HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-03, Page 2CITE WINGRAM TIMES, ES, T(►V1 3• , 1893.
tie, (limes
Y. liCi "E3iBER 3, 1833.
lwi:a1ru. ARR.',IGNMENT Ci' THE
erford, October 26th.—Sir Rich-
r;artwright in the brief speech
,ii:xared before his coo tituentci
Made a powerful arraignment of
Weal parley of tole Dntninion Gov -
W ttt. tihowin g hove, completely it
Bided in Ise oenpliehing the avowed
lflui, of its adoption, how it had
Sled to the disadvantage of the
er clateces of the community, and
it Laid die,crinlinuted against the
news cf Great Britain as compared
i ttwee of the Unite States. Upon
kia.ie emestion, he said
i wiele for my part, that the pre-
ior s which have been made from
whole -dente preen& of a revitnue
tariff and adopted the pre Bent fiscal
system, They may say that the then
circumstances warranted a departure
from ordinary rules, that it rtes an
experiment, Sed that they were juatie
fit d in trying that exp •riment in the
then conditlou of the country. Slut
their cearceuaion tueaus that is the op-
inion of a very large percentage of the
most intelligent portion of the COO.
servative party the rnajnrity of the
people of Canada wet' grossly deceived
Sud made a mistake in 187S when
they turned their racks on the princi-
ple of extracting revenue from the
people for the needs of governeieit
alone, and when they incorporated in
our fiscal system that vicious practice
of making it the interest of a few
wealthy individuals to obtain from the
Government of the day the power of
f taxing the whole community to sup-
port that Government at auy cost,
whether it be right or wrong.
Another thing is the very ettraardi-
t to title by your representatives nary attitude which the Government
°ctrl altia=r:t of the inevitable result have taken on this question, Where
4 w :5 certain to accrue to the • they are no man knows. I don't bee
ser of net:ia a from the introduce lieve they know themselves. They are
of the protective system had been supposed to be the persons who by
ai pee- verified then they have their position, the amount of informa-
by rereut events, because, gentle- tion at their disposal, and their lung
1, it is r,0 plea.sure to me or to any experience in managing the affairs of
ober c..f the Liberal party, it is na the country, should know what to do,
*um to ;Slay true Canadian of either
y r.o find thee these statements
ah we made, that these predictions
cls we felt it our bounden duty to
to as tett tee inevitable results of
ti.doptioll of a.. sy rein which, what -
else re glat be said for it, was
alist e,la:4neusiv increase the with the means by which, on past
Ileo of the people, to produce ex- occasions, they have succeeded in
taganee ;end promote corruptitna, carrying s considerable number of bye
lite ter:ti .d so amply es they electious and ;,general elections in this
e leen in- the events of tee pas:, country. They are practically between
vPRr. 1 think you will all Clo hie -i,, alPvil and the deep sea They are
but they are practically telling the
community that they don't know ex-,
actly what to do. They are going to
propitiate the farming interest, and at
the same time they are not going to
quarrel with the combines, who are
their paymasters and who supply them
of the preteuoe that iii so limited a for the be'el:It of a small number of
market ass that of Canada it is puseibie people and to the injury of the greet
to keep down the price of mnnufaae. mass cf the people than this saute
tared articles to a .litntted •figure, article of sugar. Why wits this duty
Where you have SQ email a country as
Canada, where three or four wealthy
men can control the production and
priee of almost any one of the necessar-
ies of life, you have the cboseu held
for combines and trusts to be created,
and these combines will control the
Government, will have the customs
law so manipulated that while the law
deelarea that a certain tax shall be
levied by a peculiar reading Ill the
customs act, or by a peculiar 'con-
strnctiou of some clause itt the statute,
the Minister of Oustoms can by a
stroke of the pen add 30 or 40 per
a i thelaw al-
to the text tion which z
va t
ways provided.
There can be no greater folly than
to suppose that the maximum tariff
is 30 or 35 per .cent. The whole sys-
tem. of their specific duti&s is one huge
fraud from beginning to end. The
whole idea is to take without the
unmans xtatea.
