HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-31, Page 3\ .: (: ., '2.� r, .tir .. r v.. 'KL;, "_,GT,.. .nt•T. e. .. : .�. Z,.
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Lear . , Nloutrt Foxest.. On. $lster , , �. , . a`
S afo . o .. erl q a 1 4k tJ; last rojeet. tttiT?FP"a?i F4 ':1 >
church, i , e :..rth, f t'm y � . , . ,;. �.-:�� „` �• P sect rs ,' ' e to hi
:,,; +lEt dtt . G .11y!�athear.,.a teats 21R
Mr . Ma cera u n 4i �r •.. �1 J z." ,:,, p 50p
ter xy ri: Luc ,: !�
,.: rr :. Mrs. Jo Ho r h e " ser�kesl'
1.ondori died on a at the r y Hopper sa,td t there
M . Y. K. ,• ;, but note exhibitors, s, S.he so estrrd a r
•.: , N , ,, , , t k>?r 88.. 9aQ,IYh?nRll_,.�.gf t1lP
Mk .a e a ;
grandch�ltiren and 27 great was a potential fax uccessful>x! iZq t, ,, P �..,.s..,
Seaforth Community Hospital, ,, , r;:" ' ": , .,' a%•„s 4 ' t P # a s b would b e d #d stir s,
r dchildxeki.
g,r..,. a titter dateetc s .aoa tractp�l`Ilui s 1t>s.0 .,.. Pep,, e o f rt `?
following, a long illness '; <,, ....:. N ': 1 :a light horse show with the fair. She . �. b err , � �� 10 q h
Resting at the home of '� ' Sunday in ,lune, due to' ;Ap '0411.UAlas>1t11 .p file .. or e r 'a
Born in' Seaforth, she was the ' r , ''' x; �.j William Dale xeportkd an hel er,.b a til aisl it toss tt poitt nt;,,
former Della Thompson, a daugh• daughter and Solt-in«law, Mr, and � ,. ■ � ospt tai
Mrs.Russell Smith+R.R.I.Dublin increase In five herdsiri Channel that thele be inatty ent4igs tq ,
� ter of the late ,Mr. and Mrs. '
�� (C Island breeds with chance of more t- akin #t a succuss •
James B. Thompson. She married
until Thursday mornai thence to
Y g
funeral mass at St. Patrick's
ontinued from Pae 1
g f
secretary to replace i icy
con tnue.m g .
due'to the ti6v classification of-, Leonard lvfcGre ,or of; the ;
John Greed in Seaforth in the
Presbyterian Church, The couple
Church, Dublin, Friday at •10;3fl
,Hoggarth who.retired .this month
the Hays plan. He said, We may
Departinerit 'of tigrtculturP,'Chn
lived in London. Mr. Green died
a+m. with ttevr Gordon Dill
as secretary after serving in that
for 20
have to take a look at the Black
and White Show. The number of
ton, said the 4�f1 membership ill
the county has dojib)ed apd there'
in 194$ and Mrs.. Green. returned .
to Seaforth In 196$, She w.aS a
officiating. Internment
Columban Cemetery., Prayers
offer people a service and this can
position years.
">• Mrs: • Wilfred" ' Whyte will
'cattle are going down. W.e must
are three new clubs started, -HO,•
The motion consented to by the
membet of Hamilton Road
Thursday at 8:30 P.M:
iepresent Hullett Township an
look for more entries."
complimented the. Seaforth
the Recreation. Department
merely limits themselves to
Kitchener; Zachariah,' R.R.5,
Presbyterian. Ghulch, London.Whitneythe
Whitne Funeral Home,
Seaforth, in charge of
Board re 1•acip John Jewitt;
P g
Mrs. W.C.Bennett will represent
Robert McMillan said he would
ciecy ror its strongmembersili .
which indicated a SJ;ton
programs that do not exist andhursday,
Surviving are: a son, John of
I� Etobicoke;g sisters, Gladys of
B • John D. Baker Affairs to give urgent considers-
the Hospital Auxiliary; replacing
like to see some entries from
Huron in the Barrow Show at the
Seaforth; Mrs. Sadie Stewart of
Public Relations Officer tion to amending the VLA
Miss Alice Reid.
