HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-17, Page 16., ..:. ,P. :., •.. ... , ,.r. n-,
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'Robert N:Smit ZQ, 088f'
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. ,,: ;` Oor.rea .ttdriltt ��:" John Street. Seaforth, dp,tday ' i(" C.'.o,° o >~r
A Fret) cClYanput p at Seaforth Community 1Hnspital,' bearers, Ywere�i;esllo' Oliver end
He was born in Hullett Helmer iSbell.
The January meeting of tIJ, Township, the son of the late Mr,
` r and Mrs. John Smith. Educated ;
United Church Women was �l, ' in Hullett he spent a number of• MRS• W1LI JAM CLI ART
-In the basement of the chureh q' years in Western Canada. A ,
F Thursday evening of last Weslfi,. Mrs. William J, Cleary, 76, of
j 7< T ' carpenter, he was among the first
with 21 members and one Visitor• 57 Side St.,.Seaforth, died Frida
in the area to enlist and ;served y
s* t present. Mrs, Wm. Dowson in St. Marys Hospital, Landon.
overseas from 1939 to 1945
t opened the meeting by reading $he had been in poor health for
poem "A recipe for New Year'?, with the RCC engineers. the past two -months.
Mr. Smith was a member of
Eve." Devotions were led' by,, Seaforth Branch 156 Royal The former Mary Margaret
group two and opened by singing` Carlin, she was•a daughter of, the
Canadian ' Cdian Legion and a trustee of
"Take time to be Holy" followed late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick'Carlin,
Egmondville United Church.
,', yfFs! ylxFv by scripture Matt. 6: 24-44, read . St..Columban,
1�+�x+"*w."",5^+* r �► Surviving are his sister, Miss
by Mrs. Grant Webster. In 1922, she married William
Mrs. George Wilson gave aSmith, of Seaforth; a brother
' We Cleary in St.' ColuFnban.• The
`' George o.,, .
meditation on "Hopes for .th@�• f RR4Waltoncouple moved to Seaforth in 1939
w;. The body was at the R.$.Box
New Year and ended with a poem where Mr. Cleary cfli•ried on an
funeral home, where funeral
"Happy New Year." Mrs,' undertaking business, '
p' Charles Kalbfleisch led in prayer. s:rvices were held Sunday at 2 Mrs. Cleary was a member of
` r`y The offering was received by P•m, with Rev. T.E.Hancock St. James Church, and of the
a _ _
Mrs. Murdock- -Morrison and, officiating. Catholic Women's League.
a entombment w
te Temporary as in
f dedicated by Mrs. Roy Elliott. Besides her husband, Mrs.
hPioneer Memorial
,<,• •. Mrs. Wm. Dowson presided over Cleary is survived by sons,
.` the business period. The secre- Mausoleum. Burial will follow 'later at the Maitlandbank Patrick of I -)ndon, James of
e;.,r,;•';;� "" ' tary read the report of the last Vancouver. John of Toronto;
meeting and the Executive— William of London; eight
,iw;fit �� 6 I a-«•. ' e
Meeting. Mrs. Ralph Stephenson Memorial services were held grandchildren; two great-granranSaturday, evening under the
was nominated to the Board of
auspices of Legion Branch 156.
,%ugistration was neavy at the Recreation Department office Tuesday night as Seaforth area people Stewards. The treasurer's report ; The body was at the
signed up for the winter recreation program. Here Mrs. Susan Buist, left, and Recreation Director, was read by Mrs. Bob Webster. ' G.A,.Whitney funeral home,
Clive Buist, advise Mrs. Joanne Dorssers, R.R.4, Seaforth, who is signing up fpr ladies' keep tit The roll call was answered b' Dews of Egmondvllle Seaforth. A funeral mass was said
classes. payment of membership fees. Neighbours and friends of Mr. Monday morning at St. James
There were fifty-one calls made ` and Mrs. Darwin Bannerman and Church • at 11 a.m., with
to sick and shut-ins during the';, family are welcoming them to our temporary entombment following
Ree program s under way Past month.Thank-you notes were village and hope they will make . in Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum.
read by Mrs, Ida McClinchey. It 'many more friends. Burial will be in St. James
was decided that the U.C.W. Cemetery.