The Tn Ts add TIrc•nto rtabe par year $ 1 75
The Tawas and Toronto Empire per year1 75
Tho Toms a.d London Advertiser per year1 75
Ties Toms wed LLr,do:a Free Press pee year,1 75
The Toms and Montreal Ileralel per year, 1 GQ
reduced at all ' They had not the TiweT else e e t 14."4r11. W sass Per Year— .. 1 75
TCeTtxssae R ltontrealFatt aDg Hera an Star t o
steeliest ides of reducing it until the Red aced talcs With alt other weakly papers nos
McKinley tariff was put in foret',when a tt'a t;OScd to te ukase lief.
finding that the people of the United
States were going to reduce their
tariff on sugiin to a large extent, the
Government of Canada felt that they
had no alternative but to do likewise,
and if they had done half as well for
the people of Canada as McKinley,
with all his sins, did for the people of
United States, I don't know that
there would be much fault to find.
But what did they do? It is quite
true that they lost an enormous rev-
ile people of anode. they
p pe ttC
reduced the tax in such a fashion as
to take away the revenue, but they
did not abolish the duty on sugar.
They left a duty of one cent a pound
on that class of sugar which it is pos-
sible for us to use, but they have al-
lowed those kinds of sugar which you
cannot consume, the sugar which
conies in in a raw state, to come in
knowledge of the people an enormous- ' perfectly free. AA the consumption of
ly heavier tax than the people snakes sugar in Canada is about 3011,000,000
the thine worse is that the effect of 1 of pounds, they have without putting
one copper Into the Treasury taxed
the people of Canada to the tune of
nearly one cent a -pound on 300,000,-
00,00(?,000 of pounds for the benefit of some
half-dozen of sugar refiners at Mon -
article of large and general consamp • s treat; Moncton, Halifax and two or
tion the poorer man pays a great deal three other places, the chief of whom =; American Axes, 5oc. to 65c.
more than his rich brother. 1 put it to is Senator Drummond, vela.) is Chair- each.
our own selves whether this is not man of the Oonservative Committee
the exact reverse of the principle which for the Province of Quebec, and is
every true statesman and wise finan-
t cies should strive to, introduce. The
poorer class of the community should
he spared, and yet your maximum
tariff is 35 'per cent. The troth is
that the tariff which the Thompson protectionists gave their people. It
Government defend has many 35 per is not a veryextraordinrry thing that
cent duties. The taxes should be while in the United States, where'
highest upon luxuries. The Govern- protection had run riot and rampant
justit•ee to remember that whenever ,,fraud to quarrel with Senator Drum- went carefully keep nut of si;ht that until it had fairly produced a revolu-
3st badcecnsi'm to speak of the ntou,4, the head of the isugar coari►ine, by their mixed ad valorem and specific tion, protectionists dared to i.nposa
headstariff they contrive to add enormously on an article like sugar a dutyof
at system which now prevails, 1 or to quarrel with the of the
-e aiway.; pointed out to you that, nihnr combines, and. on the other I .to the burdens of the pourer classes, . 5_l0ths or 6-10ths of a cent a pound,
rt `r fa t re material injury winch hand, they are atonally afraid of the and to do that to the profit and gain we charuyd or people more than
tvrtS b^and to inflict a of those who are better off than their double that amount. and that while
ny at r ; *n -� fest which is nate becoming c�ea^y'�
t the r e,rel injuries which a system have shere very curious httie document in no to what is l,ni)wn as \o. 16.
ding to produce cross extrava ,Itasca which was completed and sent t„ IMP. Dutch standard, thereby allowing,
1 corruption in the administrration It is a domino -lit that was prepared for ' a large quantity of sugar capable
tubiic affairs, teemed bring about.
the tariff of all specific duties on ar-
ticles of ordinary consumption is to tax
the poor classes of the community
double and treble ass heavily as the
wealthier classes are .taxed. On every
ECL.'DING Docks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
J. Reads, Circulars, &e., it e., executed in the best
style cf the art, at moderate prices, and on short
Rat ix. Apply or address
ht. ELLIOT %
TIMES Office, Wingham.
