HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-10, Page 8Ocih114,d under LC -11.0 10, 1974 BAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH 527-7711 DINING b DANCING EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Cavaliers pening ThULrsda. e Draft Beer e Coloured Television Annual Meeting Of Saird's Cemetery Board and Plot Owners will Im hold on Thursday January 17th 1974 At Z pin. In the IOOF HALL, BRUCEFIELD CASH BINGO - Legion Hall, Seaforth -, FRIDAY, JAN, 11 - 8:115 P.M. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25'.00 GAMES $75:00 Jackpot to Go — 'TWG DOOR PRIZES Ad ntlssion $1.00 mdra of&& me at 7 for $1.00 1a 140T. .--, O oebbdi far' Wblfaeo Work-- Abibiiiiaik Sy'ef/erlk KoAlm!°k 1S/.. . Brodhaggn 11d District Ch mbar of I , Vona*O.: tax, " COI1 merCe 4G I (Continued from #'age 1) I. Taxes in 1974 are to he paid on Vint�a arni�r Briefs IJune 15 and :Nwith C st to M. ; avoid problems with Christmas mail and the former'Decembcr 15 h t date, SATURDAY? JANUARY 26th h C 4 F ; ouncii,passed a bank borrow-. -., ing by -10 for $250,000 which enables the township to borrow RACES --- DANCE — DRAW Mr, and Mrs. Kevin Hudson o1 money ib 1974, if necessary, to Windsor, newlyweds, spent a few carry on township. business until days with IIIi111111111111111111I111111111111111U11111111111IIILIIIII{1111111 and Mrs. Ws u Coleman,and other menaunt and uncle, Mr. the payment otaxes on he first June instal - June 15 friends in the vicinity. A quarter of an acre on Part Lot ' ENTERTAINMENT AT Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. Stewart 1, Concession 13, was bought by were Christmas guests at the Robert Kinsman 'of R.R. 2, FAMILY PARADISE home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kippen, from the Township. The Hirt, Tillsonburg. property is a corner lot, formerly Saturday, Jan. 12th. Rev. and Mrs. J., Ure Stewart a store site, adjacent to the spent New Year's with Mr. and _ Kinsman farm which Mr. Kins- -- Music by — Mrs. Alvin Hammond; Moore- While holidaying -with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glanville of Walton, man would like to see cleaned of 1 field. Mrs. Teddy (Elizabeth) Brown of Seaforth had a picture taken of the rubble and weeds. ' STOVERSTOMPERS Dr. K. G. and Mrs. Stewart four generations of the Brown family. Shown are Mrs. Brown, Passed for payment were road were recent Sunday visitors with her son Bill B$own, E mondville, dau hter Norah . Mrs. Stephen accounts of $1,307.02; hydro, Playing 17 different Instruments Rev, and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart. Eckert, Dublin; and Norah's son Stephen. Jr. Brueefield, Egmondville, and tax - a FAMILY PARADISE CAMPING Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe, W. sale property, $139.74; Vanastr William Street, had all theirwater and garbage, $1,268.12; family home December 26. -This Council hears proposals administrative, $914.40; tile drain PARK included: Mr. and Mrs. William debenture, Province of Ontario, 1 Orr, Ricky and Stephen, Water- (Continued from page 1) the future. $863.10, for a total -of $4,492.38. 111111{{11111{{{1111{{111{111{i�{{11111111111111111{{1111{1111111111 loo; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Justason, A complete text of the Mayor's Another long awaited project Harry. Dekens of R.R. 5, ��o�unu�tl�Iunnu�nmm�ttlrnnuun�n�uu>tl� Barbara and Sandra, Ottawa; Mr. address follows: which has now been completed, is -Clinton, a non-resident user of �IItn11nn1 - and Mrs. John Clements, Tillson- Today we have met with the the enlargement of the Brantford water from Vanastra will be f burg; and Mr. and Mrs, Allantwo-fold purpose of first, Street drain. It now makes that charged 80 cents per 1,000 Country and Western Entertainment = Smiley, Toronto. accounting for our stewardship part of town an important gallons. Mr, and Mrs. Roe spent residential area and is alread Membership fees were ap SATURDAY — IN THE during the past year, and Y Sunday at Tillsonbufg. second) planning for the future bearing fruit as shown by the proved for payment to Ontario - Mr. r. anMrs. Richard in - Md MRichd Shaddick y' P g - - order to serve the citizens of number of new houses recently Good. Roads Association at $25; , ;- RE D K N I G H T R 0 0 SII of Edmonton, visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Seaforth to the best of our started there. Ontario Association of Rural — � P abilities. Still another milestone was Municipalities, $30 and Ontario _ Scott, Roxboro, and Mr. and Mrs. A review of the past year has passed in the closing