HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-20, Page 8DIES!°; SILKS. Winery attractions in the way of mitt, qualities, and good valves. It 11 kuown that' we did the fine silk season; tlio reason you know, the ons are ULUCI1 more prominent in tractions, To attract you to this see the exquisite variety from 50c. to. yard in blacks; their unmatehaltle eauty had unequaled varves make them 1.eresietible. BEADY' -MADE MANTLES, We stand heed and shoulders above com- etitiou, We do the largest mantle trade Gln town, not by accident, but because no tether store shows such an assortment,from ,e lowest price mantle, $3.00, up to the A'esidost exquisite fur trimmed, at $25. En- ' unaged by the wonderful increase iu our sales and our very large stock of high class ;titles, we urgeyou to come and see what we are doing in mantles, whether you wish pato buy or not. It: READY-MADE CLOTHING. it Suits and overcoats for men and boys, from the leading manufacturers are here in rlabundanee, The new fall and winter stock, ,comprising everything new, correct in n styles, reliable in quality, perfect in fit and 11 finish, et. Iow prices. EVERYTHING IN FURS. Sable, Mink, Nutrat, Otter, Persian Lamb and Astrachan, Capes, Mantles, -Si Storm Collars and Muffs. Great attre:c- ,cl` tions and large assortment in all depa,rt- til mentis, at M. H. McINDOO'S x now. 'i r `l ()Cj..l'%.Ol3idJ't 20, 1893. .. ,..,-a.,._w, .m.., .. -..., Orange 71111. :,'"s .;, Many from here went to the World's The t.,lttie , l 11 ;11ecre,•1, ii is rt Fair and many more aro on the way. 01021•3014• ,.: t:t a',i ,>,'.1 -Vali ,:iilowli Two were stripped of some of their C'rizl, lisle heat, :t i?sir twithnttt: hilt valuables, and although suffering these looks 11•10.111.0.- Unice, to the bnee misfortunes pronounce the fair to be the greatest wonder of this country. Ten or twelve went from here to Listowel on Thursday to hear the pa-. triotio D'Altou McCarthy, and were all more than pleased with his policy and his manner of elucidating it, They were proud to think that there was dile man of note who had thrown off the party shaolkes and was not only in favor of the farmers of this fair Dominion buying in the cheapest and selling in the dearest markets of the world, but denounced sectariaa interference in our grand Public School system and also had no use for the dual language. Mr. Robb is inspecting the Public Schools of Howick just now. The teachers are always pleased to meet him on such occasions. We expect several marriages in the near future,'as our of our young men have been doing a lot of extra walking and driving for a long time, all to keep the public in the dark. The mothers of them and their dearies would be relieved of a great deal of anxiety if they would get the hymeneal rite performed. Our youths have had very little society since spring, but the kicking of the plough against the stones ; the rattling of the barrows over the clods ; the ring of the mowers and reapers and the hum of the threshing machines. As the nights are getting longer, social groups are becoming more numerous and being • taken part in, not for the amusements Huron; Jail Statistics. which they afford, but for the refining I , influence derived therefrom. Rt Jailor Dickson has furnished to the press The Patrons are ;til alive in this place the following jail statistics for the County d pleased that they' united seaeou he 001) t,+„ti 7tt +:•Nell that peat with the f,'lt.-w, 11,;. tt•,.rtlt.•,.,h to pr'zr winniug : - \1 'wheel, 20, S••atorrh° 20, klolgruw1, tr; f3rn 14, 38; iVr•x- etet', 30; llot ret', 215; lil 'th, 15, tnaldug a total of 174. utell't• Liberal (de w e A youngh a organized iu town, the other t-veuiog.,' The club starts of a tth a la ego es tri- bi'rship nail bright j,uoepeet.: of future usefulness. A grand telnperanea raily for Eciet Huron will lu. Itel11 lute un Friday, to organize for the l.lt-i.i,etto ou the liquor trafliu. How to Get a "sunlight" Picture. Send 25 •'Sunlight"Snap wrappers(wrap- per bearing the wcrCiti" Why Does a Woman Look 01d Sooner Than a Mao") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St„ Toronto. and you will receive by post a pretty pictnrre tree from advertising, tied well worth framing, This is an easy way to decorate your borne. The soap is toe best in the market anct it will only cost one cent pn;age to loud in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Live Stock markets. Toronto, Oct. 10.