The Huron Expositor, 1974-01-03, Page 10Mr s. Jan Van Vliet Jr.
eonducted a sing-song of
Christmas numbers.
Mrs. Allan McCall" conducted'
the business and the minutes
omen's ,were read by Mrs. Ken
evening, McDonald.
The roll call, "Something you
want for Christmas: was
answered by 26 members.
The treasurer, Mrs. K.
McDonald reported.
Santa attends
Duff's Xmas concert
Mrs. Allan McCall
The Corn mupity Hall -was
decorated in the Christmas
atmosphere for the December
meeting of the Walton W
Institute on Wednesday
- The meeting was called to
order by the Pr esident 'at 7 P.M.
before sitting down to a pot-luck
1970 MUSTANG FASTBACK V-8, automatic,
radio.. Licence DFW197
1972 CHEV BELAIR V-8, automatic, power
brakes, power steering, vinyl roof, radio, Licence
1970 COUGAR V-8, 3-speed, standard transmis-
sion, radio, styled wheels.
1970 MAVERICK Coach, 6 stick DFV748
1973 PINTO 4-speed, low mileage, INZ249
1970 FORD 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic,
power steering, power brakes, radio, DFW256
• f
,,,!.4. I.'••••••,,,-,,g. 1:V="44:Of&
• • • 1.
More Carols;
The Glee Club from the local
High School came Sunday and
sang several carols. SoMe of
which we had not heard this year
from, any of 'the groups such as
"0 Holy Night;', "Good King
Weneelas'',, "God ,Rest You
Merry Gentlemen", "The
Drummer Boy", "What Child is
This?", "Gloria in Excelsis
Deo". They sang the more'
familiar ones too, "Hark
the Herald Angelg Sing", '"Jingle
Bell Rock", "Silent • Night",
"Frosty The Snowman': and "We
wish you a Merry Christmas". I
1971 CHEV IMPALA Custom 2-door o?lardtop,
automatic, V-8, power brakes, power steering,
Licence DDO 562
1972 MERCURY MARQUIS 2-door hardtop, V-.
8, automatic, power brakes, power steering,
radio, vinyl top, electric defogger. Licence
1971 FORD LTD 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic,
power brakes, power steering, power windows,
power seat, speed control, trailer package.
Licence DFU208.
Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's
Huron County's torgest Ford Deoler•
1969 GMC 3/4 -ton chassis and cab. Licence
1972 FORD F100 Styleside, 117"
wheelbase, V-8, automatic, power brakes,
power steering, radio, bumper, truck topper.
Licence D70075
1955 GMC 6-wheel drive stake dump,
automatic. A steal at
1970 FORD RANCHWAGON 6 passenger,
V-8, automatic, power steering, power 41695
brakes, radio. Licence DFW732
1970 FORD COUNTRY sedan, wagon, 6 g 95
passenger, V-8, automatic, power brakes, 41
power steering, radio. Licence DFY309
number. These numbers were all
.sung in good voice. Thank you
• Mr. Gordon Rimnier taped this
morning's service at Northside
and brought 'it along to play for
me. Although it filled me with
nostalgia of fOrmer years, I really
enjoyed it. Thank" you Cordon, for •
your kindness. •
Mr., and Mrs. Webster of
Clinton visited Mrs. C. •Stelek
The faThily of Mrs. 0. Ribey
took her tp Goderich tb-day to the
family Christmas dinner.
like the 'figgy putty' bit in thi s A well having been drilled at
the Brodhagen Community
Centre and A grant ' being
available from the Community
&social Services Branch. ,,the
Clerk was instructed to apply for
the assistance.
A By-Law appointing ,a Library
I3nard was passed, the Rteve, '
Dep. Reeve and Council beingi,the
Board. ' • f
A petition Was received for the
:repair and improvehie.nt 'bf
.itheMogk Drain and Jas. A.
