HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-02-21, Page 12'T ,�1•, .. i., .. .� ,: u.,,, y '•'., '. "; .,. ��:. i,� ;. ", ..,,- .. � .. ` •,a , n , n �,SM'i•A4"x'f�tlMlw,ero:_, �. v.,ry� . �,. ve+hN!LI-
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4aN gXPOSITt. & $OAFORi H, 0".T1,3f,, '1474
OR ■ A Am Am il so ■ 11u r &.
,w T"� ide>ss Wanted'- 23. Bull. Directory _ 25. In Mom rlo am
,r .,1 _ ,
PERCY WRIGHT SKINN - In memory of John Skinn
t' 1
0 .081 �'1t A 1 ES
. t
ANDREW W. DUNLOP William (Annis) Qrren, Mt, occurred at Marion Villa, London,'
Clemens, Mich. Mrs. David on Tuesday, February 19th, 1974.
Andrew William Dunlap, 78, of (Betty) Sullivan, London; Mrs: The late Mr. Morris was born in
Seaforth, died Friday, February Th(Una's (Maxine) Stewart, Royal Seaforth and attended school in
pass4 away Match 8th, w IS.. 1974 in Seaforth Community 'Oak, Mich.; 14 grandchildren'; 4 Hibbert Township, He was a
carpenter b trade and lived in
Hospital - great- randchildren; P Y
1971. '� • g g three bio- Detroit,Mich. for' 50 ears. He
�' Today again we walk with you Foresters hove "' koting- party Mr, Dunlop was barn in North thers, Werner of British Colum- y
T n cl a LICENSED gt retired to London in 1969.
'tf , Easthope Township on March 1; bia, Stanle of Stratford, James of '
Down through "cite years gone y' Mr. Morris was Act married.
{{ 1895. He had been. a business Cambridge; and one sister Mrs. "
`s} bv• Fumit\ Skatln ('oil. Hallett, Mr. and Mrs. maul in the community for the Dose Ins (Viola) Evans, Stratford. (Mrs Ulmont Rees, ,
for AUCTIONEER g Lith(ie is survived by sisters. Mary
-And though unseen, we feel you r The C•onstanre Foresters held a Dame Medd of Blyth attended the past 40 }ears until his semi -retire- He was pre -deceased by one son Detrpit) I
Gravel Kippen, Ont ario near very successful Family Skating Joh,,,stori-Sime wedding in Grand Carmel (Mrs. Emmett Malone, -
And'e+er at our side. Party on Sunday, February 17th Valley un Saturday followed by
ment due. to ill health, He was a Jack, March 29, 1951. Seaforth Cecelia (Sister St.Luke,
For the crushing and delivery member of the Nurthsidc United The body rested at the G, A,
of approximateh• 18,000 cubic Telephone 262-5515 - Hensall It scent~ you left us yesterday, on'1'hompsyrt's Pond with over 66 the reception at the home of the Church, a membri• of the Orange VVhitdey Funeral Home, Seaforth Sarnia ,and brothers James and
l' 23-26The wuwul is still so sore, present. bride's parents. Frank, both of Seaforth.
yards' of crushed gra+el to Lodge. a member of the Royal ++here the funeral was held
t•, _... _ __.._____ .-_ _ For e+c•n d:,+. of even +ear, liycryune enjoyed hot dogs, hot Mrs. Ella Jewitt. Larry. Ken, The remains are resting at the
k't Tatvuship Roads, with the 1Vr mise you nwrL and more. drinks and desserts after two Black Preceptors,.tl member and Monday February l8 at 2 p.m. R,S.$ox Funeral Home until
Tptvnship' supplying the gravel: SEAFORTH Kevin and Steven. Miss Joanne`
-Sadly missed b+ his wife and hours of' skating. Gibsouvisitedon Sunday evening past president of the Huron ++ith Rev. M. E. Reuber official- Friday February 22. Prayers will
:w �►� Township tender forms to be funnily. 25.28x1 Another Forester's Skating iii Tent orary entombment fol -
used. Tenders d be tans o be ELECTRONICS g +yithMr. andM,rs. William County Progressive Conser+a g P be said at 8 p.m. Thursday. The
Superintendent's hands by 2:00 27. Births Party is planned for Sunday Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and tive Associatic�tt, a past president towed in the Pioneer Mausoleum. funeral will be .h�•eld at` 10 a,m.
