HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-02-07, Page 6a , SiT�:R. $EAE4R1•t!� Qlh# i,r F 7, 11 �i 1 e .�-�---� Local Bri+e77— r Mr. Tom Haley, ,who has oeen Mr. and Mrs. Willis McCartney a patient in Victoria Hospital, of Milestone, $ask, and,Miss M. rom Teachers efilon London, has returned to his McCartney of Ottawa visited is home. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Fed Miss Barbara Jordan is visiting McCartney, Mill Road, over the ;. (Editor's Note: A native of good job and success in life. Miss Hodgins recalls• but the act When asked about bobbies and relatives in Arizona. weekend. Seaforth, Nora Hodgins. was While parents who criticize the establishing the Ontario outside interests she looked a bit Mrs. E. B. Judge and Heather interviewed in the Tofonto Star schools are in the minority, Miss Teachers' Federation created an sad and admitted she hasn't had of Strathroy visited her Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Dungey last week as site retired after 30 Hodgins says. those who do much time for outside interests. grandmother Mrs. J. A. g affiliate for Catholic teachers and of Sarnia were guests of Mr. 0` years as secretary -treasurer of should first -take a look at what one for French teachers. -I like to think that one of the McGregor and aunt, - Mrs. y t b e O n t a r i o Teachers' they are sendingw school. W. E. Butt. Ernest Toll. From her new position in the Mrs. Valerie Bauer of Jamaica, Federation.) reasons 1 am retiring is to pursue "A child who has been up all I940s as the top executive in some of the things 1 have never Visitors over the weekend at is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andy } What f like most is that. night watching TV or who doesn't theOntario teaching profession, been able to." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval White. f She doesn't smoke or wear a have a quiet place to sleep or who Miss Hodin.s worked hard to She owns a home and a Greer were Harvey Greer and hat. leaves for school without improve the quality of teaching. summer cottage and would like to Miss Carol Harris of Hamilton Or drink tao much. or dish out breakfast is going to have do more gardening now that she and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth vd dirt. Problems." will have Spare time. ' McCowan Jr. of Brucefield. Or wear a sill% miniskirt- Public 1nIItteace Miss Hodgins has seen and Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. THIS WEEK She was instrumental in been a pan of the development of Norab Kipfer of Stratford visited (By Stan Josev L fie classes establishing the Ontario the modern education system. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. In the Toronto Star) The modern teacher is Association for Curriculum She doesn't plan to disappear Orval Greer. AT THE This verse slipped out of a expected to be able to sohe these Development which for the first suddenly from the education pile "rf tributes to !sora Hodgins problems, '"but with a class of 30 time gave the classroom teacher scene. Dr_ S. of Seaforth and et Mark as she packed some of her or more the teachers finds it hard -and members of the business Rathby tt Seaforth Veterinary ROYAL HOTEL personal things in preparation for to give the child the necessary community and the general public Another office Clinic attended the scientific individual attention. an o nunity to have an sessions and Centennial retiring to-morafter 30 dears pp° "1 will leave this office with Celebrations at the Ontario Vet MITCHET L as secreiarv•treasurer of the When, she graduated from the influence in what happens in the love and regrets on Jan. 31," she Ontario Teacher,,* Federation. Ontano College of Education classroom. g ann an AbrarASSOfield lastn's 100th There were others from during the, hungry '30s, a teacher She spearheaded the says, but she will be back is annualmeeting held last week it Premier William Dais. might have as many as 60 organization of the Ontario another office down the hail to the Toron[o. Veterinarians and their FR! and SAT students in class. but the teacher Educational Research Council• teachers' federation building on wiNes from many parts of Canada Education Minis,. er Tom Wells Bav St. on Feb. 1. She plans to and the United States took part in and educational leaders from was not required to protide the the Ontario Mathematics in- the social and sycholo teal services Commission end the Ontario retain executive positions on the the festivities which