HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 7mother
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Wingham, (VC
The ruddy sunset lies
Banked along the west,.
In flocks with sweep and rise
The birds are going to rest.
The air olings and cools,
And the reeds look cold,
Standing above the pools
Like rods of beaten gold.
The flaunting golden -rod
Has lost her worldly mood;
She's given herself to God,
And taken a nun's hood.
The wild and wanton horde
That kept the summer revel
Have taken the serge and cord
And given the slip to the devil.
The winter's loose somewhere,
Gathering snow for a fight;
From the fields of the air
I trunk it will freeze to-night.
—I)ancan Campbell Scott<
Indian Summer.
Upon the uplands, rioli and ripened corn,
A. slumbering golden light now softly lies,
A. mystic brightness, lovelier than the
In glowing June when darkness quickly
Before the splendor of imperial dawn.
The mountains, larger for their lucid haze
Which wraps their Titan form in robes
of gauze,
Seem more enchanting till in those fair
When beauty, regnant, bide our footsteps
And pay her court in gorgeous forest maze.
What faint, elusive scents in dewy glade
When earthward, fluttering leaves, red,
yellow, brown, •
For loitering feet a carpet thick have
made !
Where the ripe chestnuts thickly patter
And blooming clusters hide in vine•loaves'
The World of Labor,
Women barbers are becoming numerous.
England has 2,000,000 domestic servants.
Great Britain has 20,000 trained nurses.
French railroads employ 25,000 women,
The Chinese laborer has reached Africa.
A. Canadian cheese weights 22,000
New York has more victims than Ire-
Linen factories employ 100,000 in Ire-
Georgia boasts a five-year old tele-
, Cannon balls in flight are photograph-
A ton of steel makes 10,000 gross of
Russian railroads have ladies' smoking
.A. witchery's in the air—a potent spell—
Enthralls our senses as we wander slow
Through whiseering worlds, or in the ferny much shout into anyone, look about
dell you and see if you can find something
Where gliding bro,,klets, laughing softly,
go,to do for somebody else. '1'o your
To pour their crystal in the lake's daep surprise you will prooably have a
well. chance: inside of two initiates. No
In dreamy snood the brown -eyed asters matter whet it is, or how trifling or
Catarrh, Not Local, But Constitutional,
Dr. Dio Lewis, the eminent Boston phy-
siolan, in a magazine article says : "A
radical error underlies nearly all medical
treatment of catarrh. It is not a disease
of the man's nose; it is a disease of the
man showing itself iu the nose—a Local
exhibition of a Constitutional trouble."
Therefore, he argues, the use of snuff and
other local applications is wroug, and
while they seem to give temporary relief,
they really do more harm than good.
Other leading authorities agree with Dr.
Lewis. Hence, the only proper method of
curd for catarrh is by taking a constitu-
tional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which reaches, every part of the b,dy
through the blond, does eliminate all im-
purities and makes the whole man health-
ier. It removes the cause of the trouble
and restores the diseased membrane to
proper condition. That this is the practi-
cal result is proven by thousands of people
who have beau cured of catarrh by taking
Hood's 'Sarsaparilla.
A Secret for Boys and Girls.
.A Grain of VW/at.
"Hew are you? Just thought I'd
i drop in ati, hile to loll lune " "1VE'll,
L06I:s ITS inayrIT7f IN A f;nF�A'I' I we don't went any of our time lulled,"
noun MILL.
One who bus never been in. a flour. To Subscribers u' Arrear anti
yrs r s arrive Ped depart a,sfoldowst
dust to Laud a car load of I1o,1 tri'r,n
. f n, nt...... ....stir TOrnrttp
iup mill of the lartast size cannot I
realize what a peculiar lot 0 noises u rho 11bJ�►��� ���►Wade by the tukuhinary, As soon as A number osubeelbetarestill
the wheat enters the machine from the ,tri arrear fur their subscriptions for
f q1
I' I t 1' 1 ' f re
,.ieme ....•.... .ForMismater
1V.40 l', In „
SIIII�•QXAEI';, Cr'L�A " D` r?'R,'�Tl`T
ion t which brings it down from the current year; find a certain
g spou
the upper floors, it falls between two
rollers of iron—chilled iron tney call it
and very herd iron it is, too, One of
these rollers revolves. rapidly, the
other more slowly, in order that the
separation ot the ebitt, or bran, from
the kernel inay he more meetly aecoul•
plished. The n'lieut firs passes be-
tween rollers rrepitreted jest r'nongll to
allow the coat to be crushed. It is
then carried away up to the top of the
mill &slain, to a room where die earl
vainly trues to shine 10 through the
flour -coated windows f\ir elitism the
city's roofs.. It next passes Over a
wire sieve which separates the bran
from the kernel proper. '
This bran which contains couch of
the flour material, again plisses down
and is (around once more, this process
twine repeated four times, malchne five
grindings, each one fiver than the one
preceding it. Eneh tiino the fibrous
or bran portions are more completely
separated, and at last the bran comes
out a clear, brownish husk with every
particle of flour removed. The inside
part of the kernel has meanwhile been
going through st very interesting pro-
cess. After the first grinding or break-
ing, it passes to a big six -sided revolv-
ing reel covered with it fine wire net-
ting; or sieve. Through this reel the
thew portions of the kernel pass, com-
ing out its what is called middlings, a
granulated mass which goes back to
number for two and even more
years. file urgently request all
subscribers in arrear to put them-
selves right on our hooks as soon
as possible,
Those indebted for •lob printing
and advertising will surto confer a
favor by an early se•ttlenlent, We
Lave tar 4e payments to make and
would like those indebted to us to
put us in 0, position to meet them.
