HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-20, Page 5s
t's Emulsion,
and no one
or cold,acette
don, lurking
Cod ever,
checks aII
a remarkable
as Palatable as
tobor 10, 1803
8'160to 180
ib t0 60
58 t0 66
27 to 2a,
34 to 36
50 to 61
• 18 to 10
18 to 10
14 to 13
i 76 to 2 00
609 to 600
30 to 35
18 to 24
totes of 0 tario,1887,
roditrrs .f Alexander
hip of Torras, in the
co of ntario, yoomau,
day ,f September, A.
to, , A. marten, of the
y oY Huron, Solicitor
of the raid deceased,
)etobor, a. L., 1893,
descriptions; the hill
,t stahemeit of their
securities (if any)
er, rgiven, that the
tely tor the last mon.
oto t assets of the
)ties a 'clad thereto,
ma of wl •b4they shall
oRVEY, t
SCDSS, (l;x
Solicitor for Exo
tine Reese') is far
in heeuty and novel
iv)u_, ,tit the !facet
ew,rrd needles, Laca
s, Tie P1m4. Engage.
are, others follow.
his numerous ous-
ra that he intends
itaud Lately used
id shoe store
h of Past Office
nd is large stock of
g Machines,.
d Wringers,
led repairs.
ll Hue of
ou Saturday, July
}til CALL.
1-1 SHOVi7. tlofxt;l Pumpkins, Wm Levy,
la w a vile Jere° sat'
y c, e� 1> 141nrsii 1$ d U'
The 11.lyth Show, on 1V'dnesday o£ 1'ale(xawari, Squashes, W II i4Zc°reel (x
last week dee � �, lame, •� Pions, �VaJter J'ayti
tend the day wa;; regular "Blyth Show for, Pvagett, Iellow onions, YVairer
weather." ,fire Prize list a 2,t fur
gives full particulars aa to ppondeit y Jofra Stafford. Suver skinwh
off' the coveted honors ; o Gerrie('onions, Join) Stafford, WkI 1vluCrael
.Piazze ease.
3t Honsne.---I1eaY `
nigras or oldit''� � Di�ata:7ht,---•Tetam
g James Reynolds
Goorga Dale, Breed mare, John 1t' SYloo4ten Mrs C F Ha nli.
.1)alm, Jobe Scadrer. Mare foal, 2nd Watermelons, 7' 1Viltiams, T' Hatnil.
donation by J W Bell, John F I ton, Drumhead Cabbage, I•T Ross
Johan ion by .1 Horse foal George I Walter Taylor, Rea Pickling cabbage,
Dale. Twu year old geldingg, James (R r3 -I'sikiaw, Walter Taylar, Any
Reynolds, N Cumming. Two rOaoli kind WaP �Vil Met-
filly, 1' Brown, J It Dale. One e l fetflower, Walter Taylor, ff' Met-
year old filly, Geo Dale, John Sean- ( D
Two de
1'wo year old entire colt Geo A z Rv AND P'tovtszoxs ..,_,Best tub
art. Coverlet, home epee, airs Chao l
Nett, John ,Sfiwrtreed, :Itat mat, Mrs I
Ji R Walker, Airs (,3
Nott. �.'etrrr
mat, 'Aire 11 R Walker, tiles G Nott,
Reg carpet, Mrs 1t ,I Walker, M
eu. Potato onio'ls, ; c l3l't t;)our. S oaken; e taro, T Munn
W MoOracket', ton, W H ;11cOraekeu, Pitir coarse
WaIter''Insl1r, White field beans, M boots, fat kind 2nd J
B3rethour, ,John Stafford,eeers ` Metall, Pacj
corn, J Mason, el Riobmoa,d. SCit ons J Sherett.liend o yeuts' boots, Yat end 2ttdt
Miss r
Themes' 1' circ-Gents'flanuel allirt
hand made, T k3arr,ltou, Mrs U Nott,
(emus white shirt, hand made, :1'1
Hamiltou,Mrs G Nott. Pillow amine,
Mas G Nott, Mrs 0 Campbell. 1,'ateh
guilt, N Ofantrtliug, Mrs 0 Catnrt ell I
Urazy quilt, ;Mrs to Nett, R
et or knitted quilt, flies "
Hughes. O
.1� 'tl' -
� J
13oth the method and results when,
Syrup of Figs is taloa; it le pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, endears
entlyyet promptlyien tl'c Kidneys,
Liverand Bowels, cleanses the sere -
em effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and ewes habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and se-
eeptabie to the stomach, pron'pt fu
Reaction and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthyand agreeable subs tances, its
many excellent qualities commend
it to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known,
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 71e
bottles by all, leading druggists,
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes to
try it. Manufactured only by the
rile, 11 rl'aytor, 'Poe best four colla fa"tory butter, Cres Watt. Best tub alt, IUss `Nytnitu tot0, Bair woolen
foaled in If3yl Joseph Fisher, Special of butter, F Hamilton, James McCaf• I socks or stockth , W II titts, k i
prize by J893,s Tierney for thep beat ; lam. Beat tub butter not Iess tbaii t Hamiltolr, taints' mitts Miss
and fastest walking50 pounds, J Williams.Beat cock S tufo", 2 s
tenni, H GiPbin. Y „ton, W R r1leQraekeu, llarn. g
General Purpose.-_ Tea,u, )aeras or butter, 20 pounds, dames llleCailum, iug r'n seek or stockings, Mrs Ii
f;eG n General
R Wood,Geo WattR
nrBe l
Best Val
James Reynolds, t Bi pounds Putter in Wal -ler, Mrs 0 Nott. Three patches
T McDonald. Brood nista James 1 pound prints, J Bingham, P Hawn- on old punts, Geo Moffat, Mrs TI R
McCallum,ut Il Bros, ' 14la1re, foal, es ton. Factory cheese, not less than 55 LVaiker, Best piece of plain sewin,
Ross, J )Dale, Horse foal,
James oted
Papineau. 20 pounds extras, Mrs Strachan, T Hatnilton. Old
Petrie, James McCallum. Two oted honey, J Rich:need. 10 ladies' eullection any kind hand work,
Pdrie,diJar J F Dale, R 0 McGowan. Morro pounds T Hamilton,
Home a de bread,eDlMoor,;TA in(. Mrs D'Steweot, Braid -
Two year old filly, R Ferris, ki Gib- lug on weal or cotton, Geo Moffatt,
bins. ton. Plain tea biscuits, N Arming Miss Symington, .Arasene work, Mrs
Road or Carriage.--, Jas JacIcsoti. ti pounds maple sugar, G Nott, Mrs '0 Campbell. Embroidery
horses, William Watson,p mood mare) M Brethour, W EI MCOracken, g on Pelting cloth. Mrs D Stewart, Mrs
I,, Tanner, R Pollard. Horse final, pounds wapie syrup, Jae MoOaliuw, T 0 Campbell. Embroidery on silk or
HenryTrkbR Pollard.
foal, F Tanner, li Taylor Collection canned fruit satin, Mrs D Stewart, Mrs 0 Camp,
Two year olds gelding, F Tanner, r, not Iess than 4 different triode, by H bell. Kensington embroidery, Mrs 0
Denaisun. Two year old filly, John McCracken, Mrs EI R Walker, Grape Campbell, Mrs 0 Nott. Ronan' eels
wing, home made, D Moore,iM Bretli- broidery on lined, Mrs 0 Nott, 'Airs
Melville, R A Robinson. One
Mc -
old ville, RA Pollard, Jamin Colli- our, .' Tomato catsup, 1 quart B B Straehan, Parlor screen, Mrs 0
ton. One year old filly, James Mo- LY.idlaw, Walter Tayior. Pickles 1 Campbell, Miss Symington. Sofa
Gee. Best single driver in buggy, W quart, )nixed, Walter Taylor T Ham- cushion, Mrs G Nott, Miss Sytnington,
ilton. Any other kind pickles, Wal- lelancY panel, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss
J Dickson, E Mason, Saddle hors,;',` ter Taylor, W e S n1'
Dr Carder, W Tierney. Swee st McCracken. Y ington. Best piano or table scarf,
best mare or ldin • e was' Y''xulT.--Party that has the most M Brethour, bliss Symington. Drawn
gelding, James Re�at'i't;lds.