Miss Jennifer Watt has
with keep fit. schedule would the sponsor a bowling party for Pallbearers were: W.Ij.Smi ,
choir members. returned home after spending a Ken Oldacre, James Kelly,
Mrs. Wm. Dowson introduced few days in Seaforth Community Wilbert Maloney, Joseph
Scaforth's new Recreation Dir- Ladies' Keep Fit program at the until 8:30 the Recreation Depart- Mrs: Paul Morrisa n who gave an Hospital. Devereaux and David Stewart.
ector, Clive Buist, has lined up school on Wednesday 'evenings. meat will hold children's art and account of a collection of antique
Keep' Fit .classes for adults and A men's physical fitness'rlass will handicraft classes in the base- dishes, pictures and dolls entitled
Art and Craft classes for kids as be held at SPS on Tuesdays, ment of the library. Kids will be "Treasure Trove" that she made
part of the town's first organized directed by Rick Fortune. Both given a chance to try out anything for a 4-H Club project. Some c -
winter activities under the spon- these programs, which will run from water colors to puppet members brought some of their, , n--
sorship of his department. for 8 weeks, cost only $2.00. making, under the direction of treasures and a discussion fol --
Mrs. Georgina Reynolds, who Susan Buist, wife of the Recrea- lowed. Lunch was served by
teacheshysical education at tion Director.
P hostesses, Mrs. Robert Webster, _
Seaforth Public School will lead a Wednesdav evenings from 6:30 _- ' Mrs. Mcrvyn Hayter and Mrs: Seaf9rth Community Hospital
Optimists complete plans for Louis Taylor.
The local skating rink was
opened last week and is being
the young skaters. Questions and, Answers
(Continued from Page 1) Hockey Tournament, under the Hanocr at 12:45. Thee Varna Orange Lodge held
Free skating for the whole family direction of Optimist Jack Saturdav afternoon another their first card party of the season .
will be available in the arena, Bedard. gets underway. parade. with floats and bands,' Friday evening last with 19 tables �►��.
startingat 8 m. will march from the Optimist
" P• in play. Those winning prizes have received attention.
A new feature at the carnival is Mitchell plays Wingham at 9, Park to the arena, beginning at I w'erc: Ladies high Mrs. Wm. Question: Why do people have to
a curling bonspiel at the Curling Brussels plays Zurich at 10:15 p•m, In the afternoon a tug of pepper; Ladies low Mrs. Bill wait so long before they get Q. Since the Ministry of Health
Club start:ag at 9 a.m. on 'while the local Seaforth team war, local snow.niobile events and Chesell; Men's high Mervyn attention in the Emergency Pays all the hospital bills, why
Saturday morning, At the same meets Palmerston at 11:30.1n the Siiow sculpturing is planned. Johnston; Men's low - Craig Department? should the municipalities be hit
time over in the arena the Atom final game. Listowel plays A Carnival Ball at the Legion Taylor; draw prizes Mrs. Dave for sizeable contributions every so
caps off Saturday's Winter Roy, Aaron Fisher and : Mrs. A• The simple answer to 'this ofteV�_
C'arnivul activities. Bart\' •Taylor. +., question may be that they are not
Huron -Perth on. Sunday thecxpertswillrace emerge9cies. The original A. Although the Ministry of
Health puts up much of the
their snowmobiles at the coleept of the emergency money needed to..operate your
Tnesa K r i c u 1 t u r a 1 grounds . de arprient was that.it it was to
i, local hospital,' it does not pay all
RC Board a Registration begins at 10 a.m.. Frye those who were in need of the costs the hospital incurs,
0 or a-•• with the 'races scheduled furMayor
enter ncy medical treatment.ji�• especially those 'involving whatsis
••12:30. A large entry of snotr owever, with changing trendscalled capital expenditure.