Rev. H.J.Laragh was
CNE. He regretted that there
Mrs, Irene Jamieson of R,R. 4
Clinton, was presented with 'an
11hone 52'
Toronto; Mrs. H.(Ruth) L day
action on somethingit
ra ch 156 re ula tions to ermit'veterans
B n g P
re -appointed by Seaforth Council
were none from Huron in the first
Sharon and Bob spent Sunday in
moved froth the Hugill house.
of Ingersoll; two grandsons.
Ro er J Andrews 65 f R R
to acquire small holdings, even if
Moore and Alex Chesney'-
show last year.
We hope that be will make the
NeW8 Of lE111
� $' OndVllle
The body was at the G.A. g ' o to represent the town on the ,
Y 4, Seaforth, died'of a heart attack °the main purpose of most of the Dondid Dodds, leader of the
Whitneyuneral home in Seaforth •V+L«A. Deadline Board.
Y at home Saturday. -Hc He was born in older veterans now applying fpr, Swine 4-H Club said membership .
with the funeral servic at 1 m. y' Once again veterans are Dr. Charles' Moyo, who was Tax-deductible'
P West Gwillimbur Townshi loans 'under thg VLA is tQ meet was down last year ii'ut 1te hoped l,:Ctib�e
Wed esda Rev. + Mery E: Y to reminded that the deadline for their housing re uirement , • it elected president of the Medical it would be higher this year with . a
di Y• � Simcoe County, a son of the late the veterans land act is March g q � Staff at a meeting earlier this
Reuber officiating. Burial was in John T. Andrews, and -Mary 1974. Any veteran who has being the view of this House that month, presented a report for the three clubs to replace the two last pensions—a. good way to
Woodland cemetery, London. McConnell: Educated in Simcoe ' , entitlement to apiece f this land year.
qualified and who intends to take Medical Staff, The Medical Staff
Pallbearers were: James F. County, he was a poultryman..He advantage of the act is urged tp ought to be the ri t of any recommendation, that Dr, Rodger Claire Reith, reporting for the, Save money today for
Scott, Clair Reith, Alex Chesney, came to the-Seafbrth area in 1938. veteran." egg division, said the number of +
proceed with plans right now. hitman be named chief of staff
Ed. Boyes, J : White and Jack Surviving are: his wife,,the An editorial in the January The Legion has been seeking ofthe hospital, was approved by entries has remained the same for what you'll need tomorrow.
41 Scott'. former Edna Pickett of Clinton, an extension of the March 1974 the last number of years with the
edition of the Legion Magazine t e Board.
whom he married in 1944; a son, reads as follows: deadline and/or the reopening of ti Gordon 'McKenzie, Hospital . qualityhoof the the eggs good. worth Let me help you
the 1968 qualification deadline,
MRS.THOMASF. RYAN John W. of R.R. 41Seaforth; Those VLA Deadlines q Administraf or, in his report said g ,,+�.
sisters, . Mrs. Claude (Edith) Maybe it was Necause it was but up to the time of going to there had been some confusion continuing. get started.
