The Huron Expositor, 1974-02-28, Page 6.., f,° "-+S4Gy � ,.....wrb,..•wCl.�'a.+.M,4rP h"t+rW.- WYSn nJ+a a.rri'i�w 1
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41 Briefs
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,. �." •j 1 41a
Shillelagh which they purchased
O'Rourke, who have spent two
Maloney of Seaforth visited on
�'�`'•�%""�'�ju� ;��, F
'M rand Mrs Etinore Stephen*
h the former's daughters Mr.
and branches are doing an
It is readily apparent from the
Wilfred Maloney.
son and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
and Mrs. Alvin Hammond of
number of enquiries received
We welcome the Smiths t e
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer
McClinchey were in Flint, Mich,
Moorefield. On Monday Rev: J.
village and wish them every
family of Cambridge visited on
of Toronto spent the weekend at
t r•-
veterans. They have dedicated
on Saturday attending the funeral
and Mrs. Stewart were in
the weekend with Mrs. Gerty
their home here.
many years ago which have never
service "officers and others who
of veterans and widows qualifying
of their aunt Mrs. Paul Jahn (nee
Win ham where Mr. Stewart
Monsignor Robinson of Saska
frequently go beyond the call of
for benefits in their communities
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Margaret Reid), formerly of
assisted at the funeral of th6 late'
viously have been ineligible but
tut to het the ailing, the lone)
Y P g• >
is murh greater than in the case
Costello on the weekend were Mr.
sent • the weekend with her
Varna, Ontario.
Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, of
where there is no branch service
Bob Malone, son of Mr. and Mrs.
mother Mrs. Agnes Givlin.
Fr. Dill.
Mrs. William G. Wright of
Whitechurch. Mrs, Lorne'
officer or where he is falling down
Joe Malone of Winnipeg, and Mr.
Fr. Gordon Dill has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Burce Hallman of
Pineridge Chalet, Hensall on
Goderich Street W., has returned
McDonald and Miss Belle
and' Mrs. Pete Groshok and
from a two-week holiday, in
Kitchener and Mr, and Mrs. J.D.
Family- takes
to her home after spending the
past two months in Winnipeg
with Ma jor Thomas S. and Mrs.
Campbell also attended the
MacRae of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Norris and
Visitors with Mrs. Frank Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Jirp Oulette and
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae on the
sionals in particular DVA offs-
k M d M Bill
Crawford, Tom and Jill.
Mr. and Mrs. AndyWhite were
John D. Baker
Public Relations Officer
vmcial commands will be g►au to
supply leaflets or other material
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Smith and Evans, Joanne Colleen, Jim and-
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Miss Sandra Johnston, a
stt;dent at Waterloo University,
in Detroit Tuesday night -
Y g
attending a dinner in honor of Mr.
Branch 156
offering guidance on these
g g
daughters Catherine, Cind and Dave of Nia ara Falls, Mrs.
g y g
sent her winter break last week
White's uncle, Cmdr. Robert
benefits, though frankly,. all that
Michelle of Mitchell, moved on Margaret Dill of Rochester, N.Y.,
Mr. Mike Connolly of Mitchell
holidaying in Nassau in the
Quaid, who was retiring as
Last January in the Legion
is really required is to establish
Saturday to. their new home on and Mr. Dick Bester of
spent Sunday with°Mr. and'Mrs.
personnel director of the Detroit
Magazine, there was an article
contact. Command or branch
Mill St• and on'March 1 take over Walkerton.
Lorne Flanagan.
Rev. J. Ure Stewart and Mrs.
Police Department.
entitled "Lest We Forget". The
service officers can then go more
the Service Station and Restau- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cronin, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kistner
.Stewart were weekend guests
following is an excerpt from that f 11 th t at'on and rant business known as the Frank Cronin and Mr. Dave and Mr. and Mrs. Elarold
If II d
u into a st u i
undertake a full examination of
Shillelagh which they purchased
O'Rourke, who have spent two
Maloney of Seaforth visited on
Man provincial commands
y P
the possibilities of assistance.
recently from Mr. and Mrs. Louis
weeks in Florida, have returned
Sundav with Mr. and Mrs.
very limited indeed: DVA's
involvement is largely with
and branches are doing an
It is readily apparent from the
Wilfred Maloney.
excellent job of meeting their
J g
number of enquiries received
We welcome the Smiths t e
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer
responsibilities to their fellow
from branches with live -wire
village and wish them every
family of Cambridge visited on
of Toronto spent the weekend at
in the WOSSA finals. The team,
veterans. They have dedicated
service officers that number
success in their new business.
the weekend with Mrs. Gerty
their home here.
many years ago which have never
service "officers and others who
of veterans and widows qualifying
Monsignor Robinson of Saska
frequently go beyond the call of
for benefits in their communities
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Sister Leona Givlin of Chatham
coon, an old seminary classmate
viously have been ineligible but
tut to het the ailing, the lone)
Y P g• >
is murh greater than in the case
Costello on the weekend were Mr.
sent • the weekend with her
of Fr. Gordon Dill, is visiting with
and the financially distressed.
where there is no branch service
Bob Malone, son of Mr. and Mrs.
mother Mrs. Agnes Givlin.