—The receipts yesterday were 47 carloads. Cattle very weak in conaegnt'neo of the de- pressed condition of Liverpool market. There was no incentive to boy, and the only sale of import cattle was a load averaging 1,200 the at $3 40 per 1.001bs, butchers cattle very quiet, with the hest. Tuline at 3Cc and infer- ior at2- to 3c; stocker; sold at 3e to a- per lb. Calves dull at $3 50 to $7, 'el and milch cows at $25 to $40 each. eve of Huron for the year ending 30th Sep- an are pease a e are ante The best sheep sold at $8.50 each and Yip telnber last: with a body which wields such great lambs at 83 to $3,25. Bogs strong, tti, ,Number committed during the year 51. power in their behalf. The only way being in demoted, with sales 8f 900 at po;t eu are not to uuderstaud that this is 51 statesmen can court their votes is by 54c for the best , at 5 H'c to 54e for separate persons, because of the 51 men- just legislation. medium and at 5e for rough. tinned 7 of them were re -committals dur- LOndesboro. ix). fag the year, so that we had just 44 iu all. =aMr G A Newton, of Wingham, was Still it counts on the jail books as 51 . t in the viilage on Then add to this 8 that we carried over , Friday. from, the previous year, and -we have a Frankyb god has gone to the World's total of 59, or 51 males and 8 -females. Fair. s These may be divided into 3 separate Miss Jennie Woodman, of Clinton,'; took part in the entertainment given classes, viz., criminals, vagrants and iu• in the Temperance hall, on Friday sane. Iu the criminal class we have 35, of51 night. whom 8 were committed for assault, 2 for The Horne Cirlele will hold their ' burglary, 7 for larceny, 2 for receiving regular meeting to -morrow night, and stolen goods, and 3 for trespassing; the a remainder being for five minor offences. I the Sone of England on Friday night. Five were sent to the Central Prison, 1 to On ean its G of the entertainment to I t given in Dell's hall, next Tuesday r to King- , the 1lTeroer Reformatory and one g I evening, the I 0 (r T lodge will. meet ston Penitentiary. There were 18 Com- on Monday evening, next week. •mitted as vagrants, and two of them died Dr and Mrs' Young were in Clinton '` in jai) Six were committed as insane, 5 - last '1'huradap, attending the funeral of them were sent to the asylum. tut of their nelee, the late Winnifred Of the number committed during the 11 Young, daughter of Mr James Young, If, year, 16 were., maintained by the govern- of Clinton. meubandg5tiy* municipalities. Mr Jeffrey is improving, hut is still T .fnumllfe'rofdays government unable to resume his duties at the risoners were in custody.... 585 station, 1number of days municipal Mr J C Adams is putting a veran- prisoners were in custody.... 2232 dah in front of his residence, - which — will greatly improve its appearance. Making a total of 2818 Sim Fax and troupe will give an `" Number of prisoners who are married, 27 entertainment in Bell's hall, on the " :' " single,.. 24 Number who could neither reader write $ No. of prisoners of temperate habits... 15 a " intemperate " ,., SCi Daily cost of prieouera for ratious,10 cents Nationalites of prisoners.—Canadians 22,English 9, Irish 10, Scotch 7, United States 2, other oountries 1. Religious denominations of prisonere.— Catholics 14, Church of England 12, Presbyterians 12, Methodist 7, other deno- mivation8 4. 'notal expenditure for the years, includ- ing food, clothing. fuel, light, repairs and salaries, 42085.98. 