The Huron Expositor, 1974-01-10, Page 14Classified Rates Effective January 10th, 1974 WORD COUNT ow Charges are based on'the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers,. phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-L. 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS- No copy changes, • 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column, inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (Mioimyrn,size in this category 2 inches. \z' Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the- - price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1.50, each additional word 3c. 254 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION . cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline for classified ads is 4 P.M .,Tuesdays. Phone. 527-0240 1. Coming Events 1, Coming Events BLyTH Lions Bin Blyth ___„,NEW BINGO Clinton Legiqn Hall Memorial Hall, aturday at 8:30 8:39 P.M. January 10th, p.m. $150.00 J kpot. Big cash Admission $1.00. 15 Regular prizes. 1-21-tf games $10.00 each. Three ,Share-The-Wealth Games. One jackpot game for $160.00 in 55 calls or less. 1-22-1 1974 14. Property for Sale Real Estate Ltd.' 82 Albert Street Clinton $ REWARD $ We are now paying up to $18.00 for Dead and Disabled Cows and Horses and Stocker Cattle - all small animals pick-up free as a service to you. .We have three trucks to service you 24 hours 7 days a week. Phone Collect 881-9334 . Brussels Pet *Food Supplies Lie 399 -C 73 19 21 ff 20. Auction Sales 20. Auction Sales IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY AT 8:00 P.M. BALL AUCTIONS LTD. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Items of Interest: New Leonard refrigerator with matching 30" electric stove (green or gold), Leonard automatic washer and_ dryer, Electrophonic morse quality 'component set with 8 track tape deck, 6 lovely styles of Morse stereos, Morse sewing machine, large selection of bedroom and chesterfield suites in styles of Spanish, Colonial, French Provincial & Modern, new single . and double beds, lovely table & swag lamps, 4 styles of Coffee ic end table sets, kitchen suites in a variety of styles & colours, lazyboys, sets of dishes, radios, sett of silverware & gift items - many more items too numerous to mention. This is a large sale consisting of quality furniture & appliances whjgh will be sold to the highest bidder. NOTE:Terms of sale are cash and our handy TKM budget plait- There is plenty of parking & seating. A refreshMent booth washroom facilities are available. Sale Conducted By: I3tral Auctions Ltd., Brussels - Auctioneer: G.J.Ball Phone: 887-9363 20-,L2-tf 4 ,Florida Tours 14 days departing 'Feb. 2 14 days departing Feb, 16 14 days departing March 2 9 days departing March 16 Prices from $154. Ask about reservations now. GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY Box 789 Seaforth Phone 527-0050 1-21-tf Coming Events at Hully Gully Jan.11-Torch Light ' trail P ride 8 p.m. Jan.12 - Bluewater Playboys Jan.19 -Hully Gully 100 lap enduro. No dance- open for snowmobilers Jan.26 - Harbourlites Gord Harrison. Jan.27 - Oval Races. 1-22-1 Relatives, friends and neighbours are invited to an Open House on the occasion of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGeeplf, Egmondville, on Sundayi January 13th, 1974 from 2 • 4 P.M, and 7 - 9 P.M. at their home. Best Wishes only. 1-22-1 FAT is not where it's at. Start the year off right and lose that Christmas lump. Join Seaforth Non Nibblers this Monday - bring a friend. Meetings are held every Monday at 7:30 in Seaforth District High'School. (Must have 10 lbs. or more to lose,) 1-22-1 OPEN HOUSE for Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mitchell, celebrating tit-6k '50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday,Januaty 19, from 2 ,to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Town Hall, Mitchell. No gifts please , by request, 1-22-1 The 63rd Annual Meeting of THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of Huron County will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th 1974 at 2:00 P.M. Hereby take notice that amendments are being proposed to the Constitution and By-law,, copies of which may be obtained at the office of the County Clerk-treasurer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. The public is cordially invited to attend. B.G.Hanly, Secretary, Board of Directors, The