This is a really lovely home. * * * * * All .small farm stock picked up free We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives are aet;otnplished �tiy loty" Gnat Eptpo>4itor ^gtai>t Ada. Dial 82'7- Carolyn Thompson Antennas, Rotors and Boosters installed and Repaired * I floor bungalow with aluminum of charge as a service to you. g YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up 527.0238 after 5 p.m.at 0240. - Phone siding. 5 rooms, carport and work REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED our far hone b Monday $ Y io P Y Y _ 5-29 1 24 29.1. shop. 3 bedrooms, gas furnace. VETERINARIAN UPON- A. M. H. EJ�Iott Very attractive grounds. REQUEST. w-QLIAMJ.DALE Kindergarten • • R eg prat i o n * * * * * * Call Collect - 482-9811 7 days S E A F O R T H 527-0471, 19-26-tf 262-5372 100 acre farm with Maitland river a week - 24 hours a day Children who wijl be 5 years of age by December 31, 1974°are Save $40.00 on complete tower installation. 11-29-4 running through it. 11/2 storey modernized home with broadloom License No. 378C - 72 Call 'us first, you won't hate to eligible to register for Kindergarten. Registrations will be taken throughout. 4 bedrooms. Frame call anyone else. 19-26=tf SEPTIC TANKS in area schools on the following dates: barn suitable for cattle and silo, CLEANED IN Hullett Central School - Londesboro - Tues. March 5, 9:00 A.M. HERTA Barley ' grown from foundation seed, field Inspected. drive shed. * * * * * * STRIPPING and refinishing done at your convenience. For free Modern equipment. Wel to 3:OOP.M. Huron Centennial School, Brucefield = Thursday,March 7, 9:00 Priced right. Robert Fotheringham, R.R.#4, Se forth. Now under construction: 2 - 5 room bungalows brick with 3 estimates and fast service phone Ray`Filion, 527-1618. 19-27-4 guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth: Phone, A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Phone 4$2-9196. 11-29.2 bedrooms, will finish to Clinton, 482-3320. 19-26-tf Walton Public School �- Wednesda , Vebrua 27, 1:00 P.M.to X ry purchaser's specifications. RtNRY'S Harmony House willi 3:30 P.M. - - * * * * * * be Open Saturdays only, 9 to 6 ' ed y Seaforth"Public School -_- W ' nesda ,March b, 1:00 P.M. to S I'KIP tickets for admission or, "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" "Mone' we are teminde'd ca'n't exc601 by avoointment. Phone, Every. week more and more 3:00 P.M. Please bring proof of birth date and immunization -records. refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Exppsitor, �' buys health an&. it's getting so it 527-0653. Good assortment of; Guitars, Electrics, Etc. Lesson, people discover what mighty jobs' are secomplished by low 1-27-3 Seaforth. It-26ittf cant support sickness either arranged. 19-26-tf cost Want Ads. Dial 527--117411. 14-29-1. . a tN�� ti •cotr►l�tnl~ unci : 1:kucic l�dw _Fd Stu a( �+ 'f 141 conceaston 13, i•Iullett Townships l'/e miles so>rtb .of Blyth on .fi4 Highway, then. 3.m0es east 4 SATUADAY,MARCA,2ud 'At 1:00 P.M. 1972' Chev, lh ton, 350' V8 auto.mati.c , deluxe cab, 22,045 original miles; 1964. 2'/2 ton Chev truck with 12 ` 12 ft.livestock rack.XT190 fi Allis Chalmers diesel tractor with cab and heater; 165 MF diesel tractor with duals. 65 MF Gas tractor with industrial loader, new motor; #10 Mb' lawn and garden tractor; MF 510 Diesel combine with grain }, head, wide four row corn head, cab and bean cylinder; Allis Chalmers 5 1 furrow 18" bottom, semi T mount hydraulic reset plow; 24 ft. Allis Chalmers rubber mounted vibra t shank cultivator, complete 4 with harrows; 2100 gallon Better Bilt liquid manure tank with vacuum and pressure pump; John Deere 184, 4 row corn planter with insecticide, #70 flexi units abd disc openers; New Idea 216, 195 bushel PTO flail manure spreader; Korigskilde 11 ft. 3 inch cultivator; Henry wind, rower(4 row); Mauer 4 row bean puller; Heath 4 row front mounted bean puller; Golden Arrow George White 200 gallon trail sprayer, 30 ft. boom aluminum tank; 2 - 100 gallon Golden '-'Arrow aluminum saddle tanks, brackets, pump, 30 ft. boom, 'complete with attachments for cultivator and disc.; 2 - -185 bushel gravity boxes with extensions mounted on 7 ton wagons; l - 250 bushel . gravity box on Dodge truck; George White 6' auger :,'sri6W"" 'blbWVr ""•- rdAit t mounted; 110 ft. of 4" grain auger; 44 ft. 8" T versatile grain auger PTO driven; 2-13 ft. Aikenhead chain harrows; Two wheel trailer; 17 ft: livestock van for truck; .15 run Ontario seed drill; 4 ton wagon; portable water pump with gas engine; Pioneer chain saw, 23 inch bar; Post hole auger; Hydraulic fertilizer auger; 3 large Big Husky pig feeders; 316 ft. of James Way stable cleaner i.. 'I 1 ��JJyy r .a not repons,}b10 fpr `Accidents day pi sale F l j M •L, A Bornholm A ,oxne; smaN items,'{x , f! t,; Note .Most of tJle'Ate riis eft' newer, , TERMS C A'SH Aucttb>ieerS Dfi F841leltoli ;+ not repons,}b10 fpr `Accidents day pi sale RICHARD 0913,, . Bornholm Auctioneers 24 29.1. Lobb . &Qeth 0:1, AUCTION 13ALENDAR Auctioneers & Appraisers Clinton Monkton ?� 4a2-7898 347-2465 Sat.March 9 -Tractors, farm . machinery, etc.' for Karl . Attinger 2'/2 miles north of Mitchell. Sat.March 16 -Livestock, feed' and farm machinery, etc, for Win. Rueger; . 11/4 miles west and 3 miles north of Clinton. Thurs.March 2.1 - Cattle, j farm machinery, some household effects 7'/s miles north, 2 miles west of Dublin for George Rock. Sat.March 23-Cattle,farm machinery etc. 11/4 miles j -south %- mile, west of St__ i Columbian for Gordon Staples. . $at.March 30 -Farm machinery sale ofor , -.Gordon McGregor 4% miles east of Londesboro. Sat.March 30 -Furniture, antiques, • etc., 74 Railway St. Seaforth for. } Jim Browrt: ` • , " Wed.,April 3 - Annual Haugh Machinery Consignment Sale. Sat.,April 6 -'Real Estate, ; furniture, antiques. etc, 99 St.Andrew St., Mitchell for Mrs. Ida Athens. 20-29-1 f ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE 12 Classified Rates Effective January 10th, 1974 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of, numerals as for serial numlgrs, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens -count as separate words. - FIRST INSERTION- 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS- No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST ,INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. ,SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 ,per column inch. (Minimum size in ' this category 2 Inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE -- 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Epgagements', Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS 30 Words $1.50, each n additional word 3c. `54 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline for classified -ads 15 4 P,M.,Tuesdayi: Phone S,2 W.' 240.