HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-17, Page 13r .,r.',:t'. dl r:x , y4 a,,. ,-a. i „.T•y i:' nw W' !,. - I • 71„4 ;,M 1 t , > I ^"a^x..•• I '` f {/Jya{f `a t' yn}]y.i �■�y'v4;i ♦■«� i . V :J•T N A«f 'ry 1 F' ,'' : i . M J:iR 1!:?^�, ,''T !J�'�.y.. ,,P ,+F•',^'fR �' P. Ik:`; T I '.'!','F:,P"p'! . 1.. 10h t P,10 ',. . ... I in F p r 'l: is the 01 4, #'' .� a !: h ;�, ',< 'r � �►, , i he Stud e , t ' . 0000 lSth, at holt± tai �{ to ct.h, r1 i i' Xt ex c� rniY.tet loC a, ( N�t1 l� 'I! ` t ' , VIP . drFelil,. a vi elr:etlda Thm 1 . tx1T.. !lT Gilrls Pia ..,t'V4r[n ice. +,,,;: r a s `e lite ."Ore arta�i�h a not mapy ,eta�it ,a_ ' l� ,tit This w, & star, •t Lost Thulstt�y.xh,Caixls Volley -`°r 1100" e °'.:: hl elf d.t1;,' P 111 'htrettiy� '.:: aSt,'kikl ot1 "1►1 int sttd an' cne.vVilit'kug etions is askedoiurnn ..Co!?f...11,. , �� ' , t , ' r 'ball teams wen,''o t�Vltrgh, um'fox a T'' a r r is l fulfittin ,'ialt%ittis '111' >,�to�i#:y4 ! tfirtt�t ciy.t±#11 t pass fh to at4ttg to pith 9luitin wi..t .; pea ;�d .al„ , o :, ,, i ,, , e D Melad qr meet. Aur, senlarS beat ,'xer but d'scuss : tx , ,thinbqut our Help $:'.sR¢tu a fit �tto.1� ,o,> ,. l!IS1Fe th89 0 ,0aT+�ctttiy�., Anne Stewart, on y lost to Clinton and Wingliam,, The school. ` � !�� g oftetk' �'p�i'' �ui11' fjirt� that, �T�yto juniors, However. did not wan a txark•;alatt match but did win a couple of Every y,+ear around.the secpnd 'and T*Mi qux pride t at► = pwiBM+n t� !il n t s Traver to Stxatl`ord p week of school the student c,Quncli , Vice es?u ept+ etld ftp dotn� all games. Last Thursday, the baslcetbal! represeotativCs are chosen. In •the extra Wo'r,i. ' each class individuals are nom- I su oqi t11a Next ear I o, p � ' and wrestling teams, went . to S i "Hi R ad" 11. Stratford. The ,wrestling team en ars t o inated .and then a vote is the secong week in $eptemberi came up with a. good effort and Starting , this weekend, the conducted by the rest of the class, instead of the home' rhoQrit;: ;,JEWE thus went home with a 42.30 senior boys will be going rpad. the winner becoming a member of .teachers asking for nignindt qlp, '� victory. Mark Consitt, Fred This weekend we are headed for the student's council. they ask fur '!volunteers. A persgn ? McClure, Lyle Hoegy and Ed Amherstburg to play a couple of Every year you will find that in would be more likely to do .a good. iv a l McClure all pinned their oppon- basketball games. Then on the some classes, the ;seriousness of job if he volunteered than 1f ll` 'in ent. Carl Bolton won by points 26th of January, we are playing in this job is lost and the election . was put because he was' '! OR while Bruce Knight' and Bob a one -day tournament at Dor. becomes a popularity contest. well -liked. If nobody in the class Hulley each won by default. chester. The following week, we Quito often it happens that the will yolunteer, then chances are' However the basketball teams will be off to Petrolia for a ,patch people elected feel their ,duty nobody in the class would "do, a were not so lucky and, midget, there. We also.will have a couple ends at going to the meetings. good job anyway. .. ::••— ,•r•-, utiiors and seniors all lost m the of regular season games a ainst thers and friends are fighting and \` glasses, knee socks,. 'a red The wrestlers are unidentifiable in this tangle of arms and legs but the match took lace at SDHS 1 Huron -Perth teams and will ass A�� �� ��� P�YM� g g P Central teams, p on Tuesday when local wrestlers met a team from Listowel, Seaforth wrestlers won by a score of 52 to The next games are Tuesday, the results along as they happen. , 24. ,Don Renshaw is the wrestling coach this year at SDHS. ' 1 G Let me show you how you can KEEP 4 , irrllrrrrrirrrrrrlrilii,ur�IlrirrirllurNlrrrrrrrrr�rlrrlrrlrllrrrlll '' J�u� C., those tax dollars for your OWN y retirement. r r, ff you join -- show up Don't wait until the LAST MINUTE, Probablyone of the easiest things to do in starting u a club " budget your savings NOW and you g g p ! ee��sht is to get new members.• will qualify for a tax exemption at Orie of the hardest things to do is to get them to show up for ,, the end of the year. r meetings. s There -ate always, of course, dependable, conscientious r low ME SOON persons who will show up regularly for meetings. Time in. Time out. They come, and do the lion's share of the work, aild tJha+ . 