HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-20, Page 6•
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THE W 1 4N 61 I Ali TIMES ) (T)BER (20, 143.
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umff..nissrisr-AurnaRs AttrAncr.tat facers acssweo, •
a g t—rwarto ihae Stiithsd'
Trentief. IOW." "These men shall have their money,"
ay I ask," said the manager, "are said the admiral.
any tam, lt \mill:Ube from you. But ray 1 There was a light in the front room,. a
fatler 11.to this v.'ry k;uni—Vi.0(10—and, as , Slight wavering light such. as would bo
1 tall iiia, 1 owo him so much that 1 given by a small candle rir taper, The
have no coinpunction about owing him ' blind was down, but the light shone •
' dimly througla. Outside. in tho garden,
en compunetiont* Rarely there are with. his figure outlined against the
• some etierilices which a flhi should not limainous square, there stood. a man, hie
haele to the road, itis two hands upon '
allow bis parents to make."
"Snerincent. What do yott mean?" tho window lodge and Iris body rather
"Is it possible -that you do not know bent as though he were trying to peep in
past the blind. So absolutely gill and
how this. moiley has been obtaiued?"
-I give ycat my word, Dr. Walker, motionless was be that in spite of the
that I have no idea, 1 asked my father, moon they might well have overlooked
Lila were it not for that telltale light
but he refused to tell 'me,"
"I thought not," said the doctor, the Wand -
"Good heaven!" gasped Bertha, "it is
gloom clearing' from his brow. "I was
a burglar."
etre that teen were not a man who, to
But her sister set her mouth grimly
clear yourself from a little money tiff -
and shook her head. "We shall see,"
fintdty, would sacrifice the happiness of
your mother and the health of your fa. she whispered. "It may be something
then" N°Sit'14-etiit'ly and furtively the man stood
"Good gravious; What do you mean?"
suddenly erect awl began to push the
window slowly up. Then he put one
knee upon the sash, glanced round to see
that all was safe and climbed over into
the room. As he did so he had to push
the bliutl arid°. Then the two spectators
saw where tho light came from. Mrs.
Westmaeott was standing as rigid as a
statue in the center of the room, witina
lighted taper in her right hand. For an
instant they caught a glimpse of her attendance upon her. She had removed.
stern face and, her white •collar. Then the handkerchief and had put on a little
the blind fell back into position, and the cap with pink ribbons and a maroon
two figures disappeared from their view, dressine jacket daintily fulled at the
"Oh, that dreadful woman!" cried neck and sleeves.
Monica. "That dreadful, dreatilulevora- "My dear friend," said she as he en-
tered "I wish to make a last few re-
marks to you. No, no," she continued,
laughing as she saw a look of dismay
upon his face, "I shall not dream of
dying for at least another 80 years. A.
woman should be ashamed to die before
she is 70, I wish, Clara, that you would
ask your father to step up. And you,
Ida, just pass manly cigarettes and open
me a bottle of stout."
"Now, then," she continued as the
doctor joined their party, "I don't quite
know what I ought to say to you, ad-
miral. You want some very plain speak-
ing, to."
"Pon my word, ma'am, I don't know
what you are talking about."
"The idea of you at your age talking
141! of going to sea and leaving that dear pa-
tient little wife of yours at home, who
has seen nothing of you all her life! It's
all very wall for you. You have the life,
and.the change, and the excitement, but
you don't think of her eating her heart
out in a dreary London lodging. You
men aro all the same."
"Well, ma'am., since you know so
Much, you probably know also that I
have sold neypension. How am I to live
if I do not turn any hand to -work?"
