HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-03, Page 11ARNOLD StINNISSEN
— Registered Retirement Pensions
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Life ASsurance'Company
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TELEPHONE: 527-0410
;, •
Here's to that
welcomaLririval, the New year
and it's bright promise
of better things to Come!
Pontiac, Buick and G.M.C. Dealer
82 HURON ST. • 348-8932
Gocid wishes, for a New Year that makes
every cherished- dream come true, and to
loyal patrons, many thanks for your .confidence.
a •11,
The Friendly Store in Seaforth "the frlendly41.cown"
. •
' May you have a New Year filled
with dreams come true: success
and happiness unlimited! And
. may we continue to share in the
progress of our' fine community.
The new Year is slime for festivities ,
. and a time for us to wish
you-Nal-01 share of happiness:
- Lower Interest, Ides
1st , and;nd Mortgages
• anywhere in Ontario on
interim- financing on new constmetien.
. or land development
• AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT •
) BRAD OFFICE: 58 Weber WE., Kitchener, Ont.
The session is finally over after
a stormy confrontation between
the Government and the Opposit-
411i ion on Bill 274, the Education Bill,
which will impase, compulsory
arbitration to deal with the mass
resignations of teachers across
• Ont ario. There was a great deal
of unrest in the past year over the
Government-imposed budget
Z i. ceilings on ucation spending.
The Minist of Education,
Thomas Wel s promised 'to
introduce legislation on the
Revile Report which dealt with
teacher-school board
negotiations, but did so only in
the dying hours of ,the session.
Bill 274 was an interim Bill to deal
with the immediate situation, but
was greeted with a great deal of
contempt by the Opposition and
the teachers alike. What is
shocking is the fact that the
Government has stepped in to
change a contract between two
parties without the agreement of
either party. A huge rally was
held at ,Maple Leaf Gardens on
December 18, where 30,000
teachers, with the support of, the
OppOsition, showed their
solidarity against Tom Wells.
In the 4 next session of the
Legislature, Mr. Wells will be
introducing a more comprehen-
sive Bill on teacher-school board
negotiation as well as his
Consolidated Education Act, both
of which will be referred to
committee for full discussion.
During the last session the
Government committeed many
blunders. 'In the Budget,
at the
Jack Riddell, M.P.P, Huron
ev, A. A., lierit of St.,
Peter's • Lutheran • Church,
Brodhagen, took the devotionals
this week. He continued on ith
the Christmas theme, using e
yi s. 1-20 as the reading.
Se.veral familiar carols -were
-su with tape recordings from -
the Elmira High • School as
accompaniment. He stressed the
feeling of joy promised by' God -if
we receive His gift. In St. John's
gospel he sayS that Jesus came to
His• own and His own received
him not. Baby Jesus „ wass, net_ •
rejected at Bethlehem where-
there' was no room in the inn but '
Bethlehem was filled with law-
abiding citizens who obeyed the
decree that they must go to their
homes and register to be taxed.
All' available space for visitors'
had been filled and Joseph Wad to
find a place of shelter for Mary. '•
The best he could find was a
stable where the Christ Child was
born. Mary did her best- to make
the Babe comfortable while the
beasts of the stable stood
about:'eg. the cow, all White and,
red, the sheep, 'with curly horn
and doves from the rafters high
cooed him to sleep that he would
not cry. These are called' the
"friendly beasts"..' '" • • "
Among carols sung were
"Away In A Manger", "0 Little
Town of Bethlehem". •
problem of lead emissions in Those out for Christmas included, Mrs. L. Bennewies Co . Toronto. The Canada Metal Co,
Ltd. on Eastern Avenue has been, her daughter's Mrs. V. Moores
polluting the air in that Mrs. L. Lantz to Mitchell, Miss , M: Turnbull to her'nephew's, D. neighbourhood and several children have been taken into J.Hillis at Ingersoll; Mr, E. Box
hospital suffering -from to his brother's home.
overdoses of lead. Mrs. Allan's family brought in , . ,
total number ' of bills dinners for Mrs. Mary 'Malcolm ,
Mrs. garde Edgar and Mrs. Mary
passed was 207.
