HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1974-01-03, Page 3•• News of Wirt Store, Now* of Cromarty' s hold after Christmas party ALL 1 Mpila. a conferetteefor, by and about youth in Niagara falls, December 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Motters- head. Peggy and Paul of Naniamo. British Columbia, • sister of Bob, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Harris and family for several days and attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary of .their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, Goderich. After spending Christmas with Bob, Betty and family, they • have returned to their home in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard, Ken,, Debbie, Ronne and John,' Hiram and Tom Blanchard spent Christmas eve with Mr. and MrS. Ben Gibson, Fordwich. On Christmas day Mr. and ,Mts, Bill- Embling, Vanastra visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard and family, Mr, and Mrs. Stan King, Stratford, accompanied by their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Leslie and son Miles, visited with Mrs. King's brother, iram Blanchard, Mr, and Mrs. Go .don Blanchard and family and Iso Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulle Bob, Sandy, David, Debbie and Danny spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mrs. Gordon 'Blanchard attended a Christmas concert held at Queen -Elizabeth School. Goderich. "The Night Before Chrittmas" was presented. Kenny Blanchard being one of the reindeers. • An After Christ party was held in the Orange Hall for 'the Storey family. Euchre was played. Dancing and a short program by those present, Attending from Winthrop and district were Mr. and Mrs,. Harold, Storey, Bonnie and Ray; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Storey and family; Mr. and dMrs. Alex Glanvhle, Walton and Mr. and Mrs. , Bill Storey. Kinburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris. Vicky, and Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wolfcamp, , Mitchell accompanied by Miss Kathy Scott. Seaforth andMr, and Mrs. Wall Mottersheard and Peggy and 'Paul, Paul, Naniamo, British Columbia, celebrated Bob' parents, Mr. and Mrs. . rt • Harris, - 50th Wedding Anniversary held in Saltford Hall recently. Over 325 guests, friends and relatives attended, Elizabeth Pryce, Sandra Halley, Chris Coxin, Tom Ippsori and Ray McNichol attended Toc Walker. Visiting in tht 549no home were Mr, and Mrs, fingh Currie, Linda and Jnalgte, Corchester; Mr. and Mrs. Jac/t. McGhee, Jackie, Judy and Roy, London; .Mr, and Mrs, Alex • Walker, Michelle, 'Ken and Jimmy, London; Mr: and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Steven and Lisa. Roy McGhee returned home with David Hulley for holidays, • Bob, Sandra and David Hull visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ge ge Cameron and Mrs. Robert Hulley Sr Christmas eve. • • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Watson, Seaforth. visited' My. and Mrs. William Dodds and Mr. and Mrs, Don Dodds and family. Christmas 26!./. CONSOUTTE `:.(0401)R TV .