HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 3..,........ littinffijamitimes .... --Is P1JI1LlsrlsP- EX' FIiW y 01,OIi.NI13G --,AT 1;1414 -- )FF IQrs JOSEPHINE: STRECT INGH M, ONTAIttQ. lot# prlee, $I per year, tn. Adrienne. ADVEKTISING RATES; 1 1 yr, 1 0 me, i s mo. t I leo i 5 00 8xp 30 00 WI 212 00 • ife 0oe 25 00 0�^ 90 �3 00 2 02 00 7 0 4 00 V 100 rier aprtoalsntiton,sda, elieereciubsequet fices 20o, pec .,no for first insertion, and or each subsequent inaumee, No focal be charged lose titan 25o. :n7 en soP f Los t, Pound, , Stray ed ,S tuatl0 nasa Chances tYant)d, not exceeding 8 lima la per month Sale, not encoding 8 lines, month, 60c. per subsequent month. rues will bo strictly adhered to rates for local advertisements, or fo lode. amount and local notices without speoi$n will be inserted till forbid and charged , Tr n t n Y of y advertisements must b a raneeo for contractadvertkomente must be n by Wednesday noon, in order to appear R. ELLIOTT Peorcu von ANA Fenno to 10DUNALD, JOSEPHIIME STREET, TOWLER, J,t,D.C.H., ;geese, Physicians and Suri,•eons, Ontario -Coroner for County of I'Iuron- etairs, next to Mr Morton's ofRce, Wthg. Ifoons.-0 to 12 a. tn., I to 0 P. m-. or a't , Diagonal Street. A. MSIILDRTJM • nor Graduate of Toronto Univoreity, and of the College of rhysioiens and Surgeons of nd Residence -Cornerof Centro and Patrick stmerly occupied by Dr. Bethune, 'MUDSUxT ANSTONE. 4ltLUSTE11, SOLICITOR, Etc., nNo d Company funds to loan at lowest rate nd farm propertission y bought aMortgages, ltown -Seaver Bleck N'INouArt J. A, MORTON BARRISTER, Sec , Kingham �o„t . DICKINSON, Jaarlrister 14ute. OR TO Benz or 11AAfILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. -61eyer Bleck, Wfnr;hain. TrsT !t 1. Jb• . JE1tUb!>;, {VPNottAn, Is manufacturing Ufa '. .r Ct •r ur bn Celluloid u Iai Vulcanite d tl Plates, ate nl s Ge plates 0s o thet t re t as cheapstmaterraf Dominiothey can bew got a the. All work warranted. est extraction of tenth by the use of Eleatic. Vegetable Vapor, NOr108.-4 will extract teeth for 26 center kir e. : In Beaver Mock, opposite the H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. MASON'S fel-OCK Opposite the Queen', Ilotel, Hingham, 1I visit Gorrie 1st and ard Mondays h mouth. N RITCHIE, ; GENERAL Int/NANCE AGENT AM, ONTARIO DEANS, JR., tvixonArf SED AtiCTIONICEli:FOR THE COUNTY OF 8 attended In HURON. ate. any gait of the Co. Ohyrgcg IN CtJRII/E, WINithAM, Ona., ;NBRD Atre2'30NEAlt Fon tem tietneeY OF noRox orders lett at the Tutus Oiliest promptly attend Terms reasonable, ES Hl;Nrat SON, 82 AOo2P0NkaR VOA Qy, Tine%l eWikTthO Ii17AOtl AND aloe attended to promptly and on the Shortest get Moderate ed Sstistection Guaranteed, eeessary arruageotente eon be made at ea °Mee VINDIUM • Toronto, Members College Physierane and Surgeons, 'OriItrio. ' ONT.ttne 07 to I.40ar1 't On. 111( 04 rotes Diseolin$eC tE A S O NA13I,11; : ICA'PE S ' advanced on Mortgagee a } pet cent with unto collected the and of y year. Notts* R0731', >atpxlrli100• ;Tock win¢hant, Ont. W. s T. tea COLUMN. (coneverr llr Tna wountAt,t Fn,it•IOn.) areeletryry "ir err Clod awl Hume and iVative Land." Well call the attention of the mothers and slaters to the fact, that the ivouaaies Obristittu Timmer. ance union meets every Monday at three O'etoek ,bare, for on hour, at Mtr8, Genies residence, .Teat - rick street. .All ladies aro made welcome, Wo hold i1 monthly gospel meeting on the last Monday of every month, except when otherwise Advertised, to which ineetin we invite the public generally, Ae the Editor has kindly given us part et his seed itoni sof interestonon all mord