P Lady driver Miss Fieber, ,Mies.' Kirk- entries in the Fruit Department, Geowork, Miss
by. . ; r Nott, 3 Barr. Four named lar' t•
eDerilams of winter apples, Jas Potter, James
--Milk cow, 1st and 2nd James Snell. Jaekson. Four named varieties fall
Two year old heifer, James Snell, apples, 1) McLean, Mrs Geo Nott,
James Potter. One year old heifer, Baldwins, Jas Jackson, J Moffatt
James Shell, Jam
calf, N Cutnminn�
old bull, J Snel
J Snell, R Co
Proctor. Heifer King of Tompkins, Jas Jackson, W
Snell. One year McArthur. Northern Spies, J Snort-
Corley. Bull calf, reed, G Jackson, Rhode Island
y, Greening; J Barr, J Potter. Golden
Trades,-111ilcli cow, lst and 2nd R Russets, M H Harrison D Moo
Medd. Two year old heifer, M H
R Medd. One year old
•*)'heifer, M H Harrison, M Harrison,
Heifer calf, T Ross. R Corley. Steer
calf, T Ross, James Potter. Two
year old steer lst and 2nd T Ross. One
year old steer, 11 Ferris, T Ross. Fat
ewer, let and 2nd T Ross. Fat cow or
heifer, butcher, .R Ferris, T ''Ross.
Herd of cattle, T Rose,
Seessp,----Cotswol de. --Jaynes Potter
took ist and 2nd prize for ram lamb,pair
of aged ewes, and pair of ewe Iambs,
and first for shearling ewea.
Ltliceaters.--Aged ram, James Snell,
el Barr, Shearling ram, James Snell,
N Cunicning. Ram lamb, James
Snell, N Cumming. Pair of shearfing
ewes, James Snell, J 8e:rr. Pair of
aged ewes, N Cumming, J Snell. Pair
of ewe iambs, J Snell, N °amming.
Fat shei.p,J Cnultice, R Laidlaw.
Shropshire down, ---Aged ram, J
Cooper, R McGowan, Shearling ram,
James Cooper. Ram lambs, 1st and
2nd Wm Snell, Aged ewes, Wn'
Snell. Shearling ewes, 1st and 2nd
•James Cooper Ewe lambs, Wno
Snell, J Cooper.
�Pecs --Chester Whites. --Aged hoar
Jobit Potter, H �'^lwards. Boar lite
tend in 1803, H Edwards. Sow lit-
tered in 1893, R Laidlaw, Ii ,'d.
Any Large breed,-- Brood sow,
Walter Scott. Boar littered in 1893,
F it Scheele; Sow litter in 1893, F
, If. Scheeler, Walter Seatt,
Berkshire, --.Aged boar, John Short
read, Wm McAllister. Brood sow,
Wm McAllister, F H Schoales. Sow
littered in 1808, Win McAllister, R
h. GnetN.--Iced fall wheat, 11 Ede
wards, W Scott, White fall wheat,
Brethour, George Moffat. Spring
wheat, 1) .Brethour, I1t Brethour.
]?&I wheat, any kind, R G McGowan.
Six rowed barley, D Brethour, M Bre,
thatir. Two rowed barley, l t Breda
our. Large white oats, 1I Brethour,
D Brethoar, Blaek oats, Ili Breth-
our, J' Harrison. Smell white osts, II
Edwards, M II Harrison, Smell
peas, at Brethour, Ii Edwartte. Large
peas, M Brethour, Geo Moffitt. Tim
othy seed, M Brethour, D Brethour.
