HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-31, Page 2.: .. ..,..., a 1'. I:.;:+.. 1
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Sime 1860, ruing the Community First 1 i 1h�r:'
Ibll'shetfi atr#k'QI = ONTARIO, every Zllirtrsdad momiiln� by McLEAN BROS,, Fu�riisQ►e¢�s I,trd 1•,� i : � ��e��X�S
ANDREW Y. McLF.AN; R#itor i `�:•.
" \. ''\, ` / -, � l ,r .„;� ,• Kms' �(
McMber Cau edian . Weeldy Newupape'r Associeften
Ontario Weelely Newsp'a'per A's dation, ' ,. `� '
� .'. He
and Audit Bu a of Ci'rcu'lation ` * '� i •� ” e p : ,� °`I
", ! �:' , In scanning the Goderich Signal -Star we note that plans
Nesvtspapeas ' �" ' J
a � 'ti , for •.a proposed recreation. compleein Goderich .are slowly%
Sub$cnipion Rates: t r' y y .r + 'i forming with selection of a building -site still the im;aiin concern
Canada (in advance) $9.00 a Year `' y,. = t of tVe' study committee looking into the ppssibiiity, Recreation
= F ,+ Director, Mike Dymond, told•the Goderich Recreation and
Outside Canada (in advance) $U.00 a Year
SING COPIES -- 20 CIENTS EACH � r Community Centre Board nt' its 'regular meeting Tuesday
` night that the study committee has met twice since November
Second Qt s MaIN Registration Number 0696 - €`� � F1 ,, � 30, 1973 and will meet again on Februa'iy Sth with•a, Stratford
Telephone 52? 0240 `-:`"`, , " '� ' architect to view possible plans for the complex. - . :Meals or.
a t h wheels started rolling through Goderich on Monday. Started ,
a nationally by the Red Cross of Canada, meals on wheels
SEAFORTH ONTARIO, January , y °A supplies hot, nourishing, well -cooked .meals' for persons
0, J ary 31, ' , K i ice- 'i recently dischargedfrom hospitals, some elderly people an
others in need of them. The Goderich organization serves
• ,; `-.� - s '. ,
eight to ten daily. - - -Over 50 members of Goderich Legion
attended the first regular 1974 meeting' i0d witnessed the
• > ,,. �•. *' ' a m t; �' .; awarding of a Legion Meritorious Service Medal to Comrade
The COai mirier'S Sided"'' 4s' _ David McMillan, a charter member and past president of the
Branch, b Dominion chairman Chester Merriam of Taia.
The Mitchell Advocate reports that Lew Reaney was ,
ell ' Publie Utilities
returned as chairman of the It$itch
Commission at the January meeting.;- Bill Thiel, eldest son
The coal miners'of Great Britain down. �� ' �' Rr Y of Mr. and Mrs. W. H., Thiel, of Kenora, is taking a
have come in for a lot of flack Likewise, the British Coal Board, " '" t'- seven -week course on the B-500 computer at Philadelphia and
,recently. Prime Minister Edward stops paying miners when the cage'> on completion will be installing and servicing this type of
Heath seems at 'times to be blaming (elevator) picks them up at the seam- i ��. ,, computer in the offices of the Canadian Imperial Bank of
° y y
them for singlehandedly causing both atCommerce in Calgary. Bill was selected from all workers oil
e the end of an eight dour shift. �? � - �.�• � - • ^�'" computers for IBM from Winnipeg to Vancouv"er and is the
the energy crisis and the three day White underground the miners }- :" first•to t e this training in the Province of Alberta. - - -Mr.
week which some Britons are get a twenty minute lunch break, for A and MrJames Cecil Harrison, Mitchell, celebrated their
working. which they are not paid. y �� 50th Wedding Anniversary recently. Mrs. Annie Harrison,
In the governments battle against Miners often work their . whole4 �" I Seaforth, is a sister of Mrs.Harrison, the former Mary Isabel
crippling inflation the coal miner in shift up to their knees in water and . Menzies, of East Wawanosh.
some fashion has tiecom.e the enemy. are cramped up for the whole shift. Plans get go-ahead according to the Lucknow Sentinel, at
The opal miners are accused of trying The dangers of mining are well known
to wreck the country. in this country. Fingers and limbs are
Most people here, and probably in often lost, and miners' compensation
England are down on the British coal is not the best.
