HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 8TILE \lrINGHAM `MIMES, OC r SOBER 27,1891 It rel. '"'NrT'tn aged 75 years. T t„� of I)evoushire, E 1111,E1aia SILKS. r,Iih shy tett a,.tions in tbo way of t, qualities, and good values. It known that we slid the fine silk Reason; the reason yoti know, the oihkr tare Muth snore prominent in attr .etion:l. To attract you to this Ree the exquisite variety from 50o. to per yard iu blacks; their unnaatalsablo ,' 1a,ty and nrequ:Iled values make them Ase1atible. [� READY-W.DE Mr1NTLB S. 14e stand head and shoulders above com- $tiorr. We do the largest mantle trade ft town, not by accident, but because no ,user stare shows such an assortment,from •.e lowest price mantle, $5.00, up to the mast exquisite fur trimmed, at $25. En- •tll.aged by the wonderful iuerease in our and our very large stock of bigh °lase 1'es, we urgeyott to come and see what l,„+are-doing in mantles, whether you wish aehay or not. al BEADY -MADE CLOTHING. ri$S,uits and overcoats for men and boys, ;stem the leading manufaoturers are here in diunclauce. The new fall and winter stock, •• r'ilhprising everything new, correct in u y1es, reliable in quality, perfect in fit and :.hien, at low prices. EVERYTHING IN FURS. rirSable, Mink, Notre!, Otter, Persian ivazub and Astrachan, Capes, Mantles, "lora Collars and Muffs. Great attrac- 411s and largo assortment in all depart- )). o.ents, epart- tent$, at :11 , Sq WINDOWS as M..,.M....ar_,r®...r .� . ct` Canada's lean Sweep. tee 1 pa entNDIA FIIOWI 'G IN TIM CREESE 'EX.. )11$ MBIT A CHICAGO. lidPRobertson, Dominion ,rof.. James titi '. Mary commissioner, an just returned from dilhicago. He is uat rally enthusiastic over igt1e grand showing ade at the World's hair by Canada in he dairy exhibit. In hila cheese competit au the Dominion not orhly captured the .ream of awards but eek skimmed milk ud all, leaving barely thio dregs for its rivals. It was a huge elieau sweep and a triumph for Cauada's :a eat and growing natural industry. tr There were three judges iu the •dairy clues -one each from the eastern and jesteru States and one from this country. £oah order, to insure absolute. impartiality obe samples were carried bellied a screen via there tested by the judges, to whom -elhe makers were unkuowu. Piof. Robert- , mon gives the Sinal result of the awards in th rune and `Octobtr exhibits lie follows Canada in 1860. mother, a kind fro wiles knew her. litre. Sproat au.l 1iiliop, spent 11teu e deceased was a dative laud, end emigrated to rs.:t plett was a loving ud awl beloved by all Mrs. Thompsou, of Mc - ay at lila, R. N. Duff's, The annual area 'ng of the Bible Society etbodist eburob, ou ev. Mr. Cobblediek, of Pring,. and Rev. L. X. sans, Good tnusie was hairs. Alma, is visiting here, y preached iu Luck. d Rev. Mr. McKay, of d eommuniou services church bere. re,of Manistee, Miohiie r the parental roof, . Scott went to Peelti the wedding of Mrs. was held in the Monday evening. Brussels, Rev. 11r. Healey, gave adds fnruished by both arra. G. Wray, of Rev, A. Y. Hartl now last Sabbath a that place, conduct in the Presbyterian Mr. Hugh Casem gam, is vfsitiug and Mr. and Mre. F. I last week to attende Scott's niece. Mr. Wm, Messer 1 additiou to his resid An opeu meeting i Temperauce lodge w 11 be held in their hall, on Friday ever ing. 'November 3rd. A good programme a i11 be given, and all are invited. Messrs. Duff & S -wart have done ail extensive business t year in lumber, shingles, &c. They lave brought in from British Columbia auother points, 1042 thousands of shingle and have sold uearly the whole of them. .1ustomers have come from as far as Wroxeter, Gorrie and Ford - with for their sung les This firm has receutly removed their saw mill near put in the boiler aloe their mill here, and in a building across the steam to it from of pipes, In this sb planer and other ma facture of builders' su Mr. 