HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-10, Page 1F
VOL. XXI.- -NO, 1133,
We have passed into stook n fine reeved
overcoats. Storm, overcoats 'ttut aeoby
well made feud well (rimmed dross over-
coats. You youug.nen %rho ore wanting a
fashionable, well fitting dross overimet will
miss it if yea do not see ours; comp in and
see them anyway, we do not think it ati
trouble to show thein to you. Our gent•
furnishings are ccnnploto in every line.
Sonne of the ,ewe: t things in neck wear,
knots awl derby... Our boot and shoe
stook was never o complete as at present.
The wet weather will soon bo upon us and
'on will find that, you need e new pair.
"Talcs time by the forelock."
\ .4\ .s..+.-f-yr'•+� SJ!i.lTARJ ,O,, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER EMBER 10, 1893.
--House to let ht
A.. Dawson.
--The mann who d
the door is very num,
%,ate-i1fr. J. S. Jerome
into bis new residence
Gr000riee uncal; our e5 cant tea is the
taik of the customers; three pounds for one:
dollar, fnvo pounds for one dollar and fifty:'
Ott seat
""'"'", crzW:" •...5 "; *„..r
Wingham, Apple to
esn't know the use of
is this week moving
on Centro street.
--Good and Cheap—Good tie= at x1.1$0
per 100 pounds. AU kinds of feed equally
as cheap, at A. H, Carr's, WingUam.
--metallic reefs ave been put on a
couple of Mrs. 1te,�it'3 cottages on John
Liar, Thos. Forbe , of Morris, is moving
•into his residence in own, which he recent-
ly purchased from 7r TT•",' eree,
—New goo q, , Ott- p sae sena, at the
Queen's Theta Block hardware store, ;einem
-.The electric ligh
placed in poistion
Lower Wingham ar.
supplied from there
ea''ae are asking how it is
in the price of wile
Direct Dry Goals Importers,
T refer, Oataher'20, 18e3.
Marriage. raceneee
Issued by lament Pearinsoa, No 23, Vo-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
wsa-eon ,,.c.y,..,.www••�
Rh, +'9
S S t;:1,.
atatalAloS. BULLARD
Ems deckled to open a dress making busi-
ncss,,at her residence, dohs street, opposite
Queer's Hotel. S etiefaction, gnarantoed.
Apprentices wan ted. em
--Cali at the Star Restaurant for a big
assortment of fruit. JAs. M,Ii_0Lvie.
—Don't fail to her Mr. John R. Clarke,
in the Methodist ell rah '
—Flake barley incl peas are the latest
soup cereal* at Ca •r's.
Mr.. Rebt, Ilia is able to be out again,
oaten his recent ilio iaposition,
Mr, John Da, idson, who was serisusly
`illwith typhoid fe r for some time, is we
are pleased to see, bis to be around. again..
'.Try the new raisin seeder, only 15 eta,
a<4 Griiiin's Grocery..
--At the Coon it meeting on Monday
night, Chief But rd was appointed tax
eollector fol`, the t wn, and all taxes aro to
be peal/dare De ember 4th.
--74eajahrt Ale ander, of Toronto, repre-
senting the St. Le n Mater Co., was in
town this week, in the interest of his firm.
He says Winghaen is the best town west of
Guelph for the sal of St. Loon. .`
Messre; Geo, .Ornicktmerric and Those.
regory's sale of ale, Tuesdey last,
a half, Mr. Peter eame the
told over sixty he 1, two year . old: 7 steere
from a30 to aen en lo and COWS- froze. 028 to
—Wanted, 10 to 20 men te out coalettoea
and, saaeloge. Work to el:lune:Ica et once .
Geo. Tnotioa,
Stratford Her. Conch:toter, :Snider
Toronto 'ahem:lay eater montli's holidays
Whia he spent is eastern cities preaching
end earryiug on evangelistic work. Mr,
Snider denies ttr he had any thought of
leaving the Grat Truk mud devoting his
thene entirely to vangelistio work as wag
t °petted reedit Ile feels that it would
Injure ence for good were he to
leave the's:can any end ge out as an evan-
gelist. Betas the arena Truk has been
very kind Min, never having refusea
him tattoo Nonce for the putpose of
dynamos have bon
the power house in
the lights are now
several exchanges
tat with the decline
, bread sticks ton-
-a -lonely to old rato, The staff ef ilFae it
cornea clowu by nestallottch,
—Watches, cheeks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by Ileesee
Dace Meyer Block, Wingharn.
