HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-02-07, Page 90
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Bowlers from SDHS walked off with most of the
prizes at the High School Bowling Tournament in
Hanover • Competing with 15 other teams
the SDHS group brought home the girls team -and
mixed team championships. Joan Noble won the
high single and high triple and other Seaforth
.bowlers won 1st , second and third high singles and
triples. Winning bowlers are back, left: Wayne
Nigh, Murray Behnewies, John Hauwert, Darrell
Dale, Tom Costello, and front, Mary Van Dooren,
Deanna Noble, Cheryl Seymour, Joanne Melanson,
Joan Noble.
A group of students from Central Algoma High
School in Northern Ontario visited SDHS
and gave an exhibition' of their wrestling skills,
Teacher of the Week
defeating the local wrestlers. About thirty students,
including the wrestling teamgand cheerleaders were
billeted overnight with SDHS students.
p J
that absorbs sounds to make them
(By AnnaLec Stevenson)
enjoys tishiug. sno\ynwbi1ing and
Oil what the Suh.lcet is.
Mr. Judge lived in the city of
natUrally, horse training.
1'Itis gu> thinks "shirts arc
London as a boy, and, went to
Money conics in from all
flood, hill clnn't go overboard,•'
London Central School. He
angles, as his wife is a hair
He ends by saying "I cnjo\
enjoyed sports immensely and set
dresser and owns her own shop in
teaching here; the snrdents 'arc
a record in pole-vaulting.
London. Heather naturally goes
\'cr•y' oPcai,arutl Sntccrc. I feel that
Now he is married and has one
we have an exceptional 4luClent-
adorable little girl, "Heather
in S.D.H.S., Mr. .Judge tea-
' teacher relationship,"
Victoria" who is . now eleven
dies (a•1. present) Math ISO;
By tlic way. ho.. also stated "1
months old. Mr. Judge and his
English 340% Filnl 300; and
hate school buses who block my
small family live at Hickory
Media 200. He enjoys it here and'
truck in!" -
Corners. He raises horses, ducks
is now in his fifth year of
C.A.S.S. wrestlers and cheer-
and geese • At the present time,
teaching. He has several methods
fake Note: fhc Stai'1' of the
Mr. .Judge has a horse (Patty)
of teaching: the lecture method,
School News wish to Con our
training in Windsor for sulky-
student board work and dis.
Of the �Vrrh" So we
cussion. Naturally the way the
110pc you tcacherS will co-operate.
For recreation, Mr. Judge
subject is brought across depends
Thank you.
p J
that absorbs sounds to make them
t o ist o people w o contribute
much time -and effort. Without
Wrestlers win, ba•sketba-ll
team loses
On ' Friday, January 25,
first place in both of these
a cicrision. lilt wrc,'"S no"
the material not to absorb the
S.D'.H.S. openly welcomed Cent-
leagues. Seaforth was just cine of
have (•our w ins, one tie arrd no
with me. when I say Thank You to
ral Algoma Secondary School or
the many stops they have and are
C,A.S.S. This school which is
going to make.
I he haSkohall tc anrs were not
stage is trying to say, is very
located 30 miles east of Sault Ste.
School at S.D.H.S. was let out
'IS Incky how r\ cr. HIL' senior
The following is a list of the
Marie on Highway 17, is an open
at 2:00. Friday afternoon, and our
team lost a hard fought "-t15
actors taking part in the play',• in
concept, semestcred school. Be-
wrestling team was greatly
game'J„c!d,ing with four minutcS
cause of the distance that
supported by all members of our
to go. tilt & a -S could not hold on
bright idea of using a barrier of
egg cartons across the back of the
C.A.S.S. wrestlers and cheer-
school. After a valiant fight, we
for the deter Rill Kuri Irad the
Flannery, Dale Parsons, Janice
.leaders travelled to compete with
were defeated by Algoma. They
scniorS with Ih points followed h+
' and Staff
ou•r wrestlers, they carne Thurs-
had eight pins while we had only
•James Flannery with I I and Cam
built. The egg cartons, which
day night and stayed with
Holland and Dan Malone\ with
Melody, Karen Chapman, David
members of our wrestling team
However, w•e are pleased to
10 John Flligwn had R. Ken
and cheerleaders.
announce that our wrestling team
Chalmers 6 and Stuart Scott and
the gym, a• tricky feat.
