HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-02-28, Page 1�7,,,�",��,.,.,�,�,,,,,,,,�—� M, T,M,�pj�;11111411,, �, ...... . I f ..�. ,�� ": :,", , � ..... ... � , 111 , , , " I 11�", , �.. � , "', ��,'!, , � " ,�,!:, , � , I ,,�-,­ NU'1`7,� ...... ;� ,"1, : ,� 11 , . . � � 11�,�;,f.l, ,�, , - " "; , ,��,IA I I � . 1. " - I � I , . . a,'-, - ,.. . . I I �� � I I , I " 1. , , , 1! � S� - , I , ;_ ' k 4 . I . I � . �� I ::� , � , I . 1� � , I 1. 11 I . � � IAF --f= I I . � I I , . � I 0 . wbwe no. ow I 114% Y%w .- i� I'll , " 1, � � , . :`, ,,, ,­ I - -�,p.�­�,�, , k: � � "' e � , ,, . ­, , : , 41 , . , p ". � ". I � � . -� j , I ,: ::� , , I � , . ,, , ,. , .�� ,�� ,�, . 1 , " I .. �, , i I � , , . � i " �., " � ! � . � , � �� , , ,�, I � " �� 1 � . . , I `t� ,�, 11 I , �: �­ , . � . I , � . , � , ­ �, ;�' . 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I I , , , I 1� I . .�!., � . I . I : � , , i I U � ,� � �� I I I � � i ." . 1 , h Ir . . "­­­. �11 i, .. . ..''':1 , � I � . .. .. I I IL I �, I I A I I I I I . . I , , , SE I ' %.. . I . SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THV$04) . � I . FEBRUAP,,Y,,28,1974.—,12.PA,�GFo$. . I I I ­ I .. I I 1 ..- - ., . 4, .. . '. . , ��,,� , " 'i., " -, , �.. . ,�, , , , , �. - � , , , " � . , 1.; ,,, , , " , � " , 1 ... I , , I , li, , �, , X,��11,10'h_,, ,,,, � . ,11 �:,i�u.'�",,�;,�,�! , - I4,­,�,�,-, 'I , "" , " � , , j , ", " " � . i , , , 0 ,. A.�'! i.2 4� ! ,'.�.T �� 'I, ,� �,:,1,11:�."�j;Z­1, t � " ., . , � t 1. . 11 -1 . . " ,,�J'I " I , . 4 r , �il`,,4 � ! , , ,I V", " . �,, . :� , I " I . 1 I . . 11 1 "" J", ", �', 1. 1. ,� ',�., 1. 1. ,; ',��,, !,,X.';,';�;��,.,:L', 11.­�. " ­­­ 1.-1.1'--- - , � " . '-.� I, � , i �, I L " P..", '�'��41k,�; 4 , q . , I , o , 11 I.". ,!,��,,,..,,".�,,�,�� ", " W,.,�,1,�, ­' 11 . I , e, " � I �!R . r I I � , � , � ; ', 1, L , I ; ,,' I � I . 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I . . %� ,',;,,.,, ,iI 1 M 1, I I . I t, , ;��I,,",,, ' F_ a n on, . . I I , 'u �. , , , , ' I ­ I,,,, r - �� h1l"i _ . . I I - -11, -,fo ,""', 'f . F ,,,,,i, - ��', Nuclear'' I t -for Hur ' . I 1 ,, I :� ,',;"'��,-,�',„, . :��11 , ,,,,i,� 0 .,,,,,,,!.­­.,.,,,,�",��,T ���".�­Ie %4! �111,', ',,,�,, `� �­Ie::;-- �, I'll, * 11111'..�­Ie , . . ­ . . I , ­­ 11�11'!�,!��:c -1111-_ - . I ­ � , 11. , '�";""�;�,L""�”, _ , � .f" *."'v,,���:�,r', . , 1. - . , �� 11 . I �� � n,,, .�, , 11, .�, . " I ��, -1 �', ,_.1, -,r, "j,`.,�,L�""�:t.'.l '��,:�,�,�, I I I � , , .­;,.-�; I . ,4,,�,�,�­" � . ,.; 1,� " ,., ,r j' "'�:,1.1, - �, , ��,'��,�;�, . : �,,'. . I .­ 'r " I ��'�,k""�,;'�: I W',�11� . I—, - ­" � ,0� . 11, - 1. " - , '''M V "'� , ,� 1. , , " , , I � . Two Seafoith Photographers , .. ; is " ." ;_ , V, rA , I I Ydro'tolls. County, Cou,nciol ., , ', .. � � "e'. r..! ,,�$ , _� I . 1: � , !,! , . . , _ , , H ., . prizes t ,, -O,r t , , , " . . . , . ''. - 1. � - I: .. I "I �`��,,,',:.�;��,�� I I I 1. � _ r" I I., I . Tre I .., ,,,,, . �,,� � , carried off two first prizes and ,;At tie r, �,�,,g,.4.,;.� , tin � t Jiv,���� . L ��, L ­ i� �,�-,;­411, 1 . , ; I . . , . , . . "., ._, "I 1� : , , " "' I � I , . . . . . - a I `��'�j��" Ontario 1�y . . - , . I r I . "­ I .� , w�, By Shirley Jr. Keller. 