featured across Canada and around the P . g Educational Research Council, fort -eight different speakers Crown Room world. expected of teachers today. Curriculum Institute. The the Association for Curriculum All the tributes noted the Miss Hodgins admits she never curriculum institute was the from eight states .and four significant contribution Miss had a burning desire to be a forerunner of the Ontario Development. and the Ontario provinces. Entertalnment:— Hodgins has made to education in teacher, and in fact couldn't get a institute .for Studies in Education, Institute for Studies o Education Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. more than 3' +ears iif behind -the j g and will continue . do some work Mry is $tired their daughter. full-time job teaching in Toronto of which she is still a director. scenes ser% ice to Ontario after graduation from the College Miss Hodgins says one of the for the federation. Mrs. Carol Carter and "The> are going to be shoe grandchildren. Joanne. Janice MACH 11/ teachers, of Education. major differences between "tiara"s stor'. is the sum of the She was born in the tiny hamlet education today and when she staffed here in the neat little and Bradley visited Mrs. Brown's teaching profession in Ontario." of Seaforth, near Stratford. the started her career is that it is while and they'll aced the help.' mother. Mrs. Henn J. Neeb in 111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII) daughter of a dentist. more humane and liberal —the She has been grooming her , Tavistock on Sunday. a colleague commented at a g assistant. Bill Jones. for the top recent dinner honoring her She attended Humberside individual needs of the student job for nine Nears and he will take retirement. Collegiate and graduated in are better sened. over officially on Friday. A secretar, in the federation honors histon and Eng5sh from "On the average students can ]t takes that long to get the fee! S D H S DRAMA CLUB Office tells about being on the job Victoria College in 1934. read and write as well now as they a month before realizing who the "Jobs were scarce and since 1 did then. but hopefully they get of the place." sa}'s the first lady was keen on English and history. more satisfaction from the new of the Ontario teaching boss was. g - profession. PROUDLY PRESENTS teaching seemed to be a logical curriculum." It was the hose choice for me after university. "The Mouse That Roared" ( "1 used to see this nice -looking After earning her high school lad: always humming to herself teaching certificate in 1935. she and smiling as she went about her spent two years supply teaching 4LE j business." in Toronto before landing her first ` *HAYFIELD ROAD FEBRUARY, 7, 8, 9 --- 8 One day the secretary asked a full-time job as office manager for �/ v� .m. co-worker who she was and to her the Ontario Secondary School GODERICH surprise found it was the boss. Teachers' Federation in 193-. She1 527- 7 i11 SDHS Auditorium Miss Hodgins has n of been a held that job and served as flamboyant public personality. secretan of the Ontario v ate— • rather a warm. self-effacing,. Teachers' Council until 1944 DINING 6 DANCING diligent advisor to teacher leaders when the Ontario Teaching Tickets: Children — 54c and governments over the years._ . Profession , Act was passed and Students — 75C. She has always been reserved the Ontario Teachers' Federation EVERY FRIDAY Adults — $1 and ever -conscious of her. established. AND SATURDAY, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4- -4( sensitive position when making While she heaps praise on then public comment on educational education minister George Drew affairs. In her last week on the job for his contribution to teacher ELttEftalll�iiLl�iLSEtiEEi#EttittEEttl�kEllliiE�ttei�tlfttEtltj� THIS REEK she opened up a little in an professionalism through the new interview but suggested. "Ii'ou act, her colleagues say she had aCountry and Western Entertainment - should come back im a wcouple of major influence on the legislation. CAVALIERS • months when 1 hay[y;lad time jp Of Drew she says. "He was the Lice�nteQ wider LC -6.0. SATURDAY — IN THEd C think about the pasffirst minister of education or 4M R E D K N I G H. T R 00 M She disagrees with critics who premier who was really concerned claim today's high school about having teachers organized AM graduates are not as well and working a'S a professional . , educated as those of 20 years ago. group." rti Ll n Fisher "People seem to" forget that we Before the legislation there are educating 'all' children in a were three public teachers` Q way we didn't when I started this associations — one for high + • + i W (The Family Affair) Z job," she says. school teachers: one for women There was a time when onlv the teacher-, and one for men t" rich children or super -intelligent teachers. 