HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-31, Page 5J
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--= the 1974 Seaforthoptim-istsWinter Carnival
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Egmondville United Church
Local giris in Talent Festival
Sunday, school superintendent retires after 15years' Talent Festival -one of the instrumental. and the Ontario Ministry of
. several annual -provincial Junior In addition this year, there will Agriculture and Food Travelling
Ken Carnochan, retiring by the clerk of th session, years•,,• service announced the Tvndall as their representatives Farmer activities, will be the first be an Art and Photography Scholarships to the United King -
chairman of the Committee of Mervin Nott who rerted the appointment of Lyle Haney as the to the Manse' Committee, event in 1974 to mark the 30th Display contributed by Junior dom. Tom Melady of Dublin has
Stewards annourFad_an increase highlights of the essioa's new Sunday School Kenneth Moore, Presbytery and Anniversary of the Junior Far- Farmers from across Ontario. been nominated by Huron Country
of 25% in general givings and of activities for the past year, $uperintendent. She thanked the Confepnce representative with mers' Association of Ontario. During the Festival, winners of for the Australia` and New
50% in contributions to the including in addition to its regular leaders of the various youth Alex Chesney as alternate, Mrs. With an all time high of 175 several of this year's Junior Zealand Exchange. Jim Hender-
Mission and Service Fund in a meetings, the conduct of groups, Mrs. Bill Strong, the Milton Dietz and Mrs! fen entries, the Festival promises to Farmer travel programs will be son of Seaforth has been
comparative statement for the communion services, the Messengers, Mrs, T.E.Hancock, Coleman auditors, Mr. Dwight provide a full day's entertainment announced including the Austra- nominated by Huron County for.
last five years in Egmondville entertaining the Church the Explorers and Mrs. N. Bannerman, Mrs. Erlin for the 1,500 plus expected to lia and New Zealand Exchange the United Kingdom trip.
United Church, at the recent Membershid Class to dinner and Stimore,' the Canadian Girls in Whitmore and Ken Carnochan attend the program February 2 at
congregational m e e't i n g. the packing and delivery of T_ wining. The committee. was representatives to the Christian the. Royal York Hotel in Toronto. VIT E D D I N G INVITATIONS
Following the custom started thirteen Christmas boxes to responsible for the Dedication to Education Committee, and Huron County Junior Farmers
three years ago the congregation shut-in members of the congre- Mission, Flower and Bird, White retained Bruce Coleman as will be represented in dancing
met for worship at 11:00 a.m. gation. Gift and Church Class Services. secretary of the Official Board and general talent competitions. THE HURON EXPOSITOR
with a Pot Luck Luncheon Mrs. Ed. Boyes, the secretary Two of the year's highlights were and congregation. Sherrie Storey and Vicki — SEAFORTH
immediately after, followed by a of the Christian Education the Explorer and C.G.I.T. Mother The meeting recommended the Bennewies of the Seaforth Club PHONE 527-0240
business meeting.- Committee, who has retired as and Daughter Banquet and the acquiring of a memorial plaque, will be Step Dancing. Joanne
At the service the Minister; Sunday School teacher ' and Congregational Picnic. the purchase of new choir gowns, " w y "` "" 'CQ171' %.Iuu will
Rev. T.E.Hahcock, was assisted superintendent after twenty-five Mrs. Milton Dietz, President •of new stacking chairs and new
be in the writing competition and
the Twilight Circle and Mrs. hymn books. Margaret Franken of the Clinton
your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS
Earle Papple, president of the Club, will be doing an
United Church Women reported
on the various meetings and
Forecast Period: February 3 to February 9
projects of the women's groups
ARIES Ian be are the breadwinner, ,of one thing y`ou for the year. o New
Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 can be certain: Thefe will be increased activity An "In Memoriam" period
related to your job or future employment, called to memory members of the
Meaning? You might decide that money is congregation who died since the
everything! last meeting: Harold Jackson,
TAURUS For most members of your sign, there is cause g New books recently delivered Heckert, Eleanor - The Little
r Mrs. James A. Hay, Robert F. to Seaforth Librax include:
Apr. 20 -May 20 for concern. up ore or It seems as will plague our present jobast eta k Camerover on,
1, Mrs. Robert
Smit Elmer Boyle, Harry J. Memories of a the ngreat t of trevolution of Haiti, t
or project. Cameron, Robert Smith a'nd Catholic Boyhood - Set during the is more than history, for through
in rural
GEMINI A chain of events, disappointing events, might Tribute was aid to the retiring Everett Smith. time of the depression it's pages runs., a love story that
May 21 - June 20 find you seeking solitude. The point is this: p g Canada, this is a heartwarming parallels the momentous events
Meditation and self analysis won't be the stewards: Ken McLlwain, Preston story of a man's first steps to of the revolution itself.
answer. Advice? Widen your circle of friends. Dallas, Alex Chesney and Ken maturity and of the events that Trevanian • The Loo Sanction - .
