HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-03, Page 4THE WINGHAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 3, 189 3. i T listeners to att: ntively, and frequently people v: ant, and not charge the C'una- apelatttled. `'1 theft cone here with auy dian people- may more than if they allow- promises i)f peetotiicea, place or power," ed the Amerloan manufacturer to eOm- Sairi tto : "eerhaps there is no roan in pate with its. We put ou the 35 per public life to clay with lees actual print- cent. tilrifl, and. a little more, too. What tical iniluenee than the humble iudivid- does tt ;35 per cent. tariff mean ? at ual who now addresses you, d have means that if you avant to buy an. few suplicartets lu the 1louee of Boni- article In the United .Mates or �a e'en t "�,��'� 1,y, mons, sail the only influenc.� I weed is Cxrgat Ilrittuu slid pay its fair value,. ` ,.,-4 `" " . on account t<f the supports dui supposed when you bring it to the customs, to have throughout the eoantry, s oris in atirsitiou to the $10 which it coat, you . believer in public opinion. 1 believe pati' X3.50 more, You don't pay it you- t11at art uetiro alalia ci dining is c;rlerl soli, but the merchant from whom you a :.,w r v s•- pt ".t' :r, z lig politics and glfey buy does, The mutt who oldster such " t.• hated tvrdtrrmin t i p , ii. tear 'v'r x �1 z, .:� vd.v a� a 1 A', cods at home Says ; "The goads cyst of the mitre: e.i., � a 31 living 1f . i trines of rho point e tIi I Parliament. mo $1Q , 1 eau make fair t l;Y 1 el��E+u House ,r , have to sell them at 510: but why should ire �r�.t�a,'t t, 'Upon the, trade uestionMr. McCarthy .t. spoke as follows : I aro ouo of thoso who I do that ? They eanugt be bought from 'z^ ., - • Ono supported the N. P., aud to that extent the American or English manufacturer •L •;�'r x�� l: et ni for lees than 51; a0, and if they have to ,..,a•..„,�...�.-.--�---- , I gni responsible as a humble member of the party for the evils that it mita:led • t t tett .. tt trill . Git to oe touch commendation as those who believe in the N. P. and its results. thiol: fit to bestow. 13ut,ladies and gentlemen, I realized last year that the time had coma when this N. P., to say the least of it, should be moderated. I realized that the protective policy had boon carriers out to too great an extent, and that the period had arrived he our his- tory when we should undo some of the mischief which had grown oat of that system, and as fast as possible return to a reveuue tariff policy (Applause.) That of course is not the sound Tory, doctrine. tam quite willing to admit that, because I understand if there is anything at all that a Tory prides him- self upon it is bolding on to everything that he has got. Whatever privileges may have been obtained from the Gov- ernment, it is the Tory doctrine to hold on. and itis the Liberal doctrine to try to get rid of that, and I at once saw and realized thet I was rather a backslider in that regard. But having lived through the whole course of the N. P., having been at its birth, seen it in its pime,and being now about to witness its deathbed, I remember that those who advocated it. from the great leader himself Sir John Macdonald, down to his youngest fol- lower, always pat it forward as a merely temporary expedient. We may have' been wrong, but, whether right or `wrong, those who had to do with it never pretended that the N. P.,11. protee- �i and I ant entitled also to the thanits and t£$ r'IfIDAY, 7:WaY I7;1;I' >, 1`�t 3_-�.. it 'ir EDITORIAL NOTES. al. :New Zealand leeistaturo has a a law giving the franehise to all aft over 21 ~'ears of age. 'e lea Domiinion Government hes de - til to refer to the Supreme Court of 1tilt a series of ilnest;ons relating to Ot er .*t Pr'vie el..d .Legislatures to laws relating to prohibition. It will 0:licarbered that mere than talo is at;o the Ontario Government re - 41 tl weather of questions on this , t to the Ontario Court of Appeal. ,i, :g the ;;npreine Court, the Fe:t- 4tautlaor;tiee hare r?e :les to ask its dpi; ca the following questions ; 's.sette a provincial legislature juris- e ,on to prohibit the wale, within the r• ince, of teetritteme, fermented, or er inti)\aaa.ing i ear ? Or has the legislature such jurisdie- Iv ai regarding each portions of the peo- ns to which the Canada Temper - .e 1:�,et is not in operation? 