HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 8Fen, work on streets, h e4;, \Ym. Holmes, fire an propertv,63, streets, DRESS SILKS. aordinery ettrectious in the way ot put, qualities, anti good values. It 3 known that we ala the lino silk at season; the reason you Item, the merles les etre much more prominent in txactioai9. To attract yen to this Itthe exquisite variety from 50o. to ays.rd in blacks; their unmatchable y atud in -equaled values inalte them ;tfble. PLEA -MC -MADE MA.NTLBS, stand head and shoulders above corn- [on. 'We ao the largest mantle trade twn, not by accident, hut because no c stem thews suc:11 an assortment,£rom o'weet i:ece mantle, $5.00, up to, the :exquisite fur trimmed, at 625. En - wed by the wonderful inerease in our and our very large stock of high class sties, we urgeyou to come and see what re doing in mantles, whether you wish rites WINGIIAM rrTh E , NOVEMBER 10, 1893. cling plank, etc., water, 60 cents, 25, total, 65 85; Henry Potter, snnilries,l 3 gents; Jas. Cum;,,.l nzings, heard of Health 50 cents; George Hutton, wood for hall, ; WIUgliant Elea - brie Light Company., lights for October 134 20; T. A. ;dulls, parity orders, V. They recommended tl at the accounts of Geo. Wraith, work o sidewalk, 664 Si8 Tilos. Hart, work on sid walks and streets, 1;17 50; W, J. King, wog t on streets and sidewalks, e20 88; Wi Ifor sidewalk on 'Victoria McLean, lumber for were referred to t action On motion, adopted, and the aceou Council were ordered to the Chairman of the S ports favorably on said Mr. John Hanna a in reference to the put block crossing on Jose Nicholl's bakery and action. On motion, the sum to the credit of the Pul be made, at the usual da notes held byre Comp* 24th Nevem r, and th pared coniirMiug such ried. By-law No, 22 was authorizing the leer° collect au assessment all live premium uotes th November, 1803 ; s been thrice read, was sealed. son 'Bros., lumber Little —Allison—The street, 6180 75; L. hereby authorized to g streets, 6182 00; and mailed to membe e Council for amount of their asses on which the annual is to be held—Carried. Little —.Allison— TIi case of loss by fire or the report was s referred to the be paid as soon as rest Committee re - °counts, 1sheep or pigs insured ressed the Council j such loss shall be paid the proved value at tit tion to apply to all e ried. A communicatiOU Kay was read, givin improvements thud been made on his bui the senctiou of the Directors, uuderstaucl been done to make th ous, gave consent. Armast rong—McKag do now udjouru to me water town hall on the November, at 2 o'clock ALM. L D. L50N, Secretary. ing down of a cedar hine street between anna's store—No 2 $450 was placed i e or ,.o,• is School Board. HEADY -MADE CLOTHING, Movcd by 3. Neelanu , seconded by J. J. instructed nits and overcoats for men and boys, � Homuth, that Chief 131 ]lard be in the leading manufacturers are here in ,, everything ' lase The new fall and winter stock, t elle:eine - new, correct 1u les, reliable in quality, perfect in fit and l;slt, at low prices. EVERYTHING IN FURS. gable, Mink, Nutral, Otter, Menthe, and Astrachan, Capes, 'Soni Collere and 7iufis. Great attrac- ;his and larva assortment in all depret- 'ants, at to collect the balan• of the town taxes Inow due, and that he s� vo necessary bonds, M. H. McINDOO'S Town The regular mo wn Council was h .st. Present—Ma rling an 1 Council °Lean, Neelands, mason. Minutes d and approved. A. communication hos. 3- Scott, tenderi wn hall for two e titter rates of hall rent n and employing ou A. communication wa . Demill, Principal of eademy, Toronto, earl eat paid by him for us unday last. On motiot econded by 3. J. Ilornutl r. Dernill was granted. A commeuication was r easter, Recording -Secret . U., on, behalf of the loc he Council to pass a by -1. own bell ring at 8.30 p. 1 p. in, in summer, and e1 streets after those leo arge by the Cli of