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The Huron Expositor, 1974-02-21, Page 11
y i, + k .. .. 700191170, S. Bus. us. OpportunWtles 12. Wan>ted�to 13uy 14. Property . 2Q A>ulc>o�n Sales �1. Coming Events 2. dost, for Sale 19Notices - commercia tom a FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. bred gilts close to farrowing. Bob - _4 Ayr Cambridge Seaforth Robinson, 345-2317: 8-28-1• , 6"()1) farm -aided 80-100 act•cs• 4-27-1 1 House must ' be in Fvcabli 100 Pigs 8 weeks old. All condition. Phone 482.9760. j castrated.345-2918.' 8-28-1 ^*� 18-28.2 . 1 1'f \ 1 A It* I „r �hrce• stc.ktion °fy ne+� ,harrows and pole; our 'IL section of harrows; three point hitch cement mixer, > SGT.' }nearly new: Gco, White AiRcliont wagon with gravity box, j 500 gal: manure tank on T truck; InternatiorlaLone ton stake truck,, as is; Geo, White "b" thresher; 50 ft. TT of bunk. feed conveyor +(chain type): 50 ft. bunk feeder: three ton bulk cattle feeder; 60 ft. of 4'y auger with Y outlets; three ton ' steel feed bin; Champion oat roller: 20 ft, 4" auger with motor; Pioneer Chain saw, nearly new; Lincoln } welder: grain aerator, 22 ft. grain elevator: 3 b. p. electric motor; Heated water bowl; Utina water pump; cedar posts; quantity of used lumber and planks: and many other items ton numerous to j +mention. T HOUSEHOLD AND, ANTIQUES ETC. _ Flat to Ciintatt ]v�otl�fgn 02-7,0$ 10',240. , Sat;lYareh 2 Sal:al 14 go. modprn• .tarot-•>lfaeltlfter `. tractors and combiner for Edward Sxusz, I Y/+ so!ath Qf Blyth and 3 miles east, Sat:March 9-Tractcirs. farm machinery, etc. forePirl Attinger 21/2 miles north of Mitchell. Sat.Mareb 16-Livesto.gi , feed and _ far.T machinery, etc. for Win, Rueger, 1!/. miles'Woi and 3 miles north of 1 Clinton. .. r Sat.March 23-Cattle,farm machinery etc. I'/a miles south '/z' mile west of St. Columban for Gordon Staples. 9. Poultry for Sale LOW DOWN PAYMENT`•• 1 Notices HENRY'S Harmony House will wall up cupboard; wash Sat .March 30 -Farm machinery. sale for Only $1,500 down on t is 1 /: be open Saturdays only, 9 to 6 stands: dressers: five , I I'AC'T Ward Bros for p Y Gordon McGregor 4 /m KIMBER LEGHORN storey, cedar shingle side home except by appointment. Phone � pressback chairs; -coffee at Vanastrrii. 2 be�trooms ith n:'iiiting, In°iiitiiig• r°' rg grinder; trunk; oil lamps; } miles east ofLondesboro. Day Old and Started Pullets closets upstairs. Dowri tars th re (''r'pentr•Y ane! cavestroughing, 527-0053. Good assortment oftr bells; brass and iron bed; 52'-0502 or 527.1 125. 19-28.4 Guitars, Electrics, Lte. Lessons . 20-28-1 SCOTT POULTRY is a modern kitchen ith I ig, an gooden cradle; sideboard: _-__ FARMS, LTD. electric stove i uded, a large arranged.19.26-26; and other items. g g HURON DEAD ---_�- g .'•••••9. Seaforth livin room and a dining room_ NUTS - Due to the large ' NOTICE 21. Tenders Wanted Phone 527-0847 Box 169 vrhich would make a third - . offering the sale must start 9-26-tt bedroom. Full Price $13,500. STOCK REMOVAL We are -shipping cattle every on ime with furniture anal' A PLACE TO START Monday to United CQ.Opdratives household effects selling at T GRAVEL TENDERS This 1'h storev 5 room home Clinton, Ontario of Ontario, To arrange for pick-up + 10: 0. followed by TOWNSHIP OF GREY 1.0.. Used Cars for Sale needs sonic repairs. but it has a at your faro) phone by Monday 8 miscellaneous then farm P' Tenders will be received by the • `I h We are n w $5 00 $15 00 A M FRIDAY, March Ist card party, FOUND on the farm oqf Larry AVON WANTED -dressers, commodes. for cattle and silo, drive .shed, machinery and teed catt c will sell at 1:30 m. p' Bruceticld, I.O.O.F. Hall, 8:30 P.M, Ladies please bring lunch. Blake brown and white n'ale do g part Collie. Dog has black leather CAN'T WORK 9 to 5, The great chests of drawers, blanket box S. •.r, x Now undo°r construction: 2 5 S >~ A F O R T H 527-0471 vet;vonewelcome. 