HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 4THE «''INURAM TIMES, OCTOBER 27, 1893. . ' Afterwar(le a programme of _- § nauhic anal, commends that William Barris ba pat d - the assurance that thr, tariff is about to : G'CrPta° ��+ be etneu.'.ecL it lila* ilitc>rtet o£ that people 1 The annual entortaintueut of no, S. leo,' games terminated a delightful oceaslon. r $7'50 for digging drain ou 4th coueession �° at• large, Sir John Thompson r t:iteel at' 4 was held in the schoolhouse here on ; It is our sad duty to chronicle the I line. ' Belleville that tilt Government recognize � leeway evening of lust week, in cow- : demise of one More of Turnberry's o) �VieCr uoehli and reported 1Yug;liamltbou� boundaries bs let ' that the time hits cones when changes 1 meatoratiou of the Battle of Queouston • pioneers in the person of Mrs. John ," • He further ilei rhts. 181`2. The drawingo oe the Tpplett. The deceased had been ailiufi ere completed, stud recommends tho pay - must be malt? in our tarts, t, , t• don Sunday gloating meat of '.l'urnberry'e giant) of the accounts EM ENEverP �! ua147 r,• declared that the ee changes would be boards for the oeeaston, Which were for ams rote lin last was taker]. suddenly worse and be- 1na e in the In uta>s.s u tiro >'4,�• • d bo roeurerl expired. pupils as --Jelin Agnew, 50 cents; Robt, (:trite, d t f `l O tvJrl'i 1,r beautifully done In crayon by the in tis 1 d an -et Join) Wilson, c1,5i1, and Alexander c rt0 "i?fannersn .tl;d uu ebauica, not ` of the 4th and 5th classes, draw sperms • fele 1?lp cool P ' Campbell, ne. 1 (r^a ., clagt;es, both She was universally beloved by all who ,►tri.. forgetting the manufaoturors. We con- attenticu. On the fiat hoard the Can. f 1>nelr hur met her surviving childre,] Mr. Diluent reported that he had !net fess Haat we da not quite see how all I adieu Coat of Arms, over tvl)iuh waved air• r.)Dalbeck, of Morris Cenuoil, on bouu- this c rn b>('n clone. If the worl.in the National Pial;; og ttie, second a cluster !have • ltthe sympathy of the entire emu- .,,'. 01 . Biu iSW18QiC House classes are to get the benefit of the no i of maple leaves with the wottu: ''Ilie 1 mon y ---- posed changes, it seems inevitable that'i Thistle, Shamrock, Rose entwine the : .'),iroxeter• the manufacturers must bo made to f Maple Leta of F orever," on the third it The Connell mot ou the evening of stand more squarely on their own feet. British Man of War with the motto :1 Tuesday, the 17th Oct Members Assurance of caro for the interests of the "Britannia hales the �1i avea,'' on the /Tuesday' T. E. Sanders, Reeve, n•o ected manufacterers, fourth a melt inn Memoriaut of General W. Leo and Thos. Rae.- - highlyt r.Hemphill, noir1 . • ., '. ntns and that the policy of protection ellen Brock," surtuouuted by the Rose,Thib 1 T' Re teeeeeeteee ; be maintained unimpaired,are eomewllat .-..--- cl:lculnte;t to inflame the zeal of reveuuo w . ri oee ;- ern ., tariff refer ,acrd. There is a feeling in �,de� � "� .;luI. it ��,����i, �th �, C..1/1.11q, � , the ruuntr • that protection has been overdouo, and the declaration that it F t snail nut be impaired is fitted to make people somewhat anxious. There is a FRIDAY, OCTOBER ''27, 16113. feeling abroad that fifteen years of pro - in eve in the chair. Minutes of last „ W n The ' an 1 Strong, •, W. G. , r •k. i .,hent vc. � fi m d. and meeting were road and con r o his usual !Sappy planner, occupied the collector's bond was examined Led ap ehan•. The opening address was given by Cecil Day, explaining why Cauadians should commemorate that day. A lengthy programme followed, consisting of dialogues, recitations, music and singing. The audience was delighted with the mauner in which the pupils teetion is a good long time tor infant in- dustries to be nursed. It is time they rendered their various pieces, and espe- LDTTORIAI, NOTES. chilly