sqof estionss 01 the day to any of our members. Several brewers have tessi$ed before the Commission that they sold more beer in Scett Aot counties while that law was in force than before its adop- tion or after its repeal. If prohibition improves their business, why do they ask eompHasatiou for loss of property and business should a prohibitory law be passed. If the Scott Aot unproved trade, why did they spend money in repealing it i • ^ it i In Nova Scotia a movement is on foot to secure a plebiedte on the liquor traffic. Manitoba has spoken, and shortly Ontario and Prince Edward Islaud will pronounce upon the subject. It was stated recently that the Govern. nisei of Quebec would soon be asked to provide for a popular rote. Is will scan be possible to know precisely what the people of Canada would like. If prohibition be demanded with a majority strong enough, and politicians will be politic enough to bring it in o . eration, p 'K d: * The Royal °remission are get- ting some evidence that ouiaht to have weight in the counsels of the future. .A man who for fifteen years ha.; been manager of the Waterloo County Poor House, gave evidence before the Com- mission last week. Ristestimony was to the effect that tlieaverage• number of inmates inthe home' during his time was eight'•five per yearend the principal cause that sent them there was intemperal,ce. Further than that the poverty of at least ane fourth of the remainder was due to the drunk. ennese of relatives. a s The chief business in this plebiscite 1 campaign is to show that a prohibitory law would greatly lessen it not entire. Ig, remove the evils caused by the liquor truffle. . The evils are admitted by everybody amenable to reason. Fven many of the men who sell liquor admit•that the business is bad. Any number of people, not total abstainers, are willing to vote for prohibition if it can be shown that a prohibitory law will in I all probability tY lessen tl the amount of misery caused' by intemper- ance. The point to be kept steadily . b_p f 018 the people is that in an intent - gent well -governed, law abiding coon. try like Ontario, there is no reason why prohibition should not prohibit, or if prohibit altogether, retitled the evils not to a minimum. * * yr There is one kind of a temperance meeting that ,all good people shnuld • unite in stamping out. We mean the kind at which sentences not any too serious or refined are punctuated with laughter. The ;iquor business and its consequences are no laughing Mate ter. Two -third, or tbree•fourtha of the crime of this country is produced by the liquor treble, the crime is not a laughing matter. Much of the poverty of Canada is caused by intemperance, and poverty is no laughing matter. :Hearts• are broken and homes are darkened by drink, and the man that Can laugh itt a broken heart or a dark. ened home is unfit to address his fellow men on any serious question. It is said that five thousand nten go down every year in this Dominion to a a) drunkard's grave and tt drunkard's doom. The man, Who with that awful fact etar°rng born in the face, can retail Yankee stories to make an audience laugh, encs sa , uas as little mural earnestness rigs the audience that laughs, et bile. -1 Canada Presbyterian * * * The immense expenditure of tilts flattens for intexiceting liquor and tobacco, is illustrated by certain pro. positions which the United $tater Goverement is said to be entertitining for increased tares on those Articles for the purpose of increasing its re. Venue. The tax on distilled spirits of 00 dents per gallon now yields a yearly revenue of $05,000,000, A tax en fermented 'ignore