HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-27, Page 1L
VOL. XX.I.---No. 1131..
We have passed into stock Ft fine range o£
overcoats, Sterns overcoats itucl nobby
well made and well trimmed dross over-
coats, Yon young moo who aro wanting a
fashionehte, well fitting caress overcoat will
roles it if you do not see ours; Dome in and
see them anyway, we do not think it a
trouble to show theta tc yen. Our gents'
furnishings aro complete in every line,
Solite of the newest things in weep wear,
knots and derbys. Our boot and shoe
stook was never so eornploto as at present.
The wet weather will soon ho -alien ns and
you will tint thet yo,t need it new pair,
"Teke time by tho forelo:I-,"
Groceries ep usual; our 36 cent tea is the
talk of the customers; three pounds for one
dollar, five pomade for one dollar and fifty
Direct Dry Goods Importers.
Trir, Been, October 20, 18;13.
—Wretch J It. 1Munslraw's change of111ts. Setherian
aclvortisemell t,nget week, field, have reeved
ld fatally,
_= towel.
—Heusi to 1e in Winrliam, Apply' to —Oath for good 1 (1tter and eggs
A. Dawson. Graham's market grocery,
--dart. T. oss is the sole agent for
Wiugha d vicinity for the sale of
celebrat Bel Organs and Pianos and
Baymo Se% ing machine,
--Tho Trans will he sent to any address
from now till the 1st of January, 18J5, fee
Otto Dollar.
of Ash - I ---ftev, G. C,
very •
, .te
et R ,d, vices of the Pres
—Dr, tcwlor and r. Joh* Neelands will —Regular me
ttil"represent the Win ham Methodist church
the at the West Hriroi 'rohibition Convention,
—Division Cola was held in the Connoil
Chamber, on tVe uesday lest, Judge Doyle
presiding, Thor- were but few cases to
Dome before the edge,
--Private moneys to loan ou mortgages
at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to
tf Jane Neeznems.
—Messrs. A Teeny,
Pocock, jr., and Mrs
appointed as dole;
Convention for T•1'
Wingham Baptist e
olioShot-— .
e D.
,, Gt -+-Ties antrnal e]}, _ ting lnatclF, under the ; Men: :1d,tilte, of r.:.,ivrtten', iv
tably conducted the eel.- ; auspice% of No. IC , opany, 33rd Battalion, ; friends in town.
yterian church, on Sunday will take place et Z land range, on Wed. j Mr. and Hrs. if Derr were via'
I nesday, November' 1. t, comimeneing .at S a. Clinton, this week.
t' ing of Court IMaitlend, i in- `There will bo is • fats of prizes, ane IMrs. ,T, T, Meier c14
Catnadian Oxitei of Foresters,
to -eight for oivilian+s and tt,. , +,, .. 4 ..., ,.....__--- , of IYaterl
Election of )face s, and other
business.! caul prizes, to the +++. t . li.rl'rOLtr `i i •liiCc^.get,
oil foroompetitiou, 1 sidentsof Wingharl ; visiting friends !n t,wn for the
—Mr. This, J. Soott Ilas arranb*ed for ; and surrounnin; e.ouu' y are co:dnally in- i weeks. 1
the appearance o Min. Norah Clench -,talo v!fed to take pare in ale contpetitioia, Ai Mr, J, W. en atter, of the is
celebrated violin •t, in WingbtLrn, on the I ,bus will run from t nvn to the range at I Signal staff, spent p rt of
28th of Becerr,b r, •l nrtorvi,is during tiro da , l Saturday!
t r i Sunday last with filo as ill town,
X u
next Sunday:
home) of Obe
of Daniel"—
series: "Dani
"Burch Pn]pit Triples for
orning—"The ark in the
•edom." Evening- Boolt
ontiuued--seventh of the
in the den,"
For sale, good witch sow; will calve
iu April next; tow giving good quantity of
milk, Geo. FI Phippen, Lower Winghan.
The Wi ghane .Presbyterian church
lave appoint as delegates to the Prohi-
bition Conv ntiorz for West Huron—Dr.
Macdonald, mayor Gordon, and lilessrs.
Win, lduttoi and D. Sutherland,
—Keep T esday evening next. Slat inst.,
clear for th concert under the auspices of
Caledonian -Camp, Sons of Scotland,
Lovers of cotelr music and song should
ot fail to tteud.