Their Team name is the
was undefeated in 5 meets in
Larry Kala 2 each. -
Huskies, and their coach is Bob
Huron -Perth.
The -Juniors logit 41 lei. Robert
Misner, a former professional
Last Thursday Stratford
Haney lead tlie'team with Seven
football player.
The cheerleaders' coach is
Northwestern boys visited
Frankie Misner, wife of Bob, the
Seaforth. The wrestlers won by a
The Midget,, also lost hilt by a
football coach.
score of 52-24. Mark Con$itt, Carl
.42-- q, scare. fkw.g Erq 4ea1-•t•he•-
At present, the C.A.S.S`:,
Bolton, Fred McClure, Bruce
Knight, Ed. McClure, Doug.
Mitigets. with 12 points, ,John
Wilson, boug. Henderson, Mark •
wrestling team competes in two
Hoegy, Bev Brown, Arthur
Golding, Bill. Downey, Kevin
leagues - the North Shore
Conference and tie City of Sault
Groenveld, , all pinned their
Campbell all contributed two
opponents while .Jim Nash won by
Ste rMarie League. The team is in
t`qow to 1110
t 1�
ei 6 ln�di,�yRifti,i rn,..
Z.4 xy
-a u d'i * � °i ,; ,.�1 � y3i• � iJ J ,
y - n Srr
On February 7.. 13, and 9 at 8:00Were hureklas'rd. Then came tate and t 1k#ftp stljttlat S qtl#9 9Ps ! ;;� j a oril ]s ads)
p.rn. in the gymnasium of auditioning fol' the parts. Direci- of printing jfe prq rat is hats ttr ulces a ' alit #k MOR
.D,H.S.* THE S,D,H,S. Drama' ora, Dave Ring, had the jab of be made, Several phos, were otlna ' a11tN t,` attdr til t
selecting the person who he. visited bpi :after m Gh cons.1... ►anet Tjpltgn, 'Mitt
Sucicty is presenting the play, r i +
"The Mouse That Roared." The thought would best suit that tion, it was de;ide4 t`hut' th' jRulh nt,e Ma �trego , tett
Play was adopted by Christopher certain part. After getting their dramaClub would pti'nt 0100. Atvn e ttpgyV y, a c1�flnarti 1t4 n;
Sergcl from the book written by part, it s+Jd's the person's job to • programs. This method *p0110 :06 Ida p .Cotte a,.r the. l►ke►p
Leonard W ibberly. memorize it by heart and learn much cheapter, Tbl. 44yerlistpg creta. f111 uge li � + t1#1C jp��ttt:pir
i•he Mouse That Roared
their cues. By October, rehearsals committee also made pstors; �n4 it have : tq be a
has been called "enchanting,
had begun. flyers (with the help of` the Art actor's, 40,0' A �I
tunny, charming, perspicacious One or two ,times a Club) and placed them in areas to bolgug0i. tbeti tlt Ppy� 111?$r
and an uproarius farce," Critics week, the study room would where people would be sure to Bair, etc„itave,to bQ,tVptjce
become a stage and from three to see them. The fimquttt 9f lipidacltGkQz '
applaud this comedy as enthus g
iastically as do audiences every- six o'clock all' the actors would Each actor has t ;p;shave a takest<?;btive 11hS >�►aCQup ftp �tCS f ,!
++here. meet down there and go over costumer •Karen � �ttrt3ingway, ,.tdelietidS,'di!1 �►P� 1311pt►F�dt l�
The play begins when Duchess their parts and cues again and June Eggert, Mary Searle, Jayne role and what of light 1teRyVt�I�
Gluriana, sovereign of .,a....micro. again, As exams drew near, Cardno and $andra,Hulley are in be in. A