with the calisthenics, dumb bell 1 Hemphill, were passed and debentures I were weaned. The rescliness shown in ordered for the same, viz :—T. Nash, that the Out.nrio Government some quarters to compote an aweu terms and hand exercise. Tbert programme I printing voters' list, &c., $5,75 ; T. Nash, 1 x�saidve 1 Y closed by the school singing lied, Whito re olved, for the purpJsa of eecur- with :3.morican manufacturers is ]rete € printinw tax receipts. d1.7v ; h, Lane, +• •, for good proof that they are old enough to and Blue in kindergarten style, followed prints r, 85.69 ; A. G. Brown, work on uniformity, to issue etas, x.ery • I hick all g u" " thep 1 by God Save the Queen, in which :us, e..:., to be need in tailing tai vote be weaned. Sir John ani ?influx influential sidewalk.?, $7.c33; T. U. Hemphill, nails, joined heartily. sidewalks, i Thos. Brown, drawing hill, and �;iiiala,ubibia a and ou sm1st not forget that op �1 J R jry Ilia ]^ has put in ma ,.t M 1 , not ♦revolt, -1 t. +t '%:111GtpapCTsanli pull books must, sections of the people are 1l the ti,;', dhoti, be furnished by the only against the high tarriff, but against cerlc of each municipality, but, the ardin- the policy of protection as well, a'y poll book will be made available by It requires compromise usually to to addition of a ruled column headed harmonize conflicting interests. Ability Prohibition." The various Perms will to recognize a necessity for compromise Ce supplied without charge, and be for- is a qualification for statesmanship as Srtickl, with copies of the Plebiscite Sell what is needed poli at politicalleadership. derpreshipent timeThis s ct, for use by the deputy returning -t t.Iicers, in ample time for the coming I Sir John Thompson and his colleagues. e t' t•Mi ei elections 1 proved, On motion of Thos. Hemphill, second- ed by Win. Leo, the collector was ordered a debenture for en, dog tax charged to A. McLean in error. The following accounts were read, and, on motion by Wm. Lee, seconded by T. Bary line and had lot the'following jobs 10 yards gravelling to John Miller, at $2.50; 15 yards gravelling to James Moffatt, at 84:50; job of gravelling and rutting in box drain to Thos. l luker, at $6.32; and job of fencing al 13 cents per post and ealvert at 82, to Joseph 13reckentidga Townships to p9,y for lumber and nails for wells job. Also let a job of gravellin*~laud putting is two culverts nu 5th side lino and B lino to Win. Yeo, at 50 cents per rod for gravelling and $5 for culverts. Also let a job of re pairing culvert ou 13 line to George Walker, at ea. tdr. Mundell reported that Geo, Aitkin- son and Andrew Rarmistou had completed their jobs on Culross boundary bud re- commends that Turuberry's share of the accounts be paid, to George Aitkiusou, 72 cents; to Andrew Hermiston 93 cents, and to James and Eli Elliott, $4,20. Mr. Uemmill reported having let a job of putting in culvert ou SIowick boundary to Joseph Murray and Wm. Merkley, and recommends that Turnberry's share of the accounts bo paid to George Muir, $11,25; to Joseph Murray, 50 cents, and to Wm. Merkley, $4.50. Moved by Wm. Gemmill, seconded by Wm. Cruickshank, that Robert Weir be paid 52.75 for damages to harness and buggy—Laid over tilt next meeting. Moved by Wm. Gernn.ill, seconded by John Diment, that no action be taken in ,• F 1,'Tarkdale Morris. o,-;�10 News :—Up at Ited Mr. Wm. Martin, of the lst line, had a ,1 D C ernater t taxes 1 couple of valuable e sni v than Thos. -' r J. Williams ' nue $29 50 : i usgrove, , • ch:eery in hisfaetory for the manufacture On motion by Thos. Rao, seconded by of excelsior and is now turning out large W. Lee, the clerk was ordered to instruct quantities of this extensively used ma -1 the collector of statute labor and poll terial. It is used for packing furniture tax to go on and collect poll tax from and other goods, and it is also used as