12k Has a pro'•incial legislature juris- F 'ion to prohibit the manufacture of t.ti liquors within the pruvinco? 'at Has a provincial legislaturejursdie- I e to prohibit the impartation of sub Doors into the province? 're If a provincial legislature bas not Yfiction to prohibit sales of such i� ' •grSirrespective f 1n'nti u , has such C stature jurisdiction to prohibit the ret, by retail, recording to n definition ap sale by retail, either in statutes in ruprovince at the time of confederation 31iny other delinition thereof? rr a isv If a provincial legislature has a tutted jurisdiction only as regards to I*prohibition of sales, has the legisla- irte t jurisdietiou to prohibit sales, sub - a to: the limits provided by the several a Vsections of the 99th section of the Purada Temperance Aot or auy of them? •el S. et. chap., 103, section pp r n; Hai the Ontario Leaislaturo juris- t", uris- rte ion toenact the 10th section o; the 132; 53rd Vic., entitled "..fin Act to im- 3• rte the Liquor License Acts,•' as the seeCon is explained by the act pas- views to bend to the wake of public 3 by the said Legislature, 54 Vie„ and opinion. and the result was that be was � n `itled. "An Act Beepeating Loc„►]. swept out of power, and bad only a cor- ution in the Matter of LiquorSelling:"' porai's guard to support • him when the :Ole forgoing questions are somewhat ' House met We adopted the N. P., and Telae to, if not identical with, those we told you, at least I did, because I was IkdIaloie viers submitted to the Ontario very young and simple at the time, that oil $er3 of Appeal. ' we were going to make everybody rich. Ord SOME OP THE PROMIa'RS. - te IR, MCCARTHV AT ST. The manufacturer would be maderieh, es r MARYS,. on the Mttuitobt,, school question, beeauso ourselves to any conclusion whatever, TIII) =mug. the truckling wiriest is going ou at Ottawa There is auotber thing we must realize.? 44. oust ee'ls'. The people wiU never rotor• . We receive now e7,000,000 in duties upon ; ate any interference with the ManitobaManitobai alcoholic driuks, If that source of sup- rr The e reboot questiore aud. that being so, why .plies is taken away temperance people spend money 10 eudeavoring to ascertain i will have to make that 57,000,000 up, what the powers of Government are to :1?otl't make any tui,itallo about that. I donatteem teem,he 18, I say that uie:Lsurea n j Seven Millions of our thirty mil;ious of , f� feeding it with t tail it by g TttF: Tt,aa'1:ira,sca QUESTION, taxable revenue, or one-quarter, comes f' ce$E'., l matrll5i01t. It is remark,. :asked by a gentleman iu the andience i from alcoholic driuks. If that source of t;i1;C orcin t )rot ibitiou I supply disappears those who do not drink,: u lou the i pP pp ..�, n deolar himself 1 t 41 �f r grant remedial. tluestiou lir litGartliv°sat+l<'•La:lies aud E vow will have to pay to make it up, S, gentlemen, on this question I want you i don't know very well how it eau be got.' first to understood that I speak solely ot.ly 9 As a public man, if I was asked to bring for myself. You may not, perhaps, be r- i a linanee hill I don't know where' could aware that I am President of eel or•geniztt- i get that seven milliou. tion which is now promoting the views I I A voice --Reform the civil service. edvowtted in the address I gave this after- I lair. McCarthy—We cauuot very meter.. nom). In advoeetiwg these, I am rpenkiug 1 i=dly reduce the expense of the civil ser- that f them when getting them f than self lu anything I ` vice but if we can we should do ib,whether' cheaper. So the manufacturers havecome up before the league of 1 been piking it ou, and at last they have member, I speak mostly for myself. Ou lot course, that iu what 1 have said I am I formed combines and trusts They say ' this queet'ou of prohibition I ten flee to 1 not speaking for anybody but myself,with- I pay : a or rem a. to or more tau my , abroad they cermet get them for me auy may soy upon the question which lime not erobibitiou passes or not. It is very rm' „ i g, which 1 ani a 7arttLot to know that you will undersand, j ormec cam u . "Here ' th' little market of Canada say that though of course, I have as a t out auy consideration upon the subject, cif Pu ro Norwegian Cod fiver 041 and Etypophosphitos will stop a Cough, cure a Cold, and cheer: Constmrption la its earlier stages as welt as all forms of Wasting Diseases, Scrofua and Bronchitis. It is atnwost 1 as t,alatable as mine Prepared only by Scott & Bowno, Belleville. ' ore is 1S , :, , I �..