The Huron Expositor, 1974-01-24, Page 14A �71117 fit
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4 00_ Ali M41pnoy P,� r game; the 4199W n, with 5, John Feeney
44 IS P_*1*4 the.JuqiQ.
in car%p, up it
and Bill Kupz hid,,,14 to. lead the tea ?�2.3Z with 3, Jim Segeren and David
Senior Seaforth Golden Beam to a This represents offensive .$MIth bad 2 and Mike Regier, 1. ��' ' .;�,t' ,�'
66 - 46 victory over the Listowel output of our --juniors this year. ,, '-,Listowel also• won the ,midget
Lords. 'Ca nk Holland added 13 Coach, Mr. Hook, was impressed gime by a"53 - 4 score. The.
points while James Flannery had with the 100% Improvemebt w Midgets also deserve credit for a
9. Larry Kale scored 6 points, Jim his inexperienced team Imp '.1,40% effort. Don Fry scored all
4 points lot the Midgets.
Nigh 4, and Stuart Scott and John Immensely in their overall play
Hauwert, 2 • each and Ke The next league game will be
Ken Scoring for the Juniors were d
0 Chalmers, one. The Seniors now Murray Connelly with 12 points, January 24, at home to
r. have a 3 - I record. Robert Haney with 7, Bob Northwestern.
At as
t r,Nil
;�. y,�. a , , Students. •shows toacher's." Monday mrning r , � �,� :;• .:� :�;.���• + � �• � •
An assembly was held on next with the treasurer's report. Plumsteel - Tom Murray; Mr.
Friday, January 18. The Melody The Year Four students pre-,"' Pelss. - Frank �Ieibeme; Mr.
Masters opened it by singing "0 sented a hilarious skit about "The Burgess - Carl Bolton; Mr. Eccles•
Canada." Our president, Clayton Teachers' Monday Morning Ross Mitchell-, Miss Harris
Fraser, outlined this year's Blues." The cast was as follows: Donna Nolan; Mr. Onn - Marvin
"Chocolate Bar Campaign." He Mr. Renshaw - Dean Cornish-, Kale.
showed us the prizes for the daily Mr. Proctei TBrian Wilbee; Mi, Clayton again came up and
top -seller. Barb Kerslake was Moore - Steven Southgate; Mr. commended the students on their
conduct at the last dance. He also
promised us a better band ridit
time. A large, double tree In the backyard of Liz and Bob Watson,. egmondvI lie Was
A bit of nostaw*a Mr. Plumsteel read the an- fell against
15 Years Ago - 1959 are waiting to see what type of the students on their
nouncements and congbehavior ratulated brought crashing down by Sunday's Ice storm. One half of the huge tree
the roof of the house next door' occupied by Mrs. Thelma James; pulling Hydro.
Harold Kepdrick actors we have in the school. wires down with It. Damage to -Mrs. James' roof was not too serious.
"Seventy-six Trombones" i*
the title of this year's- "At- '25 Years Ago -1954 P
Home." John Scott 'and his Ken Larone
-have- been Watch your step! For those
special commitees
working very hard for the past who . weren'I in assembly on
three weeks to make this Wednesday afternogn, anyone 06politic is
a its
At -Home a great success. found in the gym without running J V SD'HS eV'ew -
pianiatles shoes on will be left standing
Mr. Keith, director of the outside for the rest of the year. Last week, most of you know, Mr. StephenLewis visited'
Oama club, reported to me. that This past week the Students' by
things in the drama club are Council'has been trying to decide S.D.H.S. He gav rhis points of view -to queries put to him
shaping up. On January 30, they whether to have a skating party, various senior students.
are putting on the -play, "Cleaned sleigh ride or a toboggan party., It is very important that senior students, in yearg IV and V u
-the st den s
an ' d Pressed." On February 6, Whatever they decide, it will hear and talk to politicians, for in less than a year, all of us
they are putting on the play,, probably be within the next few will gain ourhiaJority. In gaining our majority We must be
are to be very interesting and we weeks.
acquainted with politics, parties, people and issues', in order
to be able to vote selectively and intelligently in electionsthit:xw 1t'` •+ S e n i o r� b o sI a pag.e,
will follow.
