HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 7Daniel. WV/aster's Story.
One evening ata couvfvial party
Daniel Webster and other distinguished
lawyers Were prettei.t, and the emitter.
sutler) happened to tore on the legal
profession., *'When 1 was a young
praet:►ttoner," said vir. Webster,
"there was but one young untie rat the
New Hampshire bar of whom I was
afraid, and that woe old Barnaby,
There were but few :tree who dare to
enter the lists with him, On one
occasion Larnaby was employed to
defend the title to a piece u£ laud,
his opponent being L little, mean,
cunning lawyer mimed Bruno. Bruce's
case ens looked upon as good SR lost
when it was ae ertaitled that .13aruaby
was retained against him, The suit
carne or for trial, and Barnaby found
that Bruce had worked hard and left
no stories unturned to gain the victory.
The te4tialantr fur the plebetillwee very
strong, and unlese it could bo iwpeaeb-
en the ease of the defeudallt was lost.
The principal witness intl'odtmeo by the
plaintiff wore a red coat. lel en inuliuw
up for the defence old Bernell pomp
meuced a
pulling his testimony all to pieties, and
appearing to the jury if a matt who
wore a reel coat vv),s,uncfer any circum..
stances, to he believed, "And who is
this red -coated whir ease" exclaimed
Barnaby, ''but at descendent of o
eoinnhon enemy, who 11Se Striven
take from tts our liberty and would u
hesitate now to deprive euy peer ma
of his land by making any sort of
red coated statement."
„During the speech Bruce was wall
in up and doom the heir greatly F•xci
ed atui convinced that hie ease wa
gone, kutwing ate lie did the prrjndie
of the jury against utl,p) bins Britisl
While, however, 13arutby was totalc
lilting alga 'unite; forward to the ,jury
in his eloquent appeal his shirt boson
opened stightly,and Bruce accfdentall t
discovered that Barnaby wore a re
nndergllirt. Brace's con itCllane
brightened up,. Putting its bands h
his pockets he waltzed to the bar with
confidence, to the
and tell onlookers. Jnst as Barnaby
concluded Bruce whispered in the stir
of his client, "I've got hitn ; your case
is safe !" and approachiug the jury he
commenced his reply to the slaughter-
:triprueet of bis adversary, Bruce
gave u regular history of the ancestry
of his red. coated witness, proving his
patriotietu and devotion to the country
and his character for truth and vers,.
city, 'But„winet,geutlemen of'the jury,'
broke forth Bruce iu a loud strain of
eloquence, while his eyes flashed fire,
'what are you to expect of a men who
stand hero to defend a cause based on
no foundation of right orjustice what-
ever; of a, man who undertakes to des-
troy our testimony on the ground that
my withers wears a red coat, when
gentlemen of the jury—when—when,
gentlemen of the juI'y--here I3ruce
made a spring, and catching Barnaby
by the bosom of 'bis shirr,, tore it open,
displaying his red flannel—when Mr,
Barnaby himself wears a red flannel
coat concealed under a blue one ?"
"The effect was electrical. 13ar'naby
Was beaten at leis own game,and Bruce
gained the ease." '
It is a curious feet that the world
hasn't the slightest use for us when
We are sad or in trouble, Our bast is.
all that it cares for, and our worst it
will not have under any cireunestauces.
Some yearn ago, a lady who 1 nn mot
with more mishaps and reverses than
often fall to the lot of Iuortals, invited
an aoquaintancs, whom she had not
met for some time, to emit upon her,
This acquaintance was Or man not un-
kuown to fame, and one who had
acme reputation as a writer of tlopeini
sun comfortable articles. lie stood
for a moment in a thoughtful attitude,
and then said slowly : "Oh, well, 1
will come round some time when you
get your affairs all straightened up.
It gives the the blurs eases you so (tall
of mishaps and trouble, When it's
all clear sailing again let me kitow,and
I will corse in ,just as T used to." It
was a sort of brutal and cold•blooded
answer, but it echoed the Reath/mut
of the world exactly. The world
doesn't want us when we are in
trouble, and it doesn't want to conte
near us, It ties no special sympathy
Io give us, but is au irp$atiete monster
and is errs dee-needing. It will take
even our hearts blood if we will give
it, and sonetituos take it whether we
will or no. Unr'leasant its tee foot is,
there seems to be no gain saying it,
and the only thing left to u$ is to
accept it and make the hest of it. We
all know people whom we instinctively
shun t.ecauee their entire eonveriation
ur iset recital of their misfortunes. They
ro aro depreesing and trying to the nerves
of I tied, after' all, we cannot blame the
Il world so much, for as individuals w(
a+ere quite worried by tbehu as is the
community at large. There are two
- II classes of people who are comfortable
#' , and coillfr,rtitlg to have about—those
s who are too easygoing and indifferent
cl to take or hold trouble, and others
t- i who have tea -control nod philosophy
u- ! strffi :milt to keep their Misfortunes to
THE YX I.��! G M TIMES, O(r1'O �3al. 27, 18x73..