1-28-1 collar and tag. Call after b P.M. thing about being ,an Avon Representative is the flexibility! P Y trunks. old kitchen cupboas, etc., any condition. H. Mitchell. room bungalows brick, with 3 ' GOING AWAY.Dance for Mr. and 523-9557. 2.28-1 You can earn money in your spare 482-7584. 12,28.4 11e,(iruur lis, ill finish to purchaserOO 's specifications.ITU For night shift (i l P.M. - 7 A.M.)_ 5 nights Sunday through Mrs. John Cronin and Shaun,Wait -- 4. Help Walnted . hours and still have time for family. Call: - -- -- - FOR'fHQUGH;I"' TERMS: CASH - NO _ RESERVE AS Friday, March 8th,in Brodhagen Thursday. Pleasant working your Carol Carolyn son OLD clocks, pocket watches, ost P ' p', �fhc automobile did awu} xvith e auto refinishing STRIPPING and refinishing done and Community ,Hall. Music by AGRICULTURAL Y P 527-0238 after 5 Q.M. 5-28-I cards, books picture frames p 482-9193. 12-28-tf bort~ now it's ��orking un the JUST'OFF HiGHWAY Wayne Richt.- Ladies please bring CAREER - March 2 -Florida - 14 days FARM IS SOLD. rest of us" 11' lunch, Refreshments. No gifts.' �1-a2-3 OPPORTUNITIES 8. Farm Stock for Sale WANTED to buy - Wood turning 14-28-1 KEN SMI7H T for $1,000 must accompany with one of Canada's Largest benefit program,' salar p g y lathe. Phone 527,0105. 12-28-1 _ 17. Wanted to Rent REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED R' F'1' 527-161$ 19-27-4 Presentation for Mr. and Mrs. David Leonhardt (Marie . and Oldest FARM EQUIPMENT Dealers, 8 Holstein heifers, due in one week, bred Hereford. Raymond sizes. Crown Hardware, RELIABLE family wishcs to rent _ 14• Property for Sale four tons of century' peas fit I McClure) Saturday, FebruaryMurray, 23rd, Brodhagen Community SERVICE - (a) Qualified and R'.R.5, Seaforth. Phone 345.2889. 8-28-1 BARN L shaped- steel roof 48 a 3 or, 4 bedroom houseint Sc,il'urih urcyi. Send particulars to home, 8 rooms. Small barn on theP Centre. Ladies please bring experienced mechanics 'Accepted in multiples of'half inch. ) acres of land 40 workable and 8 Box 032, Scaforth. 17-28x2 Or Call 416-864-9381 lunch, 1-27-2 required, capable of q P ONE Holstein heifer foF sale. perfect pasture with river a.nd ,rove ;45.2418 after 5 m. b P• ___ __� 1$. Property Wanted be shown for the Ha Citizens PPY (Formerly Trans -Canada repairing and overhauling- Phone 345-2746. Don Beuermann Exeter 235.1964 grass seed: Largc pile ,Lf r insertion. BLYTH Lions Bingo, Blyth farm tractors, set-up, repair R,r.l , Dublin. $-28 1 14-28.2 �,* *,� * * Memorial -Hall, Saturday at 8:30, and overhaul of farm PASTURE wanted I or p.m. $150.00 Jackpot. Big cash 1-26-tf machinery and equipment, ,'PUREBRED serviceable age MISCELLANEOUS - M. M. T MARRIAGES, Enga ements', Death Notice§, - approximately 40 - 50 acres. A Box 3097 The ' Hu.ron SAVE INCOME TAX with prizes. P Londcslxno, 5 rooms, double • ., Hampshire o tested and 602 tractor LPTO, 3 point It 2u words $i .50 each additional word 6c. nil% to I 1 - VINCENT 1 F ' $150 00 I � f •' 1 Expositor. Scaforth.' commercia tom a FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. bred gilts close to farrowing. Bob - _4 Ayr Cambridge Seaforth Robinson, 345-2317: 8-28-1• , 6"()1) farm -aided 80-100 act•cs• 4-27-1 1 House must ' be in Fvcabli 100 Pigs 8 weeks old. All condition. Phone 482.9760. j castrated.345-2918.' 