Owen of Willowdale, Mrs. Robert ,close to Armistice Day and maybe Press Veterans Affairs Minister resulting from the recent Stanley Hillen reported on the
Mrs. T}iomas' F. Ryan, 90, of (Laura) Owen of Whitby, Mrs. it was just another example of Daniel MacDonald had not given announcement -the hospital would grain section and W.D. Wilson -
R R.1,Dublin died,Tuesday at the Dawson (Marguite) Feaver of 'how all parties in the House of any indication that he was be handling the fire calls in the . for the gafp committee. • •
Hillside Rest Home, R.R.5, Toronto. prepared to enact any further Gordan Papple, speaking on J i MINI i l is n
Commons forget their differences future• for the Seaforth Fire
Stratford, after a short illness. The body was at the R.S. Box legislation in this respect. A the grounds and property, said a r
Born in Lucan she was the „ funeral home, Seaforth, where comes to veterans' problems n In questionnaire published . in the any
one repotting emphasizednt. He reshould lot of painting, repairing and
former Catharine McIlhargey. funeral service was held Tuesday November issue of the Legion fencing had been carried out. 34• 88455
Y any event they gave unanimous phone the usual fire number
She was, married at St. at 2 p.m., with Rev. T.E. Hancock consent to a motion in the House. Magazine. shows that there is a 527-1100. There is a special Fire John Murphy reported for the , MITCHELL
Patrick's Church, •Lucan on April officiating assisted b I Rev h great deal of interest among midways and 'Joe Gibson on
27, 1909 to Thomas. Ryan who
Dwight Strain ofr Clinton. Tem
on November 9 asking • t e
Government to amend the Vet-
vetera concerning extension of
Department phone Inst ailed at
the hospital switchboard.
indoor booths. James Doig said
McDonald Farm booth
Past Events
Recreation Committees and
the daughter>of the late John and
died in 1953,
porary entombment was in the
Brans Land Act regulations.
the de lines.
Mr. McKenzie said a call to the
the Old
groups are basically functioning
with this viewpoint and said the
Harburn and Ross Riley, most
offer people a service and this can
Surviving are six sons, ,Joseph
Pioneer Memorial mausoleum.
Harburn; Lowe hands
The motion consented to by the
hospital using the hospital
was •a success, giving some
Mr. -and .,Mrs. Dean Gibson,
Eac Party '�
sponsor euchre.
the Recreation. Department
merely limits themselves to
Kitchener; Zachariah,' R.R.5,
Pallbearers were: Wilson •
Motion of this kind, obliging
House obliges the Minister to
number could delay action in
children their first opportunity to
party on Friday, January 25th
programs that do not exist andhursday,
Township, one sister, Esther
-Johnston•of Blyth and a brother,
Feb. 7th, ',executive
Seaforth; Francis, R.R.1, Dublin;
R.R.I. Dublin; Leo,
McCartney, Milton Dietz, Henry
the Government to fake specific
come forth with some recommen-
dations deadlines.
securing help for a fire:
see baby animals such as piglets.
Kenneth Moore said there was
Fixed costs for roads in Huron
total ' than
meeting commencing at 8:00'
L. M elyk,
Kevin Jewitt; Lone- Sam
Ziter, Wilfred Coleman, Ken
action on somethingit
co cernin the
iJ g
Wednesday, Feb, 13th, Legion
ie dylc, who has
Mrs. Arie
Sharon and Bob spent Sunday in
moved froth the Hugill house.
M ass' an help numerous groups
Elaine and Sharon Brown.
The funeral service took
Kitchener; Earl, Al.vinston; 3
Moore and Alex Chesney'-
wants to avoid doing, rarely if
We hope that be will make the
NeW8 Of lE111
� $' OndVllle
a 41 per cent increase in profit�i
Sale, hopes
or ten pe cent according to the
Flowerbearers were: Root..
ever et an here a
g Y�'
right recommendations so that no
. from the Penny and
McCartnegtoand Bruce Coleman,
single "nay" by an • MP will
veterans will lose their settlement
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
with more advertising another 41
defeat it. ,
Darwin Bannerman on Saturday
per cent next yeaf•:
in this case .Stanley Knowles,
NDP member for Wirrnipeg North
Regardless of the above editor/
ial, would.be well to
were Mrs. Ellen Smibert -of
Bell Bennett reported for Turf -
Club and cited all the repairs to
The MuiUal Life of Canada
Grace Brown of Blyth
'Centre, the house
you advised
and Miss Marie Smibert
barn have
passed away in ,Witjgham Generales
moved that
take action before March 1974.
of Toronto, and on Sunday, Mr.
the and track which .
request the Minister of Veterans Veterans who did not qualify in and Mrs, Don Talbot and Sherri been carred. Art Bolton said both
Hospital January 18, 1974. She 1
(Continued from Page 1) was in' her 68th Year. 968 will be out of luck unless the- of London.