stages of Municipal Association, $45. . Allen Shaddick of Londesboro 1973 when the council hired the Reeve Elgin Thompson' and shown it to be a very blisy one and .. Fisher C over the 'holidays. full-time services of a Deputy Reeve Ervin Silleplan, :• Elgin iS °� 1 would like to touch on a few of R y �' the highlights. Recreational Director who will to attend the annual meeting of One would be the opening of knit together the many efforts of the Ontario Association of Rural' (The Family Affair) _ X111{1111111111111111111111{11111 the new 21 unit Senior Citizens hard working citizens who do a Municipalities in Hamilton, Feb - Apartment House. Here the grand job in providing ruary 3 to 5, also the Ontario TASTY CHICKEN WINGS for SNACKS - � Council can rightly take a full ''programmes for so many of us. It Good Roads convention in To- r THIS WEEK share of the credit for this project. is expected .that the new director ronto, February 25 to 27, along AMPLE FREE PARKING It has proven a huge success and, will also be able to guide in the with Road Superintendent Allan e establishment of additional Nicholson. �perhaps, we should be planning WE SE E BEVERAGE' ROOM LUNCHEONS AT THE an additional one. ofoourmmes soc etc that w 11 all bes able nts to fornBruceicColemanfor , seRveRran� i The police force has been Y 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 completely reorganized and a participate. Seaforth, was recommended for (� During the year we were approval for five acres and ahouse - AT VERY LOW PRICES R fourth man added to it in order to g Y PP � ROYAL HOTEL give us greater coverage and informed of deficiencies in the on a farm which he owned. — We Sell Ice — efficiency. physical aspects of our Arena and Road Superintendant Allan - MITCHELL The Town, in collaboration with a considerable airrount of money Nicholson is to compile a list of all COMMERCIALHOTEL -- Seaforth the P.U.C., has purchased 12 has been expended in order to the bridges in the township and acres of land at the south-west bring it up to standard. We still these will be tested by the �Ii1111111111�1111111I11II117II�IIIIIISIIIs�ISISIIs�1II�III�II�I�IIIF corner of town, with the purpose have additional things to do and it engineers from the Stratford FRI. and SAT. of drilling a new well for the water is hoped that these will be carried office of the Ministry of Trans - system; the contemplation of a out as soon as possible. portation and Communications to Sin the reservoir or tower, and the Because of the national and ensure that they are in a safe O Crown Room possible construction of a second wo'rld-wide interest in the condition for use by school buses. railway crossing in that area. environment, we find that the This safety check on bridges is Another possibility is the manner of garbage disposal has the result of a request by the S E A F O RT H Entertainment:— establishing of a trailer court in to be treated in a different way Huron County Board of Education that vicinity: It all brings out the and the Council is earnestly to the township council for �� c fact that we must plan the considering various means of assurance that the bridges were Solid Silver development of our town to the incineration. It is -hoped that this safe. Last year a bridge at best advantage in order that, not, problem will be resolved early iii Belgrave, ip Huron, did collapse, • :�. � ,,..: ;,. ._ .:, m.d :;t om," "`" 1 oply the pit ens of the ,present 1.974. It may prove 'co;<tly xr d however, not whet bePng psgd by �. N `� .w°`� ` 111111111111111{'11') l lllllll{11111 3 �� wi(1 be served, but also those of require a debenture. a chool'bds. Entertainment The preliminary engineering Mr. Nicholson reported $100' has been 'carried out on Birch worth of Tuckersmith road signs, Street, and it is hoped that the discarded by vandals in the Hay Friday and Saturday spring will see the tiling of the Township swamp, were returned ` ditch and the construction of to him by Hay municipal officials. PLAYING AT THE open another proper bridge across the A lengthy discussion was 'held TRILOGY White Silver Creek. At the present time on future garbage disposal for you can only safely cross it by township residents. No solution nvehicle either at the Lions' Pool was arrived at.� on Highway #8 to the north or at • Meeting which 'started at 1 the junction with the Bayfield p.m. adjourned'at 8:40 p.m. at the HOLMES'VILL.'E, ONTARIO —1- river to the south. I " Hopefully, water mains on this Ministry i street as well as on Brantford I � January 12 = "BLUETONES'" Street will also be constructed » " " this year. clears' town I 19 STAR TREX One of the last major draining 25"JOE OVERHOLT" problems is that in the west end '-•�.