V 7
But, and this is a big but, we cannot -possibly be expected to
decide fairly amongst candidates and parties if we, get
• information, personalities and politics piecemeal. -
Seaforth PUC employees worked in town until 10 ball i A mherstburg
Sunday, night restoring power to area homes where We get poiiticians into the school, one at a time. They
hydra wires had' been knocked down by failing Last weekend the senior boys John Elligsen, Ken Chalmers and generally try to be "informal", which merely means that they
basketball and cheerleaders D
,an Maloney, two. In the do not outline general party policies, but rather give only
-branches or by the weight of ice. Here the crew I
travelled to Amherstburg. We afternoon Sandwich beat us 39 specific answers to specific questions about timely issues.
hooks up a power line at the home of Keith MacLean, arrived in the early evening. A, 34. Cam Holland had 14 points to
Jarvis Street. social evening was held Friday lead us again. Dan Maloney had This is absolutely not the right way to meet the matter.
night. Saturday morning -the seven, Bill Kunz, John Elligsen Having politicos one at a time is disruptive. It is confusing,
Amnerstofour, team beat us, 68 - and James Flannery arry especimly u differentA :.I-
parties ec LO eSCen upon us at
40. Cam Holland lead the Bears Kale three and Stuart Scott, two. • different times of the year. This leads to swings in' opinion
with nine -points, followed by Bill Everyone enjoyed the trip and amongst students, that follow candidates coming in, one by
Kunz with eight, James Flannery agreed it was, worth the while. one, giving wishy-washy answers, sinking to personalities,
had six, Larry Kale five, and and resorting to unilateral ' criticism..
This must end. NDP leader'
Sdt _6 t spotlighHaveI all parties, at one time*, represented to the students.77� V !� (7 T�-y . V ij
tu n
Make sure they give party policy on general matters and then
9 - themselves to question debate,—in answers to 'sc uSSes forms
This week s student spotlight is ,representative on the student
Mrs. Marion Brech in of the Ontario producersf68-70c doi. US Joanne Schenck. Joanne, a grade council and is on the committee to our questions at. one fell swbop., so we can judge, and make a
Consumers Association of Canada price 70 - 82c doz. On January ten student, lives at her Seaforthget the snow carnival ready' decision concerning our vote without the warpage of time, the
is undoubtedly a,very, smart and 8174, because of lower feed costs, home with her parents, three Joanne's favorite subject is Math. carping and answers not subject to debate or dissection by O 0
dedicated woman. Her organizat- the production cost dropped by orothers, and two sistefs. other points of. view. PON s
ion does a lot in research and 2.4c doz., the profits dropped by Joanne' is a road -runner and Her -hobbies . include roller('cars�'� consumers on the 2-1c doz. and the price set by the plans to be in Track and Field. skating, swimming and sewing.
progucts that are for sale in this 'boards to the producer dropped, She also is one of the ce-leaders of After High , School Joanne Provincial leader of the N . D.P, provincial and federal govern -
fair country. However, like almost 6c doz. to 63c. This is. still IOc our junior cheer leaders. would like to pursue her interests
anyone elk, she has a blind spot. below the' US price, where they Joanne was chosen as class in child care. Stephen Lewis told aboqt 75---ments- for allowing class one
Someone with a blind spot who have none 'of Marion's hated, students at S.-D.H.S. on Thursday agricultural land to be used for
pursues their idea Of necessity marketing boards. that he is amazed by the fact that- airports, industry and develop -
blindly, is called a fanatic on this the Conservatives, who tradi- ments like the Ontario govern -
Her claim that the price didn't tionally get a great deal of their ment's new city, Cedarwood'
particular issue. come down after feed costs sat' chedule. support from rural Ontario have near Pickering. "We lose 26 acres
Mrs. Brechin's blind spot is dropped off somewhat is also, Hullett coun-cil 'approves- new salary s, "launched a policy of destroying of prime agricultural land per'
marketing boards. One can
assume that she doesn't see right false, as yoli'"The
see in the above rural communities." He referred hour." Mr. Lewis said. The
from wrofig as soon as the term is figures. That they. didn't drop Hullet Council at its Inaugural dinner. W Ontario -Rural Municipalities, Seaforth Community Hospital to 'the imposition . of regional Sarnia to Montreal oil pipeline
mentioned. Having said this, I back to, a loss level is only fair to Meeting on January' 14, reap- That we instruct the Clerk to Ontario Good Roads, and the Board as Hullett Twp. represent- government and the waste of again goes through good agricul-,
hope to support this Statement. the egg roducer and I can't think pointed township officials and write a letter of appreciation to Association of Municipalities-. ative. prime agricultural land as Wral land.�!.