Supe i n March' S, 1974. Lowest ZENITH - --- - --- Fe'br'uary 24th at 2:30 p.m. with John of Varna. of the Huron County Garage Pallbearers were: prank Sills, from St, James held h' 10 with
iancake supper to follow, If Mr, and Mrs, Martin Van Association. John Oldfield,- Ronald MaeDon- ser
or any tender not ecessarily ME1.AU1' -- 'lu Ntincy and Brian I � PP Father H.J.Laragh officiating.
interested contagt Ferric Bonutiel, Christopher and David Surviving aro his wife. the ald, Bob Tyndall, Frank Case The pallbearers will be Th omas
accepted. Tenders to'•be opened & PHILCO NlOad% of R.R.3. Lucan. Ontario t and Scott Cluff. A
on March 5, 1974 at 9:00 P.M. All at St. Joseph's Hospiud, London McClure, of Kumuka were Sunday visitors former Edith Mort: one son, Dorsey, Joseph Dorsey, Louis
tenders h 5, 19t to thea ro+al of DEALER at February J o 19' 1, a nun, The Youth Committee of Court with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Merrill of Sarnia, and daughters, ' 4 - Morris, Alfred M alone,James
PP W.P.JOSEPH MORRIS d William Morris.
the Miniytn' of Transportation Brian James. 2'.28-I Constantine wish to thank the Steven. Sharon and Kenny. Mrs. Val ]Ferric) Sholdice• Melady an 1 .
and Communications. Service to all maker .-- 1 hornpson family for their Larry Jewitt, George McClure, Stratford; Mrs, Mel (•1-etia) The ' sudden death of Burial will tl follow o ins St.
Allan Nicholson '-'T.V's., Radion. Etc. COLLINS • 'I`et Mr. and Mrs. John hospitality and the use of their ice Paul Buchanan and Murray Anderson. Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. W•P.Joseph Morris, . age 80, ColunAban Cemetery.
17 Sparling St. _ Phone 527-1150 which invov6d a lot of hard work Pepper spent the weekend in the
Road Superintendent, 23 2ih's
n tt' Collins. Sarnia, at St, June{to rentu+e' s the slit)" for an Kitchener Elmira area attending
Township of fuc•kersniith -__-- Hospital. Sarnia.. un Februar+ 16. enjoyable afternoon of fun and an insurance party.
Egniondyille, Ontario )94, a daughter,' Michele Lmi' ■ _527-12261home) 7''-78 I skating. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator,Year o 'Diseove , �o Guides G. A. WHITNEY First Prize Diane and Nancy visited on ry r Girl
527.1838 (otfiee) Congratulations to Kerri Medd Sunday" e+cning with Mr. And
FUNERAL HOME B,AKFR - fti Mr. and Mrs. Jack ++.lin placed Ist in the senior Mrs. David Preszcator, Christine, r
1 ,,his week is.Guide and Scott and ov anizin a career night for sessions un any level, or watch a
21-2'•2 Baker•, F.gnuoudyillr, Ontario, at g' g g
division of the Jxiblic speaking Lina. Christopher and Gregory. their Guide Company, or visiting municipal court in action. Pen-
_ 87 Goderich St. W., Seaforth St, Joscph's IJcaspital. London. on week in Canada and +ye salute P Y, g
held at Blyth on Thursday and Mr. and Mrs Terence Hunter and -% -serving someone in a p y,
Fchru.uy I1, 19 4, a son, a Intal Gtr<ides and B.roir,iics. g pals in another country, and
TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Phone 527.1390 Seaforth brother for`Carric L+nn. 2'-28-1 `+ent ort to compete in the zone of Colborne Township, Mr, and 1973 began a "Year of profession in which they might support of the Girl Guide World
TENDERS FOR GRAVEL 21-26-tt• ---_---- ---- -- - finals at Exeter un Satefr, y and Mrn.Carl Merrier, Sandy, Julie Discovery" toot- Canada's Girl become interested, An "Other Friendship Fund. -were- also
For the urpplyut);, hauling and WARD - to Mr, and Mrs. Neil also. to Sharon I'll ompson who Ann, and Michael visited on Guides. 'fhe girls have as their SpecialNights", a Guide Com- suggested. At home, taking on
{rlaced Int in the senior division of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.John Special symbol an I1- -point Maple Pany nit ht Ian a meeting more family responsibilities
crushing lit approxinuurl+ I ".000 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Ward of R.R.4, w,rltun set the iublie speaking held at the 'I'h sent s Jim, Sharon and Bob. 1 P P ' ' g P g Y P
CU. +ds of S 8" gra%ei and must OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Continunity Hospital ort 1 1 g P vA' Leaf tenured with their familiar around a group from another "without being nagged" or r»
By Appointment Only 1 g Slcafurth Public School, Miss Angela Flynn spent Trefoil emblem. In addition to organization which would explain planning interesting outings for
be r.tpablr o. 1000 Co. yds. lir February 13. 19 4, a daughter. Monday with Kori Medd.