--Wanted, 10 to 20 men to out oorclwood
nd sawlogs, Work to coniallune° at once -
Geo. Tzzosrses,
Winghan, Ont.
r and Country Gentle -
Nr. Y., one of the best
the interests of the
raiser, is offering special
ew subscribers in clubs. "
another column, w
ates appoiuted to attend 1
. m ..s.... ..=..,r..,m,,,..,. ees n
Y•>larriaa a Licenecs
Issued by Fntw Pee'nuso r. `No 23, Vie- a
toria FCIYa t, ni0'inghunn, Ont. lel o witnesses I
WC t7AL 1.VX'a err`'I
—33i, Sirlonlant the specialist, will
be at the Queen's Hotel, W int hzzin,
from 7 o'oloc:le'Monrday night, No
vetnber 13th., onyil the hour of 3
o'clock -in=, the afternoon Tuesday,
November 7th. Consultation free.
-T11e di -op in the to rlporature on Toes-
daylarnhcle the sea,ch fc heavier clothing
—Call at the Star Restaurant for a big
assortment of fruit. Jas. 1 oKenvie.
e'' "--;•Mr, John Pelton, of East Wawariosh,
rhes moved into tate fine new residence
which 0 erected site l '
e < t
rn wiz
this season.
-•-Watches, elookr, and jewelry promptly
repaired and Bully warranted by Hats=
Peer., Meyer Block, Wiugham,
Mr. Walter Ta for has purchased a
brick- h it
O Ge L
t rid two trots ou Centre street,
near the rectory, fr n Mr. ]Mark Cassels,at
a fair- f1gure.
---The Trati.s will bo sent to any address
from now till the let of January, 1835, i or
One Dollar,
«—The Kincardine 1.wn Council has re-
pealed the by-law g siting a gonna of
030,000 to the ICincar, Inc and Toeswater
—The lacrosse coni rt,ou Thursday even
ing of last week, was ot as' well patron•-
ed as it ahotilcl, .eve been. The pre -
gramme given was a gcod : one, and was
well rendered,
--For sale, a goo milet' . cow; :will calve
in April next; now living good quantity o
rnnillk. Geo. 1 . Ph' pen, Lower Wingham.
—During the orison, Mr. T. 11 Ross,
// 'with the assistnl co of Mr. G. A. Sm9rth,
hold upwards ; . 130 Massey -Ramis
machines and ! ( dements of different
kinds 4 A most sa 'sfactory season's work,
sure! . "
--Tire efeelorni k Binder Company, of
O1n ago, wlza were n correspondence with
blest of the towns a Oittario relative to a
bonus, •Winghasn included, have decided
not to bui a hr ch in Centudx. They
'.I'w111 get GI thei • binders built in Can-
' ads.. '.
3»$1.'7;1 cash will secure Tin: Tzar s and
'Toronto Weekly Globe from now till the
1st of January, 1895, Subsoribe at once.
• 1'he world is
c aqs, Netuie is
sorts of colors, aticl i
an art gallery to wa
Not even the harro
will soon be time to
eidowalk is enough
seem less lovely.
looking beautiful these
alsomining, it in all
is like going through
along* a country road.
ing thought that it
hovel the snow off the
to make the scenery
—p`or first -Woes tailoring and cheat,
gents' furnishings, try Webetor de C"o,
Remember the place, ouly two doors north
of the rid stand and between Boss' beak
store and Patterson's jewellery shop,
—Nearly overyoue is aware that it fe
wrong to carry c rcealed weapons niz
Canada, but it is no .generally known that
by the new Crimina Coate that you must
not cornu within wo miles of a public
meeting without hie rring a penalty of $100
upolt convidtion, d -if yon molest any
person corning f m a public zueeting
designedly, either y personal violence or
opprobrious epithe s, you can be fined $200 12
• or go to jail for six montth. i
---Tile Cultivat
man, of Albany,
papers published '
farmer and stock
inducements to
See aclver•tisemen
—Will the dole
Cleo, Pocock, sr., Geo.
A. Ireland havo been
tes to the Prohibition
t Huron, from the
--Mr. Ainos Witl row, of Woodstock, re -
Permanent Building
on, has been in tosve.
to sell stock of above
m a local board.
presenting the Ont
and Lear Associat
some days tryin
association and fog
—Mr, D. Show
Works, has been
fairs with the di'.
the red ticket a
rs,of the WingbamPump
ery saceessful at the fall
erout kinds of pimps lie
Its pumps were awarded
all the efairs at which he
7 cash will eecnro Tuts nulls and i We take the follow ng obituary notice Mr, W. J. Clan an starter'! f
Toronto Weekly Globe from now till tho ' of the late Mrs, Laidla from last week's i eeoou i visit to thell
, .rld'a ]?air, r+ F
1st of January, 1895. Subscribe at once. I issue of the Seaforth S n: It is with deep 1 day last.
