HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-17, Page 70J t) 01 71 -WT IiI.77 r 7 It" ;C.N JEW_ 6 Now, "J, M A7 K, 'r P M '117 R -.1 , "I VI ., . Oft: K Ik"er qat t wed.� 45. yeors 'iv* 1000 " ., 1� e. � �r . L , _ � i � � :� , tt of $.t AndmCs it utph'010 Ao, '1il'i4ax 4 The family and frleods of, Mr. incha,rkp of devotions, and read Il 3, Church. 9 b p and Mrs. Otto Walker gathered at script re from Proverbs 31. The Sopp.er 00 January 8 when 70 The Ire,004 4004, 'WRh 0,00r, their home on Wednesday night. roll call was answered by the E� members sat down. VO4 d by M -fifth payment of fees and naming of Mrs. Robert Elgio was i W 'P to celcbtate their forty I 4,t 0bq Wedding Anniversary. Euchre your winter project, During, the 1, 1 charge of the worship, the theme NO t ffs� uIlY'N ht The membems of K160en ftst was played with'prizesgoing to business -it was decide 0 now R, of which was "StewardAip". The I ri) 1 44$ #A sponsor a Stanley party, and do Mrs. Glen Elliott, and Ken JR.'* Pik m opening hymn for the devotion Wj. entertained the U4,nds McKellar for high; Calder Me- one more quilt this winter. The 0 , ir bus ppp was 376, Scripture Reading from r 'r Kaig and. Olive Speare for low; roll call for the and famlliesto;i pot-lu4 sp -March meeting es Luke 10 verses (30 ­ 37). A at the Legion Hall. Mrs. George Boa and Tom Scott will be an Irish verse. Unitarian District organization's' plan busy schedules reading of the modern version of ds. The prize for Services layettes will be turned in Mike M101", Crop and '$,911, for Lone ban the "Good Samaritan" was specialist at the Department of having the most buttons went to at that time. Following the Lord's "followed by prayer entitled, "A Food and Akricalture, Clinton Derick Barningham; the closest Prayer, lunch was served 'by the W. ;4. S. 'Pauls A,C.W. was held Thtirsday Plant. At the conclusion of his Certain Wise Man's Constarif spoke on the History of the ean birthday, Ken McKellar; wedding hostess, assisted by Mrs. Mervin The January meeting of the afternoon at the home of Mrs. article, Bob Plant said the answer Prayer for the New Year". edns. anniversary year closest to Dow, and Mrs. John Templeman. W.M;S. of Carmel Presbyterian Annie Reid. The President Mrs. to mission is simply this - what The President. Mrs. David Industry from WO when b� were . first near the Walker's, Mr. and Mrs. D. grown PERSONALS Church was held recently in the G. A. Anderson presided and are we doing to serve God and Turner, 'the Nned the business Blenheim area to the present Barningham; lucky cup, kBrian Miss Janet Ballantyne. "Lon-, schoolroom of the Church. Mrs. opened the meeting with the man, are we in mission?. are we portion of t , e-1ge—eting, welcomed year. Acreage is over 125,000 Richman. Lunch was served and`i' don, has been spending some Percy Campbell read the scrip- Invocation from the Living Mes- part of the new excitement the guests present and read from acres and production is up to social hour enjoyed, time with her cousin, Mrs. cure and led in prayer. Mrs. sage. Helen Roberts read the spreading through the Church?• the book, -Good News for -three million bushel. Prices in The party was planned by the Russell Scott. Glenn,Bell gave the meditation on scripture from Corrinthians. Mrs. The future of mission depends on Modern Man", Scripture 1973 hit an all time high. Mr. R. family, Mrs. Hugh Currie (Helen) Saturday visitors with Mr. and Keeping Care of God. President, Reid, Mrs. Windover, Mrs. Clark our realization, that it is a part of Matthew 5 verses(3 - 10) and a rs. Jack McGhee Mrs. Otto Walker were Wm- Mrs, Harvey Hyde, read a and Mrs. Forrest read portions of all life, not just the vocation for reading, "True Happiness". Dorchester, M� Bell introduced the speaker and Caldwell thanked him. Bob Ferguson, Alvin Cornish, Gerald message on "Being a Good the Meditation. The roll call was professionals. The Treasurer's report and The children played bingo and (Carolyn) London, Mrs. Mrs. H Halley (Margaret) Winthrop, Cockwill, and Ken Costello, all of Neighbor" and outlined the new answered by New Year resolu- Eileen McLean conducted a Visitation repor( were given by other games while the adults Mrs. Larry Gardiner (Alice) Exeter. study book "Why Missions tions, and messages and also by contest and hostesses Verna Hay Mrs. Bert Faber. The Rose report played euchre. Winners were: Cromarty, Alex, London, and A quartet, consisting of Eldon Today ".Mrs. Edgar Munn will the paying of fees. The study and Mildred Kyle served lunch. was given by Mrs. Laird Ladies High - Mona Alderdice;. Kenneth, Allen, Murray Christie, Arthur be in charge of the February book "Meditation and -Prayer" Finlayson. 