'Wm. Gray ilo tailoring trade here. The township Co Monday last. tt JUNE E 6 Total entries from tates in Cheddar or tam Of these Canada event factories 16 otai awards for C Of. these Canada t Fns United States 9. thirty cue: exhibits this competition sc 'ghest Unite : State o0 wis_ Total entries to l3tilted States in Masses, 600-- 0 06.O these Canada sent 524. as just completed an ace. connection with the .xwa.+xi+sr:x.rt very hand)• f"r •rite of our citizens anti bslueve it t4 The DPW MAO ifu'ri' in the electric light plant her is now almost rettpy for the head ea t'r to be lifted liar` heave the great forces of water tltert It mov- ing, TiA wat •r power here is one o' the best In tilt Provluef. Some fifty applications hare keel% received by t e trustees from teachers for the sella 1 here. No application loisbeen ne epte.l yet and will not an til Novenlb l' Turnip r rising is the race now, htrl he well patio HIBIT. Canada. and United actory classes, 667, nt from over 100 eddar cheese, 138. ok 129, leaving for of Canaflfan cheese eyed higher than the cheese. ExWIBIT, 2 : Canada and the Cheddar or factory 1 awl ala 'hes ? 3ted Staten cheese in Cheddar or n 1893), 414. took 369, leaving for Dank Z. :7 Maumee. •-In Wing tam, on the 8th of October, t e wife of :i' t'. A., Marriott, jr.; SOO. , Latium •teE-1u wer Wingham, on •October 'rd, alit vire of 111r. Robert Lockeridse ; adaugl ter. Venue •N• -In Tr liberty, on October 20th, the wife of ali. Edward I?ergusou ; se caughter.. TAYLOR -At Win Nor, ou September 30th, the wife of dr. Alco, Taylor, for. inerly'of Ilelgrave; t daughter. r3A RIED. • ,,.fhANDERSON-AIUN. -lit Bluevale, by the Rev, Wm. IdecGre, or. of Wingham, Mr, Thos. Anderson, if Turuberry, to Miss Kate Munn, of .111 rris. TASLaa-HILTo:s -Cit the resideuce of Mr. Wm. Dixon, t Iinuie street, Wingham, ou the 25th instn tr, by the Rev. Wm. MacGregor, of W ugliant, Mr. J. Taylor to Miss Annie Hilto , both of Hamilton, HOLDAWAY-R . e-Ou October 18th, at the residence f the bride's brother, Mr. he machinery from A. Rothe, Owen `Hund, by the Rev. Dr. he station and have Wastes, Miss J5. tet Rotne, third daughter of Mr. Wm. 11 me, Culross.. to Mr. W. side of tbe boiler in J. Holdaway, e dest sou of Mr. James. have put the engine Holdaway, Owe I Sound. he road, and conduct The happy co ple left for Toronto.where he boiler by means they will spend a few days in viewing the p they have put fu a • principal parts f the pity. hiues for the mann, .�....�..�-- piles. I R quite an extensive Feezea-- GmonLr,--At he residence of the bride's father, Turnb rry, ou the 25th instant, by the Rev.. `.1`, L Kies:mita Mr, A. Fraser, to Miss L. Gem dol, °ideas (laugh. ter of Mr. Wm, Gemini 1, One hundred and thirty exhibits of tnadian cheese in these classes scored her than the highest, United States ese. t TIM TO ALR, 1 Total awards for cheese glade previous )o 1893, 110. ,ariada took all of these -a splendid of the keeping qualities of Canadian sed :n the two competitions ards were as followtr Exhibits. Awards. 15 United States 54 'outlined*, ut, r°.* 689 607 Of the totaI ex.1 obits sent from Canada October all 60' 87 received awards, a ezn a kable evidence of general excellency. entriee and t . 108 elft men he ser•.. of the judges eese, which was 33 in hos, was found oElent `' 'o w. •rand gi hie poitd' ie, have sirea The big cheese will Mani tothe old count rued with these planar GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. DI14ee trarrrx-sIn East V:ylvanosh, 011 Oa ober 23r4,.1edward L .yd Duckett, aged GO years. EVVXETT•--lu Turn (wry, on the 221id instant, Esther, wife Mr. John Epplett, faced 75 years. 