Fr. Dill.
Not all Legion units are doing
officer or where he is falling down
Joe Malone of Winnipeg, and Mr.
Fr. Gordon Dill has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Burce Hallman of
Pineridge Chalet, Hensall on
what they should be doing in this
on the job'
and' Mrs. Pete Groshok and
from a two-week holiday, in
Kitchener and Mr, and Mrs. J.D.
ensure that the proper attention is
important work! Some want to
Don't leave everything to your
Debbie of London.
MacRae of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Norris and
leave everything to the profes-
service officer or secretary Make
Visitors with Mrs. Frank Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Jirp Oulette and
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae on the
sionals in particular DVA offs-
k M d M Bill
family of Windsor spent the
it your se -a Otte tas to contact lastwee were r. an rs.
rials, and do not realize that the
those in your community who do
ability of these officers to contact
not belong to the Royal Canadian
News of Cromarty
all veterans and dependants is
Legion, or have no Legion
very limited indeed: DVA's
involvement is largely with
connection. it is quite possible
• • •
Ritchie Au Wary meets
that they may be unaware of the
individuals who have already
broader basis for awards of
made contact with the Pension
pension resulting from the 1971
.. Members of the Marian Ritchie
raine Laing was in Sarnia playing
Commission, the Department or
amendments; or they may be in
Evening Auxiliary brought used
in the WOSSA finals. The team,
the Legion. Consequently, every. ..the
group that received gratuities
cards, nylons and spools to their
consisting of Joyce Shelley,
single Legion member either,
many years ago which have never
February meeting which was held
Nancy Fraser, Myrna Walkom,
personally or through his branch.
been up -dated. In 'the Veterans
at the home of Mrs. Calder
and Lorraine came second in the
should endeavour to make sure
Allowance field they may pre-
McKaig. These will be taken to a
consolation draw.
that everyone in the community
viously have been ineligible but
nursing home and a. school for
Betty Anne Miller and her
who served; or whose husband
are eligible as a result of the 1973
retarded adul`f"s.
cousins. Karen and Shirley Miller
served should be aware of the
changes. They could be in a
Mrs. John Templeman pre-
of Staffa, step -danced for the
assistance available through vet-
variety of other situations. What-
sided and opened the meeting
Crippled Children's program at
eran's legislation.
ever the score, it is our task to
with hvmn 412. "Come Let Us
Pineridge Chalet, Hensall on
It is interesting to note that the
fulfill our solemn obligation to
Sing" followed by prayer. Mrs.
Sunday. They were accompanied
War Veterans Allowance Board
ensure that the proper attention is
Ivan Norris read the scripture
by Nelson Howe.
ran an advertisement on the
paid to all who served, including
from Psalm 62. Mrs. Robert Laing
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Norris and
Very versatile group atmuitrtrte, ll'op Rock and Ootmtlry Nom
mom ,— Thune. and SAT. l
Reeording Artlnts — 1074[
Oran Award Nwninem foe,
best Canadim Vountry
and beet Canadian Coiwb7'
single of the year.
Broomball Tournament
March 1st — 7 p.m. --11 P.m -
March 2nd'— 8 -d-m- -- 9 P.M.
-Dance and Crowning of Queen
to follow games.
9 pm. —1 ani.•. ...r
— Teams from all over Un'tario partiopating—
Admission to Dance — $1.50
DANCErttt+••�si' ttt�st�� � .
Brodnagen Community Center F
--benefits ..of .-
"---- - Can -._,.they - ave .tl%�.secretary's re, ort_ and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westlake
� -their dependants. - $ _ P
certain national publications last depend on us, Mrs. Lorne Ell�._--- --.-_—.__ _ _.__.._- _--_--._ .-----•--•—_._-.----__-____ _._ _�__.�A-T-UR�DAYT---MA�t�CH- 2nd._...__._.._.._.. __ ,.,�.-
ioit gave the were guests at tFie �esbake s
spring. These were Weekend and Past Events treasurer's. During,tbe business, granddaughter's wedding in
the Canadian magazines, which the World. Da of Prayer service Windsor on Saturday. LOU MORELLO BAND
Last Monday, February 18, the Y\�
are made available with 'tLe was announced f arch 1, Ivan Norris is spending a few ]111vvv���
Frida • or Saturdayeditions of Girl Guides presented Branch lSb °�° • M V Rrodhagen Community Centre
}; } with a plaque for past services. beginning with a potluck dinner days at the Good Roads convent BAFIELD ROAD
many of our national daily at 12:30. Thirteen members ion in Toronto.