�_ — (Continued from Page 1) i of town just north of the railway employees work a 48 hour week " 26 — "CAVALIERS" tracks. This area has been waiting for years to have something done but this was felt to be necessary Ill SMORGASBORD and 'DANCE to it,. and it would appear that the and that overtime pay would not preliminary engineering should greatly increase expenses. in order t6 Council agreed to pay the• 53.1E be • carried out ® G�� $7.00 per Couple ascertain the costs involved. If membership fee to the this area was completed then all Association of Municipalities of For Reservations Only — the major drainage problems Ont ario and $20 membership would be resolved and it would be fee to the Association of Call 482-7535 or 482-9228 mopping p Municipal Clerks of Ont ario for O just a matter of mo m u some FNS NONYH' of the minor ones on the edges of 1974. TEL SEAFO O our built-up areas. Council endorsed a resolution Drainage and sewers are a by Grand -Bend providing. for an We, are planning a big parade for the OPTIMISTS Seaforth Winter Carnival Saturday, January 19, 1974 We are having:-.. Seaforth. High School_ Girls' Band Drum Majorettes $flow -Sculpture Participants Schools Olympic Competitions WILL YOU HELP US? We need floats for the parade from the Schools, Business Places and Service Clubs 1f you want our parade to be a success CONTACT: RE14 CAMPBELL RB.1, Dublin,.Ont. it, * it, M, * * * * * '1' _1L necessity inour present day acting reeve or deputy -reeve be society in order that all citizens appointed in case of sickness or ALL may have equal advantages. The accident to council's STAR TOURS. * Provincial Government has representatives to County y * indicated that they will likely be Council. able to carry out their scheme for At the present time a reeve has * 21 Day * the sewering of the balance of the to be away for more than three Day., To California: town. It would appear that they months then his seat has to be ♦C might be callingfor tenders at the declared emp'fy- before anyone * February 23 end of 1974, , ith the work to can be appointed to take his . in * place. Vie$' March 16 From commence in 1975. This will be a , App 6 * major milestone in the It was felt that in a critical issue QeQ April 27 410 * development of o6r, town. or vote at county council a May 18 �c municipality would not want it s Our finances are in good shape voice to be silent Recause of *and a great deal of the credit for sickness or accident. 13, Day: Florida Tours this must go to the judicious Council gave permission to the spending by the councillors, the Seaforth Optimist Club to hold a including Disney World * expert handling of our resources Torchlight Snowmobile Parade on *, * by our clerk and treasurer, Mr. January 1.8 at 8 p.m. and a parade �( Ernest Williams, and last, but by on Saturday, January 19 at 1 p.m. February 10 * no means least, to you, the provided the route and details of p.,Xebruary 17 I':rom * citizens of Seaforth, who have the parades were cleared with the �tVo Feb>nuary 24 faithfully paid your taxes and, by Chief of Police in advance. a �( so doing, -have let us finish 1973 In new business council * DO March 3rdf� * with the least amount of back authorized the mayor, clerk and � aF March 10th $27S * taxes owing in many years. To all chairman of the finauce �► March 17th * of you I wish to move a vote of committee to maintain the town's thanks and congratulations. bank accounts and also " 14 Day: 13 Departures from $229 *- with talk of energy crisis, authorized the mayor and clerk to material shortages and threats of borrow tip to . $300,000' if >� 9' Hay: Mid -Term Departure, March 16 * war and strife the experts leave necessary to carry on the business of the community, � From $179 us slightly confused and are more .� y inclined to compound the Permission was granted for the — Ontario's Flnest Escorted Tours — * problems rather than solve them. mayor and clerk to apply fort the 1973 road subsidies. *FOR INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS* Why don't we,, make . a p �r, concerted effort to look on the Call" 27'`3-1230 or Write * brighter side of life, go out of our Long Walk! way to help a ngighbour, do a In the great 19th -century cattle drives, millions of longhorns Box 426 -"' Stratford Out, good days work for monies walked out of Texas on e received; develop out personal three-month journeys to Kansas skills and share them with others'? rail terminals. N