Barrel of flour, Felly & Sons. Ilam
seed, ll Brethour, B Laidlaw. & Sema. Wooden pump, 1" Willows,
Itooxs.---Half bu 1oel Rose potatoes, J Ferguson. Stove and furniture,
4 # d Garvin, Mra H Walter. klalf 7}enteeedt Bros, J o Moser.
bushel +'lephant potatoes, Wm Lev p'aquind
Best Ye mill, A iVYeillut'clrie & Co. tend
Geo Quinn. l,,est hall bushel potatoes caller, 0 I�iaenileon. Soufller,C Hum,
any other kited, II ladwards, F Motes Ilton.
calf`' 0o11oation or' potatoes, W II Mnxtrk �CxUtt>as.--•-T'eu yards home
1Mte0raoken, Jan- McGee. Field Car- made alt wool fianntil meg Geo Nott,
rote, Jas McGee, JasMc0allum. 0nr- Ten yards flannel, union, It B /Aid -
(ten rete Cgrrots, Walter '.paylor, Mrs taw, iti Drethoul', Pair home made
11 11 ;'Vatter. Swede turnips J
illianas R sonars, ' � J s Symington, airlift
Roxboro Russets, M H Harrison.
Seek -no -Furthers, R B Laidlaw, Jas
Jackson. Wagner; Jas Jackson, T
Brigham. Bendavis, R G MeGowan,
J Barr. "Vendevere, J •Potter, J Barr,
Mammoth Pippins, G Jackson. Fella.
water, J Jackson, 13 11 Laidlaw.
Talman Sweets, J Jackson, M II Har-
rison. Munn, R Hughes, M H Hare
rison. Maiden's Blush, W McArthur,
I) McLean. Snow, J Potter, 1l 11
Harrison. Duchess of Oldenburg, 0
Jackson, Mra Geo Nott. Colverts, D
McLean, W McArthur. 20 oz. Pip-
pins, Mrs G Nott, H Ross. Any
other named variety, Mra D Stewart,
Mrs It i`Jhortreed. Collection of apples
of any named variety, J Brigham.
Winter pears, Jas Harrison, Mrs R,
Shortreed, Fall pears, Mrs R Short -
reed. Two named variety of plume,
W H McCracken. Tomatoes,R Sellers,
Mrs H ` R Walker. Collection of
Grapes, A Jacob, R B Laidlaw. Crab
apples, M Brethour, ,;Mrs R Shortreed.
Peaches, R 13 Laidlaw, Joint Scott,
PoVLTar...•..'1'urkeys, A Jacob, J F
Dale. Geese, .i Harrison, E Elaggitt.
Rouen ducks, E liaggftt, W Irwin,
Any other kind, W Irwin, J F Dale.
Brown Leghorns,Walter Taylor,Eyans
& Hale. White) Leghorns, W Taylor,
W Irwin. Light Brahams, W Irwin,
Evans & Hale, Black Spanish, Evans
& Hale, J F Dale. .Dark Brahrnas,
1st and 2nd W Irwin. Ilamburgs, W
Irwin, Jas Harrison. Dorkings, W
Irwin, Jas Harrison. Black breasted
red game, 13 Haagitt, J Cook. .Buff
coclains, lst and e2nd Evans do Hal.,
Bantams, W Irwin, J Cook. Polands,
Evans & i;Taie,J Harrison, Plymouth
rocks, W Irwin; J Cask. Collection
of Pigeons, E Haggitt. Collection of
fowl apart front all entries, W Irwin,
Evans & HaIe. Guinea fowl, J 1~
Dale, W Irwin.
IMPnkmliNTs --Lumber wagon, John
Bruusdon, heavy bobsleighs, Slater
& Sults, Iron beam sod plow, Gillies
& Martin. Iron beam general purpose,
()fillies do Martin, 0 Hamilton. Gang
plots, 0 flamilten, Slater k Sims.
Single open buggy, John Ferguson, J
lIrunedon, Single covered buggy, J
Ferguson,] 13runsdori, Double buggy
or jump seat, J l3runsdon, Phaeton,
A McNally. Cutter, V 1 annaruan.
Set of horse shoes, J Ferguson, Slater
,, ... �.ainp.
bell, Honiton or point lace, A Jacob
re G .Nett. Best novelty in fancy
work, Mrs H R Walker, Mei G Nett,
Best piece of fancy work not on list,
Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs 1) Stewart.
Crewel. work, Mrs T Raney,' Mrs
Strachan. Orazy work, Miss Sym
ington, Mrs D Stewart. Java canvass
work, Mrs 0 Campbell, Miss Syming.
ton, Crochet work in silk, Miss
Symington. Crochet work ie cotton,
Miss Symington,' Mrs D Stewart.