•from your leaders.
Mrs. Brown was born in Morris
act is changed.
Warning that sometimes
Township on December 12, 1906,
Past Events
Recreation Committees and
the daughter>of the late John and
Last Wednesday at the Stag
service clubs' are workings as
opposite forces, he said that both
Alice Shortreed. She married
Harvey'Brown on March 1st 1930,
(Contihue^d from Page 1)
Euchre, winners were: Ernest
groups are basically functioning
where they farmed in Morrig
with this viewpoint and said the
Harburn and Ross Riley, most
offer people a service and this can
Township until 10 years ago when `
they moved to Blyth. She was a
Ministry will a set '
Harburn; Lowe hands
.;an onfy be done efficiently
thr h
staunch member of the United
Churc Mf t BI th
amount to the road system in villesand Gary Osborne; runner
Huron but that Huron citizens —up , Red Dillon.
r i>• i• i• fi>• f� i• � .
In . the -event of
oug cooperation. In this way
there is no overlapping • or
o o r, o y
she w s organist of Walton'
ma,yy choose to spend considerably
have be
The Bingo last Friday, attracted
Ron Littleton,, who has
shows a projection of fixed' costs
interference in- activities' or
United Church for 30 years and
mciY•e wh'i'ch would to paid
totally out of county funds,
thjrty-four players, and prizes to •, •
the value of $3S9 were
been a patient -in in .St, `Joseph's
and new equipment.
Engineer . said • the,
Dr. W.J.Thompson, for the
second meeting in succession,
Shortreed, Ken Taylor, James
programs. '
.later displayed,, her musica!
"We should begin to think f
won. r
}tt(iSpitai; Lohdon, ]las-returneL'
inflationary trends and not for any
Classified Ads pay dividends.
' In the way of direct operation,
talents in many channels.
Surviving Besides her husband
this in terms. of a rant rat r
than a percentage of total road
P g
Coming Events
Mr. -and .,Mrs. Dean Gibson,
Eac Party '�
sponsor euchre.
the Recreation. Department
merely limits themselves to
is one son, John of Morris
costs in the count Mr. Britnell
Friday, Feb. 1st, Bingo as usual
at the Legion Hall.
Lucan, Mrs. Mary McGillvary,
party on Friday, January 25th
programs that do not exist andhursday,
Township, one sister, Esther
-Johnston•of Blyth and a brother,
Feb. 7th, ',executive
Walkerton and Mrs. Margaret
Barnard, Exeter, visited with Mr.
Ladies' Nigh - Carolyn
Mr.\and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
on Saturday from Clinton -to the
there iinterest shown. It
Ellwood Shortreed..of Wingham,
Fixed costs for roads in Huron
total ' than
meeting commencing at 8:00'
L. M elyk,
on the Kinburn road. Mr. and
Kevin Jewitt; Lone- Sam
more beneficial to the community
for t ecreation department to
as well. as two granddaughters,
more one, millionp.
Wednesday, Feb, 13th, Legion
ie dylc, who has
Mrs. Arie
Sharon and Bob spent Sunday in
moved froth the Hugill house.
M ass' an help numerous groups
Elaine and Sharon Brown.
The funeral service took
ay ate of about five
sponsored public speaking.
been a patient in Victoria
Hospital, has returned'home.
}' v
E" d indi 'duals to operate
f T k M ' 1 Ch i
or ten pe cent according to the
activities ather than solely
rom as er emorta ape ,
Blyth with the Rev. C. L. Wittich
Road Committee Chairman.
The Road Needs Study. Update
. concen g on a few areas.