She 'claimed in an attack on the of any Zo will disptite this. So- .4pproved a new salary schedule Rev. Stanley' McDonald for his That we instruct the Clerk to Charles Scanlon and Tom examples. "How do you fight things like
for members of council and
new national turkey board, that you see folks tht even smart abd very appropriate message. write off $139.35 from 1973 Tax Duizer to the Blyth Fire Area for Mr: Lewis advocated instead a that?", a student asked. "You
dedicated people as Marion B. officials. Rolls #13-25, 6-29, 7-23, 14-52' 1974,
after the egg board was formed, program like STAY in Manitoba form citizen's groups and fight it.
not always be dependent Members of counF receive
the egg prices shot up, and she can n �411 rec 1 1,343, 6-33, and 6-35. •- Percy Gibbings, •� Tom Duizer, where provincial money is avail- You can win some battles,", Mr,
was right. What she doesn't want upon tb give both sides an equal an increase of $100 bringing Street light That we advise the Ministry of and Milton bale to'the, Hall able. to farmers and Small Lewis replied, adding that the
hearing. remuneration to $500 plus $200
to see, is that the egg price had to Transportation and Communi- Board, also 'a representative of communities in order to preserve federal government se*s in
expenses for a total of $700. The That we instruct the Clerk to cations that we are interested in the Women's 1nstitd`fe__.`to— the, rural areas. partial retreat on their 01"ned
go up or all egg producers would At last, after more than 25 reeye will receive $800 including order -necessary equipment to proceeding with the bridge on SR L.ondesboro Hall Board. Mr. Lewis was in Seaforth on a new airport near Toronto.
have been bankrupt by now and years of discrimination by doctors expenses of $200.,- instal a street light in the Village 30 & 31, Con. 7, Hull�tt Twp. Milton Dale to the Seaforth one -da , swing through Huron . Describing the feelings of an
We would be dependent' on against meat, truth is cominglout. Official appoipted included: of Londesboro, and,make neces- That we instruct the Clerk and Area Fire Bdard. County which began wit4, a opposition member in legislature
Americah eggs. But American Last year a less well( know$ US Clerk, Clair Vincei)t at $6000, sary arrangements with Ontario. Roid 'Superintendent to make Hugh Flynn to the Clinton session with former employees of with a great Tory majority, Mr. 0
egg prices are higher than ours. doctor spoke out againsf his George Huggard, road superin- Hydro.
arrangements to pay Mr. James Hospital Board. Hall Lamp in Exeter and ended ,Lewis'said amid audience laugh -
So without an egg board, the colleagues for linking meat and tendent at $3.50 per hour; grader That we instruct the Clerk to Johnston an interim payment of :Joe Hunking to the Blyth ter "It's like a nightmare every
price of eggs would have been cholesterol and heart disease. operators Jim Johnston and'Lorne consult Donnelly and Murphy to with a meeting - with Huron
$200.00 on the 15th of the month. Recreation Committee. secondary school teachers in time" - you walk in. We're
higher than they actually are. Now, no less than Dr Win. Date at $3.25 per hour. Rate for investigate By -Law #1973-12, That we instruct the Clerk to surrounded by Tories."