Mrs. Westheacott produced a large
registered envelope from. beneath the
heets and tossed it over to the old sea-,
the ame Denver who commanded a -. .
e time on the North American sta- "tes, my boy, you don't know the re- "It is only right that yon should know.
emerces of the family, One 'never aces • That memo- ropee.,_ents til' commutation
know until one tries, 'What have you of your fatherti peneion. Ho haertelneed
en it was you who got one of our youreelf now?" . himadf to poverty and intends to go to
, the •Cenius, off the rocks iu the "nave about 21,000 invested." eea, again to earn a living."
of Fundy? The directors voted you "All right. And I have about as much "To sen, again Impossible!"
eenueas as salvage, and you refesed more. There'S a good start. Now, moth- "It is the truth. Charles Westmacott
•er, it b your torn. What is that little , Inc told Ide. He was With hinl in the
,t was an offerwhich should not have ' bit of peeler of your?" 1 'City when he took leis poor mad= about
l't 7ili; 70," Ii:tia the adartral sternly. Mita Denvor unfolded it and placed it I frem dealer to dealer trying to sell, it.
ahld, it rtl!Potz emi1. r.prt you that . upon IIartAd'e knee. , Ho ,sueeeeded at last, and hence the
hedd thinh so If Mr. Henry wan i eFive thowenel I:email:31" he g•asped, 1 reeney."
• -He has soldhis pension," eliedHarold
with his hands to hie fate. • 'My dear old
dad has sold his pension." He rushed,
from the room and burst wildly into tho
presence of his parents once more, "I
cannot take it, father," he cried. "Bet-
tor bankruptcy than that. Oh. if I had
only known your plate We must hate
back the -pension. Oh, mother, mother,
s. 1 am lhat he would arrange "Ah, bat, inother not the only lie
meth r 'Ore yea at 1 one. Loolz at this!" And the admiral
n 1K-•:-ro the (.17t:•:.•tt....; to.1ay. unfeldc his check and placed. it upon the
eri sere ihat they will be orotal other knee.
etof se oe: ; • . !h":'" Harold. gazed from ouo to the other in
't•Lio 1 '•••••t•IC41 tjat beWiItIA:trint•nt. °Ten thorn -sued pounds:"
he cried. "Coed heavens! where did
sea very emee het :1 to yen. gr," these come frome"
d to -1 idd41"You will tot Worry rely longer,
11d,r4;011140.1110W4INIeourraty.. dear," murmured his mother, slipping how could you think inc capable of such
— . round him selfishness? Give me the check, dad, and
CHAPTER 3.:V. - But his quick eye had caught the sig- I will ses this man tonight, for I would
rm.:. .A.r...N.:0 suoits. ' nature upon one of the checks. "Dr. 1 sooner die like a dog. in the ditch than
Text day brougat the admiral a check Walker!" he cried, flushing. "This is touch a penny of this money."
' att,e0e tam Mr. McAdam, and a Clara's doing. Oh, dad, NVO cannot take
attetel. agreement by which he made this inoney. It world not be right nor CHAPTER XVI.
er• his pension. litmus to the specula- honorable." i • A XIDNIGIIT VISITOR.
' inVeStor, It was not until he had. "No, boy. I am glad you think eo. It Now all this lime while the tragi
lad and ,sent it off that the full sig- is something, however, to have proved comedy of life was belly,' played in these
licence of • all that he had done broke one's friend, for a real good friend he is. three sublet -ban villas, while on a com-
ma, him. Ile had sacrificed everything. It was he who brought it in, though 1 namplace stage love and humor and
le pension was gone. He had nothing Clara sent him. But this other money fears and lights and shadows were so
ve only what he could earn. But the will be enough to •cover everything. and swiftly succeeding each other, anclwhile
eat old .heart never quailed. He it is all my own." , these three famine% drifted together by
aited eagerly for a letter from the St. "Your own? Where did you get it, fate, were shaping each other's destinies
•verence Shipping company, and in dad?" . and working out in their own fashion
oenenewitfie he eave Lis landlord a "Tut. tntl See what it is to have a . the strange, intricate ends of human
tatter's notice. Hundred pound a year city tuan to deal with. It is my own and . life, there were . human oyes which
°eves would, in future be a lueury fairly earned, and that is enough." ' watched over every stage of the per-
idelehe meld not aspire to. A small "Dear old dad!" Harold. squeezed his 1 formance, and which were keenly mit-
. dgieg in some inexpensive part or Lon- gnarled hand. "And you, mother! You lad of every actor on it. Across the road'
On nittat be the substitute for his breezy have lifted the trouble. from my heart. I beyond. the green palings and the close
orwood .villa. So be it then! Better feel another ena-n. You have saved my cropped lawn, behind the curtains of
hat a thousandfold than that his name honor, my good name—eyerything. I their creeper framed windows, sat the
bauld be associated with failure and . cannot owe you more, for I owe you ev- two old ladies, Miss. Bertha and Miss
isgrace„ - . • erything already." Monica Williams, looking out as from a
On that Morning Harold Denver was So while the autumn sunset shone private box at that was being enacted
r tddily through the broad window these
Charles, give zee your arm, aua. I shall go
up stairs."