--Rev. W. IL Fraser, of Manitoba, wilt 12roenticwieetabree wo n tolir,andgliaGzetwellretuconduct Cha ser ices of rho Presbyterian deatth of k called upon.
no well known in Tuesday from a twos eeks' visit Corel
church, on Sun ay next, at the usual bourse I our midst in the perso of !Mrs. Laidlaw,
and friend's in Blonh= at township,
and the Bible ass at '2.30 p. selfnt of tate Into !!'flair
—On Moeda, last,Ldw1 rdLloydDuckett, I took place at the reside
of East Waw, osh, near Winghain, passed iklr.. James A • Cline,
away quite su denly, and thus another of ( Blatant+ at tine aclva
the pioneers .f this section is numbered 11after a short illness,
with those w o were The deceased bad 1 was a native of Aersbi
not been wel for some time, but the im- fora I:erioct of over Cu
mediate eau•e of his death was heart and around Seaford!,
disease. He was reported to be quite ! of years a resident of 1
wealthy, an loaves a wife and one son ' wards of Turnberry, wh
well . provicl, d for. Ile was in his 07t1r her late husband, Mr.
year. The
—0 T 11 trains frit. Toronto and east largely arts
n Laidlaw, whichMiss Cement/tee 0 rdon, of lfince
ce of her eon-in•Iass; and Miss N`ettilex. Be.
nagana, on the 1eath visiting at 'l1r. K:
eil ago of 85 years, Mr. Wm, Jobb,
Phi deceased lady I Wednesday last or
e, Scotland, and has ! Pei •,
ty }ears resided in ` r. D. Geddes, 1'. S., wife and family,
sing for a iLnmboLucknow, were visit. , ,
, €; gr. Geddes' srst =; t
eliiIlop, and after-; Mrs. A. McLean, Sh. der street, this We
n ou the• death of I Mr. John Neeland-,is in Brantford"
in. Laidlaw, she ! week attending the g erterly audit of t
eom, of Vzirna,
T'S this week.
Turnberry, left ri
visit to the %'oz -i4
leave Weigher(' at 0,25 a m and 11.20 e in, —The nee
via W G d B Division, and at 0.40 u, at under the a
and 3,48 p rn, via Clinton and Guelph. will be held
Good connections by all traius.
---The revised v
Breathes there a
bo never to hint
oval paper take
the Prohibition C urveetion to be held in
Manchester on N vember lst, please sweet
in Mr. W. 1?, 13 ookonsltire's photograph
studio, on Mom ay evening next, 80th
instant, at 7 o'el..k, sharp, to make, ter-
angernents for c uveyanoes,
mediately. App
Centre street,.,
sion reads as follows;
man with soul so dead,
If has said, I will niy
both for myself and
family's sake? I such there be, let him
1' the paper to him sent,
a a happy winter, he in
spent, and hav
nd if he'll spent
dvance will pay
—Mr. Jas, Co
this week receiv
use r '
r who an
orthweet Terri
a the printer."
rano, of East Wawanos ii,.i
a letter from,two of his
ng Gienewen, in the
orics, in which they state
ee have been very poor.
o acres of wheat and it
sbels, not two bushels to
did not thresh their oats
int hard times there this
eat only 85 cents per
ps such a failure.
to erre. 1r. Macdonald,
aclt..ot the now English
• —The Methodl:t
the doors, on Su
the Rev. 1VIr.
"Fallacies and F
The rev. gentian
amasterly ma
errors of the adv
post convinoil
that the crops 11
hey had forty -
aided only 73
e acro, and tit
all, Tbey pr
etor, with w
shel and the or
el moll was crowded to yi
evening Iast, to hear tit
ry's discourse on the at
o0dsa 4eThought." wi
de subject in bu
nen, and pointed out the
cates of Free Thought in en
d the best disi
oys offensive 0
seises and tho
s. Satisfactio
ncled. For sal
g way. str
—Ladies, havyourgarments made by
Miss M. Johnston Greer deeltack, opposite
the Queens. hotel, tttesst styles, good
work, always tirst-class fit.
—A rich trea
ally known as
t ebe
the continent, w•
church, W iugha
14th, and on Su
give his celeb
address in the
lays later.