Making the presentation was GODERICH
newspapers. This publicity pro- Mrs. Bob Newnham, .Commis- answered the roll call with a Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee Couples Only — NO Jeans
Po current event from the Glad and family London, spent the 527-7711
�•'. dared a considerable response
n� stoner of the Girl Guides, Past
from people who previously knew president Comrade Cleave Tidings or Record, or a 10 -cent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Larry,
ft nothing of their eligibilitylto War Coombs received the plaque for fine.' Gardiner.
Veterans Allowances. This was the Branch. President Comrade Mrs. McKaig introduced the Mr. and Mrss. Otto Walker. ,
especially so in the case of new stud bookto ic, Why visited Sunday with Alvin Cor- EVERYFRIdAY
r widows. The headquarters of the Gordon Scott was unable to be S P 3
q Christian Mission Today. A nish, Exeter. AND SATURDAY.
WVA Board alone received over present. , playlet, A Changed Attitude, was Ruth Ann Coleman spent a few Country and Western Entertainment '
3,200 enquiries, man of which Last Wednesday February 20, P g rq Y d THIS
the weekly Stag Euchre was held read by several members. It dealt days with her parents, Mr. and WEEK SATURDAY — IN. THE
in awards of the P with the type of mission work and Mrs. Clarence Coleman. `
allowance. at the Legion. Winners were: ..... _
Most games, Wayne Dohna a help that would, be welcomed in Staffa Munchkin
We believe that a great many of g g iturbia. Gail Harburn was elected to �� B.•C• Three_ RED KNIGHT R 0 0' K
the people who might benefit' Les Rile Low an lone hands
and Dave Trem
' P P g hands Don Muir In her topic. Mrs. John Miller replace Pam Wallace as secre- '
sfrom the War Veterans Allowance and Brian Flannigan. traced the steps in the printing of tary-treasurer at the third meet- plus One • •'
R Act do not take a daily paper. and Last Friday. February 22, the the new Tayal Testament. Mrs. ing of the Staffa Munchkins on Ucensed under L C.B.O. ' El n ' Fisher ' ti
thus would not have seen the Bingo attracted fifty-four players Lorne Elliott conducted a Bible Wednesday evening. The meet
advertisement. It is possible that and prizes to -the value of $310 quiz. The meeting closed with ing was opened by Betty Anne
many of the people we might wish were won. t-Iy nn 510, O God of ,Bethel. and Miller with the 4-H Pledge " ' (The Family Affair) '
to contact, read neither daily nor the Lord's Prayer, followed by the secretary's report
weekly newspapers. Perhaps, the Coming Events Boy Scoots Meet and roll cath A recipe which uses ••
best means of acquainting them Friday. March, 1, Bingo at the Brian Richman was a' ready -to -eat cereal. Several uestat a read • ' p
with the possibilities is through Legion Hall. g ' 'PASTY CFIIOKEN WINGS' for SNACKS
personal contact, though encour- Thursday, March 7, Executive the First Cromarty Boy Scouts' members presented samples of- Knights of Columbus Are Sponsoring
agement to local radio stations or meeting commencing at 8:1111meeting on Thursday evening. He any breakfast cereals in their AMPLE FREE PARKING
cable TY. outlets to- include ' p.m. spoke on photography and deve'. homes. Brotherhood
loped a picture of a dog for them. The girls were asked to identify •
particulars in community an- Saturday., March 30, Awards personals sample of various cereal grains.
nouncements might also help. night. Banquet and present- WE SERVE BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHRONS
Dominion Command and pro anon of awards. As second for Mitchell High Mrs. J. Wallace read A Catalogue Tonight.