1985 arid would supply hydro to Hdro's plans don't CO3 � I third prize ,for the $eqforth feat r , ,, , . � .... A� I'll, :'," I I � " , " 2 . , " I �":�;�,t , �? I . I I '. Agricultural Society at 06 annual, , - v ,��, .. I . . t I or V e I ; ; '4� , � . I I k. , ;1 I While rum mainly the southwestern region Of become reality. I I I 1. �, �', �, � , �,��*�, `� � 0, , ors have been . I . . meeting of the. Ontario Se Q. -a 4�. . 0�1, I ,, "'� ... ... � rampant in. Huron County since the province, London, Windsor, "I hope that before much . � . . . :'­ � J ! ,.�­ I "'i, . I . . , I � rile ., . � `14;,#'i 11, in a, _ , 1. � 1 Association (?f Agri4ultural and ,(��thi I� , � :�.;�� , hookup to the ." ') " . , q 2 ." longer and before plans become . ,;, � � ".. . I , , ,,, ) . the provincial by-election in 1973, Sarnia with some h . . ,;, .1 I '­ "I .. last on her return �S'2' - � , I 'It - I . -:,,� Hbrticultural in Toronto ; , . y' first time Kitchener- Waterloo area. , . I 11 . . Toronto meeting s . ai there vete �,�:,�.,: I I I . last Friday was the f Rumors about the possibility of much more entrencliqd, that the . . . 1. ,�r` -� week. . , I 1� "L,11, 1. I, A. . - �,, L'�, , ' ' lil�411 . there was any official indication ' public becomes informed as to the ':!"L *­' Tom. Hata and Russel Bolton 73 entries. in this event. � .1.11 -Ill ,,, , a nuclear development for Huron , , 1. ,�", . � �. �Ir that a nuclear power station is issues involved about this . . I �, ' . � I I . I / � � submitted Mrs. Cuthill sported that . I "'i"'. County caused quite a stir � . 7 , pictures which they . ir in proposed site and nuclear power. I . t I , /I p I .." � , li, I planned by Ontario Hydro for this . I I . I , , / ,nding ' the meeting , from . .. .. , area March of 1973 At that time, New" in general," said Mrs. Shanahan. I/ / / I / took of the Seaforth Fall Fair attending . , , ' I I , � / / I /' - activities last September, and Seaforth were Alfred Ross, , ,��. " 11 I . - Se. f .'1111 I . . when the judging took place of all president of the a 0, rtb , : Democratic Party candidate. Paul Mrs. Shanahan said the public I. I , '�'111'� / I At Huron County Council's . I , I - � I regular February session in the Carroll, Goderich, lashed out at has not becn_�riformcd in an I I I . , . I � . the pictures tgAen by many. Agricultural Sopiety, ,and, his.wife- 1 I I Ontario Hydrp for not I . . ' � " / I . . , I 1 , �11'1 / I � -,T' � council chambers at Godericb . ' On Udiced wa�nf the options , . I I . photographers across Ontario at Mrs. . Kenneth Campbol);. . � , , t Friday 'morning, however', a hefty approaching Huron County to n0l�x"ncrgy. She said many . . �,.0*1 � I I I I I , - , . . - " , I I I , � ,P, I I . I planning officials with some people hre of the opinion that � • various fairs. the two local men president of the ladies' dMsiontof '. I e , *� delegation of Ontario Hydro � I I I I I were among the winners. the Seaforth Society; Mrs.'BriApip ;��'] �. ,� . < i_* , notification of intentions, I . ...,01. - I 1110) , �,, representatives spilled the beans nuclear energy is clean and safe. I. - I � . . 1. It" - . I . . I First 'prized. Was �warded a ,McLean; miss., Margaret I . '4,� and"edliffrilned ' ic poll'. knew t6e issues. Mrs. I I what the public. Although defeated' the ,, It' they "._, , I picture.of Grades 2 and 3 of the VanDyke, Seaforth Fair, Queen; ,., ­�,�� ' I - ,,, I, ---A, . Shanahan said, they would seek .,-,. . . I 11 , : i'�, ,; �. nd press has been surmising for in that by-election, Carroll has . .., . � . , �_ , - Seaforth Public School. as they and Mrs. Witmer Cuthill. . month. ­ remained interested in the alternatives. .. . ".. I _ . . .1 I I—, I , I I .