HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-02-07, Page 16• ,.. _ . ;r .,. ..;.... ,:,, , n. ,. .. ,. ,. ,. h..: ., fir'. .. ,.. .. r
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The �tpual report of the Huron
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County Social Services`•
L0'Grs'�'A� I wish. to extend ray sincere Administrator, J•A.MacKinnon C , ;E'
thanks -to everyone for the cards, rooted that 1974 could be the most ��4': '^f „r,` ' f'> �, ;t+ +'
OPTOMETRIST Y i' J yr n "" ;ftp "r `�o , ,,F•^`�� "`t s ° p;` A ��%x : u�� i.a
flowers ano gifts, also a special expensive year to date because of
By Appointment Only thanks to the nurses and Drs, the various lay-offs in the county")2 �' ,_
Seaforth Office ,
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.
Underwood, Dr. Moyo and Dr. coupled with the lack of job
Malkus for their kindness while I vacancies.
9 to 5:30 P.M. x a' l .r`
Thursday evenings
was a patient in Seaforth t t "At the present time our ? tt .
Community Hospital. —Ethel M. caseload is increasing and we do
Monday only - Clinton Office Boyes. 24.26-1 not have any winter work
for, Appointment programs to refer our
?hone 527-1240 - or .482-7010', r
25. in. Memoriam unemployed clielts to as we have
23-26-tf in the past two winters, said
KERCHER — In loving mempry MacKinnon, �t
NORM WHITING of a dear and wonderful husband;
rGoderich Reeve Deb Shewfelt
father and 'grandfather, Herb
�'' tt~v"��' asked why the county and/,or the
, Kercher, who passed away so .�., municipalities could not create
& suddenlyon February 12,'1973. '
APPRAISER Y their own winter works program.
1 lost a husband, with a heart of "God knows that after the
Prompt, Courteous, Efficient gold,. recent ice storm in Huron there
Who was more to me than would have been work for people
wealth untold, in clearing away trees, etc.," said ,` F
ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, Without farewell he fell' asleep Reeve Shewfelt."
ANYWHERE With only memories for me to Reeve Charles Thomas of Grey A week-long cruise to Ca
keep, At the winter convocation of the University of Township, chairman of the Socip1 p Halfien, San Juan, St. Thomas and Nassau on board
We give complete sale service. "71-}fe was a husband so very rare Guelph on February 1, 1974 Lloyd and Elaine Burrow Service Committee, thought the MtS Skyward of Norwegian Caribbean Lines, was part of a recent vacation
Content in his home and alwa.vs received their Bachelor of Science Degrees .in the 4 Reeve Shgwfelt's idea was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coleman (left) R -R, 4, Seaforth and Mr. andMrs.
PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE, there. excellent.
t , d f Itreasure still with love sincere years Honors Program. Mrs. Burrow, the daughter ''If some municipalities could Robert Campbell, R.R.1, Seaforth.
Phone Collect Beautiful memories of one so of Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown of Hanover, majored make work for weltare recipients
235-1964 Exeter �. dear. in Genetics and Mr. Burrows, the son of Mr. and maybe we could make some Pets can expose human's to
23-26-tf —Sadly missed and lovingly Mrs. A. F. Burrow of Hanover, in Fisheries and adjustments," offered Reeve
remembered by his wife Myrtle
a , auctione and family. 25.26-1 •. -.,Wildlife Biology. They are graduates Of John Thomas. He did warn it may 'not'
Norm Knin ectious Jiseases, parasites
and appraiser buy Diefenbaker Secondary School in Hanover. be as easy as it sounds" but
promised the ir1atter could be
KERCHER — In loving memory studied. Man when he domesticated the people, pets as surrogate ciITtMvn- promotion of a petless society.