Howes, 0.t.S. is to be- notified to
examine same and report back to
Tit OM, .! 3o. 11q
$ 2295
$ 495
Logan Township Council held
their final meeting foe 1973 at
BZrnholtn withnil members
s,,_zresent. \(
Cooncil . ' " , ... • • The annual Sunday School
Council leaTed that. Wm. H., 'Christmas Concert was held at
ChAfe, having moved 'opt of the '
Township, has •,
Duft,s Church on Friday evening,,
resigned as December''21st.
Logan's 'Representative to the Rev.D. Docken was m,aster. of
Mitchell & District Planning ceremonies for the program and
Board and the Upper. ,Thames conducted a carol sing.
Valley Conservation. Authority. , The Kindergarten class" were
Gener-al accounts totalling- first on the program withJoyanne
- $127,143.79 (including -Perth Van Viet' ,giving a Welcome
' County 54279.66 and High School " Recitation, followed by Jeff
' debs.- and road " 52755.00) . "-sMcGavin "giving ',his recitation.
. accounts amountingn to 5327.33 Those taking part in a dialogue,
were approved. ' • "Santa" Spells . Eatables to us"
, The meeting adjourned until were: Christine-Achilles; Dwayne
the 1974 inaugural meeting
January 7.
kat 973
meeting ,
The Seaforth Women's
Institute will rneet Tuesday.
January 8 at 1:30 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Lorne Dale.
Mrs. Hillebrecht and Mrs.
Haugh are in charge of this
meeting..Mrs. Jane Davidof
Brucefield will be guest spear
telling of , her experiences in
India. Roll call, "Name a
Canadian AuthOr and give a
sarnphe of his or her writings."
Motto - "The value of time and
thought on the roll call to our
Lunch is in charge of Mrs, John
Hillebrecht. Miss Belle
Achilles; Jenny Brennan, Cheog
Smith . and• Donna, Godkin,
followed by Sandra Sholdice
giving a recitation.. "First
Appearance". Kim • Fritz and
Susie ,Hickson both Presented
their recitations. The "rest of the
members of the, class, Jim
Humphries, Kathy ' Humphries,
Billy Gulutzen, Barb Ford and
Benny Hoegy joined in to sing
"Santa's Song" assisted at the
piano by Mrs. William
Humphries. Teachers of the
Kindergarten Class are Joan
Bennett and Cathy McDonald;
Assist atAs: Kathy Achilles, Mary
McCall and' Marjorie Humphries.
John Huether sang two soios.
"I'm a Happy Wanderer" and
"Winter Wonderland"
accompanied at the piano by his
mother, Mrs. Ray Huether.
Primary one class gave their
number, "Ten Little Stockings".
Those taking part were Darlene
Campbell, Mrs. A. Turnbull and „ Gulutzen, Lori Smith, Gary
Mr 'Ross Gordon. Godkin, Tim Fritz, Daryl Hoegy,
Here it is again ...
time for •Ili to wish.
everyone, everywhere,
a Happy New Year!
News' of illiOtton
WI has Chnsimat paty,.plans card partis
Donnie Hickson,Biatne Hackwell,
Jim Ford, Daryl Smith' and Jeff
McGavin with singing off stag
by the Intermediate ClaSs. The
Primary one class teacher is Mrs.
Don McDonald.
Dianne Godkin gave a "piano.
solo, "Six Variations" and
."Silver and Gold".
Primary two class entertained
with a tap dancing number by
menavin iind Jeanne
McDonald. Recitations, "Five
Little Stockings " were given by
Danny Achilles, Peter Bennett,
Greg Hurrip.hries,Mutray
Sholdice and Danny "Holmes.
Cathy McGavin and Jeanne
McDoinald contributed solos, •
"The Bible Tells Me So" and'
"Good Old Saint Nick', ,
accompanied at the piano by Mrs.,
Neil McGavin. Jeanne McDonald •
gave a, recitation, "No Choice".,
Teacher for primary two class is
Carol Wilbee,
The Godkins, Dianne, Bruce,
Ron and Gary sang .a chorus
entitled "When Santa Gets yoUr
Letter" with their mother, Mrs.