Here are some supporting Sherman of the US natior, it Food casual labor was set it $2.75 per (concerning garbage , disposal) Clinton. In a wide ranging
prepare a By -Law re -erecting of with "Wouldn't you be.more effect-
fi hour. and make sure this By -Law can be
gures, figures that are available andHealth agency says t gat new Yield, signs on McKillop-Hullett question and answer session
grade 12 -and 13 students that ive as leader of a citizen's group
to Mrs. Brech in. In August 1973, research has proven th4, there is Members of council will be enforced. Town Line. went on for over an hour, Mr. than as leader of an opposition
the egg producer had a profit- no relationship betty en meat reimbursed to a total of $100 for That we endorse the Resolution Jack,Riddell
That we appoint the Ditch party then ", he was asked. A
margin of 4.5c doz. Price to eating and heart disease. attending conventions plus that was sent to us by the Commissioner to attend the Lewis faced tough quQioning. gornbination-of citizen and legisla-
---------------------------------------------------------------- registration fees._ ano.unces -grant Challenged by one student
Corporation of the Village of O.F.D.A. meeting in London, tive action is needed, Mr. Lewis
The meethig * was held in Grand Bend. (concerning repre- about driving tip to the school in a replied.
Londesboro Community Hall with sentition at county council in Jack Riddell, M.P.P. for -big car in light of the current
four members present when absence of a reeve). - Mc That we accept the Petition of A pointm,ents Huron, has announced the energy crisis, Mr. Lewis said a In answer to a student, who
. . . . . . convened. Reverend Stanle p approval' of a provincial grant in car for each opposition leader is questioned whether people on
Y- - ' th8 amount of $2,475 to the provided by the government and, welfare really wanted
ed to work, the
Donald was, present and ad. Mr.. Donald Nott and others fora C
Appointments cleared by I oun- N.D.P. leader,said he listens in
dressed Council on this the first Municipal Drain and refer the il included: Ausable Bayfield •Conservation "I'd take a smaller one if they'd his Scarborough office every week
meeting of a new year. After Mr. same to 0 the Maitland Valley Hugh flynn, Charles Scanlon Authority for major maintenance buy it.. When the cars were
to people who want work at a
Seaforth Community Hospital McDonald's talk a short time was 1�onservation Authority., James McPhee, Gerald McDow' work on the Exeter Dam. of-defed4n August there was no decent wage and can't get it: At a
spent in hearing from each That we instruct the Clerk to minimum wage rate the average
ell, James Glousher, Ken Scott, This work is to ensure that the talk of an energy crisis."
member his views and opinions of make representation to the and President of I the Auburn structure is maintained in. safe On the energy crisis generally' take-home pay would be about
the year's work and any tentative Treasurer of Aubur� and proper working order.the Mr. Lewis said. that international
Ontario, and Jack Women's institute to the $240 a month he said, and welfare 'V
Plans for the coming year. Riddell MPP to see if the Hall Board. concrete walls of the intake flume oil companies are hoarding somewhat less. "No one wants to
questions and Answers are energy I resources. 11
Township can expect a Grant John Jewitt to Fire Board i6r, in an advance State of live at that level (welfare) unless
similar to the one received list 1974 in Clinton. deterioration. The Authority A student questioned Mr. they are disturbed," Mr. Lewis
year for loss of taxes • on Mrs'. Joan Whyte to the proposes to repair and reinforce .
I read that district planning of need or new or different services Lewi�, about the high costs of said.'
It and Building conservation area. these walls. Exeter' is • � chief business and industry in small About the federal political
ospitals-is on the way. Does that avoid costly dupliqkVon.
That we instruct' the Road benefiting municipality and will towns which prevents them frot
mean that there will be just one The District Healthf,.Itouncils That appointed Charles gi Scene,, and the Liberal-N.D.P.
the maor
Superintendent to acknbwledge to y p
pajortion of, the paying high wages and results in 'informal alliance, Mr. Lewis said
big h ospital in each area? will probably them, Scanlon to act as Reeve and
Huron Engineer J. W. Britnell Authority's share of the cost. a loss of workers to the cities., like
A. No. There will not be just one among others, some approved the issuance the N.D.P. had been instrumental
cal of a, that the Township wyl be willing Approval.. has also bebn given London and Stratford. Small in gbtting the Liberal government N
hospital in each district, unless representatives of the lo building permit to William Little
that 41k the way it is now. hospitals and rbpre'sentitives for a house 18' x 30' on Lot 24, to -build necessary streets on Lot for a provincial grant of $250 to industries - get little government' to act on unemployment. "One
The Government has said that from the ' local medical con. io. 6, Con. 1, as needed. (k & G the Ausable ; Bayfield support, Mr. Lewis replied, in day we will throw the Liberals
j�l hogpital planning is going to be association, " so al Survey Pl. 4 at Alma corners), Conservation Authority fbr the contrast to big industrial giants
I �i Other Following adjournment, dinner out," he added.