Children's Aid Society Of Huron County, 1-22.1 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the following areas: Goderich commencing January 15, 1974 High School 7:30-9:30 Clinton commencing January 16.1974 Health Unit 7:30 • 9:30 Exeter commencing January 17, 1974 Health Unit 7:30 - 9:30 P.m. Both husbands and wives are in the discussions. invited to attend and participate Please pre-register by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or nearest Health Unit -office etteribliowing numbers: Brussels 887-9331; Clinton 482-3416; Exeter 235-1014; Goderich 524.8301; Seaforth 527-1243; Witigharn .357-2264 1.22-1 1. Coming Events THE annual meeting of the Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held on January 23, at 8 p.m. in Seaforth Community Centre. 1-22-1 COUNTRY AND WESTERN The Charley Pride Show Cobo Arena, Detroit, Mich. Sunday Jan. 27th Bus fare and admission $15.00 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL AGENCY 527-0050 Seaforth 1-22-3 2. Lost, Strayed LOST a small black change purse in the Legion ticket office on Thursday, January 3. Please call Ephraim Clark, 527-0782 not before 10 o'clock. Reward. 2-22x1 LOST pair black framed boys glasses in dark brown case vicinity of Seafcirth Public School. Reward.lvan Nielsen, 527-0603. 2-22-f LOST male cat, fully grown, rusty-brown colour with white on stomach. Phone 527-0213. 2-22-1 3. Found GREY male cat found on Goderich St. East. Phone 527-0410. 3-22-1 4. Help Wanted We Require Male and Female, Help at our Dublin Poultry Plant apply To GORDON STEPHENSON or RON BENNETT EAST HURON PRODUCE Dublin - Phone 345-2270 4-22-2 7. Situations Wanted WILL babysit in my home anytime. Phone 527-1619. 7-22-1 'WOMAN with 2 children wishes housekeeping job in farm home. Apply Box 3091 Huron Expositor. 7-22-2 8. Farm Stock for Sale 6 White-faced feeder steers approximately 600 pounds. Frank Reynolds, S27-1207. 8-22x1 ATTENTION Beef Farmers, 10 choice open Shorthqrn-Hereford cross heifers. Make these your cow-calf herd. Mervin Beuermann, Dublin, R.11.1, 345-2916. 8-22x1 BLACK-white faced heifer bredto Limousin. Due end of January 527-0969. 8,22-1 8. Farm Stock for Sale 40 Light Chunks, Phone 527-0715 8.22-1 - Lacombe cross boar, good litters, quiet. Mervin Beuerman, R,R.1, Dublin, 8-22x1 5 Stocker steers about 300-400 lbs. Pete Van Drunen, #5, Seaforth, 345-2897. 8-22-1 9. Poultry for Sale READY to lay Babcock 8300 pullets vaccinated an debeaked, Bruce Roy, Londesboro, 523-4237. 9.22-2 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 "•-• Box 169 9-21-tf READY to lay pullets. Moore's Poultry Farm. 527-0508. 9-22-3 10. Used Cars for Sale '68 Ford stationwagon, 8 cyl, Galaxie 500, excellent condition new belted tires, Contact R. McFarlane, 527-0533; 10-22-6 1962 Ford truck I ton pickup, good running condition, body needs work. Ideal for farm. Best offer, 527-1532. 10-22x1 11. Articles for Sale TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES, CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-21-tf 4-22-1 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate.' The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-21xtf JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Clearing all open stock of sewing machines. Save from 10 to 40%, eg White Automatic Sewing machine, Reg. 219.95 now 169.95; Deluxe Zig Zag reg. 199,95 now 139.95; Straight Stitch 109.95 now 79.95. Good supply of used machines from 19.95. All sewing notions reduced 10%. Electric 2 speed shears reduced 50%, Closed Mondays • open Friday night 'till 9. SEW AND SAVE CENTRE 107 Downie Street, Stratford. Phone 271-9660 11-21-5 PIONEER CHAIN SAW NEW AND USED. Saw Chain in Stock. For all popular makes, complete parts and service, for Pioneer Saws, Robert Glen Saws, 482-9292, Clinton. 11-17.8 2.3" floor model RCA black and white T.V. $80;.00 or best offer. Very good condition. Beautiful cabinet, Phone 527-0223. 11-22-1 COAL and wood cook stove in good condition, 262-5274. 11-22x1 GREY girls "Little Nuggett" midi coat, also blue spring coat, both size 9, boys' grey "Little Nuggett" coat and hat , size 5 , Phone 527-0172. 11-22x1 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25© each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-21xtf 100 Watt Electrohome instrument amplifier. Completely reconditioned including 2 new 15" Jensen speakers. Also Fender 6-string guitar in excellent condition. Complete with accessories including fast switch and carrying case. Will sell separately as a pair. 5150.00 for guitar and $125.00 for amplifier or best offer. Bill Southgate, 527-0812. 