$499195” 2.6P FULLWPOP. CONS01,0!.: COLOUR TV $599;951RT,. CAMART SIM° AM7M RECORD PLAYER 8 'MACK WEBCDR CASSETTETLAY4R:: $20.00' • 'MAX CASSETTEPIA= WITOADIO - $24.95 ITACHI.20' COLOUR TV $525,00 QUANTITY _QUANTITY 0) QUANTITY (1) QUANTITY (2) QUANTITY (1) QUANTITY (J) Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen, Fank and •Nancy. included Janet Allen, and Barry , Gammon, Toronto; Rae Butson, Staffa; Alistair Young. Stayner; Mr,. and Mrs. Mervin ' Dow, Cromarty. With Mr. and Mrs.Murray Christie and Ronald were Mr.tand Mrs. Peter Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whiteside. all of Toronto and Miss Beth Christie, St. Catherines. Miss Joanne Dow, Montreal and Stuart Dow, London with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow, Alvin and Nola. Mr. and Murray Christie and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen and family attended the Allen family gathering at the home of , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ross Sr.. Staffa. Mrs. Stanley Dow entertained her family to a Christmas dinner mar a. restaurant and later at her home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing were Miss Marilyn Laing, Stratford; Mr. Peter Debus, 'Rostock; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jefferson and family, Munro; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and family, Cromarty. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Riehl and family, Seebach's,Hill and Mrs. John Jefferson, Cromarty, With Mr. and Mr,s. Carlyle' Meikle on Sunday were Mr.' and Mrs. Duncan Scott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scott and Ronald, all of Staffa. On Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Meikle and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs: Alex Meikle, Exeter. Boxing Day guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Mervin Dow were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worthington, Mark and Leslie Anne, Kitchener, Miss Susanne, Smith, Monkton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Cromarty. • Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Hugh, David ,and Alec Scott, spent \ Christmas with Mr. and Mrs: \ Thos. Gillespie, London., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott attended the family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butson, Staffa. Visitors with Mrs. John Jefferson were Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Chessell, Brian, Varna, Mr. and Mrs. D. Riehl and boys, Seebach's Hill. Barbara Scott who organized this Very fine program. Just as Mrs. Peg CoomiXind Comrade Peter Malcolm were leading the children in song, who should tome in but the jolly old man himself, Santa 'Claus. All the children gathered around, and Santa gave each a bag of candy, fruit and nuts. • The Ladies Auxiliary served coffee and cookies to the adults after Santa Claus left. Later , members of the Branch and the Ladies Auxiliary, together with Santa Claus, visited the S,eaforth Community Hospital giving each adult patient a carnation, and to the children a bag of candy, fruit and nuts. • PAST EVENTS The Bingo on Friday, Dec. 21st 'attracted one hundred and twenty-nine players. Prizes to the' value of $478.00 were won. Dec. 26th, .th'e Boxing Day Glance attracted a large crowd, A• draw for priies was made during the evening. It was agreed by all ' in attendance that they had spent a very enjoyable evening dancing to the music of Ian Wilbee's Orchestra. The ” Ladies , Auxiliary sold tickets on a •stuffed French Poodle. Mrs. HoWard Dayman was the lucky winner. During the Christmas holidays the Ladies Auxiliary visited all the patients in the Manor and the Kilbarchan Nursing Home where they distributed gifts and comforts. • COMING EVENTS Thurs. Jan, 3rd - Executive meeting commencing at 8:00 p.m. (Remember tonight 8:00 p.m.) The Early Bird campaign closes on Saturday, January 5th. 1974. If yoU have not already paid your dues for 1974, remember you , have only two days to be able.ito become eligible for the draw for prizes. So help yourself and help your Branch by paying your 1974 fees by Jan. 5th": 1974. By John Do. Baker Public Relations Officer 11)' Branch 156 Annual Christmas Party . On Sunday, ,December 23rd, Branch 156 held their annual Christmas party for the children of the members. President, Comrade Gordon Scott welcomed the large turn-ont of children and parents, and then ..prrted as master of ceremonies for ihe entertainnfeM portion of the • program. . Louise Nolan began- the program with a Chrlstrhas recitation. Martha Loobv, Ruth .and ki cCreight, sang three songs, ccompanied on the guitar. 