S _ t,:ndd, -r6 so
one part of the job of District health service- strict as was at the 3K Restaurant. Council That we accept the revised third phase of the stre ambank which get hundreds oirth6usands
Hbalib Cottntils when they are set well as co rep, resumed with"keeve Hugh Flynn That
on the Medd Drain 'and erosion control in the river of dollars in forgiveable loans. The N.D.P. ' leader stressed that
the Report on the Kennedy Drain channel below the -a 8 he would not like to see a
up. it wishes all health facility sentatives. presiding. P"C I the-authority's
He rejected this "Bigness
1 100 nth Conservative Federal- govern -
Planning on a di and set February 14 ..66 dam in the lki�ervlew Vik Conse
strict wide fot the Medd
ind service planning to be carried Motions adopted included Drain and 2:00 P.M. '1or the fixation" and said be favored ment. "I like Mr. Stanfield. He is
:bfit btdti,�Iddai gibup The idea is bgL41s is just one way in which Tji'hat we instruct the Clerk to MAW -0 &40VJ Exeter. decentralization of indpstrY. "TO- a lovely
Kennedy Drain for the Reading 6f yoLjp, CpEpl-r
atia all other hospitals and the other supplie;s-1 instruct Manning Boilddrs that A young boy was helping his stead of all clustering around man 'of considerable
'Vid 6 to supply of health care are working the Report. grandfather dig potatoes: After a ability. But his paltry and the
he�ljfi tore pro er the Hullett TWp. Council had not 4ARP T6 gul/ Toronto, new industry could g6
baiet-ah-d do�&Aidateded taro flit together to provide the needs df guthorized anyone -to stop 'build- while the child began to tire. things Some of them believe in,
_�dpa,vt be asked il "Priorth where it would mean especially some Westerners, WA C44014 "Gra wear Y,
Ai. Rt4"Id, 1� ilid dfs&k. the community in the Mannei in ing on Lot- 26, Con. 2. Good toads ething to communities."'
114"t "What made you bury thege
so reactionary that they could be.
it , 60kh the I Regth which the community wants these ♦That we move a vote of thanks "The piovinbial leader rapped harmful to Canada,"
4 T ;w
"6; -ass 99 the tiedd si membership to
ea. I, That we pay membersh things gityway?"
J On a- got 8 C" S applied. to the Clerk for the delicious
Kunz with eight, James Flannery agreed it was, worth the while. one, giving wishy-washy answers, sinking to personalities,
had six, Larry Kale five, and and resorting to unilateral ' criticism..
This must end. NDP leader'
Sdt _6 t spotlighHaveI all parties, at one time*, represented to the students.77� V !� (7 T�-y . V ij
tu n
Make sure they give party policy on general matters and then
9 - themselves to question debate,—in answers to 'sc uSSes forms
This week s student spotlight is ,representative on the student
Mrs. Marion Brech in of the Ontario producersf68-70c doi. US Joanne Schenck. Joanne, a grade council and is on the committee to our questions at. one fell swbop., so we can judge, and make a
Consumers Association of Canada price 70 - 82c doz. On January ten student, lives at her Seaforthget the snow carnival ready' decision concerning our vote without the warpage of time, the
is undoubtedly a,very, smart and 8174, because of lower feed costs, home with her parents, three Joanne's favorite subject is Math. carping and answers not subject to debate or dissection by O 0
dedicated woman. Her organizat- the production cost dropped by orothers, and two sistefs. other points of. view. PON s
ion does a lot in research and 2.4c doz., the profits dropped by Joanne' is a road -runner and Her -hobbies . include roller('cars�'� consumers on the 2-1c doz. and the price set by the plans to be in Track and Field. skating, swimming and sewing.