�..-_.... h' 1 'd t toI t rd without binding myself to take any There are those cotton mills, av ►c i air© public ulna sial to consider 1 some , : • tvTN GRAM. MABIU TS. cutting each other's throats by competi-d t'1 I h full con tion, '14 o will form, a combing, so that each mill will manufacture so much. say personally one way or the other We will tis the price, and that price will whether or not I would favor prohibition how, to Get a "Suzinghte Picture. be just as high as the tariff will allow it in the widest possible sense, or probibi- I Send 25 •'Sunlight"Soap wrappers(wrap- to be,and the stupid Canadian farmers tion to any extent, even as it is foand in ; per bearing the words" Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than s Mau") to Lever will hardly find it out." That is what the State of Maine. To be perfectly frank , Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto, and you they have been at all over the laud. with you, ladies and gentlemen, my own ; will receive by post a pretty picture, free There is not a manufacturing industry view about itis that any attempt to pro- from advertising, at'd web worth framing. Yotatn,„ This is au easy way to decorate your home. Geese in this country in which there is not an , hibit the sale of liquor will be disastrous The scall is tae best su the market aud it Tert;eys understanding between the men engaged to the cause of temperance. 1 ata not at 1 will only cost ouo cent postage to send iu Chinhen s Lind g I extent, 1 have never given the subject that; ctostuite scan until have grveu tt i,auA,,. November r, itis consideration wbiclr would enable me to ' sideratiou to it. I Correc'cd t r Y li.,ius, Produce llealur. Flour per 10') flu, ti 1 6540 to t 60 65 Fall Wheat eel. bushel, S4 to 55 silo •li to 28 ears, Sarle'y 84 to 36 Yeas, 50 to 60 Sutter, tub 20 to 20 do Rolla, to 2a Eggs per dos. to 14 Wood per coal, 342161 to 600 5 tial per ton.;;0 to 35 5 0 0 l0 $0 40 40 t0 all blind to the fact that the temperance 1 the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. peas cause—I am not speaking of it as a goliti- I Write your address carefully. cal matter—the temperance cause :gas 1 made enormous strides in ray lifetime. I Belmore-doubt that the shadow of a e ARTCLES There is not V tw' preach , LEOINC lir Andrewa,o> 1 roxeter, ill p e � q Y people are more temperate than they i in the Methodist church here on Sun•• were when I was a boy. At the sametinge day evening, \ or. 5th, at 6 30 p. tn. there is an enormous amount to bs done i'11r. Ir. Crittenden will assist in the in it by which they regulate.the output and fix the prices, and there is virtually no competition. What is the result ? The result is that you are paying an enormous tax on what you bring into the country; that goes into the treasury. The cluty that your merchant pays to the customs house officers goes into the treasury. He adds it to the price of his iu the cause of temperance. It is quite service• goods, bis profits to that, and it comes questionable where this is going to be done out of the people ; but if you deal with by saying to a sober man. You shau t the home manufacturer you pay him the drink boo»brie your brother drinks too 9 same price=as if he had paid duty, when much" Whether human nature will a be has not paid anything, and the 35 per stand that is a problem, which, I think, i temperenee people should carefully eon- a - OS�A�� A' cent. goes into his pocket and not into v the treasury at all. I came to the con - lutebefore they attempt to impose abso- l lute prohhibition. In regard to the state of elusion a year go that I was no longer public opinion, because we are all agreed An tustitutieu where uoue but boarders going to remain an advocate of the ld not, that there is uo use attempting to impose i are admitted; has been mooing about 13 I saw what was going