HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-31, Page 12...,
,, .P,Ipt 71,
,r PITO SRAFORTHi ONT.. JAN. 31,,1974
r 1
CL5IRE ass in10Q0Hold $uc
20. ,r'�tlCtiQll Sales 94'.. Cards O TIaa Il s guchre Held In Lodge o"Mis, Lc1w •Mrs. #tobert 'MciAilisf> er, .
R ,�.. euchre was . Lemon; KltchC als and Charles1 Mi�kle, r. anal Mrs; 'RQLb lrt; ►vticKle d
" A successfulh(~ d.ip Mens Hip Howard emq ., iVlc wan,' 1, :radon, visite.
The fantiiy of'tber late •Everett R.I.at>lalton, spout t►1e weekend visited Sunday with the formers 'Monday .wlti4: Njrs. Grace
w the I,O.tO.F.. Lodge rooms on Men's Low - Glen Bell; most Ione 'with 'their =other;Mrs. Laird mother Mrs. LA, Ird Mickle,
' • s, Smith wish to express t it Wednesday evening. Sp onsored • ands • Ross RichardsAn, A draw i Mr. and McEwan.
e he
sincere thanks and appreciation Mrs, Murray
by the C.P. & T. Committee, M ckle.
.R< to relatives, friends and for a box of groceries was wan by
%neighbours for the beautiful flora! there were eight tables in play, Ross Richardson and a bag of
TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE Winners were Ladies High - oranges draw was won by Mrs.
tributes donations to charitable
Qf housellold furniture and antique articles to be held at Kna Mrs. Ross Richardson;. Ladies Mary Connelly of, Ktppen,
Atl&tion Room, Main Street, Seaforth on
q PPs causes and for food brought to the United Church Not es
house. Special thanks to Dr. E
Moyo and nursing staff of OBITUARIES Rev. Don Beck preached on the
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 1974 sermon topic "The Gospel - Bad
Seaforth Community Hospital: HILTON A TRUEMNER
at. 7:00 P.M. News" for the service of worship
Consisting of two 9 pc., dining room suites; love seat; Rev. Hancock. pallbearers and Hilton A. Truemner of Zurich Sunday morning in Hensall
v round oak table; hall tree; living room suite; bedroom flr1wer bearers, R.S.Box Funeral passed away in St. Joseph's United Church: The choir under
suites; washstands; commodes; press back chairs; Home and staff, U•C.W. of Hospital, London on January 23, the direction of Mrs. Turkheim
Egmondville Church, L•O.B.A. 1974 in his 79th year.
rockers; kitchen regulator, clock; partial toilet set; y sang the anthem "Bless the Lord,
pine blanket box; pine chairs; 5 pc. kitchen suite; N712 and Edelweiss Rebekah He is survived by his wife 0 My Soul". Flowers were placed
leather chesterfield and chair; agtique buffer, Lodge Your many kindnesses Flossie Milverna (Jacob.e), hi$ in the church in memory of Mrs.
fireside set; Aladdin lamp; yarn winder; desk; will always be remembered. — children Belva (Mrs. William Stanley (Gladys) Mitchell and
Irene G. Smith and Family. Fuss) of Hensall, Elwood of Ha
decanter; 6 matching oak chairs; lamps; pictures and Y Hilton Truemner.
frames; crocks. 24-25x1 Township, and seven
Terms -Cash g
randchildren, Rebekahs Hold Secret Pal Night
Noble Grand Mrs. Aldeen
RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE The family of the late Grace The funeral was conducted
Brucefield - 482-3120. 20.75-t Brown wish to express our from the Westlake Funeral Home Volland presided at the regular
heartfelt thanks to relatives, on January 26 with Rev,Bruce meeting of Amber Rebekah