But her spirit was greater than her
strength, for as she staggered to her feet
her head swam round, and oho would
have fallen again had her nephew not
thrown his arms around her. They car -
tied her up stairs among them and laid,
her upon the bed, where tho doctor
watched beside ter, while Charles went
off to the police station, and the Delivers
mounted. guard over the frightened
UMW% il
Day land broken beforo the several den-
izens of Tile 'Wilderness had all returned
to their homes, the police finished their
inquiries, and all come back to its nor-
mal quiet. Mrs. We.stinacott had been
left sleeping peacefully with a small
chloral draft to steady her nerves and
a handkerchief soaked in arnica bound
round her head. It was with smite sur-
prise, therefore, that the admiral, re-
ceived a note from her about 10 o'clock
asking him to bo good enough to step in to
her. He harried in, fearing that sho might
have token some turn for the worse, but
ho was reassured to find her sitting up in
her bed, with Clara and Ida Walker in
au! She was waiting for hon. You saw
it with your own eyes, Sister Berthar
"Hush, dear, hush and listen!" said
her more charitable companion. They
peeled their own window up once more
and watched. from behind the curtains.
qfpiTm\ 11 ee
, , •
Verde were overheard by the and
he repeated them afterward to retie
er, 00 that he came to know that I heisl
some money in trust for him. I suppose
tobacco will not harm my head, doctor?
Thank you; then I shell trouble you for
the niatchee, Ida." Sho lit a cigarette
and leaued back upon the pillow, with
the blue *wreaths curling fron her lips.
"I cannot tell you how often he has at-
tempted to got that money from me. He
has bullied, cajoled, threatened, coaxed
—done all that a man could do. I still
held it with the presentiment that a
need for it would. come, When I heard
of ilia villainous business—his flight and
his leaving his partner to face the storm—
above all, that my ola friend had been
driven to surrender his income in order
to make up for my brother's defalcations
—I felt that now indeed, 1 had a need for
it. I sent in Charles yesterday to Mr.
McAdam, and. his client, upon hearing
the facts of the case, very graciously
consented to give back the papers and
to take the money which he had ad-
vanced. Not a word of thanks to me,
admiral. I tell you that it was very
cheap 'benevolence, for it was all. done
with his owiamonea, and how could
use it better?
"I thought that I should probably hear
from him soon, and I did. Last evening
there was handed in a note of the usual
whining, cringing tone. He had come
back from abroad at the risk of his life
and liberty just in order that he might
say goodby to the only sister be over had
and to entreat my forgiveness for any
pain which he had caused me. Helvetia
never trouble me again, and he begged.
only that I woull hand over to him the.
sum which I held in trust for him.
That, with what he had already, would_
be enough to start him as an honest man
in the new world, when ho would ever
remember and pray for tho dear sister
who had been his envier. That was the
style of the letter, and it ended by ine- .
ploring me to leave the window latch
open and to bo iu the front room at 8 in
the morning, when he would come to re-
ceive nay last kiss and to bid me farewell.
"Badeas ho was, I could not, when he
trusted ineebetray him. I said nothing,
but I was there at the hour. He entered.
through the window and implored me
to give him the money. Ho was terribly
chauged—gaunt, wolfish, and spoke like
a madman. I told him that I had spent
the money. He gnashed his .teeth at me
and swore it was his rnonoy 1 told him
that I had spent it on. hina. Ho asked
nee how. I said in trying to make hiin,
an honest man and in repairing the re-
sults of his -villainy. He shrieked out a
curse, and pulling something out of the
breast of his coat—a loaded stick,
thittk—he struck nee with it, and I re-
member nothing more."