If' you owe us anything, don't
wait lbs. an account to be sent you,
but call and settle ,or remit the
amount at your earliest conve-
A1I remittances should be made
by express or money order, or sent
by registered letter'ito
Tixxs Orrlcn,
Wingham, Ont.
Cnros QSonrnraptirm; coughs, Croup, Sore
'Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee..
For a Lane Gide, Hack or Clr.st Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give grant satisfaction. --n5 cents.
SHriL0F'ave E T ALEZE (Rue
Ctrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chatt''•nooe a, Tenn., says"
As soon ns you sae this, without •',ShilaleJ•rrtay,•;fr`�;�1.•y-l�l, .511, LIFT:.' t
waiting a moment, and without saying I the rollers for another cruehiag Thai cosi•idertttlteii;�rcnmalt'foict r4 ecid ep
1 L
nod;` JIiplP,asAI1L it ma;; be, do it. exp
The thistle wears its purple crest with this rte] until bedtime ,raid you will
pride find that you have had the pleaeraitE st
Stray marguerites begem the emerald sod
And on the hill, the winding road beside, day of your lift'.
Flaunts the gay plumage of the golden -rod. ------
Belonged to Guelph.
To ears attest comes many a pleasant GUELPH. Ot,'r., Noy. G. -The despatch
The laugh of children under orchard from Hilton, Mau., l t -it week, concerning
trees, ;lames Brydon. formerly of this city, er-
The whir of swallows, circling round and cited much iuteaent here. Mr. Brydon
round, has relatives here and left this city ouly
The lulling droning of contented bees, last March for Manitoba, so that he is
The rosy apples tumbling to tiie ground. well known. It was also commonly known
OA rapid wing the shining hours flit by ;
The sunlight facies o'er woodland, vale
and hill;
The pensive gloaming bids cloud -splendors
In shattered nook the sleeping birds are
A silver moon hangs in the violet sky,
Oh, lovely autumn—peaceful, calm and
'Twere sweet, methinks, at thy dear time
to say
Farewell to earth, ere ago with wintry
blight and from
Blackens the flowers of joy,
life's day,
Steals warmth of love and hope's uncloud-
ed Light. .
levee cued ' e'er Dyspepsia -
process is repeated through 'five reels,
all ,but the first being of silk. The
last one hundred and twenty tlirt'ad•c
to the -lineal inch. The flour which
conies out of the fifth reel, white
white in hue, is yet not og. tii`o fineet or
potent grade, but is.>cla'ased as bake'r's
or second -gr?deflour.
Tlict i iid'd'fings above referred to are
purili$d by nu interesting process.
They are passed over a fine wire sieve,
through the upper part of which a
strong current of air is passed. This
holds in suspense the tiny portione of
fibrous matter which tray have heen
in the flour, and at last after tore pro-
cess at middlings-purifiying has been
fully carried out, till flour appears a
that Mr. Brydon suffered severely from tipotiess snowy . white—the patent
kidney trouble and was touch reduced by 1 thus as it is called. In the process
the disease, Of course till this is now, ,
changed. In a recent letter, Mr. Brydon of g;riuding in this gradual and
says: "I have been a great sufferer trotn
kidney disease and pain in the back. Since
I began using Dodd's Kidney Pills I am a
new man, without pain or ache. I think
these pills have done more for me than
could be expected from any medicine. I
tried them thoroughly. They cannot be
too highly recommended."
