HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-17, Page 4� ,w;.+.a�C,w1r 4#�. •,....,..>.,.nn.F���.:...w.r-�a+,�n�dw.itilwA?k�rv;,..,,. .. � .. ... ' ;,,
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.. ANT„ � N.,, a �
Mar ;1o.'
thi f
rs.und.'.'W11canvr w , •' "
' ass,
The canvass in aidQf the lu[arcN In the past' two years, there has wheelchair? Why are there not and °the is , rid"tcalcha�wa�nt to
. l of , Dimes Ability Fund is been a 67 percent increased ramps.
,w progressing fav bly. The fol- demand for the program provided Throughout Ontario the Found- The adult handicapped
lowing captains ave deliverpd by the Ability Fund. That ation for the Disabled i, working not just survive within our society
�,�►� '' kits to the numerous canvassers: ptsogram is the Rehabilitation of towards this end. but to actively participate in it.
{ �+ Seaforth • section one. Mrs- Bill Adult Handicapped. The number of summer recrea- No .disabled adult in need of
'" �� SR1 O'Shea; section two, Mrs. Lovina, The March of Dimes program tion camps for the disabled is medical and/or physical help
Wheatley: section three. Mrs. was first begun by Eddie Cantor` slowly increasing, and . it is should be refused, those' aids, and
Atfred Beueraman; section four, (singer -comedian) and President reported that very few people will not be refused if you help by
Of TN� ONE Mrs: Frank' Sills: Harpurhey, Roosevelt, himself a polio•victim. attending these camps miss out contributing.
d li N th fu bil•
I R ti Mrs. Gar Baker; Egmon vt e, ow a rid .ts to retia state
eastside. Mrs. Charles 'Geddes; adults from 18 years of age and
s° TWestside, Mrs. Adin Forbes. up for whatever cause. The
r t •} The canvass ,will continue until causes now are mainly r,
� � � � 0M � the end of this month. industrial and farm accidents. \
Y O fig' Many social and recreational
activities await the handicapped
�r r, in their own communities. They
W r:t • -Vzk m� ^ � � Q� �- - might be better able to take
�- • ,�► 14? • 1�"UCW-
v, names advantage of many of these
activities if even a few conven-
iences were available - such as a
exeeufive for am h a side door that would
accommodate a wheelchair.
t Entrances to many public
buildings have stairways or
i new year lengthy ateps.-why not a Famp to
accommodate wheelchairs?
r Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot was Did you ever try to get' into a
a i �� re-elected president of the United
t telephone booth while in a
v{ - Church Women at Northside wheelchair? Did you ever try to
°k1� a United Church. Seafotth. climb the library, townhall or
Other officers elected were: legion or community sateps in a
Honorary president. Mrs- Mer-
W, fr s� n E. Reuber, vice-presidents.
t Mrs. Wesley Roe and Mrs.
Thomas Wdbee: secretary, Mrs.
= zaa George Wheatley; treasurers,
a G Mrs. William Cuthill and Miss
Y ' V;4 r y , va
Cluff; and P Mrs.
. mes A. Steart.
• ,� �, <ry� r s m Mr. N. G. Peever
LK � .,• K� Conveners of committees
elected were: Bazaar. Mrs. Peterat
Dunlop: finance. Mrs_ Gordon Who W/// be
MacKenzie; citizenship. Mrs. The Bedford Hotel, Goderieh
Wesley Roe; membership. Mrs. TELEPHONE: 524-7337 on
A gmmp of local Optimists were busy in the barn behind The Eisler with her father Lloyd, Jack Bedard, Gord MacLean. Bill J. M." I!Scort; program and Mt January 21 from 1-4 p.m.