"The blackguard!" cried the doctor,
"but the polies must be hot upon his
"I fancy not," Mrs. Westmacott an-
swered =hilly. "As iaaY bretheris a
particularly tall, thin Man, and as the.
police are looking. for a short fat one, 1,
do not think that it is very probable that
they will catch him. It is best, I think,
that these little family matters should
be adjusted in private."
"My dear ma'am," said the admiral,
"if it is indeed this 1111.Msaanpney that has
bought back tny pension then I can have
no scruples about taking it. 'You have
brought. sunshine upon us, ma'am, when. t. •
the clouds wore at their baked, for
here is my bsy who insists upon, inturti-
itg the money which I got.' He can keep
it now to pay his debts. For what you. •
have. done I can only ask God to bless
.you, Ma'am, and as 'to thanking yen I
can't even"—
Supporting Ms aunt's head. upon his Rua. •
For a long time all was silent within
beforo them. . the house. The light still stood motion -
The growing friendship of the three less as though Mrs.Westmacott remained
rigidly in the ono position, while from
families, the engagement of Harold Den -
time to time a shadow passed in front of
ver with Clara Walker, the engtip,nment
of Charles Westmacott with. her sister, it to show that her midnight visitor was
up and down in front of her:
the dangerous fascination which the Pacing
Once they saw his outline clearly, with
widow exercised over the doctor, the
his hands outstretched as if in appeal or
preposterous behavior of the Walker
entreaty. Then suddenly there was a
girls and the anhappiness which they
dullesound, a cry, the noise of a fall, the
had caused their father, not one of these
taper was extinguished, and a dark fig-
Mcidents escaped the 'notice of the two
aro fied in the moonlight, rushed across
maiden ladies. Bertha, the younger, lead
the garden and vanished amid the shrubs'
a smile or a sigh for the lovers; Monica.,
' at the farther side .
meet the creditors of the firm and to
lain the situation to them. It was a three eat together hand In hand, with
atefal tonic, a ilegaeding task, but he hearts which were too full to speak.
et leh"self to do it with quietresolution. Suddenly the soft thudding of tennis
!At home they waltea in intense anxiety to : balls was heard, and Mrs. V'estmacott
Remet the result of the meetiug. It was bounded. into view upon the lawn with
late before he returned., haggard and brandished racket and short skirts flut-
pale, like a man who boo done and suf- tering in the breeze. Tho sight came as
fere(' numb. a relief to their strained. nerves, and they
'"What'a this board in front of the , burst all three into a hearty fit of laugh -
house?' be asked. ter.
"We are going to try a little change "She is playingwith her nephew," said
of scene," mid the admiral. "This place Harold at last. "Tho Walkers have not
es Ake elar teem nor country. But never come out yet. I think that it world be
, the elder, a frown or a shrug toe the .
mintithet, boy. Toll us what happened well if you were to glee me that check, elders. Every, night they talked over Then only did the two old ladies un -
in the city."e mother, and I were to return it in per- what they heel Keen, and their- own dull, derstand that they had looked on while
"abdjislp Irk! My -wretched bra -
mess , son." • uneventful lite took a warmth find a col- a tragedy had been enacted. 'qlelp!"
'Is driving -Ai 6i:tea houso and homer I "Certainly, Herold. I think it would oritg from their neighbors, as a blanli they cried, and "help!" in their high,
i cried Illarold, broken. down by this fresh i be very nice." wall reflects a beacon lire. thin .voioes, timidly at first, but gather-
enidance of the effects of his misfor- Event in through the garden. Claraingterolume as they went on until The
lAnd now it was destined that they
I tunes. "It is easier for me to meet my i end the . doctor were sitting together in ;shOuld experience the one keen zensatiot Wilderness rang with theie shrieks.