miners who are the latest villians in Miners top wage in Murton is a
the "these strikes are getting out of take home pay of $73. Not too many
hand and something must be done" people would like to work overtime in
a public meeting on Monday for ap Old Boys -and Girls
reunion in 1974. The dates have been set as June 28, 29, 30
and July 1. - - - Councils of the Village of Ripley and
Township of Huron met with members of the executive of the
Recreation Complex Committee to discuss progress of the
Ripley Huron District Recreation Complex. The proposed
complex will consist of arena, swimming pool and auditorium.
Provincial and Federal grants are being approved• as
anticipated. Teirson Building Ltd. has been instructed to,
dust that gets in our food and our
g Y Y
Mr. J.M,McMillan, manager, of the
prepare work drawings and it is expected tenders will be
for in March.,
In fact,- it is interesting to note that
lungs, with water and noise al -I around
Officers • were elect ed recently at the
Provincial- Savings Bank, has purchased
The Clinton News -cord reports that Sunday's ice storm
the British coal miners are not on
you, after working all week for $73.
Egmondville Hockey Club. They are:
the residence of Mr. 'James Archibald on
wrecked 14 of the 22 towers of Community Cable System. The
strike, they have only refused to work
British miners are threatening to
Honorary president - Samuel McGeoch;
Victoria St., adjoining the park.
television t ers at the Holmeiville site served 2,500
a overtime.
strike, but so far they're only refusing
President Richard Kruse; Vice -President
Mild weather again spoiled the curlers'
customerfli Clinton and Goderich and will not be restored for
The majority of miners in at least
to work overtime.
Harry Van E mond; Secretor -
g y
second local bonspiel, which was to have
been held on Wednesday afternoon and
three weeks. Damage was estimated close to $20,000: - - ' A
One mine never -,did work ove'r'time,
It might be a good time, t0
Mr. Herbert Lawrence, son of Mr.
avenin of this week.
meeting is being held Frida night, January 25th, at the
bo the intention of
according to a reporter,in the Toronto t
recognize the new high status of coal
James Lawrence of McKillopsails from
At the Farmers"Club-meeting there will
Clinton Public Hospital's room with
organizing a St. John •Ambulan Brigade here in Clinton.
Star who went down to the pit with a
in an energy short society and pay the
New York one week next Saturday, as a
be a debate on the subject
The meeting will be sponsored by the odericli Club. - - -First
Shift of, miners in Murton, England.
miners a bit more for dangerous work
missionar to the dark continent, under the
Depopulation, its causes and its
the recent appointment of a woman as Lieutenant -Governor of
The British miners don't get paid for
under difficult conditions despite the
cuspfors • of the African Industrial
Mr. W.D.Stewart and daughter, St.
the Province of bntario and now the appointment of a woman
their shifts until they actually reach
added fuel' such action might
On Thursday afternoon of cast week a
Paul, were here visiting Mr. Stewart's
as a first in the position of a deputy minister. This honour
came to Dorothea Crittenden, a career civil servant for 3,6 ,
the coal seam, 1,000 feet below the
.contribute to inflationary fires that
regular blizzard set in and. since then lite
mother, Mrs. Alex Stewart and brother
years, when Pr envier William Davis appointed her to be
surface, even 'though they've spent
threaten Britain.
weather has been stormy and; decidedly
Mr. J.A.Stewart. Mr. Stewart leaves early.
- deputy to the Minist er of Community and Social Services. -
about half an hour preparing to go
cold. On Monday mottling the
in the month with his daughter on an
Miss Crittenden was born in Blyth. and was educated in St.
thermometer is said to have dro ed to f0
extended trip to the Mediterranean, Egypt
and the Holy Land.