of $2 pert would yield a revenue from, that soueor; barrel, instead of $1, tie at present, of $64,000,000. To restore the taxers ea tobacco to wliat they were prior to 11388, wattle/ give $80.000,000 revenue. Ids else proposed to ntalia Same change •in the customs ditty en iit;,ne THE WIN( , ' `'311 ES '°VEi J3. {4 10, articles arnountitag to $4,000,.000, thus making a total audition to the revenue from these sources of $84,Q00,000. With this itloreese the total annual revenue from distilled and fermented liquors and tobacoo would amount to the anot'inaue sum of $245,000,000,1 Tvtaictl, it is said, would be sufficient to pay all expenses of government as now band leave a Suplue of nearly $50,000,ing inourred, aside from - 000. Women .l ave Ieongei Than Men, The well known fact that women live Imager .than ,Igen is illustrated as follows: The excess of females of all ages over males of all ages in Eng- land and Wales istonly about 8., per oent,lin round numbers 15,000,000, minus 50,000 to 14,000,000 plus 50,- 000) But who'll we begin to compare women over 010 with mon over (30 the female majority becomes much greater. and when we once pass 85 the old men are nowhere. The female nonogeuar- ieus nearly double the male;, there 854 women are o over 95 to only 355 5 m e and 104 gaminer to 42 gaffers whon' own' to a center Y--'4�esin minister Ga. tette. Rarkwsll's Bronchial liaison, Will cure fury Cough Cold. Bronchitis or Aathmq. fa her oughtful little boy asked his Papa, do men descend from mon- Yes, my boy. And what about the. monkeys? 1 And the puzzled father replied: The monkeys descend, my bo -thatisrthey descend front the trees! I Hobbs (to friend at Stuffen's quick 1 lunch): 1 say *bits, how's business? Nobbe: Great! Never saw suoh a rush. I No time to sleep and way behind on m eals. That was day before y>ester. day's lunch 1 just finished. Ranter ne Sxx HouRs..-Dtstresaing Kid- ney byand Bladder the "Great Southseases reved AmericannRide ney e surprise and delight to physicians 00 000- count of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief andcure this ie holm', drug storeyour . Sold at Chia, 1 OUR AUTUMN GIFT -To— Everyone of Our Readers. By lisherepi we ere enablal ewith d to makee every P one of our readers the possessor of a life -like 3 t of the ust da dtbele ed leader of then LiberaPartl from the latest and of Canada,. beset photogra phwhich the honorable geutletnau has had taken and is etched in a lifelike and thoroughly artistic n t manner, er TLaurier has receivedwhe enthusiastic erever be reception which sMan- L peered is evidence of the great worth of the man. He is the peer of the great leaders I apineau, Brown and Mackenzie, who though they have passed over to the great majority, still live in the memory of a grateful people. Mr. Laurier's portrait should be in the home of every Liberal in Canada, The portrait isprinted en a sheet of plate paper 18x24 inches and will not be for sale, only ouough copies being printed to supply souvenirs of iifr• Laurier's triumph- ant campaign through the Dominion. To save our readers the coat of the picture being Mailed to us and then to them. it will be sent directiy from the publishers. Fill out the blank below and send it to the publishers of the picture, The Montreal Herald Co., Montreal, with six Cents is atatnpa to pay for paokiug, mailing, oto., which will entitle you to re- ceive one of the excellent portraits of the most popular man in the Dominos. 