---Clinton N
Mosses. S. J.
Usborue; S. J.
man, Goderich
as the Executi
Huron Teacher
Eatteubury R
arranging a Iu
ing of -the asso
Goderieh, on
ohm R. Clarke, gener•-
—At the Meet
dge, I. 0. G.
ere were four
o candidates
pointed to art
n to be held 1
thanks we
ngbam who
le "Boot Blank. Orator," 111
ptform entertainers on
I lecture in the Methodist ! ap
ou November 13th and do
day evening,the 1211), will 0a f
ted Gospel Temperance Wi
awe place. Full particu-
Era r On Saturday 1
tta, Ztariehr G.W. Holman
oyd, .Ashfield; Mien Shat.
and Mr: 0• Baird, Stanley
e Committee of the Wes
' Association; r?tet, i at th
se here, for the puieSeee
rarrtmo for the next. meet
Mien, which takes place i
ov. 24.26.
ng of Anchor of Hope
., on Tuesday evening,
ropositions presented, and
itiate .
d Delegates tee . were
rid the Prohibition conven-
the village of Manchester,
Tovember 1st next. A vote
passed to the citizens of
o kindly tllresv open their
ernes to the de egates who attended the
recent meeting .f the District Lodge, L 0.
est G. T.
Floristic is" the cheapest
fectent known. It de-
ters, preve s contagious
arising from foul prom-
auarantee or money re -
by Jas. A. litre at Co.
—We talc° th
Cobourg Sontin
t The gentleman
of Messrs. Wm.
of Turnberry. Th
few flays of t
n IMessrs, Wm. an
other frionds :
looms Sear. A number of thorough- tr
bred Young Roosters of SiIve'r 'Wyandotte, the
Black Langshan, Black Spanish and Brown
Leghorn breeds. Apply to John A. Barn- cont
stout Lawn,
palatial hom
ratting par
Frances Noble, 1
Mrs. Wm. Noble,
shank, youngest
shank, Plainville.
tied by Rev. 11
John's church, P
of the relatives in
interested families.
ed by her sister, M
the groom was
Mr. Robert A. 01
was very neatly at
ard, Wroxeter, or It Elliott, Wingham.
—flow to web; r a:, hay sttielc:•-. !Measure
the length and . eadtl,1 of the stack; take
the height fro . the ground to the eaves,
add to this last no -half of the height from
the eaves to th < top; multiply length by
breadth, and th product by the height, all
expressed in fee ; divide the amount by 27
to find the tubi, yards, which mnitiply by
the number of oundil supposed to be in a
oubio yard, vii: n e stack of now hay, 132
pounds twebith is moll; if old hay,154
Hounds each.
Pi;oinsntyro4 (o,"VV 1nroi ,—A Convention
of Temperance workers to organize the
West Biding o Huron for the centime
Plebiscite ton t o liquor tratlio, on January
1st, 1894, %till ' e held in the village of
Manchester, o Wednesday, November 1st,
octntneneirlg a 10'ol'ock p. ill. Four dole -
gates are reg0 sten from 017017 0huroli cent
gregatioe, ten .eranee organization and all
young people' sMedea in West Irttran, as
-constituted f r Local Legislature elections.
very mini: er whose work is in the itid-
ng is specie +y invited fobs oresent.
following notice from the
1 -Star of the 1.31I1 instant,
f the first part is a brother
and Geo, Cruickshank, of
. happy couple spent a
Dir honeymoon visiting
George Cruickshank and
very pretty marriage was
ednesday afternooii at
Monday eve
o'clock. T]
short addro
Besides 1121
and coffee
uncial on Wednesday was s came to Seu,forth to r•eei.0 with her son, ; accounts of the high Court of the Car
ed. ' James Laidlaw, merchan of this tnwn,and l drat Order of Forest rs.
Gospel Temperance meeting 1 atter bis marriage she ved at intervals r. and Mrs. Mace
piees of the local W. C. T. U. with mall of bei children. She was a livin their visit t h
n the Temperance Hall, am example of a true christf, 1 woman, and to l
Mier the event
ing next, commencing at 7.30 wee one art-
e programme will consist of ward to, a golden same
ses by the resident ministers, : promise of a more gleno
with solos, duets,reaclings, etc. deceased lady land heat
, bread and butter, oaks, toe
ill be served. Rev. W. H.
