HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 5;zenith Grain 'et5tm% •L,oNIloi'+, 'at, 18. --The Mark Lane iEitprees, in its weekly review of the .British gt'ain tido, snya: English wheats are quiet atm uncliatiged, ,Foreign wheats are dull. Aiiiorioaii red wieter is quoted at .20s per fen Manitoba at 27e, Duluth rt 27e 0d. .and Uelifornia at 28e Al. Corn is firm, American is held for 2() for December iiiiipmsnt and .10s Jd for .January, Oratte, barky and beans are steady. To.dav the amnions were -inactive trnri weal[er, :Itlaw English wheat was Gd sled old as chetiper. California wheat firm. Queer Amori- oan wheats were 13d lower. Flour dull. aunt was steady. Malting barley was rather cheaper. .©ata were au,fair denoted and prices wore firmer. f9njcCteoue to PrQLb1.t cm. The oppdneuts of prohibition triune- pleantly ask if its advocates expect to snake risen moral by Act of ck'arliament? --that being, it is assured, the very camels of absurdity. Although Pro- hibition may not make men .woral, it ratty, at hetet, remove the temptations to tulmor•alicy. Licensing .the evil is certainly trot the way of preventing, but :father the way of perpetuating, it. Rxparienee bas drown that ;tire ret striation or the traffic is always followed by a decrease in crime, a ciinaiutition of poverty, and an increase of the d other and profitable branches ref trade. For kis rule vicious peculiarity of the liquor traflie that is not governed, as other legitimate branches of .com- merce airs, by the "urdinary laws of supply and demand, but that it creates an unnatural and unhealthy demand for its elt,stiwuleting and inereaaiul;die appetite to which it ttrnistsrs, which, when the 'facilities for increasing• the indulgence are removed, dies away of itself. ' It teay tie 'true, as the oppotiera.ts,of Prohibition assert, that if a mean chooses to get drunk, he will del sn,, even inepite.0fProbibition. But tew men deliberetoly choose, to get drunk; but 'are overcome before they are aware. They daily with temptation till the appetite luta acquired such a, tyranny, in the .presence of liquor, or; even where there is a pr•obabtlity of, obtaining it, they lose all control of; their appetites, and manyvoluntarily'. seek protection therefrom, even with- in the walls of an asylum or a prison. We are met at tree outset with the iec, monstrance against the injury that gr be done to chs: r-Ar.HE. i"�' I GHA TIMES., OCTO_ , Dawatng Olmstiana, Ottawa, Oct. 23, •-., During the course of a aei'►rr"on from the text, "Why Stand ye Isere all the day idle?" Dr, 'Season, of the Dominion Met °. dist Church, dealt dancing and dancers to severe rap, "0 (t stalls my heart like to dad er," said the s{,esker, "lo Bear of a Methodist ttctlaily giving a dance. I newer board of a true Christian worker who danced, Religion raid deeming don't go together. I would that all young people were litre a youni,;ilady that same to me n'd'oron. to one asked if she co.tld be a 011r/s• than and still dance. 1 told her she could ,riot. She came back a few nays after and said she had chosen between danuirg and Christian life, and decid• ed to {sive up dancing. About six moutlre later the young lady was drowned," Dr, Benson's remarks created -somewhat of a Sensation. s. Professional Opinion. .Rev. lie. Gunner, 112, D,, ofListowel,Ont., says regarding B. B. Iva.: "I have used your exaolleut Burdock Compound in practice and in my family sines 1884, and held it Ns. 1 on lav list of sanative mane- . des. Your three busy 13'a never et weaken, ,er worry." Goderielz. The Royal Vomp1araofTemperance s•�.r1r of intriatfurd have formed a "secret vigilance committee," and had four hotel -keepers before the 2, M. on Friday morning. The (arovernmerit grain inspectors' • i'S�par•t, just published at Winnipeg, Showa flier over 60 per cent. of the wheat crop of Manitoba thus far iu'� speoted has graded member one o hotter, Another Huron boy bas made his mark in Manitoba. W. 0. Hartley, sou of the Rev, !I.,Y. Hartley, of Blue vale, heel just secured the. position of principal of Emerson Public School, salary $800 per annum. The lions is all the more as there were 33 appli- cants, 18 of whom held 13. A's, and one an M. A. But Mr, Hartley' record was so brilliant as a atuden and successful teacher, that the easily woo. A convention of the Reformers of Liam bten will be held iu Watford, Nov. 2, to select a candidate for the vacancy caused ley the detc.tlr of Mr, Hugh Mackenzie, the late member for th., lug, I Legislature. Messrs,Stutt and McCal- lum, Bosanquet; Joseph Rall, of War- wick; Dr McKinnon, Alvinston: H. J. Pettypiet;e and A A2cFarline, Forest. andDr. Harvey, Watford. are named as possible candidates. 