HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-03, Page 4,••••••• SPECIAL GROUP OF DENIM and PLAIMBAGGY JEANS, Sizes 28 to 38 1/2 Price Boys' WE HAVRE ALFALFA, FORAGE MIXTURES and SEED GRAIN in STOCK. CORN We Have NK, UNITED, HIGHLAND HYBRID and WARWICK SEED CORN, • - 411ifil.1110 HURON EXPOSITOR SEikFORTN, ONT,, JiN, 3, 1974 INEWS OF Winchelsea ANDREW POWELL" The inarpage" of Riith Anne Powefl. 'dna ughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Powell,„,Setforth to Mr. ' John Andrew. son of Mr. and 'Mrs., Andrev, of London, took place on Sat urd a y, December 29, 1973 at The Church. of Christ Disciples in L'ondon. The marriage was performed by Rey. B. Eckardt. The ,bride ,vas atteniled by her sister Mrs:"Jean , Furness of Feyersham. Ontario and the groom • was attendedTby Ray Powell of Seaforth, cousin of -the bride. • Gists were present from Detroit, Burlington. Foyersham. 12(cj(lield. 'Sr aforth.and London. The. -couple will reside at 232 OakInnd„ Avenue.' London. Om • consisting o, casseroles - and . dishes front other countries which the girls had learned. in the club, "A World of Food in Canada". Diane Hutton gave an explanation of the different fitods they had, eaten. After the 'meal the girls presented a prOgram. Mr. Ted Van Rusted thapked the girls and leaders on behalf of the parents. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Danny Walters of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs3 .Howard Dayman- of Kippen visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs., Bill Walters celebrating a birthday. Miss Janie Barton and Mr. Don Hutton of Centralia College visited on. Sunday with Mr. 'and, Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane. • Miss Ruth Horne of -London visited on Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Flume. , Mrs. John Covy and visited Christmas withMr. arid Mrs.•Bey. parsonS and family near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs,. Sanford Hutto)). Dennis and Diane visited on Christmas in Monkton with Mr. and Mrs. Rhueben Pehlke. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman of K ippen • visited on Christmas, Eye with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walt erC. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Walters of Exeter visited on Boxing -Day with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Walters. Christmas visitors, with Mr: and Mrs. 'Phil,,,,,Hern and boys were Miss Janet Hem and MT. Bill MeEwen of Toronto. Mr. Brian Hern and gamy of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simpson and Scott, of Sunshine Line. Mr,. and Mrs. Raymond Horne had as their guests on Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs.' Freeman Horne and Mr. and Mrs. •Gorty Gtqlbbe and family of Farquhar and :y1iss Ruth Horne of London. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and girls visited iii Harriston for Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and family. Wedding A full house enjoyed this year's, Hullett Central Christmas concert which was held Wednesday night, December 19. The classes involved and the numbers they presented were: • rade 2 • The Santa Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Prancei6 Kindergarten (Class 1)A Christ- mas Pantomine. Grade 1 -a Christmas Secret Grade 3 • A Jingle Bells Dance - Tree in the Park and Christmas Alphabet. , Grade b - Santa Claus and Company Unlimited. Grade 7 - Sparky and his Pals. Senior Choir —.Several Seasonal Songs. There was a dress rehearsal for the concert the forenoon of December 18 when the pupils of the' school saw the concert. Film On Friday. DeceMber 21, the- Students' Council showed ,a film "White Eagle". It was about an Indian's point of view of a war between Indians and the White men, The admission was 10 cents tier pupil or twenty•five cents per. During the intermission of the show, Christine Carter read a story that the grade live class had written jointly. It was called "The Express Claus 36 HENSALL —ONTARIO