Laverne Godkin assisting them at
the piano., -
A'play '"The Message of The
Angels" was acted by the Junior
and Intermediate Classes. Those
taking part were: Miss Gray by
Janis Van Vliet; Hans Bauman by
Jeff Hackwell; Gretchen Bauman
by Heather Brennan; Peter
Sletkin by Bruce Godkin; Renee
Dorian by Nanci Bennett,
Anthony Gebardi by Jim
McDonald; Juanita Riccardi by
Pam Hackwell; James Evans by
Brian McGavin; Mary by Peggy
Humphries; Joseph by Steven
Huether; Shepherds were Terry
Smith and Kevin Smith:- Wise
men. were John Huether, Ron.
Godkin andJim Brennan; Angels
were Cheryl Fraser, Patricia
Hackwell and Janette Rock.
Assisting in the chorus were:
Dean Hackwell, Bob Leeming,
Ron Smith, Janet Flood, Laura
Dennis, Ruth Thamer, Dianne
Godkin, Chrystilla Holmes.
Teachers for these classes- are
Joyce Van. Vliet, Murray Dennis,
Howard Hackwell; Assistants:
Janice Houston and Keith Clark.
Jolly Santa arrived and talked
with the boys and girls. Bags of
candy were given out to each one,
present and sent home to those
Holiday Visitors
Christmas guests with Mr. and
Mrs: Harold Bolger were: Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Bolger • and
Christopher of Blyth; Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Hutchinson, Steve and
Jeffery of Brussels and Mr. and
.Mrs. Robert Lilycrop, Tracey and
Sherry. of London.
Mr. and Mrs. William Thamer,
Judy and Ruth spent Christmas in
London with Mr. and Mrs. Volker
Hertlein and family, •
R.R.2. Bluevale on Christmas
Qn Special
Mrs, Brian Pryce and son of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills spent
Christmas Sunday at Brantford
with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mills,
5eott,Cathy acid David and on a,
Christmas Day at the home of
Drs. Jean and Gerd Westermann
of Burlington returning home
Tp ha muu irrs aaenyr de,
guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Doug Kirldyy and
Mrs. Frank Kirkby onithristmas
Mrs. Pete McDonald
accompanied Mp and Mrs. Lorne
Badley to Brodhagen where they
spent ChrisOnas, Day with Mr. •
and Mrg. Reg. Badley and
family. Mr, and Mrs. Larry
Badley, Morris Twp. and family
and Mi.. and Mrs. Harvey
Bernard, Goderich, also visited at
the same h ome.
Mrs. Richard
Newman, anSdhaun and Timmy of
Mississauga visited onMonday,
December'24th with Mr. andMrs.
'Don McDonald and family,
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray Huether,
Steven and John spent Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Pepper and family, Dublin . '
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coutts and
Connie spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Ross „Bennett and
family. '
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. 'and Mrs. Torrence. Dundas
-were: Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe Stutz
and Natasha, Waterloo and Mrs.
Clem Stutz of Golden Valley.
Christmas Day guests at that"
new 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Steffler Were: Mr. and Mr s. Clem .
Steffler Sr., Cranbrook; Mrs:
James Dellow, Brussels; Mrs.
Ferrol Pennebaker, Clinton;'Mr.
and Mrs. Mtn Steffler Jr.,
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs: „Jim
Steffler and' family, Wingham;
Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty
and family, Goderich and Mr. and .,
Mrs. Verne O'Hare of Sarnia. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Duncan,
Kitchener, Miss Gail Searle,
Brampton were Christmas
holiday, guests at the, home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Searle.' '
Visiting Mr: and Mrs. Allan '
MCCall, Friday evening were Mr,
and Mrs. Doug Currie and Jamie
of Brampton.; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Stevenson, R.R.2, Brussels and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Torn St evenson
andm rRo
naaincld- LIL2Mrs. 4-AS111avtnh. Searle "-
accompanied Mr. and: Mrs. Ray
HuetheriveSteyere. anid•-eJohn ea)
Royal Oak, Mich,, where they
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Saunders'.
EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191
Opt-n Workdays Until 9:00 Sritordoy; Until 6.00
The correspondence was read Mg. Walter Broadfopt
from the Federation News,, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob_
CChildren's' Aid Society and McMillan of Seaforth to London
Christmas greetings from Mrs. where the spent Christmas Day
Jan Van,. Vliet, Sr: who is with Mx, and . Mrs. Archie
presently visiting in Holland. Hoggarth. Ori Boxing Day Mrs.
It was agreed to continue the Broadfoot visited with the Hunt
card parties on' Friday nights and Henderson families of
commencing January 11th.. The Seaforth.
committee chosen includes Mrs. Miss Carolyn Fraser of .
Don McDonald, Mrs. Alvin Western University, London,
McDonald, Mrs: Nelson Reid and spent the Holiday Season at the
and a ;lumber of Christmas crols in Brussels with ,Mr. and Mrs.
wire sung. Mrs. Ray Hu they Adrian McTaggart.
s pianist. Christmas Day guests with Mr.
Mrs. J. Axtmann looked fter and Mrs. Allan McCall were: Mr.
the exchange gifts from the and Mrs. Jim McCall and Susan,
decorated Christmas tree, R.R.1, Myth:, Mr. David McCall,
The meeting was closedwith 'London, Miss Grace McClinchey,
everyone joining hands and London and Mr. Donald' Currie,
singing, "We Wish You a Mrry o norak41.
1eiC(lrairls.tmas" and "A Happy ew qr. and Mrs . Tom Stevenson .
and Ronald and Miss Anna Lee '
Assistingp.Ro theas BhaonsctehssDesire w\etorrs Stevenson also visited at the same
an home in the evening. .. Mrs. Torrence Dundas; Mrs:, Ron Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smalldon of
Bennett and Mrs. Nelson Mrks. Fort Erie spent Boxing Day with
WALTON PERSONALS Mr. and Mr .s. Harold Smalldon,
and remained for a few extra • Mr. and Mrs. Emmeron days.' _. Mitchell, Doug and 'Neil left Christmas 'Day dinner guests
Thursday, December 20thfrom with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. teeming '
visit Russel Bielby and family and
other relatives in the province and
return on January 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brady of
Toronto are visiting their pareWts,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Leeming,
MeKillop.Twp. and Dr. P.L.' and
Mrs. Brady ofSeaforth' and other
relatives in the community during
the Christmas holiday season.
Pre Christmas supper guests,
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon
on Friday evening Were Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Gordon and family;
Mrs. Jessie Engle; Bill Gordon
and Janet Flood.
Lester Meehan of Toronto is
spending the Christmas season,
with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kirkby.
Mrs,. Martha Sholdice of
Huronview visit ed Mr. and Islirs.
, 'of Dungannon. Special Christmas Church Keith. • ' Christmas Day guests with Mr. services were held each Sunday at Rev. Derwynand Mrs. Docken and' Mrs. Gordon Murray' and Duff's United Church. Rev, Kristen and Mack spent Susan were: Misses Gladys.and Docket announced that the Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
'Leiner. and Young Couples Clif6 would meet BAortxhinu gr
Docken, wh rs Lon don
the first •• Friday evening in the
Mrs. • Jean Miller spent New Year. Communion services Daley at Blenhetin. Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. on the following Sunday. Miss Brenda Bewley, R.N. ret
. urned home from ••Edmonton, W.N.MeTagg'art in Goderich. Christmas/Sunday guests with
The yValtOn Women's Institute Mr. and Mrs.- Mac Sholdice, Alta, to spend a few days with her
Wtnaialtser card. parties will begin on Friday
evening with hostesses, Mr. D. , Murray and Sandra were: Mrs. Martha Sholdice; Mr:" and Mrs.
parents,Bewleyd u rMi nrg. and the
'Christmas McDonald, Mrs: A. McDonald, Ian Wilbee and family. season. Mrs. N. Reid and Mrs. H. The Sholdice -family spent Mr. andMrs. GeorgeMcCall Traviss in charge. Christmas Day at the home of Mr. spent Christmas Sunday with Mr.