'You will be pleased with it. 44 4 14 JCht' w cd N' N7 adJ ,$ Q, 4 a a n 4 93, 5 Qr i .54 _fi e ()Astoria is II:Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infante and Children, It co twaius neither Opium, 13 Morphine other Narcotic substance. & IAA 3kt Jit 3s a harmless substitute for 1T'aareg,oric,1Daopa, Seething Syrups, and. Castor .Oil. It is Pleasant. Its gtaa,rautoo els thirty years' use by 34fiiBlioazs oir'I' to 31ers. Cn,st obis dostro= fevcris 1.131 es, C mollis preventsAans .z. allad cures $'�1i1•Ti`T vomiting Sour Curd, eeca and, Wind Celle. Castoriq, relieves teething trentlrin$es, cures constipation and IIatulencyq Castwri1. acsimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, ErIvIng. healthy and natural sleep. Casa terries Li the Children's 'amaCeu-tit® Mother's Friend, C✓tctr5 w01ia. "Criteria isas excelllentmecllci_te for chil- dren. Elothorn have repeatedly tutd me Ot its good effect upon ;heir chaldron." Dh. G. C. O:'oom), Lawuit, Mass. "Criteria fa the 14,,4 remedy for childtron of which I am acquaeittvl. I hope the dayda not. far distant when mothers will consider the zeal interest of their children, „ad use Criteria in- stead of the various quack nostruire which aro destroying, their loved ones, by forging opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending Chem to premature graves." Do, J. F. EIvonnLon, Conway, ..r' Caasto '1a. Caatoria is so well adapted to children the, I recommend it assuperiortoanrpreseript au known to sae." rt. A. Ancua:h, M. D. 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians in the childrou'0 depert- rueat have spoke; highly of tholr o :pari• encs 10 their outsidepractice with C'aatoria, and although vas only Lave among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet TM aro free to confess that tl e merit, of Casteria hue won us to look with favor upon it." mimeo kiosrirsl. AND DraPSNaaltY, nasion, $Lays, 4 LLSOr C. Slum, Pres., TP o Cex tux Cotarinsy, 'T Miura 5r Street, New. $alittT i . ^.,nSn',li>:`G'atI'M• '-�v�'.--k".10: �� w, .. ' "r'� •. �vly "'F:R:,t y.Ckir,�e4r y A Business t;,d!•^ ���. Lo Tilaouburg, BIarch IStb, 1887. 1 8 1 THE CUI.jTIVATOR 1894 T. Milburn & Co. 81104 -Please thio at once Hires dozen AND theB. a opB, Sold Revell ent b t h' mal, v, a in I li l shop. Sold 0e '. t uiy, n T to -day. +V' 'Ni Ip GENTLEMAN 'roury truly, C. Tilnuasog. The above Rumple 18 butuuu of hundreds of similar ea,preeeious reu'ardieg B. B. B THE BEST OF TiH . .....-...---.E.0 asFlank: Were you nntllu:ly stupti,Nd. AGRICULTURAL. WEEKLIES you said, wh1 }+rcl5osrd? May Yes, indeed, 1 really hold all lint :;welt DRYOTRD To you up.Parra Crops and Processes, ---___ r iI Horticulture and Fruit -Growing, -A AT 1 Live -Stock and Dairying. FERI wile it also.includes all minor depart. want Great Papers Great Premiums. , a of Rural interest, such as the Poul- try Yard,Entomolugy, see-Keeping,Green• , house and Drapery, Veterinary Replies, Weare in a petition to offer The TPa1134 !Farm Questions and Answers, Fireside and the Fa! ' ni 1 11 • it crud sad• 1 ,u r to Y id V D ilea o iii fP, merit' Y. Stat, ; is Economy, and a gum, of Montreal, for oua„year for X1.75. This : Peary of the News of the week. Its. Mar. offer entitles the 0nhqurfbt r to a circler of 1 kmeU0Reattentapre unusually complete, and two great premits en givou by tits pubtice et • u is paid to t of the t upo 1<'unlProspects it v I •tbof 1 r a e al d. Cto l a 1 1 t ,• se , a as the eau' P ,owing nunwin l nq,1 „light ht u era rile Star Alruunao fur 18i) l it su >evb ' the most important gueations-when to book of 460 pri;ak, or i1 preferred, 0 onpy i buy and when to sell. Itis lib, con - of the great Family Herald :i<ruv,nir Pk' / trated, and by recent enlargement, l tura which retails at twenty mill ,rn, ria tains