PP court Constantine !. 1842 held
more• a cru` . ",ork is to he dunr to Seaforth Office 17.28\ 1 their basic Promise and 'Law', the their interests, and possibly share younger family members were
__ - .-. ___ their regular meeting on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott of points indicated nine paths which knowledge or teach a skill. suggested. Under "Special Int -
SU satisfaruun of the Road Tues., Wed., Thurs.. Fri. "fhurscta+ evenin • Fehruary' 14th. Parkhill and Io he UI.LF.I' To IV1r, andfx1rs. k 1 atkhill visitcal on Friday evening the girls might follow on their way crests' come such activities as
9to5:30P.M. H A skit presented•by Carolyn cyith Mr. and Mrs, Jini.-Leadership"challenges su
dcli+crrd before tune 15, t97t, Kenneth Hulley of Londesbo,•ct to�ciscoyering, not only fun and g g cleaning up a campsite, photo -
Apply to the Superintcndct>t Thursday evenings ' Thompson and Mary McClure Preszcator, Bill, Debbie and P gested included taking friends on
Mondav only Clinton Office Ontariio, at Seaforth Coniniutity introduced the west speaker friyndshi but 'themselves, graphy contests, craft "trach -
for contract fo ms. The tenders to , b P Michael a cook -out or teachinga Brownie
or Appointment Hospital on Febratary 1"f, 1974, :i Beth' Cardno ,who gave a very through Guiding. pack something nw, "Under ins' and bird -watching.
be in' the hands -o( the Road )hone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 daughter. 27.28xI intcresting talk on the Home Care Suggested paths were: My • ',Personal Development "Discovery" project, but tfie
Superintendent by Monday; ---- -- - March � . M • Future, Other Organizations, g most successful projects reported
23-26�tf in Huron Count.'• V Guides might visit the. house of
MARCH 4, 1974 ,_.-- .I• nc and Don McNichol Leadership, Personal, Develop-
+t 1 The meeting opened in the worship of another faith, read have been those in which the girls
neat, Community, Friends, Can- I p.m. and accompanied by a annuunrc the bu th oC a daughter usual manner with business being r Books on someone who has improvised within the framework,
NORM WHITING in Win hani General Hospital on ado and the World, Hoare and r
certified cheque .fur 10"�, of, g P discussed, Dance to be held oh � overcome a real handicap, or adapting it to their own special �
February 17, 1974, Joy Ahern. A April 13th in the Community Last day ■ Special Interests. In each area, stake friends
with a girl or needs," she said.
enclosed hid. Lowest or any LICENSED AUCTIONEER sister for Kevin. 27-28.1 1 "challenges" were planned to ti ,
tender. not necessarily accepted'. - Centt•e with music Iry the- seems lonely. "To carry out the Guide motto,
P & help the girls develop along each
The acct tt'cd tender must be Ruyalaires. Dislr•ic•t Council 'Be Prepared', our girls should
APPRAISER JAQUES John and Marie (net of these "paths". Typical chat- For "Canada and the World",
appro+cii h+' the Ministry of annual banquet lu be. held on try to develop as many interests
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient _.H�tdg; rt) are happy to announce 7 \' lenges ,suggested 'in the area of Guides Wright visit government
1-r a n s p o r t a t i b li r a n d April 18th. Doss€ rt euc4re. and skills as possible."
runnnuniratiuns, the birth of their first child, a son,, to aid the • Canadian Cancer
Matthew John, at South Hui•ori Society on Match 25th. Bus trip to Save on taxes and add to
GEORGE HOGGART ANY TYPE, ANY SiZE, Hospital on February 6, 19.74, _
1 High Court, youth dance to be Your retirement fund "
Road Superintendent ANYWHERE First grandchild for Helen and held in the holidays. by Suhscrihitlg to
Londcsboro, On(. 21-28-1 Ross,laques and Marilyn and Neil Past President's th Nott. - pin was
We give complete sale service. Hodgert, 27-28,_1 to EdiVictor.� ia and Grey Trust
APPLICATIONS AND TENDERS Company's Registered w7l
Regarding Warble Fly Spray PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE John and Carolyn Thompson are Personals
Mrs. Ken Mitchell and Jennifer Retirement Savings, tit
Program pleased to announce twin th
of Montreal spent the weekend Plans. But right clow!
