HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 3W, C, viii U, COLUMN, (CONDUCT= BY TIM i nseIfM eineecu,l TUE .,Fur Gorr and Remand Native Land," wen ca11 the attention, of the snothera ;Jul sisters ,to the fact, that the Woman's Ohrletiau Temper- ance Union meets every Monday at three o'clock ,sharp, for one hour, at Mrs. 11c1m'A residence, Pat- rick street„ All ladles arc »ado welcome. We hold a monthly s;„spel meeting on the last Monday of every month, :except when otatorwiso advertised, to which meeting Myo invite the public ;gcnerahy As the Editor has kindly given us part of his space, for our work, wu ask trionds of the cause to *end items of interest on all moral questions of the day to any of our mu!nharb, .A.rebbishoP Ireland at the World's Pane Atthe Temperance Oougress of the World's Fair, one of the speakers was Archbishop Ireland. Without notes, Ile ;poured out a most ('.legnent an ine •spicing plea for co-operation of all good men and women in the fight against the liquor traffic;. "We sit stilt," said he, "and look on seeing the .armies of the liquor tia$io defy the law.. Is it not a disgrace to a civilized anti e>hristian country to have laws upon die statute books which the liquor' ram) alone of all olaases laugh to •scorn. These men control eleetiona in our free Anxericaa,and candidates for public bonor are compelled to worship whiskey, The soldiers of the temper- ance artily ghee lost valuable time in not always fighting the energy but sometivaes fighting themselves, and the enemy has looked an and laughed. We may .obuube different weapons but go at the enemy, one with a gun, one with a crook and hit him. We need every method. We need moral suasion and law, Local Option and Total Pro- hibition. Let us do, not merely what we can, but what we ought. Prow Belly Took His Lagar, Boy Billy Was the adopted son of Christian Zende, an honest German, who Was niuoh shocked one day at seeing the boy in a lager. beer saloon, tossing off a foaming glass of beer. He bade the boy to go home but said nothing till evening. After tea, Zende seated himself at the table, and placed before him a variety of queer things. Billy looked on with curiosity. Come here, Billy, said Christian Zende. Why were you in the beer - shop to -day ? Why do you drink beer, my boy ? Oh•—oh--heoause it's good, said Billy, boldly. No, Billy, it is not good to the mouth. 1 never did see so big faces as you did make. Billy, you think it will taste good by-and-by, and it looks like a rnau to drink, and so you drink. Now, Billy, if it is ;nod, have it. 1 will not 'hinder you from what is good and manly, but drink it at home; take your drink pure, • and let ine pay for it. Colne, my boy 1 You• like beer. Well, open your mouth. I have all the beer stuffs, pure front the shows. Come, open your mouth, and 1 will put it in. Billy drew near hut kept his mouth °lose shut. Said Zende, don't you make me rnad, billy. Open your mouth, Thus exhorted, Billy opened his mouth, and Zende put a smell bit of alum in it. Billy drew up his face. A. bit of aloes . followed. 'Phis was worse. ];illy winced. The least ,norsel of red pepper now, from a knife point made Billy .howl, What, not like beer? said Zende. Open your mouth. A knife dipped in oil of turpeutine made Billy ery. Open your mouth ; the beer is not halt made yet. And Billy's tongue got the least •dusti ug of lime, and potash, and saleratus. Billy now cried loudly. Ten game a grain of .liquorice, hop pollen, and saltpetre. Look, Billy t Here is some: arsenic and some strychnine ; these belong to beer., Open your mouth i 1 can't 1 1 can't! roared Billy. Arkenic and strychnine, are to kill rats 1 1 shall die 1 Oh—oh—oh—do you want to kill me Kill hitt 1. just lee a little beer all good and pure 1 He tells ins the likes beer and it is manly to drink it, and when 1 give Bien some he cries 1 kill liim. here is water. • There is much Water in beer. 13illy drank the water eagerly. Zende went on. There is much izioolinl in hoer. Here open your rnouth,and he dropped four drops of raw spirits carefully on