of Po able discussion followed, aittessre. Towler, Homuth, Je 'parling,and McKenzie. Moved by W. B. Towler, J. Idomutb, that the regi1e tU., in relation to th- . statute giving Wer to the Council to pr vent . children ;ing en the streets after ce ton ihours at ;night,be granted, and that e town bell be 'rung at 8.30 p. m. in winter and J p. in. in summer for that purpose, a regulated by statute—Carried. D,Moved by R. C. Spariin, seconded by Geo. McKenzie, in amend ent, that the tition of the W. C. T. ;tj. be laid over aiak1i1 next Council meetin . for consider- ation, and that the Cle, communicate with corporations where t e Curfew Bell is rtung,as to the working of heby-law—Lost. A. petition was read fro • David Bell and ' 44 other ratepayers, as • g that a cedar block crossing be laid d. n on Josephine I street at Maple street— o action. '+_ A communication weread from Mr. and that he be instract d to have the ta collected not later than the 4th day of D comber, 1803—Carried. Mr. McKenzie asked be taken as to the este les e any (Leticn was to sion of the water - 1 works on Patrick street =est. Mr. Neelands did ) .t see where the money was to come fro ai, unless it were borrowed, but was in fav.r of putting clown down • aver laying •tb of therailway ction to a portion °led. econded by J. S. Water Commit- rtrick street east they will extend Ith eo old pipes. es. ,on all preteens-. iy iu #ore° MI I its G a by-law 00 ere, assessment—Gar- hen brenght its, ary to levy at.d f four per cent cu in force at 24th id by-law having. iaesed, eieuerl au 1 eeK Trrnatebox--lu Turuberry. on nevem. ber 5th, F1 ante McConnell, relict of the late John `1'hmupaou,, aged 70 years,. 5 1 50001115 acct 5 (Wye. the Secretary if, t 600 card" printed s, intimating the meute and the data eating Of D,enibera t in future in any lightening of cattle, y this Company, for at the rate of e of loss; this alters,- istiug policies—Car- A GOOD TRICK, �. and one that ..•'•i •v, plerse, i, to bay a b d t " h bottle of S::R a G, 1-lvci Lit rom Dur, Fleury &e - notice of certain alterations hu.viug ings and requesting oard thereto. The ut; that uotineg hits risk more hnzerd- I Mr. Sperling would the old pipes taken up no :ouncii. I as it would give fire prot lily meeting of the ;of the town not now prot d on Monday evening Moved by J. Neelands, x Gordon, peeve ' Jerome, that the Fire are ors Towler, Hoinntll, I tee lay the old pipes ou P McKenzie, Jerome, i from Josephine, as far as provirus meeting Carried. I The Council then adjou as read from Mi. re ;1') kr rent cf ; Lon.a.esbo nings, and urging ?Jr end Mrs W T Peru to those living in from Manitoba last week. idet lout.—filed.. number of the membe read irom Rev. A. E lodge, of this village, we emi1Pd'esf.:ential i last Friday night to assist g fcr refund of f,5 I lodge of the Order there. 1 town hall on 11, Theis Cole, M Braithwai of W. B. Towler, I reuee, Addie Crisp, Maud , the request oft Lawrasou, from this neigh ed the Prohibition C°uven ad from Mrs. J i ou the let inst. y of the W. C Tee neck -tie social in th I anion, °skin' on Tuesday evening, was e w -to have th affair. This lodge is done There were two fuititain fled, i Y 0 winter and ldren found on I night, with one proposition re be taken in J. sc;on returned cu 5i anis our fries.ds by bcco nu. .0 it e...; rosy your ed. Almost t.,: telt. s, it always TAKES WELL. 5rADS O;(LY BY K. CAMPBELL Ba CO., CAONTREAL.. e—That this Board t again iu Tees. last Saturday of . m.