HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 4E, WILL 1 A WI 8
Ca tu mid h:O. o.
• • •
manity for Beforniors to abuse Censer- LiStowel•
valves er Conservatives to abuse time Hee% ex -1\1. P. P., of this town, .1 Menthe
A Detteme r. appointed customs collector at This week. Mr.Wreetillston. of the second
formers, by evening ono another of him been concession, picked sixty barrels ot apples
Wholu pi,Wer Stratford, to fill the vaeau.:.y caused by (rote
REIVEIST Philo.-- I AM te) 110 ituy friessii ;*ecention. when the
Casfue Nvuntl,ning exound thus eld !placed in the actions of the voters at the the death of the late John Hamilton. , were Northern spies. This is considered
one orchard. Forty.eight barrels
I ,,t.neti with tho tuvinuelettei rNe., polls. But so long asto who exereise Though there wore numerous applicants I A large yield this off-year.
' 1 t einchise aro feoliell enotlqh to Mt for the position, it has been pretty well Mr. Thos, Forbes has moved from his
• . 1 hi
ise •There is indeed no beauty iu at they Imo always (Ione, and Ministers understood for some tune that Mr. H 1
ess farm zu to el Ingham, o s
bish or. years.
t emor retleetion. be-'ev"
that this te ote att. nipt to re- would be the, successful candidute, so term for a term of years.
The robbish rinde us of the deeay form tho the druukard is of more importenee that his appointment will not cease may The council met in the town
; the pond, yLlthere is; room f •
lour reilt Canadian forests ; besides, z than the salvation of ecule, WO cannot surprise. October :lerd, 1808, pursuant to adjourue
there is no neeessity ot confining either expert mut+ reformation, Nay, uutil The Bank of Hamilton expeets to move'. went. Members ail present. The Reeve
. the mind or the eye ta the wreele, theltemper their assertious with a little to their new premises about the last of 1in the chair. Miuutes of last useettug '
levity it would be lu the interest this week. The offices have been very 1 rea nee weed,
_ a n — 1 :01:leer wools in t'leir autumn orese,
if many a them would remain tnstefully and elaborately fitted up and
DT trFo
whose leaves are quietly falling to th; a tozietY
tironsrM House
• grouud, reminds us of the close of human bllto
I Ph -)..OU ilri3 altogether too severe! large Cities that can boast of much
1 life.
firril;e07”rt';1. - Onb •
; there aro not many banks outside of the
in your Mimi:4 upon the clergy. Their larger Or better quarters. The workmen
• Philo. --The pleas„re which we draw
J. Ifrom rateable' upon the end of hi, earneat anxiety ram "labor of love," le :1 -hat have been eugaged in it from Hanl-
e- • tto elevate human suffering: and direct ilVen evideutly understand their bust-
- reereesesseeseeese.sse life can never be compared with the
happ'neee eltet springs from ameliorat- Man to a higher mid 1
nobler life. ' ness.
es+, iv re yn 41 ten efe ing the suffering of the living.
leeeette 1 e
temperance is ono of the principal ob- Dr. Dingman, while driving into town
. staciee that stands in the way, trod they . un the boundary ' east, Saturday night
leistus.—I have smell confidence in
!withia their power to remove it. i might have been seriously 'hurt. He
7-7...e.=.--- ----leaf and nature, and it s very teastue,--I object to the manner they ; was driving - along at, o. nice pace when
i mile if he eau have a deeper and truer i
! elIXDAY, NOVRMBIM 10, 181)3. to elevate suffering. It is; his buggy struck Some obstruction which
I intereet in any movement that bringo :arc takinS
happmees to man, by always mingling , surely the capstone of all humau folly i caused the axle to break, upsetting the
• .