--The Indian Sumn is a period of late
eutumn, characterize by calm, dry and,
hazy weather, The eine is due to
fact thee this con Hon Was specie*
nett:ea:21e in region chiefly ocemplea by
Indians at the time t e term MO itleCOdUO.
_The Teems will be sent to any aadress
from now till the let of January, 1895, for
One Dollar.
--At the tneetin
of the iVingham
Tuesday evening 1
tonaled to Rev, Mr.
to boome the past
pit:talon of Rev.
July 1st next. • R
present the Prosi
of the Quarteriy Board
Methodist church, on
st, an invitation was ex.
Cunninghoexeof Guelph,.
r of the cherch at tile ex.
Sellery's. third year—
s,. Ur, Cunningham is a,
nt of the Guelph Co'
—01.50 easla. will seoure Tan Trues a,nd
Toronto Weekly Globe from now till the
Levi Jannary, 1895. Subeeribe once.
John E. Da
the firm of Davis Br
Mitchell Advocate,
is, senor member of
se publishers of tbe
asset( over to the gteat
majority on the and inst. r He hacl not been
enjoying good hold forthe past few yeers,
and was not in a s to to withstand an
attack of typhoid fe er. Deceased and his
brother It. W. Day'
hipd ;been .associated
ie the publication f aliaeasasayeat4
April, 1800. He as latilliaaaaa's .staaa,Vael
Attie the eldest rother 4,:"Iarea al. Devis, of
—For first-oleas tailoring thud cheap'
gotta !fureishings, try :Webster sa Ge.
of tile al.st stand and betweeaageeeabook-
-A meeting of e directors of thetaing-
ham Mechanics' Institute was bela
atonday last. It as decided to plaee the.
daily Melt on th table of else Reading
Room, as well as t Cosmopolitan and the
leaview of Review a, otalphe of popular
monthlies. Thor ere now on the tale of
the reeding room Ye a six daily papers,
about the same n inber of monthlies and
sotne thirty or for y weekly papers. It was
decided to continu the membership fee at
fifty cents per an um, which eotitio the
holder to tlie rary and reading room
,prielleges. The ading toom is free to
retideats of the t wn, and is open front 2
to 9.80 m. TI e appointment of Master n
—There u seep on that the summer
foliage is on a teal of bsence,
—New Hardsvaae Store, Queen's IloteI
cs,II to leev, Robert ,7 hnaon, of Lindsay,
Ottawa, Presbytery s _confirmed the call.
—Gael' for good butter and eggs at It A
Graham's; merket grocery,
—As will be seen y reference to Town
Council prooeeclings, t heels decided to
street as far as the
The work will be c
eTea--..ely resolution
passed. ;.a. last mee
pat the Cm sew Bel
aVinghane. it is a
By•law will be laic
its next meeting, eating with the matter.
eutonter weather
ion of Ms resid
John audlarands
will begin the brie
—The Queen h
ing the violin Ind
with a handsome
—Court Circul
—We have ma
go' now offer the Wee
11.1.50 per year. T
a east along Patrick
ipes hand will
aa soon as possi
the Towu Coulee
ng, it was decided
statute in operation
gether likely thee
sefore the Council,
boiaace of this
to Thi shoula be the
—Guy Bros.
ed house ou Mond
town halt) This
crowded bcauses
(soden ou Monday
and the exude playa
first-class. The W
jeered it immensely.
g beautif al WWI
at now,
regor has the found-
etreets, completed, and
work shortly.
preeented Miss Nora
ly had the honor of Ow-
l:slier Majesty at Osberne
almond end re by brooch.
spodal obibb ng ar-
e Toronto
ly GI
'rthers, the
will be given fre.e.
p reading surely,
the Oremas Hotel. Letest oleo, good
'sae alwitys firetolase fit.
—Mr. Frank Din y. 600 of alr. John
Dinsleyeof this tow hart his right arm
pretty severely jam ed while coupling cars
at Berlin, on Wed sdayof last week. Ho
will shortly abl to resume las duties on
the road,
eeraaThis week, pl. te glees windows are
being put in the st res in the Stone :Mock,
They make a grea improvement in the
appearance of the lock and will :laid great-
ly to the comfort o those oceueying the
'—Several partie living on Diagonal and I
Francis streets ha, e lately had theta gates
taken away, preen ably as a Hallowe'en
tricle. Those wh took them same' ate
known, and unto the pees are returned
before Monday n xt, other means will be
taken to secure t eir return.