"n ra C vacs
--IS I't7PLIBII E;D.w-
Snbacriptionprico, iplpor year, to advance
Space 1 yr. 1 0 mo• 1 3 Ino. 1 1 mo
Ona Golumn $60 00 030 00 i $20 00
trait " 35 00 20 04 12 00 0151110000° tap
Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 00
One Inch G 00 3 00 2 00 I 1 00
HERE! —Legal and atbe-r casual advertisements, Fe, per line
i11 !!! ` • for Qrat insertion, and 3c, per line foreachsubsequent
Local notices 10e. pee ...no for first insertion, and
50. per line for each subsequent inEerter.. No local
This 411111 InterestEvery-
We a are selling
Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2
cents per Imperial gal-
lon, or' a can 'containing
the equivalent of five
American gallons for
50c., exciusivte of pack-
reported publicy to be the largest
contributor to their *lection fund. 1
would not have blamed these men so,
much if they bad given us even as
fair treatment as the United States
�n the eeople�of Canada, we feel theft as well as us, that the classes less fortunate brethren. I happen to the Americans allowed sugar to come
whn cannot be protected, the great
classes on whose welfare the welfare
of this conntry mainly 1pends, the
agricultural class, the umberiug class,
re fax greeter and far more to be those engaged in trausportation, those
orecatee1. 1f there is one thi"rg in i who ars el Ing in fishing and those
flies more certairl than :mother it 1st,who art• t gaged in the actual produc-
t whenever you find any enormous, tion of genuine wealth from the soil,
tease ata taxation yon will find ani are waking up to the condition which
aptation, which re rarely resisted, to ought t.i be plain enough to eery
ruption in the administration of sensible man, that although it 'nay be
alit affair., and it was because we l in tile power of the Government for a
3w from the exsmpl of other 1 short space of time to promote the steins of the loyalty which those gentle-
tntries which had adopted the pro -1 interest of a certain limited number of men constantly indulges,in the fact
Live system,and nptably the United ! persons, to give them power to tax the that the heavier duties are almost @
ttes, that it waeetutterly impossible community for their benefit, neither invariably levied on articles which
B .ink
the inspection of the Ministers them, of bang used to come in tree, we pu t
selves. You will remember that they the standard down to No 14.
are constantly in the habit of telling
you that your average tax on all your t e vela' owes `ew ee^.�''a'a�»'ww ww wwaewe
imports is 17 per cent. Forty 50. 60,i
70, and in some cases 100 per ceute
is levied on articles of common con -1
sumptiora, and what is a singular thing
bearing in mind the extreme profes-'
,ally country_to make it the interest
a large andt' wealthy section of the
immunity , maintain a particular
;al syste without inducing from
i mere. ecessity of the case a mod -
Lee q�a?ount of corruption in the j to a clear perception of the fact that
ministration of public affairs, that I though the (;government may lee able
N Mackenzie and his colleagues of 1 to help the cotton producer and the
t Liberal party set their faces from sugar refiner, the Government will not
first sternly against the introdnc be able to add our cent to the price of
i of the protective system into agricultural products or prevent the
made. I prise of farming lands dropping down -
ax AMERICAN IMPORTATION, wards, downwards day by day till it
1 has come to pass that, to -day take an
That ,system, in the first place, average of the farming hinds from one
this Government nor nay other Gov- , were lmportea from Greae nit
ernmpnt was ever able by doubling et while the lighter duties are levied on j
trebling or quadrupling the taxation , articles coming from the United States..i
to increase the wealth of the people
1 sell give a few examples. It looks
at large. And the farmers have come as if there had been delibrate discrim-
ination against articles coming from. i
the old country:— • j
4e ae,mplete departure from the
di accented and well -understood
oar system of the whole empire.
se protective system adopted here
tt a reproduction of the American 1
stare, not the British system, which
A been put in force, as far as the
rourraetances of this eonntry would
it, by Mr. Mackenzie. But
holly apart from. that question it wait
to us—I think: it is plain now to
• human being in Canada—that
le policy which deliberately selected
swiall section of the community,
Iilsicll trade then the recipients of
• favors at the hands of the Gov.
nrnent, which enabled them for their
preonal advantage and gain to tax
end of Canada to the other, at least
$10 per acre have been lost in value
to the people of Canada within the
space of the lase ten years. That is a
eery conservative estimate, because it
is within my personal knowledge that
double or treble that sum would not
in many localities equal the deprecia-
tion which has taken place in the
value of farming lands. It is no answer
to say that the same sort of thing len
taken place elsewhere.