Forge an Main Street, preparing the host they am entering in Teall and Alf Ross. Carnival organizers say the only thin° literature. Miss Marian Scarlett;
the Winter Csrni.al Parade on Saturday. From left are Charlie needed to guarantee a perfect carnival is snlo,%%. - .lots of st. so�hal. Mrs: George Riber, -
6<,ddes. Hank Groothius, Gord LicKenzi>r, little. Mary Jane sie%%ardship, Mrs. Edgar Mian; • • •
flower. Mrs. Donald Bode; foster
child. Mrs. W. Brown.eed equal opportun•t in schools, Oter committees;
... •. -
Christian . . .:
Education. Mrs. John Turnbull
and Mrs. Orville Oke; communion
,Huron B.of E chairman . tells trustees Mrs. Frank Golding and Mr's. f
At the 'inaugural meeting of the , Frank Phillips; community friend-
educstional system. experienced by the btmrds acnss rd' of conscientious. trustees. ship and visiting. Mrs. George
Hiinxa Counry Board of Education ConsWerable r,wress toward p Otic thing t McCartney and Mrs_ Frank
in Clinsi,r� Monday E. Csyley Hill, p � the t,n`ince. h rias} be that a I have al.. a�•s found is
Goderieh, chairman of th Board. the development of a better weighting factors and ache: that once a decision is made by Storey: kitchen. Mrs. Gordon ; 1
undemanding i.•et,veen our board supplements art not i.uffictent to the board. ail members support Elliott, Airs, William B. Campbell
addressed the board. He said: and our reaching staff has been —
"An inaugntral address should provide for equality of education it. regardless of prior discussion. and Mrs_ Muriel' Miller. manse. #
raga dwell on the past but rattier a'c sieved, and this pn,arsm m� across the province. Where such This is indicative of the proper Aln. Robert MrICercher. Mrs. 197 York St., LOiidOti, Ont
should state a current posit. be continued. While differe Ss problems effect us_ we must take spirit of board ,cork, Undoubtedly Clifford Bt aadfoot and Mrs. Uovd N6A 1B2 _
2Ad outlt t�r , es
ipaa ff+`rik time m.,zizue de,ela.p, action with the groper authgtities;, %ie .gill have problems to deal. Hoggartb: park,ur. Mrs- . lrvin
eg g scasnttSihsves nista „claicla . o, a fair Autiom ' . = with in l9: end's pill Trewsrtha and Mrs. Geos
tiy;`8T e:8d. will allow us w sit down and solve? . °"' �: i ' < . V 'w�
' Tttic is t#tc s1 sac of rite i+ah War while the gt-nertal public ty sericNus o� "flaa�.klr° 'if ►�caaYtr c3lear $ <:x bh ,_.z t
probletrs' in a fair and iust sa'arY oaf, our existence as in arm maintain ac a boated the spirit of Mrs, Peter. Moffat: cards, Mrs. E•V
fiat the Huron County Board of 7• t
manger. .As ri- areea, we lave of county wxvettatnent. few really` co-operation that has . been H- : Close; ' press, Mrs.' Frank
Edu atiim In the early ) am- overall res nsibilit, and
.nuctt time hard tai be taken by � know and understand the function demonstrated in the past. n e car,. Roba�n; seer. Mrs. Clarence
atiftwif , but wv must use and of tiustee•a-ip in education., Too %iih the support of our competent Walden and Mrs_ Ross Mc-
trP3`Ctces' and ad-cmatraii�,n rreeasurt zaur tY'tYa sii,'e.s 'ua•iSel,'. Grego• See, Us N For
aftarads iia the farnsation Of p often ti•ttstees, and the board. sre administration group. have a � cry: r. _ - - -
ittograrns, procedures and 107.3 has every indication of d,iu�t Of in the aeaati,•e. We successful year. Nfrs_.+ Sam Scott -a-as named 1
polac'il-. \iac2a c,f this n-a>rk is now being a vesr in a-hirla we will establish salaries and plea' a parr
representative to the' official ---r
b:hiaad us Bird while tip-datiAm_ experience a coritinued in setting taxation levels, but that board and Mrs. Elva Ellis _
and changes will be r;quired fra-ataa aAfiaai nar. ictal_ Tltis will is nc,t.. • as you kraou , a,ur prune nt2tn a to the Board of �
Salt or urea
ftlijc"tion_ h se 3 see s}x.ui3 Steu•sstis- SEED'OATS. triage' �. tittne, u•c can term' trtrn our ina^atase our pmlaleaaas in p Ain. Gordon Salla9c•s and Mrs. ,'. . -•
atienti,a aaac,re dinid' to -the budgeting and may force us to be taken toward snaking the
� Probably one of the norst Kenneth Stewart were named
ctirrema arA fury a needs of oras seek additional atrc,raies through public more aware of attar -av at,
cc,aa:ra3'uaairy. ra_r:atirn,ts. L' zc-~:-Sia�rtabl,. , our aspects of winter fi,r marc .af us is audit'i,rs_ .
` do,, and what the problems ate• the ice that builds. up . on and
At the end of lag }'ear_ a'rep ur c -%sxs L4cT eTmtiam ,ate going to be we -should riot dwell an ani sidewalks. dtiveways and -mads,
,Nf rite sc-h•i>tal vtsmarinn prr gram hi her. We will have w fac_ such desist far better liublitin unless Ec,r hameo.. iaers, getting ria of
Vaal f,t�iit'ed to the board sand ptZNhkl -n,- in ata obict^ti , maftner it is w'ar'ranted, but we sha,tald tr:. the u� requires the use of either UCW. meets SEED
this c,tarliiX%d somsrie of the basic said deal b tltecs submits m a to eaT�d pnublic ate art ness osalt Whilesalt isf our ,
u.sta. While
pt+ob'rems tit our'schkx4s aa-
t what -ay so as to emsa re that we are a2Cm-sties, to better inform aar
lit, fast -serine and rtai,st cntnmc4al, NORTIiSiD£ UNIT 1
kraaghl 1,:. called the oPt"ar"n' ed,-ia- t,ur rat1z1--,`ers the beg teems in the trends al -td _start of Q
le%vi, tt n my hope Haat aa, an value pier fcc their taaatacut used b} la.al go.ernrnent CONTRACTS
03:0, ,,dare, thus board ruga ,i,t +dollar. ln: u�ti:h anac esict � c`yunty education s`rn�i-stare_ n6es,- hameowners s*uld use �i
tai e have. in aur tet meas and Unit I ttac•2 at the home of Mrs._
se -Meas thought nl the sorb Less is tate pw,%irh•�l educational Tonal it i�rr c�refull. grad .wlv x laz a l icLertnatt 'on January 8 � an
sttppc,rtira� staff. people who have necessar. because it is t•et, trxic attetadarracce of twenty -orae
res l ire t1szK sxtba csr',n egad a��3DIa37c'e p t regi arra .3aicil leave dedicated d rbe r w orkirk, ''lives to also
dc,2k,p a program with pria-,mean adwe se eft an Mr r%-pecat a c,ur tktildreta grid to plants and grasses, , sanies The Presideni opened the
ed�a<tin� Burke McNeill. horticultural.