Mr, John ickson, eaecutor of the
estate of the la,te obn leas disposed
cif the Immo and I -t belonging to the estate,
situated 00 Alfred treet south, nearly op•
posit; the woolen n ill, at a fair fi,gnre. Mr,
Jas. Dooley, who b s occupied the house
for some time, was the purchaser.
Fond, Al,0—.4k. number of thorough.
bred Young Roosters of Silver Wyendotte,
Black Lengthen, Black Spantsh and Brown
Leghorn breech:. Apply to John A. Barn.
rd, Wroxeter, or It. Elliott, Winghana
WXNGECAM.—W. 'Watson, Pastor. SOT
ices each Sunday at 11 a. ta. ruler p. m
alebath School and Bible Class at 2.30.
raster Meeting every Wednesday
t 8 TY. M. Christian Endeavoe, Friday
venings at 8 p. All made seeleome•
!: men." apo, your; people: ".A. strange it3
&Siren sinners of the Bible," 3rd or
played to se pack -
y sight last, in ,the
troupe always draw
on was a good one,
by their band Was
—Last Sunday, is Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was a spensed in the aVing-
ham Methodist dui Is, Intim evening, a
reception service we held, when those who
aad joined the °bur by letter, during the
past quarter, were f media introduced by
the pastor, and thos joiniag by conversion
were presented wi the rules of the
—G T It trams M Toronto mid east
leave Wingliarn O. " m told 11,20 m.
awl 8.45 p m. via. Clinton cad Guelph.
Good couneetions by ell traius.
.—On Tuesday eve ng, socia'ble wes
given in the Forester hell, by the mem.
bers of Vern Lodg, No. 10, Lady True
Blues. Tbere was e oofl attendance, and
a programme of nuns and gemes was well
carried out. Refresb ems were furnished
in abundance, Mr. 3 McConnell, of
Windsor, delivered e short address and
very enjoyable evening was spent,
—a. circular has en sent out from
there that undelivered newspapers cannot
be returned free to th offices of publica-
tion, bub should be se, t to the dead letter
office. Particular ca e is also enjoined
upon post masters in e matter ofrsample
peakets," containing aleles for rale which
are not allowed to pas at the sample tate,
wheiathey cootie's). a ergo quantity than
reasonably be equirecl tot sample
4.4)n Friday evenii g last, the Bev.
W. :teaser gave a ver interesting talk on
Caine, be the Prob edam thurele under
auspmee of the omen's Foreign Mis-
ntereseina one, and:west listened to with
apt attention by t a large audience. Mr.
Fraser spot th ee years in northern
Chine and spoke f m his knowledge of the
people. .Before e lecture, solos were
given by Miss Ho uth and Mr. H. Park,
and severtd select -1 as were given by the
—Private moneyelabsloan bit Mortgages
reasonable ratnati'brerefit. ' Apply to
Tuesday ev ulna last, Mr.
McConnell, of W' also, delivered a lec-'
ture in the town b 11, on the subject, 'Pros'.
Mr. A. Musgrove templed the Obtdr. The
iecturer urged the rieceseity of Protestants
tatithig to secure nd rattan their rights,
and the placing 11 ereeds ana nationalia
ties in Canada o -equality. ale spoke
strongly on the . eyttrete School question,
and said that th ietelligenee of the coun-
try demanded 'r abolition, and that the
new petty being o med in Canada would
ever rest ut they were abolished.
ouched upon ome Rule Ireland, and
id it meant me Lew, ire wee not
iberal and Coil rvativ parties, end urged
at all should rew off their party ties
nia go in for p nal rights for all. lir.
Yens, of Perld 11, seats to have add:merged
o audience ars bat he failed tepat 111 en
Tnesday, Nov.
uselmnents. Lot
auks let 12 &dock,
proprietor; G. Barto
Weduesclay, Nov.
implements. Lo
4th—Varm dock and L
con. 10, Turnberry. th
barp. Thos. Appleby, a
5th—Farin stock boa th
Diluent, proprietot John Farrow, tetne.
‘Veclnesday, Now 5 I —Foam stock, Lot
38, con. 0, Boat awn:lode Sale at 1
Currie, anetioneer,
aly children heats bon treated with
Scott's Emulsion trom their eatliest years!