11-22x1 MOBILE Home, 12' x 60' with portable addition, 14' x 14'; furnished . or unfurnished. Reasonable. Phone 345-2555. I I -22x3 To Give Away 1 Border-Collie pup. 3 months old, 527.0715. 11-22-1 SANYO combination washer spin dryer, 527-1687. 11-22-1 22 Caliber long range. rifle. 13est offer. One month old. Phone 527-1394. 11-22-1 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE AT The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-21xtf WANTED To Buy- 50 bales of first class hay. Winthrop Iron or phone 527-1970 after six. 12-22-1 WANTED to buy:, Old pump organ in good condition, Box 3092 Huron Expositor. 12-22-1 QUANTITY of bailed straw, 345-2746. 12-21-2 MASON BAILEY Manager/Broker 482-9371 100 acre farm in Morris Township, large frame barn, suitable for hogs or cattle. 85 acres workable, 9 room home. ****** Block of Silt, t Dale in Seaforth ****** 145 acre farm, 2 miles from Clinton, 135 acres workable, 1 1/2 ,storey STONE HOUSE with 8 rooms, located on Hwy. #8,. ****** LOW DOWN PAYMENT, easy terms on a two-storey family home well located in Clinton. *** * ** FULLY EQUIPPED RESTAURANT for sale in Huron County. 2 storey brick building, nice living quarters. **to* ** 150 acre farm in Hullett township, 130 acres workable. Extra large barn equipped for hogs. 8 room home. ****** "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" "freedom is worth whatever it costs" 14-22-1 LAND ON NO. 8 90 acres, more or less, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Godetich. No buildings but nearly all workable. Price $35,000. WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth 527.0870 or 527.1972 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. West Lorne 14-22-1 Completely modernized two bedroom one storey corner lot home, new gas furnace, bathroom and cupboards, large patio and brick barbecue. Reasonable price. Paul McKellar 527-1532 after 6 p.m. 14-22x1 15. Property for Rent HOUSE for rent, 5 bedrooms. Call 482-9857. 15-22-1 Seaforth, oillieating 3-piece bath, built in cupboards, attached garage, other modern conveniences. Possession available immediately. Apply Seaforth P.O.Box #877. 15-22x1 8 room two storey house, 11/4 bathrooms, available Jan. 31. Phone Exeter 235-0238. 15-22-2 THREE bedroom apartment available sometime after the new year. Wong's Grill 527-0920. 15-16-tf 17. Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent in Seaforth 3 or 4 bedroom house, 527-1394. 17.22-3 ONE or two bedroom apartment; wanted in Seaforth. Phone 527-1857. 17-21-2 19. Notices ""ROOMS with Board". Rooms and board available in country home, private T.V. good meals, lunches packed if desired. Phone Dublin 345-2335. 19-22-2 HENRY'S Harmony House will be open Saturdays only, 9 to 6 except by appointment. Phone 527-0053. Good assortment of Guitars, Electrics, .Etc, Lessons arranged. 19-21-if TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERV-IC-1F! Income 'Fax Returns Business - Farm - Individual Record Preparations LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Clinton Phone 482-7988 19-21-tf SEPTIC TANKS Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Adrand be money in pocket. To advertise, just dial Seaforth 527.0240. Clinton, Ontario We are now paying $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows' and horses over 500 lbs. Two trucks to serve you better, Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock pickefl up free of charge as a service to you. YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST. Call Collect - 482-9811 7 days a week - 24 hours a day License No, 378C - 72 Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. 19•21-tf If you are thinking of buying or selling ANTIQUES or USED FURNITURE contact NORM WHITING Exeter 235-1964 We buy estates, household lots or single articles. 19-21-tf HARDTMAN & STRACK LTD. Mortgages are our only b siness. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced "mortgage firm help you to purchase a h ome_ or cottage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without embarassing credit investigations; for confidential, competent service, for Mortgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call coiled, Waterloo 884-6030; 19-21-ff NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick-up at your farm phone by Monday 8 A.M. WILLIAM J. DALE SEAFORTH 527.0471 19-2 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK. VARNA 262-5748 19-21-tf Woods Bewley, and for the Estate of Mr. John Oliver Carter. TO be held on SATURDAY, JAN. 12th at 1:15 P.M. At Vanastra, south of Clinton, straight in from main gate,. ESTATE OF MRS.SADIE WOODS BEWLEY Gate leg drop leaf table; refrigerator(square type); electric stove; portable tray; cannister and card table; radio; toaster, iron; electric clock; stool; pots, pans and dishes; davenport; small table; plant stand; wicker chair; desk; oval mirror; lamp and picture:Electrolux vacuum cleaner; stone covered fern, , stand; brass hall tree; cedar chest; double bed and mattress; dresser and mirror; cedar chest of drawers; jewelry box; b telephone table; Germany triple step table; china cabinet; small table; humidifier; trilight, picture and mirror; chesterfield and chair; portable . color T,V.(Admiral 19"); wicker table; wicker chair; swivel rocker; Austria covered vegetable dish, other matching , dishes; brass serving tray; silver cream and sugar set with tray and spoon; serving tray; small' 7 fern stand. ESTATE OF JOHN # OLIVER CARTER AND BLANCHE MAY CARTER Vacuum cleaner; couch; lawn chair; rocker; ash tray i and table; television; chesterfield and chair; I chair and foot' stool; foot stool; coffee table and end I table; ash tray and chair; dresser and mirror; bed and mattress; lamp; 4 4 washstand; wash basin; bed and dresser with mirror; chair; lamp and table; dresser with oval f mirror; steel bed and t mattress; dresser and chair; 5 odd chairs and table; humidifier; old• 'cupboard with roll top door; china cabinet; Frigidaire 24" range; fridge; chrome table and chairs; step stool; magazine rack; rocking chair; swirlator twin tub washer, nearly new. terms Cash No Reserve Auctioneers or Executors not responsible for accidents day of sale. RICHARD LOBB Clinton R,G.GETHKE Bornholm' AUCTIONEERS 20-22-1 Additional Classified Page 15 11. Articles for Sale 1971 Ski-Doo Olympic 300 Excellent condition $275, 2 Ski-Doo suits. I large, I medium; 1 good .XL Helmet; I pair Girls Figure Skates size 101/2 . Call 527.0772. 11.22x1 SEVEN hardwood chairs, padded seat and back, 527-0908. 1l-22x1 ifretRAI 7M149:11 14. Property for Sale 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales HURON PEAD t EUCHRE, 1.0.0.F./tau, Jtfri.14th 8,40 P.M. Orate, Lucky irite., Stiotiteted• by Rebekah LiiclgO, 14/4 The Children's Aid Sotiety of Huron County requires SOCIAL WORKER Il • An opportunity to work with families and children-in-care. Position open February 1974.. requirements: BSW, ceequiyalent, supported by two or three years related experience. Applications with resume ana names of three references to be sent to: B. R. Heath Director Box 218, Goderich, Ontario N7A 312 PHILLIP cabinet television. Picture tube is one year old, in good condition. Junior Storey, 527-0385. 11-21x2 PUREBRED Daschund pups for sale. Phone 345-2368. 11-22x2, USED piano for sale. Phone 527-0828. 11-22-2 TWO 13 x 640 snowtires complete with rims, used two winters. Call 527-1041. 11-22x1 12. Wanted to Buy Apo.„ IN THE COUNTRY This one storey 2 bedroom home features extra large living room with new shag carpet, and kitchen with new cupboards and floor covering. Located on 1/2 acre lot, 6 miles from Seaforth. Yours for $21,500. VILLAGE RESTAURANT Located at intersection of 2 highways and doing a good business. This 2 storey brick building has fully equipped restaurant with modern living quarters above. Full price $39,500. DON'T WORRY About building material shortages. Move this modernized 1 1/2 storey home onto your lot. Large carpeted living room, carpeted dining room with built-in china cabinet. Den and kitchen have new floor covering. 2-piece washroom down, 3 bedrooms and 4-piece bath up. Priced at $10,000. contact - JOHN or CAROLYN TH05M27170023N8 R.R.#2, Seaforth 14-22-1 ' CLEANED Modern equipment. We guarantee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone ' Clinton, 482-3320. 19-21-tf HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 King Street industrial, residential, farm wiring_ rlinton - 482-7901 Prolio. Budd Kuehl 19-214 1-tf STOCK REMOVAL s 4 AUCTION SALE Of Appliances, Household Furniture and contents for the Estate of Mrs. Sadie :44