; to affirm that lawielther divine or bulimia 1 bogy and throwing the doctor very
-----,e--------- I
e • Philo.--Yoar gront experience ought :will ever "reform mart." All that it can ; heavily to the ground, but fortunately
EDITORIAL NOTBS. I in the great throng.. , .
to enable you to give nn nnbiaesod opin•
question of the ,.. do, all that it has ever done, is merely ! he was not seriously hurt. The horse
Min G. IL MCINTCSII, t.,X^:11. r. tcr ,
- , interest is being taken in the issue of ;
hew deep an ; and mieery to which mane of our race i nese, as some thief had stripped it from
to pettish for transgression.
are reduced by this disgraceful traffic, it! the horse,
Philo.—When we see the degradatiou I found near the town WAS minus the har-
t ran Away after the aceident, and when
thieve, has been gneetted Lieutenant-
; You will eereeive that in the Province,
ornament le prehable, wale tariff bilk- •
ion upon the great
iovernor of, the North-Weet Territories. •
.A.s. early session, of the Doaduion 1 from me end to the other,
ring aud then an appeal to the people.1 . . .
lehe man -------------------------- ne mpay in eon. ; are fully justified in using all the means ! lest met with an accident by which he
On motion of 0, A. Howe, reminded by
Jas. Proctor, tho following accouuts were I
ordered to be paid i—Duff dr. litewart,1
lumber, nails and covering Sunshiuo bridge 1
70,71; 3 olio Mosley, plans and iuspecting
Braudon's and Martiu'a bridges, IVO; T. I
Maunders, culvert on 7th line, $2.30; Juo.
McCaughey, ditch and culvert on sideline
between lots 15 and 10, con 7, 620 ; Wm,
Cameron, wood to Murphy, 6.10 ; H.
Mooney, to pay for culvert at lot 12, on
5th line, 5;,:il. ; Blyth Standard, printing,
62 ; Jas. Marcludi, Eugineer's fees, 527 ; --- --
repairing culvert, 62.50 • Wm. Clark, ex-
Correotvo -----------------------.,1 -1N..,!:.trtet,r,•:.' I ''
tho Piebiecite. t appears very inconsistent that a govern- I J. S. Huston, a resident of Stratford
. Is m reported that e.x-Warden Joeeph ;
; Castus. -.Perhaps a deeper interest is .
: milt professing christranity ehould con- ! for twenty years and for come time en-
eck, of Goderich, will be the Coneerva- -
being titkon in it thio there is any ; tinue it, or any other law. which ruius gaged in the lite insurance business, has
ive caudidate for the Local Legislature !warrant for. !thousands of the very people they are purchased the McCormick bakery and
*n Wet Huron. 1 Philo.—I cannot understand you. ; sworn to protect. The very revenue; confectionery business here, tind will
,. they derive from it must prove a ousel take possession this week. Mr. Hustoa
,1•.' It yes been decided by the judges of ths Surely the suppression of intoxicating
Ito the country. Is there no refuge, no was formerly a resident of this town.
'Supreme Court that judgment in the 'liquors as a bea.verage warrants and jus-
retection from this fearful. sccurge ? 1
e.liteitobe.. sehool case shall be delivered , 'titles all the eathusiasrn we can bring to P
iCastus.—Those very friends of temper -1 .Brusseis.
,of the court. ; vt.,.etuz.—The Rulers have given you , perauca who are shouting for the cruci. I Philip Ardent, Richard Hingston and
softly iti the February term of the sitting! bear upon it.
fisinn of the licenselaw, are in too many 1Neil Miller were engageri on Saturday
. RtieESIX an analysis of the Canadian ! no guarantee that even though it were
!instances the very power that is keeping last taking down a dry kiln on the site
et.istoins taritt was prepared by the Gov- '. carried, that they will act in union. We
means eeeeeteo your : it in existence. This Upas tree appears of Ament Bros.' stave factory (recently
that the contention a the Liberals teat ; saideavours,but the method taken, is, we to,resemble the one in the garden, and i burned), when the wall collapsed, and
• eminent. It shows most conclusively do not by any
4the taxa Xeceiminates against Great believe, unjustifiable. ; so long as man continues eating theiHingston and Miller were caught under
Britam in favor et the truited States, P—lo.--eer, we w o take such a deep i
1 Phi --'' - h fruit or willfully continuing in sin, evili the falling timber. The former escaped
i itereet in the welfare of the poor un- , consequences will follow. The same .
i ; with a badly -bruised shoulder and back.
