HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-11-03, Page 1VOL. XXI.---No. 111.
We have passed into stook a fine range of
•overcoats. Storm overcoats and nobby
well Made and well trimmed dross over-
coats. You young men who are wanting a,;
• 'fashionable, well .fitting dress overcoat w
miss it if you do not see ours; conte in and
••see them anyway, we do not think it a
. trouble to thaw them to you. Our gents'
'furnishings are complete in every line.
Some of the newest things in peek wear,
knots and derbys,. Our boot and shoe
stock was never so complete as at present.
The wet weather will. soon be upou us and
:you will find that you need s now pair.
'"Take time by the forelock.'
Groceries as usual; our 85 cent tea is th
talk of the customers three ee 0
, pounds for •.
dollar, five pounds for one dollar and fifty
'ham's r
Direct Dry Goode Importers,
Tae Bust, October 20, 1898.
Marriage Licenses
Issued' by FRANK PaTersea r. No 23, Vic-
toria street, Winghutn, Ont. No witnesses
required e
.0.-smesenhernebnt .
Has decided to en a dress making busi-
ness, at her res donee, John street, opposite
Queer's Rotel, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Apprentices wanted. 3m
-Dr. Si,ne1azzr, ft0 speoiatist, will
at the Queen T; ihte1, W inghara
from '7 •o'clock; onciajr night, No-
've*be,r Cth, u i1 the hour of 8
o'd bol ;ort` the ternoon 'Tues <
N I ,bo r° 7.th. Consultation free.
Bead diet adv rtisoment, in another
colnain, of cattle fo sale,
Call at the: Star Restaurant for a big g
assortment s
��di?, �� 112dIt7LVx.E.
tked tenlper-
!<s p it4 Wirigham
the atspiees
-Miss I
ance lector
some time 1i1,..
of the W. C-
--Try the new raisin seeder, only 15 of
at Griffin's Grocery.
"-Mr. Yeo. MoT visa has purchased a,
nice building lot on Shuter street, just
north of Mr. D, M. ordon's residence, and
intends erecting a esidence thereon this
---Rev. H. 'W.
preached in the
chrch, on Sunday
duct the services
Fraser spent three
China, and only re
reser, of Manitoba,
ingham Presbyterian
ast. He will also eon -
on Sunday next. Mr.
ears as a missionary in
urned on account of his'
Watches, sleeks and jewelry promptly
repaired and felly warranted by 1Ltr.sex
Pena, Meyer Block, Wingham.
-At the regular 1 eeting of Court Mait-
land No. 25, Canadia Order of Foresters,
held on Friday evenii g last, the following
officers were elected r the ensuing term:
Bobt. Rideau, C. It.; ohn Lockeridge, V.
C. Ii.; T. J. McLean, S.; D. M. Gordon,
P. S.;S.'Gracey, T.; J Neelands,. Chep.; D.
Small, S. W.; Id'. B. lliott, .1. W.; A. R.
'fbt onald, S. B.; Iry n Patterson, J. P.
-'The Trams will be sent to any address
frdm now till the 1st of January, .1895, for
One Dollar.
--The members of ern Lodge, No. 10,
Lady True Blues, of tliis town, will enter-
nd members of L. O.
tarn -invited friends
L. No '794, and thei
evening next, Nov,l
will be tweed. and a
ladies, on. Tuesday
7th. Refreshments
regrew/no rendered,
Those who are'lnoky enough to receive an
invitation may be sue of n pleasent time. j
The Pvters' Hall, Gregory's I3loolt, has I. W
bon se'cureor th occasion.
-41..50 cash will, scoure Trin Trams and' s
Toronto Weekly, lohe from now till the .
letof January, 1895. Subscribe at once.
-Brookville Thug Cetobor 2: "T'11e f S.
band connected with G y Bros,' Minstrels t and
patadecl the principal streets between 121 gra
and 1 o'clock ta•teay. halt was made on! It.S
Ritig Street apposite Co rt I'touse avenue, ! Coli
where the members of t o bend played a i urs
solo entitled "Roof ;.d in the cradle Of , eon
deep,' with variatio�
fitly irnnzense. The perf
erited applause from
, tabled.” Wilt appear
Mendel evening, Nov. 6.
--ldouse to let in Wingham. Apply to .-.A large 1luantit of fowl of all kinds is
A. Dawson 111 R bt trill
Dx. Macdonald b
to ars residence, at c -A number fro
lisle chords, on Contx J tch concert in
day evening,
s remc ed his office
e rear of Slew Bng•
nshire is in Toronto
e annual meetingof
bolus- brought to t # at resent. ' o • i is endued to bed with
p an attack of.4ongestio :of the lungs,.