8-28-1 ^*� 18-28.2 . 1 1'f \ 1 A It* I „r �hrce• stc.ktion °fy ne+� ,harrows and pole; our 'IL section of harrows; three point hitch cement mixer, > SGT.' }nearly new: Gco, White AiRcliont wagon with gravity box, j 500 gal: manure tank on T truck; InternatiorlaLone ton stake truck,, as is; Geo, White "b" thresher; 50 ft. TT of bunk. feed conveyor +(chain type): 50 ft. bunk feeder: three ton bulk cattle feeder; 60 ft. of 4'y auger with Y outlets; three ton ' steel feed bin; Champion oat roller: 20 ft, 4" auger with motor; Pioneer Chain saw, nearly new; Lincoln } welder: grain aerator, 22 ft. grain elevator: 3 b. p. electric motor; Heated water bowl; Utina water pump; cedar posts; quantity of used lumber and planks: and many other items ton numerous to j +mention. T HOUSEHOLD AND, ANTIQUES ETC. _ Flat to Ciintatt ]v�otl�fgn 02-7,0$ 10',240. , Sat;lYareh 2 Sal:al 14 go. modprn• .tarot-•>lfaeltlfter `. tractors and combiner for Edward Sxusz, I Y/+ so!ath Qf Blyth and 3 miles east, Sat:March 9-Tractcirs. farm machinery, etc. forePirl Attinger 21/2 miles north of Mitchell. Sat.Mareb 16-Livesto.gi , feed and _ far.T machinery, etc. for Win, Rueger, 1!/. miles'Woi and 3 miles north of 1 Clinton. .. r Sat.March 23-Cattle,farm machinery etc. I'/a miles south '/z' mile west of St. Columban for Gordon Staples. 9. Poultry for Sale LOW DOWN PAYMENT`•• 1 Notices HENRY'S Harmony House will wall up cupboard; wash Sat .March 30 -Farm machinery. sale for Only $1,500 down on t is 1 /: be open Saturdays only, 9 to 6 stands: dressers: five , I I'AC'T Ward Bros for p Y Gordon McGregor 4 /m KIMBER LEGHORN storey, cedar shingle side home except by appointment. Phone � pressback chairs; -coffee at Vanastrrii. 2 be�trooms ith n:'iiiting, In°iiitiiig• r°' rg grinder; trunk; oil lamps; } miles east ofLondesboro. Day Old and Started Pullets closets upstairs. Dowri tars th re (''r'pentr•Y ane! cavestroughing, 527-0053. Good assortment oftr bells; brass and iron bed; 52'-0502 or 527.1 125. 19-28.4 Guitars, Electrics, Lte. Lessons . 20-28-1 SCOTT POULTRY is a modern kitchen ith I ig, an gooden cradle; sideboard: _-__ FARMS, LTD. electric stove i uded, a large arranged.19.26-26; and other items. g g HURON DEAD ---_�- g .'•••••9. Seaforth livin room and a dining room_ NUTS - Due to the large ' NOTICE 21. Tenders Wanted Phone 527-0847 Box 169 vrhich would make a third - . offering the sale must start 9-26-tt bedroom. Full Price $13,500. STOCK REMOVAL We are -shipping cattle every on ime with furniture anal' A PLACE TO START Monday to United CQ.Opdratives household effects selling at T GRAVEL TENDERS This 1'h storev 5 room home Clinton, Ontario of Ontario, To arrange for pick-up + 10: 0. followed by TOWNSHIP OF GREY 1.0.. Used Cars for Sale needs sonic repairs. but it has a at your faro) phone by Monday 8 miscellaneous then farm P' Tenders will be received by the • `I h We are n w $5 00 $15 00 A M " 1964 Vauxhall car for sale, motor aige t cimo-pane wmdow in the livingroom, lots of modern o paying for fresh dead or disabled cows WILLIAM J. DALE 1on' ` y machinery and teed catt c will sell at 1:30 m. p' undersigned until ' t- 'P.M. MONDAY MARCH 4, 1974 REGISTERED NURSE and tires good.. Selling as is. cupboards in the kitchen, a large and horses over 500, lbs. S >~ A F O R T H 527-0471 REQUEST. Call Collect Lunch booth, on the , for crushing and hauling HUROMEW Phone 527-0505. 10-28.x1 sun porch, and' a is furnace in E g' Two trucks to serve you better 19-26rtf livingroom with new carpet, p completcly}new kitchen and new g rounds. approximately 30,000 cubic yards For night shift (i l P.M. - 7 A.M.)