—Carried, CHEAP READING I Our Clubbing Rates. More Tionors for S A. Diploma and Meda have been received by e the World's Fair, Chi facturers, Messrs. Leve to be congratulated upot successes which "Sunlig for theist. Their achiev Exhibition once more p to the unequalled quali Soap. They have n Modals to their credit -- 1889, and Chicago, 1803 Gold. Medals obtained i the world. This is et re soap Ii.iugdom, ei of the 5 0 et to Wingbam u iustitutiug a' Mr Joseph Stevens is g ice. -Consider• vvaggou and carriage shop ndulged in by lho debate in the S 0 Is •ome,Neelands, last ineetiug night, on the solved, that the Platform econded by J. bepelci .1 to the country t ef. the W. G `v''s decided iu favor of t here will be a public the Temperance hall to - at 2 p In, to organize the Plebiscite campaign. be a large gathering of ers present. There will in the hall in the evenin:, by Mr W R Lough, of Hamilton and Rev H J born. plias Jeunie Woodrna Mr Geo Johnson is butcher shop for Mr We Mrs Geo A Newton, here the most of last drove out for her on Su The PlymonthBrethre ing in the 'Temperance evening nest, at 7 o'eloc. e, Isaac Law- ogridge and 73 orhood, attend - ion in Auburn, I O G T lodge, very pleasant very well now. is last meeting Newton, of Limehouse, •ho is considering the establishment of a woolen mill in town. Mr. Thos. Bell adds -seed the Council in reference to the exem - tion of taxation on his factory, claiming hat he is not getting the amount due him. Moved by A. DEM - sum, seconded by J. 3. Homuth, that the application of Dir. 13 11 in reference to his taxes be placed int e hands of the Bxecu- iTe Committee, to investigate and report next meeting o the Council—Carried. 'The coulmitte • to whom was referred . Stewart for exemption farm, se pet statute, for reported and on motion, opted. the claim of Mr. of taxation on In electric lights, et the report was a The Finance •mtnittee reported,recons- Trarodiregpaymen of the following accounts: T. Chisholm, M. i., medical certificate re 'Mfrs. Fletcher, ; 1;1. Shark & Rogers, tadnting fire hall, 43; Ales:, Boss, station- ery, etc.,`J-2 75; A vane' printing House, Pinang, etc., 610 0; ;bee, A. Cline & Co., lies for hall, "a 1,1;, 'ns. A, Cline & Co., lambs, 1114 77;'8. th & Pothiek, property, bl; Smith G- re , ick,eupplies for streets, 41; 8herk i.: 1:. _ars, painting sign for realm 42 8o 3. I:. Swarts, streets, D. lihower. ; undrios, Mots; Chas. laalal,iag gra el, $11; John David. Forest City Business and Shorthand College, of London, Ont.,, DOES NOT need to hold out sac) indusemcnts as the payment ot railroad fare, guaranter4ig of positimli. deo., &e., In order to secure patronage. , wE DO otter you tee most rRACr ser and 7 0 0 00 0 011 drilling in all bl,Pi;ness subjects which it is possible. • to obtain. 11'e bine the largest attentlanee and the most complete school in Canada. Wo solicit your l patronage on the ground of work, Sat6Slaction guaranteed or money retendod. Board $2.50 per weelt,. The TLAlIS mid Toronto globe, weekly S 1 50 The Talcs and Tomtit() Empire, weekly 1.75 'rhe Toteg and London Advertiser, weekly.,., 1. 75 'rhe 'Cnie3 and London ?roe Pi ass, weekly1 75 The Timm and Montreal Herald, weekly 1 00 The Tises and Montreal Witness, weekly 1 00 TheTltnsnnd'Montreal Family Herald and Star 1 76 weekly, and premium The Tune and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, 1 25 Toronto The Tutu, and Cosmopolitan Magazine monthly, 2 25 New York The Toioi and The Live Stoelc Journal and trousehold Companion, monthly.—..., 1 75 Tho Tomas and Farmers' Ae reeate, bi-weekly 1 00 The Taus and the Cultivator and Country 2 75 Ce.,tleinan, weeklt The balance of 1803 freo in every case. Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned in the above list. Address, alight Soap. (bigheet ttwara) 'unhpht" No•tp at ho. The 'name - Bros., Lei;, are the long liet of it" Soap hat won .meut at Chicago oyes their claim y of "Sunlight" w two World's ere! Exposit -jou, besides 13 other different parte of ord-breaker in the W. 13 Hensel of ti (lion Bicycle Club on miles in 28.20 2-5, m dian r, -cords for the 11 e.. Royal (Cana- +'riday roll•' 10 king sisw Cense- miles Williiu„s' Royal Crown Ret dy, grea.eet rure on earth, guaranteed to 0100 go ,al ferrous Debtlft1, lthemuwtism, Neuralgia Para yeis, ate. BeIIN. /McMANus—In