more reading matter than ever Pralnivaua- Alaunrt118 stud YlotnrE -.viii las fore. The subscription price is ,2.50 per ready about the end of November, ural will year, but we offer a special reduction in be forwarded in the ceder in whinh the ' our bnbseriptions are received. Subeeriptiotts jCLUB RATES FOR 1894. btoel itehepaftpeerr nIof ►y chbe<g,lcne aotf psreeuiu1us 'h»ondis- ; goad only to people who euh8cribe during two ubaorSubsciiptioua in one remittance, 4 the autumn. Afterwerrlo the titmice Will Six Subecriptious, do, do. 12 positively be veithdrewtr Ti,anbacriptious, do. • dc. x,rp positisvely name Orrice, lint f flee ell new enbeeriherq Mr 1891: ,a . g ru, Out. ' an„ 111 advance now, we will . n,t iho paper weekly from our reveler 0 the relnittauee, ' to January 1st. 1894, without charge. ' Specimen Copi,rs Pro0,. Arilres,, LUTHER TUCKER hA $O1V, Publishon:,, Albnnr, N,'Y, e BROIL, UNDERTAKERS,, WINGHA [, ONT. COUNTY l'UIi'DS TO LOAN. . 1 �i Os the ee0etrit ' et Cultivated Farm, Interest six per cent payable annually. Anr portion of the' r p tcipal may be repaid et any time the borrower Wishes. Ali expen0ee peal by the (mono'. No person except the Comity Audrtore alh„red to two mortgages or to know to whom money i, loaned. Apply to WM. Ilor.sts:s Godarioh, Aust. $ter ICO2. Co. tessera BAn OF' eery H.r~ Xx4 N 1V'I.A1G Ar • Oapital, $1,250,00. nest, $850,0100. Presdent-eeiotVice;l'residet t -A. G.`ierIoniser. ntalloTtnitis Ioltk Pltearvsa.fleas.4'I0nxstt, iYat 0t88ou It P, A. T. Woo*, A. 11. hila :(Toronto). , Cashion-J.'TURNaULr,, Sa '1ngs a3115-.4 02l6, l4 to s ; Sgttirrtays, 10 L neonate of el end upwards reoeivtd Arid interest Allowed Special r►eplsatta slab r188001 8i 08rraat rates of Interest. Drafts an Orem Britain and the Untied r8iatsa houuht and sold , i l'W,WOOD'S t _ :: ;...711..".4.2: • .4-7-11,4 d I i• Ich in the lung healing virtues, efthe Flue ' eembihott with the soothing and to pettorant'I proeettiet of other pectoral hobs and barks. oc3UG 1a AND ObLas ,t Hearaanes3, Asthma, Nronchltie. Sora Throat Croup and 11 T1gROAT, SRONCI55AI,and LUNG O DISEASES. yield prompt y' to they pleasant piny Syrup. Foliate 266. AND note Ogee Eitii'1'L.L'. sot.° by ALL likuetztare. .R PEliWzor et.0140 Fort y a$1fl 001fatt, ! Cfatt ar t} iii D'z r, Comer, Cd. Rin Ott. 1s. WII1 4 O1►T �.Saair , AtiCTIONETa E, r iSSI/R.Il OP MARRIAGE IG/0E1 MEYER it DI01 x1'1$01', CcuiMX8sso aks IW IL Cs ,, Etc.. Solicitors. t'ttroose two, Oar. A Blessing to very ouseb. ld. 1 HOLLOWAY'S PTL.... AND 01NT I,'hese rcmedtee havo Stood the test of tiny y)ara icc au,iltanel.vienceuse., Anti arra pa'nironncad the but TE: - 1.Z..t:�t �,r Parity tit) blood,'correct all disorders of the LIVER. STU11AOH, KIDNEYS AND 110Wlrltrq invaluable in an cemnlaints incidental to females of; all u, te, ill Is the only reliable remedy for burl kepi, seas, elvers, and old wounds. �iFOIL R15ONClil THu0ATS, COaJCtiIS, r'raLPS, 00UT, 1 r1lryi1ATt811 ULADVLgrt SWELLING'S Pi11t4Si*3 IT I3MJ ) R:870.. Ml0nUfactured nniy at 72, GL Oxford. I. 0%5 Muir I and sold by all II AS IV u Vendors throughout the world. , Ieato 6;15, Oxford Steel, f'Purbasera 011001,1 look to the Label on the 13 ti�9 net 51J13 Oxford Street, London, they stet! spufionfi, a. ea and Pots. It the aaddrO>i Severe Pain in houjder 2 Cured by The hel,:Wle t�� p I dStdt�"Mywitewasafictedfor two yearswith aseve aPainun er the left shoulder and through a die after mang, needles without settee says„bhvieql�w�and owing W Ibis cure hundreds oftheseplasterhe been old by ereging uasaaon.. SOIdycr J. B. SorxeaLAtra. Druggitr, River John, N.S. 4--r."--."-7.!•-...