Mr. Buist was introduced by
officiating. Burial was in Blyth
shows a projection of fixed' costs
Brian Flannigan and thanked by r
Union Cemetery.
Serving as pallbearers were
such as maintenance, overhead
Bob Beutenmiller•
Walter . Shortreed, Wilfred
and new equipment.
Engineer . said • the,
Dr. W.J.Thompson, for the
second meeting in succession,
Shortreed, Ken Taylor, James
to ofll
increasing rate of, fie to ten
won the special draw.
Lawrie, Harold Frame -and
Harvey Snell."
percent provides only • for
President Clair qampbell was
Ethel Kerr-, Low Prize - Jean
inflationary trends and not for any
in charge of the in eting.
Classified Ads pay dividends.
improvement in services.
and -Michael were Mr. and Mrs
prize - Andy Crozier.
Fore ters
Eac Party '�
sponsor euchre.
The Foreste s of Court
William Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie
Kerri visited on Sunda) with Mr.
Constance held a euchre card
and John of Varna, Mrs. Ella
and Mrs, Dave Medd and Kim of
party on Friday, January 25th
Jewitt, Don, Larry, Ken, Kevin
withthe following winners.
and Steven.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Floyd moved
Ladies' Nigh - Carolyn
Mr.\and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
on Saturday from Clinton -to the
Thompson; Lone - Mary McClure;
visited on Friday with Mrs.
house on the farm of Dolig. Hugill
Low - Kim Riley; Men's High -
Mervyn,,, Webb and girls of
on the Kinburn road. Mr. and
Kevin Jewitt; Lone- Sam
Mrs. Lloyd McCluskie now are
• McClure; Low - Steven Jewitt.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson,
residing in Egmondville having
Sharon and Bob spent Sunday in
moved froth the Hugill house.
M d Mrs Robert
The last Foresters Family
Bowling was cancelled because of
Sarnia with T. an
Reynolds, Janet, Bob, Nancy Jo
sleet. There is another night
of Southfield, Michigan. ,
planned for February 10th at 7
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and
P.M. at Noble's Bowling Lanes in
There will be no services at the
Londesboro Unit ed Church for
Winners at euchre on
the month of February while
January 21st weree'Ladies High -
ORev.Stan McDonald is on
Mrs. McDougall; Ladies' Lone -
Ethel Kerr-, Low Prize - Jean
Sunday visitors with .Mr. find
Cairns; Men's High - Norm Riehl;
mrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill, Debbie
Men's Lone - H. Dolmage; Low
and -Michael were Mr. and Mrs
prize - Andy Crozier.
Upp to $4,000 a year may be deduct=
foie for income tax purposes from
your income if you invest it in a
while you also guarantee yourself a
monthly retirement income for life.
Ask me for details.
'L.J1V Seaforth -- 'Phone 527-0410
,,... Owl
Top Quality
Government Inspected
Wbole Beef 9 $t
Half Beef 994
Price subject to change
Free Def very'
Within 10 Mile
Grant McGreg&
11holie 262-51839
-To receive and dispose of the Financial and
Auditor's Reports,
-To elect 'Directors,
-To appoint Auditors,
-To consider and enact a proposed
amendm2nt to Company By-law No. 33
re Remuneration,
-To transact any other business that may
properly come before the meeting.
The retiring Directors are John , H',
McEwing, Stanley Mcllwain, and J. Norman
Trewartha, all of whom are eligible for re-
All Members are invited to be present
Secretary -Treasurer
� Persons .residing in the
' Must Phone
fr a ststance and to,,
.summon the''
fire brigade
r .
Fire calls in the Seaforth Fire Area
now will be answered. by -staff'
' at Seaforth Community Hospital. A
special line has been -installed and
1 _
the existing fire alarm• No. 5 7-1100
continues in'use. use. The hospital r teles r r
phone number is not to be used for fire
emepgencies and if used, could cause ,
d , play.r