23. Bus. Diree o friends, and neighbours for their Guy officiating. Interment,was in Lodge and was assisted. by Vice
22. Legal Notices ' floral tributes, sympathy cards Grand Mrs, Margaret Consitt.
Emmanuel United Church
Norm Knapp, auctioneer and donations to the Blind. All Cemetery, Bronson Line. rhe Charter was draped in
NOTICE TO CREDITORS and appraiser will buy acts of kindness in the loss of a memory of Kathleen Campbell
pp Pallbearers were Ernest Gross, and Bertha Sutton, past
dear wife, mother, grandmother James Parkins, Andre Durand,
IN THE ESTATE OF DOUGLAS used and sister are deeply appreciated. Leonard Merner, Keith Horner presidents the Rebekah
JOHDi DICK FURNITURE 24-25x I and Morris Webb. Assembly off Ontario. Mrs,
All persons having claimsMRS. ELGIN ROWCLIFFE Consitt reported for the visiting
against the Estate of Douglas or sell by auction. Phone committee and the rpeeting in
John Dick, late of the Township of 527-1336, Seaforth. 23-214 _ Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe, the Clinton on January 9, informing
Hibbert in the County of Perth, — I would like to thank all those who former Ada Belle Case of 11.1111, that the speak -off for the -Youth
Labourer, deceased, who died on NORM WHITING Sent cards, treats and visited me Hensall, passed away January 27, pilgrimage will be held February
the 1st day of November, 1973, during my short slay in hospital. 1974 at South Huron Hospital in 27, Mrs. Volland reported for the
are hereby notified to send in full LICENSED AUCTIONEER Also thanks to Drs. Exeter. C•P, & T. Committee. The
particulars of their claims to the • & Underwood, Malkus and nursing Surviving are her husband committee for the 25th
undersigned on or before the 7th APPRAISER Dove McClure. 24.25.1 Elgin, three sons. William 'B., anniversary of the lodge
day of February, 1974, after Prompt, Courteous, Efficient staff'.Robert D., and Ronald E., and announced a banquet and
which date the assets will beone daughter Margaret (Peggy) programme would be held at the
distributed having regard only to g
26. Personal Craven. Pincrid a Chalet February 10.
claims then received. ANY TYPE, ANY SiZE, The late Mrs. Rowcliffe rested Following the meeting the .
ANYWHERE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Govier. at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral members enjoyed a sing song and
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this Seaforth, are pleased to announce Home in Exeter where service revelacd their secret pals by
9th day of January. 1974. We give complete sale service. i tp engagement of their daughter w;ts held January 29, 1974. presenting them with gifts.
Ruh Anne to Carmen Charles Interment w'as in Exeter LOCALS. t
Ruesner. son of Mr. and Mrs. Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins,
Norvel Ruesner of Milton, '
Barristers, &c., Ontario. The wedding will take
Seaforth, Ontario. Phone Collect
place February 22, 1974 at 7
Solicitors for the Estate 235-1964 Exeter �r
22-23-3 2.3 _-2.11,-O'clock in Egnumdville United a C LEARANCE,
– �__ Church. 26-24x1 • �•
ISABEL McCLURE 27. Births ' Suits and
ALL persons having. claims TRANSPORT LTD.
against, the Estate of Isabel SALVERDA — To Mr. and Mrs.
McClure, late of the Town ofP.C.V. Class CDF & FS Edward Salverda of R.R.1.
Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Serving Dublin & Seaforth areas. Londesboro at Scaforth
Retired Housekeeper, deceased • Phone 345.2301 Dublin anvti.me. Community Hospital on Januar
who died on the 26th day of 23.21 -if 23, 1974, a daughter. 27-25-1
November, 1971, are hereby
notified to send in full particulars R. S. BOX McCARTHY — To Mr, and Mrs.
of their claims to the undersigned Keith McCarthy of' R.R.1, Dublin
on or before the 21st day of VUNERAL HOME at Seaforth Communitv Hospital
February, 1974, after which date on January 29, 1974, it daughter.
the assets will be distributed Phones: 27-25-1 .
having regard only to claims then Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885
received 23-21 if V•�neent Far �i1 EqU� ment
DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this
29th day of January 1974,
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executrix
In . the Estate of SAMUEL
WILBERT BOLTON, late of the
Township of McKillop in the
County of Huron, farmer,
ALL persons having claims
against the above estate are
required to send full particulars of'
such clauns,,...to the ..undersigned
solicitors on or before the 19th
day of February, 1974, after
which date the estate's assets will
be distributed, having regard
only to claims that have then been
Brusseis, Ontario
Solicitors for the Administrator
with Will Annexed
23. Bus. Directory
Kippen, Ont ario
Telephone 262-5515 Hen -all
24. Cards of Thanks
Mrs. Sarah A. Clark wishes to
thank Mrs. Shella Dolmage,
nurses and staff for their kindness
and care at the Manor -Nursing
Home, bringing, me back to good
health so 1 can enjoy life in my
home. —Always will be
remembered. 24-25x 1
'Special thanks D"r. Underwood,
The Nursing Staff, Ron and Gloria
Riley, Eric Chutler for their
kindness shown at the tinie of my
accident, Thanks to those who
sent cards and treats and helped
at home. it was greatly
appreciated. Mrs. Ron
Williamson. 24-25x 1
I wish to thank all who sent cards,
flowers and treats, to Rev. M. E.