his tongue. Billy went dancing around the room and thou ran for more water. Ootnn here, the beer is not done, $lily ; and seizing hire, he put the cork of an sntinonia i,ottle to 1110 lips, then a drop of honer, x taste of Sugar,. a drop of molasses, A drop of gall, There, J3hty f here it jalap, cope perils, sulphurhic resist, arotiee acid and raiz votnitetx. Open your mouth. Oh, no, no, no! said Hilly, Jet 211e go, hate beer. I'll 'never drink any more l 1'lt never go in that shop again, Oh, let nae go 1 1 can't eat those 4hirigs. My, mouth tastes awful now, Ob, take them away, .Hither Zende 1 Take them away! J'aire away good beer, twleen 1 have paid for it 1 My boy yon drank them fast to -day. Oh, they make me sick, said Billy.. And man drinks all these bad things mixed up in water. Ile gets red in the face., he gate' big in his body, be gets shaky in his hands, be gets weak in his eyes, he gets mean in his man- ners, Bill was satisfied ori the bear clues, tion,_.'rom the German, Methodist and Prohibitions. No ohurell bas taken a deeper or more active interest in the prohibition question than the Methodist, nor baa any deuouaination been more zealous in promoting the campaign in view of the coining pleebisoite in this prov- ince Of the petitions favoring prohi• bition presented to the Ontario Legis- lature lust session 199 were from the Methedist Ohurch, 77 from the Pres byterian, 32 from the Baptist, 9 frons. the Congregational, 7 from the 1_'+api3- copalian, and 7 troll the Evangelical ' Association. Recognizing this to be a I question of pre-eminent I!nportaue.., tine General Conference at its meeting in Montreal in 1891 appointed a Oomrnittee.on Temperance, which it uivided into throe sections. The western section embraces Ontario, and the approach of the plebiscite in this Province was the reason wiry the committee representing tine section were called together in Hamilton. ' Those present were:--.K,ev, Dr. Oar man, Belleville, Obairrnan; Rev. D. L. Brethour, Burlington, Secretary; Rev. Dr. Alex. Sutherland, Toronto; Rev. Jnseph Grundy, London; Rev, l'rancis E Nugent, Palmerston; Rev. Wiiliam Kettlewell, Paris; J. J. McLaren, Q. 0., W, 11. Orr, Toronto; ltlr, teoxeu, Sabbath service, at es early tt tints as Winnipeg, and Theznas ltillyatd, practicable, to the presentation of ibis' Waterloo. :important matter to our peol,le, STRONG RESOLUTIONS. And we would further declare The committee put itself on record the great desirablity of our people co- in these resolutions:-- ioperatin actively in nubile lx)eeliIigs conventions, the circulation of late res "Whereas, the Legislature of rho , Province of Ontario !n res : ture,rand in tech other ways and meth- Province petitions freorrse to a s,localities, , !ode as are suitable to their respective large number of churches, temperance societies arra munioipat bodies, has declared that a t5) And we further request the Rev,llr' vote be taken on the prohibition of the'Caa'lnttn, Geuerrsl SupNritltcudent, importation, manufacture and sods as a to issue a pastoral letter on this athb- beverage of iutoxicettiug liquors; Peet, addrnee. with to the el rothes in this Anti whereas, it has neon repeatedly read Province. o, witlh a view to its being stated that the country is not ready read by the ministers to [lieu collgre• for prohibition, rhereby makiug it de- sirable that we' accept the opportunity now given to the people of Ontario to On The Platform. yote apart from all political entangle- PtYBLtO SPLAI{EIt5 aim singers are often troubled with sore throat and ments upou the question involved; hoarseness, awl are liable to severe bron- And whereas, the great Uniuu Pro- hibition .ljonventiou held in Toronto 5n 3rd and 4th October, 1893, passed esolutzons strongly urging the united action of all Citizens. of the Province in the endeavor to poll the largest possible vote in favor of said measure; And whereas, the importance of the issue is so great that we should. be witliug to lay aside our personal opinions prediledtions, and unite as in one solid body at the ballot box iu favor of prohibition on the lstJauuary, 1894; And whereas, our church has been always abreast of public opinion on the restriction and prohibition of the lig quor traffic, and lass not hesitated to declare, o0 all suitable occulting, her profound eotrvietion of the evils entail• ed upon a piety in its evils political educational, moral and religions life and activities Puy this licensed trade in NGHAIVI TIME +'.. , OCT MBE 7, ,a. Whet is ! h;'v.