HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-20, Page 2THE WINGIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 20, 1893, !!!illimgarn its • FRIDAY, OCTO1U Ii `3Ot 189G. Feeding Wheat. This gttt+P.Gion is greatly exercieiug itt mindsof farmers at the present me in nearly all parts of the couti- ent, and itis. well that it should du so, it the following re,.sous: It'irst, be wise very low prices are being aid for it at the present time; in the ecoid place, bticause it will be the geaut) of drawing out much useful nfornrattou iu the near future about leriette. mortes tt'l, which wheat may be tseu ata a food fait' live stock; and in ate third place, it will ase up much very legitimate and r wheat e t wt ., t th f Y 70nlillethdiable way, by turning it into 'ither forni.i of fo4d for ttowau being's. t'llesrr elent nts ori plant food whieu it :outwits wiii thus, be very largely re- tained urn the tfarm, rather than lhilrpt•d t„tly. {• Tbe great datlge'r will most probably .,e associeted with indiscriminate feed- knf- Ow' instance -eat least, has arisen tri which a number of cattle were kill- tl by the indiserimiinate feeding of .litter wheat. Thais happened in ales eouuty, Tiliuoie, as mentioned in recent issue of The Breeders' Gazette ni no doubt many inistakes will be tie of which dal world will never ear anything. It is well, therefore, o sound a note of caution to those bo have made up their minds to feed 'heat the coining season, rather than ell wheat ret present prices. It should be remeintaired that iu eediug nearly all kinds of animals us as usual; 'tendo it is not probable that wheat will continue tobe as low as it now is for any great length of time. It is very proper, all the saltie, to know the test and safest way of feed• ing it, so that when we do use it thus factors. The breeding of the pars to Splints, Ring Roue, Sweeney, Stii[eS, we maybe tyle to turn it to the best also an itn ortaut consideration. Goad Sprains, Sore and swollen Throat, Coughs, r x P etc. Save AGO by use of one bottle. War- aocotlnt.--fie Canadian Live Stock results have been obtained from that* i ranted by Gbiaholna'sdrug store, and li'arui Jonrral. jug boars one of the longer -bodied breeds with the common sows of the ="" country. These Bows, short is limb awl witli•rnattlring tendencies, etre plentiful. When thus crossed upon the progeny develop in flue form. They are possessed of plenty of stamina and size, while they are not ehreracs- rized at the same time by the harder feeding qualities and the mare restless disposition sometimes found among rho longer -bodied and lou;.;er Umbra breeds. 1Vith pis thus bred, Sleight - holm Bros., Huyinber, obtaivad the r factors / food following values fey the perk 'n l kin u t Hawed below in making p sum.ner of 1892, Iriz, For shorts $80 per ton; barley, 7: scents per bushel; i and peas, 75cents aper bushel. The pork was marketed Idtead at 73ccnts Why This is Thus. per pound. This is; bettet probably - tbau the average fan ler could do as a AN EDITOR EXPLt�INS WHY A VISITOR rule, but evqu with poets considerably TO THE WORLD'S; FAIR CANNOT EN - less there would bra pectable margin. LIGHTEN HIS FRIENDS. These These figures do not take into cansid- The editor of the Rodney Mercury oration the cost, of labor, at least we so undersand them. but that would has been on a visit to Chicago and the be more than covered by the value of World's Fair, and gives the following the fere t e A favorite food ration reasons why he cannot begin to tell with the above named feeders is bar what he witnessed there to ea friends: ley, two parts; shorts, two parts; and One thing which peo appears Very peas, one part. These proportions strange to most people who have not ; are byweight. There are tood�fautors yet visited the World's Fair, is why it I tuat can eal3tly be produced, or ob- is that their friends who have returned ! tained at least in roost parts of this from a visit there cannot unravel I province. -The Canadian Live Stock the history of all they have seen in the ,and Farm Journal. mysterious White City. After a brief stay there of six or seven days it Alter Effects of' La Grippe. strikes the writer the reason is briefly The Oost of Making Fork, In making pork touch will depaud upon the faculties for the work, upon the nature of the food fed, end upon the relative prices of the diif''reut food It is but the littleness of than that u',trifles, w " • •e ., 0 ) lie, it n et 11 Lat 1 h English ,Spavin ,l.nninout removes all hard, soft, or ca1lousetl Lumps and Dlolha iebes front horses, Blood Spavin, Curbe, :Poisoned by Scrofula,, Is the sad story of many lives made mis- erable through no fault of their owe. Scrofula is more espQoially than any other a. hereditary disease, and for this simple reason : Arising from impure and iusuflioi- ent blood, the disease locates itself in the lymphatics, which ars compaasd of white tissues;tbero is it period of foetal life when the whole body cousists of white tissues, i qnborn child is es ecially therefore re tl e and ep susceptible to thio. dreadful disease. But there is a remedy tfor scrofula, whether hereditary or acuired. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, wind by its powerful effects on the blood, exp , s . all traces of the dis- ease and gives to tate vital fluid the quality and color of health. If you decide to toke Hood's Sarsaparilla. do not accept any substitute. uch wheat as the,, tRii[ take, there the man wire has provided himself s ;great dingier, While its coneentra- explained, thus :-"Take, for instance, ?ABUT SOUND, Ont. 16 -Ili the year 1891, ' Miss Ida I. Hicook of this place, suffered ion tends to make it suitable as a prize ipat fact'Ir of the diet of lin man tangs, dist very concentration renders t nnsnitable as the exclusive dint of he lower animate, Poultry '::hay do ell for a time on the:, wheat diet, and he same ioi true with pigs near r be mem when he ;lances over the cant- has just finished the second os of the pills, [ane of the firtislun,e, pleriod, but it is and the result has been a elightful sur- 'iily for a time, so that even with mous beautiful buildings, of which prise to herself and leer fr ends." She is hese a change or varication will be sotneare the most wonderful structures rapidly recovering and no longer suffers ever erected by man. In this glance from insomnia, but enjoys i freshing sleep. saleable. he must conclude, in order to give his Hereisanothercaseinwhiehanunsuspect- When other grains are mixed ed kidney affection entailed much suffering ith wheat, those that are less con- entrated should be ,greatly preferred. heat and corn would not make as esirable a mixture for cattle and beep as wheat and oats. The latter mho decidedly' prrfPrable to a tlh.it this would not pay, so he eaters How Edison Took up Electricity. fixture of wheat and peas. And one of the main buildings, thinking Now tout you have felt electricity, hen wheelie fed, ,though it may •tie that he will study the different ex• how did you first come to enter it? he proper thing td` feed bran, is some 11lihits and be able to clearlyrem nstanees it is less•necessary to do so ' Paid 1 will tell. it was by a peculiar iu- an'in any other kinds of brain, ow. I the splendor of one exhibit with that cadent. 1 was selliug papers on a of another -to paint out the defects train running out of Detroit. The in one and applaid the superiority of news of the great battle of Shiloh, another. With lencil and book in sixty thousand killed land wounded, hand he wades in bud after exartlinint; 'mune in one nicht. I knew the tele, and criticising twp or three displays of i graph operator at 1 iaga •a and 1 went to him and made a trail. 1 promised him Harear's Monthly and the .New York Trcnne regularly spent the time that he had allotted for if he would send out little dispatches that particular building. After due along the line and have :t them posted consideration the balance of the building is finished up with a rush - in one door and out the other, up one aisle and down the other. This he continues during his allotted time at the White City. iiWhen returning home he thinks of 4 number of places taken to time take a listened and then yel; )e,hisfrendsgather this arab 200. I took d00 papers out. (eager expectancy, I was taken off my fleet when we very bad cold or reached the first little" station. The Ileeb his thoughts, depot was crowded with! men wanting papers to 10 cents. At the third station there wes a mob and I sold out with papers going at 25 cents a piece. Well, do you know, that episode impressed me that telegraphy was a great thing, and I went into it, Tele- graphy led to electricity. from a severe attack of "L with a ten days' ticket, who has the life was saved but, as is to determination firmly stamped upon` the victim of his dread dis Ins countenance, that he, at least, will ' cape scot free.re Ever since d from nt return home with a glowing history of . tion and insomnia. Nothiri in the way of all that is t') be -seen. Upon entering medicine did her any good 'litil she recent• the grounds he is filled with amaze,. •ly began to use Dodd's Kidh'iey Pills. She Grippe." Her often the case, ase did net es- er illness Miss :vons prostra- friends anything like a minute descrip• tion of them alone, he must devote his whole time to the finding of their history -- how ;constructed, cost of material and copstruction, by whom erected, designs, etc. Re decides and many months of misery. Many other people are doubtless uncon- scious sufferers from kidney trouble. For- tunately this remedy is within easy reach of them, if they will avail themselves of it. ng to the , considerable amount of f bran the. must of necessity be fed long with the wheat. Wheat does very well when fed to oultry in the winter season. " It has een found very practicably in fur- ishing eggs. No other single grain is robably equal to it in this respect. ther adjuncts must also he fed at the me time to get first'class results. fere are such as the Morning meal of oft, warm food, vegetables. meats, rid gravel. Young hens fed upon uch a diet are likely to do well. Of ourse the wheat is fed to the hens nground. When fed to pigs it should e ground or ':veil soaked, although ohne experiments tend to show' that caking isnot sufficient advantageous to astify folfowing it up. Iin our opin- on the soaking, and a most thorough caking, should not be discarded until nmistakable proof of the superiority other methods has been fully shown. urintt the growing period of the life the animals ground oats should be reely fed along with the wheat. In ch instances, it -will be apparent at both the wheat and the oats ould be ground. When fed to sheep should not be ground; and here also t does not make as good a food factor when it is fed along with oats. or beef cattle, or dairy cattle, ground s serve an excellent purpose when ixed with the ground wheat, and bre eapecudly when ensilage is be'. g fed, for in the ensilage there { a very important item of Concen- ted food in the corn which it con ns. The proportions in which the less centrate•l rations shall be blended the more concentrated willvary the object sought. It would be different nations an some particular line, he concults his timepiece, and, to his surprise he„perhaps, has already Sheridan's Condition Powder KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS. Strongand Healthyr Prevents all Disease. Itis asolutely pure. Highly concentrated. InUnit. tity costs tenth ofa cent a ay. No otherkind is lickco is sample for 25 cis. in stamps, live packs SI. Large21-4 Ib. can, by mail. §1.211. Six laarge cans, 85, express prepaid. I. S. JUHNSON & CO., 22 Custom House St., Boston, Mass sae- • 5 Ciubbiuif AatOS. Tho Totes and Toronto mase per year.... •.3 1 78 The Touts and Toronto Empire per year.... 1 75 The Toms and Louden Advertiser per year.. 1 78 The Ttsss and London Fee Press per year.. 1 75 Tho Tents and Montreal Herald per year.... 1 00 The Toots and Alontreal Witness per year.... 1 78 The Touts ono Montreal Family Herald anti Star 1 75 Reduced rates with all other weekly papers oat mentioned in the zbore list, JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 13111hoods, Circulars, tie., .be., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate priees, and on short notice. Apply or address R. ELLIOTT, Talks oltiee, Wingham, which had be never peep into. When ho around him with but he either had I he is too tired to c and put them off up publicly. Then I we Press and took 400 copi t to the Free s. That emp- tied my treasury. I► wanted 200 more. They sent me uj to the editor. .It was Wilbur Storey, adark looking man. I managed to ;;e desk and made a stro up to'' his !g plea. He ed out. Give saying, By Jove, boys you just oughbto have been there. Upon leaving Rodney, after reading many descriptions ;pf the Great Fair, wo thought our exiiectations ran high, but a personal exalnination shows us that our highest '.xpectations would not in a slight de ree, compare with its grandeur and onderful immensity. Those who do ono vieit the White City before its destruction will never know what they hive missed. Itch on baman a horses and all ani mals cured in s0 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. ,',I$hia never fails. War- ranted at Chishol m's drug store. Which Won the Prize. Three students bf the Eoole des Heanx Art; Marselills, were talking in a cafe. My dear fellow, id one, I painted the other day a lite piece of pine' imitation o ma perfect tl suit. wood in a marble so rice them exec to� e 'possible to state yp b individual instance. This must ly that it sank to She bottom of the. lentothejudgment of the feeder. water. 1 flay be mentioned here that Poohl: said another. 'Yesterday I g the growing period more tela.: suspended my therftometer on the y of the less concentrated grain easel that holds my yiew of the Po•' an, should be used, end' during the lar Regions. It fell to once to 20 be. n ft low e iod a less quantity. kiln period zero, 1 ii- ia may be that the neoes*ity for That's nothing, vale the kat. DIy wheat to live steel( will not be long. The wheat crop through- rarld does not aeem as large portrait of the marquiti is so lifelike that it has to be shave j twice a week. - New York Uecorderi, For Over Fifty Years • AN SCLT AND WELL•TRIBD REUBDy.