1' LOT OF THE BE T $OnooL ' j#��* OULD Young men nod women wishing' to prepare tf,oulseives ae book • T krcl.,,a and gtr:cugrapfic+gs, zrzc ONE ErNJQXIS-, r Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken.; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts. gontlyyet promptlyonthe Kidneys,, Laver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind eve pro- dticed, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy end agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the inost popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the Mr. Christopher- Columbus Cra merobaut of this town, died last ay night, at the advanced age of years. bdr, Orabb 'vas the eldest c zpn of the towu of Goderitb, and oldest merchant in the Huron tr 13e was one of the pioneers of God lull. Mr. ,Drake bad been Mayor Goclerich and represented the Soh Board for years. He was a consist Conservative in polities, and epee w a eendidate for West Huron. Ornish led a very exemplary life, a was otie of the landmarks of the o en time in the early history of God .A. Goderiela youth, William Ashley, who pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to utter a forgers note at Peterboro, Write allowed to go under suspended sentence by the magis- trate. Etis sister from Goderich and his brother -in -lair from Lindsay we there rand pleaded for the prisoner, end the court gave the youth a chance to do better. Fri - SI its- Piof. Black, of Harvard University, tho and his accomplished wife, are visiting act. in St, IVM,try'a. Mrs. Black, is better ers known to the public las Miss Agnes of Knox, land it is but a short time since sol her marriage to the professor. It is ent unfortunate tiiar Canadians will no as longer Irave an opportunity of listening till, to Mies Knox as an elocutionist, but nd they will feel gratified to know that id. she bas for a herd„aud n dihtingnielted er- member of the faculty of Harvard. re vested iatow to Get a '"Sunlight" Picture. Send f5 •'Sunlight"Soap wrappersfwra rb r t d Vy CC�� remonstrance wouldrights of wi the trade l,.y legal pr(hibition, It is fro 1r true that vast sums lace invested in ;ilt this business. The great brewers and wii distillers have growu enormously rich the by the manufacture, and have en, W trenched themselves in the strength which the influence of great riches gives. 13nt is their private interest to stand in the way of the w,'lfare of the nation? By long immunity the traffic are has grown to au enormous tuagui.tude Mr and increased the difficulty of its Sup- �o1 pression. But its very magnitude has .'11 sites increased the neuessity for that Hl Bpv, Mr. Munro, after a diligent search, bas been able to secure a house. A nlefetine, of the managers and ad- herents of the church was caned on Monday afternoon and the house of Mr. AtcitieSttlwart was secured at $2000, ea log the woe s" ley Doea a sullen ok Old Sooner Tliau a 113an”) to Lever os., Ltd., 48 Scott St„ Toronto, and you 11 receive by post a pretty picture, free m advertising, at'd well worth framing, is is an easy way to decorate your betas,. e snap is tnt: befit in the Inarket- and it it only cost one cent postage to send iu wrappers, if you leave the ends open. rate your address carefully., t'• tsar riatou. Dee students of the High School highly delighted over the fact that • 4ileox has been obtained as encs Master, Mr. Silcox's career the University is familittr to most gh School teachers. step, and if the prollem be earnestly grappled with it may be solved. It were better lend cheaper a thousand- fold to buy out tee entire liquor in- terest, and thus deliver the land from this curse and crime, rather than let it groan beneath its burden for years to come. Mr. ,Beath, High. School Inspector, d the High School a visit lust rsday. Everything appeared quite sfaotory to hie searching eye. bout twenty' of the 'members of tl.rrie ?r'eshyterian church had a chnut pennies on Saturday last. er every leaf in Mr. Stitith's woods o carefully and systetnatically turn- over and everything in the' form of echnut secured, an enticing spread Jaid out and assuredly ample jos- was done to ,the sante. A very yable tirne was spent.. The Harristort High