HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 5THE#' ` I. r I « M. fiu°'.,a r 'GROW' '• Qt4DVERTISIN.G. [arose the other iniredientT e, tints going j and this accounts largely mho 1.'nbl And the Advertiser the atreilgth of the oil by making an where at ; the There Share �h � sten contain a large i are ori a nrj y for the srIi. bade t° its old fat'tl'I, and in preserving; all carat: the world iii l e e arrest, atwu1 ' othersimilarlr Batas, Ana no It,is per sen#3f twiny ro one i!4eesrs. Soh & I3owne believed in of better ,y articled fle �, puwlisiitrtse tdt m- edvertisingg their preparation :on the •selves„ who !ewe seeped their shore Dr •start,, the dame as they always believed the harvest, iaelevatdng its standard to the higheet holy ADVRItTISING 4ti DONN BY A LARGti CONCNItiv--11I6TulI3UTING ADV.MITISINO NATTER IN Ir"A NIY IZUARTElt OI"' 'rue GLOM; --- lielar3PAPTnS T'IIE UCST AIIiDIUN TOR &i ISTIIIIRIZION.. One of this moat interesting phases ,of the grewtll of butainess in this mu - try has been the development of adver- tising. Persons who have watched .the newspapers, 'ma'gezinea and, other publications for the last twenty years eitust have noticed with some degree ,of curiosity the chane that bas been •going on in their appearance and wondered at the i,oereased size of the ,.periodicals themselves, -together with the increased proportion of advertising to reading matter.. It seems to the otverage reader that there cannot be a .proportionate return to the adverttser to pity him all his ,extra expense iur :advertising, end still it may be said. with every degree of confidence tbatad- vertieing in this =entry is still in its :in£anoy. The growth of newspapers, en agazines and all publications has •beep the direct result of advertising. The advertising department is the ‘baoltbone of the newspaper, and at the .same titlo•e the advertising of any ar- }bole •of merit controls to a large extent s.ts sale; consequently the publisher and tete advertiser meet ars friendly ground, each helping the other to - success. • Twenty years ago it was considered gmti;te a big undertaking for an adver tiser to contract for $50,000 worth of space,in the newspapers of the country whereas to -day there are a number of concerUs which spend anywhere front $300,000 to $000,000 a year iia adver tis ing in this country alone. it mast be understood at the outset of this article that no claim is made for the success of advertising unless the article adver- tised possesses superlative merit. It is true tin suocesses have been made by mien who simply impose upon the credulity of readers of newspapers, but their successes have been short-lived, for it is the game in advertising as in every branen of business --it does not take the public long to appreciate the worthlessness of any article adverNised and refuse to buy it. In selling an article of merit, however, lel;itimate • advertising; paves the way for a ready success, and newspaper advertising is unquestionahly the best netlipd to employ. The newspapers are the beat means for the distribution of advertie. ing matter, costing less in proportion to the number of people reached and causing the least trouble, Still there are other methods for distribution which arevery effective. It is only necessary to refer to the history of one coueern to show the value, as well as good business jedg. mens, of tnalcitig known to the public any article of merit through the medium of legitimate advertising. In 1876 there was organized the firm of Scott r`i Bowne hi New York city. The members of the firm—Messrs, Alfred 13. Scott and iSaruuel W. Bowne —had for three years prior to that time been experimenting with cod.livs er oil and bad succeeded in makine. an emulsion which carne up to the standar-! fixed by physicians. Cod- liver oil had been recognized by the medical world for yeara as the mast nourislarng of foods and the possessor of unusual remedial properties, It is a well known fact that physi- cfaus had prescribed plain oil for years in eases where there was a wast. in away of strength, atoll as Oen. sntnpti.en, Coughs and Colds, •Scrofula, Anteruitt, Loss of Flesh and Blood Diseases. It was also prescribed for Weak Mothers and Children where food did not seetn to •nourish theta properly. The objections to it, how- ever, ware that it was nauseating to the taste and taxed the , digestive organs of the body in getting rid of it. The penin ell was so diffieult of as, sirnilation that even if the stomach could retain it