•Cf �, i .rrtr-r - age .K -r .. ''.a` Cas*ctriw its Dr, Samuel Pitcher's proscriptions tor Infanta and Children., It contains neither Opiumi2,1VIorp]aino non ether 1tit cotie substance. It is ta, ba,rrznless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Seething Syrup,:, and Castor Ofl It in Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoriaz destroys Worms and allays. feverishness. Cazatoria prevents vomiting Sour Curti, cures Diaarrlacea and Wind Colic. Castoriz relieves tieothiag troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cnstox'11w aaesizzni]aters the food, regulates tht >stcznaeh and, bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa tori. Is the Children's P'nnneetz-the T:Zother'a )Friend. Cal i tor1.a,. "Castor's. is as c=cellrnt medicine for chil- dren. gathers hero repeatedly told me. of its. food effect upon their children,,, Dn. Cr, C. Q,noon, Lowell, Bless. "Ctr•"toria Is the best rontccl,^ for oh ne:ran of wbici I ttltl nca:atatc :. I hope tho dzy is not far distanttncen nother:5will consider the roe l Interest of t:acir chiklro;, rr_rl use Castoria int. stead of tbovarious nuacic nostrutnsr,•itich aro destroylug their loved ones, by foreingopinrn, etorphine, soothing syrup and ether hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. Xotctrut on, Conway, Ar' Castoria. "Castoria is so well adopted to Children etas I recommend 1t e s superior to any prescription ion known to rile." Aucntnt, . 17),, 111 Bo. Oxford t3t., Brooklyn, 11% „ Our 1:1:,,^sicians in the c:tltdlrn's depart• n:^nt insert spol:rat ]tial:ly of ti:c:: c::p•ti• cnoo in their Outside prt.ct:ee t,,tlt t'.:.;roria, and although we only lr..O antctt; err: medical supplies >rhut is knt rn as rr.;.;ui .• products, yet r•oare ireo to confess that tko merits of Ct ,toric has wax us 0 look with favor upon it." 70.2rrrzD IlesPiTAr. AND Drst+t:xsa ^., Boston, Me s. Are gar C. Soave, Pres., 'rho Qi©ratan: Con1.1 .l, a.7 Ti' asraaa Street, Now York City. ���-a• err v cbial attacks which Wright be prevented and cured by the use of Hwgyard's Pectoral Balsam—the best throat and lung remedy in use. 'Mauima : Tenney, what makes your breath so buil Tommy: Clause you won't let [nit have enough sugar -candy to keep it .sweet, 111114u1tATrsit Cuttetn 1S A DAY. --south Amorican Itbouuiatto Cure of Rbeurr,utism and Neuralgia radically cures iu 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system is re markable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause of the disease itumediately disappears. The first doses greatly belie - fits, 75 cents. Warranted at Chisholm's drug store. Watts : How did you come out in your littie wrestle with the Chicago meat market ? Potts: 1 went after wool and got worsted. A. wonderful nese combination is R. Stark's Headache, Neurailia and Liver MCoilalie liquors, Therefore, be it ,Powders, ince totake and perfectly harm, less. Sirs. Gaston, 22 Ibohbury street resolved: Hamilton, another well kuowu citizen, (1) That wo, the members or the testifies: "I•iwiu;+ given It. Stark's Head. western section of the General Copier. aohe, Neuralgia, and Liver Powders a fair ence Standing Oowrntttee on Temper- trial, I rim witliug to beer testimony to their efficacious effects. I have derived ogee, assembled the any of Hama -great benefit from them, haviug boon a ton, this 12th day of Oettber, 189c3, long time a stiffer from headache. bilious -,ball upon the 1\10thodlst electorate La' teas and neuralgia, Mr, Alexander Mercer, unite their of orte tocarry to a triumph 11 t „ 1v Ira mertding vr qHamilton, ItSurk'usobHpwacuree, Nercmcissue the question o prohibition