on. I could not, a law which trould not be supported by years' unless I was blind, help seeing it. 1 knew ! a i public opiuiou, this must be said, that i we have no system in this couutry by ins to s a very Effiicent Staff which a plebiscite can be properly taken. i Y of all these combinations aud trusts, and tive system, was to be anything it. I saw from the public documents the mice - than a temporary expedient, to tide over • mous output of those mauafscturers. I difficulties that country wastlaen : were engage the r realized that the people who a gag in. Such a s 'esti as a means of, puttieg to manufacturing industries were making it in a sition--- •L these who bought from them -and they A voice—Ants to get into power_ wore Caoadiaus only, bemuse they were Mr. McCarthy—"And to get into G not sendisie anything out of the country— poo er," my friend says. He is a peiiti-. the exporaof msuufactured goods is not clan. No doubt in the world that we mare than four or five millions -of dollars 1 wer-' out of power, and by going in for s }ear—pay the highest: price for them. the N. P., and taking the wind out of Mrisssy and Drummond have been grow- :. ,lir.:•fuckenzie a sails, wegot intopasver.� tug rich, and the •cettzn lords are „erring We bet•ame identified with the protec-1 wealthier, it is Ibeceute each ane of you is haying a tax to them. And by means of:: that tax they are getting rich and you are have been free traders. I am -tilling to getting poorer. make this confession. If Mr. Mackenzie Mr. McCarthy, continuiug, answered the had been a protectionist there would: assertion of the supporters of the protec- have been nothing left fot us but to be rove system that the farmers are folly free traders. But lIr. Mackenzie was compensated for the advantages that either too honest or too rigid in his. tive policy, and if Mr. Mackeuzie had adopted the protective policy we would at el The National Polley Scored, h r rTIOS n:sersSIOD AT SOME LENGTH. because we were going to shut all the Americans out of the market We were+: going to allow the manufacturer to man- ufacture goods, and we were goine to buy from him. The manufacturer as- mass meeting which Mr. D'Alton sured us that he was notgoing to chaige" rah, addressed in the opera hones re than it we allowed. Amen Mary., lastFriday, attended eau goods to come in, andweie manufacturers enjoy, by pointing out that a protection on products, which are uct disastrous reaction, and you have only to imported, but are exported toe. market go back to the days of Cromwell, to the controlled by world-wide conditions. was Loug Padre:31tut, to the laws which they Atoic of no benefit whatever. The Town of St, passed there for the repressiou of vice, Mary's offered him a splendid' illustration land the terrible reaction which happened of the futility of the • home market argu- upon the restoration of Mug Charles, to 1 ?ttI assent. The census showed that from 1S311 see an'example of this. It is a question .C� to 1891 the population of the place bad for you to consider whether the attempt to lir. P. Deans, j iucreased by one solitary foal. "More 'curb the people, or to say to the people, est to s til by publi 'You must not drink this and that, and to interfere with them, would not in the 1 Lot 22, Con. end be attended by a reaction which would TawLslaip,(abaat put back the temperance cause a great TU ESD more,thau it would be advancedby Jd. L�E�r Di�I THE oxT.Blo PLEBISCITE`. - 9 Teachers.. fTenTech 0 "There is a plebiscite to be taken on the 1st of January, but will that vote be a full! • and fair test of public opinion oa the sub- a r �nty��A �G+� P�+ ARE SOLD jeot? Will those who are opposed to pro -1 t 1�S Fl �7 hibition take any active hart in the i embracing a full course yearly; matter, or will they allow it to go by de- i allthe English branches, Scie aud German, Classics, Mu:' fault? If there was any referendum in o Crayon Portrait. 