Nt MOONCHILD It isn't what someone has done - it's what they Carnochan and to the retiring helped,form a special person. A novel of Suspense and edge of
June 21 - July 22 are about to do! Forget the past. Look about at elders: Ken Smith, Doug Mason, Bernard S. - Crafts of the seat excitement.
what's going on in your immediate surroundings, Wallace, Norman MacLean, and the Woods - For -the student of Harrison, Harry = Nova 3 - A
Robert Tyndall. Crafts, the instructions in this g
LEO According to your chart, you're in the mood to Following the luncheon Mr. collection 'of 13 original science
July 23 - Aug. 22 become tyranntical toward a member of the book on the Indian's ancient fiction stories.
opposite sex. Avoid ultimatums - unless you can Hancock reported on the past methods are invaluable.
Brunner J. .The Stone That
back up your demands! ,year's activities by way of Wodehouse, P.G. - The Golf Never Came Down - John
VIRGO Resist the urge to run scared, this week. A sound -picture presentation, Omnibus - To those whom golf is Brunner, a master of science
Aug. 23 • Sept. 22 chain of minor reversals might fund you ques- "Highlights '73". Elected to the an ambition or way of life, this fiction, catapults us -into a not too
tioning the feasibility of your job, task or pro- Committee of Stewards to serve book is a gloriously funny must, distant future.
ject. until the end of 1976 were: Tom
LIBRA It seems as though the harder you -work, this Papple, Alex Irvine, Arthur
Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 week, the less you will achieve. Most of your Wallace and Ivan Blake and to the -
efforts will pay off in the long haul Session: Warren Shera, Bill C o E'S
v SCORPIO No question about it, you're goingto under. Strong, Jim Rose and Milton
Oct. 23 . Nov. 21 cover or, at least, become aware of an associ- Dietz.
ate's blunders. The point? Don't let someone ntinued in office as Stewards A 5 T
else's errors disturb you. were orman Eggert, Andrew „'a+'
SAGITTARIUS Play it close, very close, to the vest. This week Lunn, en McLeod„John Forrest, P
Nov. 22 • Dec. 21 should trigger opportunities to gamble or spec- . Edward Boyes, Miss Mae Smith, G I F T
ulate. In other words, it's a good time to take Robert Watson, John Bennett andf
calculated risks. Mrs: Will Strong: and as ePders: R E M EMB R A N t E
CAPRICORN You're not a student of the theory that -things, Mrs. N. Stimore, Mrs. Bruce
Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 come easy. Nevertheless you are entering a Coleman, Russell Coleman, Whether it's a
period when over confidence could be a tre-- • Mervin Nott, Ken Moore, Bradley *'MONUMENT • MARKER • IINSCRIPTIO14
mendous drawback ... especially with the op- Carnochan, Lyle Haney, Robert Wallace, Emmerson Durst.
posite sex, --You are remembering a loved one —
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Yea 20 -'Fe Most ted an "under your sign will get , un. The Board of Trustees remains Ta PR�(DE Q ®N LTD.
Tan. 20 - 'Feb. 18 expected and "'lucky” break. Sorry to say, your Ken Smith, Bruce Coleman, et
good fortune will bring you little or no o u- Robert Tyndall, Mervin Nott,
larity. Ivan Forsyth and, Emmerson Help You Decide .on Your Memorial Requirements
PISCES Once again, it's unlikely that you will do any Durst replacing Robert Smith. CINE • EX !�T 23 -��i2�
Feb. 19 • Mar. 20 wrong ... that is, concerning your relationship The congregation elected Mrs.
with the opposite sex. Things will come your -•
wa in s Ite 'of ourself Elmer Stephenson and xRobert
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