used of a wonderful father and "'it is a good idea," dog and cat to serve as his or-4usbands, pets as heirs, pets Pet owners must develop_greater
FURNITURE grandfather, Herb Kercher, who -` commented Warden Bill Elston. companion animals, increased his over people, pet cosmetics -land responsibility or face the
passed away so suddenly one year Agri—notes,
will work something out." exposure to infectious • and pet funerals, Mi. Rowsell said. unfortunate dayof a life without
or sell by auction. Phoneago, on February`12, 1973. A ding to 1974's welfare costs parasitic diseases. In spite of. In spite of these concerns, pets pets, resulting in the loss of
527-1336, Seaforth. 23-26-tf We little knew when we woke as well will be the legislation some sixty-five diseases that dogs increase in number in Canada. important and valuable �
LOU ROWLAND that morn, ' which permits social assistance and cats are capable of transmit- Each year pounds and' humane companionship all because they
The sorrow the day would (B}' Adrian Vos) rate changes effective January 1, ting to man, citizens of most societies are forced to handle an haven't been fair or responsible
TRANSPORT LTD: bring'1974, which provides for an. countries show little concern increased number of free roaming to their pets or to their fellow
The call was sudden, the shock MacKinnon "With these about the role of pets in the stray and unwanted pets. It is citizens, Mr. Rowsell
severe, spread of disease according to estimated in Canada that in 1973 emphasized.
P.C.V. C1ass,CDF& FS To art with one we loved so mandatory increases and the P g p
P Harr C. Rowsell, Department of between 1/2 million and one -
ServingDablin &Seaforth areas. It is my fond hope that our come down. Restaurant prices present economic situation, our Y P Smiles
dear. doctors will read this item 1 am can't come down because wages costs for 1974 will probably Pathology, University of Ottawa. million unwanted dogs and cats
Phone 345-2301 Dublin an me. you didn't have time to say
23 26 tf „ about to write. ' At the Un. of and other inputs went u Retail exceed our past costs." The exceptions are Iceland and were destroyed.
farewell, P p P Overheard: Complaining to a
Or us to say goodbye, Georgia,' research has indicated prices %%on't go down for the same In 1973, the Social Services Greece where dog ownership is People not satisfied with the friend about the rainy weather he
R. S. BOX that saturated fatty acid, which r reasons. . It appears to me that department operated slightly discouraged b ecause of the usual pets haved turned to exotic had`'6n his vacation, his friend
You were gone before we • PP Echinococcus t ape worm problem animals such as ocelots, mar a s,
realized, aises blood cholesterol is not even low income people must have under budget expectations. P P g Y remarked: "How come you are so
FUNERAL HOME And realized,
God knows wh present in meat fat. The primarty some help to pay for the higher General assistance amounted to Which produces hydatid disease monkeys, boa constrictors, tanned?" "Tanned, are you
Y y fatty acid that is in meat fat food cost. I'm afraid that high $168.488.95 where $190,600 had in man. racoons, skunks, etc. kidding," he replied, "That's`
Phones: —Sadly missed by Margaret and On the other hand man
Da 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 Jim, Ross, Doris . and Spencer, (caproic) actually lowers blood income people, professional been estimated. Another Canadians and residents of the rife infectious disease transmitted to rust."
Y g Jud Ruth and Bill. 25-26-1 cholesterol' and blood pressure. people some high paid union $109,002.56 was paid to nursing
23-26-tf y United States rotest a ainst free human' bein s, of injuries, of the
On top of this comes the members will not be willing to homes for care of persons p g g j
2�. Births statement from Dr. Michael sacrifice anything. Then if the ($113,000 budgeted). Supple- roafgng pets, the damage they menacing of human life, caused Newlyweds: He aims to save
24. Cards of Thanks '7 inflec'!'on property, the nuisance by animals that should have his money, and she's out to spoil
' DeBakey, the famous heart food costs go up, they'll demand mentary, aid totalled $18,3,21,,.1 his aim.
McASH - To Doug and Mildred transplant surgeon, that only more income, which in turn will. considerably more , than the and pollution they produce, the remained in their natural habitat.
