HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-03, Page 5ng it with t is remark - r Cod Liver osphltas re a Cold, and its earlier stages ,ting Diseases, itis almost ,owns, Belleville. 1iI ET:i. weather r, i808 0 healer, $100 to 100 54 to i5 54 to 55 27 to 28 Si to 35 50 to 50 20 to 20 20 to 20 14 to 14 7 50 to 1 75 trtauto 600 ;oto 35 5 0 0 10 00 40 40 t0 ,RriccEs ee' or minor ones in ry line you will find nit abundant in Our ;lr an as;ortinent to ler your tate or cou- ie, you can easily be a first purchasers get is not a better time to apartment, such as rings, jewellery. LUNSHA.W. ghnm. MM TED. 1E HOOK BARK inlratn Tannery. CORD 1 on delivery. i cards or aver• can mer and balance in id acme price will be TANNING CO, • 1S)3. DINGS a his numerous eus- rs that he intends stand lately used ad shoe store th of Post Office and a large stock of 5tr1nmexits, ig Machines, rachines Dd. 'Wringers, L'eietl repairs, full li o of SUPPLIES A. ? STA 'f) ER `. eel on Saturday, July J. D. CU tMI11G'S 4 At ilk 3* �Cforrie.. A. gravid ccioert will be given in the Town ht?y#, on Monday avenin;; next, November 6t11, under the awe, picas of L. O. L. No. 767. The fel, ]owing talent will take part ; Mr. Jas. Fax, 0anadtt'e greatest comic, of To• ionto ; Miss Nora Gibsou,elocutionist, of Ohia:ago ; illi. L. Chapman, chases ter vocalist, of Galt ; Prof. Kremlin, violinist, of Listowel ; Miss Annie Perkins, pianist, of this place. The Gorrie orchestra will also give several o r' selects nae I41 ..Illf ix. ii1olC.ay, M. P„ of Hamilton, will occupy the chair on the oecasion, This will be the concert of the season, and it should be well patronized, The merchants of the village have agreed to close their places of business each evening at eight o'clock, except Saturdays. A very enjoyable social was held in the Methodist church, on Taesday evening last. .brussels. Mo,•Wm, Blashill has purchased a comfortable dwelling from Mr, Jas. Walker for hie son James. who has recently taken unto himself a help- mate. The price paid for the house and lot was $400. Mr.. Uobt Laidlaw, of Kansas, is visiting hare, It IS about 10 years since Mr. Laidlaw removed from Brussels. He looks es if the Corn his family to Wroxeter. State agreed with hila well. -Mrs. Rev. Mr. Moffat, of the Bible and Laidlaw is also hero. Tract Society,pre ached in the Presby - The Liberal club will hold its first terian Cliurch, both morning and even- meeting on Friday evening at 7.30. ing, last Sunday. The Methodist and The grim messenger Death claimed Presbyterian choirs furnished music. another of our old residents over to the M. 'Albert Bailey and brother Will greet majority on Wednesday morn- have returned from Conn. . iniz. Heart failure is said to be the Mrs. ;gra Barclay returned to her cause of her decease. She had been home in MichiganlastFriday. ill for a number of weeks. Mee, Wil- Mrs. MeNevin, of St, Mary's, is ton was a Canadian by birth and has visiting her mother, Mrs. Messer. resided in Brussels for upwards of 35 At tilelast meeting of the Foresters, years. It will he a matter of surprise a committee was appointed to make to many to know that she had attained arrangements for holding a concert the age of 69 years, 1 month and 25 some time in December. At the same dr..ys, as she was an active woman. meeting the following officers were She was the mother of three sons, elected: Robt. Shaw, 0. R.; A. Mol - Jacob; Samuel and William, and one fatt, V. C. R.; Albert Hughes, Chirp; daughter. John .Burgess, R. S.; Jas. Elliott, F. Mr. Jas. Walker is having his car- S.; Geo. Aiteheson, T.; Peter Moffatt, riage shop veneered with ibrick. ; S. W.; B. Leathorn, J. W.; John Mr. Wm, Richardson in now miller Spence, ti.. B.; Thomas Cornelia J, B. in charge at Stewart & Graham's mill. T+. 7' r r-F.11E 1'Mi INGUAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 8, 1893, z.•ower Wiragitam• The following is the report of Lower tivIngham Public School for the month of October. The report is based on regularity, punctuality, good coutluct. and diligence and names are placed m the order of merit: Fourth class sr. -- Nellie Beokett,John Murdoch. Fourth class jr..--Jennie Dey,I1ab1e Halstead, Milton Graham. Third glass. sr.— Mary Kennedy, Eadie Welsh, Jaines Lockeridge, Nellie Martin. Third class jr,–.