Ontario and four fresh Quobr'o,
:l'be marutuotll cheese oI
pounds leas tested by the judge
the +foliowirtg to the enlntueitt
tl1e'y snake; \4'e, the un{3,^t'u
lave a ur'e)tt fit• ,ef seethe 4)0
x,^,000 :ter tlieGwr'1IU1r) wlin can 'o '1'1 i"+1Hitri�
N rihhd i Ll11'llc'N1 rr in1p'•►'tinen1 t;ue•':i iti by a
(1111011 i
sing, a 1•+r+l(. lb.nnei„tl'.,I.. 5Y• s )
judges of cheese at tie. etc,►•teles
unihiitu laxpositior,, in Out niter, 1
certify Out we tins flay
emitted the rttneutu'lt b C',ef)ira
Canada ilt the tif;r;eri•nral i,nilc!iu
boring iuto it watt. It(itier to )t
iiY,ieft 1 ertrrr,ll
„k,,, 1'nt mid we wonder, she Tref,.arrive ,nt,Idepart is tonna*:
GUI' 11{.tire ;c G r,nlf'1 •, e,r +Rttrill., Iir, Jurat to hand, a car load or No. 1 trerl+'<.
1iI}:1, IIH, t t re;t),'. u1• .......tor Tor•mt .......••tar
es; !t IlalIertleali Se woriclhighnen. t* C:50:..,, Ivor "d....bx4,
slat ,� tri/,'4]IH r t ttl;ge) tr. lu
rr..thnnfcs itr)d laboring r
411 t, rriell ���
1,y arcs liable to +•add � ���� I
C n '
li+ ttlan P&C3�0
T11111r TABLi'S.
gest accidents tlu(}. injuries,.
dt•pth as well an x„>•nluI canis, stli't joints and
lameness. '.l:'o all thus trnnht,.4 we would
1 eeamrnenrl %1ttsve r,1's -Yellow Oil, the
}randy and reliable pain cure. for outward
and 1 Kerns, Ilse.
of 133 1l111h4s \;t3• rap() tsar
ollceee iit saaud fr.n the tints t
center, Lil!It. it. draws , reertreoy
nod cuts close to the tiXtisro, I.
a good clean ti.tvnr•, which is
tasty. Yrs um* opinion, it his ke
/lever re. nterkably µ`sit, We find
eolor uniturin And true; the wor:,
tete, of tbn 5114 king' is ii,otrt credit
We,attach a 40010 Sord tvl,icli Nt
8ci points of a posblbb. act/re of
points, Iran recommend that, a It
and die omit he awarded to li,ri t
COtlitni�18l'tni't' for Canada, lien!
fot•tlreel id tint conditions tinder w
Wan in,1nlemotIs che8;e, new thir
months r'i.l, was exhibit, f1 dUrine
summer in btultlieg with a g
roof wi+e'r,• 1 he t0Qlt,.'!)tut'e 0
stead over 100 degrees, ir is a woe
and a :..tirpr'11e1 to tl•p pill. (Sign
George ,,'. P.ir•lee, A 1►, Barh,.r,
F. MseLgaril.
'Site superior excell,;thce and kee
gnatttle:i of 0/median cheese Ilat'e b
flhe yeti
ut this e1x11ibitiun
t the
u the
fin d
pt its
,,x t111-
eel )
Af3(leted W' W1 Pleur:wafa rev 80 Years
To the Proprietor cf the Great South
dmericarl Rheumatic Cure.
DJAlt SIa,—For over thirty years I was
afflicted very much with Neuralgia and
Headache. Seeim<„ your great SouTri
AbtL•`]treAlr' IineuSIATIO Gnirk advertised 1
thought I would give it et trial—although I
did not think for a ulon(eut: it was coin; o
do me any god Atter trying No rti
ernedies without benefit. t obtains
tattle from Chie,llolrn's Dreg Store id
own, and I must say that I got treat ro
torn the f}rst, few done!;, and war, No ov
overt that I determined to give it a
vial and coetittaed taking it, taking in
x bottles. I can truthful1V soy tha
ever felt so well since I was a girl, it t
of only cured rho of neuralgia and het
oho, but has also built up my system
feel quite young again. I ,Host the
ily givE you this testimonial and cnnsid
on are the greatest beuefaotore to suffe
g hurnauity.