3"-"10 then step back, and take their place among the tank and file of 33 the club. �ttJlll3 r%a C They get, and deserve, the admiration and thanks*of their' co-workers; and their own the, But 'h much • % :w +.w,M«r!«, «•rw•w 1f,•W.—„tell• else. • What they need is help. (An All -Canadian Company) Donald J. Diehl If a person agrees to participate in a club or group or team then he has made a commitment. He has a responsibility to i live up to. A 1 1 Guarantee your tomorrow today! � If he does not live up to the responsibility; and does not show up and work, he places his colleague that does work, at a great disadvantage. s o First, he has to do too much work. Second, there is the. insecurity. One never knows if;a project will succeed, one w never knows if enough people this time will have shown up to prepare. There will, always be instances when your time will be claimed by more than one activity at one time. But, by judicious planning, one can allot one's time, and make good all one's responsibilities. The important thing is that you do live up to them, n rrrrriiiiirimruumnrnnuui�niiniirrur��iuiiifiiri�iiinri �- ;�- p A bit of nostalgia January, 1944 z From the 14 falling down the chart by leaps Edition of School News and bounds. We have asked you, We warned you last weelr-fhat reminded- ”-you, pleaded and - miil the Drama Tub's skit,"�j he beggied you to buy those Stamps, e1 .Kingdom of `Moh'' would send but the efforts so far seem to be you into fits of laughter, but some futile. We can't force you to buy G` of you seem to doubt our word, stamps; since this is a Demo- �++ Percy Pantywaist stole the cracy,'but•it is for this- Democracy show when he appeared in a pair that your uncles, cousins, bro- ` of baggy shorts, horned -rimmed thers and friends are fighting and \` glasses, knee socks,. 'a red dying , and it is for this that we stocking cap with the tassles must give and lend all we can. hanging over his: face-. Hockey games will always The players were: King Bill - remain, along with theatres, Allan Ryan; Queen Jill - Pat dancing, Cokes, sandwiches, and Bechely; Archie the Page - Doli sodas, but we cannot allow this' McKay; Fair Evangeline - Helen war to go on and on. It is for this Smith; Percy Pantywaist - Buddy and countless' other reasons that Smith. we must buy 'War Savings Students! Hear ye! Hear yel Stamps. L`ig down, step up, and Your War Savings Stamps sale is get yours next Wednesday. Spotlight on Yearbook editor z x • (By Stuart Scott) referees. the Girls Trumpet Band, This week's student spotlight is • Kafen's-activities include more Some of Karen's favorite Karen Regier, a grade thirteen than sports. Many countless • hobbies include roller skating and student. Karen lives at home in hours are spent working on the the piano. After high school, Egmondville with her parents, Yearbook, as Karen is this year's Karen wants to take a course in her sister Lynn, in grade ten and editor. She also belongs to the recreation at Waterloo Univer- her brother Michael in grade S.S.O. Club and plays the drum in sity. nine. Karen played golf on the school , team. She was voted co -captain of the basketball team by her 20 *teammates in the fall. Currently Karen is playing volleyball and is' Carnival also the captain of this team. n to During the fall, when the boys X were playing volleyball, Karen was one of the Huron -Perth 40 Wrestlers win « p Last Thursday, in competition 50% off on each ;against Stratford Central, Sea - forth Wrestlers won the match MEDIUM Or, LARGE PIZZA — 40-32. Individual winners were: Mark Consitt at 89 pounds; Carl Bolton, 123; Fred McClure, 130; Lyle Hoegy, 136; Ed McClure, 148; Bob Hulley, 156; Al's and Bruce Knight, 164.