TOWNSHIP OF II`d!LLETT Phone Collect grandsons. ,Jason Bane arid P g -
].Applications for Warble Fly 235-1964 Exeter ,Johnathan William, sons of Barry Visiting with her parents Mr. and Last day to register
Iris^ecitIr at the rat c of $2.25 per 23-26-tf and Betty Pollard, Ottawa, born Mrs.Don Buchanan. Paul, Jim
P tax redaction savings is '
hour, and .12c per mile. -` Tuesday, February 19th. 27-28-1 and Gary, returning home oil,
2.Tcndcrs for Spraying at price Norm Knapp, auctioneer Monday. March 1." See
Pei- heart .int spray,("fwc sprays) and appraiser will buy
3.1fcn(Icrs to supply Warble Fly
Powder, to ~tale price per pound used '
and brand nanic of product. FURNITURE
Sewn hundred and five pounds in
fifteen pound bogs, or sell by auction.. Phone
'tile al)(me applications and 527-1336, Seaforth, 23-26-tf
tenders to bl,, in the Clerk's hand R. S. BOX
Gary McClure. Jack Storey.
Victoria and Grey -
string, to the food itself.
All perrsons having claims
Bill and Sha,u,�n McClure, Gail•
today! '
Conitrttinity Hospital, 'Special
U.C.W. Over sixty "take-outs"
late of the Town of Seaforth, in
and Alex Clam, le, Ken and
were reported. These required a
m the' County of . Huron,
nurses and Mary and Frank Riley,
major effort to pack and see that
Betty Glanville and several other'
they arrived hoi and in good
18th day of .January. 1974, are
from the coninilunity went on a
Member Canada Deposit
Insurance Corporation
the +'amifv of the .late Roy Keys
21 to SAT. MARCH 9
'hereby notified' W send in full
bus trip to Louisville. Kentucky to
particulars of their claims to the
I • .
stords f6r Valentines
Da+ arc • "love', and "other
a Tractor Pull.
Mr, ,lits Thompson cif„ Lindsay
weekend with pts
VI�RIA and
people.- It is a day worthwhile to
' �'
Home and Varna U.C.W. for.
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John.
floral tributes, charitable
"A Valentine Song"
distributed, having regard only to
SATURDAY,h1ARCH 2nd FUNERAL HOME Win the "Home" were ++ell Thompson, Sharon and Bob.
at Fisc o'Clock Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Medd and "
CLARE VINCENT remembered with cards, flowers O�Or^'� �O
Clerk Phones: _ and Take-out" dinners from the perm, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Mc:dd TRUST COMPANY SINCF 18a9 R
Brix 293. Londcshoro,(hit• 21-28• t Day 527,=0680 - Night 527-0885 Valontinc Supper at Northside `iTt ��� �O
_ O a �
23-26-tf united Church. These were much
22. Legal Notices 24, Card os f Thanks ciijoyed' T 1
-,_-- 11 [)it 1 sent a. Valentine favor for
NOTICE: TO CREDITORS each tray..Thank you kindly fo
• f would like set thank all nab' .%our thoughtfulness. 7'hc ,inter NEIN INTERNATIONAL p'tTERNs
• ,. IN THE ESTATE OF friends and relatives who ++rats 'superb in every +rip,. fi•tm
tenicnibctcd me with flowers and the method of packii,g and
cards and all those who visited me
string, to the food itself.