(irochet work in wool, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, ivlrs 0 Nott, Bedroom, slippers,
Mrs G. Nott, Mra C Campbell. Palmy
toilet bottles and )Pats, Mrs 0 Camp.
bell, Mrs G Nott. Best foot stool,
Mrs II R Walker, . Miss Symington,
Applique work, Mrs G Nett, Miss
Symington. Fancy in cushion, airs.
G • Nott, Miss Symington, Fancy
Ilandkercbief or glove case, Mies
Symington, ioias Lane. mould work,
airs C Campbell. Wax work, errs 0
Campbell. Suit of ladies, underwear,
miss Symington, airs 0 Nott. Knitted
lace in cotton, errs D Stewart, errs 0
Nott. Bead work, airs G Nott, T
Hamilton. Button hale work, miss
Symington, T Hamilton. Collection
ladies' work, errs G Nott, airs C Camp-
hex ARTS, --.Collection of oil paint-
ings, Miss Lane, Mrs C Campbell.
Figure painting 10 oil, Miss Lane, Miss
0 Campbell. Animals in oil, urs C
Campbell, ansa Lane. Best single
picture in oil, miss Lane, airs C Cawpe
bell. Water calor painting, miss Line,
3 ,.T Walker. °rayon portraits, 31i38
Lane, Geo Jenkins, Crayon drawing,
miss Lane. Paintings on pottery. Airs
0 Campbell, W H erceraelten. Pencil
drawing, urs 0 Campbell, Hand
painting on silk, hiss Lane, etre 0
t'an,pbell, painting on glass, tura 0
Campbell, miss Symington. Oil paint-
ing, marine view, 12 B McGowan. Col.
leaden photographs, Goo Jenkins,
I'r,ANTB AND I'Lotrslts,--Collection
of foliage, firs H R Walker, D etarsh.
Geraniuzne, airs H R Walker, 1) iiarsb.
Fuchsias, 1) stash, firs Ii R Walker.
Hanging basket, D Marsh. Display
of plants in Sower, itis H R Walker,
D etarab.
CUT F owease--.Table
�tettalfe, Jas Harrison, ,
quet, Mrs It Shortreed,
Floral design, D erarsh.
Harrison. Pansies, F
bouquet, F
Hand baa•
W Taylor.
Dahlias, J
metealie, D
iieectAr s._Log cabin quilt, W H
meCracken, Shadow painting, ntrs T
Rennie, Oolleetion of earn, John
Stafford, Collection of fretwork, J
Moll'att. (celery, J atason. ,Fancy
quilt, Pira D Stiiwert, fries Strachan.
Grain in straw, D Brethour. Dag.
pipe competition, D McEay, Juritnil
A Anderson, St. Helens ; J Dingwall,
Blvtb. Darling, boys or Orb 'under
1d, Jennie atCLaren, Saltiord; Nellie
McLaren, Sriltford; Willie) hays, etc, -
Killen. Orgeu competition, II Alliin;
miss 'teles)), Wingbarn; miss Shannon,
Clinton. Sawing match, Harrison
and O'Connor; Newcombe and Carter,
hIankets M s S i C Motherly and Nelson, Specimen of
WY , of ars, Coilretrongar.' writing,, by pupils under 115 years of
fn produce, W U McCiraeken, 'Mena b� th H Harrison, Pair horst3' o ata, let yth, g ,
ton, Blankets Union, Mrs D Stew* age, miss ter usou Auburn; titins
1d Wortzele,W II McCracken, Jae sale s, Mrs G Nott, Mra D Stere Jtrn, Bl, •
.}Iaitry Morsel), : T W
Durnion, Dungannon; Georg,' Cruick. I
shank, Wingt)aln; Thomas J Bell,
Light hors's,—Thomas Lapslie,
Seaforth; T 13 Durnion, Dungannon.
Cattle, -George Johnston, Landes.
baro; Marne; Wa hineten, Auburn.