' creditors that to ,see you two suffering : the dining room. She sprang to her feet a.' thth later years. the one memorable Xiights shone in all the windows oppo-
so patieutly for nry sake." , at the sight of him. incident from which all future incident*. tate, chains rattled, bare were unshot,
"Tit. tat," erica the admiral. "There'a th0111(1 be daied. • •. , "doors opened, and out rushed friends to
no tonferiug in the matter. Mother
Weald ratiecy be near the theaters. That's
at the bottem of titeisn't it, mother? You
cornii Mill sit .deulathere between us and
tell 1.1:-; all wheat -
Harold sat down with a loving hand in
each of his.
not so bed izSgSlre rhonght," said
he, "and yet it is bad enotgle I have
about 10 days. to find Chi.) money, but
don't hnow whiph way to turn for it.
howevez, lied as usual when he
4 I.
ceeded the events which have just been admiral, teith hia Swottl, his graY 'head
It •vetts on tho very nightwhich enc. the *aescite, Harold, with a stick. the
narraiedenehentheaddenVhthto .3:took:a 'and bare feet protrudingfrom either
/dr; the, ' Wilheinintetidttai', she ttbeieil *anon hot end of a long, brown ulster; finally Dr.
!' P';•1.•"e•
eleepless.bed, there ehot V19130144 which Walker, with a poker, all ran to
"Beetha,". said:date, plucking 'at the ready opened, and they crowded tn.,.
..-stareee.,.:9 • reit
mad her sit upewieleta then]. 'audit gasp. Westmanotts. The door had been al -
1.. shouldertorehet nister,1 have left the analtuously Into the front room.
"No, Montett, falsely not." Bertha eat wee kneeling on the iloor' supporting, his . . "rani just going ,to explain, though
front evnidoeseetateene . •
up also and thriltielta gyeep.p,thy. want's head upon his knoo. eiheelay out' you might take a lady's word for itveith-
t "I am sure oe'itt: Ybu remember mita i .sttetqlied, dressed in her ordinary clothes, out asking any getestions, . Now, what 1
'• " 4. 1 th 1 the extinguished taper still 'grasped in aingoing to nay it; 3us., between you four
and must go no further. 1, have my own
reasom frns wiShing'io lteep' it from the
police, • .Who do • yeti 'think it Wes who
struck .= last night; .achniral?"
"Seine villein, ma'am. 1„. don't know
his name." .. .- . ..
"Bali de. It wasthe same man who '
. ruined or tried to min your son, It Naas •
my only brother, Jeremiah."
h'ht, 4 . ii
• 1%41'4,
4 t
vi‘ . • • •
;art • l' I . -I. I 1,
... • It); "I.;:,'•,1 IP/Att. ,
spoke ef 213,000. The amount is not tteet teei,14 I
., . it0 .
VI, '13'1. e•ed
4,111 -
/, Opened the sviplosv and Jano called: m
the room !since." • I "Thank God, you are come, doctor,"
' pale, plaeid and senselees.
htsef 'et Attat'n r-won'tii; about the jam', lentl?-1. have never "men. in
'Westanacott, white to his lips,
man. • • .
"That excuse won't do. There are
your pension papers. Just see if they
aro right." .
He broke the sealeand out tumbled tho
very papers which ho had made over to
McAdam two days before. '
."But what am he do with these now?"
'he cried in beWilderment.
"You Will put them in a safe place, or
get a friend to do s6, and if yon do your
duty yonwill go to your Wife and begher.
pardon for having • even for an instant
thought of leaving her." *.
• The admiral passed his hand over his
rugged foreleead. aeThis is very good of
yeu,'nta'am,", said he, ,"very good. and
kind, and. I know that you are a stanch
friend, bat for all that thesepapers mean
inoney, SM . -though Aire may have been
in broken water of late we are not quite
in such straits as to have to signal' to Our
friends. When we do, ma'am, there's
-no one we would looleeto sooner than to
"Dini't be ridieuloas,d said,the widow. ,
and yet you stand there laying downthe
"Iontlinow nothing whatever about it,
I'll • have my *Way iv. the =site;
and yen shall take the pinkie, for it. is
no favor that I am doing you, but sim-
ply a restoration of stolen property."