:7'May 1 t ake this opportunity to : A,lT
traditional Christmas
'extend to you Season's Greetings- dinner' was served' to the --with Best Wishes for the New . residents. With our good Weal -
cooks we never lack good _meals. •Year.
' , Rev. HOrst said at the' New
God be willing I will be back Year ' it was a 'good time : to
with Jack's Jottings when the 'examine ourselves and receive '
House reconvenes in February. the ''gift".....-
of the National Building Code fact get preferential consideration
with certain variations necessary by Ontario Hydro. '
for use in 'Ontario. This draft Lea Bernier, the Minister of
deals largely with ' fechnical background for legislation to be . Natural Resources, made &policy
statement on the future of
put forward in the spring. There Algreuin Park which was not
will be requirements' for ,greeted favourably by the
handicapped persons, insulation Opposition. There were no
requirem,epts for buildings, assurances by the Minister that
amendments regarding smoke there would be regulations to
control and more voice contro1,14egging, no specification
communication in high-rise oftheareas to be' designated as
buildings. ,wilderness or natural zones and
An extremely important topic no assurances that the
of discussion ih the Ministry of piciliferation of commercial
Consumer and Commercial growth on the Highway 60
Relations next session will be the corridor would be contained.
green Paper on Consumer The, Government passed
Product Vnrranties in Ontario, amendments to the Planning Act
The Ministry will be holding which will clear up the chaos and
forums to hear the views of uncertainty resulting from
consumers, retailers , and checkerboard land titles. The
manufacturers en the proposals in Government now -has the
the Report. •' .. authority to validate land titles
The Ministry is also developing resulting fi'om checkerboarding if
a Fair Practices Act designed to a municipality so requests. Also
monitor and regulate food pricing under the legislation; ministerial
practices, misleading advertising approval will- ficii -he aired for
and artificial shortages. No-fault appointments to the planning
car insurance, operated through -boards and redevelopment will
private insurance, companies 'is net need OntarioMunicipal Board
also being studied
by the approval but will come directly
The Ministry of Labour has
Is However, we could not convince groups in Ontario. It is forcaste
-collecting money for the coffers of
withdrawn after a few days of for sectors of the' community
concerted opposition attacks. and for , all the' sobio-dconomic
the Treasurer to withdraw his 7%
Treasurer John White announced A new ministry of Housing was
that he' would impose a tax wig'''.
energy consumed by the people of
sales tax, which we pointed out will need more than one million
was a regressive form of new homes. With this end in
Ontario. This proved to be a great ' priority for the Ministry will be
mistake, and the suggestion was theplrovision of adequate housing
created with Robert 'Welch
that in the next decade, Ontario
construction workers, and $1.65 other development of/ the -
appointed as MiniSter. The'
$2.00 per hour, $2.25 per hour for
per hour for students. proposed area, takes place, •
Amendments to the Employment . temporary land-use regulations
Standards A& concerning were introduced restricting any
vacation pay and 'overtime have the ParkWay 'Belt. The Govern-
also been proposed. A general tnent also set up a Niagara,
review of the Act is expected in Escarpment Commission to
announced that as of -January ,I. legislation which will enable it to
payment for statutory holidays, ' new non-agrieuitieragand 'uses in
the new year. prepare a draft plan for the
1974, the minimum wage will be' create a system of parkway belts
around Toronto. In order that no
escarpment,-area. The. Plan will
the provincial; government.
Dr. Potter, the Minister of
Health, had his share 'of problems
as well. The Government finally
proclaimed its controversial
Denture Therapist Act, setting up
& new dental worker to fabricate
dentures only under the super-
visiOn of a dentist.Only 87
denture then apists have been -,
licensed under the new Act, and
the denturists are continuing to
operate in open defiance of the
A new issue brought to the
attention of the Legislature 'by
Albert Roy was the -fact that
Imperial Optical has a
stranglehold over the optical
industry in Canada. He pointed
out that all five members• of 'the
411t. Board of Ophthalmic Dispensers
were directly Or -indirectly
employed by Imperial, and that problems during the next decade,
this constituted a conflict of and there are growing doubts by
interest. Dr. Potter promised to , the TTC that the new magnetic
( look into the situation but as yet levitation system may not be the
nothing has been done. , right thing for the needs of
The long-awaited Health Ontario.•
Disciplines Act has been The Government also had its
promised for the next session. share of scandals last session. It
The Government said 'the first , was discovered that
five parts dealing with medicine, Gerhard Moog, close personal
dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and friend of the Pr emiet, was
optometry are ready, but the awarded the contract for ,the
exact time of introduction construction of the new Ontario
remains unknown. Hydro building. A Select
The Government released a Committee was set up to(..
raft of the Ontario Building Code investigate the matter and it was
which is substantially an adoption found that Canada Square did in
We're merrily ringing in,the New Year with
the hope that •it brings you many happy
hours of good cheer with your loved ones.