Thomas and London..
below zero. On account of the: storm and
Messrs. N. Cluff and Sons are this week
The Exeter Titnes�ArlJei ate reports that -council this week-
the cold, business was very dglll in town,
installing a power loading elevator in their
gave tentative approval -to•engaging the-services•of'engineemm, '4
The congregation of St, James Church
coal sheds near the station.
to conduct-a-stisdy of the Exeter Town Hall, - - - Thd -value . of
r q r
S U Lit a
n S ice
are havingmaterial laid for the.
erectio'n of a new residence for their pastor,
The Collegiate Institute was scheduled.
to reopen after closing for some time due to
building permits issued re Exeter last year was this.w ek = -
-B:geakins and thefts were numerous in Exeter this.week with
the Rei : Father McCifbe, It will be of brick
idemic: Pupils had hl d
no less than seven occurrences 'being - reported to the town
BY Bill
and will be erected be'twee'n the church and
the residence of Dr. McGinnis. - -
a. measles a who
P p 1`
measles could return under certain
police department. - - - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bodaly celebrated
home in
While driving from Clinton on Thursday
cotiditidns which were printed in the paper.
their 55th Anniversary quietly at their recently
of last week, Mr. Josiah Tv was
i.e. "A recent bath shall have been taken.
The highlight of the Howick Lions -,Club meeting in
caught in the blizzard and had one of his
and clothing free from measles infection
shall be worn.'
Fdrdwich on Monday evening, according to the Wingham
You'd think the Smileys could have one
If !'d been there, I'd have fainted @leadY
Miss M.- Beattie, daughter of Mr. John-
d 1949.
Advance -Times, was the burning- of the mortgage on the
swimming pool the Lions built in Gorrie. The.pool was opened
rim grandchild with no more than the
away and been carted off. My wife is made
Beattie, who has been troubled for some
An egg weighing seven ounces and
'last summer and within a year has been completely paid for.
usual anxiety and expectancy,
of sterner stuff. She can get hysterical
time with a sore toe, had the.ailing member
measuring seven and three quarters of
Not a chance. They had to turn it into a
about a cat crapping on a carpet. But when
removed on Wednesday by Drs. Scott and
nine inches found, its way to the Seaforth
three-ring circus.
it comes down to real trouble, she's right
Farmers Co -Operative egg grading station.
Just about the time the wee lad was due
t,i arrive,, 1 provided the first ring. I racked
And my brother-in-law; is a great man in
`A a Year sueCarnivalRobert
Lep a Masquerade rade
It was one of a shipment from the farm of
W. Campbell, McKillop.
M '?':•:•i ::`.c:;::::::; ::::•:::•:•: ''::;`'`:';::::: ;:::::s::
�:%''" "" '"'`"'�:•.
up m\ car. Not seriously. Just enough so it
eei�tldn't be driven. h was during lite
a \crisis. He posted my wife where she
could talk to the two kids trapped in the
will be held in the Palace Rink, Seaforth.
Number of persons applying to the police
for overnight lodgings are on the increase,
The fierce snow storm which raged' on
holidays, and between these and relentless
elevator. Then• he rounded up the troops:'
Friday, Saturday and Sunday .last, and
according to Provincial Constable W.
storms. dad after div, the repairs took
security guards, superintendents, and
which was accompanied by .intense Cold,
Hodgson, of Seaforth. During January:
; ., ;;?•
". from Ottawa
INN a. long -as they would have normally.
Na transport. But we had to be there
They tied everything. A half hour
� g-
blocked the country roads in maty places,
there were twice as tgany transients
accommodated as during the entire
,_.. _
%%lien his nibs arrived. It's a hundred miles
away". Result was a i htmare of •taxis and
passed. Nothing. An hour. Nothing
worked. The called the elevator company.
and all trains have been running behind.
rime for a couple of days. Since then
previous two months, he said. '
Humn County dropped from fourth place
�O ONS TAKES BREAK the meeting with the premiers
It w•asNew Year's Day. A recorded
the weather has moderated
to sixth place last , year in butter
The Libgral Government's averted an anticipated ' 12' cent a
There's nothing more dismal than
message. Tension'grew. It was like a wake.
greatly and on Tuesday there was a eat
production. according to the annual
Election Expenses Bill received gallon increase on. gasoline and
riding•a hos in mid -winter. it's either a
Pregnant, woman trapped in stalled
fall of rain.
statistics of the Ontario Department of
•Ro al Assent us
Y just bCfore heating oil in the,Maritimes and
super -modern one, with the heat turned up
Parliament recessed for six Quebec over the next two months.
so that you are gasping for breath .and
After nearlv.an hour and a half, my
t �
weeks. Prime Minister Trudeau
sweating like a wrestler, or, it's an
son-in-law•• one of the trappees, had an
The Election Expenses announced that the federal
old•rimei•, with no beat- and a draft that
would freeze the brains of a brass monkey
idea. There was a small space at the
bottom of their elevator car, but Kim, with
To the editor
legislation restrict$ campaign government will provide $240
spending by candidates and million in subsidies to keep retail
coming in around the window, `
her bulging belly, couldn't get through it.
political parties and requires prices at today's levels.