2nd. High — Marlene Bell; Low Kemp.. and Robert Norris, ac- meeting on February 4. The was given by Helen Roberts. AUSTRALIAN FAMILY VISITS Mrs. Ray Consitt entertained Cromarty Ladies Aid held their companied by Mrs. Elmer Dow, World's Day of Prayer service will A Miss Margaret Smith of Bris- with a soap contest with a church Grace Pepper. Men's High — January meeting at the home of took) part in a worship service be held in Carmel Church on LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY bane, Australia and Mr. and Mrs. theme, The hostesses, Mrs. Bill Jack Sinclair; 2nd. High — Mrs. John Jefferson and spent presented at Smith's nursing March 1. The'Janpary meeting of the Gregg Smith and their five-year Consitt and Mrs. David Turner Campbell Eyre; Low Mike the afternoon quilting. Mrs. John home in Mitchell on Sunday The Ladies Aid meeting fol. Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held old son Geordie of Slacks Greek, took up the offering which was Miller. Lone Hands MaDy Miller presided for a short evening. The Rev. A. H. Daynard lowed when items, of business Juesday evening in the Legion Australia, are visiting with their dedicated by singing a hymn. Whitehouse. Travelling lone hand worship service and business of Stqffa gave a short address to were discussed with the President Hall with the President Mildred parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith Mrs. Edison McLean — Campbell Eyre. On Special .meeting. Mrs. Robert Laing was the residents. Mrs. Clarence Volland presiding. Chalmers acting as Chairman, A of R.R. 1, flensall. They will be introduced the study for this year, Kippen locals new member Helen Dolphin was returning to their home the later "Mission Impossible Unless". Mr. Will McGregor is a patient Savings W.I. MEETING installed by the President. It was part of January. Mrs. McLean's address brought in hospital in London. The Citizenship and World announced that the Easter Basket Gregg is a graduate of the out that Stewardship makes Mr. Robert Thomson has been :1: X. - confined to his home this past Affairs meeting of the Hensall Draw will be held again this y�ar. University of Western Ontario mission possible and three groups Accounts W.I. was held in the Legion Hall Two prizes will be offered - 1st a and University of Stockholm, discussed the topic and reportcO week. Wednesday evening. President bushel of groceries valued at $25, Sweden, and is currently carrying their findings. The guests USE -ham. Tlic out research at the University of received a favourite recipe of the Hilda Payne welcomed everyone. . and 2nd an Easter U THIS WEEK, Secretary Grace Peck read min- ladies of the Auxiliary are Queensland, in addition to doing members present which was a from Ottawa utes and a financial report was catering to the Kinsman banquet shows for radio and television. practical example of Stewardship EXPOSITOR VIMRM=d given by treasurer Marg Ingram. later this month. The mystery, Mr, and Mrs. Gregg Smith and ie - "One must,give to receive". The roll call was answered by prize was won by Mildred Geordie have travelled exten- Mrs. Lloyd Cooper thanked the twenty members with a news- Chalmers and the guessing prize sively, throughout the world and members who helped with the WANT -ADS GWY Energy Conference Commons Broadcasting paper clipping of a current world by Iva Reid. will be departing for New Guinea "Cooper" Christmas and Phone 527-0240 Ell Prime Minister Trudeau will Prime Minister Trudeau stated affair. Correspondence was a HENSALL U.C'.W. shortly after their return to reported for the Record Player TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 —..f —,.+1, all the � ; ; I letter concerning the new 4-H Australia to do documentary film in the House of Commons that the Club for spring "Taking a look at Anita Cook presided for the on the natives of the Torres Strait Committee. It was decided to premiers for a First Ministers federal government is "still yo I urself,", and a letter was read January meeting of Unit I of Islands for the Au'strAlia Broad- purchase a record player for $25. Conference in Ottawa, January interested in broadcasting Hensall U.C.W. last Thursday It was further decided to-rfuse 22-23, to discuss the energy' proceedings of the House of from the Children's Aid Society of afternoon, and opened I the meet- . casting Commission. catering fees to $3.00 per plate. situation in Canada. They are Commons but this proposition Huron County requesting clothes. Ing by reading "Helping Hand", Plans wer�- made to visit expected to deal with such "was not met with much It was agreed that the Institute which was followed by the hymn KINSMAN Queensway Nursing Home. matters as pricing of crude oil, enthusiasm by the opposition sponsor two 4-H clubs this spring "Standing at the portal of the Six members of the Kinsman Courtesy remarks were given gasoline prices, subsidies. parties. as there has been too many girls ripening year", and prayer.' Her Club