011 Paints this country I would be willing to have branches, with Voce the opinion of the people expressed uuder I ulasces, at remarkabl these circumstances, but 1 would not be 1 This Institution one willing, to submit my own judgment R Toronto, Montreal, a to eluding es, French , Drawing, Um ural rna e iu Elocution, rates. rt a students from t : wa aud the towns simply beca:Ise the majority might sayat ,and cities from Gan • a, as well as from p y I l ;new York, Chicago aud other cities from an internist vote of that kind that they the Dusted States. thought oue way or the other. My own 1 i For particulars address, views, and I have always said it to my MISS D. A. Hi7fiD, Secretary, conatstnsuts,ars these. History teaches; Oshawa. us that every attempt to stake people good by Act of Parliament has resulted in a mouths to feed," said Mr. Poster. Here was one more. While the increase in population bad been only one,mannfactnr- ing industries had increared from 61 to 73. So that the manufacturers must have Pen instruct - on on \73ERRY ile from Winghham) n crowded out somebody, He found that the temporary restriction which might be , Thefollowing Twenty Steers risis'r tour rising.three years .- e .cg As wen e, l,tu,dreds or minor ones in silverware diel jewellery line you will find not only represented bot abundant in our v anent to suet) assortment .*v you s • , i e , stock .Ltd ., _ pick from that whatever your testa or cou- dition of your purse, zee: can easily be suited, Naturally the first purchasers get the best of 11-. There is not a bettor time to purchase than low. syr. lend in every department, such as watch, clock, wedding riugs, jewellery. Repairing ll aspecialty. Tre dirt 1Y p b NOF. 7, there were 455 hands employed in these imposed. I would like to know what c. uable stock, viz.: tries an 'filmset views temperance people have iu regard to yews old; Thirty Steers maonfactnrinj; in9tls > mitch Cotes supposed ' nor In Maine, fm- o"3 S �n J c ppo ea any de - from 338. Though seventeen new hands the importation of liquor. robeissate. 'r F 'd was believed had been employed, the population;had portation is allowed. Is importation to be at , many people as theroomy building him. We were going to shut out the only increased by one. The manufactur- forbidden as well as manufacture? Sale to Comms ce I O'clock. c omfortablg ho It was a mired atzricuitural p�oducts of the United p tug industries of the country should, after A voica�-ies• - 1 3. R. MUNSHAW. Mason Block, Wingham. BARK WANTED, 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK wanted at the Wiugham Tannery. $5.00 PER CORD Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired, and same price will be paid, WINCNAM TANNING CO. Wingbam, May 10th. 1803. V■ Bo CUNNINGS Begs to iutititate to his numerous cus- tomers and others that he intends moving to the stand lately used as tt boot ,and Rhee store TERMS -Ri.'a'rmonth. -r,-diton apecores joint ee, repreaentilig;several antagonis- States, so that the farmers of Canada getting the start that they had, be able tot Mr. MeCarthy—Tbat would enable the !totes. or G per cunt. per a num e8 for cash. Two Doors North of Post Office odea of plitiez+l opinions. but, trot- i could charge the people in the towns hold their acro, aud,if they were not.l law to be kept better than it could be : GEO. 015t'1 MEI ANN, 1 proprietors. where will be i.iuud a large stock of tttanding this, 'flEr. a+teCarthy visas and cities more for the wheat they said they had better die. Agriculture was the otherwise. But would it be kept then v sit®.. Gal ,gay, i en by many a sympathetic and by all there and thereby et rich. The yes- P. p� ; ts, ,r , �,rro lee Musical Instruments , g q great nod, natural industry of this country W e base had some experience of it iu this interested hearing. He spoke vigor- tion is 'whether everybody has got rich that ought to be protected. "I have come country. 1u the Northwest we had a pro- p �{ LIBER 'y and ec.uvineingiy upon the trade or not Undoubtedly some people have. ee the conclusion,'' said Mr: efeCatth}- jeshitorr Tarr until recently, and how was stion,and invkluutarily introduced a The manufacturers have got rich, rr element by waking, en conapiianee whether manufacturing agricultural' a demand from the audient•e, a implements, Cotton, sugar, or no matter! R €. FFER! Sewing Machines,. "that the National Policy should be pot to I that kept? I cannot pret end that am a We gra now offering W a -shin° :?4tachines an end, and that we so return aseeoa , should t t t .alar but I am a