IJucknaw attended the-„.Wingham sent a large contingent of
ae own Hall ozr Tues delegates to the Tem re, oe Convention
i Manchester, on at
+ Wedne
Store, Queen's Motel -Nave you been
,Arzr. Yours. Store? if not, you o
s able to be around
Eed for a few weeks
-T'Xr. W. F. Bros-.
this week attending•ocNew Rardwlt�
Block, Wiugham
the Photographers'
� I..
Mr. Robt, Beattie'
again, after beiug oonfi
with congestion of the,
• -Mr. N. T, Ritchie,
dine, has been. engage
the vieinity Whi of ll
Mr, J. S. Jeromeli
lot on Catharine street
named McIver, who toil;,
the course of a couple of
--Gash for good butter and eggs at R A
Grabam s inarket grocery.
-The Trues will be sent to any address'
from now till the 1st of January, 1895, for
Ono Dollar.
-Mr. E. R. Swart,
hold d effects to B
will take possession
that village.
-Dr. Sinclair, t
specialist, will visit
ally on Monday and
6th and 7th.
removed his house-
d, on 'Tumid/Ay. Ido
the i
o R ver
Hot '
Hotel, z n
e celebrated Seote
VIngham profession -
Tuesday, November'
0 to
and se, wloge.� 1Work tq omme commence amen to out l once.
Geo. Tiresome,
Wingham, Ont.
-There was qui
days during the pas
of snow fell on Satu
it froze pretty hard
day nights. The fir
took all the snow aw
-Rev. 1L W. Fra;
manners and custom
at the Young Peol
Presbyterian church
Mr. Fraser labored f
as a missionary, and
personal experience v
a whiter for a few
week. Several inches
day and Sunday, and
on Sunday and Mon. -
on=weather. et Tuesday
�y aga,;in.
or will talk on fhe
, etc., of the Chinese,.
e's meeting in the
bis (Friday) evening.`
• three years in China
will talk from his
th these people.
-Ladies, have your garments made by
Miss M. Johnston,. Gregory block, opposite
the Queen's Hotel, Latest styles, good
work, always first -ohms fit.
-At the regular sting of Court 111alts
land, Canadian Orde of Foresters, ;ai 't };±i-
day evening last, the
was unanimously pa
Neelands, seconded
the thanks of Court
to the managers an
byterian Church,
pews for our
8th. •
E. L, S., of Rimier-
rofes i
P s anally in
im for a few days
s sold his house and
ast, to a gentleman
take possession in
--/Methodist Church ulpit Topics for
next Sunday; Morning "The Lord's Sup,
per,"LIveniug--"Con eoration to God's
-Tuesday evening st was Ho1low'een,
but we have not Bear of any mischief be
ing clone in town, fur er than the taking
off of a few gates.
-Private monoys'to loan on mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
Joust NEezANDs,
-Mr. John Pelton has erected a pump
shop on Diagonal str ret, between Mr. T. L.
Jobb's blacketnith si op and Mr. W. Tay-
lor's cooper shop Fsvhere lie will carry en
the manufacture of wooden,pulnp$ of all
-New goods, oh 1 and good, at the
Queens Hotel Block j ardware etore, briugs
following resolution -=-The followin j is
Z+ihws-Retold of
sed: Moved by J'oiln . x1i3B
st B.
Elliott, that brother ofsMr. Atxitc3e
dastland be tendered
inerabers of the Pie.
g 1 i1m,•'i'd1. yap
On Sda , kC ''
fi t of
a H
tailoring. a
pgents, furniati„a,
try'CV b
9teLf.'' r.
(. a sf; Co,
Remember the place, oulyl.twvoribor'H ubrtb
of the cid steed and b, tween";Rost3' book
stor ;;{tied Pattorsoe't;; ptellery •shop,,
l4 dap
asg• d
od at the meet
ng•,6f Anehor'of a Lodge, I. 0. G. T„
en Tuesday eveng... Two propositions
were presented and two eandidatec.-initiat.
ed. .The election o:
quaver resulted as
0, T''.;; Sister Etiing
shirr, R. 5.,.,,,J •1?G
Vine Ruth, Trees ,
John Mowat,
Ernest Blackwell;
,t+,�`.Pv tragus. for'Toronto and: east.
leave vyingham at 6.25 a m'aud 11.20 a in.
via W G.& B Division. and at 6.4" a nit
aerl.3.45 p ns, via Gunton and •
vale Road; , +moi;
r. baggage
Tit , an Monde
ryllituxyg:care or.,
arrn was
t yet known: tv;
broken. He will he•
taken from the Clinton
t `.. Mr. Tipling is a
.„`ipiing, of the Blue-
haznits. Kipling, the
an, li etE'wxth a la
tlfti 3a?�gd 1 ,
std n
'V. S
evexel�i .;
t b L
b a
aid tkil';ii„i
the new hardware
gat to go. Prices right.