now before the Province. Ana We and Liver Powders, as alter .i fair and would further emphasize this sail by protracted trial of the sumo 1 cousider re mlhdittg oar people of the legislative thele a "7 valuable remedy for laead- enactint'nty of our General C7onferenee acp be and bilious ub well worthy of the conlideuoe of the ubtic,aud far surpassing and alai) of the recommendations of many others of considerable repute." our annuai•eonfereneos touching this Price 25 cents a b x. Sold by all medicine question, dealers. (2) 'Tilsit in the opinion of our corn- A hypocrites 's a man who, is trying mittte the supreme tuetnent has arrived to foal every hod f else, only fools him-, for such action ,is will leave no room self. in the minds of our li'i;isdetors eons A >ttarb Cotttlattxattorl. corning the ripeness of pubiie opinion for the total suppreagion of the liquor erIileitH is nc other remedy or combine. trafii°, tion of 'Median ea that meets iso smug requiremeuts, as does Burdoek blood t9) That your committee *Mild fur' Bitters iu its Wide raugs of power over they ash 'attention to the inportanee such chronic diseases as dyspepsia, lib or of such action being token lay the biamors f thcomplaint, l oa tut, scrofula, and all ntiniatere and official hearth in their approaulling November meeting*, al A, Isiah is. never the friend of .A wo• Well in their judgreernt beat mecum tire matt if he ran he liar lover, and sought. Also, that each rn%nieter Itarkwall`A BroaahiAi iialsstn trill aurrnn liars G bee requested to devotee int least one seri, ttrbgo?aitir nr O,tdhlerrt, 9 !r USE PERRY 4!e °°°°°«�i Q� 1� °•° FOR DAV I S''°wo' ALL 8©W6L °t;TROUBLES, PAIN;/ ILLER Wealth and Laziness. In alt countries end in all times there is a class of mankind who claim that an excess of wraith in some other man's purse is n (Wm, to humanity and a drag ore tire eerurs° of true pro- gress, says a contemporary. Under the guise of sociology and its advance- ment they urge eocia.lism and all that follpws after, ignoring the potent fact that wealth in the majority of cases represents development of the cam. ntunity ns well as of the individual, and forgetting the greater law that the laborer is wrrthy of his hire whether his work be H ith his brains or his hands. In a recent article on the Ethics of Wealth, Mr, W. H. Quaints aneF' ventures therm Opinions : "The ruse of tveett}h said unnhition who have built up our eteet tnrtnu. factnrinn industries and ' xtt'tirlyd our groat railway systems iia•re tilrreby given remunerative ernployinent to tbutieands of men vitt' Mast otherwise it ire struggled for rt [noun esi.te'ne a by a rude rti,'riCrt tore; they hare wedded the Eust to the W.'st,'ttrer"by cetnent- int; Clio nasion ; have opened tto to siAt,l+ntent the great Vi ., 1 'tt end glues it possible for the door of enste'rrt cities and of foreign Countries to secure a hone, the first great need of civilized mere ; nud hare, contrthute•d iuore than any other one cies* of strew to nor 1-g:cattiess as x civnlizecl i a iron. These ,:nen err. held in rteuratrurt rand eon- tempt, bnt ortiy by those whose nar- rowness of view, ahortsightedtaess of vision end contemptible 11ttlen'ss of mind and son! prevent chem front SOH- iog the g h gaud true iucspncia!rtes them from doing a like eereiee," &'y, lurxnesti, or inability to meet the tontingeneie a of life ere al ways back of the reasons fel socialism, whsle a self Crr'ettad 'discontent fur - flintiest the motive power. 'Ciro infat' and inns ICs ere eo lubricated by Hood's sarsaparilla that all rheuna- titfrn and stiffness mon disappears, Get only Hood's, The ereete?st good a women o in do is to do no evil. The itibwer at Nature. 7+'cr every ill nature has it cure. Irh the healing virtttt's ttf.'urwwy 1'Ute lips the ours' tnr coughs, islets, croup, asthma, brouoititis, hoarsniiesr, etc. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup ro,r esents the virtues of Norway trite and other pectoral` reme- dies. Price'ius, A BleosIng to Every Rousehold, HOLLOWAY'S PILL .. AND WNTM These remedies have stood the tett of fifty years crtx ,rte„ce, orad ars pronounced the Leat 6atu:iy use, Purify the blood,' correct all disorders tho L1V1tt, TI IJA t,' KIDNEYS AND I:OWZ y invaluable hr all complaints Incidental to females of, alt a;;es. Is the only reliable remedy for ball legs, sores, ulcers, and old hound,, 1011 11/10: 711111.1) TltROATS, COUQUS, (toLpS, GOUT, IIREVAIATISM, .Gfd,DUI.Ait SWELLINGS ANDA i)1SNAS1'sS IT 11.18 NO It@UAL, Manufactured Only at 78, New Oxford, 1,atc 1512, Oxford Street, and sold by all Medicine. Yendore throughout the world, f rPurliasere should look to the Label ou the Boxes stud Pots, If the adds riot CSS Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WINGHAM MARBLE WORK iinvx MESSRS. VANSTOliE BROS, et iiineardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth.. Parties requiring work in their line will do well hycalling on tnem or seeing. one of their agents iza purchasing. You will land our prices aro away down, (sur warlrtnanship is unsurpassed. t.o will tea must, but the very best stock anti by square dealing hope to secure a liberal share of the ublioparrona• T Watson, who has been rouging the bnsit,css for the past year, will represent tru On the road, xe. 3t Call an I sue our stock and prices. LA VANSTONE BRUB... v:,�•xcc.+.r E MACHINE r,9. The Champion Gold Medal ©il which cannnee be Excelled.. McCOLL'S CYLINDER CM MANUFACTURED BY IIAS NO EQUAL �.'COLL BR S. OO.9 TORONTO. Ask your dealer for "Lardiue" and beware of Imitations. FOR SALE 13Y ALL THE LEA.1tNG DEALERS 1N THE COUNTRY. CORNYN BR S" UNDERTAKERS BANE: OF . HAMILTON WINGHAM, Capital, $1,25t?,000. Rest, $650,C00. President --Josh, 8•rupar. Vice.Prosident—.A. G. 11,A,tsAt•. DIRECTORS a lone PCGCieIr. (trAn.Y. WTIMIAOW, M l',AS.WINGH pMi ONT. SeotuaUSaturdays, A. E. Lss(Toronto). Cashier -Q. TURNBULL. ings 10 1. Deposits otsl,tupwards received and tera t allo,ve,l. 1rOafal Deposits also received ut current rates of interest, Drafts on Treat Entail) and the United States bought and sold When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills wo,�on,�ton�r!�aao�.• Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all who have used them. THAT CUntlt'10 STAY °USED. By all druggihtt, or mail on receipt of prke, Peering. Dr. 1.. A. Smith & Ca., Taranto, THE LAKE ROUT/3 TOTES WORLD':; PAI ViA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the Floating palaces of the bet.oit zt! Clevelrt;:ad Steam Navigation Comps: -.7. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for this perLxko route, costing $300,000 each, and aro guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest a:1c1 fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago Tess than 50 hours. .Pour trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Iltackinac,?otos. key and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; suiting July and August double daily service wall be main. tained, lying a daylight ride $cress Late Erie. Daily service between 'Cleveland and Putln.Bay, First-elasa stateroom nccemincidatfona mad menu, and exceed, ingly low Round 'Stip Rates. Tho 'shills tiall 0.1 t, the luxury of rho appoint. meats makes traveling on these steamer* thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus- trated pamphlet.. Address A. A. "Schantz, 0. P. A., Detroit ee Cleveland Steam Nov, slog Dbtto]t, heir. 1i. WI:LLSON, Aetna. iltlf;XER & DICIfINSON, Solicitors. HALTED SCOTT JDsethine Street • - Wi gham, int,, J, A, Itatsrsb, J. W. Sebe, Mount Pores:, I I,tstewe Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to ]'arrners and Business Men, On long or short time, on eurforaed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuatiou. Motley remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention ateen to Cpl looting A,ocounts unci Vans. Agents in Canada -•'rhe, ,Nitiro)Iullttie ,Batik or Canaan Oitice fours -»Prone 9 a. m. to 5 P. n,, A. g. Si12T'I'T1, Itt'eitt. jest t.tt 00tritit, Croute 92n {{ }jIn�v,r,,(y�', C�otr. Pie, Ct( yo, Relents ie rsstm at OP lttARP.14. illi LICli;NStl COItirraYlliittedtt /It 44. C. '., Ute.