"Whereas the fanners of Canada
were induced to support a scheme of
protect on and taxation by the asser-
tion than freely made that their pro•
at whole bulk of their fellow -subjects, pertleswould increase in value byreason
ski for the purposes of the public of the home market that would be sup-
iieslrfit, bet for the aprivate dvantsge pliedto them, that everything they pro -
't at certain number of rich corpora•. dasedwould have a higher price --I say,
i end iadlvtduafs, could and would while the farmers of Canada know
rplt in a widespread system of cog-' new that those representations were
ion trent one` end of Canada to solely and entileiy without fonnaa-
other. I atn bsppy to say that ation, while they know now that the
key considerable number of the most Y Government of Canada are utterly
Negligent members of the Conserve. unable to prevent the prices of the
Iva party have practically coma round ( majority of farms going do wn 20, 80,
potlition witch the bulk of the 40, and perhaps 50 per Cent, of what
iberal pentyl occupied fifteen years l they were fifteen years ago, they tee,
Ow If you Will take the trouble to and only too clearly, that while the
the ataateuueats and speeches., Government cannot put up the prices of
tee men like lir. McCarthy, col. theirproducts, they cannot prevent the
end otllere who think withi priest of their farms sinkir_g in valla,,
est will see that they admit the Government can Add enormously
}{tel were deceived, and very to their taxes and enormously to the
ivtd, in 1878, and that prices at those glasses of reticles
very serihua mistake which they rename. They have
rased their backe ern tt14 found out also the folly and mockery
Great Britain From U. S.
Per cent. Per cent.
Cotton shirts 48 44
Cnraa..., _...62 48
Forks,..,.. .54 50
Spades and shovels.. , .44 42
Axles.. _ . ..6i 44
Bar iron...... 3 27
Boiler iron 4 23
Tacks and brads4D 30
Iron rivets. . 6t 42
Wherever you have these mixed
duties it always ends in the actual tax
beteg enormously in excess of what
the people are supposed to pay. The
Government in making statements to
the people have always said that the
minimum tax was very little, but the
real taxes were sometimes so mixed
together as almost invariably to be in
excess of what the people are supposed
to pay, and the result is a great and
practical injustice to the meas of the
community,'who are compelled to pay
a vast deal more for what they use
than those who are better able to pay
are obliged to submit to for the arti-
clesyof a finer and better quality which g , Lumber of an -fin ds
the chiefly use. This is one among
many reasons which induced the Lib-
eral']TuC.�ibSS Shingles, party at the late convention to
pot it strongly and prominently be-
and. Cedar
I 'TE'`RN�y 41t I oN�. I,
Ertrftiia' a. DlCTiOil4ARYt
/!'J1C—"1Glr2P.11TCls_ �??iii
-4 Cr..ds-etssr-'•T. Thesurees'oroj`tsae „t,
"rnabridgCdr.`' a
Ten yearn iT :e
specs rerising. 1.1.3 �,c,,
editors erne eovt.l,
and oyer ,t.ca4,9it F
1 expen ed.
JI~ veriebodei
s catu own <:;a
Dieiioa cry. Ie au- ;-
severs all al:;r t;cias
coneerning the Li -
t005, y naL I t
n ntciatio aael
darn. 2 -cif
�arZ t:
A Zillrazy hz itself I
the foots oftenwanted mann:dog ouninant
persons, =dent and modern; un e,n del
Res persons and places; the e o s rr.:S
elle:, UM -AS, and natural fea1nri cf the
pdvta; trap= etion of foreign q o.at,c c
wore s,p?rzases.andprovorbs; eto.,ete.,ete.
TIT; sWork isinvaluable in the %
household, and to the teacbfer, scholar, pro- 4
fession a1 niaa, and set-edneat ar
The Globe, 'Toronto, says: �}
'suis Lew dlct aaariLs t .e belt bot cd its k,r1 e
in the. i' -.f 'O Ia: Range• For every family. Ike
--..rm'.k'rsa ss w£e"r?r Lave5t c00Gi
^g,Dspdcrefl .saivIIIrrareavropM er'.nxwme:l. e.
The Times, Fiamf1ton,'says:—
ItaiagFelib®prcaormmdtht rot
, vrare and to chew ,wl bot5 fa this r'Or r3. t.1
ziabeinea'esieo1vri i1s--+�' Y b tan l:t.
Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $z,00
per foot.
We to -day reduce our
quotations on Binder
Twine one cent per lb.
J. A. CLIMB' I& 00,
HaveyoerrBookseI1er• Erowittoyoa. cgs
C. ete alter/lam Co.
Pt„b• Ushers, ! 'f
,Springft sid,:Ifas..s., U.S.A.
eta aotbnye.terr,pbntn-
srattcre aat,,otar..0.ernt
t.,” nd for free rronsertns
rent• rr!r4rEr•eCrn tr- %
�-rtr'rr4, eta
wtfieer eenvrawwdviyva ikkiaoce221
wtasrt fs
fore the people as an object to be ,
striven and worked for, that, there Ear Load Orders a Specialty.
ahou:d in the first place a radicals
reform of your existing tariff; 1 WOOD delivered to any part of
THE SUGAR INCTT. 1, Winglham.