-Goorge Ansley, Egerton Welts a wood, George Johnston, Minute Camp, bell, .Benson Cruickshanks, Vary Mc- Donald, Nellie Graham, Fannie Green, .birdie Johnston, John King, Annie Patterson, Maud Netterfield, Jennie Campbell, Julia Linlilater, Rhoda Elford, Lizzie Potter, Walter Welsh, Annie Currie, Annie Nevins, Melissa Findlay, Finnic Gilmore, Arthur Mc - Dwain. The average attendance for the month was 53. Wer. B.Al4TLT Y, Teacher. Biuevale. An open meeting, will be held in the Temperauee Hal!, under the auspices of the I. 0, Ge T., lodge, on Friday evening, 3rd instant, Au interesting programme will be given. Rev. J. W. Piing is attending the World's Fair. Mr. John Harris has removed with Londesboro. Mr. .James Manning and hiss .i,.tawday Young returned from New York, on Friday. Misses Cora and Gracie Newton, of 1Vinglaam, have .beep. visiting; here for a few da; s. Mr. Thos„ Adams, of Seaforth, his sons, Robert, of Winthrop, Nohle,of Hallett, and Joseph Dor front near Seaforth, were visitiug R. Adams on Wednesday of Bishop Baldwin on Temperance Taken Seoul his paper on 10th Century Preaching. 'IWe need a ministry thoroughly alive to the great work of temperance reform. One of t.he, great questions of the day, now thundering at our doors,which no sophistry eau answer and no indifference overlook, is that of the great subject of temperance, in with relation to the Church of Christ. In the face of the awful and acknowledged evils and of the liquor traffic, the untold misery and ranee horrible crimes everywhere ;resulting from Mi' it, it seetias to me it is uot 'merely wroug, last . bextreme for the Church week. ut culbl pae iu the to stand apart in cold and Haughty indif-, The first meow of the season fell on fereuce. The liquor traffio,in the eloquent Saturday night, lauguage of ylr,i Gladstone, • combines There will be an entertainment given' witbiu itself the united evils of war, pesti- under the auspieee of the I. 0. G. T. i leuce and famine. The bitter cry of out - Lodge, in the'Tempernmce Hall, On the i cast Londoners which has aroused the evening of Thursday, Nov, 9111, by Mr, sympathies of Eugluud, aur. quickened its R. 0. Pearce. ventriloquist, and mew. ! pity into mighty activity, isouly the same hers pf the lodge. Come and spend :sad bewailing cry that is rag up from a pleasant time. Admission .l 15 and I nt every laud, wherever this devastating 10 Dents. I trafiio rolls onward on its course. Every Mrs. J Walker and Miss Rachel i t we ministers of religion west Has the Young were visiting in Morris last' dayhiudrance, uot as the help,to the Re - week. I dee mer's cause. We find it 'emptying our Miss Mary (Till died on Saturday churches, while it fills our jams ; devastat- and was harried on Tuesday. Site w� our homes, while - it,. crowds our had attained the, good old ago of 881 G , cemeteries; making the rill.t poor, the years. 7r demonstrat- We underataud Mr. J. T, Obrien strongweak,the fres slaves; is comming back to Londesboro again ing in every possible way that it is the most unbridled and ferocious ally that as soon as he recovers from his illness. Mrs, G. A.. Newton, of Winghan►, I Satan ever employed to tempt the heart was here on Tuesday. of man, or drag him downwards to his The following officers were elected certain doom. In the face of these awful at the regular meeting of Court Pride and admitted facts, who are;the people to ,� throw themselves athwart the path, and stop, if possible, its way? Surely they are the members of that church which pro- fesses to be embued with his spirit who, "for the joy that was set before him, en- dured to cross, despising the shame." Let us sink, therefore, the individual man iu the common good. Let the minis- try be adaptor' to the age; and, just as the planet Meroury can with difficulty be seed owing to its proximity to the sou, so let us bo uuseeu by reason of the glory of Christ. Let the God obliterate the man, and the servant be forgotten in the pres- ence of His Lord. this seeded. We are glad to see this foolish. practice dying out. The yowl; people are now anxiously waiting for souls 000 to oomnaekce the season with one of thee° evening parties a which the ruajorety of the young people are so iuterested and which treed to relieve the Inonotous ►fe of the long winter evenings, A large number from this section attended the Scotch Concert in Whip ham on the 81st, and report a first, class concert and a large audience. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5 for the month of October. The names are arranged according to merit, The figures correspond to the • number of days present in the month: Fourth Class,—Tilos, Robinson 16, Win, Weir 19. Third Clime sr,—Thos. Gilmour 22, Mary Grey 22, Alfrin Efastings 20. Third Class ;ie.—Alex. Higgins 22, Walde fiestings 20, Aggie Fergie 14, Second Clave sr.—Lily Roirinson 22, Mary Carruthers 22, Second Ulass,jr.—Thos. Gibson 22. Part Brewed Class.