HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1893-10-13, Page 8te'l THE WINGHAM TIMES, OCTOBER 13 1893. L. Er. iVioiliD00 money in Manitoba thee across the lines. :the Presbyterian church on Friday . 1 Supposing Mr Green had it all his own 1 evening. " e chair was (=ivied by Ici , tives to suit his taste, what would he read his pelt, which. showed total re- ourDooit umoulmiTs. : gain ? He might get one-sided free ceipts in mind figures to be §50,expendi. kis season's importations of Mantles : trnde, but the Americans are not the tura $12, leasing a balance on hand of GB. sort of people to go in for free trade. A collection Wns takers up amounting to eble Daly we've ever made in tin: past. , kee. Our mantles have made an. im- ' 1 likely to pull it down again bY free trade. Rev Joseph Philp, of London, the agent it,osimi on the minds of all the ladies that 1 Mr Green eays that the farmers in Mani- of the society. It was decided to divide b. to dress well. They a properly.1 toba live too fast and go in for luxuries the fund equally between the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Bible Society of Canada. How to Get a "Sanlight" Picture. Send 25 "Surslight" Soap wrapperswrap- Look Old Sooner Than a Maul to Lever way arid Sent to Pediment represeuta- Rev .f Fair. Mr Mame, sec-treae, ° They have built tip the country to be $7,20, a very interesting address was pre's necessity for it, horn of a. doublea what it is by a tariff policy and are not given, on Palestine and Syria by the want your mantle to look perfect. We EAt all to call and examine our stock and how far ahead we are of any other . Intelligent investigation now make TOW li and style,top buggies and so feat . am in a position to know how thegreater part of the people live in Manitoba and to say the least of it they are not likely to be troubled with the gout. One thing Isar that our principle of dealing direct I do eay, that as far as the land in Mani- , MI the best makers and buying only t kliable geode work inyour interests sta well ours. FURS. ai Quickness to find out the people's wants, —ming the facilities for handling large ,nautities and the knack of buying right, calces ue headquarters for anything in re, which aro uow ready for your in - peal= DRESS GOODS. Thy are going fast. No wonder, when 'ou see our immense assortment of fashion - .131e goods. We are getting busy these days, :Slat we want you to come right alorg and. iron win find we aro headquarters for .‘,Sullionable goods, at MoINDOO'S. oba is concerned, there can be no better on the continent and if Mr Green would sand to Parliament men who codlcl change the geographical position of the country he would do more to advance the interest of the farmers than ever he could do by free trade. Now Mr Green compares settlers of Manitoba with the early settlers of Ontario and says they used a yoke of oxen and jumper to do their work. No doubt sua_ was the case. for they could use nothing else until they got the stumps out of the way. But the difference between Ontario and Manitoba is that Ontario farms as they were cleared and improved the owner had the proud satisfaction of knowing that the land was becoming more valu- able, which is not the case in Manitoba, for the older the country becomes the less valuable the land will be. I have yet to meet the man who will not, after a confidential talk with him, acknowledge that he intends leaving the forsaken place as soon as he can. My advice to people who go west is, do not stop east of the Rocky Mountains : if you do, do - no t invest your money or settle down be public in his letter to the Trays until you have spent at least two years ivieg a description of the country and in the country and satisfy yourself Be - rope as they appeared to his mind as Move no agents or land -owners or any ar west as Alexander, that being two I one else until you have seen for your- tations west of Brandon on the main self. I think, Mr. Editor, I will have to gine of the 0 P R. Mr ilfcIntyre stated stop for this time, although there aro a that as far as he could see the yield great many things I would like to men- ould not be large and not meets No. 1 tion, but I will leave it for some future bard wheat. This Mr Green does not „....._.4emo.rinr.....m.toswaremeorsonnveurecto • .