progucts that are for sale in this 'boards to the producer dropped, She also is one of the ce-leaders of After High , School Joanne Provincial leader of the N . D.P, provincial and federal govern -
fair country. However, like almost 6c doz. to 63c. This is. still IOc our junior cheer leaders. would like to pursue her interests
anyone elk, she has a blind spot. below the' US price, where they Joanne was chosen as class in child care. Stephen Lewis told aboqt 75---ments- for allowing class one
Someone with a blind spot who have none 'of Marion's hated, students at S.-D.H.S. on Thursday agricultural land to be used for
pursues their idea Of necessity marketing boards. that he is amazed by the fact that- airports, industry and develop -
blindly, is called a fanatic on this the Conservatives, who tradi- ments like the Ontario govern -
Her claim that the price didn't tionally get a great deal of their ment's new city, Cedarwood'
particular issue. come down after feed costs sat' chedule. support from rural Ontario have near Pickering. "We lose 26 acres
Mrs. Brechin's blind spot is dropped off somewhat is also, Hullett coun-cil 'approves- new salary s, "launched a policy of destroying of prime agricultural land per'
marketing boards. One can
assume that she doesn't see right false, as yoli'"The
see in the above rural communities." He referred hour." Mr. Lewis said. The
from wrofig as soon as the term is figures. That they. didn't drop Hullet Council at its Inaugural dinner. W Ontario -Rural Municipalities, Seaforth Community Hospital to 'the imposition . of regional Sarnia to Montreal oil pipeline
mentioned. Having said this, I back to, a loss level is only fair to Meeting on January' 14, reap- That we instruct the Clerk to Ontario Good Roads, and the Board as Hullett Twp. represent- government and the waste of again goes through good agricul-,
hope to support this Statement. the egg roducer and I can't think pointed township officials and write a letter of appreciation to Association of Municipalities-. ative. prime agricultural land as Wral land.�!.
She 'claimed in an attack on the of any Zo will disptite this. So- .4pproved a new salary schedule Rev. Stanley' McDonald for his That we instruct the Clerk to Charles Scanlon and Tom examples. "How do you fight things like
for members of council and
new national turkey board, that you see folks tht even smart abd very appropriate message. write off $139.35 from 1973 Tax Duizer to the Blyth Fire Area for Mr: Lewis advocated instead a that?", a student asked. "You
dedicated people as Marion B. officials. Rolls #13-25, 6-29, 7-23, 14-52' 1974,
after the egg board was formed, program like STAY in Manitoba form citizen's groups and fight it.
not always be dependent Members of counF receive
the egg prices shot up, and she can n �411 rec 1 1,343, 6-33, and 6-35. •- Percy Gibbings, •� Tom Duizer, where provincial money is avail- You can win some battles,", Mr,
was right. What she doesn't want upon tb give both sides an equal an increase of $100 bringing Street light That we advise the Ministry of and Milton bale to'the, Hall able. to farmers and Small Lewis replied, adding that the
hearing. remuneration to $500 plus $200
to see, is that the egg price had to Transportation and Communi- Board, also 'a representative of communities in order to preserve federal government se*s in
expenses for a total of $700. The That we instruct the Clerk to cations that we are interested in the Women's 1nstitd`fe__.`to— the, rural areas. partial retreat on their 01"ned
go up or all egg producers would At last, after more than 25 reeye will receive $800 including order -necessary equipment to proceeding with the bridge on SR L.ondesboro Hall Board. Mr. Lewis was in Seaforth on a new airport near Toronto.
have been bankrupt by now and years of discrimination by doctors expenses of $200.,- instal a street light in the Village 30 & 31, Con. 7, Hull�tt Twp. Milton Dale to the Seaforth one -da , swing through Huron . Describing the feelings of an
We would be dependent' on against meat, truth is cominglout. Official appoipted included: of Londesboro, and,make neces- That we instruct the Clerk and Area Fire Bdard. County which began wit4, a opposition member in legislature
Americah eggs. But American Last year a less well( know$ US Clerk, Clair Vincei)t at $6000, sary arrangements with Ontario. Roid 'Superintendent to make Hugh Flynn to the Clinton session with former employees of with a great Tory majority, Mr. 0
egg prices are higher than ours. doctor spoke out againsf his George Huggard, road superin- Hydro.