Correspondent Mrs. Wm, Walters -belialf of •residents and staff of. Huronview, I would • like. to say • a heartfelt• "Thank munities who came to Huronview Cdunty and surrounding com- during 1973 either in groups , or individually to entertain, take part in activities with, or visit residents. Yout,' to' aZZ the people of Huron Christmas theme.Mrs. Ross program. Mrs: Allen Johns and Skinner was in charge of the poems. Mrs. Philip Horn read thy Institute met at the church on Wednesday afternoon with a Mrs. Lorne Johns read Christputs The Elimville Women's scripture while Mrs. Skinner gave a Christmas story. Mrs. Howard Pym sang a solo "0 Holy Night". A demonstration of Christmas parcels, phentex gifts and candies was given' by Mrs. D. Skinner, Mrs. Wm. Routly and Mrs. Allen Johns. Roll call \s as an exchange of mystery pal gifts.' Several Christmas greetings were received front other W.I.S. '_'441 Club Club No. 3 of Elimville 4-H girls with their I aders, Mrs. Wayne Prati..e and rs. Murray Co\\ ard entertained t eir parents recently. Janet , Kerslake 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111111 Welcomed the parents. A meal was enjoyed by all at the tome of WE HAVE A SELE TION' FROM $ I 500 OF Teo GOOD - US SEWING MACHINES $5 oo SOME WHITE S-SOME SINGERS STRAIGHT AND DECORATIVE STITCH MACHINES - AND UP FABRIC. SALE STARTS MONDAY JANUARY 7th 1 0 % OfF EgRST TOFICT(IG UP - ALSO MANY SPECIAL' LINES REDUCED .'ro 40 ee, Us Now For SEED OA TS and SEED BARLEY CONTRACTS ---also MALTING BARLEY and WHITE BEAN CONTRACTS: • THERE WILL BE A SHORTAGE OF SEED RAINS THIS YEAR ORDER YOUR NEEDS NOW, F I S. , 5 E E 'FE R 1t ALL 348:8433 Little Fir Tree", 4P° Santa's Visit Ho! Ho! Ho!" was a familiar sound on Thursday, December 20 when Santa Claus visited Hullett Central School. Miss Roney's grade three class had previously written letters to the Jolly. Old Man. He was able to take time out of the busy schedule to d'eliver his replies personally. While at the school he visited all the classes to wish everyone Merry Christmas. • Grade Six Goes Hospital Carolling On Thursday., December 20; Mr. Jamieson's Grade Six class accompanied ,by Mrs. Bosnian went carolling 'at Clinton Public Hospital. They left' the school .at 1:10 p.m. on their journey. to the 'hei.s"pital to sing Christmas Cavils on the first and second flOots. Visit to Huronview The Grade three class tifMiss Roney's visited Huronview 'on Thursday, December 20, 1•473 to present the people there with a play called "The ChriStmas T ree", a "Jingle Bells" folk dance and two choral readings • "A Christmas Alphabet" and "Tree in the Parks'. All of these were very much enjoyed by die elderly people. Reg. 'McCurdy and bOys and Mr. and Mr s. Ira McCurdy were guests on Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCurdy and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler,' Mr. andMrs. David Wheeler and Steven and Mrs. Frank Rodd were guests on Sunday -evening with Miss Jean Copeland. ' Mr:Charles Brine', Mr. Lloyd Brine and Misses Myrtle and Pearl' Brine of Baseline and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson. and family of Fourth Line were guests on Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar Brine. Mr; and Mrs. George Wheel*. visited on Christmas Day with Rev., and MrS. John Cooke of Thamesford. Mr. and Mrs. 'William R'Ohde, and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rohde and Danny , Mrt and Mrs. Glenn Jeffrey and family of Thames Road and Mrs. William Thomson of Exeter were Boxing Day guests with' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomson' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred,Parkinson, Margaret and Janet spent ChriStmas with Mrs. Kate Cacciotti and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lethieux and Rosemary of Capreol. "Stratford. home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cro4er, Brian, Paul, Kevin d held on December 22nd at the Michael: Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1.014 of Huron Ridge.