a 'Peter Pickett: —Carried. material for filling lounges, mattresses, On motion by Thos. Hemphill, second - etc. Tnero is a big demand for it I eel by W Lee, the council adjourned to amongst manufacturers and the firm aro , treat on the third Tuesday of November alrondp in receipt of several largo orders• or at the call of the reeve. respect to Mr. Cbitticlt's claim for 1 public meeting was held in the J• Cow,uc, Clerlt. { Carried. horse— Methodist church, on Monday evening, , - I Moved by Wm. Cruiekahauk, aecouded to receive the report from Mr. J. scrim- I Hove the Dominion Government by Win. Mundell, that the Clerk be in - pot). ;veal: the Controllers were ,rs , , rWas Disposing of Ontario s y the: Dominion =ov II cows killed an the strong, V. S., of the great Temporanco p � g '" etruoted to write Messrs. Darrow , Proud- tt pan:• lain a wagon mor 1 '„hl, 1 track by the G T R. trains, on Tilers- Mr. held in Toronto recently,I. 1 Property. feet t0 have Lewis Bolton, Civil Eugireer, e rich man's carriage. 'Messrs. sliace day of last week. Ono was killed by toe I 3. 2 ,onccesboro. �OTTAWA, 2—Tire appeal of Bun Listowel, come and examine profile of morning ex press from London and the ` Sundaymer, lumber Oct,t. 3.unt, Montreal, against Government drain made by 0. A. Jones, d. t,•c: ,,:tl endeavored to evade the1 IJ ::asttc,n, but the fartp were too blain other by the freight going to London) a 1 Miss Jennie Woodman spent i f ' hafterat home. the Dominion Government was argued Township Engineer, through F.C.Wright's halour . 1to the At the Bank. This is to notify you that your ac- count at the bank of health is over- drawn; at this rate you will bankrupt, unless you take soon be 0 Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and ilypopbosphites to build you up. It will STOP d COCOMACi7JtW d OOT,D, anti c1check.CONST 2JfI'TION and al/ forms of w4STINO DISEASES,Al- most as palatable as Milk. Prepared ba Scott Sr Bowne,Belleville. For sae by all e1rug'glsts. WIOGUA.111 Melfitl:'i mS• \loo)'. "rt='ber 7•,, u;tt0 COrroeted 1•y P. Doane, Produce Doilor, • sla0to 54 to 5i4 to li to L1 to 50 to 10 to 10 to 14 to 3 00 le t;00to s4 to Floor put 40,144 -, Fall Wheatyet bushel, 3prtng Oats. Bailey Peas, Bettor, tot, do E •s per dol. Wood pot cord, flay per ten. Patatoua, Gcoie Tnekoyx Chickens Ducks vett for then) artful dodgers. On 44,`041 ;orth of wagons imported Last year, until, nd !l ,tn �. eare now enjoying beautiful weather • Mr. James Hill attended tho nock -tie another case arising out of the action of ,;sting less than 65x) each, the customs! for fall plougbing and many a furrow is 1 social given by tho Good Tempters of the Dominion Government in attompt- ax aturntnted to 52;33h, or nearly one- being turned over. Clinton, on Friday evening. He says it ing to get hold of what was once known s :f the value. Pleasure carts, which The side road between lots 20 and `_'1, i was a very enjoyable affair. as the disputed territory. Bulmer got hat iif.0 and ower, were i nportad to the i to the 3rd eau., is now open for traltie; ; i1t1rs. J. 1lill, of «gingham, R'as 1]ero a licenses from the Dominion Government alueaf eft.ni 4 and on these the Butt being completed last week, 1 couple of days last week. in 1883 and 1884 for about 465 square ^9 _ liltte eve) ane -third Via i .t::c:t.iun sales are numerous this fail. • Mr. B. I,awrason and Mr. r.4Joe. Stec ens miles of timber. He put up _ mills and Supreme Court to -day. This is place, which ie naw in the Clerk's of cte,aud :as •„ 41Ot,l rhinal price, This is a clear case of i Lht't :week, there were—Alex. Kellner's,1 attended the,I. O. T. realm me - g commenced operations. In 1880 the Moved byJohn Diment, se^ended l y local,:.