_ 5 nights Sunday through '66chevelle and '69 Pontiac 2 door - the art base ent. Located in P Seafo r $8,000. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock - -- -- - Your,pew ° TERMS: CASH - NO _ RESERVE AS ; 5/$" gravel for the .Township of Thursday. Pleasant working hardtop. 527-1637. 10-28-1 ' ce at picked up free refinishing STRIPPING and refinishing done and TELEVISION Sales and Service, I Grey. Gravel -to be supplied by Call us first, you won't have to Business - Farm Individual JUST'OFF HiGHWAY of charge as a service to you. at eon For, free March 2 -Florida - 14 days FARM IS SOLD. the township, A certified cheque conditions. exceptional fringe call anyone e!:>e. 19-26.1f Ona uiet shady V2 acre country YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN your estimates and fast service phone Ross Engel, Road. Supt., KEN SMI7H T for $1,000 must accompany for Spring and beat benefit program,' salar p g y .11. Articles for Sale lot, this one stnrev 2 bedroom REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED R' F'1' 527-161$ 19-27-4 R.R.N3,B*ssels,Ont.. 21-28-2 Proprietor tender. -Tender forms may be " negotiable. Send resume to: Administrator, THQMPSON f •March 1st increase. Trade in your R, R-,2, Seaforth 527-0,21. home is just what you have been VETERINARIAN UPON 1on' ` y T R.G.GETHKE obtained from the undersigned or • Coming Huronview, Box 219, Clinton. R U Bur ` looking for. Fcatures'extra large REQUEST. Call Collect TRI-TOWN.,p days - $79.00 and up. RICHARD LOBB at the township office, Ethel., � - 4-27-2 ] livingroom with new carpet, p completcly}new kitchen and new - 482,981 1 7 days a week - 24 hours a day BOOK,KEEP[NG SERVICE With typing and invoicing Auctioneers Neither Proprietor nor Ontario,- All bidders- must use Township Tender Form. Lowest i Bus Tours experience Apply in person to` Your,pew ° aluminum siding. Yours • for License No. 3780 - 72 Income Tax Returns Clinton 482-9941 Auctioneers will be or`•any tender not necessarily W.G.THOMPSON & SONS LTD.. TELEVISION Sales and Service, I $21,500. Call us first, you won't have to Business - Farm Individual t responsible for accidents on. .� accepted: March 2 -Florida - 14 days $7.500 includes 1972 Ford super instruments Bicycle Contact call anyone e!:>e. 19-26.1f - Record Preparations „,.... ... •. day of sale. 20-28 1 Ross Engel, Road. Supt., $154.00 and u p' van, all for television - now d Ad ' 1 d I h' for Spring and beat JOHN ORCAROLYAi the Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of 5 B ft c- _ - t - �� f�-���-� R.R.N3,B*ssels,Ont.. 21-28-2 March 29,Washin ton,D:C., g + servicing an in ra ea ers i Phone 348.-9941, itchellp., THQMPSON f •March 1st increase. Trade in your R, R-,2, Seaforth 527-0,21. Cyh a r,r y, Blossom, Festival $76. and up. Ontario. 4-27x2. used bicycle and save. For further information contact DON HOLST Share -The -Wealth Games. One 'M jackpot ame for $220.00 in 61 Full or Part Time' Apply 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-195'1 REAL ESTATE LTD. April II -Nashville, Tennessee - 4 antiques, etc. at Lot '34, D Don's Realtors days - $79.00 and up. Bookkeeper - 14.2$_1 April 28 -Conway Twitty and TELEPHONE SYSTEM - - . or Loretta Lynn - at Cobo ' Arena, Detroit, Mich. - With typing and invoicing • Bicycle B I c yc l'e Repairs . ' Bus fare and $15.00 experience Apply in person to` 305 Ontario Stre ' F admission experienced' mortgage firm help you to purchase a h ome or Clinton 482-9941 „482-9908, 21-28-1 each. GOOD TIMES W.G.THOMPSON & SONS LTD.. Seaforth 527-0803 We service what we sell. 11- x2 I TRA FL AGENCY Hensall, Ontario. 