Watson wi 1 occupy the chair. A collection
will bti.ta
•, .'.Che
d Sociot
h n Meth
nald returned fro
visa o the Wo d'e Fair, on Monday
They were greatly P
need with what the
Mr. and Mrs. Ale.' Rosa drove ` o
13rncerield ou Sate:: ay last to visit
in Genforth about twee. Mr. Boss )turned en !Honda
ten drLys previous to her death and for one Mrs. Boss will Tem,- n there a week or tw
in her advanced years, was possessed of dies Ella Deaus, of the Goderiob ;Coil
great streugtb svhielt s evidenced Ly the Mate Institute, wa• visiting under the par,
lengthy walks she sor, etime tool: to pay ental roof, last Sat rday•and Sunday. Sh
some friends a visit. She was a staunch was accompanied. by 1Mliss. McLeod,
member of the Presby crime church, an ie- G0jericli•
diligent parent and a rue friend. She was "tar. T. W. Craw rd, mail clerk on the
I her
la circle of friends;atis main line of the G. T. R., is relieving 1M•. '
her kindness of he rt and willingness of Clerk Cousins, of .ndon, this week: t1
hand made everyon : a friend•who knew Creevford's hosts o Wingham friends war
her. S`lae leaves a f mily of two sons and pleased to see hien coking so well.
three'dauglrtors to „ourn for her, James, Mr. J. E. Davis, on of Mr, R. Daele, lF
who carries on an e •teusivo grocery bust- ; at present visitbn is parents in town.-
tees in Seafoeth, 1 obert, who is engaged in has been engaged or some time in a dreg
farming in Kansas and Mrs. Jos. Brine, establishment i, the American "Seal" hut
Mrs. J. X. Broadfo 1, of Seaforth, and Mrsis not at all in 10 with the pee* there
J. A. Cline, of Win ram, or their manner •f observing the w r'a' 1atli
Miss Lizzie B .bee,who has been'vistting.
her parents in t. •n for a couple ;of weeks;
left on Saturday ast to ieaune'ber .dutie
in the drug es, blislbinent of Mr. S:, N.
Frizell, of Detro , Michigan: tikes Bisbee,:
passed a very c. ditable ' ;amination in;
cheltiistry, last:. with, in Detroit,
' r. 3. C Dalin., of Iluffelo, is in town,
visiting bitt i' lite vier n chart time, lie
has just e.e' •n d 'from a visit to 111e
World's Fee I rs et eon»le of year
a8 1
years sines
lir g11r 1t., and ,.},e is pleased i0
n up. All are cordially invited,
mud meeting of the Ladies'
in connection with the Wing-
di t
s clutch, cI was
residence o Mr. Chas, Lloyd, on Tuesday
afternoon 1 st t There was a fair attend-
ance, and th "'reports of the officers for the
past year re very encouraging. The
moneysraiseby the society aro now used
as a Persona *e fund:? The officers elected
for the eus • ing ye are : 1drs. F. G.
Sperling, Pre:•ident; Mrs. 3. 3. 13omuth;
Treasurer; Ma:, R. Melo doo, Secretary„]
Collectors wer, also appointed for earehi'
ward of the Cos 0. /b Fiat'
We aro inforine.
A Graduate et Toronto einiverstty. going through the co
My children have been tilated with hay from farmers an
Scott's Emulsion from their earliest years!
Ln agreement Like th
Our physician first recommended it and • I
now whenever a. child takes cold my wife of ' •'
immediately resorts to this remedy, which '• •
always effects a cure, stable hay, at
Hey to bo pressed by.
to board men tinct tea
ously looked for -
that gladsome
a damning. The
that hay buyers are
airy agreeing to bny
1 getting them to sign
East Tittron ft ohtbitlon Conventions.