=uatiran against the pour u:uu dud; arc' Etno, on Tuesday ; 4Z'm, Cainecon's, ;held in t4 ingha,n on the 17th inst. province of Ontario started spit against • nieve she; 5t , i; lie, on Thursday, atm Thos. Forbes', i Mr. R. B. Jeffrey is able to. attend to the St. Catharines Milling and Lumber Wm. Gemmill, that the petition of the Vero .ot (Jf explanation can rc l irt. ie ed iu > >)<< i:na, on Friday. The goods and his duties again. Company for cutting timber in this ter- Bluevale Cemetery Committee and other vernu.ent from too odium chs. es at these sales went at very good' Messrs. John Lrunsdon & Son aro ritory. This Was after the Province had ratepayers be granted, dual that a byelaw •I` then examine drain ou F. C. Wright's place and determine what is necessary to be done to make drain iu conformity to the said profile—Carried. Moved by Wm. Gemmill, seconded by John Dimont, that Messrs. Cruickshank and Mundell be a comrnitte to examine the Ballegh drain, with power to act—Carried. ae en. ;ir , s, with the exception of horses,) putting in a new grain crusher. ^ "' issued a Proclamation taking control of itkli.010: rt crotly published by tee i •i,ey were as good as given away. be toady i few days in eaterio Bureau of Industries gave 001:0 i t .. Friday evening of last week, R. C. atvre tin r information concerning min -1 Pei. .o gave a flue ventriloquial enter- ral g:) duction 10 tintariv. Even u;Jre; tala..eit in Anderson's school house.' teres„ ing and important, however, is lir. Pearce is a line ventriloquist and be statement for the twhc)Le Dominion' has few equals and no superiors in On- „onetine(1 In the Statistical Year Book 1 tato. He kept his hearers -in one mu- ral. leen This latter statement shows tinnal roar of laughter for upwards of e he total 'value of the output of the „ "Joe ,l]at t two hours with his talking dolls, nines 't Canada lase year was n10,500.- JO. 10,500: J('. Of uiokelore alone 83,513,000 worth ;aa produced, an increased aboutthreo- `uarters of a minim] over the year pro- ious. The product of the oil wells was J in the evening one hundred and fifty Allied at nearly a million and of the 1 invited guests assembled on the lawn to old diggings at 6U00,000. Pig iron con -1 witness the nuptials of Miss Mary, sributed 8-0'37,000 to the general total and 1 eldest daughter of the host and hostess, time quarries upwards of $411,000. The . and Mr. Oliver Smith,eldest son of Thos. tau,,; industry of Canada has not yet • Smith, Grey. Cupid's knot was tied by eached the developmeayhgped for, but Rev. S. Jones, assisted by Revs. Ross t, like all others, is making progress. and Miller. The bride was most beoom- 3; t ao Alen LADY Art anl,ioi, en their ingly attired, in a suit of heliotrope, !turn from the World's Fair, visited i trimmed with light green, and was the radon onTuesday last. His Excellency magnet of many a pair of admiring eyes. n. speaking of the flag incident at the After the happy couple had been con- MMa'orld's Fair, the other clay, said he saw gratulated to their hearts, content, the 1 stated in the London Free Press that 1 guests were invited to partake of the sewel')ti thoueancls of Irishmen aided in good things of this life, and were soon he pulling down of tee British flag at seated around tables that fairly groaned he Irish village in the Chicago Exhi- with edibles. The bride Was the reclpi- ition on Saturday. The editor must eat of many costly and useful gifts, urely have written under enisapprehen- tyl,icil goes to sbow the high esteem in ton of the facts. I was present, and 1 which she was held by berfriends. The now that only aim roughsparticipated evening was spent in social chat and by (one of Turnberry township's fathers) to the incident, and that there were the the younger portion of the crowd in the Mr. A . eraser, eldest son of Ivir. houghs ongest of indications that the thous- merry mazes of the dance. Music was Fraser. The ceremony was performed ds—'the great mass of the Irishmen supplied by Mr. and Mrs, L. Rattan; Mr. by the