- Kincardine, Mr. and .Mrs. George Mcliwain, Lynn and Steven of Merner, Sandra, Julie Ann and A C-hristmas . gathering was s, Crediton Hall for Christmas., Hill family gathering held in th,.. andMrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill Debbie and Michael attended the Diane and Nancy, Mr. andMrs David Pr eszcator, Christine Lisa, Christopher and Greg, Mr Bonnie of Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Medd am Mt. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator Kim of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Jir Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7httdella of Medd of 13th of Hullett wer Toronto spent the past week with Christmas Day guests with Mt. Mr a Jimnd andM Gary. rs.Dn Buchanan,,.c andMrs. Jack Medd and Kerri. Paul, Mr. and Mrs; Marris Bos Christmas Holiday visitors Steven, Sharon and Kenny, Mt with Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom, Arnold Bos visited on Xmas Da Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte were with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs Mr.' and Mrs. John Whyte, John Bos and John Of Mitchell Jeffrey, Andrea .and Kerri of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, PattI, Mark and David, Crystal,"Brian and-Mura spent Boxing Day with her sister Margie of Oakville and Miss , Mr. andMrs. Don, Barker an Margie Whyte of Torontn. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte, Da,vid, family of King City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompsorir Crystal, Brian and Murray also Rick and Renee spet,,t Boxing Da spent Xmas Day there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, with Mr, and Mrs. George Vivia Debbie and Michele of and family of Staffa. Boxing Day visitors with MI Gananoque spel! the Christmas and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sand) Holidays with her parents., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mr. Julie Ann and' Michael were MI and Mrs. Doug Riley, Kim and and Mrs., Allan Merner, Harold Merner, Miss Debbi Grey of Winthrop ,also spent Hines, all of Kitchener, Mr.' an Xmas Day. Mr. at Mrs. Bill Storey held a Mrs. Tom Merrier and Jason gathering on Dee. 23rd for their Mount Brydges, Mr. Pen* Deichert. of Zurich, Mrs. faMily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale, "Merner of R.R.#1, Shakespeare Mr. and Mrs. Bob Storey and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson Alvin of Holmesville. • - Mr. and Mrs. Doug Richardson Mississauga. of Owen Sound visited with, her Boxing Day guests of Mrs. El) parents Mr. andMrs. lid. Jewitt, Don, Larry, Ken, Kevi Dorranee• during the Christuldos and Stevgn were Mr., and Mr: Bill DowsonOtansLa., Bonnie an Holidkvs". John of ,Vaiha, Mr. and Mr! Mr. and Mrs. Marris Bos, Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and Davic Steven. Sharon and Kenny.' Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt an 111 and Mrs. Ed.. Wammes and Ronnie of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Lori, all of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs Cliff Brindley of; Hollyrood, My. John Jewitt, Carol, Judy. Danny and Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer Bill and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Jin Preszeator, Bill, Debbie am and Jeffery of Brussels visited on Christmas Day with Mr. andmrs. Michael, Miss Pat Willert o . John Warnmes and 5oi:n . God'erich and Miss Joann( No% arid Mrs, Jim Thompson, Gibson. Rick and Renee, spent Xmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. attended a family gathering fot Ken Thompson and Joanne of Mrs. John Storey held at the Goderich. Orange Hall in Seaforth on Friday Christmas Day visitors with evening, Dec. 28th.