School girls' curling team, Lor- of Cereals. Lorraine Laing and FEBRUARY 28 12 t0 '2 and 13'0 S
Julie Ann Elliott prepared Guest Speaker:— AT VERY ,LOW PRICES l
• Cherry -Bran Squares after which E. D. McGugan, Manager of Western Fa&
Library. receives, -new books Betty Anne Miller, Cheryl Riley stagy g pm —Smorgasbord at Z
and Margaret Laing made muf- COMERCIA AL E
fins. They were sampled by the — Program -to follow —
New books recentlydelivered antiques as the washing machine, girls along with Bits and Bites SEAFORTH LEGION' HALL
9 g Gold: An enthralling novel of the g g ,
to, Seaforth Library include: vacuum, typewriter, add old East involving kidnapping, mur- (Nuts & Bolts) and lemonade. "Where Friends Meet"
wind-up gramaphone. der, and systematic ruination of All Welcome%
Kemelman, Harry - Tuesday, Bresiner, Yasha -,.Th;- Story of business rivals. EUCHRE /
the Rabbi Saw Red: Another Paper Money: For anyone Dunnett, Dorothy - Murder on
novel about America's favorite interested in starting •a collection.. Focus: A novel of suspense about
rabbi (and most unorthodox here is a valuable introduction Johnson Johnson, distinguished St. James' CWL
detective.) illustrated with facsimiles of over portrait painter and member of �.
Wheatley, Dennis - The Irish 100 actual bank notes. 'British Intelligence. Friel March 8
Witch: A Roger Brook story, House and Gardens - Party Palaidy, Jean - Here Lies Our
taking place in the nineteent. Menu Cookbook: Suggestions Sovereign Lord: Jean Pa'I'aidy — 8:30 m. —
century. Katie O'Brian, an Irish and menus for all kinds of writes historical novels well. This p• a
witch is the centre of a spy ring gatherings. one 13 a vivid picture of the crude St. James School . a 1 SEAFORTH
supplying informatipn to the and vigorous London of those Admission: 50 Cents
French. Roman, Klara G. - Handwrit- days. tainCh ,
Symons, R.D. - North by West: ing: This book presents a Seifert, Elizabeth - Doctor's , , , t , Entertainment
TWO interesting stories from the well -organized, clear simply Reputation: The many admirers
frontier. worded survey of the, methods of Elizabeth will welcome this 2.7-30
_ _
Holland, Margaret -Silver: An and techniques used in handwrit- new story about,Ahe people in a ���������'�� ����������������� rhu.28 e P•m. F i.1 sat. L • 7.30 a 9.10 P'o`- Friday and 'Saturda
illustrated guide to collecting ing analysis. pleasant river town, and about a y
silver. The book is illustrated with
Stem, Richard -Other Men's Young surgeon from the Ozarks ,
over 45 color and W black and Daughters: A beautiful and who had to choose between EK _
white illustrations. moving love story. loyalty and love. i- The
Pearsall, R. - Collecting Mech Gavin, Catherine - The Snow ;•`' ' Denfieldi
apical Antiques: This book traces Mountain: A brilliant 'and AT
the history of many mechanical exciting novel of war and z
anti nes, including such domestic revolution. CASH B I N G T= D9ADff2*?IC1U00
6 '—
' Legion Hail, 5ea f h
I� ww L
• • Myr CHELL Slr►ur/ar Matinee sin• 2 Sun: ai lNon. 4rtae. S Wel 6
Celebrates 96th -'birthday Friday, Marc 1st
y - ,,� girl. .: ....
Sats SIMJALAW • a• P.A.
Mr. Earle Hawley celebrated Hawley (wife), Mrs. Susan ---- —�• _n� SA'r• LASSIES
+ '"�- ��--- •
his 96th birthday on Saturday, Hutchings (sister) and Zechari1S Regular Genres for $10 S 1 L
February 23, 1974. McSpadden (brother) who is also
Mrs. CMtntiie) Cartwright lfaw- a patient at the nursing hofne. — $75.00 Jackpot to Go — in the A D VEN T URE
ley celebrated herbirthday on Floweft were sent from a niece TWo ODOR PRIZES Crown Rooms _---
The , February
were celebrated and nephew in . California, Mr. AdnAwi' $100
Sunda- )thda ary 24 1974rated 'and Mrs. Knauss, also from a Psalms Car& � o� fi fix' $100 Entertainment:— � ®L®
Ys ;
Jointly and very gate -1y as both nephew and niece of Toronto,
- #6 patients in the Manor Nursing ltev. andP Y t1 Mrs. Bert Mcg adden. « 18 NOT '�+ �
-; Home, Many Cards rwere received from PER3MVIM)
MACH 1 V Trsp
>#irthildy cake and- ice cream relatives wind friends. •—Proceeds for Welfare, Worth '
were sei dd anti all sang 119OPY Special thanks to nurse Dol- AUVIcos Saafotth Branch 1361,
WrilAt +' tit both mage and others for their acts of Royal Canadian L,eglon, Seaforth - 1Bl.,; 6�fppTF1
• Gt%ests were: Mrs. -lrarle kindness. • ,
lM1 .
r. , ...,v. ar ..r .... is �.. i.e ......, ,. .. . ...... .... .. n.,:. .. .. . :. ., .. ....... .. ... ....... .Y r .� ,�p - r" r