Reuber and all who visited me
and those.who helped at home
while i was a patient in Seaforth
Community Hospital• and since
returning home. Everything was
deeply appreciated. — Margaret
Pethick. 24-25x1
My special thanks to my family,
friends - and neighbors who
remembered me with treats,
flowers, cards, fruits and gifts
while a patient in Seaforth
Hospital. My very special thanks
to Dr. Moyo, nurses and staff. It
was all very much appreciated. —
Betty Heynsbergen. 24-25-1
Sincere "Thank You" to Dr.
Brady, Rev, Reuber, nurses,
staff, my family and many friends
who visited me, sent cards, gifts
and flowers while i was a patient
in Seaforth Hospital. —Hattie
inhrrctnn U -1r,. i
next �-
..: d r
527-0120 U116
Sea ort�i
527-0680 — Seaforth
r � \ R
11AAi,-n31:)W11Aid CHSS CIKI
FRI., FEB. 1, 1974
j ,,.w v+1 �� �.eM"' • �47, F '{�otat�J I ��I �I � ill
Music by
Major Hoople's Boarding , House "
• n
9:00 -- 12:00 — Admission $2.00 "
Starburst Bonus Cards will be phased out
'r & PHILCO Please accept my thank you for
LJ u u u U U U U u U u U U U
1 like
cards, treats and visits while a
patient in' Seaforth Hospital.
An wishing tcomplete their ft sets can
y one wgo comp
t --21-tf
Special thank you toDr. Malkus,
�' et these items until FEBRUARY 28 1974. After
Service to all makes Dr. Brady and nursingg staff. Also
with flowers, cards and gifts
Gordon of hurt a ver T.v's., Radios, Etc. when g y
this date Starburst Bonus Cards wil'1 no longer
broiler, oven window light, choice of four colors, white, copper,
r, 17 Sparling St. - Phone 527-1150 special thank you to our friends,
while I was a patient in Seaforth
23.21 _tf neighbours and relatives for
be honoured.
By Appointment Only
Seaforth Office
Tues VW"ed., Thurs., Fri.
gto . 5i801�' lit
looking after our children, doing
D'00SUn, L
the chores and gettih meals,
In compensation for Starburst bonus
.. doing housework, etc. when we
both It
were sick. was greatly
s FUNERAL HOME appreciated and will always be
remembered. — Gordon and Irma
87Goderieh St.W., Seaforth Pryce. 24-25-1
a ro Phone 527-1390 Seaforth
LJ u u u U U U U u U u U U U
1 like
Model 9618 - 10OR features, stainless steel ,tramed glass back guard,
t --21-tf
would to thank everyone
who visited and remembered me'
porcelain finish, easy to clean burner box drip
y , p proof COOktOp, deluxe'
with flowers, cards and gifts
broiler, oven window light, choice of four colors, white, copper,
while I was a patient in Seaforth
avocado, goldtone.
By Appointment Only
Seaforth Office
Tues VW"ed., Thurs., Fri.
gto . 5i801�' lit
Hospital. Special thanks to- Drs."Hardwick
Moyo, Malkus and the nursingare
staff and Father Mohan for his
visits. —Grace Jansen. `24-25-1Geraid's-
D'00SUn, L
gas ranges
priced from1 85.00-..
Thursday evenings Dublin Hydra wish to thank the
• W.
Irtoinday ou~y - Clinton Office p.� crit f servic 6dh f'rest their
PHONE 257-1010 -- 22 GOD�RICH ST W � SEA�`(�RfiH
ridge 527=1�i40 - tsr 4$i-7010; hydro to the village during the 52�y 321
recent sleet storm. 2 1 .
. 4 -25 -IN
tr �
• � r,.. r'i.. a, '• ,..� i ,. ,,. ., .... I .�:x„ c'1ry sl2,.] A.rirxafJ -,.el• - -
...: .. - ... .,. v ... .....:....x �'..,. }, r ... ,u�: -e'.. ..... r.il'. • y. h:',n r.in, x „ .tli:.". ✓.u.. a. ... e. ....e...., w, .,. ,. n, .. n,�., a. .. , .Y ,n ,Y ,..�. __. .r....._
x„ • .. •' , •.:.. .tin '..n,... ,. � , r„. .. .,., •„