Tho Governor -General's secretary
stated to a Toronto reporter that His
Excellency has intimated to the Gov-
ernment his desire to defray the exe
penes: of building a private chapel on
Rideau Hall grounds out of his own
repeated way, the gems ct the wheat,
a tiny particle atsout the size of a
mustard seed, is separate from white
fiour. It is what one (night call the
life part of the wheat. If it were
ground up, it would not leave the pat-
ent flour so white and powdery, so it
is separated in one of the sievings,and
passes into the darker or lower -grade
flour. It contains, however, the beet
and most nutritious part ot the wheat.
The last thing that happens to the
pulverized kernel, before: it is ready
1 ' Excellency 's for market, is the filling of the barrels
n smooth u
To the Proprietor of the Great South
RHEUMATISM CURED IN A Det.—Booth . nt Patent flour. Under the tube is
dmericau ltheumatio Cure. American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism P
Deere Sia,—For over thirty years I was and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to It the barrel or the somas the case may
d h with Neuralgia mud d It tion upon the system is re he gond, as it begins to 611, a steel
Headache. Seeing yourg
This was his
Afflicted Wth Sdeurargia for 30 Years. intention from the first. or sacks. Down many stories through
comes 11)8 white
a lose very mut y
reap Soma
days. bre and mystnrioue. It removes at itti�;er just the size of the barrel, bores
AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE tr nelverttsed 1 once the cause of the disease iinWediately auge luso the flour, packing it care -
thought I would give it a trial—although I disc ears. The $ret dose greatly bene -
did not think forla moment it was going to fits. p 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's fully and solidly beneath the broad
dome. any good after trying so many drug store. blades'
remedies without benefit. 1 obtained a
bottle from Chisholm's Drug Store in this Ministers Foster and Anger ad -
town, and I must say that I got great relief dressed a large meeting in Vancouver A Sturk'aonderful che,ow Neurolgina and Liver
from the first few doses, tied was so ever- on Saturday t•vnning; on the will. Stark' nice c e, Neuralgia
perfectly Liver
joyed that I determined to give it a good y P
trial and coutiuued taking it, taking in all questioli. The New Westminster and I lees. Mrs. Gaston, 22 Inchbury street,
six bottles. 1 can truthfully may that 1 Veuoouver Boards of Trade aekeel I Hamilton, another well kuowu citizen,
never felt so well since I was a girl, it gins that wlleet,Indtan cosh and all mining I testifies : "Filming given R. Stark's Head -
Bat Only cured mo of neuralgia and head -
be laced on the free list, ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders a fair
ache, but has tilers built up my system and Y P I trityl, I am willing to bear testimony to
quite young again. I most cheer• arid that the duties be reduced on their efficacioue effects. I have derived
fully givt. you. this testimoulal and consider agricultural n itehinery, mutton, iron • great benefit from them, having been a
you are the greatest benefactors to suffer -and glass.M
I long time a suffer from headache, bilious-
inhumanity, I lies% and neuralgia. M. Alexander ercer,
I am, Dear Sir, Yours t hankfully+ lish spavin Liniment removes all ; well known contractor, Hamilton,
MARGARET BELL, r+ng says : "I have much pleasure In moth -
MARGARET Witnessed byf, H. Chisholm. hard, soot. or o,asBl Lumps and orb . mending R. Stark's Headache, Neuralgia
' ishes from horses, Blood spavin, froths, ; g
Splints, Ring Bone, swoeuey, stifles, I end Liver Powders, as after a fair and
Throat,llen Coug,'?rotraoted trial of the came I consider
Customer brace
a Csvolve grin shop): ole. , Save o5Oby useSore and oof one bottle. War- j them a very valuable remedy for head -
1 want Et brace 0f revolvers, a breech-> ache and biliousness, well worthy of the
ranted by Chisholm's drug store. i ooutdeuce of the publie,and far surpassing
leading s'iotgun and two or three (sat-rs
ling' Dealer: Great Scott! Are you Fora lens; time it has puzzled the l many 20 thers a f consi debyra all repua te."
going \Vest to fight Indians ? Custo- Canadian Pacific Railway people to ' Priceer.
mere, No; 1 amu going; East over the devise a plait whereby they can keep'
Lake S1 Wind.
trouble it excels. Price 15 tits,
' t cA, ,.
Have you
relieve and (;arc, you. Price e4 cis.
This Injector tor its f+:".r<fatl .n:'tr:nntis
kurniehuc fre3, h,•n .. r. 'raoh'r tt,•u_r:dies
are sold on aCnArnu: :1• ;..,: r'.'rt,• .•
vett atarrh'f'rYtbinP.�cm.^dv.5tw11.1
When we assert that
Kidney Pins
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheuri'katism and all
other forms of 'Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
TF1 E4' CO TO ay.av CUE1t7.0.
By all dn,rgistn or mail on receipt of price,
so cents.. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto.