--Conductor Snyde it is said, is about
to quit railroading to :o exolusivei : into
revival work,
-Several of our lo al hunters have been
out shooting lately, , ad some of tlietn have
been quite suecessfu
„ ,
-- It s the little t rugs that tell.”
If you Acladon't belielike
imany- es,
Ask big sisters tui small brothers.
-The Clinton Ne •'s•Reeord has put on a
new dress and looks ; trite sprightly in its
new clothes. The ws-Record is a good
local paper, and is ell supported by the
business men of Clii on.
• ---Special meeting • have been hold in the
Wingham Methodist church, on Wednesday
and' '. i'hursdayevenit'-sand wiIlbe continu-
ed this .(Friday) a ening, preparatory to
the Sacrament of th : Lord's Supper, on
Sunday next. Rev. Ir. Sellery has been
assisted by Rev. J. + . Dyke, of Belgrave;
Rey. J. W. Pring, of Bluevale; and Rev.
Jae McLachlan, pf T eswater. The meet-
ings have been pretty well attended.
--&lady residing o Patrick street has
been bothered for som time by a number
of small boys pelting 1 er house with stones
and ruud. On Wed ,esday eveniug, not
satisfied with using n ad, they resorted to
stale eggs. Tuts is t notify saiclboys that
their names are kno • n and will be publish-
ed should they repeii ' their annoyances,and
also other measures aken to make them
behave themselves,
A Gaduato or To onto tlntversiay.
"Sly children have been treated with
Scott's Emulsicn:trona their earliest years 1
infulj,.Qnr physician `first recommended. it and
new whenever a child takes cold my wife
'iinntediately .resorts to this remedy, which
t Is always effects a cure.
are —
_tune. The annual See
ices of• Camp C
•tis held on T
tpwn Hall. '
lied} and the cont
'success. The progr
as printed, with th
01 changes, which v
Murchison, of Luck
chair, The danCin
and the "Reel O' T
costume,was much,
Mr. W. E. Rams
brought down the li
was vigorously enc
ance on the stag
violinist, of Hamil
ance before a Win
decided hit. She
which were well
will always bo w
audience. The Mi.
'match of No. 5 CO, ich, the Highland d
at Zetland range, on the reputation they
he day was , -fine, but Mr. Thee. J. Scutt
gash will 'secure Tree
Toronto Weekly Globe free ,
lst of January,_1895. Subser1,
--fir #+Iglu R Ol+ •
rke, tap;; )iili'p'b of en-
ver'0.0404$. in the
etliedist 'chards- Vnaghar.4.d.:
+ ti concert, under the
Iedonia, Sons of Scot-
esday evening last in
10 hall l
was very well
•t was in every way a
tame was carried out
exception of a couple
re announced by Mr.
ow, wito ocotipied the
of the "Scotch Reel"
fleets," by dancers in
dashed by all present.
, of Toronto, fairly
use in comic solos,and
ed after each appear.
• Miss Jennie Ducker,
in ler first appear-
bmi audience, made a
ve Several selections,
•eoeii'ed, Miss Ducker
coined by a Winghan
es Meteren, of coder -
nears, fully sustained
ave made in Wingham.
high for good shooting. i �� avo two `songs, "The
g Cameron Mee, a 1 the "Auld Scotch
awarded as follows: Songs," in his very est style. Tho mem-
Capt. McKenzie, of bere of the Sons of, eotiand are to bo eon
r Norden, 2nd; V Van- gratulated on the su • cess' of their concert
:rick, 4th; E. Sherman, and shoixld be favorer
6th ; J. Leaver, 7th; J their next concert.