• ' Tire ineMbers et the Dominic) i Lieu. r
i .. e I
. fortuunte drunkard,will press our legisla- remedy is provided and it is very doubt- I Miller was struck on the hee.d, and it is
Resemission get each 510 a day for their •
i tors into passing stieh an act as will put *.ful if a better one will eqer be found, i. e.,1 ,
I feared hissk is4
tal ..actured. Henry
was correct.
services, 04 a day for of
expenses, a.„a an end to this great temperance question ;that, "The send of the woman shall I Wilbee. Mr. Ament's father-in-law, was
ihruise the serpent's head." I watching the men at work, and was
D..T. pinned down by the wall. He only lived
At the 0
This is to notify
you that your ac.
count at the bank
of health is over-
drawn; at this rate you
bankrupt, unless you take
wM soon be
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Ilypophosphites to
build you up.
It will STOP A. COMA crazzq
COZA, (ma cheers CONSUMPTION and
all forms of 'WASTING PISPASES.A1-
most as palatable as 1ifille. Prepared be
Scott ee 33owne, Belleville. For sale by
all druggists.
Selectors of Jurors, each, ; Clark. NI.; !I A <‘111?.WrIn.
peuses re 'Voters' List Court, $13.88 : I), 1 litptnritinrt:,,r •,,,a , •,:., • 1 (1) to
Sachsen,. gravel and repairing culvert,
t:71 tit:
tis to
3iii.i Tiii,
7.23; D. Fraser, culvert on south bouud-
ary, 12;6 H. Richm ond, pipe drain ou side-
line, Allan Lindsay, repairing culvert,
$5 ; D. Laundy, cleaning ditch, $4; How-
Iusurerce Co., amount on hall, 80
cents ; McKay nails, GO cents ;
t: all railwey well bus fares, lueluding 1 u11-
f tuutt cars extra. They obtain the valuable Castus.—You are very sanguine, but
, ittformation that prohibitionists are for , this great temperance question, es you ; Turnberry.
prohibition and anti -prohibitionists are
are pleased to call itThe following is the report of the
, has been .agitated I
against it. for more than thirty years, and whathas 1
standing of the pupils in School Section
lit tors in the been the result'? For tbe past tifteen :
'Co 6,Turnberry, for the month of Oc-
Tits ae et:
t years at least the friends or advocates of -
elispate over the outstanding accounts
!temperance believe that they have held tober. The names are placed in order -
betweentho Dominion and the Provinces
to shut out this great flood a . of merit and elm' numbers indicate the f
The saw mill was raisedlast Wednesday •
of Ontario and Quebeu since Confedera-1the key
, . Last Monday evening Lorenzo Frain,
-on has been signed and submitted to inivity, and have never dared te use it. ereamber of days the pupils Wendel
Grey, tied his team at the grist mill
the parties concerned. The provinces ' The only way Fourth class.—mie Wheelens 29 I
I while- welting for a load of chop. Some -
to judge the sincerity of ; school daring the month:
contended for compound interest cm i our in' eutions is by the goodness and I'''') thing started the horses and they broke
these accounts, but the decision allows . corsets; iney ot our aations. If, as many ;Sarah Johnston 16,;fessie Fyfe 17, Aggie ;
Mitchell 15, Albert Louttit 11, 'Willie loose and ran away. The wagon box
them only single interest. The e- imm of -ytei itssert, a large majority in the!
Prov -.es are in favor of prohibition, why Campbell 10, Mary Bryce 1
was left near the railway but the horses
- . d 1 Third class sr.—Vina Elliott 22, Tana and wagon were foundee near Mr. Frain's
residence wbere the wagon had caught
ces offered to settle on that baiss iu ; 1.
Alex. Eaket, ditch and culvert on sideline, Tkuto-,
525 ; John Miller, gravil on north bound- i
ary, 61.00 ; Alex. Baket, part pay for job
on sideline, $10 ; Jas. Moffatt, gravel on
north boundary, 61.50 ; U. Brickeuridge,
hauling lumber, $1; D. Agar, repairing
culverts ou centre sidelide, 620,50 ; Geo.