arrangements to pay Mr. James Hospital Board. Hall Lamp in Exeter and ended ,Lewis'said amid audience laugh -
So without an egg board, the colleagues for linking meat and tendent at $3.50 per hour; grader That we instruct the Clerk to Johnston an interim payment of :Joe Hunking to the Blyth ter "It's like a nightmare every
price of eggs would have been cholesterol and heart disease. operators Jim Johnston and'Lorne consult Donnelly and Murphy to with a meeting - with Huron
$200.00 on the 15th of the month. Recreation Committee. secondary school teachers in time" - you walk in. We're
higher than they actually are. Now, no less than Dr Win. Date at $3.25 per hour. Rate for investigate By -Law #1973-12, That we instruct the Clerk to surrounded by Tories."
Here are some supporting Sherman of the US natior, it Food casual labor was set it $2.75 per (concerning garbage , disposal) Clinton. In a wide ranging
prepare a By -Law re -erecting of with "Wouldn't you be.more effect-
fi hour. and make sure this By -Law can be
gures, figures that are available andHealth agency says t gat new Yield, signs on McKillop-Hullett question and answer session
grade 12 -and 13 students that ive as leader of a citizen's group
to Mrs. Brech in. In August 1973, research has proven th4, there is Members of council will be enforced. Town Line. went on for over an hour, Mr. than as leader of an opposition
the egg producer had a profit- no relationship betty en meat reimbursed to a total of $100 for That we endorse the Resolution Jack,Riddell
That we appoint the Ditch party then ", he was asked. A
margin of 4.5c doz. Price to eating and heart disease. attending conventions plus that was sent to us by the Commissioner to attend the Lewis faced tough quQioning. gornbination-of citizen and legisla-
---------------------------------------------------------------- registration fees._ ano.unces -grant Challenged by one student
Corporation of the Village of O.F.D.A. meeting in London, tive action is needed, Mr. Lewis
The meethig * was held in Grand Bend. (concerning repre- about driving tip to the school in a replied.
Londesboro Community Hall with sentition at county council in Jack Riddell, M.P.P. for -big car in light of the current
four members present when absence of a reeve). - Mc That we accept the Petition of A pointm,ents Huron, has announced the energy crisis, Mr. Lewis said a In answer to a student, who
. . . . . . convened. Reverend Stanle p approval' of a provincial grant in car for each opposition leader is questioned whether people on
Y- - ' th8 amount of $2,475 to the provided by the government and, welfare really wanted
ed to work, the
Donald was, present and ad. Mr.. Donald Nott and others fora C
Appointments cleared by I oun- N.D.P. leader,said he listens in
dressed Council on this the first Municipal Drain and refer the il included: Ausable Bayfield •Conservation "I'd take a smaller one if they'd his Scarborough office every week
meeting of a new year. After Mr. same to 0 the Maitland Valley Hugh flynn, Charles Scanlon Authority for major maintenance buy it.. When the cars were
to people who want work at a
Seaforth Community Hospital McDonald's talk a short time was 1�onservation Authority., James McPhee, Gerald McDow' work on the Exeter Dam. of-defed4n August there was no decent wage and can't get it: At a
spent in hearing from each That we instruct the Clerk to minimum wage rate the average
ell, James Glousher, Ken Scott, This work is to ensure that the talk of an energy crisis."
member his views and opinions of make representation to the and President of I the Auburn structure is maintained in. safe On the energy crisis generally' take-home pay would be about
the year's work and any tentative Treasurer of Aubur� and proper working order.the Mr. Lewis said. that international
Ontario, and Jack Women's institute to the $240 a month he said, and welfare 'V
Plans for the coming year. Riddell MPP to see if the Hall Board. concrete walls of the intake flume oil companies are hoarding somewhat less. "No one wants to
questions and Answers are energy I resources. 11
Township can expect a Grant John Jewitt to Fire Board i6r, in an advance State of live at that level (welfare) unless
similar to the one received list 1974 in Clinton. deterioration. The Authority A student questioned Mr. they are disturbed," Mr. Lewis
year for loss of taxes • on Mrs'. Joan Whyte to the proposes to repair and reinforce .