Wingh, rn, on October 23rd, the wife of \i r. Jae. McManus ; a daughter. Mirctir.LL—in Wiugb m, on October gird, the wife of Mr. obi. D2itcbell; a TlMEs 07510 1, Wingham, Ont. Catalogue free.. 6m w. ,WESTERVELT, rrilnciplat. ICS imreasIrainallOSITCASISSICIILOCSIISSSIM SAID, The partnership happily existing' between the undersigned for they past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by effnl- gence of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the The Council of the Township of i nrnberry, at their next meeting to be held in McDonald's hall, Bluevale, on the 20th day of 1 r\ emher next, intend to aa b•law, closing up that portion of Duncan an street,on river bank, hetrrn labs 111 Ind 112, in Duncan's survey of the 'nine cf Sluevale, and disposing of the said portion of street. All parties interested will take notice oecot•dinuh•. By ordet, JOHN BURGESS, Township Clerk: Turnherry, October 23rd, 1853, for next night datlgliter. • ng to start a ,.erli erenlie—In Wing Hain, on October . l3elgrave. .,.,28th, the wife of Mr. Th 's. Friendslitp , to lodge, on their,daughter. . " 1.`' subject: "Re- .A;E7I,'1rRT—In Weigle m, on November has been more elnd, the wife of illr. Fr crick Seyffert; rt Ian the Press," e affirmative. eeting held in rrow ('Saturday) , ownship for the o hope there will. amperance work- .° a mass meeting , to be addressed liuton, Rev J R air, cf Londes- H is et home now. attending to the tlaufer. f Wingham, was eok. Mr Newton day. will have preach• gall, on Sunday Culro - A cheese and butt= company bas beep, form with the following di Joseph Kramer, eon, 11 con. 10; David McDou Scott, eon, 8; John Andrew Adamson, co Kay, con. 5. Mr. W was appointed audi have been made to ha corpnrated at once. The Direetore of t Firs Insurance Comp hall, Teeswater, 98t Members all .present. chair. The minutes were read and ado moved by Mr. Allis. Reid, that all applie be now laid before amination—•Carried, Allison—i .rmstro ambled four applie satisfactory, the lel are hereby Mart issue policies for th Reid—Little--T defraying expense sort, itAne—In Wiiighe1n, 1 n November 2nd, the wife of lefr.Walter baby ; a daughter. /, 'WAnn—Iu Wiugham on November 3rd, the wife of Mr. Chas. Yard ; a sou. f3oIINSON —I11 Lower WiUgh em, on No- vember 3rd, the wife f Mr, Wm. J. John son ; a sou. MCCLvs1.Y—In Whl ecbureb, on October 12th, the wife of Mr. loOlusky, of Guelph; a son. Mowur,AE—lu Wh techurch, on October 22nd, the wife of til . John W. Mowbray ; twin sons. UARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Applicat • will be made alt• r the iratiou of 20 days from 9ret puldhouti 1t h of, to the aur. rogate Court of Co. my ri non. to appoint Joseph Smillie, of t r ^ own ' p of Norrie in the Countchildren tRobertt�Rrni 31 ', Eliza ,,, ',gr elan lhis s Smillie antd Walter Smillie. s. r manufacturing' d iu this township, ectora for 1804: Thos, Woodcock, d, con. 8; John E. clfague, con. 7; . 7; Lachlan Mos . Bell, of con. 8, or. Arrangements e the Company in - J. A. `,dnlTON, Solicitor fel- the raid Joseph t a )-. at Wingham the L4t't rtrbr:•,isfl5. 3t t S FARM FOR c�ALE. 1 NOM •''C TO AMU $1O)0 Tilllati sold'+' � 'r '4, li d. � o .t ' 11 ? � :x i t P , t qq C AND AT BE90W COST gin• As the goods are all new.and have beers 8c.1ew:tea with great,•this aflo1•cl, an opi:tnrtunit•y of securing SAGRT!!'10E BARA.1- ,:f,0ick a,s may never main be a{icred to file Clclzen» ,i1 1Vingllalll ria', : vicinity. This great sale will begin o., The subscriber offers for sale his farm, being lot 24, Concession B, Turnberry, contah•l„2 100 acres, more or less The tern, is situalea 3 miles from W ineham and 2 miles from Whitechurc•li; good school within half a mile. Franc house, frame barn, with stone stabling, and out -buildings. Seurat{; orchard; good feces, and two good wells and soft water cis. tern, Farm is well watered with never.failina springs. For further