the digestive organa were taxed in dealtug with it. When Scott's Htnulaion make its appearance, however, ced•liver oil betatron pranti• cable as both fond and medicine and by the year' 1880 Saett'a Emulsion was fully established among the mediate profession. There was no effort made to conceal the formula or method of its manufacture, an presses, Scott ik Downs Were ever anxious to cooper• ate with physicians and inpreve their emulsion in every way possible. It may he said for the purpose of Oita planationthat an emulsion an of od-liver oil -Means simply the breaking op of the oil into tiny pertfcdet so that the degree of perfection possible. Net AirlttsI* saattte Iltarltota, having much money, their advertising John Swan & Sus, E'liuber:;la, during the first few years of their their last weekly rel,ort,Isayai :—There business was necessarily small, but have been rather smeller euppllee of in about the year 1882 they began • fat cattle on eller, Tire beet deserixr- bz'anching out in newspapers all over` tions, which are very scuree r this Country. In 1880 they had estab• • fair tradeat , • a net it dished a factory in 13e1leville °wattle.,l nue as touch low money ori t last week; aIlAor,ltrlrr,. were blow to sell and about the sem °time that they. be. at moderate price:;, gan their extensive newspaper adver- Sheep Itn,ve been t,liOWtt less t tiling in this country they started a average numbers Au ertile tktyeilas ,d faetory in London, The newspaper was experienced at it general $tivtil3oe advertising brought almost initUediete in prices of 2s a head. returns and enabled them to extend I'kipre are it few latuhy Wino; viler. their •business further. In 1884 they ed, the season for that ernes of click opened factories at Barcelona, Spain, being; about over, and thee cemented and Oporto, Portugal, in 1885 a fair )rices. the host inn1ti % factory was started at lefilen Italy-, l from 30s + y to one each, and in 1890 the conoarn went into Paris, France, In triol Calves and pits have unit a podIrleantitne ever, they had ietraduced their pre. demand at higher tierces paraben into South America, Central America, Mexico and the West :fn - dies, Wherever they went they in- traduce their unique trade -mark of a N•orwegien fisherman carrying a big cod -5th on his back into the news- papers, together with other advertising matter, and they also distributed cards circulars, books and ealeudars free. Several years ago"the linen bought property fronting ou Pearl and Bose street, New York pity, and Last klpring there was completed the new Scott ,ci; l3owue Building which is now the home of Scott's Emulsion. This building is twelve stories high and is the best equipped building of its kind in the world, On the second floor of the building a large space is set apart for advertising department, where a force of men is kept busy with the making of contracts in about every country of the world, in preparing. ad• vertisiug literature to be sent all over the world from New York, and in checking. newspapers to see that con. tracts are carried out, To show the vast extent of this advertising depart. anent it is alone necessary to say that the department in thehome office at New York controls the advertise- ing of Soott's Emulsion in the following Countries; Canada, United States, Salvador, Honduras, United fliorippig $gin i .OF THE 13E T $Uig L Young nten and *atom wIehini; to pteeere tecenclies an hooldrec ere QNB N, OYS I3oth tho InetJiod and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and seta gentlyyet promptlyon the =idneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem, effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Pigs is the only remedy of its lid ever pro- d:teed, pleasing to the tanto and ac- ocptable to the stomach, prompt ixe For store cattle of a good clash there 1 Reaction and truly beneficial in its has been more inquiry, at prices they effects, prepared only Prem the meet turn in favor of hollers, but tliortt is lrealtliyandagreeablesubstancesits no improvement to quote in the demand for secondary descriptions. WWI Cows, a much larger show, and while tris best class get wet/ sold prices were scarcely equal to last weer,. Extreme top price of beet beef, fts 3d; current, 7s 911 to 8s per stone. Rest mutton, 7 d to 8d per pound; second", ary,7.d per pound. Liverpool, .Nov. 6 --Receipts of Canadian and United States cattle have been light, hut prices remain easy, owing to the heavy general sup. many excellent qualities commend it to