,tIlow's that, ma'am?".
es.m.r.mam . •••-e.....•••••••-•mi•argaseam*
quite e.'7,f;00."
The admiral clapped his hands. "I
linereateneebeeld wtather it after all!
HureddesitY betel Hitt, hip, hip. hurrah!"
Ilerelti gazed at him in surmise while
the eld seaumlz waved:hie arm above itis
head and 1.o1lowed out °three stentorian
Cheers. "Wiletetinl to got 27,000 from,
dad?" he asIzeil,
"Never mind.. You spin your yarn,"
"Well., they were Very good and very
kind, Lett of cereete they must have either
their money or their money's worth.
They passed a vote of sympathy with
inc and. agreed to Wait 10 days before
they took any proceedings, Three of
them, velieee CLAM C3/110 to 28,7.60. told
me that if I would ginehlteem my per -
rid 0 V and parict6rest, at the rate
':Fr cent their ateminte refielit stand
oVer 33 tong as I wIslicd. That would
• be a charge of £173 upon ray income,
bat with onomy I con:d meet it, and
it diminishes the (..el,t one-haif."
li.p.,;:in.„the admiral buras out cheering.
"There reir.8ime therefore, alesat 23,e00
which hilft to he futurl within 10 days. No
xaan shall lose by me, I gave them my
in the roont that if I Worked my
out of my body every one of them
it be paid. I shall not spend
upon myself until it it done. Thit
of them can't 'wait. They' are pool
thereeelves and must W.. them
Ileeff hays isst t
. ,
i left ha d over her head, while
. "Good gracionce.Moniea, it is atneercy
• , geld Charles, looking up. "Do tell me
me% that we have tiot been, nardered'in •ertir how she is, and NN -hat I should. do."
y • I Dr. Walker kneeled beside her aria
Forest Hill1a4t week. Shall wo go down , Passed han
• noe. - Thera *as a house broAen, mco at
, -
vo/g" - 1 ho grasped, her pulso.With the right
1 •
Jj1; ergoacp. to ,
•'ce her hand, no mark or. wound•upon her—
vo .1
II:twang to ltev feet at the sightof hint.
"Oh, Harald, I have been waiting i8r
you so impatiently," she cried. "I saw
yea pass the front windows half an hoar
ago. I would have cone in if 1 dared.
Do tell tis what hall happened."
"1 have come in to thank you both.
lioNV can 1 repay yen for yew kindness/
Here is your cheek, doctor, liaVe not
nedded it I find that I can lay my hands
on enough to pay my creditors."
"Thank Goal" said Clara fervently.
"The sum is less than thenght and
our resources considerably more. We
have been able to do it with ease."
"With ease!" The doctor's brow grew
clouded, his Matiller grow cold. "I
think, Harold, that you would do better
to take this money of mine than to use
that which seeing to. you. tobe gained
with, ease."
eet, att. If X borrowe frwn
- "I dare not go down alone, dear,. but : "he has had a terrible blow, Rai, he.
if you will conic' sv'ith tne. Put on your , "It must have been with some blunt
slinners and dressing gown. Wo <ii not weapon. Here is the place, behind the "I will telllem about liim—or a little
• of extramdt, about him foe he has done enrich which
liotei to, IX was a1wayYir-'11•120
platieible, but a(1311.
• gems, subtle Villain all the sane. If.
have wine hard thoughts abort map. -
"We elitist get her to bed. We shall- kind, I oan t rade them back to the
carry her up stairs, and then I shall and childhood which I spent With iny broth -
my girls in to her, Dut who has done or. He is my only living relative, for
ray other brother, Charles' father, was
"Some robber," said Charlen. "Yon killed in the Indian mutiny.