School football "club, accompanied by tt number of students, went to Listowel on Friday lest, to ,tttend the "Field Day" of the High School in that place. its the football match the Listowel club won by 1 to 0. The Lietowel alai) refused to play their High School team for a cup, so they sneered five of the Marl- boro boys. Our boys will meet thein any day with a pereiy High School club, In the sports the Harriston boys carried off no less than four firsts, four seconds and two thirds, There. were five open events HAI( iii?e race, W. Fyfe let, silver cup; ,f. Hartley 2,1d, hold peueil; 120 yarde hurdle raoe, W. lryfo 1st, silver cup; J. L. Wilson 2nd, ellvr.0 rtapkia ring; three legged race, on stnd ryfe, two jack knives; inn bop step and jump, 1st W. , penholder; J. L. Wilson 20, knife; kicking football, W, f'yfel silver cup. in tall the open moots) eye secured 1st and 2nd, except Citing the football, in, which none f ur boys entered, We are met at every a.ttetupt. to Oat suppress the traffic, by an outcry Tin against the unconstitutionality of legal sari prohibition. Wo are told that it is au A On hep Aft wer ed a be was tice enjo invasion of the liberty of the subject —of hie sacred debts as a free -Horn Britain But no twin has a fright t0 injure bis neighbor, .either with or without hes consent and whoever en- gages as a principal or accessory in the liquor traifte is guilty of an ollence agsinst society, and especially of a grievous wrong against the victims. of tbet realise. The fact that no sire bas the national right to sell this death' dealing poison is implied in the Gov. eminent license system, which arm. tarily confers the legal privilege --the moral' right.it cannot sive—on a certain limited number for u certain sutra of tnoney, and as justly, slay inose justly, withhold that privilege from all than grant it to any. The law will not allow any one to sell tainted or unwholesome food, and the wilful adulteration of food, readers the perpetrators of the offenoo amen- able to severe legal penalties. In ninny places, too, no druggist may sell poisons without the authority of a medical dertilicate, and no ono thinks these Wholesome restrictions uticati. etitutional. Why, then,, should the �Vtls prohibition of the sale of diose florin 'rutin crofts brvnrages, which poison;more . Fyfe men at.d wornen in a week than all jack the adulterated food and noxious drugs 2nd, in the country in art entire year, be . our b Considered unconstitutional? * On, in Id ward, of o It is now known that eight Uanw- dtans have perished in the Grand Trunk railway wreck at Battle Creek on Friday morning last. Their Domes are: Albert Bradley, Toronto; 11re. Albert Bradley, Toronto; •T, A. Mc- Garvey, London; Robert D. Colgrove, London; • O. Dorlti,nd, Tilsonhurg; Mrs. U. Derland, lilsenburg; John Brown, Strathroy; T. R. Stringer, Port Dover. The death list totals 28. Of this manlier 20 have been iclent• itied or accounted for,leaving eight unclaimed. It is believed inany, if not all, of these are Canadians. Ernest Kemp, oyster expert, who to /y cam o Oanada a from Whitstable, England, some months ago to investie gate the causes . that depleted the Canadian oyster beds, has made a report to Sir 0. H. Tapper. Alter in• vestigatiug the industry Mliari.,, tinln provirieps, \'Ir, Kemp suggests a close, saar3on from June 1 to Sept. 15 in each year, the total prohibition of oyster gathering on Sundays, a limit - anon of the size of oysters to be caught and the stopping of oyster fishing through theice. Mi'. 1Kelnp saye if the proposed regulations appear to be too stringent it is entirely for the benefit of fishermen themselves. Dalry l%rarltets. Ingersoll, Oct. 24. --Offerings of cheese to.day, 2,310 boxes, September make. 10 Wee; inerket dull; ilei bid for some lots, but salesmen refuse to seta price. .Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, X. Y., Oct. 24.--- Cattle-10 cars on sale. Market bare- ly steady. The arrivals were mostly western cows and common Stockers. One oar. choice 14 cwt steers gold at X5475. Sheep end lalnhs—,-The market was very dull; fall 10 cars lipid over uu- itold from yesterday including two loads of ()aurides for which there was no dewed and they were forwarded east in first hands, A few bunches of goad 65 ib feeding lauTs sold to feed- ers at $3 55 to $4; „AMMMce 78 lb lots, $4 25; buyers for eastern butchers took a few mads of good sheep at prices ranging frum 2 25 to $3; sales to butchers at the same range and emelt lots of good killing lambs weighing 65 to 85 lbs 01 $4 to $4 25; one deck of choice 86 Ib 0srwarists taken to ship on an order brought i14 60. Several bunehe% of beery close Wool sheep are in the pen for which it is impossible to oven get a hid. Hogs -48 ears on sale; most of the good Yorkers of 160 10180 pounds and the bulk of the, hogs on reale were of that weight sold at .