�,1 *.. , . 5' . . paraded in the Fair Parade. Altogether' 'there 'wer6 oven r . , ` Two Hydro spokesmen, Art environmental aspects of the She urged people to forget the �' I . I ��'�11 " 11 I .. First prize wAs ewer' tied a 1,450 registgred - at the Toronto .,41' Mosher, P.Eng. f6r right-of-wAy, production of nuclear energy, 'a n d ''foreign' sounding scientific r planning and Al Neviil, n' . words" iftid look at three main . ­'­ , I , I . . I .. . . picture in the Human Interest meeting, Mrs. Cuthill said, which *, I systems has bee keeping in close touch - -. � I � Section of children looking at impressed the secretary of the - 11i . . facts about nuclear energy, 0 - ­� , . .1. . ,,r with all phases of the questions - Ili .... 11 .. I IOntario planning division, commented on Thev "tile: no amount of f. I I I , . I I baby pigs and their mother in the ' Association, E.A.Starr, to I the planning for a .station in through membership in a . I I I - . * .., . 1�­ * 11 - Old MacDonald Farm building at ' say: "It would appear small fairs I "I•small. - , - Huron along the, lake. committee calling itself CANTDU radiation no matter how*sniall. . , .,­ 7 *. W' . - - - I i . 'A' - � I - the Seaforth Fair Grounds. I are far from dead." J� It was Ed. Oddleifson, reeve of - and encompassing five can be described as safe; once y 1; ,.� I 1. ' .1 . I O' Bayfield former Hydro ­Zo;i�) it teed people from God,rich radiation is loose, there is no wav I �ft Yl , 1, I I - *% . ield and a I . " * 10 I � I I op. I I I employee, who pressed Nevill for ' and 'area, ­ of gathering it tip again; and that �. . . . � t� ­­ details. One memb of that committee . I _4 11• I . er � storage of' Plutonium 239, a- - , A - .P't I Huron land severance fee 1.11, of substance encased in the spent I I Ill Nevill told council that while is Mrs.P.4 Shanahan . I . i"- " .- 11 " I L' I. . increased . I ' ' "no definite 'site has been Godcrich Wh n contacted fuel in a IILICIC,11' POWCr Program ., 1, I " .11 11 . �,- i I i L I.g t *ficiar , Canada. is'crucial. ;. I ... . I increased to $50 - up $16 11 , established" it would robably be concernin he sounding iii C, 4 , . .-: I I ... � "within 20 or '30p Lnliles of news of a nuc car development in Oil this final point, Mrs. . I . . L I . good idea to increase the charges I I said the plant is Huron County. Mrs. Shanahan Shanahan pointed out that it takes '.• I People applying for land . I Goderich. He s .-.4.4. ­ � expected to be operational by commented, "I would hope 'that (Continued on Page 10) , - .. I ." . - I . severences in Huron,Cbunty after to the individuals who are using I .� I June I this year will pay more. In the services of the land division ,, ivision L I - L I . the past, land severences have committee- . . 1 . . . , . . 0 0 ' .1 "I .. I I . - . I cost the applicant $40;'now it will Cal Krauter,,a former county I . "I . , I . . - I �. cost . warden, is chairman of the land " Huron -Perth B odrd lik�s principals . I, t I . I ' I. . . I . . . I I I . This charge is made upon division committee. I I I . inTeachers' -A. \+ I application and has no bearing onI _ I ., . . whether or nbt the severence is Car club -drawmembers Federation L '. I . . . . . grant ed. . - , . I Revenue for the year was- Gary )Finnigan of Egmondville . .Fire damaged a small building which houses all the electrical panels needed to estimated at $I 4,000 based on $40 won the $25 last week in the Lions I . The Huron - Perth County the availability of separate ' by trustees from Elgin, I * I Car Club Draw and this week's I I Roman Catholic Separate School schools within the Counties of Middlesex, Oxford and Huron- run the plant'at the Frank Kling Ltd. g,ravel pit north of Seaforth to the amount of each,.,for,350 applications. The . 