4128-2 Seaforth 527-0870 or 7-19.72 construction loans, call collect, } milking and rcbrcd; two ' l Bo 784 S forth Brownies - Saturday, February 4-28-1 Original price $239.00, selling for LAWRENCE BEANE 21• Tenders Wanted Brucefield' 'Phone•482=9260 Additional , PEGGY CUNNINGHAM ` 229 James St. FOR SALE BY TENDER a. Clinton Phone 482-79M Tenders will be received by the 19-26-tf undersigned for" 1968 Inter- national 1 /� ton truck complete Classified 20.. -Auction Sales with telephone box to be sold as is. Truck mai• be inspected by contacting the Undersigned: CLEARING Tenders to be in the hands of AUCTION SALE the See. Treas. bv, Of 100 head of cattle, feed. MARCH 5, 1974 and produce. Carni x -• ea Phone 527-0050 1.27-tf '� R.N. TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES, CANARIES If HARDTMAN & nr a i• h i n e r v, s o m e 110 u SC 1101 ; d effects , Highest or any tender not t necessarily accepted. Share -The -Wealth Games. One 'M jackpot ame for $220.00 in 61 Full or Part Time' Apply 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-195'1 you wrnted a very nice piece of STRACK LTD. �� antiques, etc. at Lot '34, TUCKER$MiTH MUNICIPAL • • x Rates g property. Mortgages are our only business. Concession 11, Logan, 6',"a TELEPHONE SYSTEM NEW, Bingo Clinton Legion Hall, or A complete line of pet supplies H if you had your mind set on about het Waterloo's oldest wind most milt~ north of Dublin Mel Graham - Sec.Treas. 8:30 P.M. February 21st, Admission $1.00. 15 Regular R•N•�• ,...•...... PAT'S PET SHOP fifty acres. if you ever had a hankering to experienced' mortgage firm help you to purchase a h ome or ,and �, mile cast on �y. „482-9908, 21-28-1 on Page dams $10.00 each. Three 1"t be held Friday, March 1st at 3 p.m.' St. James Roman Catholic , own part of. a famous trout cottage; to use the equity in your 4 SAT.FEBRUARY 23 d Share -The -Wealth Games. One 'M jackpot ame for $220.00 in 61 Full or Part Time' Apply 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-195'1 stream, and if you had faith in the future, - - - -see us b ore e4, home to consolidate debts or to improve 1 at 10:30 A.M.' Classified • • x Rates g pP. R..1, Kirkton. Phone � Clinton it without entliarassing � C`,A'I'"1LE - 19 Holstein SEMI' -DISPLAY v eligible to register for Kindergarten. Registrations will be taken calls or less. 'r� 1-28-1 I Seaforth Manor 11-2 -tf omeone else does. It is about ten miles .from Seaforth, credit investigations; for g' confidential, competent service, rm\ s due March and April: �' Effective January 10th, 1974 pink Borg snowsuit fits to size 2 WHAT =Euchre Party NEARLY new brick .artifcows WILLIAM M. HART for mortgages from $1,501 to 10 cows fresh recently; tw•o ; due- May; six cows - BAKE SAL it Guides and 527-0030 fireplace, grate and :electric logs. Seaforth 527-0870 or 7-19.72 construction loans, call collect, } milking and rcbrcd; two ' l 'WORD CQUNT Brownies - Saturday, February 4-28-1 Original price $239.00, selling for GEORGE R.JOHN$ bN Waterloo 884-6030. 19-26-tf' g T 1 Holstein heifers bred 3 4 „,.... ... •. 23, 1974, 1:30 m. to 3:30 m. p' p' (br w t e f t St d 20 tons of mixed grain; 65 � $1'50.00.Phone 1-348-8316. 11-26-3 REAL ESTATE LIMITED West Lorne Church, Parish Hall .1107 month,; 37 Hoist cin .} Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of 5 B ft c- _ - t r o n s ore n x o e man s). Us. opo llltl les o< 14-28-1 18 1 NORTHRUP King seed corn. LEARN TO DRIVE Apply to Harold•Pryce 527-1637. ST.JAMES' Catholic Womens' TRACTOR TRAILERS 11-26-12 League euchre, Friday, March ' Now'you can train right here in 8th iii St. James' School Canada! GESTETNER iNK AVAILABLE 1 Auditorium. 1-28-1 ° Tuition Tax +Deductible! AT The Huron Expositor, WORLD DAY of Prayer Service to 0 Placement , assistance 527-0240, Seaforth, i 1.26xtf uaranteed heifers 9 to lq months old: ` numerals, as for serial numbers, street n?pmbers, 10 Holstein steers 9 to 15 T phone numbers or prices count as one word per set: months old; six young ` Words joined by hyphens count as separate words'. }Holstein heifer calves; 10 1 'BWF Young calves; �� Purebred Hereford Bull FIRST INSERTION- 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word coming three Years old. thereafter. 4 NOTE This is a good herd SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, of •ow•s vnd will be •hc •k •d ( � be held Friday, March 1st at 3 p.m.' St. James Roman Catholic a g Weekend training also avail- ix9.1NK pens suitable for rabbits or Real' Estate Ltd. If ou are thinking of buying or e e e e by Veterinarian. prior to + 4e per word, minimum $1,,0_ No cancellation of multiple(`- insertion Church. Sister Francis as able! guiiAea pigs. Phone Ross Francis, i 82 Albert Street Ing sale' c a • • • Kindergarten Registration speaker. All ladies invited. 1-28x1 For application and interview, R..1, Kirkton. Phone � Clinton ANTIQUES UES teed ' and • produce SEMI' -DISPLAY v eligible to register for Kindergarten. Registrations will be taken ~PLAYPEN, walker, small crib and 229-6294. 11•-26x4 in area schools on the followin dates: g mattress, car bed, baby chair, Approx. 3,000 balcs of Hay: ¢ Rhine 7 ft. blade; 20 ft'. 6" pink Borg snowsuit fits to size 2 WHAT =Euchre Party write: and baby bath tub. in perfect -MASON BAILEY Manage?/Broker or 1,000 hales of straw: 40 ft. FIRST INSERTION _ $1.68 per column inch. P grain auger pin wheels; } When - Feb. 26, 1974 8:15 P,M. Safety Department he Canadian -. institute of USED TV's black and white and 482-9371 ^� refreshments, -single and of ensilage in a 13 ft, silo; + SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column Ford 3 point hitch side rake; Case side rake for • Where -st. Thomas Anglican Ltd. color, reconditioned, some with • t USED FURNITURE 20 tons of mixed grain; 65 � inch. Y Chntun: 482-3320. • f9.26-tf Church, Parish Hall .1107 tactor Trailer Training Queen's Quay W. new picture tubes in a variety of Phone tons of ch•Y shelled corn; + � Minimum in this • 2 inches. Admission SOc. 1-28-1 sizes. Crown Hardware, ,, • � acct of land, 1 floor frame contfict four tons of century' peas fit I size category � g y Toronto 117, Ontario 527.1420. 11-28-1 home, 8 rooms. Small barn on theP for seed; 12 eighty Ib. bags 'Accepted in multiples of'half inch. ) A moving -picture taped films will Or Call 416-864-9381 property. located in village of - NORM WHITING -I' Uunns Hay mixture BOX NUMBERS .TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per be shown for the Ha Citizens PPY (Formerly Trans -Canada To give away one Border Collie Varna Exeter 235.1964 grass seed: Largc pile ,Lf r insertion. group of Seaforth in the Transport Training.) P g' 5.28-2 dog. 527-0715. 