Oland have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists, Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. sty. NEWYORK. N.Y, piles, Prices in eents, computed $4.80 to the £, are as follows : Finest Dairy markets: steers, 10 to 101c; good to choice, 9# London, Nov. 4 —There was a large to 10e; poor to medium, 83 to. 9c; attendance of buyers and sellers at bulls, 61 to 8e; inferiors, 5 to 6,o. the meeting of the Lendon cheese ""^---- board to -day, The bidding was lively Britian Grain Trade. ranging from 101 to 11 ka—.10*o being London, Nov. 9—The Mark Lune the prevailing offer. sellers seem to Express, in its weelrly review of the be waiting for higher prices. Only British grain trade, says : English one lot of white was offered, that being wheats are steady. Foreign wheats from the Avonbank faetory, No sales are rather firmer. California is quoted were reported. at 28s 6d and hard Manitoba at 27s Utica, Nov. 0—Market. dull to -day, 8d per quarter. Corn is in demand, sales were :-206 boxes +rt 10c, 460 at and the valves have risen 3d. Barley 1010, 75 at 10 8-8u, 1SG at 10ic, 248 generally is weak and has lost 3d, at 10 5.8e,'1,500 at l0 , 196 at 10 -c The fine malting sorts, however, area 313 at 11c, 100 nt f 1k,t, 81) at 11*c, The steady, Oats, bean:; and peas ore 414 at 14c, 205 et, 11 ., 491 on com- mission, 65 p.,e e.+ -s of creamery but- ter at 25 1-8a to 25,•sl;;, Little ti'>tHs, N ,v ii—t;•i.•ese very quiet and easy. li tki. —1tJ) boxes at 10 a, 230 at 10 , , 1,73J at 10tc, 1,125 at lln,197 tt fir{ itt 1Il : to 104c, 840 consigned: 60 edoreee •,f cream- ery butter at 26e. t;1 , .try butter at 24cto26e,brig•, is recognized as the . CIi LI.TIIAA:, ONT. peel o, any Dizziness or Shorthrnl Scheel in America. mrd ens::ti ,,,;p. ,;,•r• to Rs contemporaries in Canaria bo lease u+ iib r. ',• of this herd ..t, nd+'orret a acts the („,Intl,.;, l•si where students mune front, who registered tilling Jim /6,taje itomeil'atel,!' rn'reirt;r;e the r cl•ii • advertisement: North Ad,ins, Mars Witt it,uto0, bdleh,; 1.othl:rhirxe, AIL:a; i:e,iin; Let•ttto,;y' Iiuntstille, 51 &i01n Kincardine; Rothren; Chatsworth; Rodney; C:i»toin catrat:.c, ,:.ba..?,,•: Ise - Co. Over; Althorn, Do, Duro», Se:ttorth Lothwell, Windber. strongtielti. i{:dize:r,a•,•, Srar•ri.;.;•, A Comp faience, RussixCo., menit:ro. Ili..li.,ai';, Aldbaro, Wampum.,Aliinston, i.ar...•,.r+. t'rtenh-i+iotrt. Springs, ,.;itnLhain anti nwny pointy in the tit:fray. IT PAYS TO ATTEND TIES BEST. Two et Antalkali best penmen among; the members et mer star, moans a •+,rest +i",il to nueru W.V., IBAILWAy FARE IN COMING TO crIA`l.'e; A; , r I>a Good heard tor ladies at $2,00, gentlemen R 2 LD, we sccurn I•onrd at these fi urt;vr.• 1h rev; r<r prtrate fatuities, and have the $st s in readiness for the students when they arrive eataiornre and specimen or penmanship aid her t t ' viei for Its cncyous w the dnl,rrtnuo t this iur+rt,, ,it rn schools of a shullar triad in Ceases. Mention rs•huu you saw this advcr�ieeritent anti aditr,�::s, D. b1cTattlIfl AX, t;'rathaa=r, lirttt 01 A full stuck of all kinds of H `' OL BO for both High and Public Schools, just receivet15 Also, a large stock of Scribblers, � oxereiSe BOOkS, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Sic States of Oolumhia, Bolivia Guate- quiet. To day the 'Gamete were dull. male, Ecuador, Venezuela, ilpxico, Some foreign wheats declined 6d. Low Argentine Republic, •Corea .trios, tirade fdobr was down Gd. FeedingNicaragnti, Chili, Peru, Brazil, Uru- ! barley fell 3d Beane were down 3d Rung, Paragney West Indies, Great to 6d. Peas were steady. Corn was Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, scarce a prices edvant:ed 6d. Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Ita;y, Turkey, Malta, Egypt, Palestine, South Afriea, India. Japan, China, arid the Australian Colonies, including New Zealand. Prior to this Fall it was the pbliey of Scott & Bowne to plane all their Uuiterl States advertising thorough an advertising agenuy in New York City, but the advertising department has grown to such proportions that it be- came advisable to handle the United States advertising the sante as foreign countries ---that is, from the home office. In several countries there are still advertising agencies employed to a certain extent, but the growth of the business necessitates it centralization of worst under the one head of the ad wertising departtneut in New York, which is personally superintended by ivlr, Scott himself, although 