1. . ­ ., Board will renew all policies with Huron andPerth. Mr. . Crowley Perth Counties. He said about t, . _county 'share is esti . ma .. t .... e - d at winner is 4 Mrs. Frances Ball, , I I ' 60 '$150 to $200 about 10:30 Friday morning. A neighb6ur travelling from one farm to $-R2000,- Seaforth. . I . the Huron Perth Insurance said that having the roads marked attended the day -long session . another smelled smoke, looked down, into the gravel pit and saw that 'he building , eeve Charies Th omas, Grey, - hosted the Elgin County i , Agents' Association through would make it 6asier for by j�"" ' ��4& `�: , was 0 . 9.L� 3,11 � " " _ - !, . I . hed, I n fire. Seaforth firemen were called and the blaze was quickly extingu shed. said that since the county is R', 11 ... I k,, 1 Leeson -Killer Insurance Unit newcomers to locate the schools. Roman Catholic Separate School * � i Stratford, for the term February " Itcould have been more serious but luckily it was caught in time", Mrs. Marilyn subsidizing the program by ,,�,:.t is It will cost the B�ard an extra Board. ,�,-,qz.d,l �',� *,�1, "'41" ,, 1, * ' , . . I'll, . 26, 1974 to February 26, 1975. $2S to have *� roads added, The Ontario Separate School Chesney of Frank Kling Ltd. said. I . I more than half' it may be a I'll, ':1.1, ' L , � ­� The 'annual premium is $12,367. raising the cost of a thousand . Trustee Associatio4n Convention I L fin � S , This is an increase of $2,088 over brochures to $223. td be. ftid in Toronto oil April 4 �o I I 'P, , _,_�,;t�. I f , � ' a �,, 'last year, . I Josepj;i_- ,-,-T.-ok-aT,-­ acting-- alld--5- wilt �bc, zattft'd- '&'- -bV' '� � . 11 _,. - I . . ­ -1 I . t "� K'11-1... 1. . - _ .� I 51 I The Board at a meeting in. Superintendent of Education, TrUlAcc Franc'sHicknell, III- . i , . s�If dam'age, i n ��'ii''91,4.ci,oo 1. , . Seaforth Monday decided it will gave a brief report on the Trustee Donald Clo,.�,,A-y.. Gordan Ball, . 11 I . D , --..,-,. . . 11 . i invite, Mr. Killer to a board Faith Ccicb*ratioti held in St. David aklcfl,�cd Geoffi-ev. I II I I I � meeting soon to answer some Thomason February 17, attended F.J.Vere, Arthur Haid, Tat Carty - After January's discussions at �the count\,, argued McKinley. "I population in Huron. Bellanger I I to 13. s. - . " , .� . . . ' . I questions raised by the trustees and possilif * V more trustees it' they Huron County Council concerning would say v ,there were more said that in .Hay and Stanley Officials said it would permit I- I t ' ' i about coverage. . hunters t territory . . are able'to arrange to attend. The wolves v e s and deer', three than there were deer." Townships, the home t� . of hunters to take deer legally and ­ ! - I - I The Board voted not to support Bomb threat first seven were nained.the!'voting •� representatives of Ministry of By way of explanation, Jones Reeve McKinley. there are many would provide "recreation for a , I 01", . the Bruce -Grey County Roman delegates --half the total number Natural Rcsoiurces attended. the told McKinley that in.the Bruce ,deer. . segment of the population"., I �,, Catholic Separate School Board's at Hensall oil the Board are g I iven voting February session of county Peninsula, wh,crc t1lere is a deer "Just walk the river flats," . "Who . causes the ,m,ro.sit� I I . � . *, resolution re Bill 275 that would . rights at the Convention. -_cQtlncil.'Thcy were Rene Jones, season every Year, not many deer Bellinger told McKinley. "There damage? asked Deputy - 'reeve isqlate the principals from the factory L William lines of Stratford, district biologist; Herb Clark, are visible.* are'niore deer than you think." Gerry C�mn,,Goderich Township, ' I I teachers into.a separate splinter i cc Off Supervisor: and Roy "I've spent two hunting Bellailger went on to say that "The deer or the hunters?" , ) 1 A number of local men were ' Attendall' licer for the Board, recreation . I L l group such as a provincial will be asked to attend the 136ard Bcllangcr, predator control seasons there and have yet to see there is illegal, hunting going on , Ginn was told the only wa� for " I . among the nearly 300 hourly- : ; ) principal's organization. The Home meeting oil April 8 to give a officer. a deer," Said Jones. "But they i.n this area of ill county as well farmers to keep hunters off their • I 9 I rated 'employees at Bendix 1- ome 't�� ' Board said that the principals, Systems Ltd. jn Hensall who were report oil his work. Fred Bergsma Huron County councillors take a lot of deer there every as other districts. - )and was to post signs which may . belonging to the ., Teachers - cleared from the company's two ilild Dan Devlin, both of'Stratford, wanted the facts about deer and Yeat�.­ I I The last deer season was in, be seen from any point of entry. . r ' Federation, could not be pl5nts about I p.m. * Friday "Id appointed represelit,)tives of wolves here, but much of the The numbers of deer in the 197 1 1 when 566 hunters spent 800 Most courteous hunters ask I ' L separated from ,the teachers. afternoon following " a bonli) the Board oil the Stratford Public news they received was not all county are estimated by other days in the field. They saw 200 permission before entering a Constable . . I ) I The Board feels it is imp9hant to Library Board, will lie asked it) that well 'accepted. means. Jones said. Road 'kills, for deer, shot at 100 and harvested farm, however. . I I I improve communications threat. I . valid indicator. In 51, . Burton, London has I After a three hour search of -the attend tile same meeting to report For h3stance,Jones told council instance, is a v . Council learned that the joined - the Seaforth ' between the teachers and the two plant's which manufacture (to their activities as represcil- that in his opinion, Were were 1970, 13 deer were reported killed Ministry officials felt there Ministry' has the authority to Police Department to # Board. , , ' I tativcs. invited to attend the same I)etween 2,000 arid 3,000 deer in, oil the roads in Huron but it, 1973, were "sufficient deer in Huron to announce' a deer, season, but complete the four man FolloMng a suggestion' by recreational vehicles and mobile, illcoting will he Huron' Separate the county. Reeve Anson tile- number had more than warrant a season' They added that in most cases, the force. H e replaces . I Donald Crowley of R'.R.2. and industrial housing,' no bomb . . �-. . . . . ' School member on the Huron McKinley, Stanley, disagreed. doubled at'30. . suggested a season for archers approval of the municipalities Wayne Dicy who . ' Gadshill, the main highways and was found. Employees were sent I "I would think there's not Deer, tracks also are a reliable I nom or the remainder . County Bo of Education 0 from October 2� to November 25 involved is desirable., Council � resigned at the end of. , county roads leading to the 11 f h mainder of the , __ � Charles Rau. and Perth's two anything like that many deer iri­, ca,t!