R.R. 1, Walton
your week ahead BY DR. A.W.-DAMES
Forecast Period — January 6 . January 12
Money matters ,connected with your job. or
.-project, seems fb be featured in this week's
cosmic cycle. Whether hidden or appvent,
things will improve, mateilally.
This week,' instead of being concerned about an
associate's problems, put a little cash' aside . . .
forNan emergency of your own. Also, overlook
petty criticism.
Double the guard around your little "forbidden"
secrets. Sokneone, so it" seems, will be checking
up on you. Also, it might be a good idea to re-
cruif a few new friends.
More, than any other sign, you' know that ex-
citement and bizarre `activities won't parlay into
happiness. This week, your beliefs will be' sub-
You 'have h'eard this before. 'Nevertheless,
there!s a. difference between \Opportunity, and
temptation - a big difference. Se, stay'in bounds,
during this cosmic cycle.
You face a streak of criticism, and too, comPli-
tafions that Might develop from suspicions
bored by. your -mate or • similar alliance. The
.:,point? Avoid an emotional .explosion, •
Strange as it might seem, friends will step'for-
• ward with.solutions to problems that; `simply,
,,, do not exist. Meaning,? Avoid the "good advice" ."
• •
In one form or another, you will be pinchhit-
ting for someone else, In any ease, see that yob- .
do nbt lose your confidence.'Don't ponder with
decisions. ,e ,
Stay out of the limelight; let "George" de it.
it's, a good time to settle for half instead of
the whole. The keyword?. Placate!
. According .to youir chart, you will be at the
peak of your' specialty . , . playing 'both ends ,
against the middle. Manipulating your asseci-
ates and a superior is in the scheMe of
'ir'terliber ''opposite sex has, '
looked into your , mind. Meaning? This week,
your motives and gestures are easily read. So,
take care,
Most members of your sign will discover that
outdoor elements or eonditi and control ,
. . . can slow down their job, task o oject.
So, prepare for routine interruptions,,
Making a grand entrance a star-
• studded New Year. Hope it holds
special joys and the fulfillment ,
of all your goals.
. '
under the Mirrist er.
•in trod ucede
mind, the' Ministry will be
discussing in detail the
recomniendations of the recently-
released Comay Report on
housing in Ontario.
Mr. Welch has also stated that
he plans to introduce new
legislation giving Toronto special
status so that it can build
non-profit housing for rental
purposes only, not for sale to
individual .homeowners.
Asi traffic gets continually
worse in \i'vletro Toronto, the
Government's only solution is
the futuristic new intermediate
capacity transit system to be built,
by the,West German firm of
Krauss-Maffei. A test track is to
be built at the CNE, but the
system itself will not be
operational until the mid-1980es.
This will not help relieve traffic-
have as its goal the preservation
of the natural landscape of the
During the last year the
Government established five
more regional' municipalities:
Durham, Peel', H
Norfold, Hamilton-Wentworth
and Halton. There are no further
regional municipalities planned-Ye
., the , present time.
. The Air Management Branch of
the Ministry of the Environment
came under Opposition fire for its
failure to deal effectively with the
now blows around the Main St. corner during:
the' pie-Christmas storm. •
Mar. 21 - Apr. 19
„ I
Apr. 20 - May 20
May 21 - June 20
June 21 July 22
July 23 Aug. 22
„Aug: 23 - Sept. 22
• Sept:23 • Oct. 22
Oct. 23 -Nov. 21
Nov. 22 - Dee. 21
Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
'Jan, 20 Feb. 18
, •
Peb. 19 • Mar. 20
coming your way. ,