Om: &racket first recommended it and
how whenever child takes cda my wife
immediately mortis to this, remedy, whit%
nlways effects a cure.
Mr. Those 3.
M003 expense,
Quest of Violi
ceniber 28211,
Jess Vex, Mar
;a subserietiim
• there are onl
Parties who h
will please le
Drug Store or
parties will h
plan is opene
Ions:1i Cancer t.
Mies) Nora Clench, the
te, to appor here on Do-
ha will be teasis.ed by Mr.
ist. Mr. SOU bas opened
list for tnis conceal, and
fesv reserved seats left.
e not got their oats ;secured
s their names at Willimarle
ith Mr, Scott, and those
ve preference of Note when
Quertette Club. r, Macdonald oosipied
.the chair,
PO S011o/O.
visa to Evanston; I
Rev Mr. and arts. itepatriek, of Undo-
wooa, are in taunt at ,present an e visit to
the parents of the or.
Mrs. johneton, Godetieb, wee visit
ing in town, thia wee
Rev, la. W. Fraser, Treherue, Mani.
totes, who conducted the aereices im the
Winglisart Presbyterin church very ac.
ceptably to the resat wo Sebbeths, left
for his bonse on Mond last.
Rev. G. F. Settee, to erly of Brut:eels.
and now stationed in tratford, received
the sea intelligence, the .ther aay, of the
death of his tnothet at he home in Mail°.
peol, England. Mr. Sal.. as many friends
M Winghate will sympo, firm with him in
hie trouble.
Broods Post : J iildne has gone to
Winglihm where here wil work at his frit&
as teilor. Ile will be toed from the
Methodist Sunday oho 1 oreliestra, where
he played the flute very joist.
lireLaucli caul Mrs. R.
Elliott spent Wednesa Blyth, the
guests of Mrs. Help&
of Wingliem, sees he 01 nton hot Friasy.
Residential Acaae y, Toronto, delivered in the
en address in the arn hall, on Sunday follows: Monday
afternoon last, on eConvent influences; on subjece: "Gough i •attmor. Dialect
alayor Gordon occ pied the their, and the instant; subject: ' be Peso, (Mantra*
hall was coeofor lay filled, The rev. and Thietleat Mr. 'I the will aleo give
gentleman, homalec hie subject well, end. celebrated Gospel I perance seta:1mgal
pointed out the ovi influences of convent the Methodist cbut .1 , on Suutlay ey
lite upon the Prate taut young ledies who the 12th inst. A missioo to. . Jotter
attend: those place of learning, and the Double tickets 25 ,; eingle tickets;
neeessite of Prot tants supporting their Childreie 10c. The ley. Jam 13. Clark
owu colleges and s nods. The lectere was lea. .A.., of Port Hop Ont., efter John
Academy in Tor ate. We 'understand, Humor and BIoqu yea" is a grasid prep
left, Demill 'secured everal student: tor his auction. In fetich of diotion, io compatee
cone Idle ha tow of thought, in riche. ss of foamy, ae ' _
n Friday even eg last, a loclge of the ea Picture and in I quaintly of " drolley'
organized M town b Mr. Taos. Jaason, If eon have the Wm:, ge, hatte. it nod t
D. D., of Clinton, as istea by Bros. Watt cured. If you have 't, go, as- alga essersce
and Bebinseu, of inton, and Bros. A. on Gough is the bo preventetiste I have;
Wooaman, Geo. Sue 1 and several other neat, aneleheity at a y price. '
brethren from Lond shore. After organ-
ization ceremonies hi. been completed, the
following officers wer elected for the pres-
;W. Pees., E. C. °lark • GaVih.Vr: P;.s.,cTilhaops„. ___Dlult Enn.oxtr_,
ton; W. Treas., J. W,
Manuel; W. Ito. and
turday is usually an
, Reba Meelow; IV.: anxious time. fa a m
with a good °bort 1 s ,leanldisgetobset4.1reatscetfu paration for Sabbath veorkas being focussed
as Torquey Lodge, o. 10L. The lodge i into poition, kuotty taileas -made plain,
wait meet in the I. 0. . F. hall on the 2nd Arlgio.sazon. u_suo,
and 4th Wednesday of ach month. y ministeas dislike
1cent:re on that day. Book Agents naig'at a$
----Understanding th some persons of
late have became afflict d with that terrible I
disorder of the mouth, called scandal, we : dents, ne leieelmen d vicinity gave no
would give them the fol wing prescription' heed to „II t'^h7s on S. a
ually but surely, the ' male their way into.'