Rev. T. L. Kiernan, Congrega- aresent--had no syml.athy whatsoever and Miss Taylor ; Jas. and Wtu. Bow- tional pastor, in the presence of a large and Jerry." On Wednesday evening, Oct. 16th, the residence of Mr. Jas. Ireland was the scene of a most pleasing event. At 5.30 and family aero the territory, Mr. Bulmer stopped oper- Mrs. John • ur visited at Dr. Young's, on Saturday. at:ons about this time. Finally the suit Mr. Will Wallace returned from Dako- against the St. Catharines Milling Com - to on Friday last. It is reported that Mr. L. Wetlautfer is going to leave Londesboro. There will be a debate in the S. O. E. Lodge at the next meeting, on the sub- ject "Resolved, that the platform has more ore beneficial to the country than the press." amount enlarged, the claim being for yard; Duff et Stewart, 81,12, lumbar for The Good Tempters of District No. 2d $200,000, profits which be would have culvert 0u boundary; John rrlcGlywn, $5, have called a Prohibition Covention to made had his contract not been inter - culvert on Oth concession; Sam], Taylor, meet in Manchester, on Nov. lot, at 1 p. fered with and 585.000 expenditure. The 8150, repairs to Jobb'b bridge; Jcltu Gil - m., for the purpose of organizing for the 85,070 awarded was merely for bonuses moor, 81.50, gravelling; John Agnew, 50 Plebiscite campaign). There should be a and ground rents, which he paid the cents, '„ravelling on boundary; 1. obt,Ourrie, large gathering of the friends of temper- Dominion. Messrs. McCarthy, and 86.25, gravel for boundary; John Wilson, Forgtisbn appeared for Bulmer and $1.50, gravel for boundary; Alex, Camp- bell, $2, cleaning ditch on boundary; Win. Jobb, $2, gravel and damages; Robe 84.50,priutiug; Andrew Hermiston, 93 cents, Turnberry's share of ditch in Delmore; James aud illi Elliott, w4,20,tileh for drain iu Delmore; George Aitilisnn, 72 cents, Turnberry's share of job on boundary; Win, Yeti, $14.25, grave/ewe and two culverts; Thos. Fluker, 85.32, work 00 Morris boundary; vosepl) Murray, 50 cents, party, after travelling through all theThe following accounts were passed and courts, was decided in favor of the Pro -orders ou the Treasurer issued : Wm. Mo - wince. Mr. Bulmer, who was in exactlyPhorersou, $8, selecting jurors; Joliu Bur - the same position as this company; took Hess, 83, selecting jurors; John S. Me - suit against the Dominion in the Beebe quer Court. He was awarded 85,070 Taviah, $a, selectiug jurors; George Hen- derson, $2.50, gravel and damages; Duff & dameaes. Ile appeals now �o have the Stewart 85,71, len-Mr for drain iu mill be passed at next meeting' of Council closing that portion of Duncan street in the village of Bluevale, between Tote 111 and 112, and increasing the Cemetery grounds-- Carried. anee. All churehos,Temporeuee organiza- tions and other societies friendly to tem- perance are entitled to send delegates. The delegates appointed by the Good Tempters lodge a this place are: Walter Cunuinghaw, Howard Riddell, Addie' Crisp and Jennie woodman. Mr. Thos. Riddell and Miss Sarah Wallace were ?Harried on Wednesday last. We extend our congratulations. SleepY Hollbsiti• A most interesting event took place here on Wednesday of last week, in the marriage of Miss "Lime" Gemmill, oldest daughter of Mr, Wm, Gemmill, itis the attemptei outrage. Indeed, president of the National Pederation tde an offer to me to prosecute; the enders to the utmost rigor of the law, his own expense, and I saw many man and Mr. Thos, Strachan. Mr. and Mrs. Smith start out in life under most favorable auspices. Langsicte, a fact thatthe of th last issue.) tntcnde or s Tier evidences d f 1 1 i rouble was confined to a very few roughs. The first snow of the seasonfell on ]eye facts X would like to have publish- Sunday. • d cis widely as I,ossible, for I feel that Mrs. I#awie, of Princeton, was the ugh needless herrn ivay arise from a guest of Mrs. ,las Crovvston. ierepreeentation of tiro actual wont- Mies L. Armstrong, of the Teeswater ' Public School staff, Sundayed nt bars. Teas St. Thomas Times, the leading D. 1). McKinnon's. ative paper of :Agin county, Mr. W. Rs Clayton, of Listowel, who k8 out plainly on the tariff question, has spent the past fortnight in organize Jtva: It has been the greatest ing a Canadian Order of Foresters Court in the National Policy that the 'has succeeded in his enterprise. The 1 soprano in (aid choir. Mie, Fraser of the lnantifactur'eifshaveS been ' Court will meet senii.