&bout Manitoba. the b* O[ the Wingham Times, DEAN, SM, -1U the last issue of the meal noticed a letter headed Newdale, a.u., wheel Mr John Green. takes tilt McIntyre to task for hie miStleading per bearing the words" W hy Doer; a °mall Outroes. The Directors of the Calms Mutual Fire Issearmace Ostropany net hi the Toms Hall, Teeswater, 80th September, 1805. Afore- 1 tiers all present. aIr Clark, President, iu the chair. The minutes of previous meet- ing were read and adopted, when M.eusrs Little and Allison moved that all applicar° tions for insurance be uow laid before the Pireotqrs for inspection.-0e.riied. Reid—Little—That heviug examined. applications and found them satisfactory, the President and Secretary are hereby I instructed to prepare and issue policies for the soar e.—Oarried, Little --alcKague —That Mr. Thomas Allison be appointed Vice President of this Coinpany.—Carried. \McKag tie — Ar in str Dug—That this Board do now adjourn to meet again in Teesawater Town Hall on Thursday, the tith Om. ber, at 2 o'clock, p. m.—Oarried. 1 / ALEX. ADADISON, Secretary. , I, h 9th Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free frorn advertising, at'd well worth !cambia. This is an easy way to decors), e your The snap is the best in the market and it will ouly coat one taut postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address cs.refully. WORK {HARD, PRACTICAL, ENTHUSIASTiC, HAS PLACED THE The Forest City Business College of London IN THE FRONT POSITION IT 000UPIESIO,DAY. CATALOGUES FREE. Gm .11. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. BORN. AT MCOolnliCK—Tu Turnberry on t e Bluevale. inst, the wife of Mx. D. McCormick, a judge Toms held Court of Revision in daughter. the Foresters' Hall, ]ser©, on 'Wednesday, f.' DIED. ., Oct. 11th. /, PINTOITL—lu East Wawanosh,on October .A. large number of Binevaleites attended 1 0, Alexander Rintoul, aged 57 years. the Blyth Fall show on Wednesday: A•1' Bhowe—Iu Wingham, on Mouday, Oct. Oth, William James Brown, aged 02 years. Mrs. Tervet, of Wawanosh, was visitire at Mr. 'Walter Rutherford's, this week. Langside. The weather has beeu very flue during the past week, and as a consequence the potatoes have been rolled out. The crop varies; some being Nary good and in most cases very poor. Apples are quite a failure, a few orchards bearing, while others have not a single barrel. Messrs Mitchell Crowston have bought about all iu the vicinity. Mr Jas Crowston woe a number of prizes at the ueighboriug fairs, Mr Fearnside, of Leighley, Eng., is 1 visiting at Kelvin -grove Farm. ontraclict, but thinks Mr McIntyre ught to be careful not to mislead the ,public. Now to my mind Mr McIntyre gives a very fair and honest statement of the country as far as he bad gone. IrNow Mr Green says nothing about the Imisleading statements which are, made Pin favor of the country, the printed pam- phlets that are sent broadcast over the ovorId, containing the most baso false- hoods, and paid agents going through the country telling the people that if they want to better themselves to go west. This leads hundreds of unfortu- !nate people into the country to share with those who are already settled there the same fate (i. e.) disappointment and .'despair. Mr Green goes on. to say that ifarmers do not farm properly and that is z the cause of poor crops. Virell, Manitoba does not differ in that respect from other countries, as there are good and poor farmers in all countries. He also states that he has no hesitation in saying that Manitoba is a good country, if people would ugly farm properly and act wisely. Now, it is plain to any clear -minded man, that there are some good farmers in that country and I will venture to say that there is not two per cent. of the farmers in Manitoba -who have been farming for the last ten years that aro making a success of it and that have not got every- thing, excepting his spring calves, under chattel mortgage. Now, if that is the sign. of a good country I know nothing about it. Mr Green says he might men- tion other causes et disaster to the far - niers of Manitoba, but he very wisely reframe from doings°. In my experience of those interested in Manitoba and the North-west,from the largest incorporated bodies down to the private iudividuals holding a quarter section of land,is that any statement either public or private as far as the advantages or disadvantages of the country are concerned, is mislead- ing and deceptive. Mr Green says if Mr McIntyre had gone afew miles north - set to the farm of Mr Rabe he would ave been more favorably impressed. rider if Mr Rabe ie another rising beat king to take the place of Mr nderson, late of Brandon, who was libez advertised wheat king