the directions *they w II never regret it : the v ry
e citadel o - one of our pester'
Take or good watarc, one mice; of an herb
called by the Inaians, es
which he deposited, for themonee, oa , the
a, little •Isirlifie anActil. niill.be a for tun. i afte.rwaras, by aim her sack of, the, . -
Application.—The syn.* onis are: A yio- . artiele; ana these t m soaks bads ' '6 '
.need to talk eith mob oth
lent itching of -the ton e and. roof of the
mouth, which inveria,b1 takes place who: me on the s ene. From li
you are in company -wit a spectes of ai
mal called gossips. WI 0 you feat e lit.. -!2a
the disorder coming on, take a tableetsoon- : vegetables' bread" celeasides severel 'YOU :
•t in yntn! ,ini.ont.71),: neat end eppiesprett
..ely seetatwebn using. The secret
ttleful about you,
choice cur Tea N..
Wbolessee—Gordon te McIntyre mare a,
eew teas, at jobbers prices Now is,
am tune to heeure %our tette.
fa gifts for seearinalm.- d
ful of the mixture, hold
it all -was thetifitas an -
which you will keep el
Revaand Mae
get home, and shoe]
relapse, keep a small b
ee bleesed to give
close. Any further info'
this simple cure, may be
pastor in the place and ,
44 Gossip cave.
Nov. 4th, 18m3. sited is Um wish et yeer
sem time attempts tO
my kind friends, thae .
chrirell held a very seem
iteuiug life's journey.
ing meeting, on Wednes
le later arrivals coming .
mild et, the cad
them alte .a is
'et More
mei by odarassing, it is blessea to'rece
Donee. in the lend be so tr
the Preebytorianacel)..°thatik ;mewed,
snit Thank4-offeli,,,aseetee Inatilas to the
ay, Nov, 1st. Tat; *P'S'tiniPatinit, in br
Mrs. Hutton, being assis
al exercises by Mrs. Dic
man, and Mrs. McNabb
McDonald and Mrs. CM
opes and counted. the o
to,ry reading the texts o
comp:ailed them. The
iary are tendered Mrs.
the meeting and proper
very interesting paper,
"Woman gleaning In t
many ways elle w
Woman's work in mi
need, also the diftere
she on acomplish so
miesion work, when s
ea the etanderd of et.
61121;3', and seill not res
ed the world is
reading on "Potties
,Socisties," winch 00
good suggestions f
ttitchie, of the Con
lag present, gave a
ulatitig, the: Society
meeting, aria Wialth
verity. The diode
the oleo of the rn
hers were added.
d tn111° "vain' truth be true with
b00, Mts. Wight-- tbet seettaete end
of Luckuow. Mrs. ,
seripsure that aa, IA liantlelien
pinq will curs kreadache Biliousness;
• Sour Stomach, eta try them once and
eXable the Pres- yoo not use any other. Priee 25e.
so kindly attentled ; box, at all drug stores.
n the subject of !OHS is the best Family Liniment la the
e showing world. Instant mire for Sprain's and
ra eer toe master, bruises: Beware of imitations. Ask or,
of instances al 8airmlf English White Oils.
e sets this beforc: hera will cure the worst cold. atundreds of
Hence et sthich NtvOiSiliMpoosgitilavieslytestiofyrteoftlintdset
entil sin is Yatiquislt-
I Heeling Balsam bees not do all that is
on for Catist. The: eieleaoe tot se.
Dr, King's „Itodlent Disitov.
work in missionttry ery is the great blood purifier. Vt. will
C)- Malts the blood pure and k
mentbers, Mrs J. Cures dyspepsia; and all toms
ranoented to 042. At '
tibg seven new mem- t Roglish Wit
the pleasant flavor, gentle action and geode.
ing effects of Syeep of Pigs, when in need
of a laxative; and it the father es:mother be
coetive or bilious, the most gratifying te-
belts follew its ao, ea that it is the best
family Medicine knoWn hod every feMily
ahouli have a bottle,
Ictisreg*s 'Worm Pon -dors.
Or. Ring's Distskv.
e all tallith% medal
priettors patentee
ease sat 2nosey refund