•monthly in the replied most feelingly to a flattering ad` too exoluteivaiy. Now we have 'mucic hall: dreae "Sandy" being "o'er baishftt'." and sympathetic (?) assemblage. After a sumptuous repast, to which seventy- five guests did ample justice, a most enjoyable evening was spent in singing, speaking, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have tire commun.od t the e lobes of n heuo v t ity. On Friday evening succeeding e0 ding the above mentioned joyful event, a goodly number of Turnberry's youth and beauty assembled at Mr. D. e'raser's residence. The interesting feature of the proceed- ings was the presentation of a handsome album to Mrs. A. Fraser by the Turn - berry Congregational choir, 88 a recogni- tion of her valuable services as leading Messrs. Christopher Robinson and for the Crown. Hogg Turnberry. The Township Council met in Mc- Donald's hall, Bluevale, on. Monday, Oct. 28rd, 18913. 111atnbers of Council all pre- sent. The Reeve • it the chair. The minutes of last meetiug were read, ap- proved and signed. • Communications were read from Messrs Turuberry's shars of timber for ealvert; Darrow.& 1'roudfoot, re F. C. CVri=ht's Wm. Merkley, a:k,ee, Turuberry's share of drain;, also from Robt. Douglass, re F. C• timber for culvert; Robe Hogg, $1, repairs Wrigbt's drain; from Culross Council, re to B nue bridge; Coo. 1Valker, $4, culvert job let on Boundaryline; also from County en 13 line. ,ll seconded Clerk, re vote ou erection of House of Moved by Win., Geutn) o l by Refuge. Jobe Diluent, that tht('i t;euuel' do now lteports—The Reeve reported that EEobt adjouru to inset, in eleDonsld's hall, Blue - Weir wants damages for harness and vale, mi ,Monday, November tenth. 1803, at buggy broken by Itobt. Hastings' horse' 10 o'clock e. to —Carried. Township 1 tr flJ1.99 0 Clerk. o)r.t 13 , and buggy cunning into his rig. ou gr evel• r t read near brickyard, caused by e. Dole in culvert. Also that Mr. Chittick wants payment for the breaking of We horae'A leg at or near a culvert on 15th sideline, but refuses to swear that it was brokeu iu the towustlip. Also that JohnMcGlynn Ynn has finished culvert on 9th concession, and recommends payment of his aeeount of $5. Also that John Gilmour bas complet- ed job of gravelling on 15tH side road, and recommends payment of his acoenut, 81.50. Alen that David Hastings hes agreed to clear toad at river an 9th conCessi011 for 8 daye etatutelabor. Also instructed Geo. Pocock, jr., to do small job of repairs at ends of B lino bridge. Also instructed Frank Carruthers to do smell job of re. pairs at ends of Gray'a bridge. Also re. 330 ) ( 1 00 55 551 vs, 35 50!, l9• 20 14 1 00' 6 1u 40. ZO • ro P� y ` FA A� ,,"�,�tl : , � :t d {rom8 b D X /1 / l All kinds of Teweiri .his eeasurt is far ahead of any beton-, i , beano" and novel; assigns. We are reet,ivieut till the latent; designs in ltt•noche4, 0J tont 1(,'.udlrs, Lace 23118, Watcbrti,•irinalta !'i., I tri,, Engage-* went and Wedcil..,; flings. We leaf in Silverware, •':i ers fallrnv. r Repairing ,t specialty. • �' ••y-� M'�1�U ^ ,•-i vi I� Y F L • .... Na .iiVr. 9,J !.'a J.i �-L'� J 1 ,v JI00,n, • A lir i Ht� 1500 CORDS IiE,l3i) K BARK' wanted at the \'Vin;;hmin. Tannery, $5.00 PER CORD '0.'i11 be pati nn delivery. Parties peeling 15 orris or over. can, deliver