temperance than, t ; q THE LADIES' JOUR NAL, ti quickly as possible, without destroying I Unfortunately, I tasted that li nor. 1 • 'h I3 they that dons. The liquor was kept in of Toren a large 36 page monthly - t'oit While net dextirinl: to have grit rich is not by selling Roods to h ve b ought into existence to a revenue l every shape —in eggshells, in the family a with all neested repairs, t, } Illustrated Fashion Home Paper fnll lino of and Wringers, gers, .!meat of his views urea the. prohsbi whet, they have got cit - ow ( these manu,ecturing industries ba we a was poiea q C oft . a r it himself to ac ` definite line Of the foreigners, or by manufacturing tariff, I cannot stared OD Ur. .Laurier a I3ibie, and in other ways. If you have y interestin;• to es, tett his ritferant'ee were Such as not goods and sending them *CMOS the platform. Hes lila bean rather chaugeetle j prohibition in Canada and not in the be comforting to the temperance barrier, manufacturing uriog and fickle an his policy. on United at o . ,, �--, �=�l\��i�v rtie- I ladf ' h l viii ora : , p CH OO.i.J 6-CPP.LIFS A,,.,� The ann;o:tnettnent that fieF, selling theta to you. -Ind it they have know where he will be to•inarrow. 7�sat�ont: I don't reten3 to rrommit myself r.r, p 1 butbyf t goods and tariff I don't Ii ited States are you going to keep liquor would. mate his politico' debut , been getting rich you muss. have been year be Ria for raising a tariff treliastaiuse l without ,a1togetber more reflection upon f 'file two puhkcatiene will be given for Wild 1>0 B I theseof t $ d takingd thet 'ff the matter. There to au enormous amount j *1:2e kr ease }ear, and will be sent to any-- 3i(r, McCssthy'a plug at- 11 getting poor. f man ac niers - Great ritain, an Orta ars a in e • ' e -t is Ire-. Tans affi'r applies to thc,se "he to the rneetiuit diad these 'r hatereel-, and there is ee gtteetioe wall agains% the United States:. And a of erideaee being taken on this question tom a i got disappointment when it was a at all about it, it is because they have mart ignoble, contemptible, disgrace sere -4. ¢: r the 'D'at F:u Fa: anotiaer year be- C aIERAL 3 ! A 1 IONERY. fur tins moment. Oaly yesterday iu Toronto fore January 141, 1.18, as well as to new that the rev. gentbsonan,woukl k brarikett faille with. us. They promised ptop5eitioa, in my judgment, nerer was awe ministers, out of the church to which teteeLeber;. et eptinue suttees, be Woltbk►, no that tbey Imolai not hem:te s the needs. Tine ceoutry that had ihrarto Oa 1: belong, aud auotber, the Rev. 3€r. Mac.' , i es rea:tlar eubeeriptio:s price of the 4f their Thai sand all ere market o n -was the tat entry that lir. dorreell.41.4 evidence that they believed fhJ 7narnal s fee D1tW11 per rear?� rte priOe gtionlr. , l 'lbs.tei sal mil the Then only coot' e ice � tease gram is �� the large and repro- . market. Give lea the lei .errarf`leet, aaud llpoo doe fiat ties stet of the U 'ted better wait be see *bat e>rideaoe tee Ronal Add ere Tates Or•'tea who f ii itatedh' lf" t • to *it the out el the t.. waist stud Ids Meads were prepared to prohibition would be isjeriotte. Wa bed you $1:]a if you, a.tod now eras lbs r 1 a.ano steed with lY[r. teener Cosm,mi.eioa will bring isbetforewe commit Wingbara, Oet. e Use smooth* went wo W1 ire all the Camedtatt Berner. Store will ltd opened ou Saturday, July 39th. GIVE ME A CALL. J. }. CUMMIN G'S Witgkate, lily 98tb,'911. Sea sat ' (l'orra.e,. A. greed 0, icert will be given in The fol the Town 14 on Monday evening %Inghan next, November Gtl►, under the aus. of Octohe picots of L. 0. L, No. 767. The fol.- regularity lowing talent will take part ; Mr. Jas, and dilig. Fax, Canada's greatest comic, of To• the order ionto ; Miss Nora Gibson,elocutionist, Nellie 13 of Chicago ; Mr. L. Chapman, chorus cies*, ter vocalist, of Galt ; Prof. Kr,iutu, Milton • violinist, of Listowel ; Miss Annie Mary Kr The Perkins, pianist, of this place. Iha Lockerid Gerrie orchestra will also give several jr,—Geo) selections. Mr, Alex. i+IoKay, M. P., wood, Ge of Hamilton, will occupy the chair on bell, I3en the occasion. This will be the concert Donald, I of the season, and 11 should be wall Birdie Jo patronized. 