tent out by e P It over Europe as a living wit- aes that Manitoba is a land flowing with wore provided by Sheffield lodge; after I and honey 1 Where ia ho to -clay? all bad partaken of refreshments a short time. Hoping I have not trespassed too much on your valuable time and TIDIES. THOS. AGNEW, (Late of Wingham.) Londesboro. Miss Jennie Woodman spent Sunday under the parental roof. B Lawrason was in Wingham onTues- day. The scholars of S 5 No 8 will give an entertainment in the Temperance hall on Friday evening. They will be assisted by the choir of the Methodist church and others. Admission 15c. Proceeds to be buy a bell for the school -house. We bespeak a large attendance. Mr R B Jeffrey is still on the sick list. His place at the station is being supplied Mr Rumball from Clinton. A few of the Good Templars of this place will attend the District meeting in Wingham on Tuesday next. The 10 G T lodge of this place is not as well attended as it should be, but now the busy season is over, and as a number of the members live in the country we look for better attendance, and more interest ia the work. Mr Ouimette is shipping large quanti- ties of hay from this station every week. Tom Hill and Alfred Cullinson return- ed from Dakota on Saturday. Miss Barbara Wilson died in Hensel]. on Friday of typhoid fever and was buried on Sunday. S. 0. E. notes: Thos Jackson D. D. has completed arrangements for starting a lodge in Wingham. The lodge here held their regular meeting on Fri- day evening. It was decided to have a contest during this quarter. There is a programme of some kind at nearly all the meetings and a good attendance. There are 84 members and about $200 in the treasury to pay sick benefits with. A number from Londesborough lodge visited Sheffield lodge, Clinton, on Thursday evening of last week.After the business of the lodge was concluded there was a, Degree meeting, at which four members, two from Sheffield lodge and two frornLondesborough lodge, WOrQ raised to the White Rose Degree. The brethren all adjourned to the Grand Ilnion. Hotel, where ample refreshments The Rev F McLennan, of Lucknow, preached in the Presbyterian church ou Sunday afternoou. Harriston, On the eve of his departure for the Toronto University Mr Mills was presented by the students of the high school with a very fine gold hbaded cane. He has been I science teacher for two years,and has done priest for all kinds of tOWI. his work with credit to himself and to the must ho &Awn and well dressed school. The pupils assembled one of the forms and au address was read to Mr AFTER SICKNESS to tme 'I' the system,. cud bring back a healthy appetite, phystciane recommend the use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WINE. PLEASANT TO THE TASTE... ktprepared only by it. CAMPBELL & C041 Beware of Imitations. 1VIoNTREAL, IITION AR M.LL .122.10141,11... The partnership happily existing between the undersigned for the past six years will close on the 8th day of September, 1893, by efful- gence of time, and, owing to continued ill health of one of the partners, cannot be renewed. Therefore, the CEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGMN STEAK, 10 PER LB. and other rise ts ow in proportion. POR SAUSAGE also on hand. I UM prepared to pa v the highest y GEO. SfIA.W. Mills, to which he made a suitable reply. Wi ugh am, Oct. 10113, 1893. Short addresses were also giveu by Mr Schmidt, classical teacher and by Silcox • who succeeds Mr Mills. Mr Mills left on Monday morning with the good wishes for his success of a large circle of friends. About a dozen left this school in the fore part of the week for the Varsity. This speaks well for the scheol which has been brought to its present point of excellence by the efforts of painstaking teac ers may it long have the success which always attends faithful work on the part of both teachers and pupils. and. To Subscribers in Arrear and Others. A number of subscribers are still in arrear for their su.bscriptions for the current year, and a certain number for two ancl even more years. We urgently request. all subscribers in arrear to put them- selves right on our books'as soon as possible. Those indebted for job printing and advertising will also confer .a favor by an early settlement. We have large payments to make and would like those indebted to us to nut us in a position to meet them. If you owe us anything, don't wait for an account to be sent you, but call and settle or remit the amount at your earliest conve- nience. All