Pigs, ---,1,r 11 tanvi,•r,Heeett;Edward
Bell, Lot,d,sl,oro,
I,npie,nenta,- .P Scott, Brussels; J
�Rit.chit•--, Winghanr,
Poultry, ._w,n (xri,'v,•, 141c1fillop,
Sheep, --L Ta..k.•r, flullett; Thomas
Anderson, l3-elgrave,
Ladies' Wcrk,—Mins Dollie Shaw,
Fine Arty.--.1•Jre Dr Graham, Brus-
Roots and V&�;,•etab•o. , Joseph
Alianson, Clint n.
Dairy and Produee,—George Powell
and S Harrington, i;lyth,
Grain.—A Taylor, l3lyrli,
Fruit,—J Stewed, b�•timifier,
Manafat:tuo'i .—Lt;<,ht:ri, Morrison,
Mr P Kelly lies arrived borne from
his visit to Troia/id.
The 1 0 t' concert. on fair night,
waa a grand SUCeeh9 in every way.
The receipts netted $125.
The annu)e! Thee servieee
in connection with 'Trinity church
were held on Wedueadny evening, and
were quite Katitvfeet rv,
A tent of Mince„bees has recently
been institntprl in town,
Aitets Tuft*
Young mcu and ',semen wishing to prepare then).elves al l ol,kscp, m oinl atcv:u ••ra
b 11,a,+i.
is recognised as the peer of any riusmess or h o t,a Tl8cb oo 131 America, and vas
its contemporaries in Canada. ' Ni, Le•ter evidence of this need be athemeed than the following
whore students carne from, who registered durh)g the 10 da_s immediately ng he wtm• to an Miff
advertisement; North Adams, a'ass ; n'o,hi,,,:ton, Alich.• Lethbrld,0, Mtn.; 7rerllu; Londonsto n5
neonate, itualu,,ta• J r nuitatcly prccediu}; the wKitinr; >,a
e r
Co ,lett v• •
h cr
Grey; )
ha ,
5 u ,C Chon;atsworth; �'ro,
.,A Ambum, s oth• to•
u. n Co litrron, Scafori.h, Bothwell, Windsor. Sturngilleld, Iilolbctn�hi of it rtaid'lee• iVIttel bo;
Camp Palmer, J seer Co., Olen Rae, itiuh„ate, Alclboro, Brampton, Alyinston, Glenc• oe, Cambeflton, Cedtar :
Springs, Chatham and tua„y points in the vleanity, ftr,
ranthe TO Ab BEST. of America's best pengnsofretaa groat deal to our puptie;
Good board for ladies at 82,00, gentlemen 82 i0. We secure board at these figures with very respectable '
private fatuities, and have the, Voiles in readiness for the students when they arrive. write for handsome
cataio;;ue and specimen of penmanship and be convinced of the snperlorty of this institution over al
schools of a similar kind in Canada. Mention where you saw this advertisement and address, I
A. MCLACHLAN, Chatham), Qnt,
chool S up plies.
A full stock az all kinds of
for both High tali Pablic Schools, just received,
n azar: stock of
Scribblers, Exercise Books,
Copy Books, Slates,
Pencils, Crayons,
Just received a large eaneignn,eilt of „Quentin Durwstrel,"
a full stock, as usual.
The Popular BookstoxeALE X
All styles and prices in Black, Brown, Fawn and Navy, from $4,
upwards. I have just received a large shipment of
they are now open for your inspection
I have imported tii.is'elasss of goods,
every person examine thein. They
advance on actual cost and 1 am
find thein from 10 to 25 per cer
usual price asked for this el
1. As this is the first season
1 Pani anxious to have
are marked at a small
confident you will
it. less than the
ass of ;;cods.
Hopsacking in plain and Farcy Cheeks and Silk effects. All the new
colorin.Is in Shot Serges. Special prices and !:tyles in .Black Goods,-
from 25 cents a yard upwards.
in all the shades at $l 25 a yard, worth $1.75,
at a small advance on cost.
loidies' a
Full range of 'Gen �la� a Prsu
must be cleared out before; the season advances.
30 dozen Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers in Flesh and Grey at
49 Cents each. These goods were sold last season at 175 cants, Get
your whiter wants supplied before they go.
will receive a diaeount of 10 per cent., On all Dry Goods, etc,
te1esta are ours. See tins stock before you buy.
ur iia-
'_'- -0-- �2Z,LS,