— +lllener Gibson 22, Charlie Agar 22, Robt. Weir 16, Letta Elliott 12. Jos. E. MODONOGII, teacher. Dairy markets. London,Oct, 28—At to -day's cheese neerlcet 27 factories offered 8,425 boxes September and balauce of se'1son make; 120 boxes September sold at lie. Market dull. of the West, No. 31. 0. 0. i •, held last Friday evening: 0, R , 1d:. M. Snell; V. 0. R., Jatrtes Oullinsou; Chap., Wm. Stevenson; R. S., J. 0. Adams; F. S ;John Robertson; Tress., A. Woocllnan; S W., J. N. Pringll; J. W„ W. N. Conninghani; T. B., Chas. 14anniu',; J. K. Lucton Hile; Correspondent, Jos. H. Stevens; Trus- tees, J, h3runsdon, Geo, Snell, Wm. Lee. The I. 0 G, T. Lodge elected the following officers on Tuesday night: C. T., W. N. Cunningham; V. T., Martha Brogden; S. J. T., Hannah Riddell; R. S., Ephraim Grey; F. S., B. Lawrasou; T., Mary A. Lee; Chap., Jos. Morris; j , Jas. Fairservice; G., Maud Mogridg;e; S., Janice dill; Or'. guanist, Jennie Woodman. There will Children Enjoy the pleasant flavor, gentle action. and sooth- ing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative; and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying re- sults follow its use, so that it is the best family medicine known and every family should have a bottle. Death of Sir John Abbott, Ex -Pre- mier of the Dominion. MONTREAL, Oct. 30.—Sir Jolul Abbott, who succeeded Sir John A. Macdonald as Premier of the Domiu- ion and who resigned a few months ago to favor of Sir.John Thompson, died at his residence in this city short- ly before 9 this evening. The ex -Pre- mier had been in poor health for some months. His advanced age (being over 70) and his poor health forced him to resign the Premiership, and he took: a trip to Europe with the hope of regaining some of his old-time vigor. He was absent for over three months, but the trip did not do him any ma terial benefit,and be returned in a very enfeebled condition. Dr. Roddick and other prominent men, who were called in, after consultation, decided the patient was sufferimg from a species of cancer of the bowels, and that an operation was imperative. This operation was performed, but, though it afforded relief, it brought no permanent cure, and Sir John gradu- ally grew weaker until death • end- ed his sufferings. His end was peace- ful, curl he was surrounded in bus lest moments by all the members of his fairii]y. Turnberry. The farniers aro very busy just now taking op the turnip crop. They had to take a forced teat for a few days be a nectr.tie.social given just for the on acooeet of the slight fall of the ' rr. . Delo- D last. members at the next; lneetlum beautiful an Saturday gates from this lodge 'attended the The trnstees of S. S. No iii have re - Prohibition Convention held in Mane engneed Me. Jos. E. McDonagh ae cheater on the 1st inst. teecher in that section for 1834. Thrashing is hew nearly it thing of the past for another year ]u this Iowa *hip.• ILtiloween passed off very quietly in take steps 'fig decentralize the Ontario aborts cif ju*tiae. Lord and Lady Aberdeen have re- turned to Ottawa. it is current that the Elmira branch Of the G. T. R. will be extended to Drayton in the near future. The United States Senate, on Mon- day, passed the bill repealing the silver purchase bill by 0. small major. ity. Detective B. B. Allen, of Loudon, who was at Long Point guarding the game on that preserve, was found on Friday last dead with a bullet in his forehead. Foul play is st'spected. Hon. Edward Blake, U. P, for South Longford, Ireland, chairman of 'the committee of the Irish National Federation, has sailed for Queenstown by the steamer Campania. off 1 OT11Ii q 0110V OF THE BE$T,OJHOOL OULD Young ruon and women wishing' to prepare themselves as bookkeepers and etenoarip 4 ONB 'ENJOYS Both the method and results when. Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly= the kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro - (laced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO •r SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. CFIATlIAM, ONT. is recognized as thepeer of any Business or:shorthand Sthcnt in America, and vastlylp, Ku'tor ter contemporaries in Canada No better ecidene., of this need be advanced than the following list of where students carte from, who registered dining the 15 char immediately 'meet the writing. advertlsoirrent: North Adams, mass trashliorton Mich Iethbridee Alta. 1hrlin; Jct ion; 7'o Huntsville, Muskoka; riineardine; Ruth -veil; Cliatsliorth; liminey; ('hn!c n; esti tile, t; :v .,.ler; lista Co. Grey; Auburn, Co, Huron, beeforth, Bothwell 11'iudeor, t;tranglielti, Itildgi6r=ion, Wrcd'leeFie CompPalmer, Essex Co., Glen Rae, Highgate, Aid bore, .Brampton, Aly'inston, Glencoe, Cambelttpn, Springs, Chatham and many points in the vicinity. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Two of America's best penmen among the nicmbets of our staff, nicar:s a groat deal to cur pupils. WE PAY RAILWAY FARE IN COMING TO CHATHAM. Good board for ladies at 62,00, gentlemen 62.50. Wo secure, hoard at these. Come with very respect& private families, and have the places in readiness for the students when they arrive Write for handsome catalogue and specimen of penmanship and be convinced of the o;:perior•i;y of this institution over afl schools oc a similar kind in Canada. Mention where you saw this advertisement and address. 1). ?41nl.ACI1LAN, Chatham, Ont. ch.° x1 A full stock o: all kinds of S C H ` 1 OL t O O tS , for both High land Public Schools, just received! Joseph Smith and J. J. Guiry, two of the British farmer delegates who were iu Manitoba, the Northwest Ter- ritories and British Columbia looking over the country, have returned to Ottawa. They express themselves as being well pleased with the country. The first instance of a railroad re- fusing to convey intoxicating liquors was reported to the board of Commis- sioners at Topeka. Kan , lately. The Kansas City Importing Company seat a half a barrel of Wine Over the Union Pacific. The agent of the Grand Is- land at St. Joe refused rn aecept the wine for shiptu-et, saying that the State prohibitory law provides that any common carrier shad of- guilty of a misdemeanor that trim Torts liquor sold in violation of the law Tt,e wine will be returned to h msec City Carter Harmon. M sy .t of Chicago, was shot and kill.,d 113 1,i,4 home on Saturday night I...tt t•y E. P. Premier, gest, an ex -petite -men. The assassin went to the poi IN! statim and gave himself up. The murder lads caused intense excitnie.ut ill Uhic ego and throughout the continent. The World's Fair was bro..•ght to a close ou Monday hast, with appropriate ceremonies. The grand total of paid admissions to the World's, f•ur up to the official closi nie w . + 21.477,212. After all the debts are pall; the stock- holders will have e hal Ire.. of over $1- 000,000 The members of the Ontario staff at the World's Fair have presented Mr. Aw'rey, the provincial commtasion- er, with an illuminated address expres- sing appreciation of his service. Some elegant silverware and a meers- chaum pipe accompanied the address. Mr. Thomas McKenzie, of Stephen, Huron county, died ou Sunday at the ripe age of 93 years, from old age and' general debility. Ko leaves a widow and seven sons — Angus, of St. Thomas; James, of Union; three in v1anitoha and two at home. Frederick J. Bailie, professing to represent the Preferred Accident in- surance Uompany of New York, sec- ceeded in getting $12 from Dr. 0. Duncombe, of St. Thomas, premium S Beals n bi.9Um. MI a G.OdO policy. , � P y g from various other people. The policies failing to arrive the company was cammuniaated with and the Cheering information received that Bailie is an imposter and fraud, whose victims were scattered all ovor Canada and the `United States. Also, a Jorge tt:ock of Scribblers, Exercise looks, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayo s, &es Just received a large consignment cf "Quentin Durward." WALL PAPERS, WINDOW BLINDS, STATIONERY a fell stock, as usual. ALEX ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. . LAUQHT nrrus —IN- 0�Si" .�.fr5,... .m6Ls.'f ...la..,. d --- DY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, 130AP MAin-r'ILS r If you wish your Linen to TO H r1 MAJBSTY TFm Qi7mBN o a o to e o e Why, Ready Pffade Clothing Because SUNLIGHT S0.11, is perfectly pure, :cid contains no Injuri- "u+ chemicals to injure oithor your clothes or your hinds. Greatest care is exorcised in its manufacture, and its quality is so appreciated by the public that it has tho L:t••gest Snle of any Soap in tho World. —FOR :l' RE — be White as Snow, Soap will do How Can you test .,his 7 If you have never tried SUNLIGHT SOAP, ask those w110 usa it tvbat they tlnnk of it, then try itforyoursolf. Tho re- sult will please you, and you r clothes will be washed in far loss time, with Less Labour. Greater Comfort, and will bo whiter than they havo over heon b'.fore, when you used ordinary 30ali. Is That not tho bout way to de• ede thereafter t 4 First enquiring by nary R what the xporionce is of those who already use it. secondly, by it fair trial yourself. toe aro not committed in any 'way to use tho seep; all we ask is ;17on't Delay, try it the next Mashing day. t3••••i•1. Next Eight Days, --AT------ A. T-- A. MILLS' OLE ARING SALE