There's nothing more frustrating than
There was a little more room at the top.
disclosure . of donors who. After April 1, a one -price
waiting •for a cab. it's no , problem
downtown in You
If they could get through, from one
in of Alexander So1zhe' n�tsyn
contribute $100 or more. system for crude oil will come into
the city. can flag one
elevator car to the other, maybe.:.
The Energy Allocation Will, the effect. However, no agreement
down on. -the street. But when you are in a •
The rescuers found a panel between the
Oil Export Tax, Act and the was reached on what that price
remote su�urb, you'd be better off with a
elevator cars. it w•as removed. ' TheWiretapping
Such tactics used to make men fear to
legislation also will be or the source of the funds
dog team. We waited 55 minutes for a cab
electrician %vas skinny. He was hoisted up
As the persecution of Russian writer and
speak the truth es
the very.1%
received final Parliamentary needed to finance a single
one night, after five phone calls, on each of
which 1 was assured "He's on the way", a
and crawled through the hole. A ladder
was hoisted and passe . to him. Silence.
Nobel Prize-winning author Alexander
Solzhenitsyn tells of in his book, '�he
approval. price,
The House of Commons recess
.pure and downright lie.
.After • a few minutes of this, the
Solzenitsyn, by the Soviet Government
Gulag Archepelago".
It was also agreed that the rice
will extend until February 26. "the p
y form',
ter. true tcircus. tll'm
rescuers startedll and
reached a new high this past week, head
For those who cannot speak out behind
of Alberta crude oil will -remain
after 202 days of
pre viaed ring two of the only
r shouting. answer. Paning c They were
- communist party newspaper "Pravda"
thelron Curtain for fear of reprisals, then it
frozen at the present $4' level
sittingsrecess . frozen
glad I wa'sn't there, or you'd be reading my
just about to call the fire department when
launched a harsh attack of vilivication and
toward Alexander
falls to us in the free world to make our
heard in defense,
through February " and, March;
obituary instead of a column this week.
the kids and the electrician walked down
5olzhenitsy for having allowed the free
voices and to rise of
Alexander 'Solzhenitsyn and his right to
while the price of Saskatchewan
,Canadian farmers' total cash oil for Canadian industrial
She began getting signs that the little
'stranger was developing claustrophobia
the stairs, into the lobby.
Using the ladder, they had climbed out -
world to pu tsh' his book, "The Gulag
speak the truth. iy.r
receipts from farming operations consumers will be increased b $1
and wanted to see the light of day. Nothing
of the elevator and crawled through that
Archepelago", which reveals the terror of- • .
For they call him a Betmyerl And
in all provinces except Newfound- a barrel next month and for U.S.
violent, but enough to send my wife into
just -big -enough hole, onto the second..
Stalinist prison camps and secret police
scream against his name! And Alexander
land for the period of January to consumers by $2 a barrel, with all
action, with all guns,
methods -1918 • 1956.
Solzhenits is derided and defamed.
November, totalled an estimated the revenue going to the
g g
"Hang on. We'll be right up." Up
Needless to say, joy reigned supreme.
Expelled from the official writers Union
Defector! Liar. Provocateur! They know
$6.34 billion, an crease of 31.2% vtncer
)lin '
meant up to 'the university apartment
Laughing and hugging and kissing.
in 1969 and severely critized by "Pravda"
° the names so well! (For if the truthwere
from the $4,83 billion total of Ener Minister Donald
where she and her husband are living. It's
Nobody had gone haywire in a nasty
in 1970 after winning the Nobel Prize for
known, 'tis what they are themiselves.)