I aro, Dear Sir, roursTbankfuily,
IVIA1tuessed by ,f. FI. Chisholm. BELL.
Poisoned by Scrofula,.
Is the sad story of many lives made mis-
erable through 'nu fault of, their owu.
Scrofula. is more especially than any other
a hereditary disease, and for this simple
asoa : <t,risiug from impure and ineufliei-
t blood, the disease locates itself in the
nophatieb, which are tompoosd of white
suns:there in a period of foetal life when
e whole body cousist5. of white tissues,
d therefore the uuboru child is especially
steptible to this dreadful disease. But
ere is a remedy for scrofula. whether
redatary or acquired. It is Food's
rsaparills, which by itis powerful effects
the blood, expels all traces of the dis-
ease and gives to the vital fluid the quality
and color of health, 11 you decide to take
hood's Sarsaparilla do not accept any
1 albs going to Witt a dinner to my
bast friend to, Hight, 81181 ltdt,8011.
Who is tbtit? ihignired 'ti,tthtrup,
ryt,(lef. oSi,i \1a55'Nnll,
"`+''�•Aillb-01•ie)t for. the '1'I31Iis,
ri OR the removat of
A. worms of all kinds
frorncbildren or adults,
use on. SMITH'S
prompt, reliable, safe and pleasaant��quiring no
after medicine. Never failing, Leave no bad after
tiftects. Price, 25 cents pep Box
Cures Ooasnrx ottnan, Cot.n bs, croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by ail inereisns on r. Guarantee.
:ora Lame Gide, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plantper. will give great spa/trissfactti�on.—a r; tcent�s.
9frs. T. S. aI:tlsktnr. Caaftanoo'n. Terru..sx
"Shiloh's'Vitallxcr,Set.TTTI3 )5!y LIFE.' :i
rnrcfden•fGfh licc,to t•rrr<edvlic ora(Tetdoltarefjcd ere
.t punt meed.'' Tor. Dyspc .:Jrc L1 cr er is racy
trouble it excels. Prices 73 et .
Fri TFFtr
r l�.t.,�, t ; �,+ rs .
77;‘; tV115r
t11This J'a-Jeetar le,.sru
are fold ou `
t I,
1ar3 I
td• 1and
r -
i.Ietnselves. j
t IG
' ter
t "Burns and Scalels." --- If you
e are so unfortunate as to tnjurs your- ]t
I; self in this. way, wo can suggest it 1
1 re(nedy that will (we speak from ex. fu
perietiee) noon relieve you of all pain y
Influenza; Oaughs and Coids.—tn dis-
eases of the throat and chest, so pre.
valent in our changeable climate,
nothing so speedily relieves, or so
certainly cures, as these inestimable
remedies. Phestl disorders aro too
often neglected at their co inaiencemeut,
or are injudiciously treated, resulting
in eitherenseiu disastrous consequenc-
es. Whatever the cunditinu of the pat-
ient:, Etelloway's remedies will restore,
if recovery bo possible; they will retard
the alarming symptoms till the blood
is periled and nature cousammates
the core, gradually restoring strength
and vital nervous power. 13y per..
severing in the 080 of Holloway's pre-
parations, tone ie conferred on the
stomach and frame generally. Thous-
ands of persons Neve teetitied that by
the use of them remedies Alone they
have been .restored to health after every
other means had failed,
The popular appreciation of fruit as
en 'article of diet ie progressing with
wonderful rapidity. T1►r,re 'sac be no,
over graduation of it until every per.
Son is enabled to secure a goad supply
of it at reasonable prices, This is the
true end of all agriculture, to put the
beat produot,s of the soil within the
reach of all. Fruit growing may not
pay. as large pronto as it has in exam.,
Hanel oases its the past. But it is
bollnzl to come much more of a eteple
,and quickly heal the wound; it costs
but twenty five emits for the New big
bottle and is sold by all Drtu gi;+ts , W
Canadian Cheese
SOOTS PAkxt. CHICAGO, OCt. .Orli 1.1'
Earl E! berceer) and Shiteits
1byCommissiolaers Awrey,eCockburn, th
Larke, Law, Per1Py, Tasse and Wat-'
sou', completed their inspection of the
Canadian exhibits yesterday afternoon,
Director-geueratDavis' electric launch, 1 onn
which was placed at the disposition of
the duatingnislhed party, first landed at
machinery hall, tlheu at agricultural
building, where the big cheese was
speoially tented and found • in prime
condition by his Excellency. Ontario's poi
'elasticallydisplayed collection of I Iri
grain and grasses and the trophy from i and
the Agricultural College at Guelph yer
were greatly admired. The Ontario wa
1lcney exhibits elicited the warmest
praise. Thome the trip was made to
Blarney Castle, where Oounttss Aber-
deen was holding a brilliant reception.