1{. it Presbytery of Maitland. A pro re nata meeting of this Presbytery was held at Lucknow en the 17th inst., to conetder a tall to Rev. W. IL Geddes from Haynes' Ave. St. Catharines, and St. Davide', within the Presbytery of ifamiftou. The stipend promised is 8900. Rev. J. IT. Ratcliffe, representing the congregations of Haynes' Ave, St. Cathar- ines, and St, David's and the Presbytery of Eamtlton, supported the call. Cem- mfsAiouers from Whiteehureh and Calvin church, East Wawanosb, were heard, all of whom expressed the warts attachment of the congregations to Mr. Geddes and tbei r *ffnimous desire that he should remain as their pastor, Mr. Geddes, while express, ing himself as very warmly attached to kis present congregations, felt it to be hie uty to accept the call, whieh he accord.. tyfly did. The Presbytery, while putting on record fr appreciation of Mr. Geddes' cervices, grit ua—of his unvariable kindly en fellowship --of their desire that ould oen'tinue with theta, yet seeing evening of Tuesday, 24th inst. Ad• ;a ission 25c, reserved seats ESc. A plan of the hall can be seen at Mr Ouimette's store. Judge Toms was here Saturday hold- ing Court of Revision. Mr Adams' new building is about completed. He has a number of the latest conveniences,such as bath room, hot air furnace, &c, Mr A Woodman has his tailor shop up -stairs. The entertainment given in the Temperance hall, on Friday evening, was a great success. Although it was a wet night, the hall was filled to the door, the proceeds amounting to about $21, which will be used for purchasing a bell for the school house. Our churches were not very well attended on Sunday, owing to the wet weather. B Lawrason and Joseph Stevens at- tended' the District meeting of the I 0 G T order, held in Wingham on Tuesday. Mr John Coming returned from Manitoba, on Saturday, Harriaton. The foot -ball match arranged for Saturday last, between the Mount Forest Modelntes and the High School teats here, was net played, for, owing to the rain storm the Modellltes did not put in an appearance. The High School team good to Listo« wel Friday to take part in the annual BuitN. PAT,LIS.-Tn Wroxeter, on the Oth inst., the wife of Mr. A. Piths; a daughter. 'Salem. -In East Wawanosh, ou the 2nd 5nat., the wife of Mr. James Shiell ; a daughter. To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. tthe Lord seems to call bim to this games held by the High School of thatl sew sphere, agree to his translation and town. ' teat' that all Divine blessings may go with The Concert in the Town ball, en and reef span him. Tuesday evening, was a decided sue - it ryas ed to declare the pastoral Deas. Of tonics it could not be other..manges vacant en the third Sabbath bfi ember. The Clerk was appointed Wise, when Sim Pax, Canada's Oornio, pro tern of the session of the *barge of `4Vhiteebureli and East Deb. Joss MActiaen, Clerlr. Oet.18,1*. participated in it. Mies Stevenson also made an impression on the audi- enCe, and if she ever returns to Est- ricten, a full hods° Will greet her. erre slums). Ilene -- 111z:ea.--At Trinity ehurolt eersonage, lil,yth, ou. September 14th, by ilev, T. E. Higely, Mr. John Henry Medd, '1 Dungannon, to Miss Hamlett Mills, of Wrest Wawauo:.h.. DIED, , Tucrrn,-In iVinghtuu, nu the 13th suet , :elary Tucker, aged ,89, years. 5 months and 27, -days. AIULAw,^Ill Wingham, on the 19th gist., Cietherino, relief • of the late Wm Laidlaw, aged 85 years. Czrente ,r,-Iu- East Wawauosh, ou the 13th inst., Wm, Chimney, aged 39 years and 1. day. - VnaL.--•1n Exeter, on tete 2nd inst., Johu Veal, aged 75 year, 3 menthe and li days, A. number of subscribers are still in arrear fur their subscriptions for the current year, and a certain number for two and even more years. We urgently request all subscribers in arrear to put thein - selves right on our books as soon as possible. Those indebted for job printing andadvertisinn will also confer a favd by an early settlement. We Lave ),are payments to' snake and would like those indebted to us to put us in a position to meet them. If you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the amount at, your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money ogler, or sent by registered letter to R. ELLIOTT, TIMSES OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. SLEEPLESSNESS is instantly re* neved and per• maneutly cured by the faithful use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. It tones up the system and restores failing strength. Recommended by all doctors as a restorative after debilitating illnesses e, Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL & CO., ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. MoxTRx n, CEO, SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PF;iCE OF MEAT AGAIN. STEAK, 166. PER LB. and other moats low in proportion. PORK SAUSAGE also on hand. 1 am prepared to pay the highest price for all kinds of fowl. They must he: drawn and well dressed. GEO. SHAW. Wingham, Oct. 10th,. 