I noticed the allegation that these 'ordtrsbb zillcrcmpUltttf L o
gentlemen, who, by the way, spend a i GEOBG,L' THOi4SON,
matter of „$86,000;000 a yeer, against Bel i:5.Itiin,Fa in IP,
$23,500,000 of expenditure under Mr.:,.... t��; .
Eitvz $iii s tea a aesr Std•
Mackenzie, have reduced the taxes on ER 1t i' Odle* that. m* the wort rases of
certain articles to a large extent, and „yDebaood tOreViet�ao.
notably I obaeree that the Minister of � A S *"'km",, e
br Finance claims credit for an. enormons &maw
swet.iy ogres nye .Sega eti amtr gibs. Irb .1i start
redaction on the article of sugar. 1 rtnr.s IweasaM.r t. Seiwa :widbr.traiE
Rows ae La'y.r ex .f. fvr Sar ret taa�
want no better itle3tration of the way aeo.le nterse.I� e` Tr ' roVo s
in which these taxes are manipulated °O"a . p. , kt""6 e` "al"
nonce r l he charged less
than 25e,
Advertisements f
Lost, found, Strayed, Situations,
and Business Changes 'Panted, not exceeding 8 lines
nonpareil, el per month
, House, and Farms for Salo, not exceeding 8 liner,
41 for fust month, 50c. per subsequent month
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for local advertisements, or fo
longer periods.
Advertisements and local notices without specific
directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged
accordingly. Trana"ory advertisements must be
paid in advance
Changes for contract advertis:ments must be n
the office by Wednesday noon, an order to appear
that week
Pitorn:cunt AND PCBLIBaER
Wlsomai ,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
—Coroner for County of Euron—
Offlee 1pttairs, neat. to Er hforton's office, Wing,
ham, Ont.
0r!nCE Horns. -0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. in., or at
Residence, Diagonal Street.
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Sur cons of
Office and Residence—Corner of, Centre and Patrick
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
WJSGndit - • - ON;
Private :.nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission chared. Mortgages, to'rl
and farm property bouht and sd
ip woHsOFFICE—R.eaverBlock Wuroius
I wish to inform the people of Wing- E. L. DiciitNsox,
ham and surrounding country, that, as
I have purchased the Steam Pump Barrister Etc.
Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I
Wooden, lift,
to supply fRr�alt kindsf7ooIf�ir�7 i� SOLICITOR TO RANK o4 ILUITLTON. 3f0NET To
Wooden, lift, Force & iron Pumps Office—Meyer Bluct , to ngham.
And attend to the wants of the public
in anything in the Pump eine.
As I hare long experience in the
business I guarantee all my work. and
if not satisfactory will refund the money.
ALLI also deal in
Y�C,a Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
Vulcanite plates of the besttunecrial
as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion. All work warranted.
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Eleetne.
fry or Vegetable Vapor.
TARS hortcE.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents
OFFICE: In the Beaver Bleck, opposite the
Brunswick House.
rearSoft water cisterns made on short
notice. Wrn. H. Macdonald, L. D. S
Orders by mail' promptly attended to. ')
City Fruit & Confectionery Store
Because they can get goods that are
right and up to tine times.
But they are 'waking up to the fact that
I can give them goods that will
please them. Full lines of
Fruits, Oysters,Confectionery,&c
Agent for Parker'—Dye Werke.
Canned geode of every description al-
ways on hand and nay prices are as low
as the lowest.
Dontff rget the place, opposite the aew
Think of Hamilton. '
Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
Wllh visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays
of each. month.
DEANS, Ja,, fViaon Aar,
attended in any part of tbo Co. Charges
L=CEliseo AtCTIONLEIR 3011 THE cotiNT'
All orders left at the Tines office promptly attend
ed to. Terms reasonable.
All sales
attended to promptly and on the Slrorfesi
Charges Moderate
eAnessayarranntsa madthe
Tams' office
DR, J. iteASII,
11. B. Toronto, ;Members College Physicians and
Surgeons, Otario.
Money to Loan ou Notes.
Notes Discounted
Roney advutetd on note:neve at to pa cent walk
Iaririlei c of pay's ' at thesrnd of any year. Noted
l and accounts colleetcd.
itO T, mefl 1at3et..
Beaver ttoek Witehstai, out.