�'M�ator when estimating or a gun season from November (Continued on Page 9) . janUary. I . . . separate schools will be added to d . . 0 members oil the Perth Countv . . .. I . . the brochure that the Board is xeter detachment of the OPP � I . . . . \, . . . having made up which will outline is i vestigating. (Continued on Page 3 ' I I ­ , C, I . __ ­­.�­Vacationing coup e . , ,gas is'scarce n . � )L Seaforth * 1, , finds * i' Florida -, " 1. F..,I. �.I . - - I ,I �,, � I I I L.,�'. . I 1". By Wilma Oke Daily we heard of operator-', and sonic refuse gasoline to The scenery was great with the world - M'4 - I . I . I " I t L `�L 1, . - . , I ,A ,§ " L " U ,.L ... ��, 1. who kept trucking being hit by anyone with half a tank, palm trees everywhere and exotic --the Stephen Fost er Memorial )_O�.�.�­ I " ,_ . .� . , �'­!`, t 1; We have just returned from* our snipers' bullets, rocks and other at White , Springs where we q* .� , 'i , - , 'V' . , liiiiii� frustration of trees such as banyan. cypress and � V, '. We learned the ft , ,, ­ •1 I . - , , � -, r�!, I ., " ., I . . fiist trip to Florida. It may be Out missiles in almost every state, joining . ,� trus trees, Wevisa - a boat , , ' i 1 113 1 , t, I - . 1. I I . ­�, I last. Oh, it wasn't that we didn't Hundreds of shooting incidents joining a long line-up of cars all those fragrant ci visiethe museum, had LL _g ff,g ", fill -up and remember es/ecially the view ride on the Suwannee Riv�r, 1) . .1 . 11 I . like Florida.,It was thc� gasoline and slashed tires were reported waiting our turn to p walked und& moss -draped' oak � 5 V� I being turned away just before we from the Citrus Tower in w , � ,/ � I .­.. I I I '! ,, I . I problem. nationwide and police said it was * . trees; and listened to a recording I 1,1111, . ,.,;,;­ �:, reached the pump when the Clermont situated in the beautiful . IQ. ,,,� 1, I i 1, _,� I In January illy husband and I a miracle that more drivers were 1. 1, Q_'�.- 11L I I operator had sold his Ootment highlands of central Florida of Beautiful Dreamer. I I " " 1`1- , I ... . I - I'' LLL � 11 I - I ." � . decided to accept that invitation not injured. As it was many were for the da --the famous ship "Bounty" in . ". 1: L 4,�'., l. I I ,��. � � \.,. in Miami we where we could view 2,000 square ' , . I 1. I 11,0. I ". I from Governor Reubin Askew of seriously injured and several I f orange, grapefruit and- St. Petersburg Harbour where we .. , 'I, I I down � encountered one station operator, miles o ... � . �, , .11 , �`,. , , Florida to "conic - on -- killed. I walked , I �_. I I -.-M � "I !� . . 't "' L 1, , ,.-. ­ ' the decks of the replica,of ... I who demanded a $2 car wash in lemon trees. R I . .1 �101 .