1893. STRAY MARE. Strayed from Wingham, on September 27th, a small bay maro,with a large growth down onehoff of the forefeet. Anyone giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. R. C. SPARLING. A Brick House and -Lot for Sale in Wingham, being lot. 65, on the Eastside o; Catherine street, ‘yard No. 2. The house contains 8 monis, pantry, and cellar, bard and soft water. The Int contains one -filth of an acre. For further patticclars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Wingham P. 0. J. R. GREEN. A RARE CHANCE e weeL•ins ellin • our Hard to make from $15 to .,5 } r t, Y Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete OUTFIT FREIO, Special instructions to beginners.. write this week for terms to. - 1,. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, 121 Toronto, Ont BARK WANTED. 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK wanted at the Wingham Tannery. x5.00 PER CORD Forest City Business and Shorthand College, of London, dont Ont,, DOES NOT need to hold out such indusemonts es the payment of railroad fare, guaranteeing of position, &o., &o., in order to secure patronage. WE DO offer you the most mammal, and Tnonouon drilling. in all business snbjoctswhieh it is possible to obtain. We hawo the largest attendance and the most complete school in Canada, We solicit your patronage on the ground of work. Satisfaction guaranteed or stoney refun0ied. hoard :.50 per wreak, Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over. can deliver half in summer and balance in winter, if desired. and same price will be paid. Win WINCHAM TANNING CO. am, May 10tH. 1893'. . I ,.ikS.. r i jit 0 PERRYD 17 IN. uiR • • ;, E KOUaE DO YOU KEEP ITN ..,==e - RADIAN CHOLERA. 4p9innt AND ROWEL6CYPlWla - .-ass e► M 15 WW1. 1111 HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Catalogue free. rim J. W. WESTE VELT, Principal. ISSOLUTION SALE, The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the paste. six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, 17y efful- gence of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the phblio with everything usually kept in it harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, 1 Il1PS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSE.ES, SWEAT. COLLARS, TRU.NI<S, VALISES and TRAVELLINGt BAGS, &e., d.c I make all pey own Collars and guarantee eatittfaction. Give me a trial and I will use you right. LASE ACKeta WADPlMsYSMiA CURED EVERY TIME P"i.&V MENT1H01 PLASTER a EPTTIRE &TOOK, AMOUNTINC TO ABOUT $10,000, ill ba soId.willIollt AND AT BELOW CO. B As the goods are all new and have been selected wigtAgreat care, tills affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the citizens of Wingham and vicinity. This great sale will begin on Saturday, Aug. 5 And continue for, 33 days. Please remember 33 DAYS SELLING AT COST, And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure to keep you away from this store during these 33 days, for' it is the chance of a lifetime. The stock conists of every description of Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including - Cur- tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and • Canadian Tweeds; Ready-made Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTS TND SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance.. Lovers of good, pure TEAS cannot affod rto miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be taker: as cash. Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be entered at regular prices. GORDON & McINTYRE, The Anchor House. Wingham, July 31, 1893. 