remittances should be made by express or money order, or sent by registered letter to STRAY MARE. Strayed from Wingliten, on September 27th, a sinall bay mare,with a large growth down one hoff of the forefeet. Anyone giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. R. C. SPARLING. A Brick House and Lot for Sale OUTDO TO lib sold AN 1. • ; A • 1,1 OUT $109000, AT BELOW COST. As the goods are 'all new and have been selected with great care, this affords an opportunity of securing SACRIFICE BARGAINS such as may never again be offered to the citizens of Wingham and vicinity. This.great sale will begin on in Wingham, being lot 05, on the East side o; Catherine street, Ward No. 2. The house contains 8 rooms, pantry, and cellar, hard and soft water. The lot contains one.fifth of an acre. For further particulars apply to the owner, on the premises, or to Wingham P. 0. 3. It. GREEN. r Green Iowa there is considerable dis- t among the farmers and he blames selves for it. He -says they are by high tariff. Now almost any ool-boy knows that that is all bosh. 'would like Mr Green or any other man *bow me how high tariff is affecting farmer in Manitoba. The same grade wheat is worth more in Manitoba at time was spent in mutual greetings and speech making. At a little after twelve o'elock all despersed,having spent a very enjoyable evening. The members of Laeclesboro lo1ge. take this opportunity of thanking Sheffield lodge for the manner in which they entertained them. It is expected that Sun rex and troupe Will give an entertainment in Bell'e hall t titne than it ler eoross the huts on the 24th inst. All kinds of farm implemental The annual meeting of the lizillett A RARE CHANCE atur And continue for 33 days. Please remember 33 DAYS SELLIKC AT C And in many cases far below cost. Do not permit business or pleasure to keep you aWay from this store during these 33 days, for it is the cha.nce of a lifetime. The stock conists of every description of to make from $15 to $25 er week in selling our Hardy Canadian Grown Nursery Stock. Highest Salaries or Commission paid weekly. Complete OUTFIT FREE. Special instructions to beginners. Write this week for terms to. n. O. GRAHAM, Nurserymen, r!9, 12t Toronto-, OA' B. 3ELLICOTT. TIMM; ()pram Wingliern, Ont. BARK WAITED. 1500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK wanted at the Wiugharn Tannery. Dress Goods, General Dry -Goods, including Cur- tains, Curtaining and a fine assortment of Carpets, fine Worsteds, imported and Canadian Tweeds, Ready-made Cloth- ing, Gents' Furnishings, &c. BOOTS TND SHOES and SLIPPERS from the best makers. GROCERIES, pure and fresh, in abundance. Lovers of good, pure TEA.S cannot affod rt o miss this mammoth sale. Come, now is the accepted time. GOOD BUTTER and EGGS will be aka '` Any goods charged during this GREAT SALE will be ent4 regtl °Priem $5.0 0 PER CORD Will be paid on delivery. Parties peeling 15 cords or over, can deliver half in summer and balance winter, if deeired, and same price will be paid. WINCHAM TARRING CO. Wiugham, May 10th, 1898. )LILARS. Having bought out the Ambler Harness Besiness and started in his old stand, atnpreetatta to furnish the valid ,with everything u-ually kept in a harness shop euela as, 11EArelliet1titT and TRACE, HARNESS, '°NETS,'IDtsTrats, wrixrs, CURRY COMBS, tittrslins, SWEAT COLLARS, Trarxxs, VALISES and TRAVELLING BA.GS, &c., tite / Make all my own Collars and guarantee satistaetion. Give me a trial atka will nee you right. and can be bought for branch of the Bible Society was held in Ca** Ase 1\TallEV;TTO e GORDON 8z McINT Wingham, July 31, 1893. 1111•1=0111111.• alimr...111111a. E. The Anchor House. ineenlmel•SE.1111111.1.3411119MBILIMIONNI. OUR FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. Ogimaya•MONMS.Mit SEE OUR Dili S GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND READY MADE 1VIANTLES. Itespeotiully yours, Gno. n. 4 'We want e ion to our n They are eel seen them to shown in tit leading calm away dowt show you in all wool Ser five cents a sure and ask The staple eemplete. Groceries The 35 oe strong as ev fifty cents. 17,1s_ Tug BgAri., D Has deoid niantle to Edwar Sa ' antic nted. Issuedb) stre required. rommim••••••is —Dr. be at ti from 7 vembe e1 to el ke Novein __ on ,Sund thist evening a0 8:3 —Cali8106° brfteef: 1.7:0 lie_nelfito in Al" lad ab (2 Parke gbroke] uarld1 come, intere ai eco hoe nriic ivtr Toro lst of dwell Min third -= Haul • ntol) /arm gent Be of t etor ren' in t ag vat C00 kei hit g6 li