machines from many parts of in, the sq ply and availability ofstan ingcommitteesThe government reimburses
Ontario is expected by' Carnivai medical services, doctors making
the hospitals for the services they
organizers. 1 speaks a t fewer house, calls and referring provide as Ion as it has approved
The Huron -Perth County Transportation — Donald their patients to the hospital P g PP
Roman Catholic Separate School Crowley, R.R.2. Gads -hill For those who aren't race fans. • those services. These are called
the Optimists have planned free where they are practising, very the hospital operating expenses.
Board members meeting in (chairman); John McCann, R.R.3, skating in the arena, starting at 2 inaugural few of those who come. to hospital When a new hospital is built or
Seaforth Monday night electee, Ailsa Craig; Francis Hicknell. P m emergency departments are in
Trustee Francis Hicknell, R.R.5, R.R.S. Seaforth; extensions are added to it this is and Michael fact emergencies. called the capital expenses. The
Seaforth, to represent the board Connolly. The concluding two
on the Huron -Perth TB and This has been recognized by Government will normal) only
Elected to the Advisory paragraphs of the address which Y Y
Respiratory Diseases Association. Overweight '7 Mayor F.C.,i.Sills delivered at the the hospitals who, although they pay two-thirds. of this. The other
Committee on Family Life hake in man cases not changed for 1974. Dan Devlin and Fred inau ural meeting of Seaforth Y' g third has to be paid by the
Program were: Francis Hicknell. g g th name of the de artmen't, have
Bergsma of Stratford ' were • council last week inadvertantly c p community through taxes to
F.J.Vere Ted Geoffrey. Donald Cut calories considerabl changed its function
appointed to re resent the board Y g produce municipal rants or the
PP P were omitted. P P g
on the Stratford Library Board. Crowley, Howard Shantz and in his concluding remarks to an out-patient/emergency hospital's own funds which
The standingcommittees for Vincent Young. According to Nutrition Canada de artment. aecti'mulate throw h bequests,
' g' L Mayor Sills said -"'Above. all don't � g q
the year will be composed as The fo%*Ing ad hoc Survey results, a large proportion be afraid or too proud to ask for f you are a true emergency you endowments or fund raising
follows: Personnel Committee — committees were formed: of Canadians are overweight. Divine Guidance; have confidence "-ill be dealt with immediately, campaigns.
Vincent Young (chairman), Building project committee — Experts suggest this may be due in our Town and Country and I'm Sometimes you may have X-rays This contribution also serves to
Goderich; Gordon Ball, St. Howard Shantz, Gordon Ball, to a combination of small caloric sure, that if we all work together, taken, .tests done, which means remind the community that the
Marvs; Howard ''"Shantz, F.J.Vere. , excesses over a long period of we will find that 1974 will be a y°u have to wait -for the results hospital they are supporting is
Stratford; and David Teahen, Staff retirement committee — time, and a sedentary lifestyle. year of Good Health, Happiness and sometimes just being owned by the community and run
Stratford. Francis Hicknell, Vincent Young Remember that on anv diet,and Prosperity. w'a)ched is an important part of by a Board of Trustees from the
Building and Property and David Teahen. even a well-balanced one, if you May 1 finish by saying a the diagnosis. community.