(The last two won by default). I^` We had many 'new wrestlers out , for this match, and showed great promise, and we hope they CLINTON `r'":.w• ;:t continue to wrestle. ''j� �'� Open Friday and Saturday SDHS — 5 p.m. -- 2:3'0 a.m. --- Review Sunday 2 till mid -night by Mono -- Tues. -- wed, & Thurs. Dave- Ring . — 5 p.m. --1 a.m. -- and staff PHONE: 482-7712 lar - .. .. w ft Set ? M rl 044 Q.ra.w• .101#71 Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads Everything's Within Reach at Pricegard and between now and Feb. 28th you have a chance to Win Everything Within Reach! Just fill out a coupon, deposit it in.the dravlv box and someone will win everything' within reach,' Here s how it works: The lucky winner will pick a spot, stand feet•'together and lean- ing on nothing,help himself to everything within reach. / Sound great? It is. and there s nothing to buy. Just come into any Pricegard store between now and Feb. 28th. Enter often. Entry forms available from thWashier, PSSSSTDry Shampoo ......................... 7 -oz. $1.49 V05Hair Spray.......... . 13 -oz. $2.19 BATH BEADS IBE nsi-eunie $1.29 RIGHT GUARD Bronze ...:..• • 13 -oz. $1.99 NOXZEMA reminine Spray ......................... $1.19 HOUR AFTER HOUR .......... 6 -az. $1.19 Intensive Care ' LOTION 14-ez. $1.25, Wilkinson Bonded RAZOR $2.49 VASELINEPetroleum Jelly .................... 12 -oz. 99C BROMG SELTZER r onomy.............. $1.49 1 -a -day vitamins .................................. 100's$2.65 SNICKInjector 7's ................................... {.............. 89C NOXZEMABruahless Tw3................ `:('........... 59C `LYSOL FIRST Lady Panty HOSE Ag 1l1W1i a 10% off 2 Moen Street, sedtMr�th. Im A little hfrom. your friends Just a friendly question or 'two: —are you satisfied with your present 'job? —if not, are you qualified to change jobs? No? Then conrlp to Conestoga College and we'll help you get the qualifications you need. The rate of employment may be generally high right now, but .demands for skilled persons are always high. - Dont risk waking up ---some day to no job at all. Our Short Certificate Programs are designed for the ambitious person who wants to GET AHEAD. And you needn't go far or pay a lot to do it. Skill increasing programs are available in the Conestoga College centre nearest you. The 'programs vary in length from 12 to 48 weeks, they can be entered monthly, and -you progress at your own speed. So� it's ''easy'to" do' and thank of the resultsl''TFiere is such a ;Mdl demand for traduates,from our Short Certificate .Programs that we ' can't begin to fill all the requests we receive. Our placement service will help you to get that coveted job — and you'll know it's yours — honestly and securely — because you're the best person for the job. A little help from your friends or a lot — either way, your friends at Conestoga College are ready to help. Short certificate programs are offered at the following locations: Academic Upgrading Accountancy Apartment Building Superintendent Appliance Servicing Butchers and Meatcutters ' Certified Building Custodian Clerk Typist Commercial Clerical Commerclal Refresher Commercial Stenography Electronics English As A Second Language Fluid Power Food Preparation Basic Furniture Manufacturing Operator Furniture Upholstery Manufacturing Furniture Upholstery (Repair) General Carpentry Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Journalism and Newswriting Lathe Operator Machine Shop Practice Nursing Assistant Offset Printing Retail Merchandising Teller-Cashler Welding Fitter Welding Operator LOCATION Y r c i 0 9 is u IS C u a' s o 4 2 g `a 32 x x X x x z x1 p z 40 z 24 X 14 X 24 X x x z X 40 x x x x x X 16 X X X z 40 x x z x x 48 x X 24 x X 40 X 20 X X 10 40 X X 40 40 X 48 X 40 X 12 x X x 40 X x X 35 X 40 X 16 X 12 X X 40 XX Q X X X Just call the Student Services office of the centre nearest you; or fill out and mail the coupon below. PHONE STUDENT SERVICES FOR INFORMATION; Cambridge Centre: Phone 623-4890 Harriston Centre: Mane 338-3110 Clinton Centre: Phone 482-3458 Stratford Centre: Phone 271-5701 Doon Centre: Phone 653.2511 Guelph Centre: Phone 824-9390 Waterloo Centre: Phone 885-0300 1--------------------------------------------------1 i NAME .............................. Please send information on it t t ADDRESS ........................... i t Program. ................................... j TELEPHONE t If Return to: Registrar, y ' Cotrestoga College of Applied Ath diM1 Technolagy, I i 299. Doan Valley Drive, ( Y ii;h hener, Ontario, -N20 3W5..,_ ---------------------------%. .'----------r.