Turvey, timber, ; A. McAllister, re-
pairiug culverts, ; Jas. Cook, repairing
culvert, .1,2; P. Cantelon, repairiug culvert,
; Geo. Turvey, repairing bridge on
sideline, 08.2e; S. Fear, repairing sideline,
3; Gen. G rigg, cleaning ditch on,south
boundary, 151.; Geo. Grigg, repairing bridge 1
on sideline, ,5,i1; John Hewitt, gravel, 01.75;
Wm. Sholdice, gravel, 0.3.05 ; Geo, Bead-
mon , repairing sideline between lots 20
saral 21, con.r75 ; H. Sollars, ditch n'id
dealing road between lots 20 and 21, con. 1
3, 651 ; Warwick, work on old bridge at
Brandon's 62.50 ; H. Hopper, gravelling.
approach to Brandon's bridge, $5.90; H.
Hopper, culvert ou west gravel road, 63.75;
E. Livingston, lumber for Gallagher's
bridge, 61.08 ; Win. Martin, building east
approach to Martin's bridge, 60.50 ; Wm.
Martin, road- through field aucl4contracts
ou Brandnn's,aud Martin' i bridge's, 611.50;
Tanalstine, building west approach
to Martin's bridge, $30.50; R. Lang, balance
for 'building 'Martin's bridge, $528;
i,lartiu, wood to Exforde, 31.75 ; Misses
Exfords, charity, 37.50.
iNtoyed by S. Caldbick, seconded by Geo.
Kirkby, that by-laws Nos. 13 and 14, as
uow readi, be passed—Carried.
On motion of Jas. Proctor, seconded by
about an hour after being rescued. He
was 70 years of age and highly esteemed.
Mr. Ament escaped by a hair's breadth.
The new metallic roof is on Ament
Bros. factory. The work was done by
Messrs. Ballantyne &Wilton,of Brussels.
la% but their otter was rejected by the ; ha" not um y
1Keiley 22, Foster Fyfe 22, Lizzie He-
. ;turned mutt to our legislative hall of the t fast in it OluMp of trees making the run-
De.minion authorems.
!same opinion ? 1m •
Tan Dominion Liquor Commission 1 .e, o / Third class r.—Lizzie Bryce 20, Ida
-am sorry that we cannot see!
1 appeare to be taking great pains to get . I Homuth 22, Zora Wade 22, Mary Cow -
1 more eye to eye in thisgreat moral ques-
all the evidence possible adverse to pro- 'den 17, Edward Johnston. 22, Norma
hibition. Chen witnesses favorable to Blackwell 20, Winnie Porter 13, John
Castus.—e.nd .1 equally lament that!
prchibition give evidence the majority
- • 1Foxton 13, Hughie Johnston 22, Maggie
. VOli have failed to convince me
, a moral question at all. The principles , 1Yative clubs of the tillage. Everything
of the Commissioners raise every objec-1" . . . • ' McKinnon 5, Mary Duncan ''
tion possible to the evidence being Second class.—Lmma Hawk 1:0, Clara 3 promises a ommine and evening in Guthrie church. Rev.
tordeti,as well as brow -teat the witnesees i Elliott 17, Frank Elliott 16, Freddie „ . Mr. Hamilton was elected president. In
meeting. The ques-
ra- i of morality were planted in the human !,
heart by a- higher and.nobler power than: tion of the day, Protection -versus Free
in a manner that would not be tolerated i Elliott 17.the afternoon sessiou, an excellent paper
1 coersion. . , Trade," is to be discussed. The respec-in any court of lam Tim Commission I phi/Q.—Then you justify the oontiouee1 Part second ar.—James Kelly 190, read by Rev. Mr. Tonne, of Clifford.
has proven itself to be what the Temper -I i CharlieBlackwel114,Johnme Mitche1116,4tive clubs muster some excellent debat- was
In the evening session, Bev. Mr. Aull, of
t tion et the license law, which has been , . 1 ers who are well able to deal with the
Palmerston, and Rev. elr. Nugent, also of
t the means ot ruining thousends of our . question in its various aspects.
mice people always declared it was—a . g: war% Paxton 12.
huge farce.I Part second jr.—Netty Bryce 20, Lucy Palmerston, gave excellent addressees.