Sheridan, 9th, tie.
ah resulted as follows : • Pere°
xit: on ay
and Tuesday evenin : a, November nth fund
:e9 Tress, in speaking
ke is one of those rare
ho has learned the
the human soul. His
o 1n Lpndou," if full of
,wit, humor and pathos.
tors . at his command.
a goldenthread glistens
d tha..;vbeauty of all is
us, satisfying aftertaste
r dinner. Don't fail to
, if ever and whenever
Geo.,.. --Ireland, 14th The Detroit
se him 5 i'C1
V. T.; 'W. P,.Rrooken- , say k
men so seldomInst
Dodd, F.. S , Sfster `
S.; Sister Ireland, etbies of huthaiiit
He , Iodide his h
Mood, tet cllrng li
through' it all. Al
one enjoys a della'
Guo[ph like good cheese of
Mee lelaoltwel"l, flap.; seers avenue of
Sisfbr MolIwaiu G • lecture, "To and F
Good connections by all trains, • • jliear•Johii. R. filar
WrnozzAnt,--W. H. Watson, Piistor.' Ser
vices eagh-,Sundal' at 11 a m.yand 7 p;
Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2:30.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 8 v. in. •Christian Endeavor, Friday
evenings at 8 p, m. All Spade welcome.
Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday,
November 5th. Mo
of God in a ship
sinners of Bible fir
Communion of Lor
service, All made
ning: "The church
Evening: Seven
ne. No, 2 in series.
1's supper after morn-
velebnie to sorviees.
Fawx, ` Sas -A. number • of thorough-
bred 'Young Roosters of Silver Wyandotte,
Black Langshau, BIack Spanishand Brawii
Leghorn breeds. Apply to John A. Baru -
era, Wroxeter, or R, Elliott, Wingham.
-The regular mon my Gospel Temper.
ance meeting, under ie auspices of the
W. C. T. V., was ho in the Temperance
Hall, on Monday ov ing last. The Rev.
W. I•t. Watson ocoup' d the chair.. After
devotional exereises, n opening piece was
ung by members ef't . e i7nion and midi -
nee. enee. During the ev ning, interesting and
nspiring addresses :re delivered by Rev.
Fraser, of Manitoba, funny in parte-,-a
T f�So.1��lo`wing pro, Was that the j
rt: t7c�y,�� Mr. 3, odor, moat of tip
,I tier,Mr's. In the apectacul
ald Plenty; performance of
A. rlttLean; statue," and Ever
especially tneritor
scene and severs
heed in it were q
in abundance. The the stick drill. by
d to be well pleased I costumeswere Iia'
ceedings. 1 at Williams' 73ruu
Seilery,Rev'. Il, W.
Dr, Macdonald
nnme war 1
eryandlft i•
g by Mr.
er received well
largo crowd as.
Town Hall, ton le,
the opportunity oc
-The annual xi
33rd Batt., was he
Wedneeday last.
the wind was'rti;the
The prizes were
Volunteers mateb
London, lst; Lean
norman, 8rd; R. C
5th; Jas. MoGuire,
Pugsley, 8th, and
The all -comers ria
G. A. Newton, lst •
V. Leaver, Ord,
J. Pugsley, 5th, an
V. Vanuorman, 7t
tie; C. N. Griffin,
tie ; W. McDonald
---The ltingsto
contained the folio
the .Guy Bros' m
Winghani Town
November 6th :
Miss Lizzie Kennett
nd 3. I,eaver, 4th, tie; Bayfield. where she in
ana 11. Carrick, 8th, Sore, and Gracie, wor
bore this week.
th, ana tr. Sherk, 10th,
11th. Miss Aggie Bullard Was visiting friends 'WxxenAm-John
in Wroxeter this weel ; Watson, Rev. S. Sell
News of October 4th Mr. Thos. Renders n, jr., of the Blue. M. Gordon, D. Stith
ing flattering notice of vale road, returned h me on Mondey even- W. j. Plettty, joist
astrels, who appear in ing from a visit to th World's Pair. EAST' WILWAVOSA
all, on Monday evenieg, Mr, Prank Dineley of Stretford, is on a Wellwood,G. Ienkin
It Was a fairly large and 'Ito his berelits i town. Sturdy, G, Stuedis,
Ir. and Mrs. W. Brockensinee left on Currie, Gavin Wile
Wednesday to vial friends tt Toronto, Wnsr WAW tsrosff
Peterboro, Port Ho Conspbellforri and , ss s„.
Lindsay. They will e absent nearly two tr. At' """'
Miss Gibeon, D ngantiou, was calling McLaughlin
on friends in town is week.