of Hensall attended the Mid by Mrs. Laird Finlayson, Mrs. Election Expenses Bill In its last.; tfirofle speech, the for one club. timely and interesting devotional Term District 1. Zone B Presi- Emerson Kyle expressed The house of Commons gave federal government had said it Program Conveners for the evening were Hazel Corbett and theme for the new year gave dents meeting in Godericb on gratitude to Mr. Tom Reid, for third and final reading to the would recommend to the House Joyce Pepper, reviewing what everyone guiding. thoughts on Sunday'. Those members who Election Expenses Bill which broadcasting, by ,radio and "Citizenship and World Affairs" how we might make better use of attended were President Bevon ' imposes strict limits on election television, of all or part of the meant and read a poem "The the time we have at our disposal, Bonthron. Past PresideAt Wayne PERSONALS campaign spending, requires full proceedings of the Housd and of hand that rocks the cradle." which would not only hel'p Reid and Kinsmen Dave Schur- Mrs. Elgin . Roweliffe is a disclosure of campaign donations the committees. Angela Duttmann favored with ourselves, but all those with man, Jim Hyde. Gary Maxwell patient. in South Huron Hospital, in excess of $100, permits the Lip Grants two accordian selections and whom we are in contact in our and llick. Packham. Exeter. governmentto refund some of the Manpower and Immigration Joyce Pepper gave the Metric daily lives. Rather than worry ccandidaw's,, ,cost and. ;limits Minister Robert Andras Length comparing to rn",,t unnecessarily we should try to •,;r television and radio d8veriising , announced that to date 3,307 6ody and, al'9641k- Aid To Housing grants under the Local Initiatives mileage. Brenda Pepper" played The roll cali was answeri- by Urban Affairs Minister Rontwelve regular membey-s and Basford told a news conference Program were approved for the several numbers on the piano. three new ones.. Mildred Kyle Is Your Old 1973 - 1974 season, creating Joyce Pepper introduced Tony that the federal government has 28,000 jobs for a total federal, Kyle, who gave an interesting conducted the business which already committed $ 150 million to contribution of $10,238,905. resume of his trip last year to,the consisted of Unit I members Car Good a five-year, $500 million land Federal commitment to 1973-74 United Nations. He said the most being responsible for washing assembly program to hold down projects totals $83 million. benefit he got out of his 'trip was dishes at the Annual Church the rising cost of housing,, the friendliness of people every- Supper on January 36 at 6:30. The minister said that most of Embassy in Saudi Arabia where and the friends he made. Helen Scatle outlined the new Enough For You this money has been allocated External Affairs Minister, He also said that he has received study book "Mission Impos- within the past six weeks during Mitchell Sharp said in the House I sible." Two of "the questions ninety letters from friends to date talks withprovincial governments Of Commons that negotiations are of speaking. Hostesses were askedin the study are, "What is if not, se/ect a new Ford about new housing p rograms underway to establish an -Jessie McAllister - and Pearl our understanding, of mission or good used car from us today! launched last summer. embassy in Saudi Arabia. Should Koehler. today ", and "Why are we . the negotiations be successful, ' involved?". She read two articles this would be Canada's first A.C.W. MEETING from -Mandate, one by Dr. Legge,1969 VOLKSWAGEN Notchback, -automatic, embassy in an Arab.oil state, The regular meeting of St. and the other w4tten by Bob radio. 11495 1 ".I've been trying to tell You ... the engine isn't in ' either end:" . Lower your taxes Raise your savings Your deposit at Victoria and :Grey of up to $4,000 in a Registered Retirement,P Ian before March 1st will be deducted from your 1972 taxable hicome and will raise your retirement income. Start retiring today — at Victoria and Grey. CM1.1 4 acrd � o o You Fre-sh Pork Shoulders Ib. %34 Fresh Buff Pork Chops or Roast .......b. 79 `11 Fresh Spare Ribs V*.*O000000'oe*000**O0"0000..Ib. $9` Macaroni &Cheese or Chicken Loaf 1160660,46 060066000806.0 .89` Prime Rib Roast 3rd -7th rib ... lb.1*29 Rib 1. Steaks ..........................XB.1.49 It F lull 29 29 M tOpen Weekdays Until 9:06 Saturdays Until 6:00' 04 ALL — ("."PIANTAR10 TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 r BOB. BE, TYS VARIETY Now Available a e ante-, 'JUG Homo 2% 9* Plus deposit 904 Plus deposit, Week -end Special Thursday — Friday — Saturday — Sunday JANUARY 17 to 20 One brick Neilsons Golden Grade �► ICE CREAM With purchase of each jug of milk —Special --- Jacks Potato Chips Reg. 69c 2 for 994 5 flavors from which -to choose Bob & Betty's Y. Vadet Main Street Secifor"t