to avt�l�aa tt pn,:ale wd�ac'� arsarairsastratac,ti tatatet be tfae their uxwl; must b: made berm` taaeetiato witka a poem ..7�ngitss
c Asx . 5c,la5iaa„ass is cs eZ if s {c'it chi disc scrag .s lilt c,'�tcials knoa•ta - to be favid, apprec: ated. S ;a$is3. W 8tinS,,e good..' The ea tali MALTING
Salt should that
be spread ids BARLEY
we sa'c >`n,i� to ?aa,: , c,f at Qu:.eat's Pari. There are tacast t� e., mast find means to caatttc�tasl, sea t3aaa it +caistat,i Cf*Tie ertc,
c,ppc,rrunzy- nit d3,itr Hwon Ce%mTA dzf- caeh � m costc l'toJ vim,
zz%N%tstpiish this. in contact with hu -ns. Tree•...,. ,. Airs Cc,nraeil and Mrs. $ebbe?
As well. ut mita est ,ttrsgc resulting shish should not k+: took tic, der�rtioats- and
your week ahead By Dpi. &w. umis capable people aiibin our aRowed to run crrtk% tawns o-7 Mrs- Reuber took as her topic
.-atiia isttaity , c,nae frit a;aid a3 aaattaad• tkre treats a,f trees. "'Japan �„tinmmskeW' and used WHITE
Fbrrmapftwd Jars to digs• is prospecaive trusi�� soas tog On the codger hand, urea is a part, of her dt'ittghter Ames BEAN' it
AuRl Here V= go aa- t ash a tis far ensure nuit_s at beiard N!, . nitro�ggen fertrAwer. aced ma. be letaers a zo appBab4e
Mar. 21 - Xar_ 19 tctdac. Gari d apftsl birarre sad mar u igen sx,me of as decide to retire. safely used to r'e'move im in areas Mss_ Roberton gave courtesy
vMtmres with a triembar a! the opposite sm I arc .,ery proud 'sof alae --here Plants are gmm-n. The renw ks_ A test w� crtn- CONT�CTS•
TAtrR'C.% � 8 W. idem 1AM11,c er, ag gam w; c, plsar sitz tt, sen`e axrai^e aim a5 resulting
mnaff can be un ize`d b-. dncleA •�.de Mincer was spared- •
_ -Diss emtir. tie 1 staick ern z ema renes•.- as �%Iar Chairman. We have .a gcxarsd the pL--uts or gm,;zs in the sprrng.
ss rtrss�• 3a'i, F"'UtN W X.R."k ;s V%Clrcr�
t sem.• tu umpercepUble de -
311T 21 • J•®! 20
a i dzph tM-e =Q mlstaes. $i other
. ardsthis •week. $truer$ Vrm repeal. In a VMy
yom vM be wade to ftn,e the fsa'tute
3.m eW.V5a kwvamr fw aaa reastam
J=e M - 3abr 22
sb=s inn 3ebaTt ,A5 ahr3ty& yt*mr _9=-%'•s wM
be ro&.arre3 m the .aVzz Je cd yxr la'w a bw•e
Tbmme sa�Yom WEI resed ye seTy
3a�p WS - Arty, Tom*
MM saw zd� tim we--�L Sa. Mike a s afl effort
to get waw y'T.s motes - the oppo-
se mss" ' -
Meet an nVV=ftDMt& 4 i rotes
Asst 23 - S VL 22
r i --Q cd vow Ott wM dra. bez&7
re,^'azsalL Stgm cps tzp cd the b B ... tkiS Week
esm be 3unmr6am a r inWi=t
TM we weer tvathman& that s arar rte
GeL '!:!
to F= cram Esw RM that f alae tD t ae, Fm
ab sem XV -10 Me ` s* -wade The eh=m ta `sswx"
Y== is alle.
C rb-tfi(erxge to agmm v=im rft
tFlttk. S - r*m 32
cdwm F't:tesa t- take no me bft �
Swry tr) sil the s �ri�
s= `% rt-
trt;?R*e the ta�As a radtm ct
f'ett ;om =+slft epm be, the and Un3e
=tea aid sm tw
�i�ww'd cr
3*ft wow
We .ave . 1 iIill i i i e
1 I it
� Et,S ftR:A:i;ft5