Mes. Jelin Bider s as visitibg friends in
Brusaels Post: fro. Seliery (Ina miss eenanenasa
Bev. S. Sellery to rassole on Tuesday
visited with emu° f their former aeon nt, secretary an
at1000. pointed from 01
---We .are glad to a
B. Dereill, .t'residen
Oshawa, and Principe,
dential Academy, Tot
having been, written to
our young ladies wh
pentice the Rev. A. ,organised tit as early date
f the Dernill College, : That a levy of 620 for towns, $1G
of the Denali] heti-,;ships and other rauei.rpalities be
I Brent municip litres in tltie.
interest of o
gn, and that
ut collected It
ration to a-;=
eletiu'ers, CUd
v. gentleman, who following he the °Mee .8 of11 the drat
Sabbaexth. Re will committee,
with vice
a1I D. V.), on San- 'municipality: F. Met
tacit, sharp. Sub- Dr, Ferguson, Blyth,
rte. , on
& .the Protest- Irwin,;Blyth, Trees
ion of Canada," a; ministers of Blyth be
to Sts all, As the; the executive,
ed in this work for j The report wasado
is well acquainted the exception of mak'
cat of great inter- i townships of IIuliett
nt0, I8 in 'town the diff
in the. t carry on the camp
may contemplate sent, of the gross am
going away or the hig or advantages eau- ; to the Provincial Ass
oationatly, We wo d advise parents paying for literature
desiring such oppo, unities for their committee also
daughters to see the
intends remaining eve
e r
1 Stu eau the Tdwn
day afternoon,. at 4 a'
jeot: "Convent influe
ant girls in tate Demi
subject of great inters
lecturer bas been enga
over twenty years, he
with it, and. gives inst,
est to those who will
lection will be taken
on the Toronto Amide
to see 111'r. Demlll m'
Tnn s .°M.ee.
West Ruron Prot
A large and entit
Temperance workers w
dist church, Manches,
afternoon last. The n
sed in the Tempera's°
soon apparent that all
antedated, so an adjour
the xhuroh. Shortly a
meeting was called to
calf, of Blyth, when p
Rev W.H. Watson,of Wi
Mr. J. E, Torn, of Godo •1011, was called to•
sola, Auburn.
awrason, of Lou-
, The towns of tip
residents from.
1z 131yth,.Pr «:
ecretary, and
rev, and that i
x -officio memhet
ted as a whole, ss-
g the levy ora
nd Goderieh, wit
tend, A silver col- ' are not all comprised ' z the West 11i j
assist u1 carryiizg of .Duron, $740 each.
y, Parties wishing i Mr, F. Metcalf, ut a feat speech, this'll:
leave word at the ' the meeting for the ()nor conferred
him and asked that all present do' one
bitign Cor�ven- thing 1n their power 12 etirnately to cr1i
the prohibition flag to ictory,
elastic ,meeting of l The appointment of , conveners of fi
s held in the Mahe- ; different municipalitie was then taken ti
r, 0... Wednesday i and the following gent men were ape*conn; was c9mmon, 1 ed : Ashiielcl, H M Du , Dungannon; Co
Hall, when it wits 'borne, John Stewart, 1 Iter Godezi
enn ; w e
ould not be amnia- D McGillicuddy; Go lerich township,
lent was had to 0 Elford, Eolmosvilie; Clinton, os EL
er one o'clock, the ton; Winghatn, D 1tI t• orlon; Biytb,
der by Mr. F. Met Mr Buggin; Bast Wa ,(mesh, lvi D W
ayer was offered by wood, Winglianl;. Wi .t WISsetenesh,
glut's]. On motion, McLaughlin, Auburn; o ullette eT41jiz W
the chair, and Mr. B.
desboro, appointed Sec
Fred, O. Elford, of God
assistant secretary.
A business committe
Messrs. R. hellos, D.
Holland, F. Metcalf, W.
Elliott, was appointed
gramme fo
s; a< .the ,ry uidau
vention �I E
�sthe co
paring their rt i .!..;the oll Ball was rgcne
01t -h `tort , whel #>I;�' fo lowing delegates
'vverdd'otnd to be fti sttel ance': • 1
Ae;trxrnn Birt. A. Du , , John Campbell, 1..
Miss., l3eiinetel miss 5 eplienson, Jacob : b
Crozier,]3, M . buft, Jo] ,Bennett, Rev. J.
D. Rogers, Miss Riles, es. Anderson.
linxxtz—Dr. I'ergiison, F. Metcalf, Mrs.