Mayor Harrison, of Ohmage, and
many prominent citizens and visiting
Oanadiaus were present. His Excel-
lency expressed unstiuted praise end
conlmendtttiou at what he saw during
the afternoon, and especially at the
magnificent representative exhi•bitiou
made by Ontario.
The result of the fine cheese coin-
petitione at the World's Fair is of
etartltng sigatfioance to all iuterested
in the dairy industry of the Dornnieion
of Canada, as judged by the United
StnteS and oust Canadian judge. .tn
the, class for Ohndder cheese, made
previous to 1893, Canada woe, 108
awards and the T.7uited States not ono.
In elapses for Cheddar cheese of the
year's make Canticle. took 869 awards
against 45 to the United States.
Oaneda h)ld 130 exhibits of cheese
which steered higher than the hi baet
of the United States exhibit. Ontario
had 275 exhibits of cheese of 1883 and
won 200 awards. .t?ive lots scored
991 points out of a possible 100 for
erfsetieu. Quebec had 113 exhibits
f cheese, anti won 105 awards, Nova
coria had ten exhibits find Obtained
tree awards. Prince Edward rebind
ad nineteen exhibits and tools eight
wards. Manitoba had four exhibits
d received throe awards. The total
saber of exhibits- of cheese from
amnia was 5139, wlslett secured alto.
titer 490 awards, Nino of the exlsi.
is front Canada secured t30
rots out of ft, possible 100 for perfeo'-
Von. 1i'ivef of those lots were from
Don't you know, sir, that it is its
ire to sweet befot'r: a lady ? Tli
shmart 100)14d dazed for a woolen
then replied : 'Sure, urun1, 1 be;
Pardon. Bob 01 didn't know ye
uted to swear first.
!kiss Hieoclt's Case.
DELTA, Ont.,Oct. 21--i11iss Ida I. $icock,
of Parry Sound, is a young lady well.kuowu
thud highly esteemed in this section of the
country. It was with touch pleasure,
therefore, that her friends here read the
despatch from Parry Sound, last week,
containing the nays of her recovery trotn
the nervous prostration and insomnia with
which site hasbeen troubled since she had.
"la, grippe" iu 1891. Considerable anxiety
was felt emu:erniue her, for all considered
her case rertous. Her recovery being due
to the iso of Dodd's Kidney rills, bas;
added one more valuable testilz'lcu.y to the,
efficacy of this remedy, which, judged by i
let good wotk, may justly be termed the
most valuable remedy known to -day. 1
How ahnut Miss Trueheart's world -
hag? Wes it old-fashioned and siutple I
and—Mrs. 'Flyhigh : Simple ? Well, 1
Should say so 1 She married a man for
love, µban she could have had one i
worth half a million.
'"or ower > ifty 'Years
As set) .(Kra Wint•Tatrie iteattay. Alt`s. Win
yeare.othlne Syrup has been used for over fifty
slow' bymillions afmothers for their chllnron.while
taettitny with perfect success. It soothes the child
and is thebgums, m edy forllifat'i hr eines s pleasaliit td
the taste. Sold by Druggists 511 tt5 3 V part oT rhTwonto
lite is
Incalculable. 'lie �sureive eCand ask'f.o't�tl . WJits )Islow's
Soothing syrup, and take no other kin.t.
Bsx.xs L' Di' Set itoUts.—Distreesbrg Kid-
rad J3taclderdiseases relieved its silt
ney a
bourn by the "Cereat South oricau leid,•
uey Cure," This new remedy is a great
surprise end delight to physicians 051 so.
Count of its exeeediug prornf,ti'oss in roe
Roving pain its the bladder, kidneys, back
and every part of the urinary psssagesin
mete or female. It relieved retention of
water and pain in passing it almost ibis
roodiattily. If you want quick relief send
cure this isyour remedy. Sold et Chis•
holm's drug store.
UNLOCKS ALL TNG etOnoto cncnevigw:Z
Or Trot BOWELS, itIUNC:.O. Arm L,V1:14.,