�, ywhere r 25C. each, WI N, G, HAMMARBLE R- 1ST 143 �yi �I n,'�`� .14.4n:ISRl AN S T N Kincardine have bought k *`} of Kine s7 t the Marble Business 0f Sir T T Watson, formerly carried 0a b - 14' , Parties reguirinr; work in their lino win do well hr to/lir S Smyth. purchasing. You will find our pries ore ;ewe. dons our workmanship IR` on teem of seeing one of their Agents botor' ut 117018/7 host stride 003 by square dealing hone to wore a upend 81111')) of the public T ' who has Weil running. the business for tile let ,re:,,, ill re,l AvItl110 tit) `WA .e illire0 non Watson,p.' I .iu patru,14ue. Dir. can An 1 see our stook and priers, l n the voce.. VA ti's:ONE' a>7iC)a, . :� rry Davis' PAIN* l Buy „„ NO OPE MEDICINE ON E. RTR Bottle is se ei5eac s fOn 8 Cholera. Cramps, Chicle; Dierrhaa, Dysentery, obcieraa Morbus, Cholera Infantum end alt Bowel Complaintalers �6, ” '• '"Ie J2.5 HIGH -class illustrated monthly magazine in the borne is err Inot'e a luxury. It is 0 necessity, anti to meet the demands created by this ne0eseity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it does, 15801 pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever Rltists, has stepped into the breach, with a reduction in its price that as startled the literatry World. The Timms, fully alive tetier needs of its patrons, has made speoiaat arrangements with this sitrterii monthly, wherebtr it will 1*t'Yiv< uixler•s TOV early subscriptions to both t'ttblicat•tioes ri+,rrlhjned for the 31117) O}" .. LTi. • 118eta. T ETI WJNG. AM TIMES S _._.._ -AND- The Cosmopolitan Magazine. Alt. A. Month. tin. The 3,rice of the great illustrated monthlies in the vas as and $4.00 a yew', ;zri<1 they were to be fund only ' past has been tions homes, our offer Iu]•Hislie:, a help to all fansili ,, in the more pretentious their means, t.t keep ill tr+0..1) with rhe ,r 1 t+tatter how modest ss The Cosmopolitan irrr,, to+i,rt• the strongest minds of the ;1•Ur}tl, t;5 est regular staff Of ,Bellies!, seed j ?+ any existing THE TIVES tagharar, Out, -., .. w,..:l_�r tn..,� S..].ii/"', "a7^V�.'�3J"�' y .,y r%• � •9'a.•�\ ri Ur1L00X0 ALL T14C comers atcnrtio..g or 1" f30WEL3, l:orates arse Liven, eel) 1„n0P1OriAbUALLV, Vrt7NOUTV:8.,8ar1• 3137E 1, ALL ree,'Vntrte:o ANO POUL ‘••••;.....4. s1Y THS 'CAMs attic COn,',;:;,T. K �I eery or ?WS *ToMACH, CUAi5 •'LfOURNl CS, bY71yc#.aiA, H5AD. *Cfi��r GrtZt*4i3 ', MtARTZUFIN. gW�rr3ATlQfl, etritUMATIA1VI, tri O Ptia Y,=z14lra AlBrRO>:3, JAUhiDJrlrr, ."SALT r+l•rEUtdr ERYSIPELAS, SCAo• FUL*, FLUTTaRlr413 OF THe HEART, faERV0u3r1s5l AND GENCRAL •Y r. Eli L I'1•Y, TNC5C Ano ALL *UVULAR 1;0M2L0)Ot6 8Urcitt. Vart.c'TO THC cotta., •'ivr INPLU*NCE or, acarsoGK Bt00D :rltTtiR$. Sh1eridan's Condition Powder Josephine Street - +&" -ghatp, ilntr J. A. nates,, Mount Forest. 1 J IV, St; iestewe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and business Men, Onloug or short time, on endorsed notal 01 to/lateral security,. Sale dotes bought at a fair valuation, ;kfmu.1y,remitted to all parte of Canada at reamtnieb.tr charges. Special Attention Gillen to Col - looting •Acoounits and N--otes. regents 7n Conada..'o a ;ii'orChants' Insult of Catnud,a Olifee 15Oure-le'ro n 0 s, to, t0 5 p, 10. A. Z. Aaeht HENS. KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS. strosff sad keaIthps prevents x11 DJseitet. 15 hi RDSortu'tkly sale for 11 Ott10111*, It011 e6neentra ed. In tan• ill 11 ko Lt. MaVAX 108 otant, $6, OtIrers 1. S. olirisolsacC0.41140a �, tar' Perseverance In using it will give Panel, even i8 cases of tons staad,Sg, where .i cure s`ena88 trep0ss16ie use Me seemed hardly worth swing Per Bottle,2300Aor o