1 GEO. E. KING. OUR FALL STOOK IS NOW COMPLETE. SEE OUR DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND READY MADE MANTLES. fonlosailliridinfolomOMMIONNPM Respectittlly yours, VOL. XXL ---NO. 1.131. We have passod into stork a fine rango of overcoats. Sterna overeoatS and nobby well made and well trimmed dress over- coats. Yon yont-tg sten who aro wanting a fashionehle, well fitting chess everooat will miss it if you donut see ours; tonne in and sot them anyway, we do not think it a trouble to show theta to yon. Our gents' furnishings aro complete in every lune. Some of the newest things in geek wear, knots and derbys. Our boot and shoe stock was never so complete as at present. The wet wee.thet• wiil soon be upon us and you will find time yo't need a new pair. "Talse time by the forelo:].." Gr000ries as usual; our 33 cent tea. is the Malls of the customers; three patincls for one dollar, five pounds for one dollar and fifty canto. !dt ad - A. Wi eels Ra', fro Ons nes hot of ser: in . mil • OIUt t° IIISCOCKS, Direct Dry Goods Importers. Tun Beets, October 26, 18113. ill•XIMatilartnerielAWASSMNA15,..___.... .-_-._.___._-....___ Licent,ca Marriage Issued by Fercen k Pawtiso:t, `No 23, Vic- ane torts streeSkiThAngeham, Ont. No witnesses requsred ; naw hitt Ma Wr, clef Cal Lo not .n.-. ,.. .,..M.• ,,m.,...,,.,.. - L0'tJAI, 1`vs-2,Sir S —Dr, Sinol'1.1r, tile specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, ham, from 7 o'clock. a`;Sonctay night, I1'o- veniber Gtl,i, until •tnc hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon r.euesdav, November 7th. Consultation free. .-,.The drop in the to :lporature on Tues- dav-fiacte the Search f heavier clothing gelle ti -Call at the Star Restaurant for a big assortment of fruit. JAS. MCKISLvre. 4' --Mr, John Pelton, of East Wawanosh, 9'bas moved into the fine naw residenec which ho erected in t wri this season. -Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly repaired and fully warranted by HALSOr PAI/K, Meyer Block, Wingham. '' .Mr. Walter Teo for ha's purchased a and two lots ou Centre street, house enc o brfcl>10,, near the -rectory, fr n Mr. !Mark Cassels,at a fair figure. -The Tanis will bo sent to any address from now till the let of January, 1895, for One Dollar. ,-Tile Kincardine win Council has re- pealed the by-law gi : uting a bonus of 030,000 to the Kincar ine and Teeswater railway. -The lacrosse conc'rt,on Thursday even ing of last week, was • of as -well patron- ized as it should ave been. The •pro'. gramme given was a gcod ..one, and was well rendered. 1. -Por sale, a goo in April next; now milk. Geo. H. Ph' xc -During the with the assistnt sold upwards • inachines and i kinds i; A most sa surer milcll cow; will calve riving good quantity o pen, Lower Wingham. ;son, Mr. T. H.'•Itosa, ce of Mr. G. A. Srufth, 130 Massey -Harris plements of different 'sfactory season's work, ma pal far, ind See the Ma in l stn ins ane sae Get chi the the Th err ad. -The id lollni, k Binder Company, of ChiAago, wlie were 11 correspondence with most of the towns n Ontario relative to a beaus, Wingham inotuded, have decided not to burr '',, ler ch in Canada. They n,Wull get 'ct thee' binders built in Can - ads. ti ; 61.7a cash will secure T1ti Teems and Toronto Weekly Globe from now till the 1st of January, 1895. Subscribe at once. • -teeThe world is looking beantiful these days ;picture is alseminiag, it in all sorts of colors, and i is like going through an art gallery to wa t along aconntry read. Not even the harro ing thought that it will soon be time to hovel the snow off the sidewalk is enough : to inapt the scenery seem less lovely. - -For lint -clues tailoring and c.heap gents' furnishings, try Webster IyM Co, Remember the pines, only two doors north' of the red stand and between Ross' beelct• . store and Pattersen's jewellery shop. -•-Nearly everyone is aware that Ma wrong to carry c tcealed weapons In Canada, but it is not generally -known that by the new Criminal Code that eon must not come within wo miles of a nubile meeting without ine rring a penalty of 8100 upon eonviition, - id if you moleat any person conning f in a public meeting designedly, either y personal violence or Opprobrious epithe s, you can be fined $200 or go to jail for six months. M thI we all out tui ch 141 giw ad lar • 111 UE ma as Ht Re ing ail Gd br, B1 Le ars th th ad th br ex to th CU pc PI Of 11 et gl y 0,