- Miss Diane Preszcator visited, Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchana,Paul, Gary and Jim were Mr. and Mrs, over the holidays with Mr. and Wilfred Buckanan `of Ilciekon , Mr. M;:4is fo Crediton. Allan Pfaff, Elaine and fir and Mrs. Jerry Cook and family of Clinton, Mr. Alftud,Buchanan of Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, ittonYdew Mr ' rid Ken Sharon and Bob visited;:, , on itchell and Jennifer of Saturday, Deu,29th with Mr. and Montreal, Mr. Gordon Buchanan, Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Westminister, B.C., Miss Donna Township. Buchanan of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Terence hunter Carol, Judy; Danny, 'Bill and Paul of Colborne Township, Miss . spent Xmas Day with Mr. and Shiela Baker of Winthrop, Mr. Mrs. Allan Dunbar and family of and Mrs. Andy Thompson of Belgrave. Mississauga spent Christmas Day • Mr. and MrS. Stan Ball an& with Mr. and Mrs. John family of Auburn, Mr. and, , Mrs. Thompson, Jim, Sharon and Bob. Wilmer Glousher, SteWart and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson • Barbara of Londesboro, Mr. spent the Christmas Holidays Austin Dexeter, Mr. and Mrs.-% with his parents. Leonard Hoffman and family of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, Hensall, Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Larry, ', John and • Elizabeth were Kevin and Steven, spent Xmas Christmas guests of Mr. and Day with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mrs.. George Turner, Barry and McClure, Clayton and Bryan. ALL-WEATHER COATS 28.00 Short, Regular or Tall MEN'S SUITS • - Hydro Parkas Wool, Quilted or Pile-lined 18.351°20.0 JACKETS and CAR CO S .\„2 0(70 Off8 SNOWMOBILE SUIT: 26.06 GARBAGE COATS 26.00. Pile-lined WORK V b TS •.• ,Lined Smocks and overalls Petutian's 71 'gombs. • • Shirts Short or' Long. Sleeve THERMAL C9MBS. • • 5.20 Heavy Weight •• THERMAL LONGS • • 3.95 — SHIRTS • • 3.95 'Medium Weight' THERMAL LONGS: - 3.15 — SHIRTS - . 2.80 11.95.to 15.95 Boyt#' White Or Nue , THERMAL LONGS . 2:35 ' •BoyS' ROAD HOCKEY' MITTS , 4,50 Boys' SNOWMOBILE-SUIT'S -VINYL 110ClitY BAGS . • • BILL 'O'SHEA . mots \IIVEAR Phone '527-po9; • • • Seitodh .0 Mr. and Mrs. Rcg. McCurdy, fason and Jeffrey were Christmas Day guests with Mr. and Mr s. Earl Watson. Third Line. r Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Webb and family, 'Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Webb and Kristophcr and Mr. Michael Webb of London; Mr. and Mrs.' William Crago.. and family of Pembroke. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wareham and family of Wingham • were guests on Mondaylvitli Mr. and Mrs..Norris Webb: Julie and Lorie. mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe of St. Marys visited Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brine and Cheryl . Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler and Steven were Sunday guests with Mr. and M rs. Don Axford .and Mark of Mosley. They were Christmas Day guests with Mrs. Rob( Corsaut,. of St. Marys. ' Mr. and' Mts. , Clarence 'Thornson and famq were gueSts for Christmas- Day with Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Heard and family of Fourth. Line. Mrs, Stanley Mountain ofSt." Marys and Miss Jean Copeland were guests for Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland 'and girls. Mrs.Edith Taylor of London and Mrs:Frank Rodd were guests with Mr. i•tici Mrs. John Rodd and family.' Mt- Mrs.,Roy McCurdy and MItrys, Mr. and Mrs. You-can have no idea how much this giving of your time and talent means to folks hore. Everyone likes to hear from people "back home" and for some .of our residents you are their ant? Zink with the old community. . • Again, thank ydu and a, Happy New Year. C.A.Archi a d, Administrator AT MARY'S SEWING CENTRE • ALBERT ST. , YOUR,WHITE-ELNA DEALER' 4110014 IIENSALL 20-2527 NEWS OF Wood ham Correspondent Miss jean Copeland ' Store -Sliced SIDE BAC01 SIDE ... Fresh Pure PORK SAUSAGE, fresh HAM SLICES WING STEAKS PRIME RIB ROASTS 4 7 ri ••••••Ible29 Fresh We reserve the right to limit t uantities Fib] r , . , Men's Zip-in lined .. 49.50 Parkas and Car Cdats • 6.35 IA ' .. • • • 10% Off or Longs • , 3.95 • • , • a35, -9.50