� ,,, - - * --rigged 'ship, star of the . , . there's plenty of gas" The National Guard were called the full =rigged ", 1 , I I I.N I - I ' order to secure gasoline. Luckily a We remember our delightful ,%` � I'll . What we I n I �N I ,N . . "', , , . . . didn't know was that out in sonic.areas arid troopers motion picture "Mutiny on the . , , , ow , 11 . ��� I I ! I L ..... �,,�"L " � L I t as we were driving merrily along.. provided police escorts for drivers few mile*-, farther along we were 159 mile fide from Miami out to � .,��.. ,,S;�J 1, ..... ,4 Bounty" and remembered its. . '' � , 1, •.. I . ' ' able to get ten gallons. picturesque Key , West, the , ., ,�-, on February I on our way who wanted to keep rolling. Tahiti where the .. 11-1 I L , I . 11 , , . ' I , . I-, ,,"" I , , I - , q* of Florida, historic sailing to T , .1. 1. V, , ". . . .4 ' , q "� * . . " , I I - A �; 11 L � -here we he most famous mutiny in maritime . I t 1k,rFP, that invitation was being pulled Everv"' heard With gasoline buying a southernmost point . ;f, �, ��J ­ . . jfi 'I; .4- I ; I I " .", 1, 0 -r- Problem, a secretarg in Palm when we drove from island to ' I'll, "C ­11L . back. Along with a lot of other complaints of food shortages, P 0"I&A.. ,�, 4 I I -,, ,,, -1 . , I " , Springs, Patricia Cook wrote R , ' , , , 42 bridges. one of history occurred. � I . I I.— , I ­­­­ 11 , e to island over . I P, -,',Y17 i VM4 � tourists we arrived in Florida to especially of beef in Florida, and I ...... ­_Rm - 1A , , ' I should not forget ' out 'A' ,, � I 'L , each po t which was seven miles long, ­ , �k L ­'1­T,k%,,s,r� :"u 1 L , had the dc�,irc to, get perishable the editor of the Palm B s m.§& - 'discover gas shortages I ­ i, L, 4,4fi I ­ . . , A. 11 11 ""a.. '�_," , , - view interesting vi�it. tQ-.the Kennedy ­' ',,;I ""I'll, � ­_ , L ., �­ I 1.1 , ", �, � while enjoying a panoramic vi Space Centre and the two-hour i , "! I , �,, , �'A, 10-1 " , / developed i n' Florida almQst foodstuffs such as vegetables and of her search for gasoline for the island -dotted waters of the I %�,,' ,W,;T, -,"."...I, . � ' three days with twenty gas Of � I ` f,!k V- 1, '.. . 1111, . overnight, We were dismayed citrus fruit to the northern � of Mexico. bus tour of the vast and . , � fy, J I �I . while listening to our car radio to markets because they were at the stations informing her they were Atlantic and the Gulf ..� - " �� - " " I I , ,-, fascinating, complex; the fuh we jw� � _, ­�, �'I" � _ " . _. L rrr.., ti". , ; ­; ' . . LL ­Y,­_� 11 ,rr � :�k�.'­Y : 14�4, . '_ .. ., . . discover a fuel protest strike bN. height of their picking season.- all out of gas and finally on the I We enjoyed seeing new birds, had at Wait Disney World, where I 1, ;"g , .1 �j .. 'L .- " I . 4, � . t "I fourth day when she was in a ibis, ,.flamingo, cormorant, ,we happried to meet fellow i , . 11,11 . independent truckers against In the next two weeks we were ' . Wing 11; � 'Canadian 11 �� _,,�,-� I . r, I .11 rising diesel fuel prjces had to endure the anxiety of each day line-up she saw three out-of-state pelican, and our old holiday -travellers, Dave and . , " friends, the robins, who ,were 111��, ^ 1. cars filling their tanks just to ride Y _. : LL � I started on January 31 and that a wondering if we would be able to Grace Cornish of Seaforth; Busch ;Y�' , around and look at the sights" holidaying also in Florida. 