1'attorsot The merchants of the village !Pave Campbell agreed to close their places of business .Elford, 1 each evening at eight o'clock, except Annie Cl ca'aturdaye. Findlay, A very enjoy asocial was held Dwain. in the Methodist church, on Tnesday The Io evening last. month w ble Brussels. Mr. -Wm. Blashill has percbaoed a comfortable dwelling from Mr, Jas. Walker for hie son James, who has recently taken unto himself a help. mate, The price paid for the house evening, and lot was 8400. programs Rev. World's lbs"r. Jt An op Tempera of tbo I. Mr.. Bobt Laidlaw, of Kansas, is visiting hare, It is about 10 yodel since Mr. Laidlaw removed front Brussels. Ile looks us if the Corn his famil State agreed with hiiu well. Mrs. Rev, i1 Laidlaw is also here, Tract Si The Liberal club will hold its first teriai3 C1 meeting on Friday evening at 7.30. ing, lest The grim messenger Death claimed Presbyte another of our old residents ovor to the Mr. 'A greet majority on Wednesday morn- have rets in'e. Heart failure is said to be the are. 1 cause -of her decease. She had ween house in ill for o number of weeks. Mrs. Wil- Mrs. ton was a Canadian by birth and has visiting 1 resided in Brussels for upwards of 35 A001t tbt years. It will he a matter of surprise a 1111)1 to many to know that she had attained arranger) the age of 69 years, 1 month and 35 some tier days, as she was an fictive woman. meeting She was the mother of three sons, elected: Jacob; Samuel and Wii'6i-a•m, and one fats, V. It daughter. John .tau Mr. Jas. Walker is having his car. S.; Geo. ridge -shop veneered with trick. S. W.; Mr. Wm. Richardson in now miller Spence, in charge at Stewart Ss Graham's mill. I Bishop Londesbora. I Taken Sia "Wrt nt Mr. James Manning and Miss to the get .i..tawday Young returned from New Oue of til York, ort Friday. thienderit Misses Cora and Gracie Newton, can suss. of \Vinglaam, have been visitiu; Here that of tl for a few da; s. l relatiou t Air. Thos., Adams, of Seaforth, with face of th his sons, Robert, of Winthrop, and of the liq o Nohle,of Mullett, and Joseph Dorrance horrible t from near Seaforth, were visiting Mr. it beet R. Adams on Wednesday of last but culpa week. Ito stand The first snow of the season fell on ; fereuce. Saturday night, lauguage There will be an entertainment liven ° within ri under the auspices of Elie I. 0. G. T. 1 leuco am Lodge, in the Temperamee Hall, en the . cast Lot evening of Thursday, Nov. 9th, by Mr, sympach R. 0. Pearce, ventriloquist, and mem- pity into bers of the lodge. Come and spend i sad bewa a pleasant time. Admission .15 and I awry 1 cents. 1 dtraftio r1 Mrs. J Walker and Miss Rachel I ay e r Young10 were visiting iu Morris last hiudratt week, deemer'r Miss Mary Hill died on Saturday deenier : and was harried oa Tuesday. Site 1 chin our had attained the , good old ago a 88 l cemeteri years. We understand Mr. J. T. Obrien !strong w is comming back to Londesboro again I lug iu ui et as soon as he recovers from his illness. most Mrs, G. A. Newton, of Winghant, l `Satan was here on Tuesday. of naso' The following officers were elected cordal, at the regular meeting of Dort Pride e and ado throw ti of the West, No. 31, 0. 0. '1?., held last I+riday.eveuing: 0, .R , H. M. Snell; V. C. R., James Cullinson; Chap„ Wm. Stevenson; R. S., J. 0. Adams; F. S ; John Robertson; Treats„ A. Woodman; 5 W., J. N. Pring11; J. We W. N. Conningham; T. B., Chas. ylanit n'e J. 13. Lecton Hile; Correspondent, Jos. H. Stevens; Trus- try be tees, 3, Brunsdon, Geo, Snell, Wm. the plat Lea. seen ow The I. 0 G, T. Lodge elected the let lis b following officers on Tuesday night: Christ. 0. T0 W. N. Cunningham; V. T. and the Martha Brogden; S. J. T., Hannan soca of Riddell; R. S., Ephraim Grey; F. S., B. Lawrasou; T., l,1ary A. Lee; Chap., Jos. Morris; M , Jas. Fairservice; G,, Tho Maud Mogridge; S., James gill; Or. now to ganist, Jennie Woodman. There will had to be a neck -tie -soda! given just for the ori eco members at the next meeting. Deree beauti gates from thio lodge attended the Th ?rohibition e Convention held in Man- eugn e chaster on the lst soar. tettcht stop, if the men fesses to "for the dured t, Let u man in Sir John Thompson has promised to take steps to decentralize the Ontario Warts of justice. 1.1311; the pt ship. Ha