All perrsons having claims
while a patient in Seaforth
This is an annual for the
against the Estate of Eva Kerr,
Conitrttinity Hospital, 'Special
U.C.W. Over sixty "take-outs"
late of the Town of Seaforth, in
thanks to Dr. Whitman, all the
were reported. These required a
m the' County of . Huron,
nurses and Mary and Frank Riley,
major effort to pack and see that
Housekeeper. who died on the
-..W itIiant J. Storcy. 24-28-1
�- ---
they arrived hoi and in good
18th day of .January. 1974, are
condition. I for one can vouch for
1974, after which date the assets
be distributed having
the +'amifv of the .late Roy Keys
'hereby notified' W send in full
+F;sh to express their toThe~Rrr'
particulars of their claims to the
,,.Wei<-libo.urs, friends. relati+es.
stords f6r Valentines
Da+ arc • "love', and "other
undersigned on or before the 7th
Rev. Morrison. Ball Funeral
people.- It is a day worthwhile to
day of March. 1974, after which
Home and Varna U.C.W. for.
break the routine in daily iiyine.
date the assets will be
floral tributes, charitable
"A Valentine Song"
distributed, having regard only to
donations and expressions of
Among the winter's happy days,
claims then received. •
sympathy. Thanks for the many
Conies one in February,
DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day
kindnesses shown to Uncle Roy
When old and young send
of February. 1974.
during his stay in South Huron
Host ital. F.xetc•r. Dr. Wallace and
'lo make each ot*r merry,
Seaforth, Ontario
ti.u.rIllg staff. -24-28--1
Chorus: Tra la la la la la la. la la
Solicitors for the Executrix 22-27-3
1 would ' like to thank Dr.
la -la la la la.
Underwood and the nursing staff
This was a Grade i song we
for taking carr of me w hile I was a
. al++ays learned for Valentine's
patient, in u
Seaforth Coriinntit\'
Day,' There was always a
Hospital.:A special thanks to Don
decorated mailbox with a slit in
ALL persons having claims
and Irene Kelh•, - Joseph
Hickncll. 24-28-I
the top to slip in the many
against the estate of Robert
Valentines. Everyone wanted to
Murray Smith. late of the Town of
I would like to express,y sincere
be Postman. Many made. their
Seaforth;"iirthe County of Huron,
thanks to all my farAiih'. friends
Own Valentines, °
Retired Carpenter, deceased,
who died on the 1 i th day of
and neighbors' for their ' cards.
wsing w oat pretty
t as surpri
ones the pupils made with a paper
January. 1974 are hereby notified
visits ai>, treats during nn stay in
doilic, bits of )act, scissors, paste
to send in full particulars of their
hospital and after returning
home. - Elaine Kinsnian.24-28-1
and crayons. it made very
rewarding bus\ work on their own
claims to the undersigned on or
before the 14th day of March.
I wish to thank all friends and
for an hour near Valentines Day,
1974, after which date the assets
be distributed having
relatives for visits cards. flowers
will regard
to then
and gifts while a patient in St.
only claims received.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this
18th day of February. 1974,
Special thanks to Drs. Ballantyne.
Baffin Island National Park,
Collyer and Canning and staff of
8,200 square miles in area, is
Seaforth, Ontario.
the Eve Department on 5th
located mainly north and west of
Solicitors for the Executor
Floor.- Marjorie Powell. 24-28-1
Pangnirtung Pass . in the
•Cumbe.rlanT Peninsula of
i wish to thank everyone for their
Baffin Island. it's .the only
23. Bus. Directory
kindness, visits and gifts during
national park above the Arctic
my stay in Seaforth Hospital. -
Circle and is in an area noted for
Florence McGavin. 24-28-1
remarkable fords and dee
1 lily
carved mountairis dominated by
the Penny icecap. Mountains
Remembei, 1 It takes but a
reach 7,000 feet acid the
P.C.V. Class CDF FS
moment to place an Expositor
Pangnirtttng Pass, 60 mites long
5ervleg,Dtibli t & Seafoctb areas.
Want Ad and be motley Cd pocket.
and often .one mile deep, is ire
Phbffe 34S4301 Dublin anytime.
advertise, just Dial Seaforth
. free. The park is accessible only
by 'air.
r -
t � t
�,, ....�. •+,..,,u ,w ., .{. xC, of 'n. .nln x. .� .... s„Cit„..., .Su..,+,A.nt e.Po. ,rvt , n..
• 1 i
• NEW, 600 square inch screen area increases
grinding capacity up to 18,000 pounds of corn an
hour, increases delivery to the mixing tank
• NEW double auger (lighting provides thorough,
vibration -free mixing with all feeds
• NEW adjustable hay retarders (standard) as-
sure thorough grinding, better mixing with grains
and concentrates, positive flow of materials
through the mixer.
Name the pate and W'e'll
' If141tW'E !!.I f 1lE
Akin• ..:. SPEAFO&TR - CA