11-28-1 �,* *,� * * manure. - MACHINERY AND- j BIRTHS - 20 words $1.50 6c ser word thereafter. > > Legion Hall on Wednesday night February27th at 8 m. To give away to good home, 5 I floor brick bungalow in We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-26-tf MISCELLANEOUS - M. M. T MARRIAGES, Enga ements', Death Notice§, - Ever bod wel T Al P SAVE INCOME TAX with pups partly German Shepherd, 9 Londcslxno, 5 rooms, double 602 tractor LPTO, 3 point It 2u words $i .50 each additional word 6c. J come. wo i ms m chlor one 12 min. -on scenery at Guarantee Plus RegisteredaSavings weeks old.Phone 527-0655, garage. ,1 bcdroonns, Nice large lot. and around Niagara Falls , one 5 0 Plan by United investment Life 1 1.28x 1 * * 4 • min, of scenery taken on a coast Assurance Company.' Contact Fred No cancellation of multiple(`- insertion 50 acres of land with barn and d) Savau(Ted) 527-1522 Seaforth to coast trip by Helicopter across (T for details. -•-4W COPIES Copies of your important papers silo. I '': storey franc home w ith 9 'v Canada. 1.28.1, or documents while you wait, rooms, lame livingroorn and • • • Kindergarten Registration Letter size,© each. 4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR diningrbom. Situated in Hullett Township./ i I 1-26xtf * * * * t Children who will be 5 years of age by December 31,-1974 are wagon with flat rack: Little 5 room brick bungalow in Clinton, eligible to register for Kindergarten. Registrations will be taken ~PLAYPEN, walker, small crib and electric heat, 3 bedrooms, in area schools on the followin dates: g mattress, car bed, baby chair, carpeted throughout. Extra large ¢ Rhine 7 ft. blade; 20 ft'. 6" pink Borg snowsuit fits to size 2 loin this is really lgvely home. Hullett Central School - Londesboro - Tues. March 5, 9:00 A.M. and baby bath tub. in perfect • to 3'OOP M diti n 527-1758 11.28.1 I floor bungalow' with aluminum hitch; Deutz tractor IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of i te loader with Gco.Whits and + - hydraulic bucket, set of verse. chains; Overun three COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each 1 furro%% trip bean, ploueh; j additional word 6c. Three insertions for the r T Kraus 36 plate 12 ft. wheel 1 price of 2. dise'w(used .one year); CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50, each + t Kongskilde 11.3 cultivator; additional word 3c. Ncw Idea 204 bu. flail PTO �manure `spreader. with IS FOR CASH'PAYMEW oN • hydraulic gate, nearly new; DCOUNT OR New Holland ••68" baler; BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING Ncw Holland •'350" FINAL INSERTION mixmill; New Idea 7 ft. ` fluron-Seritennial School, Brucetield - Thursday,March 7, 9:00 cn oo siding. 5 rooms, carport and w•or-W mower; Smoker 34 it. baa No cancellation of multiple(`- insertion A.M. to 3:30 P.M. ° THREE year old Frigidaire dryer shop. 3 bedrooms, gas furnace. Very 'attractive grounds. SEPTIC T ANKS elevator; seven ton wagon d•ith flat' rack; five ton advertisements after Noon, Tuesday.. Walton Public School - Wednesday,00 P.M. to February 27, 1: in excellent condition. 345-2966. * * • * wagon with flat rack: Little 3:30 P.M. 11-28-1 100 acrofarm with Maitland River CLEANED ¢ Rhine 7 ft. blade; 20 ft'. 6" Deadline for classified ads is 4 P.M.,Tuesdays, Seaforth Public School - Wednesday, March 6, 1:00 P.M. to STRIP tickets for adiaission or• running through it. 1'�i storey Modern equipment. We grain auger pin wheels; } c 3'00 P,M• i refreshments, -single and modernizer) 8 room home with •4 guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, Phone Ford 3 point hitch side rake; Case side rake for • l 1 Phone t Please'brift g proof of birth date and immunization •records 1-27-3 duplicate. The Huron Expositor, broadloom t1,rliu bout g , bedretdrkis ENam barb` suitablie' Y Chntun: 482-3320. • f9.26-tf k, � payrts ; Caslr' 10 ft. 06kift.., _i .527-02 "` _• ip,..... • .I Seaforth. 11.26xtf +