Boxing Day guests with Mr. andMrs.James Keys, Seaforth. ry Snell- and family
and Mrs. Rollie Achilles were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carter, oro, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and Clinton, visited on Boxing Day
Debbie of Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. with the latters, parents, Mr. and
William Taylor, Rick, Lynne, Mrs. Bill Coutts.
Brian and Bradley of Kintail; Mr. Christmas guests with Mr. and
and Mrs. Jim-Sills,' Tracey and Mrs. Herb Traviss and Gail were
Ted of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Hilda Selleti, Seaforth, and
Mrs. Don Achilles, Danny, Dr.
Christine and Dwayne ofWeston. fa
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster,
Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Mack
of Corunna.
Christmas Day guests with Mr. family.
and Mrs. Tom Stevenson and Christmas Sunday dinner
Ronald were:' Mrs. May Barr, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McDonald and family were: Mr.
Stevenson and Anna Lee; Mr. and and Mrs. Russell Krauter,
Mrs. Fred Stevenson and Dana Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. Paul
and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Blake., Krauter,Listowel; Mr. and Mrs.
all of this area. Murray Huether, David and :roan,
Saturday evs,ning' supper Brussels; Mr. arid Mrs. Brian
guests with Wilfred Shortreed, Huether and Sandra, Brussels;
Bill and Margaret were:Mr.and . Mr. and Mrs. „James McDonald,
R,R.2, Brussels; Mr. Ted Boer,,, Mrs. Gordon Shortreed, London;
Mr. tom Shortreed and Emma, Embro; Mr. and Mrs. ken '
Clinton; Mr. and 'Mrs.Mack McDonald and Rick, R.R.2, Blyth
Webster, Vatna; Mr. and Mrs: and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
James, Walton; Mrs. Joan McDonald and Lynne, R.R.2,
Beuerman and family, Zurich; Brussels. -
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and Ron, Mrs. W.C.Hackwell spent Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Christmas Sunday with Mr. and
Shortreed •and Judy, R .R.3, Mrs, Reid Hackwell, Extter.On
Walton. . Christmas Day she ,visited at the
Miss Sherril Craig, London and home of Mr. andMrs. John
- Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Craig McLlwain and boys, Seaforth.
spent Christmas with their Mr. and Mrs. it obert
parents, Mr.and Mrs. Harvey Humphries, Jim, Kathy and baby
Craig, son of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas Day guests with Mr. Stan Stroop and Shawn of
. and 'Mrs.. Ernie °Stevens were: Fordwich spent Christmas Day
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rogerson, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
unison; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Humphries andKim.
Crich, Sandra...Patsy and Sharron Christmas Day guests with
of.. Cargill; Mr. and Mt s. Ken Mrs. Russell Marks we're: Mr.
McDonald and Richard, R.R.2, and Mrs. La wrerice Marks,
Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meter; Mr, attd.- Mrs. Nelson
Warwick, St. Thomas; Mr. and Marks, Brian and Blaine, Walton;
Mrs. Bob Stevens, Murray, Mr. and Mrs.Ralph Traviss,
Paulette and Paul of London and Walton; Mr. and Mrs.Roy
-Gingerich, Guelph and Mr. and Mr. Neil McDonald of Toronto. .