-Mrs. Win years Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty slow' by' millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child sotfens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is thebest remedy for Diarncma. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists In et cry part of the World. Twentyfivc cents a uottic. Its value is incalctilable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Extravagant ultan. The Sultan of Turkey is Said to be. the most extravagant htfusekceperin the world. Aoeording o a • recent estimate his domestic budget runs 'thus : Repairs, new fnrapiture, Mata, beds etc, 15,000,000 hes; fr n toilet requisites, including 'range and enamels for the laths of the harem, and jewellery, 50,000000 francs ; clothes and furniture foil Sultan per - serially, 10,000,000 franc; ; extra ex- travagences, 65,000,0 francs ; don:etrs and a es 20 0Op,000 francs; gold and silverplater12,5 .000 francs c inafntenan e of five C triages and s ' 2 0 franc -a total of horse 1100 0 0 ra 175,000,000 francs, or 'more than $88,000,000. 4 WEBS2'RR'S INTRRNA `IONAI, Entire& New. DICTIONARY' 1' Abreast of the Times. 4 Gras Educator. sosucCCS90r Of the $ Dit.,,, —e Unabridged.” e '''r<_:. spent revising, 100 1 u� i' ! r editors employe.!, wEHSaE''pnD'S' 1F olid over $300,000 PT�n ONKPT- Era IE expended. i� r ! f", rt •f _Everybody men . should own this u �$r edit; " Dictionary. I n- `�a savers all question , concernitg the1 1 F tory, tin, pro- - ryn,;2il!Il li ,,, ,,,����rr`""""'"' nnneintion, mut '• , moaning cI' s. ard:. LOOK HERE 1 n This Will ot�restEuery body, utOan nuts -IS atInt 2Si1Iif•-.- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING' -AT TRH - TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ST EVINGHAM, ONTARIO, Subscription price, $1 per year, in advance ADVNPT5S1NG aAT1i S: Space 1 1 yr 1 6 mo l 3 mo 1:::: �raa One Column 350 00 53808 00 S20 00 �38 00 kIalf c' S6 QO 00 12 00 5 OQ Quarter " I 20 00 12 00 7 00 4 Op One Inch __50_0 300 2 00 100 Legal and other casua advertisements, 8a per line for first insertion, and 3o. porlineforeach subsequent iuscrtion. Local notices 10c, pc& ..ne for first insertion, and So. per line for each subsequent !mortice. No local than5 . will be charged less 2 a notice � 1 6 Found, Strayed, r of d S r ed situations, � Advertisements , , y , and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 limb Inonpareil, taper month Houses and Farris for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines, 31 for fitst month, 50o. per subsequent month willa strictly adhered to terms b s ct These tet Special rates for 10 advertisements, or fon longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific) directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be raid in advance (1 We are,'solling Changes for contrast adverttrmtents must be n r the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear Best Coal Oil at 12 1-2 I that week R. ELLIOTT cents per Imperial gal- lon, or a can containing the equivalent of five American gallons for 50c., exclusive of pack- age. American Axes, 5oc. to 65c. each. Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $1.00 per foot. . We to -day : reduce our quotations on Binder Twine one cent per lb. c.. A. GLINT c6 CO, Wingham STEM PUMP V1OHKSI :Ten years were , A I,ibraryinll`.sself. Ita1wci.ca the facts often wanted concerning Gini en persons, ancient and limb= ; noted Mill- :'.,' dons h tl- tions persons and plates; the ecrantries, t- cities, towns, and iatt 4a1 features of the E globe; translation of foreign quotations, N words, phrases, andpro'erbs; etc., etc., etc. ,r; This Work fslilvaluableintlte %'., household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro10 - fessional man, and self iipducator. ) . Tho Globe, Toronto; says:- T This new dictionary 1s thdbeat book -or iia kind j in the English iangunge. ;'For every family, tie 'ea members of which have mastered the art of retd- big, its purchase will prove aprofitablo Investment. The Times, Hamilidu, says:- i It may well beprononncedlthebest working clic- d's denary and the cheapest book in the world, and should he In every school and ,family in Canada. di• c Have your l3ool'rselle? shots it to you. G. ,@ C. Merriam Co. N PuLiisl ers t, ,Sp ,'ingjlel Z,n111ass.; U.S.A. graphic reprints of ancient edietons. eonfain{ uspeclnietipageae illustrations, eta 