Which we will sell at prices but defy coin.
petition, Also, firs •class
at 81.75 per Square,
quality guaranteed.
All kinds of
Dressed and Rough Lumber,. Lath,.
Barrels, Wood, &c.,
kept constantly on based.
cheap as the cheapest,
tViugham, June 7t'h, 1503.
gives Private Lessons in Vocal Training, both in Staff
and Tonic•Sol•Fa Notation. Open for encagements
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terns moderate.
Apply a
Patrick St Wingham
soap from being stolen from the lava i For Over Fifty Years
AN ser•% AND 'tVatt•Tatno nitut5t+r.--SCrs. Win Coughs cured, now been adopted. that evidently will ' yoused ara St•otbillt Syrup has been ed ter over fifty
• slaw' by utltllons of mothers for their chlloven whirs
tortes in the cars, and a machine linefte
EN'i'L1;11iEN,. 1 had a very bad fill the bill. It is placed over the t teethtnit, with pertectsuceess, It soothes the c
I ld not get rid of basin and containe soap powder, softens the Rums, allays all pain, cures wind colla,
13y and is thobest remedy for 1)iarrhma. Is pleasant by
cats"h which
usingvalue is
Cott f
but mired
n iia'gyttrd's a loyal Balsam e presein'■ e knelt enough of the powder the taste. Sold divoeeggists nettle. cry
yYtpart of the or
Was cured to two a three medicine
Itis the
If feken in time k iv iEt care cost severe eases
oCough, Bronchitis, Asthma, or chronic Mirages,
f Throat or Lungs.
T H US a heavy doctef' bW
110 much discomfort.
>4EUR t4,
conies otit for a hand wash, incalrnlnhlo 130 sure and ask ter Ctrs. Winslow's
best autl'iurost cough rnodicine 1 know of.
lower °mice, (lodericlt, Ont.
Soothing Syrup, and take 00 other kind.
nurdoem Blood Bitters. v h t oontYollili hi
titctlYlt and• self admirably): Waiter, 1 called or
Guest (vexed, u $ m°
It 10 pleasing to announce that sev‘ p-----OC1- BLOOD BI7`Tlef
eral days have passed since Western medicine made from roots,
aasPn ers have been held up h b ld 's the beat known remedy for steak rare done, and you hav• e brought railroadp $ d ata constipation bbd biltousn + it to Ins bYOW p
by anybn'ly but the porters, and will cure all blood dtseaees ro you please taltp It eE an R
The best mo Boal authorities say the
proper way to treat catarrh is to take a
constitutional runedy like Iloed'n Sena..
er - e9atied to it crisp.
sc1 w l , from a i. back d bring me
common pimple to the 'Worst sarofalous n,lother one? Waiter (at top of his
voice): Stockyards Blau 1 Chuck it in
r:+0"Sgbstribe for the Thins. the flat, flip once and dump 1
A8$5V 4 AT) T' )* I tt. 1.N aw art.
e'3:, a ru.1'ali�:rrsion,fittrlilt,Ter
1120 „ ]1'iw
0:10 )) tu, a `" 7•'
l0:°'S a. ut, for Lit:E-'tl41lne six
:3. p. tn, fur ::i::atdri.,
11:00 n u„ London,.Crhtton, rte., S•
s:trp. se. „
SclentiliD Amari
Agency Tor
'or information and free handbook write to
MU1YN & CO.. 351 I31Lo.snw.AY, heW Toper.,
ppbureau for securing patents in A fora,
the pubrta by antent of taken
givut en free of chargte in x55
Largest circulation of any sorentific paperin the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No1 YIntelligent
veneer; should1.50 six months. Aut ddress Weekly,
& pa
1oa3Lls1Exs, .SBP Broadway, c'ew ;'"Prk City.
Cheap for KASH,
EB E.Eit____4
Stoves,St.-ves3 + toves
Not only a relief but a cure for all Hinds of
Harmless. Contain no hurtful mage.
wonderful Compound. Nice to take.
Sure death to pain.
Be sure you get STAIUli'S.
r'nOM °macaw UNNCne)TY, 800YLAND,
�i a boX. Sold tar ati lSratfteristb
2$ ��N1�'S Entirely. note Oompott :d
v 1' 1 ° p • t , „i i I Gf.J. ' !
44t;d. 1.'t 'I 1. Fir I/ll$.
:?• Best c ou 1+ ,cu + +•tr• tlad, tee
,r: In time. e.i 1,•,ltutrirt,
All intending purchasers of stoves for thi
winter will save money by buying from
Having bought a very large variety of
"" r..
to choose from
lt'Tery stove guaranteed against breakage au
to give complete satisfaction.
Wieghasm, ,&ugeet ,2601,18C.3.