1972 Macdonald told the conference
right out in the country and a brute to get
situation. The kids had 'not panicked. In
lite?ature, Al6kander Solzhenitsyn was
Betrayers of Mens' Human Rightsl
JULES LEGER INSTALLED • that the federal government is
at, unless you have a car.'
fact, Kim sat on the floor arid almost went
accused this past Reek in Pravda of being a
Traito s of Mankind! Atheistic
Jules Leger, Quebec -born looking at new forms of energy for
My .%Afe commandeered my brother -in-
to sleep. My wife kept her head, through
traitor, a counter-revolutions ry, a falsifier
communists! Slayers of Mens' mindst And
career diplomat, was installed as the future and plans to control the
law, and he drove her there. Naturally, the
an hour and a half of mental anguish. My
and slanderer, an emigrant' a
they shout against Solzhenitsyn. who dares
Canada's 21st Governor General, development of urain, in to
young couple doesn't have a car.
brother-in-law come oiit feeling like
provacateur and a defector to the carhp of
•,r „
to take a stand and tells the truth of
in a colourful ceremony in the guarantee* su li
pp'es for Canada.
Senate Chamber
Potential Granny dashed into the
Horatius•at the bridge.
the enemies..,
camps" when Stalin ruled their
of the Ottawa will provide funds to
building, and was just starting up on the
Well, all turned out fine, --But the third
Such a harsh attack by governthent
Parliament Buildings. expand the explaratiap for
ieTivator, when she heard a disembodied,
ring of the circus was supplied to my wife.
newspapers has led non -official Soviets to
And all free -men who honour Truths
Mr. Le er is onl
g y the fourth uranium and will introduce
voice asking, " Is thelre anyone there?"
First day the. baby was home, she was
believe that strong action will be taken
Must risel And loud demand ... release of
Canadian and the second of legislatiott to limit foreign
Site Was more than a little startled. It
going up to set him, and her own child.
against author Solzhenitsyn. What that
Alexander from harassment in his landl
French-Canadian origin to serve ownership of this resource.
was the voice of her sols -in-law, and it
A young woman had thrown herself in
action will be no one knows, but in a
Acid tltotigh this Earth may crumble and
as this country's Governor there was general agreement
seemed to be comm out of the walls,
front of a subway train, and it took tri
y y
wl•itten statement made available to
the ages pass away, Alexander
General. among the
g premiers' that the
It was. He and daughter, the
three hours to et there,
foreign correspondents, Solzhenitsyn said
Solzhenitsyn still will have his say!
ENERGY Conference was success in that
pt;trgnatit kid, were stuff in the adjoining
'Vhy can't have "a grandchild
that 66 year old- novelist, Lidia
And gbrierations yet unborn . . in
At the end of two days of talks, moved the country closer to an
etevattor, between floors.. They weren t
without all this fooferaw? Oh, well. At
Chukovskaya, .(author of "Deserted
centuries still to come :..will know a Man
the federal government and the energy policy that will serve the
` tti ck -because she Was ptegnstiti batt
least, the first time he crosses the border
Hodse" and Water" was expelled
once spoke for Truth .. regardless of
Provinces needs of all Canadians
p to c airy on the
because the elevator had teased to
into the States, when he's about sixteen.
this past month from the Writers' union as
voluntary oil and rice IINEhIYI.O�[MENT RATE
descend. "the
'd been ti l #ltettawa down,
and one of those snarl U.S. intimi tion
for allowing Sotzhenitsy�t to
Jtilsa Eckert MacLean
freeze iii Eastern corrode udhpl ilia Unemployment tri Canada,
' yVel1: t6 ltot:s #ilii ii'' you is
Iles Ad 461ftifibig see
o�fficetssiys, Where were ion born?". he
have Duh, in
work at her rnnti home. the was
ex ' !led to tri ht others who would
Pe g
to native of Seaforth Julia 1Eekert
11 ACLean is teacher -be
end of March. They will also work' seasonally adjusted, remained
t nerodMihit you'd
`purr �� W46 ,tsitclit�il;• sees a>rR T�•
won't to answer, its
decide to fallow her example."
now a and f lanae
writer living: in Sudbury.)
towards a national priee fbr evade-drichanged at 5.6% during the
oil.after A 1.
2fd month of December,