Committee: —Ted Geoffrey, Board Office accommodation take in more calories than you special thank -you to all the If, you are not a true The municipality as well as
R.R.21 . Zurich (chairman); committee: Joseph Looby. Ted expend you could gain weight. Councillors for their advice and emergency but require tratment contributing to the capital cost of
F.J.Vere, Stratford; Joseph .Geoffrey and Howaed'Sha'ntz. Food specialists at the Ontario for many hours spent in council in what is known as the the hospital is often also asked to
Looby, Dublin and Oscar Kieffer, Conference Committee:' Joseph Food Council, suggest weight over the past year; also to all the emergency department, the staff name .a representative or
R.R.1, Bluevale. Looby, Vincent Young. onald watchers Should concentrate on employees of the Corporation who, Will treat you as soon as possible, representatives to the Board of
Finance and lnsurarvee .'Crowley °, and the,'' Wcting foods front the basic food groups, have shown great loyalty and but after the true emergencies Trustees.
Committee — Arthur Haid; Superintendent of Education, and in carefully measured diligence on our behalf. May God
R.R.4, Listowel (chairman); Joseph Tokar. amounts, avoiding foods which guide us and bless us during the
Michael Connolly, R.R.3, Policy and By -law committee contribute little or no nutritive coming year..,
Kippe Pat Carty and David — Howard Shantz, Vincent value per calorie.
Teahen, both of Stratford. Young and Arthur Haid. Increased energy expenditure
is just as useful as cutting down
on calories, and a lot more fun.
You can increase your energy
expenditure by 200 td 300 calories
per hour, simply by walking. It
TNF O. OR looks much better to be thin and
jPrVO t3UG firm, rat her than thin and flabby.
i1 y-Rq Ff /C A daily routine of walking, plus
SAY $ : \ more active exe rcise at least
once or twice weekly. and a daily
well-balanced diet are the basis of
lasting fitness.
Before undertaking any
weight -reduction program,
discuss it with your physician.
And be certain your source of
;j information is a reliable one.
Copies of "Get Fit - Keep Fit"
R and "Lose To Win" are available
free of charge from local health
departments and units in Ontario.
Ove rheard at loan office: "i'd
like to combine all my little
financial obligations into one
backbreaking load."
• •-�;�`` \ Customer: '`Why is it 1 never
get what i ask for here?"
"" �'� ' �_'•+' Waiter: "Perhaps, sir, it is
:_ • • because we are too polite."
A seven-year old boy, assigned
to write a composition on the
/ ChristFnas theme, wrote of the
fql . 0A1 }� 4(1-? W A/DSf//�'� , a customs of Morrie 01d England.
1 /Yid T>d�,5 • 'Vo7' ,LA'S/• '� "Tot celebrate," he Began, "iheY
sometimes chopped off tBe head
of the biggest bore in town Lind
n ctrraOa it at6und t.on a plait&-"
To facilitate snow removal
citizens are requested to not
park cars on town streets dur-
ing the period of: 2:00 A.M.
to 8:00 A.M.
Section 116, subsection 10,
of the H4ghway Traffic Act -
'makes it an offence to.park
a vehicle in such i mariner as
to interfere with the clearing
of snow from the highway.
E.M. IIVilliams
TbWn of. Seaforth
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•-„ R.DF'�:�SE1i�TTlNG r.-•
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sun Life Assuran•ce'compa,ny
Of C.';tnadi
TE)JYF•#"HQNElt •1127-0410'i
Rev. and Mrs,._. -H. ,Koopman
0 11
Missionaries from Rhodesia, Africa
At 11:00 a.m, and 7:00 p.m.
Seaforth Penticostal Church
(Corner Franklin and East William St.)
Start a
Registered Retirement
Savings Plan now—
while you still remember
how much income tax
you've paid.
Let me show your
how much you
could have saved.
Jim McMillan
MLO The Mutual Life of Canada
• NEW 600 square inch screen area increases
grinding capacity up.to 18,000 pounds of corn an
hour, increases delivery to the mixing tank
• NEW double auger flighting provides thorough,
vibration -free mixing with all feeds
e NEW adjustable hay retarders (standard) as-
sure thorough grinding, better mixing with grains
and concentrates, positive flow of materials
through the mixer.
- ee
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