7 8 P �" Fri. 8 S,, 9 7 V 8 9 tc c.ut �_ • - T ones, could go on to high school, The minister suggested that if AKC_50Da1Rh1 IN THE LADIES' attd ffiCGECJ?T ROOM C while today all children have that legislation was going to be passed nth *s 'tom p,i(ktasoauv = PRIDAY — SATURDAY C opportunity. she said. it would also have to include # y GOT_ TRl9IVAN DDP..E _ But people should not expect Catholic teachers. This jolted the W4[TFJl➢ID6�UN a ., the schools to cure all of society's other' associations. vQ = Valley Road g 4'JfL" VM1I!IA•FI�• ills, nor should they be looked "We'd never even talked to the • • .'� upon as simply the ticket to a Catholic teachers prior to that." n,„eAlft„ _ TASTY CHICKEN WINGS for SNACKS a 7 BUSINESS as USUAL For Information PHONE 527 -0629 - FAMILY PARADISE St. Valentine's 9UCHRE Thurs., Feb. 14 DESSERT — 2 p.m. EUCHRE 3-5 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Sponsored by Rebekah Lodge`. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Feb. 8th MIS P.M. is Regular Games for $1940 THREE $2540 GAMES — $75.00 Jackpot to Go -- TWO DOOR PRIZE$ Admimi+on $1.00 Extimd Cat& 25c or 7 for $1.00 (011=1110EN UNDER 16 NOT PEMOTTED) —Proceeds for `Welfare Work Ausolues Seaforth Branch IS8, 1loyal Canadian L.eglon, %pilkirth CLINTON WIN—TER CARNIVAL RACES =.••. a°.. AT CLINTON COMMUNITY PARK 0?v Sponsored by THE KINSMEN �.-.,•�.•,-- ,w r --- CLUB OF CLINTON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1974 - Snowmobile Registrations: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — Racing Starts at 1:00 p.m. Sharp ADMISSION TO GROUNDS: $1.00 PER ADULT — CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE TOTAL RACE PURSES. $ 2 2 4 6.00 ACTION SPORTS CENTRE, VANASTRA, will donate a Large Trophy to the Top Point Winner - to be presented onnuolly and o replica to be kept by the winner. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: STEVE BROWN — 482.9321 FRED LOBS — 482.3409 CO AND BRINU IV FAMILY FOOD AND RcEFRES_LmHMEHTC A'ttPLE FREE PARKING • WE SERVE ' BEVERAGE ROOM LUNCHEONS 12to2and 6to8 AT VERY LOW PRICES COMMERCIAL HOTEL — Seaforth Legion •�"�"• PUBLIC- SPEAKING CONTEST WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13th at 8:oo o'clock. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion The winner in each category in competitions conducted by Seaforth Public School, Seaforth Separate School, St. Columban Separate School and Centennial School, Brucefield will compete. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND WINNERS WILL COMPETE IN THE Zone C1 finals to be held In Exeter, February 16, 1974 DISTRICT FINALS -,MARCH 3rd AT HARRISTON —Admission Free --j GORDON SCOTT President WMMALRYMPLE Committee Chairman R. V. WHITELEY Secretary EUTA I NAVA 1�14Wr HATE *HIGHWAY 8. CLINTON PLAYING Ims WEES: THE RING 00aM0 NFXT WEEK: "FREE -FALL" 'homey $ � Nortbsido 'Un Church Wed., Feb. 13 5 --- 7 pm. Admiddon $.3.08 Children under 1%450 TARE --OUTS FOR SHUT-INS ONLY Phone 527-0888 4 op !00000000000000000000s, 0 • • St. Valentine'Dances i• SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE u SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Dancing 9 —1 • Music by • "Larry and The Vibrations" • $3.00 per Couple • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••000000000 O *S # QP SEAFSJRTH ;1� Entertainment Friday and Saturday The Denfields iQ =� — — OvfF ---- Hg �OTEI SE ANNUAL MEETING' , MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 'COMPANY Established 1876 NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of the Company will be held' in the J . TOWN HALL,, SEAFORTH* T FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th at 1:30 p.m. -To receive and dispose of the Financial and Auditor's Reports, -To elect Directors, -To appoint Auditors, -To consider and enact a proposed amendment to Company By-law No. 33 re Remuneration, -To transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. The retiring Directors are John H. McEwing, Stanley Mcllwain, and J. Norman' Trewartha, all of whom are eligible for re- election. All Members are invited to be present MRS. MARGARET SHARP, t Sedretary-Treasurer E 4 S 4 0 P it 'V 6) 0 �J r) f/