11 L' � I . .. I driver had been killed by a rock get gasoline while gas station Gardens in Tampa wheie we met * 4: 1:1 11 I I , I : L L , I hurled through his truck owners tried to ­s'tretA­ and thereby keeping. me from Of great interest were our visits Grace Addison of Seaforth and 0 � I ' ��`, I 11, �, L I windshield. allocations. getting gas to drive to my job. to historic places such as -'the - Pearl Shaddick of Hensall with a I I L' ., . L I Later we ,were to learn there With all gasoline stations This is not fair and many of the elegant home in Key West where � . I I I., Canadian group who winter in , , . 1, . ... ! I . " I were about 90 per cent of the limiting their hours of sale, some people who work feel the same famed naturalist and painter John Cleat -water-, the greyhound dog I ­� �� - - I I., I 100,000 owner operated truck, changing their hours of operation way. So please don't encourage James, Audubon lived in 1832 races at Bonita Springs where we : - . - 1 11-�,�,�,k. ­6,�,�,� :.' 11 V. Li shut down and about 30 per cent ever and, others closing any more tourists to come down while painfing wild life. parted with some of our vacation , , , ,y day P,,A�,,4 1 z 'i� , 'L,j"".',�- 11 - . 11� . ": i "I _ '!�,�, t �11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of the 300,000 company drivers alto'gether in opposition to-wMt here. --the home of Ernest money; and a happy visit with . . . . ' I' were on sick call. Apparently the the lessees feel is unfair Most operators were 166-k—inl' Hemingway in Key West, now an Orville's brother and his wife in ; Vickie O'Rourke and June Eggert last week became the third and fourth girls s - driver owners were on strike to distribution of gasoline; it has after their regulars ar)d as one historical site. . Fort Myers. . � - . fromthe Seaforth Guide Company to win the Canada Cords, the highest award til n get assurances from the become chaotic. Some operators said: "if I said how, I could get --the 14 -acre winter estate of Friends have asked us since we I : Guiding, formerly called the Gold Cord. Seaiorth. Guide Captain Mrs. Lenny , government they would be paying sell gas on split -shift hours, myself in a jam." Thomas A. Edison in Fort Myers came home, "Is it gate to go?" Stinnissen, left, congratulates, Vickie while District Commissioner, Mrs. Vivian reasonable prices for diesel fuel, others sell to vehicles with licence In spite of the gas situation we where he perfected his electric What can we say? We travelled : 11 " . I permission to pass through to plates ending in even numbers on did enjoy our vacation. We loved lamp, storage battery, 1. . I ngratulates June. Vickie, who is wearing an over 410D miles and had a I Newnham, who presented the cords, co I . ' .."! . � -hipping. companies full price even -numbered days and those the salt air, the 70 -degree phonograp,hAW wax records, and marvellous time. We, advise: Do s ! assortm6nt of the more than 30 badges She has won, Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . ' 1: - . I Len 0, Ro U L rke of AAA,­SiBaforth and June', who is wearing 2-7 badges, Is a increases: higher speed limits on odd numbers can fill up on temperatures and laying around where wl, visited bis botanioal not travel it nigbf I I I and more generous fuel odd -numbered days. Almost all on sandy' beaches or beside . gardens, A maze of strange tj eh An S' illy i U$6 , . I . . I aOd w k ds, d ba ic fast ;L I daughter .of Mr. andr,�Ara. Ndi'man Eggert, Egmondville. `awo-aaltm. ,__� dealers are limiting purchases outdoor swirn4nR Pools. beautiful f6liage from all over the lots of cothmot, gghgd. . _11�_ . . ;­? I I � I I I ; : . . .� I . 1, . . , I . I .. , . . f - � . I � . I . � , . /te T . - . I . .11"''-'-