'Mary Anne Nolan and Sylvia Wo,od ,gave recitation's. Margaret Anne Noran recited "A Christmas ji Wish" after which Mary Anne DeJohn sang a solo, followed by her sister 'Linda • singing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little 'Star". Charlene DeJohn then played two numbers onfiei \—accordion. Another recitation was. then:. given by June Rivers. "Away In a Manger" was sung by fiv year old Allys'on Scott, and was followed, by a q artette Aconsisting of Roseinary • Groothius, Joan Sills, Mary -Flak „• and Janine Melanson. Closing the •, • program was a duet hy Thin Sills and . Mary Hak. Our appreciation is extended to all these children and to Mrs. ,„? day. Mr. and Mrs. Do odds and family visited with/Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal, Christmas Day. Paul Dod& is visiting with .his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobal, Hensall. Visiting with Lynne Dodds for a few days was Christine Knetch, Seaforth. - Mr,. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, Clinton, spent Christmas eve with Mr, and ' mrs. Harold Storey,. Ray and —Bonnie. • S Classified Ads pay dividends. HAIR* V SAES Mini • !SIJ3167rEt010114X. N sinterrfitrittowr. 52.34640 A.B.C.. Prepriceli 7:5r • LIQUID DETERGENT 32 oz. cntr. SONS4UEEZE RECO ATITUTED APPLE JUICE. • '.:PKOICE WM-0Y WHOLE BLENHEIM TOMATOES. ASSORTED FLAVOURS Carlton Club SOFT DRINKS 48 oz. tin 26 oz. non-return btls. • 28 oz. tins FOUND -IN BRUCEFIELD - AREA Pedigreed DOG PHONE 527-1487 OP 161,t1,, Af_ut_lov1 PACKED SLICED CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR with APPLIANCES COOKED HAM IGA BEEF FRESH CUT FROM THE BUTT BACKS ATTACHED BONE IN CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCI • WE SELL CANADRAPPROVE GRADE "A" RED RIBBON BEL. NUTRITIOUS FROZEN QUALITY PROTECTED BEEF BLADE STEAKS CHICKEN Legs & ,Breasts. BUTT PORK CHOPS 'Everything You'd Expect...And The COMPARE !! COMPARE!! I ., ome PRIMROSE " FROZEN, We vacuum seal our "Quairs'y Protected Beer, ,on4 without additives, we let it age natural in a controlled, cold en vironment to II w,tJ be tender and good when it's I resh"cut rn,our stores.„IAre buy Canada Approved GrOe' A Red Rib bon Beef it It inspeeted, en carefully cut and triinmed to our slri specilica Clans From the momenl we y u uniil you do, ow beet ,s handled ,Ja ei ideal conditions for keeping it (lean colck, fresh pricy and deli0ous Goolov Proles led o'M lull/110.T h unifier, 9 HAMBURG PATTIES SLICED PORK LIVER ' C C lb. Pure Pork Saus4e SLICED BOLOGNA lb, Inglis Citation "100' 30" Range FLUORESCENT LAMP * GLASS CONTROL PANEL *AUTO OVEN TIMER. *TWO APPLIANCE OUT- . LETS * DIGITAL CLOCK *TWO E.," ELEMENTS * INFINITE HEAT SWITCHES TRUE SIMMER ELEMENT * REMOVABLE ELEMENTS * VARIABLE BROIL CONT - ROL *BLACK GLASS OVEN. WINDOW Inglis 14.6 Refrig Inglis 30" Frost Free Liberator Range A: t. ' 1 ; tiSJ 78` SKINLESS WIENERS 78c C ALL BEEF SAUS4IGE 48c • E I pi. ri 78` ULSTER FRY STRIPS 98c SIDE BACON • 98. ORANGE OR 1.EL t 01", KLEENEX TOWELS lb. lb. U S A. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA CRISP HEAD HOLDS 187 LBS FROZEN FOOD * CANTILEVER SHELVING *BLIT,TER CONDITIONER *2 PORCELAIN' VEGET- ABLE CRISPERS * PORCELAIN MEAT TRAY * TALL BOTTLE STORAGE IN DOOR * AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER * APPLIANCE OUTLET * INFINITE HEAT SWIT- CHES • ' '"AUTOMATIC OVEN PREHEAT * INDICATOR LIGH1$ *LIFT-OFF OVEN DOOR *REMOVABLE ELEMENTS * SWEEP- THRU RANGE BASE *VARIABLE BROIL CONT- ROL • o A NO I CAI II oH4 SEEDLESS Navel Oranges . 79. rin• CELLO Marsh Carrots 33` DOLE TROPICAL fill GOLDEN YELLOW Bananas , 14' Powdered !4E' McCain • - ARCTIC POWER - , Potatoes 32 oz. tin. Detergent' king siz OX AEITANT,t, Table Syrup LETTUCE 48 oz. WI. CANADA NO I ONTARIO Green Cabbage 35c CALIFORNIA 3 HOW? FIRELOGS 85. C Pc4nERED Magic Skim Milk 3 lb box * COMPLETELY FROST FREE *CASTERS ARE STAND- ARD MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT I 't` Glad Garbage 1.39 PREPRICED 1.15 CRISCO 38 OIL OZ ea. autiNS roil 1 HOURS WITH COLOUR FLAMES FANCY QUALITY Lib,5iy's Tomato Juice 2 48 oz , tins I, 'VA' 'I ON VC Top VaJu Soup ' I'r ZIN WE F, • RATE York Orange Juice COFFEE 1.09. 0 Bag$ -pkg of 20 .00 OZ jar 34, 10 oz tins $275.9,4 ALSO INGLIS 00\lei6 0.0(“`"" WAS $479'. 95 n $3294 $2119.94 16.6 CU FT REFRIGERATOR C UNSWEETENED Dole Pineapple 'AONAKH VITAMIN iNalcIlln 1,-JJJR CCrt 1 ,1 f Cake & Pastry . Arid Spray Flour 51 Deodorant-6oz• tin lElf elf CUT McCain's Freneh Fries ice 48 oz. tin to lb. bag 1 n 3c 2 lb. bag STRAWBERRYRASPBESRTRWY:LLIAMS C AsF,)RTro VARIF ;I'S FROZEN OR MARMALADE FarkeHsouse 14 on, pkg. ASSORTED VARIETIES DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES JOLLY mit.i.Eria Orange Flavour Crystals poly b.g of COI: or pkg RENi" C,PEMI ,`R SHCIRT BRE AD. PRE PRICED I fy Dare Mop Magic Floor Cleaner 9c Cookies 65c & Polish oz, or 1 Ib, bag *-62 oz, cntr. 11119 9c • SEPARATE COLD CONT- ROLS *MAGNETIC DOORS CONSTANT COLD RE- SERV E JAM *FROST-FREE. *FULL LENGTH HANDLES *'HOLDS 137 LBS FROZEN FOOD (with pectin) 2 4 oz la FANCY QUALITY Libby's Peaches of. to 19 of pkg. „„ c o", en , ate orange or Grapetrt1,1 Minute Maid NOY ED COLOURS Palmolive Bar both Soap 4 size bars yvhoe rn Assoired Vivallathroom Tissue 2 roll pkg. or Fruit 14 oz Cocktail u tins 0 .00 C- Juice 12 Oz. go 9c Now.,,.. 95 , FREE DELIVERY , Only 355• xx( . We Are A Certified 'Inglis Factory Service Depot 11` "THE, STORE WITH MORE QUALITY WITH SERVICE), " n AJJJ,,,I(JIr ED( 1)1 nuns Bero TiorScHICFH MUtt&J 9c Food rl tF , Dog 15 oz. tins CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KF SNF I Libby's Fancy - Corn 4 ns • WWII, nn ti .FP r EE QUEI-N P ROM, Coffee Creamer 16 oz. wilt. , Kleenex Facial Tis%Uie pkg of 200 .00 NOVA SCOTIA FROZEN PERCH - FILLETS TOP VALU 1S,T GRADE EASY TERMS CREAMERY BUTTER 1 lb print MUSHR M MEAT OR Pt AIN Deviled Ham, Chicken Co'ned Beet Underwood Meat Spreads ALL PURPOSE GRIND Mountain Blend Coffee 1 lb. bag 1,0LQUIRED Blue Bonnet Margarine 3„,:i.19 CLOVER vALLEv REGULAR PROCEa Cheese Loaf 2 lb, pkg.' 1 .59 Ragu Spaghetti Sauce 9 1.19 14 1/2 oz. jar 39c 4 3/4 oz. tin C HIGH LINER 'Flaked White Tuna 61/2 oz. tin AYLMER Tomato Sunbury Tea Bags 69c pk10 g.0 of 69c micas IFFICTIVE UNTIL CLOSII40 SATURDAY, JANUAllY MTh 181151 Tel 11110111 TO WAIT ITUATITMIS TO 4/111tIGIVAI011Y It011IMITALAITS Suppnod end Serviced BV IA Loeb Liffgad 27c Catsup 11 oz, bit. per lb !AiiiiNGERICirill Ltd. 110 ZURICH 236-4351 SEAFORTH 527;4290 ate IGA' the owners in' the sto re to guarantee your satisfaction every sho pin tri , • p 9^ p Seaforth 16A is open all day Wednesday ...and Friday night till 90.111. " GUARANT.EED HURON COUNTY'S LOWEST PRICES OR DIFFERENCE REFUNDED"' '