On Friday aft moon Iasi, a very enthu- to furnish the loose ha
siastic conveutio of temperance workers by fuer hay at nearest
was held in the nemhall, Brussels. On or his
the call of the r. I, it was found that every do. Said hay to be dal'
muuicipality fu . re Riding was well repre-
sented. The alt eting resolved to call the On a casual glance,
association the ' ast Bnroll, Prohibition that is a fair documen
en; es LLnd lie following officers %vers ' atnanatbonr 12 proves t
elected : W. H herr, President ; Jas• and all 111 favor 0f th
Moore, Secretary A. McKay, Treasurer, being good lnercl antes
with a V1ee•Presi ent from each manic!- farmer is bound to set
polity. Each V oe•President is to be re. must hold his hay, s
sell to
per ton
Treasurer anti an
Township of Hamilton, located m Bross
ies were Miss Emma, speakers frem
utth daughter of Mr. and 1:augments wore made for funds M carry
and Mr. Albert 1g. Cruick- on the plebiscite 'ampeige. After attend-
ing to some mino inatters, the convention
The nuptial Idiot was Iti the evening, a mass ineeting was held
tete Dental, rector of 81. In the hall, whicl vas provided to the doorte
W. 11. Ear Bee occupied the chair. A
n09e, th0 Pres6"° union choir' fore shed iiispiring music at
I warmest friends of th
The bride was attend
ss Mimic Noble, whit
pported by his brothel
red in 6 wedding sow
of white orepon, tr mined with lace an
peer's. The brides mid wore a handsel»
drew; of heliotrope le. A wedding suppe
followed the core ny, when ielicitou
ighing nature. 11
ft ort the evening ex
their wedding trip
e °Meet and most re
e township of Retail
. We trust that lar
and Mrs. Orniekshan c may long be spared
ompauy. They are
, and start outupon
nusually bright
e intervals during he nklting. Addresses
- were delivered b, Bove- " Cobbledick, of
O Brussels; Rev. 131 . Musgrave, of Winthrop,
0 addrese of the lab r, who was the speaker
movement has made, and the good
r five years ago, no trovereent in the
a direction of ourt ling the liquor tratlie had
Temperance ple ee watt evolved. Ile show -
ca that the peo o thetnselves were respell-
Bible for the lig or treffie, es they had th
power to do way with it at any thno.
Ilvery tax pay r of the Province is a part -
no: in the bus ess, f4w the paltry inun re-
ceived OS a re enue from the traffic, Ito
clearly explai ed the coming plebiscite,and
cautioned etto erabon on the part of void..
hitiOn save* es. Also, urged that all be
ttnited tl s great straggle with this
strongly en oohed and cursed liquor
speeches of a well -
newly wed o ouplo
press for the west, ce
A union of two of t
ton is thus efieet
to enjoy teal/ other's
estimable young poo
the journey of life un 1
while pressing, anti • note thenalieg.in teesnaleuts the town
to the press, and htade le tinet*iti 'Anse-
ation when ordered .1e4it
representative so td Produced from the laxetive. and nutritious
end on cer, awl to juice of Califernia figs. combined with. the
cash. medicinal viiques of plants knotyn to be
most beneficial to the bunion system, sets
e would say that gently on the kidneys, liver nua bowels;
but on closer ex -
be quite- one-eiaed eftectually cleansing the system, ditspetileg
hay buyer. In the colds and headaelies, and curing, habitual
the judge, of tbe hay constipatiou.
to the buyer, and 'Williams' Little Dandelion
bile the iney.buyer pins will cure Headache, Biliousness,.
ears. If the price you will not use any other. Peice 25c.
Sour Stomach, etc. Try them once. 0,0a,
will take the hey,
ant hint paying the bax' n't an drug stores. ,
id his men to press
livered. It %vitt be OBS is the best Family Liniment in the
„ world. Instant cure for Spreins tufa
pm th?i,r Etlatcl In Bruises. Beware of imitotions., Attic. or
kind. The better lha. Ring/8 Woreat POltedeeret
n whom they know, are safe and sure. 25e. a box.
Choice err Teats. )tietalieteld'sitreadingitalsam
Wholesale—Gordon dr McIntyre mare 9, will mire the worst eold. Hundreds of
condition to supply families or societes testimonials testify to its merits. Money
with new teas, at jobbers pekes, Now is will positively be refunded if Heatbileld"
the time to seeure veer teas. Reeling Balsam does tot do all that is
Misers Amy, of 131y 1 iihn isalig5te Medi e al .Difito
d, wtre /113itillg In' city is the greet blood purifier, It will
town, this week, nuke the blood pure and keep it pure.
Mr. II. lictagson was home on Tuesday, Cures dyspepsie aria all forms of stomonli
visiting his family,
best. Price one dollar a bottle, eix bottles
* and liver troubles. It ie the best; buy the
Miss Talbot, cf Lon en,is 'visiting frienas for five dollars.
it town at pets:int.
Mester Stesvert I yin, . of Clinton, ie Wililaitue tittle Ottmletiolv
vi ing in town. riii8s
to South River, nine kee
Min S. 13. MoRelvi , of Wroxeter, Wel in
town on Tresday.
bfr. Jas. Pox, of oxeter, WAS visiting
n town, this evcelt..
prietors guarani/Aft elm/
ease or money ref=