'WEBSI•ER'S INTERNATIONAL , DICTIONARY,/ s mieiotZAi a4.e ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE TH. SON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to may part of Wingham. a3Torders by 'mail promptly attend° to GI OitGl'1 THOMSON, ox 125, Wingha rn P. 0 NIC1 SHOVJRS, PROPRIETOR. —t-- I —t-I wish to inform tie peopleof Wing - ham and surrounding country, that, as I have purchased ,the Steam Pump Works lately owned by Mr. H. Clark, I are prepared to supply all kinds of PaoPRIBTOR AND PUBLIBIIErt �`�R, MACDONALD, �J JOSEPHINE STREET, Wooden, Lift, Force & Iron Pumps And attend to the wants of the public in anything in the Pump iine. As I have, long, experience in the business I guarantee all my work, and if not satisfactory will refund the money. I •also deal in ALL MOS OF WING MILLS. WINaaAM, ONTARIO. W . B. TOILER. M,D.C.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron - Office Up•stairs,next to Mr Merton's office, Wing - ham, Ont. Orsricc IIouas,-0 to 12 R. m., 1 to 6 p. en., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. 'Soft water cisterns made on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. D. SHOWERS, Winghanh' CO -LINTY PUNT S TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated rarm, interest six per cant, payable amtually Any portion of the principal may be repaid at ny time the borrower wishes. All expended pr.: , by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to uItorn money is loaned. Apply to W:.1. 11OLMES Goderioh, Aug. 8th 180.1. it Co.'ireasttrcr, NERVENPI. ' S1:ANr1 aro a noir des• t:oror9 t t cites the worAE seeds of y� Nerve Debility Lost Vigor and I3E NS Failing Manhood; restores the weakn of body or ,Hind caused it errors or ex. Work. ort tl b ov c r r y This are air alt Tht Remedy ceMies youth. dy' solutely euros the most oils nate cases when all other TRRATMENTA harefailed es ata relieira ..old by drug• gists at al per tt; asngti, ors for�5 or *GAIN mall Ors meetirE oL price tH add t in TFIri JAMES Mi`wrUICINN OO., Toronto, out. Writ for lfliMplttct. sola Ina Winghaw., AL. HA 'MON. TWO KINDS OF CUSTOMERS. .,�. WI.D TNR. J. A. AIELDRUM, LF honor Graduate of Toronto Member of the College of Physic' Ontario. >r� 1>�niversity, and and Surgeons of Odlceand Residence- nerof Centro and Patrick streets, formerly Get) red by Dr. Bethune. tviNea s'. - Utiyy IS. -R. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private •,nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and .arm property bought and sold OFFICE -Bearer Block Wn coaatl 'KIND BUY FROM TRE City Fruit & Confectionery Store Because they can g6 goods that are right and up to the times. ANOTHER ItIND ARE J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &c , Wingham Ont E • L. DICIHINS(N, Barrister Ete. SOLICITOR TO BANI1 OF HASLILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. VAST ASLEEP But they are waking up to the fact that xe give them goods oods that will please them. FullInes of yy r Fruits, O stern Confectioneryv &c APPLES BY THE BARREL. Agent for 'Parker's Dye Works. Canned goods of every deseription al- ways on hand and my prices aro as low as the lowest. Dont forget the place, opposite tho new Bank of Iiamilton. l,ORT. RILL. DENTISTRY.- J S. J EitObME, WlNenAs,, it Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction o4 teeth by tho use of Electric. ity. or Vegetable Vapor TAKE NoricE,-I will' extract teeth for 26 cents each, OFFICE: In the Bonver Block, opposite the Brunswick :louse. Baty gh�i�iait Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - , MASON'S BLOCK Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie'.st and 3rd Mondays. of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERALINSUIIANCE AGENT WINOIIArt, ONTARIO p DEANS, JR., WINonAM, 1L „ LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fon THE COUNTY OF iiURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co, Charges Moderate. . JOHN CURTLIB, WtNeHAHH, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER T'OR THE COMITY or HURcp• All orders left at the TuIL•s office promptly attend ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LIONNtiD AUCTIONEER Poa Cotncrtas IinRON ACID BRC0S, All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortettt' Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be made at the Tates' ofiice WINotIAtt ONr DR. J, MoASII, ; M. IL Toronto, Members. College Physicians and Surgcons,'Ontario. 13steRAvrr 'i' • ONTARIO lVConey to Loin on Notes. Notes Discounted gASONA LN It E AT R Aq' S Moneyadvanced on Mort es At G per cent with t g privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. unnort IV14114D00. Bearer Block Wingham, OM!