11r. Scott delegates the details, such as the mak, inti of contracts, etc., to his subordin— ates. Mr. Bamne attends to the financial part of this great business, and thus the responsibility is divided evenly be• twraen the members of the oonoern. The purest and best inedisai cod. liver oil in the world is made in Nor - Way, an it has been to en extent through the influence of Scott Jr Bowne that the standard of its Bran ufaeture has been elevated in that country. Scott & Bowne consume a large percentage of all the firat grade medical Norway Cod liver oil. They import themselves to their various factories and are eantiuually making inaprovem{ nts in their emulsion. Ex- perimeute are eonstantly wade with oil, and it is no injustice to others to say that in its degree of perfection Scott's Eniulsion stands bead and shoulder's above all other forms of cod- liver oil. Such ftise been the growth of Scott's Emulsion, acid this is only one in. Stance of the development of the leggi. mate advertising of en articled merit. Physicians and the ,public generally Live stook Mariiats. Montreal, Nov. O.—There were about 550 head of butchers' chafe., 75 calves and 70 sheep and lambs of- fered at the East + ud Abattior to- day. Good cattle were scarce as usual and brought higher prices, but common aucl enferior animals are dull • for sale and bring very loot rates, A few of the hest beeves sold at from 4ictu 4 }u per pound, with pretty good stock at from 3*e to 4c do; Coaetuon dry cows and halt fattened steers sold, at frotu 2;}c to Be and leaner beasts at about 2c per pound. Calves were iu fair demand at about last week's prices, good ones selling at from 937 to $12 each, and coronion oyes at $3.50 to $6 eau!). Joseph Richard bought two good calves for $17 and be offered $10 50 for another, but the owner would not sell it at that price. Alut- ten critters continue pretty low in prices; a few good sheep were bought for shipment in Britain at 3e per pound, and the others sell down at 2e per politer{ ; good lambs sell at from 3 •e to nearly 45 per pound, and com- mon ones et from 3c to 8-o do; Mu - Duff brought 50 good lanibe at Sic per pound, and Joseph Eiebard bought as many more at $8 60 per 100 pounds. Fat hogs are leas plenti. fol and are advancing in price, selling at front 510 to 6ic per pottnd. County of Oxford 13ebentures. Altura. It O'llare (CS Co., Stock and Debenture Brokers, members To. rout° Stock Exertion -0, 24 Toronto Street, have just completed the pure chase of $155,000 of the County of Oxford bonds, payable in 20 equal annual instalments, bearing 4 per cent. yearly. 'These bonds were issued for paying for the erection of the handA some county building in WoodAtock. Messrs, H2O'Uara tt Co. have disposed of these Ronda to clients itt Creat Britain to yield dicer 4f per cant. have found by 'tiara of experience with yearly. Soott's Brnulsion that it has great merit. l,,.1ngl much more emotive than kksgliah Spavin .Liniment removed all plain OiI in the aura of wastingg thecaees hdt loft, or ea1louaetl Ttumtm and moil stray readily he a,asirtridated. The ' labs* row* horses, Blood iSpatid, ll1rbe, sunh.nt Cot snmptions Sarofele, hese. gouts, Ruegg Scud sweeney, sago,: groat dificulty is in milking an emu'. tnia. Lung and Throat Troublet, Loss Sprains, Sore rout revelled 'hreat;.00tiglis, slurs wherein the oil will not stapttreitia of Fleshand Wasting away of childrent#pd a SGebyr nee of sue bottle. t�tiVr►r• y Cbisbolm's drug stare The Cunard Lne.suis, which arrived at Sandy Hook 1+'ritlyv Iiight, .eomplet ed the vova ge i,e h days, 18 hours and 54 minutes, beating by 99 minutes the best previous western teunrd, held by the Campania. It is said diet the American State Department that the International Monetary tionft.rw,ce, :vh,, h met in ar,l•ist+iK Nat tpi,,,,.�r, `ai'1 tt•+L r'„Stirlt,' its SeSsiott 8'i3 ad1!d ux: t os•It illicarecie eine. it for an ;crmeloosos Lo.t. actry :and ...mar. Household arses •3i8J it a great comfort arid server of Labor ......,. •J Hast no Cgud for purity, nor' for Oi@ening sed MtARNAeanIngo 111or prinierving the +cieititlMi and hands from 1 *. ,jury, nor for stil'•rtnind MMnetr tl 1101110, IIIMOUt* Ow a 1011114110,411 Just received a large consignment of "Quentin Durward." WALL PAPERS, WIDOW BLINDS, STATIONERY a full stock, as usual. E X. R: ; S. Popular Bookstore, Wingham. !if !pp iTit SY1.i ---rev-----. sl ..•Cx .his :der ...� lleady Made G1othill Next --FOR THE----- T. A. MILL CLEARING SA WINnallklEAtitiVit