particulars, apply to the pro- prietor on the farm, or address Box 107, Wingham P. 0.Meeceet, f 750NT. A OulrOss itfUtUal y met in the town October, 1803. Preaident in the previous meeting ted, when it was , seconded by Mr. tione for insurance e directors for ex. A Brick llonse�cd Loi for Sale .Wingham, being lot 05, on the Last side of 'Catherine strnet Ward No, 2, The house contains 3 rooms. pantry, and cellar, hard and soft water. The lot contains one•flfth of an acre. For further p u titulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Wiugham P. 0. J. IL GREEN. MP. 111)11D. • SnaTH-WEBSTE1 —At the residence of Mr, Jas. Webster, Asl,field., on October 18tb, by the Rev.h obis' Mills, Mr. John Gilbreth Smith, f West Wstxvanosh, -to Miss Mary Ault \ ebater, of Ashfield. ART -111 lliulOss, on v. Jae. Malcolm, Mr. Culross, to Elizabeth, as. Stewart, Kinloss, McLeex—DICl .OAx—At the residence of the bride's br.ther, ou October 31st, by Rev. Jas. Mal olro, ?sur. Arohibatd etc, Lean, to Mies E 'e McKiggan, of Culross. Ito,sg—S5IIT1f In Teeswa.ter, on Oc- tober 25th, by lt:. J. A. McLachlan, Mr. George Itvaue, o' Tosoronto., to Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Villiam Smitb, -of Cul- ross. g .That having ex - Clone and found them Want and Secretary ted to prepare and same—Carried. t to asseastnent for awl for reserved fund Gienxscne—STN October 25th, by .John Grenaclie, o daughter of Mr. CAtnwnan—In 8th, Mary Cold months and 18 dib A RADE CHANCE to make from 015 to 0251.er week in soiling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete osier en n1, Special )nstruetlotts to beginners. Write this week for terms to. V. O GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 125 Toronto, Ont DIED. ternberry, on November ell, aged 27 years, 7 • ei .� ►. A TS > � t'„ go • And continue for 33 days. Please remember 33 y 'r JR SEWN f eJ COST,' T CEO. SHA ., CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. STEAK, 10- . PER LB. and other meats low in pr portion. And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure to beep you away from this stole during these 33 days. for it is the chance of a lifetime. The stock conists of every description of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including Our. tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and Can.adian Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth- ing, Ci encs' Furnishings, t c. ' BOOTS TNI) SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and flesh;• in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot afibd rto miss tliis risammotll sale. Conte, now is the accepted time.. - • GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taker. as cash. Any goods charged -during this GREAT SALE Brill be entered at regular prices. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. I am prepared to pay the highest price for nil kinds of fowl. They must be drawn and well dressed. GEO. SHAW. Wingham, Oct. 10th, 18913. HARNESS AND DOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Ilernese I3asinese and started in 1119 old stand, are prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop such as IIEA VY, LIG t-I'i anti T11ACK Il ARNESS, NET'S, DUSTERS. W kiIPS, CURRY COMBS, GORDON 8 MeINTYRE, The Anchor House, Wingham, July 31, 1893. GEO. E. KI We have just passed into stock, biggest drives in we have ever offered. 24Vpieces of one i e and 17 of another. They're Worth calling to see, even. should you not want them. NINE DOZEN SEALETTE GAPS worth $1.25 for 75 cts. The largest assortment of GLOVES AND NITS in town, MANTLES MANTLES.. G. S�VEA.T COLLARS, A number of lines of our Mantles are broken 'RUNES, VALISES andry lin sues. ' .he odd ones you can have at aprice. TRAYI�LLIN t1 BAGS, &a., duo c_, ... w..Y, re of those Long Boots just opened. 1 make all my own Collars and guars.utee satisfaction. Give me a trial peel 1 will use you right, G