I read that district planning of need or new or different services Lewi�, about the high costs of said.'
It and Building conservation area. these walls. Exeter' is • � chief business and industry in small About the federal political
ospitals-is on the way. Does that avoid costly dupliqkVon.
That we instruct' the Road benefiting municipality and will towns which prevents them frot
mean that there will be just one The District Healthf,.Itouncils That appointed Charles gi Scene,, and the Liberal-N.D.P.
the maor
Superintendent to acknbwledge to y p
pajortion of, the paying high wages and results in 'informal alliance, Mr. Lewis said
big h ospital in each area? will probably them, Scanlon to act as Reeve and
Huron Engineer J. W. Britnell Authority's share of the cost. a loss of workers to the cities., like
A. No. There will not be just one among others, some approved the issuance the N.D.P. had been instrumental
cal of a, that the Township wyl be willing Approval.. has also bebn given London and Stratford. Small in gbtting the Liberal government N
hospital in each district, unless representatives of the lo building permit to William Little
that 41k the way it is now. hospitals and rbpre'sentitives for a house 18' x 30' on Lot 24, to -build necessary streets on Lot for a provincial grant of $250 to industries - get little government' to act on unemployment. "One
The Government has said that from the ' local medical con. io. 6, Con. 1, as needed. (k & G the Ausable ; Bayfield support, Mr. Lewis replied, in day we will throw the Liberals
j�l hogpital planning is going to be association, " so al Survey Pl. 4 at Alma corners), Conservation Authority fbr the contrast to big industrial giants
I �i Other Following adjournment, dinner out," he added.
S _ t,:ndd, -r6 so
one part of the job of District health service- strict as was at the 3K Restaurant. Council That we accept the revised third phase of the stre ambank which get hundreds oirth6usands
Hbalib Cottntils when they are set well as co rep, resumed with"keeve Hugh Flynn That
on the Medd Drain 'and erosion control in the river of dollars in forgiveable loans. The N.D.P. ' leader stressed that
the Report on the Kennedy Drain channel below the -a 8 he would not like to see a
up. it wishes all health facility sentatives. presiding. P"C I the-authority's
He rejected this "Bigness
1 100 nth Conservative Federal- govern -
Planning on a di and set February 14 ..66 dam in the lki�ervlew Vik Conse
strict wide fot the Medd
ind service planning to be carried Motions adopted included Drain and 2:00 P.M. '1or the fixation" and said be favored ment. "I like Mr. Stanfield. He is
:bfit btdti,�Iddai gibup The idea is bgL41s is just one way in which Tji'hat we instruct the Clerk to MAW -0 &40VJ Exeter. decentralization of indpstrY. "TO- a lovely
Kennedy Drain for the Reading 6f yoLjp, CpEpl-r
atia all other hospitals and the other supplie;s-1 instruct Manning Boilddrs that A young boy was helping his stead of all clustering around man 'of considerable
'Vid 6 to supply of health care are working the Report. grandfather dig potatoes: After a ability. But his paltry and the
he�ljfi tore pro er the Hullett TWp. Council had not 4ARP T6 gul/ Toronto, new industry could g6
baiet-ah-d do�&Aidateded taro flit together to provide the needs df guthorized anyone -to stop 'build- while the child began to tire. things Some of them believe in,
_�dpa,vt be asked il "Priorth where it would mean especially some Westerners, WA C44014 "Gra wear Y,
Ai. Rt4"Id, 1� ilid dfs&k. the community in the Mannei in ing on Lot- 26, Con. 2. Good toads ething to communities."'
114"t "What made you bury thege
so reactionary that they could be.
it , 60kh the I Regth which the community wants these ♦That we move a vote of thanks "The piovinbial leader rapped harmful to Canada,"
4 T ;w
"6; -ass 99 the tiedd si membership to
ea. I, That we pay membersh things gityway?"
J On a- got 8 C" S applied. to the Clerk for the delicious