teem ing nd Mr. 'arid ,MrS." Mr,s. J.:Payne spent Christmas
. Clark and Jim, 'ere 'supper
guest3 on Christmas Sunday at son-in-law, her daughter and sonn-law,
the home of Jim' Clartin and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm
The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Doug. Fraser. •
the Branch Directors. Mrs. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Don Maier and
family of Thamesford spent the
Christmas week end with the
Relations • officer, Mrs latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Axtmann who is in chare of Dave Watson.
the evenings entertainment.' . Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mrs. Don McDonald gave the Achilles, Danny, 'Christine and
Christmas story in song and verse D a Ch i S d
w yne spent r stmasSunday
Mrs. Herb Traviss home of her parents, Mr. an
the Toronto International Airport and family were: Mrs. Maud
for Kalfield, Sask. where they will, Leeming; Mrs. Thelma Mills
andMr. an Mrs.,Dave Brady.
We are klad to hear tht Ale
Gulutzen Sr. was able to return
home the Thursday before
'Christmas folfoWing "an operation
at University Hospital, London.
Mrs. jowl: Beuerman and
family spent the week end at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Shortreed.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ,Murray
and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shortreed
. attended' the Wilson-Haskins
weeding on Saturday December
22nd in the Gorrie United Church.
Mrs. Roy Bennett accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Blyth to
Streetsville on Sunday December,,
23rd where they visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Ian ,Wilbee AO Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge. /.Mrs. Bennett spent
Mac Sholdice and families for .10_1 Chris—tmas'Day with another son
Christmas holiday. Ken and Mrs. Rutledge.
, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leeming Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon and fancily and Mrs. 'Maud spent a 12 day holiday in Florida
and Mrs.. Ha
of Londes
John A. Perrie also visited at the
same home.
Christmas Day supper guests
with Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Clark
were Mr. and mrs. • John
MeGillvary, Bob and Roger of
Dorchester; Mr. Jim Clark, Ann
and Keith and Mrs. Maud
Miss Con,nie Coutts,nurse-in-
h's Hospital,
e Christmas
Mrs. Bill Coutts.
Brian and Mrs. Traviss and
sly, Kitchener.
r. and Mrs. Jim Shortreed
ted on Christmas Sunday with
Webster, Varna andMr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs'. Ken Shortreed and Mrs. R. Campbell, who now training at St. Jose Jack Holmes, Danny, Mary and Jodv • resides with the Thamers, visited London, sp Margery of Clinton .spent season wit her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holt, Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Huether, Steven and John. Day. Mr. apdMrs,Fred Dunk spent Mr. and Mrs.Nelson Reid Mrs. Cyril Boyle, Ann and Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs.
spent Christmas Day. with ,Mr. Father Phalen attended the David Dunk, Darlene and David and Mrs. Lawrence Ryan and funeral of Mrs. Drew in,. Merlin on
Thursday. Mrs. Drew was Father
Phalen's housekeeper for 26
years before he moved to, St.
, Augustine.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Foran, Katy,
Janice and Terry spent Christmas*
with,their pareV, Mr. and Mrs.
John Foran.
Miss Lucy Thompson spent a
few days at Christmas with her
brother, Donald Thompson.
Sister Ilene Foran visite her
brothers Joe, Leo and No an.
Joe Boyle spent Chr' tmas
week with Van Aaken at yfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cline and
children spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Redmond.
The community was sadened 0
with sudden death of David
MacAllister, age 92 years at Pine
Crest Nursing Home Friday,
December 28,
He was born and' lived all his
life on his farm near St.
Augustine before moving to a
nursing home a,year ago last
August. The, funeral was held
January 2 from Mackenzie
Funeral Home, Lucknow „with
burial in Dungannon M tn. 4
He is
one ece,
Mrs. Tons Bailey, of Oak- ► ke,
Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Itedmo
spent Christmas with her brother
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ate
Hastings, Staffa.
Here comes another New Year . .
and we're 'right on the dot with loads
of good wishes to you and yours. '
kr; al 1
Landfill Site
_win Be
'January 5th, 1974
Township of Hibbert
1 11