Tice Ottawa correspondent of the To -1 misery into the world than any ether ;McKinnon 21, Alice Little 13, Harry Goy Langsicte. I After some discussion, the convention was
1 fellow men; which has brought more,
V ronto Globe says that Controller Weed i lawever enacted. It strikes at e very t 15, Willie Kelly 16,Sarah Crow IS, George It is needless to say the weather is1 brouebt to a close by singing the doxology.
is doing all in his power to destroy the root of domestic and national happiness. Little 17, Mary McKinnon 3.8. 1 tine.
1 80
1 75.
THE LEVillili,;:41{11111ES
a s risoners They were none the I G. A. Howe, the Council thou adjourned
to meet again on the 27th November next.
W. Or.acit, Clerk.
A very successful Sunday School con-
vention was held here Tuesday afternoon
worse for 1 -mile run, but the tongue and
reach of the wagon were damaged.
A debate is billed for Friday, Nov.
24th, in the town hall, between the
Young Liberal and the Young Censer -
The Boys'Brigade football team played
the Mt. Forest brigade a football match in
riot passed at last session to allow Allied- nay, almost defies the laws ot both God t Part first, — Frankie Johnston 22, The turnips have been barvested,these
Pearl Stapleton 17, Bertha McKague 16, being only halt a crop.
an coal oil to be imparted in tank ear&
and mac.
lite placed the cities and a few towns in I Castus.—Can you believe that it would1 Maggie .Holmes 19, Eddie Elliott 14, The wedding bells are ringing—a sure
Ontario on the list of places where coal reform the ox to build a fence so thittIT°tsi:s7 Teese 14, Frances Foxton 12, sign of a hard winter.
oil may be imported in tank cars, alla he could not get over? Would it not lIcIerbie Elliott 10. Rev. Mr. Cobbledick, of Brussels,
and a half cf the popolation of Ontario :
said to the other million merely
vent him t but it would fail to change
be a mechanical process to pre -
was 35. Promoted from 3rd sr. to 4th in the Presbyterian church, on the 3rd
The average attendance for the month lettured in behalt ot the Bible Society,
then practically DiElt4111 CoinEcr
'You. thought Parliament granted you . his nature. I am draid you are treading i class—Vina Elliott, Foster Fyfe, Yens inst. 1°5
upon yKelley and Lizzie llomuth. , The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
11 some mitigation of the protection on Boal dangerous ground when ou. assert IL A, R n teacher.was dispensed in the Methodist church,
Mt. Forest last Se.turday, but they came
out behind, being beaten 1 to 0 by the Mt.
Foresters. The Mt. Forest brigade will
likely be over ebottiy when our boys 10.
tend to retrieve their fortuues.
As widl • ....drede of ininor ones in
..• y".1 will find.
not only rPtur......ii.d abundant in our
stock %ha s von stwil .1 itehortineut to
pick "froSi -3, 0 n.hntever pair ..r.ste or con-
dition ** ioir,o; poi can easily be
suited, N ..r oral! v I he first porehasere get
the best of I. The"' 13(1111. batter time to
purchase now.
Ws lewl in eNery .IPpartreent, styli es
watch. elork, wedding rings, lewenery,
'Repairing s -pestielty.
oil, but you find you are mistaken. You that the license system has been the
cannot import ia tank cars unless my 'means of ruining thousands. Can you
depnrtnient provides for inspeotion, and inform me whether it was the tree tbat1 Mr. G. Johnston has returned from
I have taken care to provide it in as few wits planted in the garden of Eden that Manitoba
placers art possible." Thetown of Harris- , brought sin into the world or our first .
Mr. 11. Edwards' new house is almost i
completed. i 1
Mr. E. Wighttnan has finished thresh- t A
ing for this eeason. q s
on Sunday last, Rev. Mr.Burton officiat-
East Wawarloste
ng. Institutien wbere none but boarders
Hovrick. are admitted; has been miming about 18
Mr. Edward Pair has sold his 200 acre, Years'
arm on the 9th concession to Bar. Wm.
old his farm on the 6th concession to Employs a very Efficient Staff
slettin for 87,300 cash. Mr. Ashton has
of Ten Teachers.
too applied though its Beard of Trade parents eating the fruit of it?
to be put on the list of glazes where oil Philte—But the Bible countenances
slight be brought in ha hank care and a fi6 tete removing of all stumblitig bloclm out
Arta underteok to do the barreling) but' of the way, and certainly you will admit
Mrs. E. Petcb, of Toronto, is the guese his son George.
put on t e s, a as us.—
lof her sister, Mrs. E. Ilarrison.