'O'CALLAenex-In " est Wawamosh, on the 20th iustant, Patrick O'Gallaghau, aged. 62 years. WrasoN--In Oliu on, on the 18th iustant, Heleu E. Wilsop, ged 57 years. nail met here on Application will be made nit r the expiration of 20 days from the first publics on 'hereof, to the Sur- ,, rl t - rogate Court of the County of Heron. to appoint , Joseph Smillie, of the Taw ship of Morris in the ,'• .County of ft mon, yenint guardian of his infant l children, .Ltnbcrt RmUIle, iz'thethAgnes Swink and Walter Smillie. fanosh. . J. A. IdnitTON, t Solicitor for the said Joseph Smillie, Monday, 0etober Dated at % highnIn the 24th October, 1800. 3t were all present. ing were read and i 1 V1 FA FOR SAL . seconded by Mr. I The subse iber offers for sato his arm, being lot. ad le be paid $7, as `L4, Concession B,'I'nruberry, colt Minn. 100 acres, more or less The farm. is sit ted 3 utiles from gy caused by a , avingltam a.nd 2 utiles front ty'jii church; gond school d. � within half a utile. Fret e use, frame barn, with t for August and 'steno^stabling, and ont•b it WI'Hearing orchard; g Hood fences, std tan goo ells'and sett water nis- nce and receipts, ! springs. For fFarm urtheVnever-failingith r pa culnrs,applyto the 3067.34, leaving prietor on thefarm, or address Box 107, Wingham. West Wa The Council met on 14th. The _members Minutes of lamer mee approved. Moved by Mr. Gibso Durnin, that George B damage done to his bi d feci'%ve bridge-Carri The Treasurer's repo September showed bal $986,54; with expenditn a balapte on hand of $ The following checks Welsh, gravelling 24 an 16 rods at $1, 316; Join ling opposite 13, conces at 40c., 328.81; John hill and gravelling, 21 360; John Kilpatricl•, gravelling, 24 and115, extras, $2.19, 330.00; 312.60, damage, 31, printing, on account, amining Jas. Barron, James Hoey, grading cessions 11 and 12, 50 Henry Rintoul, insp eastern boundary, 32; ing, concession 9, 50 repairing bridge, 15 a and 4, 33; Thos. Ande 25, concession 3, 54 grading and gravelli cessions 2 and 3, 315. gravelling '21 and 22, at 31.70, 334; Thos. road between 21 and 2 George Armstrong, gr concession 25, 407a rods Anderson, cutting hil repairing culvert, 37 pairing road opposite 7, 310; Stephen Med and25,conoeasion 4, $ culvert, eastern boa O'Connor, culvert op 6, 32; Thos. Lott, be cessions 8 and 9, 350; bridge, concession 11 4, 33.50; Daniel Alto in hauling stone fo wisher, lumber for p Council adjourned November llth. en 05 out of 100 ly been publish. soon return for y. It has been is "Going: to gland," "Free farms of 190 aures in the sa3iatr Northwest," v-Cituada leads the rId its quality foe cheese', wheat, apples, ba,00n, sheep and garises," stuerstaxit. Thos. Hyslop, of 'Ulises, is visiting Mutual Black's. LL, ItptrlRett, relict of the late J'olno ted le Turnberry ou Sunday, SrcoRD-At Vitt' a, on the 13th iustant, 3..13. Beard, age' 68 years and 2 mouths. FALLEx-In Cu ass, on the 13th instant, gay, wife of Mr Daniel Fallen, aged 85 years and 5 mon s. FOR INVALIDS whose system needs toning up and whose appetites are failing,e quick and pleasant i remedy will be found u CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. Prepared only by E. CAMPBELL & Co. Beware ofImitatio,ts. MONTREAL. • A Brick House and Lot for Sale in Wingham, being lob 05, on the Eastside of Catherine street, Ward No. 2. Thu house contains 8 rooms, pantry, and cellar. hard and soft water. The Int contains one•fiftb of art acre, For further particulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Wingham P. 0. J, R. GREEN. .20 -Filed. ere issued: Patrick 25, concession 7,- a' ST A Gz `''-` ARE. Kilpatrick, gravel -1 n 4 and 5, 59 yards ilpatrick, cutting , >7Strayed f l bay hang led 22, concession 