Metcalf, W. H. Irvin, o McQuarrie, Rev.
Mr. Buggin, Mr. BentIe , Ltev. A. McLean, E
Miss Walker. ; S.
Oraxeox-Robt. Holm :, Rev. J. W. Rol -IP
mes, Jas. McMatb, Jas. Stevens, Frank
Boles, Mrs. Andrews, i rs. Crick, Miss t 11
Moore, David Tiplady, J' B. McKinnon,
Coznoaxe-A. Stephen :, Rev. Mr. Ross, a
John Lawrason, Hoary erten, John Her• al
ton, John, Stewart, An •ew Middle, John eO
Clutton, Samuel Linfiel, , N, Hernighan,
Rev, Mr. Thibedeau, It Thibedeau, Mi•s.t, ca
Patterson,,Mr. Snyder, A, E. Allan, Miss bi
Allan, Henry Snyder, } iii. Robertson. •
GolEEzext--IIIrs, Mor on, Mrs. Smooth, , n1
trs. Molloy, Mrs. Le ch, Mrs. Blake, Gx , L th
cheson, D. McGiIlie Idy, T. Naftell, Jas. ,
Reid, J. 11. Aitkin,
rs. A, Cantelon, Mrs
lack, J. C. Reicl.
Gunmen Towesair
. C. Potter, F. 0. E
etary, with Mr, 1 Wingham li s ii ,
Mit township, as
consisting of
OGillicuddy, A.
Fleuty and R,;
prepare a pro-'
e of
the Cpnven-�
itt$e•,TW ere pre-
campaign the Qat zi
municipalitie's org,'4i'ii'ke
possible, was taken. itp
and delegates from ea,
cipality conferred and
and dates following
organization 'Li]
an m
g eetingsr
Hallett -At Tempera
born, on November lit ,
A$hfield-At Blake's , ali::.on' . I.N
"Colhartio-At Smith'
ykrawanosh-7-In he Sehool house
Betarr4; 011 .N0):Eallb&i 11t11, at 2 p.
West .‘.99,wanosh-1 the Temperanc
lI, ;t
Rill, on Novena
Its. J. Aitkin,
Jas. MoBrien, jassit pseri. you will not use any other. Priee 25e.
with a full house at rrut'411-13' LaVr
Belly, A, MeKtiowIa
las n derson, Mrs.
Wilhelm, JOhn Hoar
.A skenert, Melte La
Miss S. Blair, 'Miss
left on Taesclay for
ton ana daughters,
visiting in Lendes-
insteh pleased mid ence which attended the,
Martin's Opera ho me last evening. The
performance was good --funny, intensely
d one good feature of it
cos did not have an aged
being hest' and original.
part of the eliove the
ebonald the "flexible
us. Tho "Robin llood"
ito pleasing, as was also
Guy brothers. The
dome."' Plan of Hall
.114i1c; reading by Miss L.
lder. In addition t he above, refresh.
ants were served,
rgo audience appeal
ith the evening's pr
ason; T. Cole, john bog, at all drug stores,
d, Rev. lafr. Baugh, world. Instant 0111:0 An" S 'rain a
iidd mpg -ridge, 0. x Oils is the best Family .Lmiment iu the
. Hamilton, Rev. Mr-
enderson, Rev, Mr.
once, MiSs L. Erratt,
, Mrs. G. jenkitas,Mists
ndrew Currie, W.
Girvin, Bailey,
ot Miss Ratcliffe, Dr.
Oneic New 'roe,
coudition to supply families or eocietete
With new teas, at jobbers priees. Now
tbe time to seeure your teas.
-president fro
eld forrh the e.
hat 'tonveners
menieipality not
treasuter, all to be
each municipality, who
appointed Dv each
fitly organized, they
eve the numicipalities
Bruises. 13eware of irnitatione. Ask or
Salmon's English White.0,ile,,
are safe thud sure. !.)5b. a bolt,
will cure the worst told. hundreds of
testimonials testify to its merits, Worley
will positively be refunded if Reuthfielti"
Ilealing Balsam does not do all that is
-claimed for it.
Dr. Willies itedical
try is the great blood purifier. It will
make the blood pure and keep it pars.
Cures dyspepsia, eta all forms of stoma*
and liver troubles. 'It is the best; buy the
hot. Price -03303 dollar a bottle, six bottle*
for five dollars,
.-Ctglish "'White
Dr. 4V—eriti Powders.
Illeathileird's Ile/klieg Bat -
't Olen ix
*age Or