, gee that the winnow is open, Sig) Imist "Our father VMS rieh, and *11011 110
have heard him and sem down, tor oho died he made Di good provision both for
was always 'perfectly fearlesa. 1 -wish Jeremiah and. for ane. Iie know Jere -
to goodness she had called me." raish, and distrusted him, however,
"Da she was dressed." so instead of giving him all that; he
"floinetimes she sits tip very late." Meant bine to have he Wended mo over a
• "I did Sit up very late," 5111(1 n Voice. part of it, telling mo with what was al-
She had opened her eyes and was blink- most his dying breath to hold it in trust
ing them in the lamplight. "A vile for my brother and to use it in his be -
lain came in through the window and half 'Oen ho should haY0 Wandered 01'
"truck me with life preserver. Ton lot that lie had. This arrangement
can tell the police Ito 'When they mine. Wee meant to be a secret between my
Also that it was &little fat Now) father and myself, 'but Unfortunately his.
1 PI
need a candle.. Vow, Bertha. we will go
down together,"
Two little white patches moved
vaguely through the darkness, the stairs
creaked, the door Whined, and they were
et the front room evmeow. Medea
closed it gently down and faetened the
stab. .
"What a beautiful M00111" •said she,
looking out. "Wo can sea as clearly as
if it were day. How peaceful and quiet
h ten• • housesr ( ver enuler It
seems (mite salt to see that 'To Let' card
upon No. 1. I wonder how No. 2,will
like their gbin. Pot my part I could
bettor spare that dreadful woman at No.
, 3 with her, short skirts and her smite.
Dut, oh„Dertlia, look! look! look!" Her
voice bad fallin suddenly to a Cittir6ring
whisper, and she Was pointing to the
Westinteette house. Her sister gone a
I gasp of horror -and stood with a clutch
at Moniea's arms, staring in the mune
directi ,, ,,•
I would not care to talk of tor you to
nary physical powers. Her pulse is full
and slow. There is no etertor. It is iny
belicf that she is merely stunned.aiid
that 'she is in 110 danger at all."
"Thank God for that"
, Mrs. 11: D. MSS ''
of Corrailis, Nova reotis„ •
$200, Worth
Of Other Medicines. Failed
Ilia 4 Bottles of.7nIfoo 44): Sarsaraa
• ,0
"It is with pleasure that I toll of, the great
benefit I derived from lb:mass Sarsaparilla.
ror 0 years I have been badly afflicted with,.
grysi pellaS
breaking out with roaming sores dining hot
summer months. I have sometimes not been
able to use my mete for two mouths eta time.
Seen g mewed to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I got
one hottlo last spring., commenced using it; felt
so much better, got two battles more; took
them during the summer, was able to do my
housework, and
Walk Two Mlles
which 1 had not done for six years. Think
am cured of erysipeias, and recommend any
person so afflicted to use
• Hood's Sarsaparilla
ifour bottles has done more for me than $200
worth of other medicine. I Wilk it rho hest
blood purifier known." Mits. B. 1). WItar,
Church street, Cornwallis, N. S.
_ •
1400013 Pfu..8 t0t6 Ilya( MI, tont pa -
Motu bfflotaniess, lantana*, tick hIskdaohi. o.
ritlestvii a
tigers to gi
ing the ho.
and the 101
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stop cumin
Whe1t y,
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that men
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When y
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bought las!
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When y(
own way fv
WI),In no
A weeder
Stark's 1 -let
Powders, sic
less. Mr.
writes as foil
DYsoliuf0:, vuaoeddsureetLecrnedesht,etafn,1
ing fot Mi
ye gave 1:
in an astoni
headache is
turn again."
Police, Woo,
B. Stark's
Powders, aur
tnne " J. 9
north, Elam
Stark's Rea
Powders, an
Price, 25 cm)
dealers. ,
The I,at(
Spurgeon is
Parker in T
Preaching c
nacle from I
not be afrai
course, lean
the upper
one of his h
said: 'Do
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took his cat
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thaw. He
afraid.' TI
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had exactly
marvelled t
service, thr
the deacons
pastor's Yes
shook his h
me, Mr. Sp
'who toil y
traly sad la
not get the 1
Upon hea,
smiled, and
your troubl,
I know you
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there is the
must say sc
l'"ElEllE is
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require m ea te
Bitters in jtt
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and kidney
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Tho man
his bead as
And the
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who was w
Aarktfoiri 13r
0615, areaceiti