4, downonahoff of the f cutting hill and suck information oncession 4, 327.91, recovery will be suite ohn Medd, gravel, 13,00; Jas. Bryan, $40; Dr. Case, ex -To Subscribers in Arrear 5, lumber, $3, $8; ndravellin g g, con - ods at 750., $37.50; - cling contracts on A number o f 'subscribers are still . Alexande>•y.ditch- in arrear for their subscriptions for .; Jas. D. Smylie, the current year, and a certain 16, concessions 3 number for two and even more son, culvert, 24 and years. We urgently request all 15; W. H. Wilson, subscribers in arrearto put them.' , opposite 19, con- selves right on our books as soon '7; Thos. Anderson, MALcoL31 LAM ONT. ain, on September ,with a large growth •efeet. Anyone giving will lead to her ly rewarded. . C. SPARLING. Others. and Forest City Business and Shorthand College, of London, Ont, DOES NOT need to hold out such induseuieata ns the pal mitt of railroad faro, guaranteeing of positiany, deo., dee., fn girder to secure patronage. WE DD offer you the most rasorroM and TOOROUGOI drilling in ell business subjeetswhieh it iopossitii't to obtain. Wehat o the largest attendeneeanti the most complete• school in Canada. No solicit, your patronage on rho ground of work, Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. hoard i12,30 per weal.. A RARE CHANCE to make from 315 to 325 per week insetting our HIardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Cotnplets OuTe1T FREE, Special instructions to beginners. Write this week for terms to. 121 . occasion 2, 20 rods nderson, repairing concession 6, 326; velhng 15 and 10, at 84c., 334.02; Thos. , piping ditch and Jacob Miller, re - 7, concessions 6 and , repairing road, 24 .75; Thos. Nicholson, day, 313.50; John osite 27, concession ge opposite 14, con - Thos. Lott, repairing and concessions 8 and , damage to property bridge, 38; 'Thos. ing, 31.50. o meet on Saturday, . K. adman, Clerk. Lower The population hag materially i past few weeks, a moved into the Samuel nfdllwuit atnong the res The population other way also, ridge was Wee a bouncing baby We hear that man is about to a place. While w AGO such, still, w Wingate. of Lower Winghsm creased' during the of tvfamilies have lace, Thos. Groves, , and A. Wiley are of the immigrants. las increased in an. s Mr, Robt. Locke. ted on tIonday last iri by lfie wife. former Win3Fbara art a'hetat in this re not anxious to Mink it would be E. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toron to, Oct CEO. SHAW" CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF IYIEAT as possible. Those indebted for Job printing and advertising will also confer a favor by an early settlement. We Lave large payments to make and would like those indebted to us to put us in a position to meet them. If you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the atnouut at your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money order, or sent by registered letter to B.ELtIOTT, TIDIES Oaten, Wingham, Ont. AGAIN. Catalogue froo. 6m J. W. WESTI UVELT, Po iineipi i° °)k The partnership happily existing between the undersigned' for the past six years will close on the 8t11 day of September, l893,. by effnl- gonce of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot bo renewed. Therefore, the I UTI TO ABOUT ba a' .d g m t $oId 'T Y. I. 0 00% :out I1BBffl\8 AND AT BELOW COT. As the goods are all new and have been selected with great care, ry affords an opportunity of securing SACRIl+ l CLBARUAINS such as this may never again be offered to the citise'ris"> of Wingham and vicinity,. STEAK. J- NC. PER LB° This great sale will begin on and order meats low in proportion. FOl: SAUSAGE also on hand. I aim prepared to pad the highest price for all kinds of fowl. They must be drawn and well dressed. :