Sincere thank .you d all who g about 30% of heart patients have result in higher food cost, $11,850 budgeted. cause of pet ' induced road The animals as well have
visited rue, sent cards, flowers McAsh of Varna at Clinton Public P' g g accidents and the terror created suffered, unnecessarily, because . -�.-
and other gifts while in, hospital Hospital, on January 30, 1974, a any, cholesterol abnormality. He Administration cost b Y• , o -
said that diet is not a spec • $47,944.08, slightly less than the Y viscious dogs. of the lack of understanding of
and after coming home. Special daughter, Krista Mae. 27-26 1 P g Y Further annoyance to many are proper care for these captive wild
thanks to Dr. Quinlan, nurses on TNA
cause of heart disease st sting: New Liberals estimate of ;$48,000. P P
second floor of Stratford Hospital MITCHELL - To Mr. and Mrs.
"We don't know the cause and In all, social services in Huron the attitudes and actions of some species.
P need to take a much S;incr cost $358,079.51, less than the Pet owners who more and more Small wonder thee -am many JEWELLERS
who were so kind' to me, also Ramon Mitchell, R.R.il1, Seaforth reorganize attempt to turn their pets into citizens leaning towards the for
thanks to Father Gleason and the at Seaforth Community Hospital attitude toward diet in relation to $377,850 estimated for 1973. P P g
C.W.L. of Immaculate on January 30, 1974, a daughter, the disease, since it is obvious The Ontario New Liberals, the Tile Land Division Committee' DIAMONDS,
Conception Church, Stratford, for Juanita Robin, 27-26-1 that diet, as far as 65% or 70"110 of youth wing of .the. liberal Party in reported a busy year, with 334
their visits. Thank you. —Rose .- the patients are concerned, has Ontario, held their founding appiications handled; 252 •' • •
.Murray. 24-26x1 VAN DE BAN- To Mr. and Mrs. not been related or associated meeting at the Nottawasaga inn, approved; 31 denied; 41 deferred; All Types of Repairs
Leen Van De Ban, R.R.li1, with the disease in our Alliston, . Ontario when 250 and lO w4thdrawn. Of the denials, o)
Phone 527-0270
I would like to thank my friends, Seaforth at Seaforth Community experience." Then from delegates from student and youth nine .were appealed and the
, a Raymond Reiser, Texas A & M clubs throughout the province Municipal Board decisions are
neighbours and relatives `who Hospital on February 1, 1974
thought of me during my stay in- 'son. 27-26 1 Un. that saturated fats do not, by were present. Sen. ' Keith Havey. still pending. \
the hospital. Spepial thanks to any criterion, elevate cholesterol National Campaign Co -Chairman, Circulation is Up C 1 t
Drs. Brady and 'Malkus, Box's 29. Marriages to high risk levels if indeed they Robert Nixon, M.P.P., Leader of County Librarian Ethel Dewar
Ambulance and the nursing staff raise it at all." Dr. Sherman of the Opposition, Norm•Catik, M.P. said that total book circulation in
The family of John Francis the Meat Board thought it more for Ontario and the Hon. Robert all the branches was 340,205, up
of Seaforth Hospital. Also my
sister Margaret Anne would like Flannery, R.R.4, Seaforth, wish lik?ly that we eat insuffic•iPnt Andras, Minister of Manpower 6;000 over 1972,
to thank theerson who carried to announce the marriage of their crude fiber than that .we eat too and immigration addressed the "I am encouraged that
P father to Dorothy Irene two-thirds of that increase was in
McGregor, her over to the hospital. All was or, also of R.R.4, much saturated fat. He said that delegates during seminars ,and
so very much appreciated. g there is considerable evidence dinner. children's reading," said Miss
Seaforth, on Saturday, February 2 that dietary fiber -- wholE�ccreal The new executive elected Dewar.
in St. James' Church. 29-26x 1
Margaret Anne and Gail She said, that 2,003 special
Nolan. 24-26-1 grains, roughage of fruits, include: President -,Joe Thornley, P
vegetables - lowers blood Kitchener; Vice -President - requests were mailed out to all
Sincere thanks to all those who cholesterol. Julian Naw i cki. Toronto; Parts of the county and of these,
remembered me while i was a * * * * * * Secretary - 1`reasurer - Don less than 100 were borrowed
patient in Seaforth Community .Just seen in the daily press that Drury, Hamilton; Youth Director- outside the county.
Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. the agricultural outlook Gerry Meloche, Windsor; Student Books with large print are
Oestreicher, Dr. Underwood, Dr. Farm safe conference doesn't expect food Director - John Biermans, U. of available for those with vision N(IQ n' Jn
r— rr��
Malkus and nursing staff. cost to go down. We, as fanners , a direct m 1 service - problems, Miss Dewar said, with given to
—Norma Grigg. 24-26-1 have known this all along. it can't Editors Quote Book anyone unable to go to a branch MA
eves $16,p00 go down at the farm level for then as well as home delivery by the
To the very many friends\who production would decrease and
P library van in the Town of "Now I'll give you a rough estimate
,expressed their good wishes to the price increase. It can't go The Ion er we dwell on Goderich. on when I'll be able to pay you."
B'd f d g
t or a spee y recovery, with Theincreasing frequencd
J of own at the transportation level, our misfortunes, 't Jae greater
cards and letters and flowers to farm accidents has led to for fuel prices went up as well as is their power to harm us.
cheer her while in hospital, both reorganization within the Farm truck prices, and wages won't —Voltaire
in Seaforth -and London, my' Safety Association (FSA) to
r a, dfaintly. i-2dof1
sincere appreciation and most
increase promotion of farm safety
grateful thanks. While it was not
given that she should recover her
Foremost on the list has been
health and life, her many friends
the strengthening of the 43
have expressed their sympathy
county or local Farm Safety
for me in her passing to the life
' Associations.
beyond. To each and all my
"They have come through a
humble and grateful thanks and
period of transitio�nn, says Don
also to those who contributed in
Brown, FSA's gerseral manager.
any way to her comfort while she
"Many have emerged much
was in hospital.—E.C.Boswell.
stronger because they have
enlarged their memberships so
that more local people are actively
participating in occupational
A special ,
ectal thanks to Dr. Harrett
accident prevention." ,
the nurses and staff of the Clinton
The Farm Safety Association
Public Hospital, also to those that
has allocated over $16,000 t6 the
called; visited, sent cards and
local and county associations',
treats to me, George McIlwain
either in direct cash payments, in
while I was a patient in hospital,
display materials and space
also to those that helped at home
rentals for displays; or through
and those that offered help.
promotional material. The
Thank you. —The Mcllwain
promotional material is available
Family. 24-26x1
free of charge.
The 1973 year was the first in
Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and
which outright grants were not
nursing staff of Seaforth Hospital
given on an equal basis. Says
for the excellent care I received
Brown: "The amount of
a patient there. Thanks to
expenditure to a local council was
the switchboard girls and those
based on its safety program for
who visited me. — Donna
the, year, and the program's
McCone. 24-26x1
effectiveness in that particular
,county."' ,
We would like to take this
The FSA's staff of fieldmen is
opportunity to thank- each and
being increased to six in 1974 to
everyone in the community; our
handle the increasing demand for
friends, neiglibours, relatives and
consultations. These men provide
family, who helped make our
Professional ex e
P expertise on a
Fortieth Wedding Anniversary an
roughly regional or county basis.
enjdyable and memorable
Their services are available free
occasion. The many fine cards,
of charge, and they can Help
Sifts and ilea ant inermiiries vlill
Btoups ar "individuals with
remain alwgjys. Tltdd t'
ongoing programs for safety
you. Nellie d Mervin Lurie
education. . `
r a, dfaintly. i-2dof1