Quarter y wee ng o
they were told lIarriston could not be that this is one.
h t bee use it is not a t It is not necessary that it, ti f the Auburn The concert held on Monday evening
the %re°. men -11 Circuit was held in Dortnybrook, on t last, under the auspices of the Orange-
anstoms eatport, cresequently the ehoeio be, any more thee
aru ESnriday, and an evening service was held men, was a most successful affair.
inland revenues officer weld not author- tioned. You blame the law. Ad
it, importation at that point. iblamed Eve and Eve the serpent. Thusl
in Westfield church 1 Die Tuck enjoyed his visit to the
we all attempt to justty ourselves. There Preparations are being made for the' World's Fair Tee,* =oh/ and bas now
tolgramte• lig an old adage that says: "The Bible is
construetion of new bridge over the" settled down to hard work.
Send 25"Suulight"Sov wrapperVtrap.
Evangelistic eervices began in 13.1-• fiddle uPen which atlY tune can be" creek on the ;;-i;, opposite lot 37. t; oW to Get a "Soolight," Ilattle•
evening. The pastor is assisted by Miss upon it that is neither creditable nor Luoknow. per beating. the vrordse Why Does a omau
El. J. Williams, of Tottenham. The" orthodox. 1 haveheard ministers in the Lest There:day eight or early Prickly r, tt,(ViloZieSteort iFoar,t2totoau'lie;:trt
earvisi waft inteteeting, Mire Williems pulpit violating the lint Principles (Al burglars effected an enterence to the will ie eive by post a pre• tty piasters, free
palm Methodiet church last Tuesday played," Gila many a tune is being played
ewes/shin* from T'S11.133:4). The Sermon" temperance by using intemperate tan- stow °rum, emereeeet hereheere, were" from eceeeeesiog, rood well 'worth firruniug.
impreeerre. Meetings commence at Image while attempting to prerith upon chant. They secured about 5200 worth This le ari easy way to decorate your home.
tn. Everybody welcome. *filial it. There are withered judgments sitq or cutlery., 'The soap ie the best in the market slid it
will only eclat One cent poetise to send in
t be well ae withered arms. Neither is it
embracing e fel) course yearly, including
ell the F.nglis rauchee, Sciences, French
and German, Classics, Music, Drawing,
Crayon Portrait, Oil Paiuting. Ornamental
' branches, with 'Vocal and Eloeution, in
claws, es remarkably low rates.
This Institution draws students from
Toronto, "Montreal, Ottawa and the towns
and cities from Cauada, a% well as from
elew Y?rk, Chicago and other cities from
e tad States.
Por particulars address.
.11„ MISS D. A. HURD, Sectetity,
et Kt. Forest, is expect o
the wreppers. if yon heave the ends opeo
teed in the singing.. creditable either to Christianity or hu-Sobseribe for the ernms. ° N'frite your *dame oars y.
wantea I, the Wii.g`d lot l'iliotery.
85.0o PER CORD
1) -*d •Ielivswv.
Parties 15 • o•114 or ovewri.tiCabile
deliver •oiin snit hi,iatice in
winter. if dr,•,ir print.
Wingbant. May toile 1195.
J 13*, GliMiliNCS
Begs to hairnet.. tu numerous 01114.
telllars kW] whore that heintends
moving to the stand lately used
as boot and mhos store
Two Doors North of Post Office
where will be bawd a largo stock of
Musical Instrurnents,
Sewing Machines,
Washing Machines
and Wringers,
with all needed repairs,
Also a, full line of
Store will be opened on Saturday, July
J. 13. allidINGS
Willoasa, duly 2etk, '03. OM.
I 3
C -
E.The Publishor
*1ZOW ADVnirriSt
31ED4T51 3.?Olt
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