half in summer and balance in' winter, if desired, anti same price will be paid. VIINGNAIA TANNING CO. Wingham, nay .101h. 1803. B. OLHEY1INCS Begs to intimate to bis tumorous Ons- teme •0 awl others that be intends ,n+.vinl; to the stand lately used arse. boot and shoe store j a Two Doors Hort of Post Office where will ho found a large stock of Musical Instruments, Sewing ac xnes Cuirass. Washing Machines 4r, Peter Arkell, of this township, has been awarded three prizes 011 •Oxford Down sheep at the World's Fair. oodeash of this township, r 1V , ,1 r. x l•os, , p is intereatiog himself in the formation of 1 Also a full lice of 14.,50101 Stock Company for the mauufau SO1ZOOL SUPPLIES taro of cheese and butter. A meeting for I�iv CLV l SUPPLIES' the purpose of discussing the question was '•'-'alin— • GENERAL •�+ T �r flew? 11IoAtlister, of the Toronto GENERAL S i A 1 IONER Y. 1 Mr, pollee force, is opendiug some bondage at Store will be opened et Saturday, July his home in "(3ulttesa. • and Wringers, with all needed repairs, i hold in S. S. No, 7, on Saturday last. 19th. The Owen .mound papers announcad.'the GIVE mil A. CALL marriage of Mist Jaunts 1Botne, daughter of Mr. Wm. Rome, of this township, to J• E. OUMMMI GB Mr. Jus- lil:oldaway, of than town, Wingltam, Jll, 28tb,'90. ~; gash; O rain i Lossio:.";R(ist, 18.— I.L'axpress,, in its weekl' ,13rittsh grain tend),. t wheats are quiet ail ,Foreign wheats aro t red winter is quoted Manitoba at '27e, 1)uI •and California at 28i Arm, American is hej Dbeelnber ateipment .January. Oats, hark; +steady, Tu. day the inactive and wastr:er, wheat was GJ and c California wheat limn; can whets were 8( dull. Ourn was at barley was rather whet in .fair deeu ted and pr ;ID lviject1ons to 1, The opponeuts of pl pliantly ask if its adn make men moral by A that being, it is as; elitnax of abeurdlty. hibitiou may not mak may, at least, remove to immorality. Lice certainly not the wit but nether the way of Experience has she striation or the traffic by a decrease in cried of .poverty, and an other and profitable b For 11 is the vicious p liquor traffic that is as other legitimate 1> coerce are, by the "ue, supply and demand, an unnatural and Ltd for itself„stimulation t' appetite to which it i when the .facilities indulgence are relnoi itself. - It may tse,true, as Prohibition assert, chooses to get drunk' even in spite .of Prohi men deliberately elft but are over•co,ne aware. They daily till the appetite bee tyranny, in the .hest even where there is obtaining it, they 4. their appetites, and seek protection tlier in the walls of en a 'We are rnet at tte remonstrance agains would be done to the the trade by legal pr true that vast sums this business. The t distillers have grown by the manufacture. tronehed themselves which the 11111041008 .gives. Bnt is their stand in the way of nation? By long 1 bas grown to au en and inure -teed the di preesrou. :lint its r actio increased the step, and if the pro grappled with it tuts were better and chi: fold to buy out the tereat, and thus del this curse and crit it groats beneath its to course - We are tnet at suppress the trail against the unco3st prohibition. We a invasion of the lib; —of his seared rigl Briton. But no to injure his neight without his consen gages as a principa, The liquor traffic is against society, au grievous wrong age that t rabic. The the national right dealing potion is it eminent 1.st'nse s+ tarily confers th —the moral right» a certain limited t sum of money, ant justly, withhold t all than grant it to The lawwill will no sell tainted or tall the wilful adulterer the perpetrators a able to severe 1Pl;al, places, tor*, no without poisons medical certificate C$ 1"101e01170 tress wholesome 5titutiolixl. Why prohibition of the dolts b'veraf;es, men earl women the adulterated fol in the country i.11 considered unool ward. 1