$6 66; a few choice 180 to 200 lbs at $0 70. .Piga and light Yorkers $6 60. Roughs and Stags steady and unchanged. i CV—Subscribe for the Tinos, f CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO„ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Vat/MSI/ILI-E. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y 1vIr. Snell, of Ilulvftn had con- siderable stock on exit:l,i' sot, at the Chicago fair, leek Leen snleo-ssffl in winning it large t:l:rrtber of pi tees, the oasl► flnlounting 10 alma' ;800. Chancellor t; ,rr1 h -,i 1e that the share holders of the ,te,fu,,et Ontario Express C,twprwy are ilabie for the amount of their subser'ilal tons as con- 1 tributory t , t he peywent of the cone.; pany's debts CHA.TIIAM, ONT, to recognized as the poor of any ISustness or northern] Selmot u, America, And va?tlr supelier to itseentemporari,s in Canada. No boater in 'donee of this need be advanced than the fellow,ag 11„8 ef. Where students came from, who rt; ytered dariug,the 16 days immediately preci.li,'c;' the wrftler advertisement. North Achim ',lass ; Washington, 6fich.; i.ethbrldve, Ails.; lie. Nu; Lyndon; Isuntavlllo, Muskoka; Kincardine; Ituthven; Chatsworth; Bernier; Clinton; dtrathroy: haptcr; fla Co. Gray; Auburn, Oe, Heron, Seatorrh, Bothwell, Windsor, Stranpfirld, Irfdgetoo' ., 1Fr' l.lee. flame i uhnm•, Roses Co., C,len Itae, 1Ii5h^ate, Aldboro, Lrarnpton, t nThtw,, t:ir: cUe U,:n,brIUou Springs, Chatham and ninny points Jo the vicinity, 3 44 IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Two of Amorlea.'s best penmen among the ntetnbers of our staff, means n greet d: al to our pupils. .; WE PAY BA,ILWAY TARE IN COiMMING TO CHATHAM, Good board tor ladies 8182,00, gentlemen $2.60, We secure board at these: figures v:ith very r ecipe% private famines, and have the places in re:Witless for the ,tidents when they ernes. Write for hand catalogue and specimen of penmenehlpp and he convinced of elm amperlot'iy of Ulu initltattou over schools of a similar kind in Cauaca. 31entiou where 300 saw this advertisement and t:ddrese. D. 3Ic1,ACIUL AN, Chatham, Ont. O 1 A full stock o, all fields of L ooKs for both High rtn.l Publie Scbeols, just receive,l , Scribblers ,, Dizziness Caused by Dyspepsia, Dizziness is a symptom of dyspepsia. "I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for dizzlneSetwhich came over In iu spells, so that I 'had to quit work for a while.' The B. B. I;. , ntlrcly cured ins. Jauts WiUGBr, Chesterfield, Out. Rev. J. C. Tolwie, of Brantford, who was recently nailed to a church in Windsor, has nit yet accepted the call. A meeting of the Chatham Presbytery will be held nu Oec, 31, at which the matter wtli he settled. A London tE:3glani) Times cable- gram from Svdner, Australia, says: "Mr Sandford Fleming, who recently left Oauada, is vioiting the Aui:traltan colonies with a view• or sui,,ttittiug four alternate rontcs for the proposed Pacific cable from Australia to Oen, ada, He proposed teat the table shall he ow ned lir, th•' governments interested: tie e,,,,tt..,t-a the cost of working the line at sixty thousand • pounds annually and c•'nsldere that the rate might by t„wrr,• 1 to ttvo shit• Wings per worts ” This world•renownod Soap stands at the hood of all Laundry and l:lousohold Hoag, bath for quality and extent of sales. Used aoeording to directions, it does away 'with all the old•fashionod drudgery of wash day. Try it; you won't bo disappointed. StristrastlEtT t30AP has boon in use in 'Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and Sts manufacturers have boon specially appointed HOAt.MAitERa TO WI= $rJiQN" Also, n large stock of _7 i"ercjS+e 7 tr0o5 a3, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Svc. Just received a Jorge consiumment of "Quentin Durn'srd." WALL PAPERS, WINDOW BUM, STA f O ERY a fn11 stock, as usual. AL E2.0SS . The Popular Bookstore, Vdingliam. iwitika 11 acts MAW to ex l OLE juqrP neeten171 ' AINI).--. 11 110.10,4111 de Glothing —FOR THE 311] a ht J. ays, ---�A'T�--- IL VVINIGHELPIL M